.3.7," TV' V .& '"?wr- H N - ,i I-'" '5 Evening public ledger Philadelphia, -Wednesday, jtjne is, ioio ,.r 25 rsw- w, $ :--&z !!& SEATj ESTATE TOIl BALE Possession at Settlement SOIftJ. lnih. 10 roomi eay terms. 181T Jtt. Vernon. 12 rooms. 2 baths! 3Sil09; 18(11 Van Pen, 0 rooms: corner. SeSB Old York rd., 10 rooms! porch. Cor. 18th & Green, double front SOxlOO. MM N. 10th. Dutch hall, electric llohts. 10 . rnima 84SN.. 22d, 11 rooms! brownstonei corner. 1601 Winter. 8 rooma! contrail Improving-. IBID Bhamohln. R rooms! 1700 rent. $18. po N. 10th. 10 roomri easy terms. 8218 Oreen it.. 10 rooms! eleaant larce lot. H2 rowel ton ave., 2 ators's porch front, lent llutler. 2 atory: porch! D rooms. 444-40 Earlnam. 2 aloryi porch front. 380-88 nidca ave. stores and dwelling!. 2712 French. 2 story. 7 rooma. ' Hibbard B. Worrell & Co. KM N. 17TH ST. TO IIOMB miYKRH rOSSKHSION 885 N. 27th at,. 3 story 3200 2210 OMen rt., 2 story 8331 N. Grata at., 2 story, porch.... 1010 Drown at., 3 story 2801 N. Howard at., 3 atory 282.1 N, Sartatn at., 2 atory 2200 N. 11th. atom and dwelling... . 104 Snyder ave., 2 atory, h. vr,, dec. 849 N. Hambrey at.. 3 story TAULANF1, 000 WALNUT ST, 2400 3700 2000 2000 22IMI n.vin MOO 2200 HOMES NEAR BOULEVARD Choice Hat for nale; neveral havo Barago or - room for Karaite, rhone or wrlto J. T. JACKSON CO. cA'f ,T3tht BOULKVARD miANClI OFFICIO Wain Hun ave. and noulcvard. Wyoming 800. Park 1344. JS48.74.70-78 JASrEIl ST.. 183S-40-42 K. -.Venango st, 7 roomB and hath, porch front! Vi square from proposed Fronkford 1, atatloni a stonesthrow from beautiful liar rowiratn Park. UHO. B. LllsnKRMAN. 3422 TVankford ave. Frankfort 1883. Ask for Mr. Proa. , 2,t2W.A,'NUT 8T" 24xT2.fl ft. . ., ., 1322 Locust at., cor. Juniper, 20ltO ft. 2123 Epruco St., 20x104.0 ft. JOHN B. MAGEE Weal EM. Trust Tlldn. Tel. Walnut 8844, S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. Lot 24x103: half sauare from Parkway. JAMES D. WINCHELL 1TTII AND HANSOM 1841 N MTU ST Large lot; very reason able prlco; will mako a pood delicatessen store: right location for same. 8AMI'KL HLMl'SON 727 WALNUT ST.. Philadelphia INSimANCB, NOTARY TH'IIT.IC Extensive Chestnut St. Frontage near 17th: suitable for hotel, theatre or any large retail line: rignt price ana icrms. t T lAPfcnM rr chestnut J. X. jriUWUM J. AND 1.1TH COLORED BUYERS 2rt19.1 tvr"aprrTT7r vn r .... ...... "- uu iuvituunii i- luuius, tuiivn., each J1800: 1027 Nicholas. 0 rooms, handy SSE , -UU. WM. Ij. UHAVEN'H SONS AMiv i-ciumnia ave. 1025-1027 CHERRY ST., cor., 40x08 ft. 024 Callowhlll St.. 10x120 ft. 881 N. Otlt st., 10.0x70 ft. JOHN B. MAGEE Real Est. Trust Wdg. Tel. Walnut .-,.'i44. 717 N. 17TH RT Handsome 3-story apt. house. J2000 cash: live In 5."," anArtmcnt free: other 2 pay carrying charpes and re duction expenses; act uulrkly. V. X. DE AJi? . West End Trust Hide., or KOEHLER ft CO . 1420 Chestnut St. Phone Locust 079.1. Several Locations on Parkwav Also beat-located corner. Just off Parkway. iuuaiuv, ripe Hir jminea'.lio improvement. J. T. JACKSON CO. CIIBSTNIIT AT 13T1T ?.bj..co,1i 13th and Allegheny ave...l7.'on 222.v IU9 "v."l 2700 8283 N, rtandolph st 1750 03-0-11 Luray; have garage: each 47O0 CHA3. L. HIIOWN k Co.. 217 S. nnOAo' 8TIt ST., s 1701 Modem new 3-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms, Dutch hall, hardwood floors, gaa and electricity, combination range; ;J8000: caav terms. STRATTON. 303 Chest nut st. Phone Lombard 4117. 1633 N. 17THST. U-room rtwg. : main street: mod. conva. : 2 bathrooms: good opportunity to secure a home. Wm. L. Craven's Sona, 2010 Columbia. 2029 N. 20TH ST. iNear Diamond (corner) 12 rooma. modern .conveniences, possession; price reasonable. m. L. Craven's Sons. 20111 Columbia nve. DON'T "Just list" your properties for sale. 1 expend money and energy In advertis ing and offer them to prospective mir chasera. For quick results, MALLON, 2841 ... M.ll BK. WANT OFFER. 1035 N. 22D ST.. Three-story, brownstone front. 12 rooms and baths, remodeled for housekeeping ants. CllAS. L. HltOWN & Co.. 217 S. imOAD DAUPHIN ST., 1030.12 Two-slory mod ern dwellings. 7 rooms; good order: large yards; J3100; iy terms. STRATTON. 805 Chestnut st. Phone Lombard 4147. 30 8. 11TH ST.. -t-story front. 20x70 ft.: 11 rooms and 2 baths, steam heat: large room.: good order. CHAfT L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Tlroad. NEAR Front and Allegheny, 7 mod. houses; will sell separately; 12475 each; carrying charges about $10 per month; easy terms AMERICAN REALTY. 141 K Walnut 1711 N. HOWARD, 1712 N. Hope, house In rear: sell cheap. Descano. 1.110 Dickinson. ITALIAN SECTION. S. l'hlla. Six roomsT underdralned. SMITH. IMS Point Ilreexe. 2726 GEOROE Five-room ,lwg. . prlcn reas Wm. L. Craven's Sons, 2011) Columbia rvb. 1711 N. HOWARD. 1712 N. Hope, house In rear: sell cheap. Ueeeano, 1010 Dickinson. Ilnlldlng Txita. ractoirr Sites. Bte FOR SALE A lot on river bank and canal. 800 ft. front by 00 ft. through canal to river section: suited for manufacturer; with water power, JOHN J. FOR AN, 4410 Cresson st. ITES. RAILROAD Fenna. and Reading; 12000 per aora aad up. according to loai tnmilre for terms. Dlstrlch. 787 Walnut. FACTORY-site. 63x143; adjoins Ta. freight: light 4 aides. SMITH. 133S Pt. Dreeze ave. River Front Properties DELAWARE RIVER BOO ACRES; 27 FT. WATUS, It B. McCOLLUM 1218 CHESTNUT ST. Storm ana Tlwelllnrs 30nr AND COLUMBIA AT5. PRICB REDUCED: large atoro and dwelllne; good business location. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS zoil) Columbia ave. t3 N. 2D ST. Three-story store and dwell- -si tit.o uusniFKn lucaiion, CHA. L. HROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad. 800 AJJD 801 FIRTH ST. Six rooms each and store: low price. Wm. L. Craven'a pons, aini uoiumnia ave. 727 S. 10TII ST. Store and dwelling. Samuel Simpson, 727 Walnut st. WEST riHLAllBLr-IlIA B638 IIADFIELD ST. Two atory. porch, laundry, hot-water heat, elec, parquetry floors throughout: vacant. See R. W. LOWRY TAULANB, 000 Walnut at. $3750 B75S..Bodma! atreet; 7 rooma; steam heat. YONKBR tt BON. 317 South Both street. B40 S, 48TH ST. Cor. property. 12 room. 2 . pains, gooq conumon inrougnoui; posses ion 80 days: price 10500. II. E. ENNIS t CO. , imiioiin tuaK. Teiepnone Hpruce 210 74 PORCH HOUSES BARGAINS: SINGLE OR ROWS SILRER. 2123 N. 11TH ST. DIAMOND 0845 PARK 4024 A 13700 EXCELLENT 3-aty. house and store. good position for buslneea. near W. Fhlla. ata. : newly painted and papered: great aao. GEORGE WATSON. 32473240 Chestnut at! CAhl'ENTEU ST.. 5800 block. 0 rooms and bath, hot water heat, gas and electric light; see thla and act; price $5000; DONALD A. WINTER. 8740 Christian at. Woodl'd 2098. Weat 434BA. FINE corner house, exclusive: 40th at. sec tion: room for garaged with garden to pare;. owner will tftcrlflce for quick sale. Urlnnan. 0017 Haverford ave. t 1470 N. WILTON ST. 0 rooma and both: immediate possession: .priced .13000; little cash req.: dandy home. In per, cqn. Harry 8. Miller. 5200 Lancaster av BALTIMORE AVE. above 48th t.. hot-water heat, elec. lights, good location for pro fessional man; cheapest house in row. .njci. AuitDdn mna. wna xiammara ave. tSOO BLOCK, Norfolk it., modern throughout . price $4000, Remember "CROSS" stands for all that's "good." 50th and Larchwood. M00' BLOCK CATHARINE 8T. 8 rooms. jn,i iiuvuf uir,unjiD, vilceu eoouv. nil y. ..mien, unv nnstian at. 6-?aLOCKREINHAHDT ST. 30 HOUSES; XOOD SPECULATION OR INVESTMENT xurtivrjii nun. ait w. DUllt HT.. MODERN 1231 U.Blst st.i S story, side yp'IT, e.Toa; ALtJkn POTTS. 40OB Baltimore BU0 ADDISON ST. Eight rooms, splendid AM lllll fl MIHAU 4VA MbA-Ja tk rsivrtiv cuiuutiuni iiinucuiAia uupneniiuu. KMlMZiCtW tviqil ixjjtnAN. oja npruea at Ha 80-42-44-6-84 DEWET ST. 0 rooms. 4L. .Ixsi tlTOR bath) price S2723. UHAUI A. WINTER. S740 Christian at. MU8FRyCB,8J Eight rooms, bath. eleo. light. U BOYIJI.N, 252 8. 00th at. BOOO BLOCK. Osage ave.. Or. tt bath: newly painted. Rally. 201 N. Broad st, Room 203, 811 M. BTIt(oor. Reno 7 rooms; to settl ' estate. JOHN DEIBHKR. 22d and Tasker. (in., jfti p vou nna tvuuuienu byBu o rooms, , i porch! possseslan. Smith. 1588 Pt. Breese, Batiarcj Tto , UVS ut- rlD for tiaorovemMiti aslun. ast. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY L TACTORIUS Manufacturers, Attention! Do not wait until the peace treaties are signed That is only a question of time But noiv is the time to get into a modem plant, so that you can share in the great indus trial activity which is coming , UP-TO-DATE FACTORY FOR SALE Ideal as to Location find Kquipmcnt: Eric & Scpviva Sts. On Main Line of Pennsylvania R. R. In Northeast Section of Philadelphia Plot of about seven acres of land, about one-half of which is covered with group of manufacturing buildings, each fully equipped, with approximately 150,000 square feet of floor space; now power plant; railroad siding on property; low 'insurance rate; immediatte possession. FINANCE & TRADING CORPORATION 43 Exchange Place New York City WIC1T PIIILADIXI'IIIA Biggest Bargain in West Phila. JO70O 0543 Florence nve.; "Olbson Hullt"! hot-water heat, electric llsht, parquetry floors, enclosed porch and sleeping porch. 'LAMBERT & McDERMOTT 40.1 N. 03I ST. lll'Y A GOOD HOUHH otth st . hot. Klnpsesslnjr A Oroenway avos. Wamplo hoive, 200 8. 07th st. $20.40 actual monthly carrying charges Entirely MODERN throughout whlto enamel and mahogany flnNli. psrnuetry tloora. elec tric llRhts, newest thing In fixtures and a porch up to the minute. See these houses today op writ1, call or phnne nnilAHH ICI.CTCH. 1201 Cho.tnut st. W. PI1I1.A. LIIAUINO RKAL.TY DBALLItS 700 hlk. S. ,".7lh at., modern, bargain; 0132 Chanccllot at. vacant anon. 1.1000! 4000 blk. Hp. (innlon, vacanl. reasonable; 200 blk. H. 8Sth St., 11 rooms and buth: HCIO N. 38th st,. cor., to "rooin bare; 320S-UI Market at., bus. site, 2 fronts, oon. 3:M at. atatlon. reasonable. -, THOMPSON k COVHNTRT 727 S. MHi st. Wood. 7137 TO 1IOMR ltITYKP.R mssr!HSTny B058 Hadfleld at.i.h.-w.. elec: vacant.$4000 700 block 8. Cecil St.: 2 story, porch. 2700 B300 block Angora ter. : 2 atory. porch, ano 700 block H. Alden at.: 2 story, porch. 2700 22R N. Hobart at.: 2 story, porch.... 2200 K019-2I Market at.; 3 story, porch; each onno 3020-31-33-41 Harper: 2 stv., bk.. each 2100 TAt.'LANB 000 Walnut St. S123 HOOPnS ST. Dandy home, with extra-largo rooma: very convenient location. Apply on premises or phone 0erbrook 7070. 4 AlVt flcntrn Avo 3-slory, 11 rooms 'M.DJ USage AVC Llvlnu hall. Tlot-wnter heat iter heat, electric lights: nbout to b cnoftte-l, white enameled finish, etc ne L. Townsend S'uniumorfave thor. rcnoftte-l Eugen MATCH IT IF YOU PAN 5000 I1LOCK WEBSTER RT. SflOOO Ijoeatlon unsurpassed; 4 lANlrms., elec. h.