WffW ?i'mi ' Ml v V r?.'i V J I. V ff B ? I!. if f v. - ' Hr, - ' ISASSATE CONTRO 1 : DELEGATI TEDESCH1 A Versailles ha Luogo una Di- mo8traz!ono Ostile Contro i Rappresentanti Delia Cermania Pobllihed and Distributed Under PERMIT NO. 341. . . -Authorised by the act of October J. 117. on flla at the Po.tortlce of Phila delphia. Pa, ,. . fly order of the rresld-nt. a. s ni'RLr.PON. riwtm ster-Oeneral. Parlgl, 17 gliiRno II tlottor Teo tloro Mtlchoir, ttno ilr-1 cinque- princi pal! dclcgati, t Vrnu Dorlblii'li, """ J ilel afgretarl della Pclcgazionp Ger manlca per la Oonferenr.a tlclla Vnce. xono atati colpitl nlln testa con saisi. durante nna ilimostrnzione contro 1 ilelegati tedesclii quando, In KCora notte, hnnno lascinto Vprsaillen per rccare a Wimar la replica le;li Al- ' leatt alle contropr.,p..xtc della Cer'- ; mama. f II BOTCrno f rance-c ba oggl espresso II stio rincrcscimciitd jut In limo- l. . . . . i . ..: il A tnlc Nirazinne i-ouiui i;i w" iiiuium. . - ' ripiardo Clcmcnccau lia scritto una lettera al Conte Von Hrocktlorii-iinur-zau. I' ntato rnpportnto die il prefctto dl polizia n Verxnilles e" tnte riniosso l.a dlmostra7ioii(" tililio inreitliie fiiMi, ina principalnientc fu dirclta contro i rappresentanti della (Jormanin. Dai tlNparci gimiti da I'arigi e dn altrc citta', rcliilivnmente alia slum jsionc nel risunrdi del trnttato di pace, con la Germania, si tilevn quanto ap-i presto : E' opinione prevalente in Itorlino die ala impossibilc tirman- il tratnto tli pace ' che e' piobnliile clic tin rifiulo nd acctttare i termini inipnsti dagli Alleati sla teleRrafato a 1'urisi per c"pre comunicato alia ("onferpiizit della I'ncc II cnblnetto EiTiiianico si e' riunito a Weimar per ronsidoraro il trattnto e la replica inviata dauli Allenti. Si dice he i membri di 's-o sono evidentemente i ldivisi in opinione e clic cine' sette membri f-ono favorevoli nlla tirma del trattato di pace, nientre altri ette sono , contrari e vorrebbi-ro foe rifiutato. I Quando la natura ceneralo dei termini jafti telefonata da Pangi a AVeimnr, la foelegazioue tedesca nspramente dentin- f' la rcviiono del trattnto come crudelc ed insuUnnte. In previsione di tin posibile nntito da k..,. j.i ...loni,: ., firmnro 11 trattnto parte (lei teilescln a tirmnre it trmrnio Hi pace, il MarpM'iallo Toch, coman- i .dante supremo delli forze allente, hn j pronti COO.000 uoinini per iniziare una invasionc della !ermnnia dalle teste di ponte sul Reno. lie annate allcate che dovrebbero iniziare detta invasionc Rono in con- dlzlone di massimn cfficlenza e muuite 'della nccessaria artielieria. Weimar, IS giugno. Xeaun comuni cato e' stato finorn emesso dal Gebi- neixo germanico riguuruo nna repneu i "degll Alleati per le contro-propo,te al trattatO dl pace, ma 1 AS'Ociated Press apprende che i sentiment! nel gabinetto jtono nnanlmemente contro l'acccttazione del trattato, e che l'unicn obiezione al rifinto e' il pericolo del bolscevismo c del caos in Germania II Gabinetto si e' riunito al mezzodl' ed e' rlmasto in Beduta fino a tarda ora. Slesslns, 18 giugno. Ventitre' per xone, compreso il comandante Rrnnelll, ispftttoro superiore del Jlinlstcro delle Poste e dei Telegrafi, mnncano tra 1 superstiti del vnpore italiano "Citta' di Milano," il quale ' oggl affondato I vicino alle rocce sulla costa nor'dica della Sicilia. Jl vapore era intento alln riparazione del cavo sottomarinn. rorzo Glnrrra, 17 citieno Lc Czeche, sotto il comnndo del Roneralc ,IIennocque tlell'Ksorcito francesc. Iianno inir.iato una controffpnBiva contro lc i truppc soviet tinRlicresi, cptturando, Darecchi villagi .lopo dicci ore di com- battimento, FCCOndo llispacci Oggl qui rpiunti da Praga. Due cannoni, parecchi mitragliatrici ed una nuanttta' di munlzloni si dice che slano cadute nelle mani del czechi. LOST AND POUND .TOa Lost. Saturday, after S p m.. blue akya terrier, answering to the nam, of Qypsy": license No. 304. Reward If re turned to 8910 Chestnut st PIN Lost, lady's crystal pin. bull dog pat tem: reward If returned to L. M. Rouse, 242 Chestnut st RING-Lost Monday evening In Rydal. Pa. lartrA oriental sanDhlre ring, surrounded 4y 11 diamonds, with Initials and date and J. E. C. i Co stamped inside: reward If returned to J. E. Caldwell & Co., Juniper and Chestnut sts. i : HELP WAN TED FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO No Experience Necessary 110 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS Salary increased after the first four weeks' training period. Young women between 18 and 2S will find tele phone operating very fascinating, clean work, with unusual opportu nities for advancement in galary and position. In addition to a good alary we have com fortable rest and lunch rooms, where food is . served at cost. Call personally Mint floor, 1031 Arch st. Miss Ryan HOORKKEke: h Wanted, a . perlenced double-entry bookkeeper, knowl edr of actenography. by ladles' suit manu facturrr: good salary and steady position: muat romo well recommended. M. Gross Bk jig ano arrn. i.armn mqg. Sv .' t it TnOOTCKKKpteR. wanted. comnet.nK W , i ,. doublo.entrr bookkeeper, knowledge of j- t " tnography; on capable taklnr full charge W.iitKat ortle:. state salary and reference. P S-V fj, ". linger unice. Vf .u,l .... ll.talllAn a. $ B - Apply H82B Hamilton st CANDT WRAPPERS, egperleneed, wanted. Apply H12Q Hamilton t cmLDNURSE Wanted, experienced