T'BSwPffPW5!!wFirwiprWP! aETBPW jswrrrrertf lJ"iTTh,,V 'j.JI itjjty'SiiT! ' .. .,,, ,,.-, "jj-j- CV ,; .-,.' ,&' '-,, ' - --..A . , 'Cfi' I'irMnj 't i - ' - - - v r- t- V -' S , - i1 'y' " T .. " I . itM'fM&WMi J y C .1 ' ifVr. ,. And So They Were. Married Ily HAZEL DBV'O nATCHEI.OK Copyright, 1810. by Pubtlo Ledger Co. START THIS STORY TODAY RTJTH, pledged to secwey, felt more uncomfortable than ever with Rita, but when ltltn asked again If Ruth were rertaln that the man had gone for good, Ruth reassured her. "Of course I am." "But he might hae heard mo talk to .vou through the telephone." "There's not a chance that such a thin? could hac happened." Rita drew n long sigh of relief like a child. Suddenly she jumped to her feet. "I must pack, Ruth -will you help me?" Ruth followed her Into the bedroom and helped Rita tosi things Into a large trunk that had never been taken away. All of Rita's embroideries went into It, her tapestries and everything of tHat description. Finally It was full to the brim and Rita closed it and snapped the lock. Ruth stood by watching, wondering when Rita was going to confide In her, realizing at last, that this was to be no temporary abandonment of the apart ment. Finally Rita began to pack a travel ing bag with expensive-looking lingerie. She slipped in her klmonn nnd n night gown, al her toilet articles which in cluded heavy bottles of perfume nnd toilet 'nter that weighed down the bag noticeably, and then tried to innke loom for two fiesh shirtwaists and a thin ilk gown. She was getting nervous now. nnd pulling everything out of the bag she began to pack nil over again. Since the packing of the trunk, Ruth had stood by not helping, now she stepped forward again. "Here, let me do that." "Oh, will you?" gratefully. "I'll dress." And she slipped over to her dressing table and began to brush her hair furi ously. Ruth finally had the bog packed and closed, nnd she stood for n moment watching Rita apply powder to her small piquant fnce. Then she spoke. i "Rita." "Yes." "Don't you think you owe me some kind of an explanation?" In the mirror Ruth could see Rita Adventures With a Purse YOU should see the lovely handmade filet chnir-back covers that have been specially priced at $2.25 for this week only. They nre lovely things to be placed against the soft full back of a richly upholstered chair. Particularly for the room which you have furnished with antiques, you will find that one of these beautiful pieces of filet will lend h real atmosphere. The girl who cares was showing mc about her new little spotless house. I gasped with delight at the gleaming white-tiled bathroom with its dainty little pink and white guest towels nnd heavy big bath towels, and "Oh, what an idea," T exclaimed in delight. Tor there on the glass shelf over the wash bowl was au array of square bottles lined with a narrow gilt edge. On the front of each was printed in gold let tering, "rose water," "witch hazel," and the like. "They nre nice, aren't they?" she said, pleased. "You can get them for seventy-five cents each, with nlmost any general medicine or toilet lotion printed on them. We just bought them one nt a time, and they do add to the appearance of the bathroom." "If you'll write a column for me," he said, "I'll promise to read it regularly." "And I suppose," I said disdainfully, "you'll want me to write nbout mail shirts every day." He travels nil oer the world, T reckon, and he rather goes in for shirts of mail, and pottery, and oh, all sorts of musty things, the