-w. heat. SAMPLE HOl'SE OPEN. MUM WIJII 8TER. Agent nn premiies or REMEMBER "CROSS" standi for nil that's "UOOD." COIbnnd Larchwood ae 210 S. 44TII ST., excellent location: 3 story, 10 rooms, good, big lot; price low for quick sale WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS, 38th and Chester ave. 2.12 S. HIRST ST. Six rooms, bath, laun dry hot-water heat, electric light, par quetry floors, extras: price $1200. rhAKKB, l!,tl S. Willi St. J4ul0 Main Btreet: 1 su. from r,2d and uirnrcl; side-yard home. 4 bedrooms: 1m medlale poHKesslon. STITART CLAOHORN. 54th and (llrard Bel. r,47. IF YOU CAN SEE what I can see. vou'll buy theso 32 from me. 0100 block De Lan. coy st. Remember "CROSS" stands for nil that's "OOOH." .'flth and Larcliwoml ave. THREE-FAMILY aparlment house, rented 1300 per month, including 4 private garages In rear. JAMES 1 WINCHELL. 17th & Pnnsom sts. 0 PORCH-FRONT ci-room houses, sido yard, ateiiut heat, electric llBht, hardwood floors; convenient to (10th st. L. HOYLAN. 2."i H, 00th st. CORNER r.OI) AND SPRINGFIELD AVE Three story, modern in every partlrular; quick possession: garngo privilege; $7500. DONALD A. REDDING 5130 Chester nve. 0540-42 WOODANIJ AVE. Stores and apart ments, tho coming business section; buy now at the old prices. . F. RYAN. 3008 Market !. 2311 N. ROHINSON ST. Two-Btory 7-room porch dwelling, hot-water heat; convenient location. JAMES V. WINCHELL. 17th and Hansom Pts DESIRAI1LE 2-story corner residence, 1 sq. from L; main St.; elec; apace for garage; $4700: possession. Empire Trust Co., 44th and Lancaster. tOnO South 71st St.; 7 n PtUW bridt dwelling: h.-w. rms.. stv. h.. elec. light: mod. LOFLAND. 7121 Woodland ave. A ROW OF HOUSES Old rent 112; new rent 15: price $13.10. each clear. SEE MATTHIAS ABOUT IT, N. E. Cor. B2d and Arch sts. 1010 S. SXTII ST. The last word In build ing, finished In mahogany and white, mod ern In every wny: nn end house with the air light of a comer: price $0300. YONKER & SON. 317 S. 50th st. ' EXAMINE 1002 S. 43th st : modern 3-story dwelling; also a very desirable corner Btore and dwelling: several other very real bargains- possession In near future. SIIER WOOD. 223 S. nroad st Phone Walnut .117. $3500 Upward KSm",UAN W. EARL YONKER C7th " APARTMENTS FOR RENT crrv The William Penn Apartments orrouTUMTi. For further information address Subscription Agent. 206 Penfield Building, 1328 Chestnut Street PHONE WALNUT 7235 JOHN SAPP, DEMOBILIZED DOUGHBOY He Almost Had a Job VIMTER (. WAITER; MfeiS (IF I OOHT VJORtC V GVSSS I "riETTcrri. 'WMMr S ' HEEDED. . A W. vioNDERi. w' i J gmm I soon rU TARVr? ro f freeze on -to that y MmM waiter BUT i just couuo -BTi a t ismiM Ieath. as a waiter. ) j5ilSai i J"OB "FoT5s- A wHit-e M VMMWrn- ONE C0ME BAe t wonder-- -aI iV? 0G"HesStr. ZL l fflw ziz---f yhjmJM, "tfayN .. ":'as lrstHee( )fe: &a mW" REAI, E8TATE FOR SALE l'ACTORir.S wust rniLAHKi.rniA $47 A MONTH INCLUDING GARAGE Own Your Own Home M MINUTES TO CITY HALL -- NO CHANGE OK CAUS ONK FIVE-CENT FAKE Brand-new semi-detached stone homes, hesrt loca tion in Philadelphia, high class, convenient. Four bed rooms on second floor, ars every two or three minutes, day and night. Only $750 cash and $47 monthly carrying charges and a small payment each month to reduce your mortgage. Apply to Builder and Owner, on premises, daily and Sunday, at 69th St., di rectly opposite the terminal of Market Street Elevated. JOHN H. McCLATCHY BUILDER AND OWNER, 848 LAND TITLE BUILDING McClatchy's New Overbrook Homes With Garage, $500 Cash $36 a Month Carrying Charges .Tust hclne built. New homes; high - clnss nnlKhborhoorl ; every m o rl p r n nppolntmont ; attractive porch front ; tile bath with shower, real open fireplace for logs, hot water lieat and a gnrago that will save you IflO month. Only $3G a montli rarryln)? changes and a small amount monthly to reduce your mortfrape. Come out today. Take Marltet St. Elevntcd to C3d St., ftee pass on 63d st., north to Lebanon ave. (1100 north). One flve-c-mt fare, walk two blocks to 65th and Lebanon ave., where these attractive homes are located. They aro sure to please, JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder and Owner BUT TOL'R HOJir. hi tho new Overbrook section, where it will Increase In value; no chance of depreciation here; Marshall's new homes; suburban effect; twin Porches, stucco fronts: 0 rooms and bath, with all latest conveniences: situated on Marlyn road north of Lebanon ave ; a 72-foot-wlde boule vard, with a parkway In center planted with a variety of trees and shrubbery; the price Is J00U0; a neighborhood of 112,000 homes; come out at once, as there are only a few left for Immediate occupancy: transfer north on 03d st. to Ixjbanon ave.. walk west 1H blocks, JOHN- J MARSHA1.I.. builder and owner. 1113 Marljn road. Helmont 3132. $3500 FOUR BEDROOMS Biff 2-story porch and lawn-front homes, with brick laundries: nice wide street: seil lng fast so act quick. 3b00 block on Trinity street. ' William L. Craven's Sons R8TII AND CHESTER AVI? POSSESSION 232 Paxon. 2-slory dwelling. Porch. 8 rooms, laundry: J3700. Emntre Trust Co., 4 4th and Lancaster. APARTMENTS FOR RENT nr( Individually Owned Co-operatively Managed If you wish to own an Ideal borne, purchase an apartment la The William Penn which will he built In the vicinity of Rfttenhouee Square. $5300 to $15,000 where you are your own landlord, CONVENIENT TERMS All outalde rooms; kltcheni and laundries electrically equip ped. No matter what the apartment rate you may pay, you could not obtain a better location or a finer apartment In this or any other city. Absolutely fireproof and modern In every respect. YOU MUST ACT IMMEDI. ATELY IK YOU WISH TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS ' ' ; : . ?r5?