child- ,'' , nor-?. ue 80 to S8 years, Protestant, re- , fined, educated, for 2 children, axes 2 and - ft ' i 4 yar; excellent wages,- highest references J ewentlal. Mrs. Jamison, Seiholm. Spring; A'.SIIAklS W, -j. , .IjecTORfl Neat, trnatworthir. mnmtrmlln satboTla wonieni cixoelltnt osnortunltv tat 1 Aura . steady lucerne In pleasant dignified. ' Aw.Mr.JI'itWr. m U&A Till Sic-, HELP WANTED FEMALE COOIC strictly first class: French. Swedish or Orman preferred 2 In family; 8 ser vants; Haverford Station. Trlcphone llrjn Mnwr 188 for appointment COHllMAKl-Il. experienced Apply at once. Millar Jock Co . Orthodox and Tacony st A o-no.1 placo to work DRK-S.H.MAK1CK nanls trlmmors. waist and skirt finishers: well padl uhllp learning; closing ,V3I. Saturday 1 o'clock. MeKA,li!n I II"'1 wwinnt st Locust .107. DHUHHMAKKR wants experienced steady work, half day Saturday. PaclMe help; isan KXPHKIKNCKD KINIHIIRim, Apply A. V Rornot llro. Co., 17th ami Kolrmount ave. a-ood pay. a. a. cor. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS established lsen I WOMEN AND CURLS ron kitchen work PltHPAltlNO VKOETAULES meats, etc. 4.lso general r.vctory work steady employment hicsh wages increased automatically time and hai.p time ovr.ii 4s nouns JOSP.PIt OAMr-tlF.LL COMPANY 2D AND MARKET STS CAMDEN. N J. .1 a,Ji,7?,nvr 1H n roiinir womt. wo hare poeltlona op.n Jn our a,mblln- rteoirt. ment whr th work ' llaht iiid l iIS tnnplnc machine., foo- prcai-a and manv S!.Vrinl?,mWnTB.t"J3,adtS 7nnc",,0rr',w,hl?n boc-auao of Its locution la Ideal for thoVa ,u!nf ir, , Philadelphia and wltWn ea" jrorh nf Ml jee Ion, of tha city on account i . -- ..ii.. .; ""'""" preseea nm. Im t ... Ik. ..'"" '.'.""."!' "." "" -'" Lanrnater aye Darhv . Spruce. Ilaltlmore SJ "i fipnnr tlanien nrLlg-o surface lines ror details can at factory office. II T ralstn Co. 8201 Arch st. OIRLS YOUNO WOMEN TO ICE AND TACK C'AKBI KEEnLEn.Wr.TL RAKINO CO 268 N. 22D ST. IvNITTEnS AND TOTPERS on Standard machines Experienced on Single and double stitch work AL'O LEARNERS on knitting and topping STEADY WORK OOOD TAT NOTASEME HOSIERY CO Oxford and Ma eerier st- tillll.S wanted uood watres; steady work aleo'have positions open for alrle or wonrn wlln desire to work part of each day Appli N - Rtlnnfll umbrella rramo Co.. aoth nd Thnmrwn sts I OLAZF.RS i EXPERIENCED WOMEN OLAZERS i Good wages steady work: no labor trouble APPLY TO r BLUMENTHAL CO. Vv'Umlngton, Del , Monroe at. gate. HOSIERY KNITTERS and toppers on points new macnines wnwe work; steady w jinv iii&cinneH wiino worn; sieaay work. 5?r T"ITSS' T?rr iftKiK Fleeced Underwear Co , 241Ti N Howard LAUNDRY S"IRT PTARCHER LSO rEiSDERH AND TOLDERH IN nT-WOUK DEPARTMENT APPLY MARKET ST LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. LUJNDRY WOMEN. WHO HAVE HAD LAUNDRY EXPERIENCE TO WORK PART TIME APrLY MARKET ST LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. LAUNDRY WOMEN TOR PACKAOE WRAPPINO APPLY MARKET ST LAUNDRY 1308 TILBERT ST. LEARNERS wanted hsndlv with needle, to learn trimming men's hats good wages; steady employment Apply Frank Schoble ft Co loth and Oxford sts. NURSE. experienced, white. Protestant, l!G Infant to 8 vears. spend summer shore M (122. Ledger Office t sea- OPERATORS AND DRESSMAKERS ON SCHOOL UNIFORMS APPLY BUREU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S oPERATORS-Exr-erleneed frontmaker, and slevemakers on ladles' tailored cotton ! shirtwaists: best prices; steady work year Mllerlm atfy Co . 1214 Arch t OPERATORS exp. on Singer sewing machines- good wages: steady employment Apply Frank Schoble ft Co inth and Oxford SALESLADIES, 8. wanted In cloak, suit and millinery departments, only thoroughly I experienced girls In this line considered: can i u,,,,u.o .. utDirr-ii; u iirttciivr esiarj, short-hour store. Address or apply to Srhaarln Bransteln. COS Market st.. 1711 mlngton. Del. SALESWOMEN FOR , WniTWAISTS. NOTIONS AND SEVERAL OTHER DEPRTMENTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S J-T SALESWOMEN can makff big money In our life department, will pay vou to call i American Bankers. 400 Finance Bldg . Thlla. ' delnhla Pa. SILK WINDERS, experienced on tram and artificial silk good wages; steady work 12 months of the year Frledberger-Aaron Mfg Co . 4000 N. 18th st near Wayne Junction SPOOLERS FOR COTTON TARNS: VERT BEST WAGES: STEADY WORK- LEARN ERS ALSO TAKEN E L MANSURE CO , 141B NORTH ST FIRST ST. ABOVE WAL LACE. BETWEEN BROAD AND 13TH STCNOOnAPHER CAPAnLE OK DOING OOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER Salpa department of a tel corporation desires experlpncpd uten- nfrrap.ier about 25 years of aK,i lopatlon Rroad and Chntnut P Blfl. Idgpr Office TELEPHONE OPERATOR Thoroughly px- perlnced; good alnrv to ctart. replv. I statlnr full particulars. M 618. Ledger Off. WOMAN of jrood education and thorough secretarial training (Including stenography, accounting billing and filing) to take new- naner nosltlon offprlnir ODnortunltlP. Tnr rnnlr. advancement to office manager. Write, stat ing ne. quaunraiions, etc., o m (till, Led er Office. WOfEN. WHITE FOR CLEANINO AND fVRURRINO APPLY BITREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TOUNO WOMEN FOR CAPIIIERINO AND INSPECTING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General Rl'SINESn SERVICE CO . 