very thought of which sends one's imagina tion abounding. Well now, of course, we women mightn't care about shirts of mail, but there is none among us who would not be deeply interested in these bath or lounging robes, unless of course, there is no one to whom she ever says, "Yes, sir," or "No, sir." First of all, their price they cost only $3.2,". Sec ondly, their quality firm Japanese crepe, Insuring coolness ; third their appearance tan, lavender or blue striped, with white collar, belt and pockets; and lastly "his" pleased, sur prised look when you present him with one of these summer bathrobes. For the names of shops where ar ticles mentioned In "Adventures With a Purse" can be purchased, address Editor of Woman's Page, Fjvkning Publio LEDGER, or phone the Woman's Department, Walnut 3000. SPORT SUITS $10 . UMMER DRESSES S5 ! Furs and Uownfc Iteasonablr Ilemodeledl In the latest creations i C. ROMER, 35S4 North 15th St.! ! Call Tloca B337 EatHb. 1804 i Buy Your COFFEE Beforte the Price Goes Up Next Week Inanquet ...... 40c IlCe Jlan ... .iSo D. Si II. nienrt 37c Hormoia Tea . . . .SOe & COo Ojlon Tea .. . . flOr DANNEHAUEU & HERRE 106-108 S. gil St. iraiiii Morrs ins FRAMirnRI) AVI' S711 KE.HJ.UTU. ir. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM i Tbe Uoeule i Beantificr UstJ and EndontA By Thoutands f Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Ex- . klCMIC VMM iW uujat '&s pores and" tissues of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At 7 S -iiv irr ) ll-jSt'vA HjiMf TOplJElX? , Jeading toilet counters. If they haven t Parht Tmui N flush crimson ou her chair, Then she whirled about "Ruth, don't nk me to explain." "Why not?" Ruth's tone was even and cold. "Are you going aw a for good? All this looks like it." Rita nodded. "Well then?" I "I'll tell you this," said Rita speak ing rapidly. "I'm going to join Dan, he's tcnt for me. We nren't coining back, ever." "Where arc yon going?" "I can't tell you." I "Why are you sneaking off like. this?" I , "Recause I mut." I "What about the npnrtincnt?" I Rita was silent. "Ritn, what about the apartment?" "I'm going to leave everything," sul- i lenly. . "What about the trunk?" I "Ruth, would you take charge of that? You could drag it over Into your j apartment, would you. Oh, please say jou will? Ask Scott if he will?" j "Rut I thought you didn't want Scott ' to know anything nbout it." Ruth thought slip would never for get Rita as she sat there before the lighted dressing table dressed ready to leave even to her hat nnd veil. Rita had always had an air of dauntless courage nbout her; it had been one of her chief atti actions, that and her feminine ms tery. Tonight she had loat nil of that She was just frightened nnd a coward. Theie was something she was afraid to face. What it was Ruth could not imagine. "Rita, who is that mnn who was here?" I .lust some one who knows us. "Why were you afrnid to face him?" Rita turned more fully in her chair nnd faced Ruth. "Do you remember that night I ran Into you. the night your sister-in-law arrived?" Ruth nodded. "He was here then, T hnte him. Dan was out, and when I went to the door I had to let him in. He knows some thing about us, and he threatened me. aiien ne Degan to ninke love to and that was when I ran ncrnss tn i me. I told bim I would and he didn't bc- licve me (TomoiTow, What's to Bo Done With the Tninli.) The Woman's Exchange Record of Third Division 1o the Editor ol the TTonian'a Pane Dear ifadnm vi,:i ,.o,i:- .i. Paper I came across a letter from