- REAI ESTATE TOR SALE .VEST l'lllLAIIKLl'TllA Wm. H, W. Quick & Bro., Inc. R POfTH 40TH ST. REALTORS 0r the following properties, subject to prior eale: Larchwood Ave., W. of 46th nearly new, 3-story semidetached house, containing In rooms, 2 baths, living hall, hardwood floors. etc. lights, hot water heat, sun parlor; a ruro oppor tunity. 4624 CHESTER AVE. Three-story, twin reairienre. newly pa pered and painted, situated on main jlreet and can bo bought for less than 93? SO. ST. BERNARD ST. nieyen-room dwelllne. near 40th St station, rontalninx 0 rooms. 2 baths, elfc lights, hardwood floors, hutch hall; possession upon abort notice. room rhvrlUnir, nnr ' rontalnintc " rootn, ints. hRi-ilwnar, floor, I)i on unon nhort notice. 4220 STILES ST. alrmount Turk. rhftne ry lioun in icoM roud front porch, deep lot Near Pairmount Park, rhance to buy a 0-tory house In Rood condition: 10 rooms, front porch, deep lot for less than S3000. 40TH & PARRISH STS 14230 will buy a 3-story, red brick, porch-front property. 11 rooms, rented at $10 per month, monthly lease. r a 3-eto perty. 11 ith . montr $8000 t utory. n citc light untrtr, h Ir-atM to. t- . n- n . .... . equipped with ,.ee llahts, 2 baths and heated bv hot ust"r, hardwood finish; raur.ot lie nupllr-ntel today. 4036 SPRUCE ST, Why look further" Attractive home; up-to-dato appointments; elec. Ilffht: oak floors; Inclose,) porch, lot 2,"i10r, ft. to street In rear. Ide.il end conv. location; an Inspection will lomlnce sou. Membe-s Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard Phone Preston 23S7 Tomorrow and Inspect These Homos 4726 Springfield Ave. Bargain 3-Story Corner Dwelling Possession July 1st JAMES D. WINCHELL 1 7th and Sansom Sts. SEVERAL MODERN HOMES S4000 TO t4S0O They will prove most Interesting proposition for tho homo buyer. YONKER & SON ' mm NEAn 5BTII AND I.ANRHOWN1I AVI3 4jOO. 2 story, II rooms sldo jard; room for ?.,",Fagf': mo'lrn nlumhlnBi first mortuajrn IJOUO: possession at settlement in 00 days a ii". a.M.i.Aniinn 32d and Warren osiii PARKsinn ave. o . ,0vterl00.kl,n? t'a'rmount Park Semidetached brick dwel in 12 rooms and bath; lareo yard; lot :t7-,x13.t ft.. Irreiu- lar: occupied liy owner prf, ruht for 1mm. sale Harry S. Miller. r,200 Lane ave OKRMAVrWVX On Lincoln Drive At McCallum St. On tho only residential drive in Philadelphia and in tho best location in all that beautiful, hifjhly-thought-of section. Colo nial, all stone, cool, unusual green tile roof, G bedrooms, 3 baths and on a handsome big lot, 250 feet deep. The price is $18,500, needs only 2000 crish down and the balance o n convenient terms at convenient times. Quick action, though, if you want this home. John H. McClatchy Land Title Building . House open for Inspection every day including Sunday. 1 NOW BUILDING I S RBATTTIKUTj NKW DGTACIIRD g HOUSE l.rlne -built on roulter at.. Is Qupcn Lano Manor; Ideal fur a small family; ft bdrooma, It bathn and all J the latent impnvements; will be com- p pleted about Auffust 1, Harvey Street G n.ween Wayne and Greene iktach(l Ii! pi house with 12 lame rooms, ri baths, 3 j eletrlc lightf crounds with old shade: f g room for Karate. rg I 5513 Morris Street 3 13 rooms, bath, white enamel finish, if gl electric llsht; lot 172 feet deep. w fj Arbutus Street "S In tho Lincoln drive st'Imp, modern g aemUletachrd houftp. lo rooms. - f3 a baths, hardwood floors, flprirlc lljrht, tg rp hot-wnter heat: possession Sept. 1. bn GLYND0N PRIESTMAN 1 (3 5007 (IKHMANTOWN AVE. b) g OWN VOTO iiomi: g QSEIfflaiEJSiarajrgrgjgijjpja'iD 1 STENT0N S H A tew desirable house, ranclnr In m g price from llo.nOO up, and ready for H M immediate occupancy: open every day, W p Ineludlntr Sundays; trains to Stenton H S Station, Tteadlnir, Chestnut Hill dlvl- O g Blou, or drive out Stenton ave. to 0800 I? B north. B Mauran, Dolman & Co. N. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut ft3 iiiiniiniiiiii!iiiiiii!ii!iiini!iiiiio;ii:iii!ii iHliillllUIQ LINCOLN DRIVE LOTS Choice bulidlne lots with frontaae from 30 feet at the right spot at the rlslit price. Handy to Carpenter Station. T. JACKSON CO. THKHTNCT AT 13Tlf 4354 WAYNE AVi:. Three-stnry brick 10 room house; nil Improvement, l'j Hfiuarrs to Wayne Junction Station. o.M)0. possesitlon may x had September 1. iltlli WM. T. n. IlobertM & 8on.nti-nsMe V "" $101)0 5301: WAKKKJKM) ST $-1 000 Receptlon-hall home. U rooms uid brith. hot water heat, laundry tub. Apply HlL'l) Ureene at Qtn. i'f2 J ATTIIACTIVK IIOIIKs Modern; larare lot conv. to stores, train and trollesa. best section of Oermantown II. B. I Unnls It- Co. Bulletin Bldg. Spruce 2210 108 . SUAHPNAUK ST. Modern s looms and bath, possession 30 das. price $3non. H. K. KNNIS, & Co.. Ifulletln Jlulldlnu Tel- epnooe porucw ;.i, 011011 SIIKHMA.N 8T. Modern; coiueniont . catlun; 8 rooms and bath. poseyin ;io days, prlco S3000. II. K. KNNIS b CO. Hulletln Hulldlng. Telephone Spruce 2210 K. MT. IM.KAHANT AVE, (near Sedawlek Station: 2 baths; mod. : puss. 30 das II i: Knnla & Oo:. Hulletln Illd. Ph. Spruce 2210. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rilliMTSHT 1111,1, Just What You Are Looking For , . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Itl nrft Wi'ft.