1118 Land Tltls. RKPRS . $18-125: CLERKS, gen'l bill.. Sin. STENOOS.., I5-25; French & Spanish, JS3, HKT.P WAWTFTJ-WAT.E UAKER First-class cake baker: good posi tion ana so"" J' . "m i1"1' -.APPiy FiKid Shop, Ilroad St.. Trenton. N. J HANK CLERK, man. 20 to 2S. experienced In handling money and savings fund ac counts P r,08. ledger Office. 1IODYMAKERB, for work on commercial potties. rou ue bins iiri-iiaBn experienced men you wonc here In a modern factory under first-class conditions. Apply Lowry "OP ac mu- -v , .wm win, auuiiiw HtMOKKEEPER elderly man. for Important position: atate age. reference, salary ex pected and general experience,. Address P i,VJ. Ledger Office. BOT large corporatlont must bt X yr ef age. M J2, Ledger O.flee, EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE nors wanted, 17 Tears or opr to work In wall- nannr fartnrv: ffood ttni A tint v it nnaa lft-cker. Smith & Page, Water and Snsdcr i ave. IJOY wanted to feed 1ob press; atort at Jin per week. Sea Mr. Head, Ledger Job Press lloom ' UCFrnilS Wanted, several rood buffers on braes and iteli highest wacea paid. 800-11 lath at. N, W,, Washington I. C. ilUSHIlLMKN wanted first class; steady work; itood wages. Harry 8. Priest, 1425 Walnut at CANDY lIi:i.Pl".n wanted: must hvv fac- torv experience. Apply 3820 Hamilton CAIl liUll.DBIt'S carrenter for repair work ' on ruv hiki inirrurnarfc rera, ATLANTIC CITY AND SltOHE n. R. CO. st immr tny, , j , A MnCIfANTCAT. DnArTSMAV: ONT! WHO IS TAMIMAn WITH KNlTTINcf tA OII.NnnY; GOOD PORITION AND OOOIJ PAY TO TUB niOHT MAN. ADDnRSH MAY HOWICnY MILLS. NARHVILLK. TDNN :n ARriiiTncTt'itAL nnAFTSMtJN EXPEIUKSTIU) IN INDUSTRIAL- AND INSTITUTIONAL WORK OOOD SALARY TALL TIALLINtIEK ft PDRROT wesi,i:t hldo i?rn and arch DRAFTSMEN. 2 or 1 nrst class, thorouchly I experienced In l.lajt-furnace work: perma- nent position, state fu I detalla regarding I iinaHanrta arlna il.ialpa.t .mil Hr.1. . ...ll-ui " I FrAt'iivii.-t nam t J ,Tr-it4ajiu Viavlri KkMimnifJ. I . M 420 Xdstr Office. ' tUIlAFTHMKN' rimt-rias- "rS".uJ i nrartflmpn unntfil at once nprmnnent I position, ffood pa Inn AtiA worklns condition., . mn competent iu cnmpl.'tv unrkltiK tlraw- ingB from Bkptrht M rtl.! Ii1u-Rr Oftlpo KLKVATOR OPIIIAIOK nntfii. oxper! I pneed Call at KmpUu'mnt Uppartmnt nfter .no a m Cramp Shipyard, Wen- I , ir.onri and Norrln -t I j-r ' ELEVATOR OPERATOR licensed 1 steady emnloim-nt. Apnli superli steady emnlo j m-nt. Annlj superintendent I Wldencr llldg.. Junlpir and i hestnut sts. 1 FRAMEMAKERS. experlenceri men on win i dow nnd door frame-. hl;hfst wage,. 4S nour, A mi. Kin Run I loca FIXER xperleneed on Ranner machine, STEADY. M-ELL-PAYING POSITION for a flrst-clas, man NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Masch-r st,. Call or phone eening, and Sunday C. JL SCHUYLER 1910 E. Clarence st Phone Frankford 1212 M. LAUNDRY SltfRT TROVER. HANDWORK APPLY MARKET ST LAUNDRY lttUS l U.JJJJUL ST. LINOTYPE OPERATORS wanted, first class Dunla-P Printing Co . Juniper and Cherry LINOTYPE OPERATORS AND AD MEN WANTED APPLY FIFTH FLOOR. LEDOER HLDO.. 0TH AND CHESTNUT STS. LOOM FIXER on Knowles looms. Imperial Woolen Co. Main and Rector sts. Mk 111V f.vrtnrlenred fnuntsln man nna nana. 1110 01 I&KU1K i.uii vnnrKH gi iDuniain, gooa iay: steady position. Apply Food Shop. 7 S. Broad st.. i reniiHi . j HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD RrVETINO GANGS COPPERSMITHS. FIRST CLASS MACHINISTS. riRST CLASS PIPE TITTERS, FIRST CLASS PASSER BOYS MUST BE OVER 18 FURNISH TROOF OF AGE OUR TRAINING DEPARTMENT WANTS STRONG. ABLTS-BODrKD MEN TO LEARN SHIPBUILDING TRADES. OOOD TAT WHILB LEAnNINO. 800 WALNUT ST. 8EB MR. BHATTUCK OR MR. PHILLIPS 1321 ARCH ST. 8KB MR, SWA11T2 OLAZERS EXPERIENCED MEN GLAZER8 Good wages, steady work no labor trouble. APPLY TO F RLUMENTHAL CO Wilmington. Del.. Monroe st. eats UNSKILLED MEN rOll PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 43 Weight 140 lbs. or more IN OOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living: Wage Paid While Learning Steady Work Assured Apply In Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Oftice TUB GOODYEAn TIRE ft RUDDER CO. 1 Akron. Ohio LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18," 1910 HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED AT ONCB ron TUB U. 8. MERCHANT MAniNB , TO BE TTIAINED AS 8AlLOnS. FIREMEN. 8TEWAJID8 FOfl OOOD JOBS AT OOOD PAT ON OCEAN-aOINCJ SHIPS . PAY W1IILB TnAINlNtl- BOARD AND QUARTEKS FREE: AOES IS TO v iUUlNO BIRTH CERTIFICATES. "' APPLY TO I H. 8. BHIPPINO BOARD AGENT CITY HALL YARD PHILADELPHIA OPnilATOIth . tlnlehi-re on ehyis and troui. , er W It Hmhlrk Sntis lilin ( lio.lnut PACKER, experienced for wholerala h.r.1 i ware, perman- nt pn,ltlon i for rn'od steaSS reliable man P 424 l.edaer orflci ' I r!li,ri ' VUATV, PHI? i Tl! II. tllllntl nr n.tmi nl IirnharndTaJnsSn,V,.AP,'V Th' PArKERS AM) WRAPPERS TOR IIOUSEFritNISIIINO OOODS CHINA ETl APPLY UI-RLAI OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'R PAPETt BOMS-Experl-nced man on Itobbs JV"i"?...mnr'"n'' . . 