one who signs herself Render" wanting to know about the Third Division, and I think I could give her some informa tion about it. Jly own brother is in the Seventh Maehinc-Oun Battalion, Third Division. In Jlay he sent a book to us, and it is quite n thick one, called the "His tory of the Third Division in the World War," and it has the whole story from the time the division stnrted, when it was in Charlotte, X. C, .up until the time of its entry into the nriny of occupation in Germany. The names of all the officcis nnd men are in it, both wounded nnd missing. So if "Reader" could send his name I would look for her and let her know what has happened to her brother. Also, if she would sa what part of the Third Division he was in it would be much easier to find. I am sure I could help her if she would do this and I could tell her anything els.c s,he wants to know about it. ALWAYS A READER. Will "Reader" plcaso send her ad dress. I will be so glad to put her in touch with this young girl who has this piecious record of the Third Division Indian Cinchona The government of India conducts two cinchona plantations nnd a factory in Bengal whiqh in the last three years have produced more than 102,000 pounds of quinine. 'TIS HOSIERY i ' I X I ii i !. rSllf " X ' ' "" " " " t fr H Footwear of X vk. m . ,nT " J ' Mc J1 f" '.SI w 1 L ".l l s iflgpUl'1' 4 DAI5IHER) 3 ua aw fcaaag rj T ? -Ml EVENING PUBLIC the yovng emus ' ORGANDIE FROCK A pretty afternoon diess in organdie for the oung girl. In pink the fiock lias a sash of Alice blue A Daily Fashion Talk by Florence Rose IF ONfi is going awny this summer and almost every one seems to be do ing so there are many types of dresses to be selected, at least if one intends to go nbout at all, dining one's so journ. Tn the daik ages it was consid . .... luitc nil right to use old utternoou dresos ns morning f locks, but no more. in these enlightened das the morning frock is. in its wnj. just ns iuiportaut ns the ones worn in the afternoon, or evening. The morning dresses have their own materials and their own styles, which arc just as much their peisonal ptoperty as the sky blue metallic satin is solely the posesion of evening nttire. Therefore, it is not so necessary to have n lot of clothes, oi such expensive enrments either, if one will take the I trouble to divide up the day in morning, 'afternoon, dinner time and evening, and benr in mind just what sott of place jou visit when jou go away. The "more "ultru" the place, it quite natu rally follows the moi e extensive must be your wardiobe. It wns about the young girl T wns thinking when I selected the frock for today. This is suitable for founnl afternoon wenr, yet. nt the amc time, it would be appropriate for dinner, or the Sntuidny night dance for the joung miss. Organdie is the material and is to be had in nil thcr light summer shades as well as in white. The wide girdle with the large bow at the left side is in n contrasting color for instance, the diess in pink lins a sash of Alice blue. The wide collar, which lies flat. is trimmed with three lows of niching Ulc uni,nie iccord of having every bill "obeits nnd .1. H. l-vans. I he will con made of the organdie. Tour rows of the se introduced enacted into Inw tamed n piovision for tbe lesidnnry same sort of niching trim the skirt estate to be placed in tt list for the life at tbe hip-line. Among the delegates to the national benefit of her brother, but his dentil The hflt shown is one of the ..omentum of chemists held lecently in having