Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 18, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 6, Image 6
iiC,''i-W'f ' k,'iv;.-i,T W ' " " ' ' -' Jtt' - rtpj v- r A Lfc t-t-v ..ife r A f I f i i M 6 E Passage of Dawson Bills Will Not Disturb Philadelphia Ap pointments, Says Sonator itf a Staff Correspondent liarrhliurg. .Tunc IS Sonntnr I 11. Varrj tins oiiRlnceroil n ileal by xxliioh the Ilopulillrati orKniilzation in I'hiln- ' delphin will not lio iloprived of Its rich i patronaRo In the office of tlio mrrrnn- , tile appraiser anil the register of will. ' The Houe jestenlny passed finally i the Dawson hills which cixp sole power' of appointment of mercantile apprnis era anil clerks emplnjeil in the rcciilir of wills office for the collection ft the direct inheritance tax: to the nntlitoi general Tlio power formeilv i confeited jointl) on the auditor general and citj treasurer. Auditor tlrncral Snjder i a I'eurose lieutenant nnd It was an ticlpatcd tliat lie would rip the Vme tnen out of office. j Senator Vaie apparently has put through some anangeinent with the au ditor general hv which the Vare or- i ganizatltm men are to he retained It may he that the D.iwoon hills i will be amended when tin y reach t ho Senate, so 'i to take I'lnl nlelplua county out of the nrxiirni of the lull "The appointment of mercantile np praiscri in Philadelphia will not le taken out r tlie hands of ru Tum--lirer Slinjer ami the appointment ,.f clerks mid inspeetois to the registir "f Wills will not lie tiikin nut ui the hands of l!cKitor Shcihnti." was the otilj rnmi iiit Senator Vule uould make. "None of the state appointments in Philadelphia," h" added, "will be (lis turbed bv mn Icgihition passed at Ilai -risburs this m-sihui " This la-.! iiuiiniinceiin in wns tnkui as nu lmlicalioii t tin t the Id publican organization in Philadelphia sprits to retain control of the board of registra tion commissioner in spite of tin1 pas sage of the Unix-Hi ady ripper. TRANSIT BILL HELD UP BVHn HMM TfC Scott Declares He Will Act Discharge of Committee. Skirmishing; Starts Ru a Staff rorriifn-if( i Harrisburg, June l"s SLinuishing in the impending light on the Salus transit bill xvlndi would peimit th city to divert loan nioucxs xoted for a specilic transit puriios,-s to finish or construct transit lines started in the House last ex cuing. The House municipal lorporntions committee negatixed the bill the pas- sage of xxhieh is urged by Tiansit Di- i rector Txvining. 1'nfavoriihh- ai tion n In the committee followed an nliitmiiiuo from Reprisentatixe John I. K. Siott. -iVnTe floor leader, that be xxould nioxe today for the discharge of the commit- tee. I Leaders of the A'an- foices intinute that they xvill stage a fight today to ! get the bill back on the (iib-ndar de i SDite the unfmorabh- action of the House committee. Director Twining m a letter to (iovernor Spioul xiituallji cnargeii Senator Penrose xx it h attempt - Ins to block the passage of the bill. p Director Twining came here last night ana will remain until tomoirow. OMSK DISPUTE ADJUSTED Explanations Clear Up Stopping of Semenoff's Train by American Omsk, June IS. (P.j A. P ) A conflict of authority between Colonel C. IT. Morrow, commander of the Amer ican guard at Vcrkhnie-I'diiisk, in the liake liiikat region, and (Jem nil .Sim cnoff, which threatened complications, has been adjusted amicably, uuoidiug to official information here. General Semenoff, xxho recently was appointed a colonel in the Siberian army, moved nn armored train from China to Verkhnic-IMinsk, where it xx-as halted by Colonel .Morrow, lm made preparations to resist forcibly the further progress of the train. The inci dent xvas closed xvith mutual eiplana , tions. After the acknowledgment of the 'authority of the Kolchak government, he xvas authorized to move troops be yond hake P.aikal, but was cautioned . to avoid interference xvith the Amer icans. LIST FLOUR MEN AND BAKERS Food Administration Plans Registry I as Crop-Handling Adjunct I A complete list of all flour jobber I and hakerj xxho bake more than lfrvj barrels of xvhent flour a xieek, is re quested by the food ndministnitnm grain corporation. This is in