'K. or ." work and Ridge bp PORTERS AND CLEANERS APPLY lIL'REAt' ill' EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PURCHASING AGENT wanted A largo or ganization manufacturing automobile en Rlnes require, the cnkr of an experienced purchasing agent who 1, thoroughlv comne-l lent to buy motor iMrte applicant must be i capable of handling th'1 work of a rapidly i increasing output Write stating age. na- j tlonallty, eduatlnn. exp( rtence. sal iry cv pected etc M IUU I.efluer oftice WANTED AT ONCE RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS FIRST-CLASS SHELL RIVETERS AND SHIP CARPENTERS APPLY CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO LTD. FRONT AND KERLIN STS CHESTER. PA. SALE1MEN An opportunity Is offered to 12 men of proven worth to act as our agents In placing on the market "The Friend of tho Horse " "The Creeper' . liberal commis sion, and salary baMs alter tirst month Write. gilng qualifications, the National Creeper Co Inc , 413 Market st , Cam ilen. N J SALESMKN Specialty men for crew, for , Allentown. Bethlehem. Emaus and Easton tnu-per-week proposition Seo Mr. Brennan l!ia M 1. 1111 at ,i . !SMH' Two or 3 salesmen w Ml t,roed ability nnd clean record, wo toach ftur men our method of selling nnd assure them an excellent future- reference required Apnlv to Hlesmsnager. 410 Perrv Rldg SKIN PAINTER Highest wages: flrst-rlsss i moo none others need ainl The Brilliant men. none others need appli The Brilliant Mfg Co . 1033 Ridge ne STEr".L DESIGNER structural, first class high grade of not less than 10 vears ex perience, and preferably one familiar with ' blast furnace of steel-plant work, permanent position, state full details regarding experi ence, salary wanted and date available. M 41U. Ledger Office. , .SHOEMAKER BOTTOMERS ON CUSTOM SHOE WORK I APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S , TRACTOR OPERATOR for South America. capable of repairing tractors and motor cars: single man preferred, state age ex nerlence and salary expected. A 108. L O. 1 . . in TRAFFIC MAN I -L'";'- " : l",'- ' " "r " "'"-- "-..-.. ui i.i.d aii.n iiniiaiij ,r,iiun 'A.' in ' transportation also romp knowlpnfire or ware l hounp neciarA Inltlnl salary $2000 per jr pond opp. for tho rlRht man: none but thn, with pxp nped anwwpr f? 22fl TPdgpr Off. a rpnpral nil around CXrEHIENCCD MILI nrEFITTER ADDnEyf? "X-74," P O Hox 3443 WINDOW ClRANRUS Tor office building windows; white, ntpady work. Apply Room 431 Land THIp Rlfltr fleneral GREENEWALD'S SALESMAN STRICTLY HIGH ORADE MAN familiar with Mfg llnrs. Foreign territory. $5000 Yrly & Commission all 1 exppnflps paid. High clam men only ENGINEER CUll A Suneylnt; expd In As nhalt Macadam street Gutter A Curb work Poremin Mfg Exp Chief steam & Electrical f ngineer Asst to emploment Mgr Inter , lewerer (Female) ppcretary to executive I -stenographer excellent wages Credit man re tall pxp. Hkpr Hotel Rkpr Mfg. Exp nkpr handle cost dept Cost clerks ttme & Payroll in-n Cashiers AnouutuntH (." P. A Exp So im attrnctle opening with well known concern. 8r Individuals good wages Expd, men ft tfenn As-i I f T tl f rtt"n, . tins tilnnl. t. t.AAlflat , gratis MO SO 11TH Ill'SINKSS HKRVICi: CO 1114 Ind Tltl ROOKKnEPURS Hank nnd ofnccJIO-IIO I CLIIRKS Coi-t prod , fren'l 18-j;5 DRAFTSMEN (XI Design of heavy mach'y I KNOINKERS Refrigerating, electrical, con- struciion. re-eniorceo concrete, ,iuo. SAl.KSMEN Agricultural mach'y, soap. grocery, grains drugs and spec, $2400 STr.NOC.'RS rRIVATi: SBC'S (2). IB-t2.1 TUI.LKR Rank and bank hookkprs., $1200 CAPA1U.B MUX-Sales, office and technical . EARN lllO MONEY Do lathe work auto repair, mechanical and electrical, driving or Ftorage battery work, we train men on practical lines Philadelphia Merhantial Electrical School Call 014-018 Ilrown st Philadelphia WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES $25 COMPLETE COURSE 23 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Battlers. 1G01 Spring Garden. Open Sunday. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE NURSE, exp. with children over 8 desire, position A lift Ledger (irflee STLNOORAPHER Experienced dictaphone operator desire, permanent position at dictaphone work; 18 weekly A 110. Led. OR. SITUATIONS WANTED MA1E ACCOUNTANT-UOOKKEEPER will audit, open, close books, eenlngs or Sundays. A 104 Ledger Office A MACHINIST, first class. In charge of general repair work, also ability as an electrician, would like to connect with rella ble firm. Address P 321. Ledger Office. ENGINEER, mechanlial who gave up ex ecutive position with large steel corpora tion to help win the war, desires position with Industrial concern, experience In plant construction. maintenance, power plant, erana hoists conveying machinery, material handling, piping, etc P 430. Ledger Of flee ENOINEER. steam elec , thoroughly exp. desires pos. aw rnier eng. a an. J,eq UfT. JAPANESE couple wish position In small family; long experience. Fugle. 2088 Vine, Locust 2un -i STENOGRAPHER -An expert stenographer ana nperaiur, wim uusiness anility, tact and force desires, position with firm or In dividual: aslary 12.1 II 130. Ledger Office. TELLER 1 years' banking exp. In one of Pennsylvania's strongest banks; Interview desired Add Hanker. IUU Wldener Illdg EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES chambermaids. chlldmirH.s - ... ' ., - ----.---------, 'J.. will iiu.o uougnerty, jjib C0i1.cb'"5!nt.n,Vtn.'. 'PSSSSS 78H oo3" .anli...on national" In' iiop .If OIl'.aLS.sS"A?JJS" -..rr-V""V ". vi VOU arff I" .""-, "1 ""-. "" i.u" .V'l.f . r. rini-lr Mflnar. HOT SMiT.Lirtm I ave. - i-ii and ir. waxier. ua uina Tltls J.