occuned first, the icsidimr most popular of the summer models I Ituftalo weie Sistei Helen and Sister i estate goes iniinidiatelv to the seven for afternoon. The lint is made of the rough openvvoik straw and the w tenth around the crown is composed of the wild flowers, such ns thorned poppies, the daisy, bachelor button and here and there a head of ellow wheat. (CoDvrtoht. I9t0 bv Florence 7?ose) Sunflower for Poultry The sunflower grows readily in South Afiica, and is cultivated to a limited extent for poultry food. In the opinion of the Itiitish and South Afiicnn Ex port Gazette laige quantities could be pioduced if there weretii demand nt a remunerative puce. Footwear of Smart Simplicity and Unusual Utility L L I " At a opeaai Low fnce White Linen, cool and eas ily cleaned, in the vogue for Summer. These fine, close weave Dalsimer models con form m style to the wants of well-dressed women, and in value to the moat' economical A FEAT TO FIT FEET JSafamet 1204 - 06:08 Market JJ3DGER-fcHlIJADELPHIAV FRIDAY, WOMAN MECHANICIAN HflMF FROM FRANP.Fl Miss Kobor One of Few Ameri cans Who Wore French Army Uniform as Lieutenant Mi I'lorenre Kober, chief mcchani einn of the Women's Overseas Hospital, who sprnt inaiij months near the firing , line in riniice, has leturneil to her homi Xh , 170S Vine Mi cot. "ft the In ted States in I'ebrimr 1!MV in u uniform of MmM. Inii ,.,,,., ,...ii. .i i ! II... ....!' ..... ...iiiii.-ii in in,, milltin inn,- mil- form of the Piemh nrmy ofhi-er. hnUng enjojeil the same status, if not the in- I signin of Hip vnus-lieutennnt. She was one of the few Americans who wore the I I lonch uniform Itli the officiiil ner- nilxsnin r I.cncrnl retain, nnd was .... . oxclu-mih in the seiviee of the Viench Uo eminent n mitrc ui iur i-i"i" """""""'" "At .ahnnlcMe I supervised thel"h(, "' arrived. She opened wotk - constiiiclion ,.f portable barracks," snid Shops nnd eniplojed women to m.ike over j Miss Kober. "having only fiermnn pris- the clothes. There are seventeen Midi i oners mr mooters." Mhp m inittnl tlirv it nr-1. oil runt.. tnttarrt,.in. !t.. !..(- tl,n .......... iiiiii- -iiiusuiniiiin, uuv uir i j-outij; niodmuii'lnn is n typical Anion I nn .1 ,. M.,n .....I t. !..!.!.. ..ul.l.l ..... oviiiiiii .inn mi' 1111711' II IHIIHMV , ,, ,'! ,,ll,,,, ...1 ....... i. ...i i .it. I , , . . . ..in, ,. .-ii ,, in , llllll'l l-,,-. .l one time we nffcicd to build n hospital for the Americans." she snid, "but tliey would not allow us to do no. nnd it was neier our good foitune to be iible I to lender nn spmkc diicctlv to the iniri iciiu mnn ,m i.aniies sue as i Hinted in iidmliiivteiing to the 15,otMI 1'iemh lefiigees who weie stationed thcte lor hir cri(cs to the Fiench Cn eminent the PI il.nlelphin girl has been twice ilet mated once with the Retmis snnce Older nnd nnothei time with the Meihl of Ilonni Mi-s Kober is a mnste.' of ninn tindes. Among othei thing' he is an electih inn. u plumber, an expcit in metal work and jewelry milking, and knows how to wield a hammer nnd saw 1 She tool; a roin-e in inrpentry nnd elec tncal engineering .it Carnegie Institute wlieie slio wns the onl girl htudent among fiOOO men Tor two ycais she' taught nit nt the Winchester School. in .Pittsburgh. Dining his lifetime, she i says, she wns n little handy girl for hei I father, who wns of nn ltnentnc turn of mind, with mechanics for a hobby. MARILYNN MILLER WEDS "Follies" Dancer Secretly Married to Actor Last Month New York, June 2'1. Itroadnny sat up in surpiisc jcterday when Miss Marilum Miller, who nt nineteen h,i. jut made her greatest dancing lonque'.l in the thiiteentb ".iigfild 1'nllus " let out the seciet thnt she !, the bi ule of Crank Carter, nctov. So will did the young couple keep theit seciet that not even the bible's patents. Mr. nud .Mis Cmn Miller, knew until jesteidny that the bail been mnn led nt the Chimb of the Ascension on M.i 21 bj the lle ..i i. . N.. n.n,, iicki.lnnl rector annuel .m-hiiiuii, ,. -., .. i nt u,ii. ln.i ii tlipil'i liven Mr. iiiiici. wi" " ...... .