Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 18, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 7, Image 7
Hffrt&ia. imrtmpszxivm MIMl JJHIU ?A WNB- ." il .) J-H i, - " 1 V I UfUV,M. u .I 3 AJ T P L. -I L. - ' n x' i. .f.jl I u. . . . l 1 , ..J , ra.-, .. .1 .-, i... . liLl. . i , J U i L i .. .. . .V- . l 1 ' J 1BBBV B f y 'v " i1" ' -""rMwir"' -,-'--.r-T -( -t,, --,. .!! -V 4,tiT-vjiiM-i y Sfjyts2 TW ' isVtMJPjtl',i ' ' '; 'v 'vgS;fs.' f "k iS- . -.- ,.--, , ll 1 I K", EVENING PUBLIC . ED0ER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919 , , 1 ,5r .rt'V t Organ plays at 9, 11, 11:55 and ,. . T--r-i-r . 4:50. WANAMAKER'S Chlmei at Noon I Store Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Cloudy i ," iH 1 Here to Help You Keep Cool and Make Your Summer Home Attractive ? IS l&L ''" Id A Appreciative Visitors to Westminster Abbey will remember their interest in the sculpture and marble tablets that crowd the walls and floors of Great Britain's lofty Temple of Remembrance of their overlords of war, statesmanship and literature. Who has not noticed and wondered at the many colored lights that illuminated parts of the floors and walls at certain hours of the day, when the sun struck through the marvelously costly and artistically beautiful stained glass windows? The day will come, many of us hope, when at the nation's capital at Washington a temple as stately as Westminster will be erected for the remembrance of the heroes of America, to which shall be carried our Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Franklin, Choate and other eminent Americans who have served their nation well. Let us for our world-famous city take the old Washington Square for a graveyard again, as dedi-' cated by our fathers, and erect the Pennsylvania Cathedral of Remembrance in honor of the thousand and more of our state troops who lie in heaps in the French cemeteries. Signed June IS, 1919. IomK Delivery Service Resumed to the Summer Resorts Until funther notice we will make deliveries to the Summer resorts and other points where the service was discontinued as a war measure. The Mail Order Section will be glad to be of any assistance it can to persons who cannot conveniently visit the Store. Orders placed with it will be filled promptly and given expert attention. You can transmit these orders by telephone. We shall be glad to send to your Summer address the latest copy of our "Store and Home" catalogue. That Very Best Blouse Every Woman Ought to Have It can be found among somo brand-new Georgette crepe blouses, trimmed with real filet lace. The combination, as all women know, is extremely lovely. One model has a long shawl collar with folds. It is edged with the narrow filet and trimmed with wide filet insertion. The neck is square and the collar has the becoming high line in the back. Also the same widths of filet trim the front and sleeves, $13.50. Another beautiful style has also a square neck, high in the back, with hand-drawn work. Both the collar and the rest of the blouse are generously trimmed with wide filet edging. This is $18. Both blouses come in white, flesh and bisque color. (Third Floor, Central) Redfern Corsets Three points to remember about the Redfern aro these They are guaranteed not to rust, break or tear, andthey include models for all types of figures slender, medium and fully developed. Also they may be cleaned frequently and they are ideal for bathing. At $4. A Redfern model of cool batiste, short length, with low bust and free hip. At $G. A strong coutil, heavily boned, with broad clasp and low bust ,At $5. A pink figured batiste, light in weiglit and two hooks below the front steel. Also a front-lace stylo of coutil, very low in the bust and long in the akirt, elastic in back and four hooks below the front steel. And a design for tall figures. It is of fine batiste, with medium bust and long hips. At $7.50. A pink broche for average figures. This has low bust and long skirt. (Third Floor, Chestnut) 10,000 Yards " Challis " Voile Special at 38c a Yard "Challis" in this case meaning'that the patterns are the same small polka dots, tiny all-over designs, eccentric printings and flowered effects that one associates with challis. There is nothing that women like moro this Summer than these very pretty "challis" patterned voiles, so we are especially glad to havo this new largo shipment. Many, many styles and all the desirable colors. (West Aisle) Women's Cool Silk Gloves 55c a Pair Special Good weight, lustrous silk gloves, in black, white, gray, pongto and brown. Tricot weave and an unusual quality for the price. Chamois lisle gloves, 50c a pair, are also specially good for the price and are in champagno color, natural and mode. And they wash very well indeed. (West Aisle) Cool, Lo-Necked Nightgowns for Girls But low necks and short sleeves are not the only interesting features