- ViV "'. "' ti --- ,rrr,- xiy order ocioe inriusinai iania i-orporauon, j.iQuiaa.ors, o jo cnurcn nt., N, x, Elt; . USED AUTOMOBILES You are not overcharged' on the Used Car you purchase from us. . There may be some places where you can buy the same make of car for what seems to be a lower orig inal cost. But are you sure that you will not meet heavy repair bills? Any USED CAR we sell must be in first-class mechanical condition before we deliver it to a buyer. The car is guaranteed for thirty clays and it is PROPERLY PRICED. Bigelow-Willey Motor Co. Distributors of the Tube FREE of Tires Our SOOO-Milo Guarantee If a tire fnlts to run TrOOO for one. half prlco below Our tubes guaranteed for workmanship. Sbo Non-Skid Tuh.-s 28xt J!) 0(1 J2.2."i SOxa n.2'i 2..10 SOxl'S 117.'. 2 II- Kx.Ti lnnn ino nix4 in .-in a bo .12x4 17 no 3 7". 31x1 17 "il .1ST 34x4 ISM J. uo Express prepaid on all orders If check In full accompanies order. SPECIAL PROPOSITION TO GOOD LIVE DEALERS HENDLER TIRE CO. G!)l POPLAR 43.13 iWll immmm ram 1 "TOI r0 pn D mm More Miles Per Dollar TIRES FOR HALF Our Special Guaranteed 5000 Miles If a tire falls to run 5000 miles we will replace It with another tire for V, price listed below. CALL AND COM PARE OUR Hid STOCK OF ALL fcTANDAJlD MAKES ALL STYLES ALL bI7.ES. ALL 1UBES guaranteed foe i YEAit against detects In material or workman ship. We sell to ou tire, which deliver more mileage per tire dollar. A trial will prole it. ' Pi tl! I I 1 I Mze Non-bkld lubes Rl7e fVon-S TOi3 8.41 ..'.I'l V.x4 $18 ti 30x3U 11.31) 2.10 3x4 J '" .11x3(5 11.9". 2.M llxtH 2-"i". 3.'xSi( 1J.63 SB", -.X4"i 21 (M 34X3H 14. ft 2.(t :6,1V7 -S!1'' 31,4 IB 4", J.I1 JTxlli 24.1-1 32x4 ........ in t.i". Dix5 :(: J3x4 17.: 3.H ,0x5 V7.H0 34x4 3 0) 37x5 21.115 Mall orders tilled promptly at prices quoted above Ex-press prepaid when check accompanies order. Leader Tire & Rubber Co. 'p&l-u'0" 707 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. AQES IN PENNSYLVANIA WANTED AUTOMOBILE PAINTING ... , , . ,r lh nri.. in ." P.aln.t. r car ror Hair trie price in half the time, satisfaction guaranteed Phone Oermantown 1001), or call rear 101 W. Chelten avj TRUCKS 1 Packard 2-ton 2 Gramm-Bernsteln. l'-ton 1 Gr-mm-Rernsti'ln. 3' -ton 1 Fnrd-Smith I'orni-ii-Truck 1 1- -ton f A 117. LeiU-n- Offlre t lnin STl TDEIrAKER. Oiyllr.fler touring: run I 700 miles; good condition, new tires; M230 , cash for quicksale, good reason for selling; I ow ner. no dealers 4.13 Market st ! wr) r.ton Whits truck, stake body, with ci0sed cah; these trucks are practlcalU . h:lve ,,.pn .,., ,our month, and not g'.r 2O00 miles C BANTS Ell-more. Del FORI) radlltor,. nil model, mln Incluslie. nneral niinwnnce on nin ones ,- u - I Auto Sn nnl lff--Ttppn trine I HUDSON RRPAIU'1 IN" AM TIKANClinS Brandyftlne Aulo Ilepalr Co. I Hay Simpson, formprl,. w 1 tli (lnmrj trhwnrtz Co.. now puiablUhPd at 22l.H and l'33-'ri Traniwllp it Poplar 2to7i(l J Umillng Hauling Contract Solicited r.ocal and Inns dlntanp Hprure 4Rfltt. J W HATXHS 1f.1fl2 N 22A at Wanted AUTOMOBILE, latp mmlpl tourlmr car, wantod In exchange for i np"urltlp of unquestionable value Address P 523. Ledger Office. ' AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TOURINO CAR, 7-pasencr limousine, $1,50 per hour up. Poplar ISA" MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLM NEW and 2d-hand hlcveln tires, all make ANDREW T IURCHETT &03 H. 22d. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest caM. prices for your dia monds: any !ze from H to 10 carats; none nnv hlsrhpr: also old gold, platinum and silver boucht? Estates bought (pi ivate) E-U. 10 yrs TL. Diamond ShOD ' Ll1 ""' r id n. juin si. 10th ah. Mark' SAMUEL SIMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC 727 Walnut st. Philadelphia. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT 1.-T-I.I.Y ft CO . 032 CHESTNUT ST. Bulta 21-22 Over Chllds Restaurant. Private. VISITING. HAIRDRESSER, formerly with Miss Cloud: eyebrows arched henna treat mint, all shades blond and black. Wood- land ain j WIIECKINO OF ALT. KINDS PHILADELPHIA WRECKING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY 3013 Chestnut st. ELEC. treat. It manlcur'g. Office Hiitchlnson JMdr.Zt "cuitSrl, sng S. Itroad Hours 10 a m. to 0 p m. ELECTRIC treatment ft manicuring. Room 103 Heed Bldg.. 1215 Filbert at. Loo. 3D8X PRINTING -.tir. card SHOP. 020 Chestnut st. Com ffiaf-ciHl (,,.,,,,, a,,u ,11.11,1,11. UUI l- Claltyi ilU'1 Uuaiire.a wiub . and envelopes printed quickly. OPPOS. THE PKDKRAL RESERVE BANK. BTAMrS AND COINS STAMPS. DIME SETS. ALBUMS and supplies for stamp collectors PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17th at. CAKPET CLEANINO WALLACE 7 jj, in 1B26 N SO ana Church T,ane. fltn. DANCING INDIVIDUAL Instruction by eip. youni women: & Prlv, lessons IS. llelmont 2012 J, AGENTS n a tsjiieN Here's an Immediate oppor tunity for active trustworthy Cathollo I men to tnnni. in iicbui uivninen worn wneru iuj ,. a,,, ..w,,. v, .u .w a,. . a... i aaaaaanr n...J ...a. n.,1,, !I . aaifunaam-nt nfTaaaH Hi... .Via. m.i. prompi , nDiun,i . .aaaa ie ffnaa. UI.HI SQ r In USED AUTOMOBILES v Paige 304 North Broad Street Philadelphia With Every Pair This Week in Writing: mllea wo will replace with another tire ono jcar acalnst defects In material or Slzo . Non-Skid Tubes 35x1 118.7.1 J4.21 34x4'4 22.2r, n.nn 3.1x4.i 2.1..10 3.2-. nx4' 23.00 n nn 17x4,4 2B.00 n 7'i .Tix.1 27.30 O.'IO 37x3 20.00 0 .'0 N. BROAD ST., PHILA., PA. I iShJ B I lAJKiisGaiir 'A f II f tS23 7 cv W FOR SALE Wo Make and Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices; small nionthtv nay rrents: no Interest charges; wrltte guarantee; old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sola and exchange. JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Register Co., 7SO CHESTNUT ST. Phone Walnut 4111 Main 2fl7t TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIBI.E 3 MONTHS. B VISIBLE 3 MONTHS J7.80 UP Factory nebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST WALNUT 2430 MAIN 32(1 AWNINO I'KAMi: for 10 ft store front. 