-- "'iicfeld Collies last season, said, Hi, ii- romance began last summer, but not until n pnrtii ulntlj busy rehearsal lnv tnw.ud the close nt naj uiu incj r,ml nn nnnnrtiinitv to slip away and be married without anv one suspecting Of Interest to Women Alits Ciwen William', a noted English beauty and daughter of (Jcncial Sir William Williams, has surprised her family nnd friends bj becoming n motion picture actress. In the recent hesinn of the California I.eirialatuie Mis. Iliiglies, an nsseiii- bh woman from llutte count , achieved lilnndina. teachers of chenusti m the College of St. Tciesa, Winona, .Mum. What Fashion Says Sports coats nie of tweed and leather. Stockings usunllj cnntiast with the' shoe. Tashion demands nnd lint front. Capes continue to the hloused hack he Used both full ' and hip length. Accordion-pleated skuts with middy blouses. aie woini St BUCKLES Iff! ll(9i X til' sf( " VI' I I - A. ' fv ' (shoe) , rrrttAv J OEOltPB WALSH In I 1. ". .WARNER 13 - J. V-" PWt ""' -,, .-uieu'.. uelpV rows , ' lANyiiQUBNp, wmxs's ; NEW CLOTHES FOR OLD, STORY OF BELGIAN RELIEF liar Worker Tells of Sartorial Wonders Performed Hard' ships Endured by Brave Allies Overseas How more than 20.000.000 pieces of nothing cnt from America to I'elgium linre been remodeled into chic looking gaiments for the women nnd rhildrcn "f. "", " torn count rj is told bv Miss 11 I'liiuu it Honslngcr. who has just re fill neil fiiim llelglum. Miss llnnsinger was with the National War Woik C'oun il of the Y. W. ('. A. .Mixli of the lolliiiig was sent niirn.ni trotn mis cuy. , . , . ,..., ... t , ' """ -TOn """K little suits for hois made from n pair ol old trousers nnd, nttmrtUp dresses fonned fiom sunns from old gowns." said the Y. W. i A i,rLni. "Mi 1'lilllinsnn wlfo ' ,... " i , r r,nnnt V.rnssnli hnnker. Innk ., , ., i.i... , r i s inns n llel"ium. rncn empio.Mng nsi,,i, ,,.. ,.i . ., many as r,00 women, mostly old women j who hnc lost their families in the war. , ..lrt,. 1 lie go over the ilotlies, tigure out what can be done with them, mnkc the patterns nnd eolie cry smitrt- looking new garment that jou would never associate with the shiploads of old things a, M it lni ' . -"ll""; "Tuv making is n new itnlii-tn in- itindtited In offvel in us fai as iiosiblc the industrial p.iinl-is ufTutmg the inuiili," said Miss llon-inger. "To this end the best Ilelginn aiti'ts hnve lieen dcoting their time in making de- CHARITYGETS $300,000 FROM WARE FORTUNE " Death of Sister Causes Part of "Sugar King's" Estate to Go to Institutions Chniitnble institutions will bun tit fiom the will of Lewis Shnip W.ne the "beet sugar king," ns the result of the death in I'.iris. of his sister. Mni. It Waie, whose will has renched this ut Mi. Waie biquenthed about SHOO. (Hill to charities, with the piousn that his sister hold u life intcicst in the ist.ite. The death of Miss Waie makes this nmiiuut awiilnblo for distribution The beneliciniies will not be nn nnuiKcd until the two estates nie ad I MHiie.itp.i I 'or many yeais the biotber and sis in l'aiis I'.ieli lm,l ii illn.l tn the (ithci-the -haie of the iesidinie at I., miuiii i.ronu unci, vniueii in s2,"tl.