-tn nt f'haaftiiit ITitl ilnna tmiii tint ffnracc $o.(xio tif.nt nurrnumllrieK: 12 room. .1 i.ritiirt Rnrrtjfo h,i room for i cnrn H10u Hlfpniiii; niiiirtrm. rutntn nnvlnu to flrll now ynt i itnstruetlon; jiardwooil flnorn. tlli-rt nftjni, pnpprr throughout on rnofsj sen It tody. ltnnifdlato rwces,'Irn. J. T. JACKSON CO. ZV?T STONE COLONIAL HOUSE Onratro iiml -l nrrf; hoiif rontnlnn 11 rooma ft fid ;t hatha, KariAire for 4 cara. oltl ihadc, fruit t.ri-o flH.noo. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE H1.IH1 OAK LANK iKHj" B lli'n IU1!l!B!ir!B!lll,.lailll!Bil!Hin IBiUia ENGLISH CORNER Ml i y ffl OAK LANK Strictly modern house g mth clertrlo llillt. hot-water heat, H hmlnood floor, vaeuum cleanrr. -I hatnbira. ateeplmr porch. 3 hath on n (rcoiid floor; Karaite with maifa iuar- r "re and bath; nbundance of ahruh- H herv and flow era; three etrcet fronta. 1 E. A. HAVENS CO. I B 111 R LAND TITLi: nflLDINO K l'HONK HPfll'Ci: 3213. m Hi'ii Biu'inmrflnwiniiR!!!! s'liiiaiKBiiii MODERN HOUSE 12 rooma nnd 2 hat hi, between train and troll-y prim $18,000. HERKNESS & STETSON land titt.i: ni.nn High-Class Oak Lane Bldg. Lots Wo have a Inrun nnd compltq Hit, full Plain and particular nn file. J. T. JACKSON CO. m!" llranch Office. Oak Lane jjt Station SKMIDUTACHIJD. all "etotie. tn'room. 2 hatha, hot-wnter hnt. electric llaht. hardwood floorn; thl heaMtlful home for Mtgno to ettle eetate. M '120, I.editer OfHce S f i iKD I'llOI'KUTY. with dwellme. at Olad- wyn, Pa.. JIO00. HAMUS Ileal Estate, opposite etatlon. Narherth, Pa. 6330 CITY AVC, Overbrook. P I,ot 115 400 ft , J30.000. HAnniS. Ileal Kltate. oproslte .tntlon Narherth Pa. TIOfIA 2231 HUNTING PARK AVE. . Prt eh-front nron i riii!. . uii-u inre-- ,nni. in .. i i . . j ( niuenlentlv located: modern Impnuenicnti. Wnt I, Craven'a Son. 2(110 Columbia. o rr.NXSYT.VANiA nrnr.it han iiuihuul,l,iu ' " ..wwwu WITH DOlMlLi: LOT In Rood condition, contalnlnc on the flrt Ow-ellin. -ery heat lociti, n of Melroe floor lartcc lHlna: room, open fireplace, hall, P.irk. hot-water heat. eleMnr liirht hard den open fireplace, dlnlnK room, pantry, wood floor' front nnd aide lonh. price elt.hen and Iniindry; eecond floor. 4 l-ir,- fls.ooo. prompt pocslnn bedroom 2 baths, linen closet nnd BlttlnK T "r TAri'CnM rf CllCSTNl'T room; third floor. 4 bedrooms, bath, store- J. 1. J-VV-I0-n K,J. AT 13TH room, old-fashioned porches, one cf whkh I O.ilt Lane Office, Opposite Statlcn i incioea. plenty oi hiiuuo uwa h.m.' and stable, 2 acres; 30 minutes from (. ny Hall, train or motor. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLI! HUILDINC '. WE OFFER MANY HOMES IiAHIlV. COI.WYN. COLLINODM.K, SILMION HILL, ALDRN. OLKNOI.DBN, 1 AN.SDUWNII AND NOnWOOD $2000 to $60,000 Quick Possesion on Manv IIALLAS. (!01 Main St . Darhv iCoiNTUY HOM13 with 3.1 '!" of land; ; slandipf; on liiah ground, in-rlonklnK Srhuvlklll valley on wet lde and Wla hiikon valley on iat elde, .ithln5 In I tlrst-da order: onlv 1 mile from Chi-Mtult lltll JOHN .1 l-'(ilt.. Din i reson at. ltlJAHTII'l'L 1'LACK. with 3 iierea Krounil. ll-iooni stone and fratno house, outbulld Inir. plenty of fruit. 3 minutes' waits from Iirr-el Hill; convenient to train and trolley. p"e J1.1.0O0. JA.MKS A. IIliALY Drcxel Hill. Lanadowne 3:,2 IMMISDIATK POSSESSION Well-built ln-roum brick bouse. late roof, all convenience; pood location: price I0SOO. JAMF.S A. IIliALY. Drevel 1 1 III- Lan- tlowne 3.",.'. . LAIHIK new bungalow, with 2 acres, over looklnsr Mill Creek Valley: 817.000. HAK- niS. real estate, opposite, station. Narherth. Pa. 10 MINUTI'.S from iwih t 0-room de tached brick, with uarace and I acre of ground: Inimed. po ; priced for quick sale. UYN .lOOt Market st. STL'CO and frmii dwelling, 11 rnom-i. hot watpr heat. Kn. flfctriclty; lot f.OxlUS; inlnuti? from J!Mh Ht. Terminal: $7r.00. (SKO I.. ItAU.Miy. i-0 ' npHinut at. COrN'TUT homo, lft"mllp"i from Phlla., 7 IlllieH irOIII . IH"tlt.'l i uuimun in .'itiiiB, I-' nrro fjrnutid. ltt rooms; inoJrn house. Ilrlnk HhHilv Sld Lima, Pa Suhnrhnn Lot 110xH2 FKIST, In finest eectlon of Lan downe 1IAII.KY. 201 N. Broad. Iloom 203 lliilldlnr IaAh -23x131. Providence and Svca- FOUII LOTS mere nve Alden, Delaware Co . Ta make nlTer ISAAC HAlllt. 2230 nilnhrblge, ARDMimiS 17000 Two and u half story, frame. bed room and bath second door, 2 rooms third floor, lot 30x1.10, WM A MrCrtBA Ardmore, Pa, 3:,00 Three atory, stono and frame. 10 room and bath, laundry; lot 10x130: Im mediate pohelon WM. A McCItlJA Ardmore. Pa CHL'HCII HD.. I2room stone dwelling, '4 acre, old shade, good 'irroundlnir: reaon able price. CIHO. M. A.MAN. I21S Clieslnut. llKICIC dwelilnic: beautiful location, near train and trolle : 14300. WM A McCItl'.'A Ardmore. P.i nnnnKLiNR DKTACHKD rooaern home. 2"j stfry brick, hut-wuter heat, fc'as; farage, ct.. . J0300, convenient trrn WM J OIT. TIrnoWInc, !. CI.IITtlN C(K! 11U.SINKMS LOCATION on Italtlmoro He.; lot of traffic; suit any buslnes In I Re store and 0-rooni dwelling: lot 43xH0 prlco JS000. JAMKS A. 1IKALY. I'.nrmon' ave. Drexel T 1 111 Lansdnwne .112 cni.WYN &1tCf( Immediate winn brick dwellings, tPUUU - room on(1 bath- lot '-'."ixlOO LOKIiAND. 121 Woodland ave IIVMVYI. 20 MINCTnS niOM CITY HALL New Stone Houses With Garages IM.li:t)IATC rOSSLSSlOV Superb conslructlon. 