2 wire fctoro window screens, ln-ft birred window grill, lawn mower, oak music roll cabinet with plate-glass mirror. 7i rolls, ciuarter oak showcaso for clga relies or ribbon samples, large oak-tlnlshed hook case, double glass doors; larifo wnll ana ,1l. nl..... -U.l...- If.-. ,Q U OA 1 ...hi nuiui, nnrivri, iihii.uii. i, , .m OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot desks, safes, flies, cabinets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Ruv. Sell and Exchange, PATTERN FURNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST. RACf! 2IVHI CI IITQ unclaimed, from merchant tailor. JU,1J some mads for to.1. will sacrifice for the price of tailoring; some as low as 17 J. U11UL1 0r(,n tlll s n m 75H-ft. belt table, motor attachment; would cost now $8.10; price $200; 2 Mosler Bafes. Inside dimensions 3 ft a in by 4 ft., $200 fr one: the other, with burglar-proof chest. S210 f. n h. Cincinnati FRIUIlERG & KA1W. 21(1 K nih st . Cincinnati, O. NEW WIRE ICE CREAM S1IAIRS 130 PER DOZEN REGULAR PRICE. 3(l Ruv now and save money CHAIR EXCIIANQi:. S. E. cor. 0th and Vine HAI1Y CARRIAGES Complete lull) line; over 100 styles: all colors: see our $10 special Miller. COI-Ofl S 2d st. Open evenings. IIA11Y coaches, reed Pullman coach $8; new reea stroller, n; sumies, a.o". open ee- nlngs. Aurhachs 39!i2 OlrarJ ave. HATHTITI.H, water tloHetn enameled sinks washstands. pine ann nitincs. an sizes. Doodv 'J724 Oravs Terry ae. CILI.IAUD. pool, comb't'n, id-hand, bought. solo, renien exrn iwipr a; ' t-iirnrn ave DUI'MCATOIIS 3 CO and up; cheaper than prlnttnc. send ror circular, wcnaeirer t Co 181H N 13th st . Philadelphia LA VAl.I.inuU Diamond la valllerc. J3r)00; pure white diamonds, absolutely perfect, nelKhlner 10 kt., sot In plstlnum; value $1500. Itledi-r's T.nnn Office 12H Market st PAPEU JiALINO rilUBS; cleaplnir out a lot of now ballntr presses and ballnc wire nt cost 113 N 2d st KKKHIUKKATOIM and nxlureb for urocers and meat marliets: terms If d-ntred, RANDAI.I A CO. flfll N. 3d st. HKSTAUUANT for lale. dolne rood business; price fl0n Annlv 2514 U'rhmond at 8AKKH, fireproof, slightly used; some thin walla: also steel safe cahlnets. 72 N. Fourth THH1HC-PIKCK folding porch set, conshtlnt; of armchair, settee & table, $4.00, Includ ing delivery anywhere In city. CHAIR KXCHAXOK. R F- cnr. fllh and Vine CLOSING out balance of men's uncalled-for suits, msue to uruer, hhi, o. nnu tai val for 122 ISO; some as low as 15i per fect eoods. Hessert, (135-7 Arch st, ' BUKTNERS OPPOTITTUJITIES HOTEL, movie theatre, poolroom (S tables), aott-drlnk bar, 2 cljar counters, 10-stall Karase: center of town of 1S0O people; only hotel In town: on tourist route: net Income from hotel. $200 month; poolroom, $125: theatre. S12S; soft drink and clears $73: iraraffo atalls. ISO; price In fee. $33,000; $15,000 can remain as first mortnare, 5 to 10 years; house fully furnished and equipped, and all soea at the price; proprietor and wife wish to retire nq account of aire; brokers set busy, M 013, Ledger Office. 60TH HT business property; (132 ti, 00th; lot 10x82: now millinery business; posses sion In July: terms to suit purchaser. Rlch- f-fl 1' fQWail a O HaU CAPAHLK business man will Invest $.1000 or more, with services. In estab.. printable business! state line H 330, Leda-cr Oftice. (IllAPl- JU1CK 11UHINEHH for sale, stock and machinery. BOOS Oermantown ave. OLD -GOLD MACHINES AND TOOLS Special facilities for QUANTITY PRODUCTION of metal parta and ahapea COLUMBIA TOOL AND MACHINE CO. 1030-40 N. Hutchinson at. POWER-rLANT-EQ.UlPMENT Dynamos, motors, bolters ateam and all inalnes pumna. air compressors FRANK TOOMUY. INC.. 127 N. Sd St. Union Sewing Machine Co. Dealers In sewlnir machines, electric motors, beltlne. oils, etc.i exp. repalrliiK, B30 nace st ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS POWnil EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO.. Ill) N. 3D ST. PAINTING AND PAPEnHANQINQ CAN YOU AFrORD one coat of palntT Of real paint that'a enough, and It solve, that sonllng" problem. POTTER, Till: ONE-COATER PHONE WOODLAND .TWR J MAIL ADDRESS. 2540 S. 07TII ST. STORAGE AND MOVING FR12I3, t month's storasre; separate rooms, padded auto van, moUnir. haullne of all kinds, local and lona; distance: reasonable rates Crescent Btorngu Warehouse, 1035 N. 2d St. Hell phone, Kenslmrton 3978. Your Broods Insured while In transit. The John Rhoads Co. Storaee Packing. Moving. Carpet Cleaning 4157-59 Lancaster Ave., W. Phila. " WALLACE 7 N. 19 1R20 N. 20 2.13 Church lans. Ota. LONO-D1BTANCE MOVING, FIDELITY FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES 1817-1810 MARKET ST. CRAWrORD RTORAOE will take, half load of household (rood, from Philadelphia to Washington or one load la return. Phone llcimont 0124 nlaht phone Belmont 3007 W. FIREPHOOr warehouse. e,t. free. N. Thlla Ptorage Co , 20.13 Lehigh ave. Diamond 7300 Longer the distance shorter the rates. I COIU1S CHEEK STOItAOE. 