(IUl). Mi-s- Waie oullned liei lie nionll.s , I biuther by ,,. ,,. , ., , .. . .. ill led pure Juice or carcfull Felccted Miss are beiUea(lnd S10.000 to tbe ,nffee Leans of Jn.i and Mcn-lia blend Vinerlriiii Cliuiih of the Hnlv Sim it at I n''is l l"Al nromntjc' juic Is meicl .Miiirirnn uminn oi im iioij npini "McoiHertfd into a powdered soluble fonn Nice, rrnnop; $10,(100 to her chauffeur. , 'I he minute ou add hot waur ou -, , . . , ,, ,, , . li.ie jour irjffeo as oricinall made, and Anne Martel. if he shall still he in I it ou iircf- jour coffee Iced ru can my service nt the time of my death": certain other minor legacies and the lesidue to be dnided eiiunllj among M"ci.il cousins in this ut. The aic: .Mary It. 1'.. Meigs, Agnes l K. (iioiiinc, IMwaul Ibowniug. Cdith Ii fission. ''"i lu.m-ris ,. cousins , Piedmont cold - pressed picked peanuts IS kanrJ sunny south. It i is a wholesome and easily digested American food oil ideal for both table and cooking purposes. Ask for PIEDMONT The food oil with K lK the nut piiiiTni,i.ii, THEATRES OV.Sfc.Li AND 41A.VAGED hi MEMBERS OK THE UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION BELMONT WD AUOV L MA11KE1' VM1.I.IVM S HART In THE BREED Ol' MEN PPriAD T!0TH AND CEDAR AVENUK LLUAK ANNA CASE In THE HIDDEN TRC1H" COLISEUM "".Pui. I , WILLIAM S HART In 'THE .MONEY CORRU. ' ' COLONIAL a,n5 ?,"Xi?': A IIOISUE'B ROMANC LAiii.r. , ii,i.i ,1-. ill VUr. ' I EUREKA 40TU A MARKET RTS AN1TV ST M1DNIQHT hit nnviivei."1 HIT HUMM,h rrt3 AMirrrODn 1B FranKford Ar rixnniM vtu CHARLES RAY In "UlvUASISD LIUHTNINa' I JEFFERSQTSANVi? WEST ALLEGHENY JS&S JUNE 20, 19J9 signs for ton These designs are car ried out by vnl numbers of people and the industry promises to he n permanent one. "Manufacturing establishments are not yet able to lesnnie operation ns there is no machine! v to tnke the place of tnnt wlui n was demolished by the Cier I mans dining their long occupation of1 llelglum nnd because of the luck of inw ' materials T'titil both can he procured unemplovnient will continue to face thousands of Ilnlginii"." Miss Honsiiigei fids that ton much , cannot he said about the wonderful snirit nnd liprmsn, nf Mm itMonn ..i i i".,. " remained in their homes and their "ops dining the entile occupation. She told the stot v of Mme. Pol Rod ov ,, of ,,,, ,,ctPPn mPI1 nt .,,.., flnllt ,,,, ,,, wnmnn . . This si-Mii" worked for two lenrs. nt I the end of whiih time it was discoiered and Mine Iloel was sent to ntison in (!rrmalv f, , j.rnrs t lmr(, , , 'M j;,,,,), ho had icfuved to moke tinmen wnc ioi itie iicrtiiaii nnnv in his steel mills, was nlso tued at this linn', and. though niuitled was en lent id I" two cnts in prison At the end of ten months Mmr Hoc! was released m ojuhnngc fin the w ifi of the gnernor of n (irrninn ptoiinci in A fin. i who was held br the Ilelgtnns I oiler the will of Lewis Sharp Ware .it the siiggistion to the Oiphans' Coin I of the tci munition of the sister s life in tcnM, about S.100,000 tirmcipnl it was stated, becomes available for charitv at the discretion of the executm "This piinnpal," it was announced liv the Philadelphia Tiust Compnin. 