12 i om o baths, 0 bedrooms, lireplace. larire I lots, snruonery, etc.; papenns ana lixturea our selection. $2500 Cash Required I OPI'.N VOn INSPKCTION 3' Jas. E. Dolan & Company E CYNWYU. PA PIIONK CYNWYI) 7'.2 imm.immmininnn.ini. LMMKfjIATi: I'bSHESioN- Detuche.1 stone and fratno houie, 11 rooms and 2 bath. , occupied (1 montliN: lot 02x100. Hie minutes to station; exceptional opportunity i JAMKS R. DOLAN & CO.. Cynwvd. pa, $10.5011 Store olid stucco home. 10 rooms, 2 bath, pantry, laundry, hot-water heat, Jan. et, lri.il, lot 50x225. I WM. A McCItEJA. Ardmore. fa. I ".- "" . -.- ronvrlsht inio b. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IT.NNSVLV.XNIA snmitllAV ISA ST LANHDimXIi ttfnn Hlon hot-wnlcr heal, large room. , stono lirpplftiT. sl'i" and rcrcen ivr(h. fhnde lirlik 1300(1 mil liull'I ftore frmil. (rnriiRe ptmf an, other, lots J. W Hoop''. Kn1 LTnlnun" ri.TSIVJ PATIK Mncl A(ffnr.f,,n lM,f Ta T ivn iiuui. Mium.uit mui juu uaigt A heiiutiful i:nitlieh corner home, not Urire. hut mot nttrnrtlv..; Iieautlfnl uroumla with rlenty or hruhlier . unraue for 2 enre. with ;m.?frtT',ilM,7; "fojlrnt ronillllon: now ik- cui'leo hv owner, reduced crlee J'JP 300. I T TAriCnM rr CHI:STNL'T J. 1. JrAV.IOU! V.VA AT ,;,T,t fakLa!io offl.-e opposite etatlon. TOKT V SIIIXfTOX .MAN'HION llfil'MK. Is V..01111, 30 eerce! verv dlrnhle: nenr trnln nnd trolhy. KK.N XBiir. loni cho.tnut. di.r.NsiDi'. UIJAt'Tirt'L Cojonlnl tMie dwir . "blc llvlns room, real flrrplHcn k other room, hard wood floor. Inrc- led : a icjl hnraaln. 17730 otlnT from Jlililo up, Send for llet. W. T H UOli:tiT tjio (lltnl( Pa Ill.KUANT hiilldlnir elte dn Willow (!ro . plke .(1x223 nil Imp !llh-clan aurround ln. tl40u other from S.123 up. VVMT II IKHIKItTM ft ,ON (llenelde. Pa. Ililllillnc Lota PUmiUSON's Noith'tllenalde plot Lane i lot. .-. to jl.-ill. eaev term, rreo title Inaurancc eernpe ftnm hluh city rent. , nd ror linoklet FKIlCil'SoN. I-rout nnd York (il.r.MILDUN 2'4-STllllY CilTTAtlll, II luoins, water heal, electricity, laundry trays, china cloct flnlahed io oak and rhtnut ; lot 123x123 a!o Karate and mall dctndicl tnro J00() ri".ir Knicroft elation. SXM'I'i: H SOS', Mil Main Ii-irlu III(ilILNI) rATlK TWIN etu. nnl attl trl(. NOW $11230 i-i 'ind frnine duelling. 7 room , hot-water heat aa and ele. -I'.ril.DINO: lot 37'-; x 1 13, rice II BO. L. IIAIINKS. 1201 Cheatnut t . or ljlalijanil 1'ark. 1'fi illOIILANfrpAltK Twin frim.. (l.lhliB. 0 room., tntli and attic. iol 2.ixl,in. prl . price tetlilt jicii'i i,i;iii(,).; i,. hailni..'. l-ui l m nr lliK'hlnn.l Park. I'd 1UUKI.YV ,MTt'io and franii tlwoiiiuK T ininutv from 00th pt. terminal. t room hot-watrr hfnt. flrr . lot r0xll,.. rio ftlpon (;!;, T. 'AltVl's HlRhlHtul Park. T.lannli ytl I.LAXKIirif lANOK i 12 UOOMH hot-watr haf. pai ntl H"tr! I hnrdwnoit flnnr. tlln hrtth. tiinclcrTi and nr- i lo-d.ltf Tirnnrrlv. nhnnt 1 Vf urit filii with i - .-. : -' . ;-:. - - - tarape. riirni ac Kiaiion. .WM. J nTT.Hrno!c1ln Pa aiKTllSW PATIK ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME MKIUON ' ACRES, hnst port Inn. puhj.rf tn mortRasr of ?2Lrifi(: a hulMinc opportunity: mako offer. noNAI.l) WINTKIl. .17 1 Chrrfan St. UiHHti.nvi 2n:i. v.i -t :-1 r. a NAKItintTII $Son0 To SIO oii'l Now tone hoiie nitlvn.' suburban arrhl teiture. hardwood floor. Ilti.pl.ice hot-water heat electric llffht. neat Mutton. W. D II sii;ih.i;v Narl.erth. I' Dr.siitAiiLi: homks ON Till; .MAIN LINK J4.-.HO I P ' CALDWnLL & CO AT Tim STATION NAItltKHTH. PA IIOCSDa with modern Improvement from $1300 to 830.000 llarrl Ileal Kstate. onpoeite station. Narherth Pa. 5S20O OWNDII leaMnc stato will sell 111 new D-rm. hollow tlln home: paraae. 2 cars; rtrii't mod Hallev, 'ut N, Ilroad. ltnnm 203 KOMtoiiorcn 12 ACItES, Colonial manlon. outbldas: near train; poc. SMITH. 133S Pt. llrecze. KYI) U, Large Stone Colonial House Hnraen nnd ncr- mi hilltop ofrlc.oklns 1 IIunttnKrlon Vulle , hmiso routnlui II rooirn ftntl 4 hathn, heated by hot wuter- Plectrh'ltv 1 and buh, Bftrace for ;i r.irn. upartmentn of ' 4 room Mid Imth for rhnuffetir oer KnraBr; shade, convenient to train and trolley and ' salt llnka. HERKNESS & STETSON LANH TITt.i: IH.IiC A DELIGHTFUL HOME Wth iibundiive ,r had and fhrubh-i.v K" room .1 bath, her. water In-at, L'"a icr. of cround. with beautiful ahrubheiy and 1,'ardcii. Karate fur L' lara. with man room. J. T. JACKSON CO. c,m7W nrandi (ifricc. D,l. r.anc. Opnnilc Station SritlNfiFIRLII TWO of Sprint-Held' c hniceat building lot ror ile at saiiltl, ... l aquare from trolley station, kituateil on hlch uround overlooking the entir.. cl.'velotMnt-nt W I:aLyonk2:i. r,7t, and Thoma. SWAKTIUKIKi: hU VI('lll.ii!K lli.iullrul auhllrban rel denec. within eav . nniinutln ilut.i,,.. -. mile frim I'nlla . 10 mile from Cltv II.'ill. , 'i acris h, .lutlful Kiouud. with old shade aoo Honin'j. r i.iri;,' ,'rcliard inrrlv Iiuit; stable and iririce houe ha io room hnt-u'.'ttir Ik at el. .trie bth' ,tr: extel-1-nt pron.iHlllon f.ir sanatorium or chuol. iirlce .-, i terms , an b. nri.imr-il JOHN .1 MAIl-IIAL'. (lun.r. 1115 M.irhn rd . lneil.ro.il. Phone lielniont .".Ili'J 11-KikiM m.ne .,i rrome dwi: ; modlmii : pns , ;ar'c lot sh.ide fruit- price $111.. (10(1 Km pi re Tr'i.t I 'i, .14th Lama.ter ale wvyni: VKItV destrabl. b.une, liill location, old shade, half a. re. near fcehoul: h nilns. to station; a b.n.ln to Imtiodlatc purchasers. P ,',20, la'dai r Oftbv. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKST IIIII.AIILI.IIIH NASSAU ROAD A CIIAltMINi H" ll'HA WITH nil. llLAt iil't I. .SU Hi I'll ONLY ilSi j- ililipi t ; iiiMiii rnn ' -i ' KNCLOSCD POP,' II !'