connec tion with plnns for hnnillinj ecu ciop xvheat nnd xvhent flour. I Also under the ncix- plans, it U con- i teraplated to offer to all licensees on- I tract with the coiporation, so that the1 trade may come a closer contact with the corporation. The request applies to jobbers nnd bakers in New Jersey, I'enusylxnnin, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. More Than 100,000 Sold HOW fo LI The Nation's Foremost Book of Health By Prof. Irving Fisher and Dr. Eugene Lyman Fisk in collaboration xvith the Hygiene Reference Board of Life Ex tension Institute composed of many such men as Dr. W. J. Mayo, ex-Pres. American Medical Association; Dr. J. XT AnHrinn. Ilirjlftr II fn...... MENWILLSTAY VE i h Anient Hygienic Lseoratory, etc. In-hi-ir-J-" . i : u.. rj ir 11 -r- r. yWp, iroaucuuu uy ca-4 jc. vvm, n. tail. . LEARN HOW TO KEEP WELL 3tt Hoard, ot Health reccmnipnd and us. h (a hnnV. TllfrhAal m.illp.l ai,.KAl., ....V .. - ... ... .....h HutuuilllWI .U- datvn It. Full of vital Information on ' Wast to Est ind How to Est; How to sfl Prttnr t Hari?nin nf 1 JtvltB jhjj'" Drinspiiax Ctippsj Htidict ; Lhtt feX" "i Kidneys; Sex jlnienej Alcolol fv - ana loo.ttv) ti.iToni ironoies, ia ,jf---'! F'l Deep BretuiD( mi Eur- ,Wettei e4c, etc. ' '-V- f(WW IVmttrtlti! 497 pttgu i:iMTrio i'Ksso PESSOA, BOUND FOR U.S., TAKEN OFF SHIP DISABLED IN MIDSEA President-Elect of Brazil and Party Transferred to Troop ship Imperator Washington, line l i A P i A wireless me-vngo to the Nav He partment raih toil.n announced that the I'lenih i miser .leanne I.u' had been disuhh'il at sen ami that the trans port Impoi.itor had taken off Ir Kpitn io INsoa, president -elei t of llrazil. and Ins imrtx. who weie en loute to tho I niled State, from I,iIioii. The moiigo wa- sent bv Admiral I ' ii son. who is returning home fimu 1'i.ince on the linttli siup Atkans.w. x Mh whnli ". "" l"H-int.,r communicate,! Adniiiiil l.eiison "axe nn .l..t. ,,!.. il,f tin. than that the .leiinne D'An-s i.neioi s ' englllis about '., ihecaine ilisnliled jesteidav I)K. to o'i lot 1; iliieenwiih tiinei and that time hours biter the Imperator came up nnd took ii ft tin P.raziliaus. The positions of the xessels at the time of the trans fer was not gicn. The Imperator, which is bringing troops from 1'iaine, is oxpe. toil I,, leacn sew i 01 K tomonow inoruing Later dispatches to the depaitment said the n mix transport Mongolia was towing the Jiiinne ll'Aic to the .Wines and that good piogioss xwis being nnnle. STOCK MUST BE 0. K. Any Sale of Unapproved Certificates in Michigan Is Void Lansing. Mid... June 1S.-I,, ,o,-i. sion .aid to he t uost far -, , i',,l'r11" 'V1 '''. "!IV Milt" having hiue- ii. Lin.- k laws, the Miilin-'iiTi Simrm.,.ri- has held the sale of nny stud, n0t l ll" nu M.U" Securities Com mission is x oui The Muestion came before the rouit I'l the .ase of a Sault Stc Mane man who i cfuseil to pax for st. K , ., ,j unit iiip.iu.x nun ii iimi not bei een ap- pi oxen nx uie (omniission. And we wish to apologize to those who were unable to gain admittance during the rush After weeks of turmoil it was delightful to see so many familiar faces again and to receive so many expressions.of good will and to have so many people say that this is surely A Marvelous Opportunity Indeed The stock of the slightly and undamaged merchandise consisting of Women's, Misses' and Girls' high-grade apparel was so large that the. opportunity still exists for all those of our patrons who were unable to profit by the All Sales EVENING PUBLIC SEDITION BILL DEFEAT, Declare Measuro Was Promoted by "Interests" and Would Have Throttled Speech VARES SUPPORTED ISSUE Labor leiidei here sny that h the defeat of the anli-cdition bill nt llur ti'hurg constitutional rights of lilizens at laig haii" been saved where the intents ' threatened to throttle tlirtn. (iiistme (ieigus, business agent for the I nil Pavilioned Hosiery Kniti'it' I nion -mil I w.is ui llarrisbiirg when thai bill r iiitroduced We feel that it was in tended to primal a innii fioin express nig his honest opinion, "I himw that a few week-, ago we wore not allovMil to icut our hull out to an outside oiganiiitlons without getting a permit from a police lieiiten ant, nnd the spit it of such restriction" is one with the spiiit of the so-called administration ami sidition law, lllll Knslnccrrd lt.v CIIiue ' I mn f.iirlj sn that we could be ,li usted not to nut our hall to an) or g.iinntion bent on in.ilicious iiu-cli icr n tin' iohition ol law nnd older. Hut that bill was mount to put a man's I thought- and cxpn-ssion of thorn, at the men of a cliiiie. I am glint the lull was deflated, and if it is put back on the i aleuiliir. 