'will be distributed ncunding to tin wishes of the lelnlhos. Make Your Own Coffee at the Table You Need Not Bother With a Coffee Pot I How much more coiuenient n uould lie if iou i ouhl niHke toffee light nt i tho table Tlilhl. nf the time trained the steps aed, the cstr.i bother .liid fuss eliminated ' I All this Is po.ssible If -ion ue lliie-s I Inttint Soluble I'otlce This was first I made fci oui loldius in Tram c who lennircu rood colfee that could lie easih i inane Ana so inorouKtiii unt iiuet, :nstant Soluble I'oHeo meet eerv te i iiulieinent. 6b .'-". ner cen' of all the t-oueo cuniracieci tot n tut iuerlcnn ,,m, the trenches, w.ts Tlires Wc , '"" if., "ot k'WH , mm e DcMU'e oui nulu not suppi mole befause l.ll llllll' Mtllllll IIIIL llllllll ' Hires Instant Sciluliie fifleo is the lne It foi Hires Instant Soluble ( otfee dissolves tnstantlv in he watei Viid Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is the concentrated juice of the coffee bean for bj an exclusive protess twice as much juice is taken trnin the i offee bean as is seemed bv the use of the u .Tee pot oi peicolatoi HiH.tuso Hiies Instant Soluble Toffee is so easv to make jou i an nnke it light at the lable or can have a !eat. fi.iRi.uit cup anv hour of tho das or uiKht A small tan of Hires Instant .Soluble Coffee is equivalent to a pound of the bt st Moi ha and Java coffee The low pre e Is due tn tbe fact that with our eviusive pit -.ess we extract 10i pei unl mole juko lioin the bean than vou can in mahinp i offee In the old wa.v iii it at all stores Aili Peanut Oil - from grown whole, in the A flavor V I'HOTOPI I JUMBO ,KR(?M, S1 OlllMlD AVI. i jvvuiuw jumbo Jun. Hon on Iraiikfurii l NOKMV TALMAdK ill ' THE IIKRl' or ViEfOWv I Of I JCT BJD ND LOCUST STREETS UWl-UOl 4lit 1:80,3 30 BvBt 0 SOtoil HUHorHV Ulhll m 1 ' I I.MILT 1IIVI 1ET NIXON 5iD AJ.D MARKET bTS nivn 2:IS. 7 an.) 0. I .SPEC ML COMEDY I ' HAREM AND IIOCUM ! PARK RIDQE AVn A DAUPHIN BT MM 8:13 l;4E ,18 t0 ,. TIIEDA RARA in "SALOME ' AILT iiLssik. i.aiiiii.si'ai n tn JOsSELI.N .s VMfE STRAND "NANTOVYN AVE HXANGO LIIARLK RAT tn ' ltr WJIETl ' :' v FAMILY TO HOLD REUNION Bustllls to Honor Memory of Fore fathers at Maple Grove Park Today Descendants of Samuel, Cjrus and David llustlll, early American settlers, will gather nt Maple (irove Park to day for a famllj reunion. 5fot of the relatives nre of the seventh genera tion. They have organized to keep alive the memories and history of their fore fathers, one of the most honored of, whom was Cyrus Rustlll, who baked inkes for Heorge AVnhlngton. Jnnies llustill Jones, of ISOfl Dickin son street. Is president of the llustlll Family Assoiiation, nnd the other of ficers Include' Mm. Oerlrudc llustill Mostpll and Chatles llustill .lones, vice presidents; Dr A. T. Rojer. secretary. Miss Aiabelln Piene, assistant seer'c tiny, and Mis I. itowser Asbury. treasurer. The reception committee for the reunion includes- Mrs Clani II. Abrams, Mr t!cnilee llronn, .Mrs. ($$WX i -iff ml Ufggjg Mr Smart z, rW Late Summer Hats ifl,, l$jj$ Just Released From . ll lsS! the Chcrt.Tk Wenger Workrooms; iMl 1 WL New Fur Fashions JM f k Mr. Wenger Announces the Readi- JH&M 1R!Il ncs3 of His Initial Display of Models j$$jg IRs for Fall and Winter, 1919 Sj I House of Wenger i YLLV Wanut St. S n K?IS& " STW Ii ' 1 II A Great Season for White dress OXFORDS Vv ev In White Kid-Kloth White Buck or Calf, $12 1230 Marke Tamily Store fegfjaS (pronounced GvnNeJ The Store of Ftwnrouo Shoes , y "6a- Also a Quick-Service Men's Shop at 19 South llth Ktery Foot Professionally Fitted 77i)ee Geuting B others Supervising. I'liomi'iws ! Alhambra lllth, Morris . Mat Dally at rassjunk Ave IIves U-40 t a i MAUI.!:, It VV 111 1111, III SliUIl APOLLO D AND THOMI'SOV -TS, .MVTlNtG DAlLi TAVlort HOI.MKS m V ItLOl Ull PKI.LOVV ADrAnlA CHESTNUT Below 1BTU AKV-AUIA 10 A M to 11.15 P 41. 