.'' M Til III: V- KACII IIOt'SK 11R PniVATB DNTIIANCU. t K.NTKIt iMHjItWAiS (COLONIAL STYI.K) CAN DC IIOL'CIHT ON KASY TLIS.MS WIl'H INSPKCTION 1NV1TC1J JAMES N. MITCHELL on uri'icj:. icth and siahmct stiikkts. putii phonks Take Overbrook ur on Arch ttnct. or "I," to Odd strut Pass north to l.ffer con street. Walk east tuo bluiks and north one block Public Ledger Co. : 'Z REAL ESTATB EOR SALE , .MAIS' LINK, , tt S M 'gllWillllBiIlinill.BillllBIIIIHIIIIIBIBlIMIlWll 1 MAIN LINE "to.vi: 'Ion. 7 illLONIM. New. hlsh lora hi'lolHTK. 3 Imlh. & iIN'ril.ISIt STVL15 H-t lornlinir in "hmiiliir", 2 ljnlhi. iirlm $1SOOO. jC i'OLONIAI, M.AN Center ftitranre, K il tlmmli-re. 3 l.nth!: frlco tl'J.uoo. ' P I'LASTI'.Il roLON'IAL 7 rlmmbrs, I bulhs. uruuin h-iit, Karng". IB U UMILIMII COP-NKII Larce lot: S IINIILIMII COP-NKII Larce lot: number. 3 heths, prlr-r, 521, 00O, -iTONII COLONIAL Overlook rnrk. 'i chamhT. 2 tmth. lerwe STrau1 I IB YORK ROAD JtTONIl i OLONIAI Modern coiner, H (I chamlK r. 3 hatha; lot 130x101). WIlITr; PL hTr,rt Modern, n chain bT. ele"phii; iiorth: parace, $H.r0'). ! LLKI.VR PAItK7 chamber, ; bath. 130 ft. frontafr". 122.000. 2 LNc.LISH COHNnit 7 chamber, ft U hath, hot-water heat, lanf warape. gj ALL f)TONB Two t front. S cham 3i her. 3 hatha, tdiower. va.uuni heat. p COLONIAL ST YI.P.--Modern corner. (,-ntcr entrance, S chainher. 4 bath E. A. HAVENS CO. LAND TITI.K Ht'II.DINO PIIO.VU SPULCK f.213 a i II a;ji,En: Bi !! m Bllll HS'B' '?afi:'H;S Ki'ifH, I lBIIBIIBIIll!! $30,000 a Nr:w imvsn and CAriAon on nne u corner lot. . cliamher. H bath apor W acumn hat, electric and aae Ilaht. hardwood floor open fireplace; iraraKe haa room for 2 car with man" room and bath; full particulars by mall. h f 'I Mauran, Dolman & Co. N". E. Cor. I3road and Chestnut. i H ioiniKiiiiiiiiiii; NKW .ILTtSLY srnritnAN ('I.AYTf).V rAIl.MS and dwelllnis at reasonable price; 30 one-acre lots without huildlnn: 3-acre poultry farm with all buildings; 1 acre of land with dwelling with all conveniences; 130 acres, in ncres. 42 acres, 240 acre. 0 acres, 42 acres, 111 acres, 27 acres, 03 acre. 120 ncre. .10 acres 7 acres. IX)L'ia It. LnDDO.V. Clayton. N. J. nDfSEH'ATr.K FOn PALI: Twelve-room 'hou, all con yenlencea; lot 1(10x400; prlco J0O0O. Apply John V Warner. 703 Lincoln ave.. Palmyra. N. ). Hell Phone. IlHerton 1S1 n iiAnnfiNFiKi.il 1IAV11 you stored your fuinlture and boarded for the summer with the idea of irettlne i , n.-tipcr noun m me ran: You II he dlwap' polntl; tho rrl aulutlon In tn get a Int on V Trinlwoo.l Tract. sl?o T.'xir.O ft and np nit rltv (.nn-iilpnp.'B, pinvlo carfnrt and build the kind of house ou want, w-e will finance It for ou sent for Map 3S, book iiinl prlc lis! i:lf.nirii-c s, n.'i r a. C.IIAN. 703 W ilnut at . Philadelphia. ' . p.i.init,i FOrt SALD -Seven room house, conven ience: lut I(i(l2lo. triraip' povelon In 2 week, pri, - J3si,o. Apply John 1. Earner, 703 Llnloln an.. P.ilnnra, N. J. Pe phone, llUtrbill Ifit It ItlVLIlTON I OU SALK Nlne-eom houe convenience hot-water heat . 1, etrb it. . larRe lot. (tar nce; price Sr.snO; immediate po(lon. Ap ply John I' Warn, r 703 Lincoln ae , pal invrn. N. J Phone IlKeitnn 1R4 II SFAVF.I.I. IlKAITlFri. (ountry home. II miles out. 3 minutes to sl.itlon, Ml trains dallv on elec. Inc. Ii-ronni lin.p.. , modern. In line condi tion; larre Krutind rnd One stable nnd car nge. (irlcom. 2lii( Catharine at Phlla. ' xmv .iKBsr.v si: nortr. c.M'i: aivv TWO .1-WTtlltV C(lTTAai:S No. 0 lnilor hc . 10 room and bath. ON IIIIAI'H ITtONT No. t ('.rant t.. 14 room and bath. NKAIt linACIl IlItlVR api'i.v li:a i:stati:. too sansom st. tlCKAN CITY Sanotl Itenutiflil bunK'alow 04 AH'oury ave . Of, an City. N. .1.: fully furnlined. perfect ct iiilltlnn, .May term II K"i:n & SON r.'JOl llnlthoorc ae roNi; iiariiiir I ALL rnol'nitTir.s for rent or sale. Il.ted w'th mc epral bara-aln for ale. Dorr K N'wton N i: cor 3d Walnut Lorn 1103 PENNSYLVANIA rBMH 25 Acres Old-Fashioned Stone ,farni hmic. barn. Mirlnu houe, houe on i hllltnp m.'rlooUi'in lluntlncdon Vallev nnd urroundi d h o!l shad fruit orchard i-pr incr nnd runnlnir tream (onunand un (ui'ally bt.ditiftil ii. w '.j -nnle from railroad 'l..tiur. 11 tnr.' from Plul.i. Citv Hall by tialn ur tnnt. ii , uiivciiii in in pulf nnd hunt ,,ub''' HERKNESS & STETSON . : : I REAL ESTATE SALE OK RENT CHIISTNCT HILL Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent JOSEPHMJENNINGS ciikstni t hill, piiii.a Hell Telephone. ( helnut 1(111 1T.37 REAT. 1 ST A TV WyVNTED YOIK ""ltlJAI. LSTAI'Tl sold" No matter where located r M. KKTTKItS 1517 N Udsewood st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1YKST l'llll,Ii:i.l'IIIAA "MITCHELL'S" OVERBROOK HOMES $7200 liutween 00th and 61st First st. North of Jefferson st. II KLKVATIoN NU SCRIli ! NUED DY HIUHKIt-I'ltKXLI 1IOMKS 3 LEFT ni'II.UKIl ANI1 OWNKIt O. II. LAtinit. ACKNT ON PHEM13KS r.. yt 1 i?Z Cl"7mI " '' -.ifr l r f H iS &BBIIIIM REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 TO ULNT lijr youn fouple, no Vhllflffh, ' 4. . houre with about 3 or 11 rooma; dulre lit 4H I tl.e neUthhorhood of 9th and .Market or !'? ,y' "Wf.."'