1 look in sro s(j stronger iliposition." .1. I! T. Austin, presulenl of the Or der of Itailroinl Teleginphers, Dis patchers, 4gents and Signalmen, Fnid: I "The defe.it of the lull K a x ictoiy for labor and itisuns the light of free i spi oeh as will as the right to assemble rights whiili sliiiuhl he i oui eded to all citizens who do not infringe on the ! i oiistitiitional rights of othci." The enfoii euii'iil ot the measure would ineiin "a ridiculous and wholl) I iiuwarranti d ti. tunneling of honest e pMssion. mine loalhsome to flee men than un military i onsoisl.jp i ouhl be," I in the opinion of lb iij.iinin li.iti'isou. piisiileiit ot tin' Internal loiuil I noin of Mag"1 Klllplo.M-s. llniM- it .S(.iji Coniii I uilei- this hill, it would be mut ing to not to modcinie I in e Tom's labin. with the bief trust owning the hloodlioiiiids iiud the housi-wife plac ing i;ii.i, her hiishand's ineoine the babj. I'm glad the hill was killed, and I hope it snjs in its little t nihil " The Vine forces threw thirtx if their thiit.x -one otes from Philadelpliin to the lull. Inn failed to snxe it. Thirtj -four l'hihiilclphia inembeis in all x-oled lor the measure. Uepiesentatixe I'owbr. fioui I.aek iw.inni fniintx. a union labor man. I'd the light on the bill, Mr. Powder ' hargnl thai the roll call had been ' I'"'1'1"1 " Hepresentalixe Knmsey was i".!,'P ,lmir "1'7,,.I,P1 X" xU ,ll,il'' . lf "" Inks ,llW ,".11 "'"' "I"'1'" ,llc iav u loosi-i us jiiii hum- (ouuieii me ..roll. Cod lulp the wage-earners." was Mr. I'owler's challenge. Ueprcsentatiies of the administration worked openly for the bill on the lloor r .i, it.,,,., i,r it fii,i i .i I xotes of a (onstitutional majority. One hundred and one members inted for it and sixti-four against. Chestnut and 12th Sts. Many Thanks to Our Patrons for Their Wonderful Response Most Extraordinary Reductions Ever Offered in This City Must Be Final LEDGER 1'HILADELPJEIA, WEDNESDAY, JtWE 18, 1919 HARRISBURG LEADERS DOUBT THAT SPRDIII will sign beer bill Ramsey Measure Reported Out by Senate Committee After Failure of Vickerman Act Ity a Staff Corrrrondtnt Marrishurg. June !?. Pennsylvania will have no prohibition enforcement! legislation unless ftoxrrnnr Sproul signs' the ltatney Lni per cent beer bill and I such nction on the part of the (lovcrnor is considered extremely doubtful. The Itnmsey bill was reported out In tit lltrrli t lit flin UnnnfA ! .1 .,!., fii .... .,.,.. .. ' " "'"i oi nn to and including June 20. attempt to report out n duplicate of, Officials of the telegraphers' union c?- the YioKeiniau enforcement hill which P'01'1 n ,,ci''ion "lay on the attitude was defeated last week in the House 'n1 American Pcdcratlon of Labor is Senntor Plymouth W. Rnvder nfi1" '"I1'1 '""'ard the strike. I.lnir cpunl.x, a pronounced 'Mr made the unsuccessful attempt to liaVc I the Senate net on the duplicate of the I Vickerman hill. Me nked for the discharge of the Senate law nnd order committee, a procedure unusual in the Senate. "This is the king's business and the king din't wait." Senator Snyder j'it finished s'ljing when Sena tor Samuel W Salus, Philadelphia., lo-e to a point of older .Mr. Salus said under the rules n committee could not be discharged from oonsidcintion of a hill until it had the niensiiie in its possession live days. Lieutenant (oneino" lleidleman, who xmis picsiding. sustnined Mr, Salus. Senator Snider then moied for n sus pension of the rules, which requires a two-thirds xote. Senator llarr, of Allegheny, sci nnded tlie motion. It lost ! a vote of nine for and twenty -eight against. i M'CORMACK U. S. CITIZEN ! I Irlnli Tenor Rates Honor Above His! Success as Singer New A in K, dune IS -The night that, he