1 It I.IW dtSH In Till KIimitT fcL'SIU ' ' ni i irniDH nnoD rthcct and tJLUll.tJlrvL' Sl-sQLIIIIA.NNA AE I I'M IINH rilBDKr.K'K In nM. v t.nic or i.ii'E BROADWAY "ttt?F&T' 1HKDV BAHV In nil. SIREN r SONG ' T-IDDr:QQ MAIN hT- MANAYlMi h.lVlr Kt3 MATINEE DAILY UUPV.s. HROi KVVEI.L In "PITPALLS Ol" IUO CI1Y' FA1RMOUNT 6maatirddaialvy JLVE EIAIDOB in THE 1-OOIV.L PIRATE r...!!! V THEATRE 1.111 Market St. FAMILY 0AM tn MIdnllht 1I1VNK KF.ENAV In ' THE Ms,TER MAN ' i- T-1 1 CT THEATRE Below Spruce. 5olri5l. MATINEE DAILY PAPLINE FREDERICK In "OSn WEEK OF LIFE" nr,rAT MCIDTUCDM Droaa St. anErle VjKtrtl IWU1IIL.IVII o 7 ft p. m. MARY PICKFOim In DADDY LONO LEGS ' .. .nrnl Al both walnut sts RERT I.YTP.LI. In run LION S SHARE 1 r- AriCR 4,ST 4 LANCASTER AVK. LEAUt-lN MAT1NPR DAILY ALICE JOiC B In "THE THinn DEGREE" i mPDHT"' Tinor vti,irinrt DOUULAS FAIRHATfKS In I PHOTOPlAYSSV f OBTAINED ( iS&T5" i V BOOKING r J fonP0RATlON i t 7 Nl'V Dora White Day, Mrs. Christian Fo-j; ter. Mrs. Idln .Inckson. M.rs. Ktolct J. Ncwsome. Mrw. l'lorcnc SfotenJs4 Nicholson, Mrs. Itebecia A. Piet-Mj Mrs. Harriet Pierce. Mrs. niizabclhf j TLiclltl Wliltn Mi-o Irnne A. AVnrtil5-fcf """ "'""-, r -;. -iizwM mvh. ijrne i icrcc iiuuen, jMis iiuun. AVhitc, Miss Pauline M. MTlcr, M.UW Ruth Ctimmings, Mrs. lnhcl While, Vmrtnmi, Afr. R. XicllMs. nilfltltlltll II. K. Robeson, Marlon Robeson,'1',; Ccorge White, J. Clement AVhitc, Paul' Robeson. Rece Robeson, William D. - Robeson, Howard Pierce, Franklin ,H4a lone, iiiiiiin '. ,iuiii-3, ij. x. isurt, Joseph llrynnt nnd Raphael Bowser. The exeiutlve committee includes Mrs, .Mary L. DeCoursey, Mrs JInry Mos well hrillin nud Mrs. Hlla K Lyons. Ranrocas Range Light Is Out Rams as rher rinse fiont light. Del aware ritcr, reported extinguished .fuua 111. will be lelightcd as soon ns prac ticable, according to a notice of the commissioner of lighthouses i After all is said, the ox foid can be worn by every woman and dresses the foot most beautifully. It snugly hugs the ankle, never gaps at the sides and gives the arch and instep support that so many women desire. When you see our beautiful white dress oxfords you'll not won der at their extreme popu larity. $6, $8.50 and $11 White Glace Kid, $12 & $15 1308 Chestnut Family Store PltOTOI'l.A'VS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking Corporation, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Booking Corporation. 333 MARlvFT "f'-T thkatrs JJJ lVl-Ir.H, 1 ii a M toll.lSf.M. , HU.K ItVVIll,TU.S In VV.. OP PBI' 1 ' i , MOnFl 4-5 f-oUTIf ST Orcheitra.' kiulu ContlnuouH 1 to 11. ' ANNA CSL In . THK HIDDEN TUUTI1 ' OVERBROOK 63D VaVhl' MiTcuni.i, i nwis m ' NINC-TK.NTH OP THE LAW" PALACE lilL S'ARKCT STnCETT 1 V"Vl-A,l 10 A M to 11.18 P. UMIT I'lOkroiil) In UVDDV LO.NQ LEGS u. PLAZA UROAD AND PORTIU HTniii-Tc, AI ICE BRADY In " RED HEAD" PRINCESS "iVTiRSS' RILLIE rmnnps .. 1,10vC "IN SEARCH OF ARCADJ-' REGENT MARKET ST. BeI0W lTTil'"0 ct WA.!nVi ,? " P m TING IT OVER "Sf, BRYANT ' "PUTTINC DIAI Tf OERJIANTOWN 1VK VTmr vnnrA.TJ:L.PEHbcKEN,' EYES OF THE SOUL" RUBY 'fM.T,, EARI.E WILL1AMH L "1" r ' "A ROGUE'S ROSIANCE" V - n SAVOY ""SsS. ALICE JOYCE In T a "THE THIRD DEGREE" STANLEY ,' WVFT HIO STAR CAST In V ag stolen onnnns" VICTORIA KTnlfT- "SKCniCT SERVICE" W ; When in AWtsEtfU v i 'i ' f H S S"l 4 H i i A 1; !,&p&j&. yV W r.C 1- KSVi ' i'y , c vf' " 7 , f J 5 K t..i.?L .' ja-ir , to ".''