103 N. Old st Wanted, loads nt sprclal rate, to New York and Atlnnllc City Th. Ileltnont 1320. MOVATiril STOHAOB CO.. 3S70 hANOAS TKH AVK ATTO SKIlVlCn. RTOnAOi:. PACKINO. LONO-DXSTANC12 MOVIU, J0T1I CentMry StorAire Warphouse, abnolutplr flrroof; btc. piano, palntlnc & ruir ms.j Plerce'Arrow car used. 3120 Market at. WANTED oi,n CLOTirns houoiit; Catoff clothlTiB war ted: men's old nuIK tnats. irousern, shoes, Ptc. ; ladles' ctothlnn nf nil decrlptlo'tA and evenlnff clothes bought. hUhpt prices paid We call an where cltv or country, dav or nifjht. Wtlte, rail or telephone rilbert 2172. HI,Ut.OHN rLOTIUNO CO. 3t" W. Sth Don't Sell Your Jewelry Get our estimate. We buy from alljarre Jewelers, dppirtnent stores nnd Individuals. Ilstabllshed over fift pars. Diamonds. Jpw elry Bric-a-Hrnc, Old Oold and Sliver, We are payinc the lnerea(pd prlc for diamonds L.ER A. CO 712 WALNUT ST. Btab lHfl.y ANTIQUnS and mndern furniture, feather beds, marbl baBC. broken Jewelry; hlah- t nrippi. Wrltn Pioneer. 1020 N. Uber. Phonp Diamond 823 CAST orr CI.OTIIINO wanted; ladles' nnd children , ilomes, he,l price, i-none inir ket 2I4K W or oil II Burn S37 N 4lh st. ri'RNlTl'RE. crpels needed bidlv: highest prices pain .mi miiae ne i-ni'mr .t...i OLD CLOTHES, ladles' men's or hoys' suits, overcoats shoes, hnts. wo positively pay ."OS more Send postal call or phoroi Dick inson 111".." Wo call cltv. countrv. day, eve. nlng Friedman Bros 1444 South st. WE BUY cverjlhlng ou hae to sell, new ' and second Hand, scnn postal: siaie nr llele American Jolihins House. 212 N 10th. ROOMS FOR RENT 'ARCH ST. 170S Largo cool, airy room, , with running water, suitable for 2 gentle men, also cool single room,. 'BROAD. S 318 Large airy, well-furnl-hed,: I room, lirlVHto linlh; also single rooms CHESTNUT ST 2000 Desirable rooms and also professional offices. I CHESTNUT ST. 11)114 Deslr. rms.. single room, wllh prlMite bith: electricity, ref, IOOPER ,vr . 317, CAMDEN. N. J. Nicely j furnished room, anil bsth DOVER ST . 1432 A rellned Uuriness woman may obtain n net. attractive furnished room wllh snisll fnmllv Cull after H n m liOCUST ST., 1211 Two rm,. . bath, sec- oncl tloor. except!. nally large ann cum. LOCl'ST, .1717 Seeral scc-tloor well-rurn r"oms ne,t bilh rePned nelghliorhood PARK AVE. 2107 .Second floor, furnished. communicating; running water; gentleman onlv Phone Diamond r,H4r, W I'lNH. 1700 Two newlv furnished single room,, with semlprIato bath in priate family , WNi: hi', 1K10 furnished room, private lath: prHale fnmllv. also unfurn suite 1 PRESTON ST . 41.1 Lnrse nicely furnished j room; cool, reasonable, flaring 1327 W I hPItfCi: ST, 1012 (Holmeliurstl Double I nnd single acancle,: beautifully fiir I nlshed: runnlnrf water and prlsato bath,; j electric lights, phones. . I"S ItlDOi: AVE The Mnperey, large I furnished rooms single or two Individual beds harilwnnd floors electric light,, with prlv.ile nr semlprUate ballis. tiled Hhow. hot water modern $11 up. Poplnr 4001 SPHIJt K. 123.1 Lnrgp, coo:, attractive furn ren'n in'"e ooTirnris rensonnii'e r"ier ,, I .SPRUCE, 1711 Housekeeping suTto and sln- gle rooms: reOned neighborhood WALNUT .11100 Protestant family; neatlv furnl,hed. large, i uol, front rooms, seeond floor, ileclrlc light. conenlcnt lo L. Jiourd optional Helmont S4II2 ,T. WALNUT. 39U.1 Nhcly furn sing or double rni, semiprlv. imtlis. gent n I're, ,-j.ii v ,"7TrT t ,' U" S.. 310 Near Spruce (The Perrlm); ioubl nnd slnizle vacancies, newly fur- nlshed throughout: good locttloiru 13TH SI' . N nlilv furn 1300 Large airy front room, suit for 2 Phone Top 7344 J 15T1I h-r . S, 217 Rooms or 2 double parlors and kitchen furn or upfurnlshed. 10TH N 139-141 (The Rurle) Modern, up-to-date furnished rooms, electric through out: daily and weeklv rates: conv. to stations; good accommodations for traveling neon!,. VERY desirable front room and bath In prlvato family for one gentleman: exclu sive neighborhood In West Philadelphia. Phono Raring .187 1I1TH SI' , N.. 1401 Two or 3 rooms nicely furnished, for Janitor servcle; couple. KITH ST, N. 1401 Two rooms, furnished housekeeping: 18 up: single rms. $2. .10 up. 15TH HT. .S(. 2-17 Hnqmi or 2 doubla par- iur hihi itiienrn luimnnr-u nr unnirninnpa. 45TH ST. s.. 210 Newly furn. front room. electric and nhone: near "L" and No. 42 car line 521). N . 332 Three nlrlv furnished rooms ror rpni mr "miPTri-n nniv ROOM and board for pentlemen; Iimne com forts: nlcnsant HUrroundlnes. Phone Dia mond fl'fll W HITIinRRAN ROOMS, furnished, for hnusekeeplnR; lante erourds and porches. Shady Lick. Lima. Pennsylvania BOARDING CHESTER AVE.. 5402 (cor. 54th) Nicely 1 UI il. i .umirs mm uimni, tiMlY. jll CHTB SPRUCE. n Desirable Micancj. with board, J7 up; talile board. Walnut 0905 AUCTION SALES PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE MACHINERY AND TOOLS Formerly MAYDRITI3 TRODUCTS MANUFACTURING CO. One of the most attractlvo shops for quality of machine tools In the State of New Jersey havlne had tho reputation of buylnic r.othimr but th best. MILLING MACHINES 1 No. i2 Cincinnati Universal Miller, complete, with vertical attachment; 1 No. IU Brown & Sharp Universal MllU-r, with vertical attachment; 1 No. 0 Owen plain Miller, with vertical attachment, diwdlni; heads, etc ; 2 No. Oy Ilrown ft Sharp plain Millers, with and without dividing heads, 1 ilrown & Sharp No. 12 Manufactures1 Miller: Pratt & Whttt-vy Jl". 