they possessl They aro as dainty and pretty as can be some with tree tucks, some with fine lace medallions or insertion, some with ribboriftnn beading. Tfere aro ever so many styles quite a number in Empire effect but all girlish and pretty. Thoy are of fine cambrics and nainsooks, the laces and embroideries aro gooa ana au uie gowns aro snowy anq new. ,11.75 to $6 10 to 10 year eizea, MA1QND IF her family wishes to give, the graduating girl 1 something she will prize above almost anything else, they will choose JEWELRY with small sapphires, nil with plntinum settings, $185 to $225. La Vallicies, exquisitely dainty and lace-like, diamonds ' in platinum mountings, $100 to $215. Necklaces of small Oriental pearls, platinum clasps, $75 and $80. ntlillt nml Thirteenth) It is quite customary to give such a gift and the smaller and .more delicate pieces arc usually selected. For example, beautiful open work diamond rings, mounted in green gold and platinum, $150 to $345. Bar pins of diamonds, some (Jewelry Store, ch Handsome Black Hats of Airy Maline and Horse Hair THEY are really ideal for Summer wear, for they arc so lacy and cool looking and they are delightfully light and comfortable to wear, too. A little collection of these fine dress hats is just ofT the needle and the hats are in charming now styles. Some are flower trimmed and many have ostrich and other fashion able feathers for trimming. With them are some smart, draped maline turbans that are so fetching. Prices begin at $18. (Second Floor, Chestnut) Women's Afternoon Dresses Between $25 and $50 IN the week past hundreds of them have ai rived in at least n score of styles and many ma- ( terials, such as' , Charmeuse both in com bination with other fabrics and alone. Georgette crepe, beaded, the colors light and daik. (First Door, The always refined and use ful foulards. Taffetas and printed chiffon. Crepes do chine. A few especially of the printed stuffs are dashing in effect, but the majority nic quiet and practical. Prices $25 to-$50. Centra)) About Some Brand-New Dark Blue Dresses for Young Women AFTERNOON dresses they are, charming little frocks of foulard silk, of crepe Geor gette and of crepe de chine. Some have tunics and satin girdles; some are richly and beautifully embroidered; some have the new white vests or smart jacket effects; some have fas- (Recond Floor, Chestnut) the new draped skirts and panniers. No two alike it's cinating collection! And dark is not only practi cal but it's becoming and fashionable as well. $32.50 to $67.0011 to 20 year sizes. Handsome Duvetyne Wraps Surprisingly Enough Are Reduced FOR duvetyne is not only the most fashionable coating for Fall, but it is higher in price than it has ever been be fore and there promises to be a serious shortage of this beauti ful silk-and-wool fabric in the near future. There are less than 50 of these wraps, some are cape-like (First Floor, in form. Thoy aio Spring models and very loel ones with hand embroidery in wool and metal thread, the new fringe insertion and other forms of trimming. The lin ings are plain or fancy pussy willow taffeta. New prices arc $100 and $125. Central) All-Black 'Parasols You can get a good plain taffeta for as little as $4; a grosgrain for $5, and another taffeta with a slightly Japanese effect due to its twelve ribbed frame for $5. Most of these kinds have cords and tas sels. Then there are finer ones of tucked crepe de chine at $13.50; of grenadine at $11; of a rough crcpe-liko silk at $18; and of the heavy genuine mourning crepe at $35. This last has a heavy handle of jet beads. x (Main Floor, Market) Women's Cool Breakfast Coats Airy garments convenient to slip into if the man of the family must eat a commuter's breakfast and there isn't time' to get oneself properly booted and spurred. One style is of white dotted swiss with a belt, price, $4.50; and otltfcrs are of cotton crepe pink, lav ender and blue cut with full skirts on straight bodices or else ruffled. These arc $2.85. (Third Floor, Central) The Coolest Nightgowns after all are those without anv fuss and feathers just flat, beau tifully hand-tlone scallops and de signs, and sleeves of kimono cut. The Nightgown Shop can show you several styles at $3.50 to $5. (Third Floor, Centnil) A Great Season for Ribbon Sashes The sash ribbons are lovely soft, satiny ribbons which drape and tie into bewitching bows. The colors are exquisite, and there's a fascinating variety. 