. fountry. convenient to le -1 vrt 1'"' or I'hlladflohla nnd Western. II S01, Il OnNrinH, llt your houeee with me. bumf I waltlnz. Phone, write or call, I DONALD WINTKIl ,.. . - f,70 ChrlMlan at. I Woodland SOIP Vet Am ML IIAR immediate buyera for reaaonably priced W. l'hlla. properllea. Weat Thlla, Jtnl fcataM CoL, 3000 naltlmoro ave. ACHKA'113 Wanted. iielKhbnrlnir York ro.,1 between Oa-onta and Willow (Irovei atate I ll'LLl'tU? -Ma .Htadlen. 307 Illllletin Hld 1 Plto'l'IIHTIKH wanted 'in H. or W l'hlla: buyv era vialtlne Ham S Home, laih A Svharter( 1 PENNSYLVANIA HPnCBIlAW I HOr.SK wnnted in euliurba: 7 rooms, fur. r.lhed, moderate rent A 23. Idter Office. JKEAL ESTATE FOR BENT Lj CITV FOR RENT s, rr.oons. ok ltOO.Mf or uvi ,,STonKSt rr.oona. oKinrEB nusiN'Eva Uoo.Mf of ijveiiy kind J. A. Patterson. 130 S. 15th St. Ri:NTAr LISTS TUB PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY , ror Insurance on Live and Orantlnt Alt- nultle. j17 Chestnut t. Hoth phones. 2t'.".'" ' L3r 112.1 (ill134H I'lne 14r.J10S.84 ,3Li M 22d.l Ir. 110 07 2117 Pine, 12r 83,34 liki .".' '"-'r' 7" r'0 320 H. 4th,11r. 33.00 -111 ?.'"'" "r l"o.oo 11M Laurel llr 28.00 c23 1tac10r 43.110 724 N. F't.llr. 22.00 STORKS AND DWKLLINOS ;"' f 2d. lr.J40 On 2,-,ir, nid'e. llr-127.00 018 N. 3d. 8r. 21. 00 1201-OO 3 2d,5r. 18.00 raetorle, 3lannfaeliirlnr Tloora FOR RENT 2 FLOORS 20,000 square feet, with or without power. Apply SELTZER BROS. 247 S. THIRD ST. Textiles, Machinists, Ironworkers tSricggvV! fl.i?.rfe.n7o? a&gaat: FLOORS Urge Small . w. nnucR nAnnow. iso n. istii st. retabll.hed 18H0. Pactorlei a tpeclaltr. WILL nitKCT IIL'ILDINO 30.000 to 300.000 square fet for re.ponalblo tenant on lonr lea ntKTHICIf. 737 Walnut. okfiiisinks nonets. BTO. FLOORS 931 CHESTNUT ST. .1 C O'CALLAOIIAN 929 CIIIISTNl'T HT TiiojiroN iiLDii.. iiis.;n chkstnux ai.- Third floor. 50 snuare feet !!';?.,"?,rl'.'1,i'" .rfn,nl' flrproof bulidlne , MfjAHS A HltOWN. 02 .1 15th it. DESIC Iinojl. handome offices. Apply 14U Walnut. Itoom 70.1 ITNNSVI.VANIA SCniTlIlAN HIII)IN(IT(IN 1J HOOMS and bath, porch-front dwelling stable and rarace: old ehade. sprlnir wi- ter. (I acrea 1'enna. Ci.. 517 Chestnut kt FOB RENT FURNISHED wbit I'liiLADin.niiA J I'LY 1 to OCT 15: 4 bedroom, bath. rout aarden and court; attractive aw. completely furnished: referencn ' ''Od I .edKer OfTlce-. rcoulred. OAK LANK GREATLY REDUCErT3 Ven- deslrihle. 12 room; lare lot: roof fo cntlon: 2 aouan from trolley; J223 for a-uson, J. T. JACKSON CO. ci,7 Oakl.ajie Offlc- Opposite Ftlon I'BXNSVI.VA N IA AX-IU'RIIAN MIII'KIIAN ("OINTHY I'LAi'K for rent for eummer rurtuahed house with all modern conven ience, K.uaRc 1' acre. of (rround; Ideal lo cation, on Main Line, "n mile from atatlon Phone lion Mawr 710. ' MKi.misi: r.MtK MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOME 12 room.. 2 bath. ras and electric llihti. hot-vvaler heal . lot 100x250; one fine homi; only J'JO montli i J. T. JACKSON CO. c,A'f.T oHk Lnne Office Opoo.lte station N HIV JKHKKV SI 111'ItnAN MM'LK SIIAPi: MOUKIIN U-room house, runnlnff water. lei-trlo iUht wah trav etc, spacloua . .awn. hade. garden planted, cloae to station i nd trol!c . rent 175 per month. KDWAIID I II CI'TI.L'lt CO Maole Shade. N J. NKW J Kit SKY sKSHnm 'PALATIAL ItKSlIiKNi'i: on Shore road be ( twecn Atlantic City and Seavlewr Golf flub. 12 rooms and 5 hatha, elegantly furn. 1 Address .lohn Wedd Thurn. Aba-con. N. J. MORTGAGES Well Secured First Mortgages jof J2700 and !1000 each 0 per cent Interest for first ear. 514 per cent interest remaining four years; tire and tltlo pnllclea free. Apply ! JOHN H. McCLATCHY ' I SIS LAND TITI.K HLJKJ. Lowest Rate Funds SPUCIAL TRI'ST i-unds FOIl ' (JOOD KIltST mohtoaoes HOIIA'I-: H KltlT 71.1 WALNUT ST. I '110 SbfB OH MORTaAOB immediate settiemenui To Unsettled estate loans Building association fund. HOOD DKMPSBT CO., -1 ri jinn sc $50 Meal estate security. Imme diate "etttement. Int t- estates bought. Cash at onn. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL ,'ia.ft Tsl AND 21) MOKTOAQES lOVNH I ON 1NTKBESTS IN ESTATES JOII N A HHIIY. tm LAND TITLE BLPO; riT'AMOUNTS 1ST ANl 2D MOKTUAQEJ ai.k Quick answer Mf itin: n MATsiNOKit. n. n. Tr. mar. Tei'NOS for first and second mortgages. In lint- ,.r small amounts Jl.MI-S I WINCHKLI. 17lh t, Sansom tl r'riANS "liEAL KsTATK AND ESTATall. rrnK7 3i s Ilroad tWe.t gnd Bldr iml'TOAOK 1TND.1 Prst and second. '"'Ai'nnF-CIlT. 2414 W Ihllh. MONEY TO LOAN "Loans to housekeepers iNvrcsTirjATi: nvn TWKN'TY -1AVMKNT PI4AN 140 can bo repail 12 month Iv f itn rnn he rcTmli f.1 monllilv IKHi nun ii rrpaici mnnmiy n I Witb lepal rat.' of inter st at 3'4 per cent. per 00 1 U tl I ,r month, other amounts up to 30( same proportion. Our plan elves sou mothf for repayment. We loan on furniture, iilanoi, VI um. uiimr uiiiuuuin ur u fouu in in twenty Vltrnlak ' r ':: ..: :r-:" " ..rL. irr.v.r-- I Xoana juatla In Camlen ! PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY 1 10M CHKBTNC'T HT TIOOM TfH rt Tfltt CAN UOItROW MONET ON DIAMONDS AND JBWBLRT IZft A74LI ur 2, 1'r.iv i;jb. :it cnt I JR CMN xl jli AND UP 1V4 HKR 00 AND ur. r a niEDEn's ran ill lliBRCT ST. "ridqb v asd mrwBB it. , 53D AND MOUTII STtl. . """"" "" ""g NEED MONT??' tfo will loan money on lalary or furnltur ii reliable people, No honut employ r .d Courteous treatment Io nil. Dn nRAKF wood m.no CHESTNUT BT. READY MONEY- DIAMONDS, WATCIIBB A JEWELRT United States Loan Society ... .. . Ill' NOHTII EHOAI v Mirbiti it.', 264S Vrm;ntoi.KV ioffg- in'ed oiV-jv' SJBH','''Rar " ' V VI J M SI .. im lil3 ' YTi' Hfl 1.:' fa,i rfeJe- -v . - X ; ' h sMljretAelri