thrilled hi- lirst audiincc is inci I dintnl and the moment that he realized' that his funic w.is woihi wide is of slight coiiseipience .lohn McCormack, the Iri-h tenor, declared upon becoming n citizen of the Cnited States. Tin ceremony xxhieh made him an American took place in the State Supreme Court. He was accompanied hi several friends, It ulso happened to be his thirty-fifth hiithda.i. When the couit congratulated him, the snil voice that made the "I.oue. Long Trail" a i lassie replied. "Mx heart fpiivers a hit." and when he took the oath of allegiance his answer was, "Will 1? Well, I should say so so help me Cod." MoCormack's ambition to become a citien last St. Patrick's Ia suffered disappointment when he made npplica- I tion and leanieil tnree moinns moie 1 must elapse bet wren declaration nnd in I tention accompanied by presentation of first papers nnd actual admission to I i itizenship. French Sailors Flaunt Red Flag .. . -i ic nt 1 1 1 'IV, , "csl; ,' '"" ... ' ,';,, r,.,l '""'"'"' ' "n-' "aaan- "'" n T'.' fl.ur. attempted to enter the naval jail here xesterday to resrue imprisoned sailors'. The attempt failed There were no casualties. No Deliveries Will POSTAL CO, YIELDS Will Permit Telegraphers to Re turn Accredited With Con tinuity of Service CLIMAX REACHED TODAY 11 the Associated Press Chicago, .lime IS. The Postnl Tele graph Company, with n view to ending the commercial telegraphers' strike hi far as that company is concerned, to day Hrnt a notice throughout the coun try that strikers would bo permitted to "-t'lrn ''with continuity of service" up take President R. J. Konenkamn who Is conducting the strike from headquarters j Holshexik propaganda, nnd said the here, said Percy Thomas, vice president chamber "must decide between the dem of the union, who is attending the con- locratle interallied policy nnd the policy xention of the federation at Atlnnllo!f the socialists, who xvnnt France to Citj, X. J., bad wired him n decision abdicate before the Bolshevik!." The would be forthcoming in n few hours as ' minister provoked a violent outburst to the nttltude Samuel (Jompers and from tho socialists by declaring thnt, in othir federation officials xxould assume. I M opinion, bolshcvlsm xvas lost. Jlr. Konenkamp said ndditinns to the! T1"1 Delahnyc, a Itoynlist deputy, innks of the strikers were being daily 'created a violent scene by declaring thnt icported to him from various points undifo,piK" f"",' wna being used for prop he estimated that "7 firm in,,.. .. n, ngiinda work in Frnnce, nnd that the out. Mlioials ot the Western Cnion nnd Postal Companies said their business was being conducted without any ap preciable trouble and that they regard cd the strike ns practically nt an end. I uion officials say thnt in n number of towns electrical xxorkcrs, purlieu larl.i telephone operators, had gone on strike. In northern nnd central California it is estimated fiOOO girl operatois and 1000 male employes ure affected. Three No Curtain No Splash A patented principle causes tho water to hug the liorly. Fits any bath tub. Any one can at tach It NIAGARA $7.50 PALM BEACH 315.00 f-'ee runnlnc water demonstration In our dis plij w-indows Sold by leading plumbers. ' hjscxBjzos.Co riumblnr and Ileatlnc Mupplles Display Itooms II in .10 North Bill ht. ii'J-ni iriiwm bi uamucn, h ' ,' nl -1 Be Made thousand other employes are MtitI to be involved In a strike of telephone craftR In southern California. riiarlcn P. Koril. secretary of tlio International Ilrotherhood of Electrical AVorkerM, with headauarters nt Spring field, III., said the' California strikes wcro due to failure of telephone com pany officials to comply with Postmas ter tJencral llurlcson's order last Satur day granting the rljht of collective bar gaining. GOVERNMENT UPHELD BY FRENCH DEPUTIES Confidence Vote Follows Tu multuous Session When Sailors' Mutiny Is Discussed Parls, Juno 18. (Uy A. P.) Confi dence In tlio government xxas voted in the Chamber of Deputies yesterday a in 'to 1.17, following tumultuous session, during which the mutiny of the sailors j of the Hlack sen fleet xvns discussed, i Closing the debate for the govcrn- incut. M. Pichon. foreign minister, de- clared the trouble was due entirely to Socialist party had assumed the task of circulating it in the navy, notably nt Odessa and Sebastopol. OVERLAND 5-pnsscngcr touring;; newly rcfin islicd; splendid shape; .f-150. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 N. Broad Street i'"-iii;ii',i."ii'yii-'' ij-iiii i ;-m ',!'' I Like the Kenney Shower, Toe It makes my (tail bath real fun nnd i. just like a dip in llu ocean. It does not make a downpour on my hear1 and take my breath away. All Metal Easy to Attach -fete BOB Arcli 6t p. J. Children's Wall Tent Keep tho Children OIT the Street Kr?rt a tnt for thm In th front or bark unl, th air will do them coorl. Jots of fun. TlfBt quality 8-ouuce while tanan duck. Size fi ft 7 ft. Poles, ptna and ropes, complete. Price ?6.00 All brand new and packed In Individual ruin as bacs. Sent anywhere upon receipt of price. Send for Catalog. ARMY SUPPLY GO. 631 Market. St. 549 lllll . YtttYt: 'Hh;iv i XI of the C. P. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. New York City. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, FRANCIS P. GARVAN, Alien Property Custodian, will offer for sale at public sale to the highest bidder x at the office of C. P. Goerz American Optical Company, 317 East 34th St., New York City, N. Y., at 3 o'clock, P. M., on the 25th day of June, 1919, 549 shares of the common stock, par value $100 each, out of an authorized and issued capitalization of 600 shares of C. P. Goerz American Optical Co., a corporation created and existing under nnd by virtue of the laws of the State of New York. ALSO certain letters patent of the United States and other property all as in cluded in the order of sale. Full description of and Information concerning" the property to be fold, the terms and conditions of inspection and sale, and theorder thereof, may be obtained by application to JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, Director, Bureau of Sales, 110 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Extra Small Bracelet ' Watches i Wc have a large collection of small-size bracelet watches with ribbon or expansion link bracelets. Particularly one of gold, the size of a ten-cent piece, with dependable Grucn movement on expansion link bracelet $110. S. Kind & Sons, nio chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS jnVr:t,i:RS SILVERSMITHS GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE 261-269 No. Broad St. $75,000 Stock of Tires, Tubes, Supplies and Automobiles TO BE PUBLIC Regardless of Cost or Value Sale Begins Monday, June 16th to June 21st Sale All Week Hours 10 io 12, 2 to 4 All Makes of Standard Brands. AH Sixes New and Used SPEDALLE&KUPERSMITH Auctioneer, 261-269 No. Broad St. tIt Service Station for j isi lim i Hums iiiiiiniiniii iiiiiiini nun 11 n nun it ii ill iiisii iissjn sjissssjTieiTilssj I EVP CM NECESSmES 1 "Ihsij'reTfce'Chan Airxessorm" v3rS i'T'HAT'S why we're here to give you real Stewart service "SAME-DAY - SERVICE right on the ground. What might take us but a ftw hours to jeorrect xvould require several days if you sent it clear to the Stewart factory In Chicago. Our service covers all the surrounding territory. Give the same care to your Stewart equipment that you do to the rest of your car and you will never need any repair service. But, at the first indica tion of trouble, hurry in to us. Our factory-trained mechanics will put your speedometer, vacuum system, or any other Stewart Necessity back Into first class condition in short order. You are sure of getting genuine Stewart Replacement Parts when yo buy them from us. We also carry all Stewart Custombilt Necessities. SEND US YOUR IIEFAIR WORK STEWART PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION 611.613 NORTH BROAD STREET rim.AnKi.PHiA. i'i:nna. '? ww? BIG TEN TzzZe XO BE SOLD BY THE ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN Shares of the Common Stock IhCH-C'b SOLD BY AUCTION . m Don't Send to the Factory for tfteUwit? Service Wa Gire the Same Service Here and Sure You Time FRANCIS P. GARVAN, A Alien Property Qwiodiw ; J. 8 J i t ;"get a wmOSZi n.t. J V 1. &;, v - KXf ft. t'H '$"' 3batk wjfVr, ,. ' x'" '" "Y k ifiSffiHflKi&'Slg?