6 inches wide, $1.35 a yard; 8 inches wide, $1.95 a yard. Two-toned ribbons are smart and very effective they're of satin and upually two distinct shades aro combined, 2!4 inches wide, $1.10 a yard; 3 inches wide, $1.50 a yard. (Main Floor, Central) ,-j Aboutthe Last of These Scrim and Marquisette Curtains The prices aro less than tho manufacturer is asking to make them, so the chances of their being here much longer are rather slim. Both scrim and marquisette aro used a great deal in Sumnrer homes and scarcely less in Winter ones. Plain hemstitched scrim cur tains, 2V. yards, long, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 a pair. Finer scrim cur tains, lace edge, $2.75 a pair. Hemstitched marquisette cur tains, $1.75 and $2.50 a pair. With a lace edge, $2.50, $3 and $4 a pair. (Firth Floor, Market) Bungalow Aprons Coolest imaginable clothing for the busy mistress of a bungalow being straight and simple, with practically no sleeves. Blue-and-white check gingham, $1. -Light-figured percale, buttoned dpwn tho front, $1.25. Plain pink percale with square neck, $1.50, , JThJrAjrioqr, Central),. T--. China and Glassware and Civilization China and glassware arc a social asset, not merely in the domestic sense, but in the sense that they are so much a part of civilization. Indispensable as cooks are to civilized man, china and glassware are as much so. We know how the particularly delectable quality of tho most superlative dish or draught that art, or alchemy, or nature, or all three combined, can produce would evanesce if we had to partake of it from some coarse-surfaced and forbidding receptacle, unworthy of its ambrosial properties. The man who first made china, that is, the man who found a way of putting a smooth, hard, clean shiny surface on potters' clay, rendered a great service to the world. The June Sale of China and Glassware suggests those things to us. It suggests a whole lot of other things as well; for instance, the selection of dinner sets of china and of semi-porcelain is fine, the waies being of the best standard tpe and the decorations most at tractive and diverse. Wo should tell you also that china dinner sets are getting , deal or, not cheaper. Prices at tho Limoges potteries have gone up even since wo began this Sale. Tho time to buy a dinner set is when prices are low that is sim ple common sense. (Fourth rionr, In this Sale they are specially low and the sots nic of undoubted quality. French china dinner sets, $32.50 to $175. English scmi-porcolain dinner sots, $25 to $100. American semi-poicclain dinner sots, $10 to $40. Japanese china dinner sots, $43 to $75. Beautiful cut glass, $1 to $100 a piece. Light cut and other inoxponsivc glassware also at special pi ices. Chestnut) T HE Men's Hat Store has had ome jaunty hats for boys made from a particulaily good pongee. Stylo.-, .suitable for tod dlers of three or boys of twelve or any youngster between tho-c ages; price, $2.50. (Maw Floor, Mailed.) AMONG recent importations aio dotted and striped pique spreads from England very at tractive, indeed. Thoy aio JO.oO, double-bed size. Other spread of fine, heavy 'longcloth are scal loped und embroidered in rose and blue, the colors hating been well tested by laundering. Two patterns. Single-bed sizes, $1(1 and $12. Double, $13.50. (Sirlli Floor, Central.) MOTHS are as good as burglars any day, since they can run off with the surface of your fine futs. The Storage Vault is re ceiving fur coats and Winter clothing even now in the middle of June. Telephone Filbcit 1. (Third Floor, Central.) STERNO canned heat is a sub stitute for coal, gas and elec tricity. It doesn't explode, bpill, moke nor smell; and the heat is intense and steady. Prices arc 15c to 75c a can; and the Stcrno appliances to use with it aro many floe to $.'!. Fourth Floor, Central.) THE standard rotary sewing machine will sew with lock or chain stitch vhicheor you choos-e. $43.50. (Fourth Floor, Central.) WHETHER or not the warm Winter was responsible for the insect pests, they are here. Bug Death is a sure remedy and a speedy one, und contains no Paris green nor arsenic. 20c for a pound package. (Fourth Floor, Central.) A GOOD electric iron to take away on vacation weighs '.i. pounds. It has a detachable han dle, an arrangement for heating curling irons, and. on its inverted stand, water may be heated. In velvet bag. $0. (Fourth Floor, Central.) A FLASHLIGHT is another " vacation friend. Most of the needed kinds and fresh batteries will be found in 'the Electrical Store. (Fourth Floor, Central.) Three New Books "The Cowboj Philosopher on tho Peace Conference," by Will Rogers, who made it i-liort so tlic reader would finish it bo fore tho next war. (iOc "Between Shots." bv Capt. P. L. Crosby, with the 77th Division in 1'ianeo. A volume of sketches icpiesenting some of the supremo moments in a rookie's life, and other matters. $1. "Twelve Lessons" from 'The Seven Purposes," by Mai garct Cameron. Issued in response to the glowing demand for tin; Lessons apart fioni tho book in which they fust appealed. C.Oc. (Main Floor, Thirteenth) Men's Summer Suits as Good as It Is Possible to Have Them When coolness means not alone comfort, but health, no worth-while man needs to be talked into wearing cool clothes. We have had a long experience in serving men with the right sort of clothing for all weathers and we put all the knowledge gained from it into the work of providing a stock of men's hot-weather suits for this Summer of 1919. The result is here for everybody to see. The tropical suits in "Palm Beach," mohair' and breezeweave materials are priced at $18 to $85. Regular suits of fine cool worsteds are $32 to $65. Flannel trousers, $9 to $12.50. Fine tailoring is a distinguishing mark oj! all our men's Summer clothing. (Tlilrrl I'lnor, .Market) Men's Handsome New Shirts of Japanese Silk This shipment, just received, contains some of the finest Summer shirts a man could want. Thoy a'ro in clean stripes of lavender, blue and brown, and are evy light and cool. These Japanese m1I;s aro pure silk without any loading, which makes them the more durable, though they are lighter in weight. The pi ice is 10. (Mnln rioor, MnrUrt) Chapeaulet r- a vnry light-weight felt hat designed for men's Summer wear at -eashoro, country or town; so light in weight it hardly feels like a hat. Made foi WanamaKor's only and in six light colors. Pi ice ?,"). (Mnln I'loor, Mnrket) New Cretonnes in the Colors of Stained Glass And if you hold them up to tho light, as thoy would bo if used as window draperies, thoy show these rich colorings to perfection. Wo have had those cretonnes made to our older and copied from somo exquisite Kionch cre tonnes of several times this Mice. It is scarcely necessary to ,aj that this is tho only place in the oit where thoy may bo bought. They aio $1.2.1 a ard. (liflh I'll. or. Mnrket) Automobile Dust Coats at the Old Prices Choose I'lom cotton, linen, fhambiay, mohair oi pongee, well cut and well m.ule, at $1.75 to $25. Heoaii-e thee dusters were pui chased sonic time ago we can soil them at the old piicc, and people who realie what good values they are are buying two oi thiee at a time. Light-weight lobes of cotton, linen, wool, mohair, Bedford cord and whipcoid, So to $50. (The (nlli'r.t, ( hrstnut) Keeping Up Supplies of-Boys Washable Suits This stock of boys' wash suits cannot get stale so many suits Keep coming in and so many going out. Bring the boys hcic, feeling confident that when you get here j on will find the best wash .suit-, to be had anywheie at the prices $3.25 to ?5.50 for boys' suits jn 3 to 10 year sizes and in a full choice of cool, washable fabrics in attractive colors and styles. "Palm Bench" and other washable suits in Noifolk style for boys of S to IS years at $10 and $12. Particular attention has been paid to the making of all our wash able suits for boys. ispcniid I IcMir, enlrnl) Cool Open- Weave Woolen Sheets -some part -wool, some all-wool, the cool, sanitary and practical bed eoonngs foi Summer use aio in paiticulat demand. Some people call them blankets, hut they aio just sheets of wool. Our supply is kept constantly loplenishod and we have a par ticularly good choice now. All aro cut and bound separately. Somo aic bordoied in either pink oi blue, others being plain. They wash easily and when put out to dry. the wind just whistles through them. Viice.s :-!."0 to .130 a pan. (lth I lour. ( enlr.ll) Cool Quilts Keep Coming in also going out. Filling in some is a shoot of cool, clean cotton, these being in covering;, of silkoline and pi iced $1 and $5 each. Others with filling of lamb's wool and coverings of silk and silk mull at $12, SI."., $18..0, S20 and upwaid. sh l H,r, ( enlriil) Now Is the Time to Get Ready for the Sports of the Fourth of July because just at present the Sporting Goods Store is equipped with everything you will need, but already the holiday demands have begun. tor the Goiter ?,. f , n..i;i ------ m m m m m , m m w. b t m m w w a . Standard makes of golf balls Radio, Silver- King, Champion ship, Red and Blue Flash and Taplow $1.80 to $15 a dozen. Wooden clubs, $4.50 to $7. Irons, $4 nnd $1.50. Golf bags, $1.50 to $35. For the Tennis Player r, , lare assortment of rncquets, including the Taplow Special, 5 , y'j0' winPcr- White Wings, All-Amcrican, McLaughlin, Gold Medal and Davis Cup, from $1 to $12. Championship tennis balls, $0.00 a dozen. Nets, posts, tapes, markers and all other accessories. For Campers Tents, cots, camp chairs and all necessary equipment. water. Columbia bicycles for men and women, $50 to $75. Juvenile models for girls and boys, $30 to $40. anumakcr bicycles for men and women, $38 to $45. Bathing Suits .Men's fancy bathing suits, $5 nnd $8. Flannel bathing pants, $3.50 and $4. Sleeveless jerseys, $1.50 to $3. Men's and boys one-piece bathing suits, $2.50 to $6.50. Women's and girls' one-piece bathing suits, $3.50 to $12. For the Fisherman A fine assortment of tackle for angling in both salt and fresh (The Gollerr, Clititnnt and Juniper) -'-, 7"Sr 4 I 'i! M $ !. isav I .Afi L,WMtV .j ' iff " ti '$ W - !, w. 1 IV o :t V -. h .0 , ' & 7 . V M?Z U-A.H &'i - .iw.WA. J'V " I. && iw.it;.! .k-i-wc . f . LT.