1,111... 1 Ma 11 lla,...,a M. UKaaa Mill.... ...I... ..aa.laal a..aaU a.. . a a , Itana ..uiin-, ..... .- ,.., . ,.,h, (.,,?., n,.,. .c,.vc a.iav.iiiicu.: 4 lO. il alOCKer Vertical Miller, with Rotary Table; 1 S'eptoo Miller, LATHES 1 2010 Quick Chanua Gear Le Deond Lathe, full equipment: 3 idiR Morris Tool Room Lathes, semlqulck change near, fully equipped i 1 18x8 Quick Chanae Gear American Tool Room Lathe; 1 loxs Double Hack dear Walcott Toot Room Lathe: 1 Jfl.o Quick Chance Gear Sprlntffleld Tool Room Lathe; 1 llendy 14x0 Qukk ChanRe Gear Tool Room Lathe; 1 1-ixu Aiotoririven Loose & snipiey on pan uea; i it-u jioi-Kioru i.aine, n... l.athe. on nan bed. fully eou: maiArrlvim. with erlndlno attachment Other l.ines, i atai. iviuiinns l.rnins i.ainti, oiint una, uiviuuiio Geared Shaperi B 3-Hplndle Illah-Speed Drill slor Hack Geared Drills: Hendy ft Wright seiourney m urn. . .'nuai i oiuuvi Ilrown ft Sharp No. 2 Surface Grinders, Grinder: Ilurke and otherHench Drills. l'No. 31 Lucas Horizontal Boring Mill, With Rotary Table. 1 ATnericamPlancr, 30x30x8, Single Heat! ' 1 No. 2x24 J. & L. Geaied Turret Lathe. With Bar and Chuck Equipment v MISCELLANEOUS .a. Ilardon ft Oliver, Pratt ft Whitney and other Screw Machines; Tucker Tool Grinders; Pratt Ac wnuncy i,riiiiin .i.iinira, u.v.mii., i.viivii ruci.i ...iniui;!, ciiurH anu oiner iiencn jrd I'reclslon lathes, with collets, etc ; Disc Grinders; Gaa Furnaces, with electric, pyrometers Vyl and rcffulators; Marker and other Gas Furnaces; Portable CranQf Standard said Nev.s.rk'" Gear UUlters: Ulitiiii min;n.j i .U'li, , nt i, i.caiiii.iiuuaa il,ulur - ou-II. 4', A, U. xaa- ner Hlectrlo Motor; Keyseatera; Arbor Presses; 2 Westlnffhouse 30-H. P. Motors; Pressure lllowers; quantity of Surface Plates, Vises, Anvils; quantity of Small Mechanical Tools. BeltlnB. Shaftlnir, Pulleys. Hantera. etc. WM. A. TOIHAS. Auct'r. Sella Wl'.DNESDAY. JUNE 23. 1010. 'at 11 A. M. Sh.rn on the Promises of The Maydrlta Producta Manufacturing C.o, Cor, Kearney Dsrna Avs., Jersey City. N. J. APARTMENTS THE MARTINIQUE APARTMENTS. 1108 , 11 10 s. 40th st. (south of Chester are.)! I beautiful honseWonlnff suit on acona floor south, A large and airy outside rooms. J baths, porches .front and rear! possession July I j rent $123: open for Inspection, Janitor on premises or Henrv Iienrman. Jr.. 2032 N. 21st st Dl.mond lain w. , 11KAUTIFUL and 8 room housekeeping apartments nt AI4 8. Ilroad at.: the hand somest apartments In Philadelphia! unfur nished: southern exposure! all outside rooms. Apply to Chas. II. Prettyman. on the prem ises or to the Qlrard Trust Co., Ilroad anl Chestnut sts. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt Aitencv, 223 fl Ilroad st. Some very attractive furn. npta.. some housekeeping. Hell phone Walnut 817 KEVEN-ROOM household apartment, fur nished or unfurnished: Immediate posses sion. Tho Coronado, 2201 Chestnut st. Phona Pprucn 38.17. . 1831) HITTENHOUSB SQUARE Apartment 311. furnished or unturnlshed, by th month reasonable, . 424 PINE ST. Four rooms and bath, suit able for 2. Call mornings. Thona Lorn hard Sons W. PINE apartment In West Philadelphia! T roams nnd bath! delightful loaatlor; poa sesslon July 1. Phone Preston 441, Vsi WALNUT. B0.12 Corner house! unfurnlshen apartment: electric light, hot-water heat a n d gas! reasonable. POPLAR APARTMENTS. 1020 rOPLAR Furnished: private bath, kitchen, contlnu- Qua hot water electric. . FURN. and tinfurn. ants , In nil locations. T M AROO. 313 Lltx-rtv Rldr. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 10TH ST.. S.. 12T (The Geneva) Furnished bachelor apartments. 2 rooms nnd bath. la (he heart of the business motion; 2 blocks from Broad St. Station. , LIVING ROOM, bedroom, bathroom, eles- trfclty; attractively furnished: large lawn, 2224 Preen at. 1'UItN. apt.. 31st & Klngsesslng ave. t porch front: 0 rms., modern coma. : per month, Sir, Clmrlea- Harbert. 12IW Chestnut St. TUB LION-HEAD APARTMENT. 218-H Locust; handsomely furnished rooms for gentlemen. wiist niir-AnEi.rniA FURNISHED 3141 Sp:uce st.. Apartment n. e rooms and bath so. s. t:. Adams, 14tH Walnut st Snr'lc" 3740, r flEUMXNTOWN CHURCH LANK. 307, corner Magnolia are. Furnished eecoud and third noor suites, nrUate baths: also single rooms; electricity! continuous hot water: convenient to train and trolley: porches: spacious lawn ana nhflde, exclusive Oermantown. t SIIRI'UIIAX . SIX rms , large front porch, awnings; 17 mln. on Penna. elec trains: block from Queen Tino sta.; trees, country surround ings: pretty apt., turn. wen. in gooa taste; June 23 to Sept. 13, perhaps longer; refer ences required, i' oou, imager urnce. APARTMENTS WANTED NEW JERSEY 8KASI10BB . YOUNC1 couple desires apartment, & rooms ar.d Lath, for season; uptown: state par ticulars In first letter; near Maryland avt. preferred M. 22'.. ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPINa APARTMENTS NEW MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APT. 3 ROOMS AND BATH 1S21 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS Sr BROWN. 202 S 13TH ST Furnished rURNISHED APARTMENTS: central loca tions: by week If desired. Sherwood Apt. Agency 22r S. Broad st Ph Walnut 317. wii.ixnv GROVE Enill'IBilBIUJIIIHIIUlBIIBlllWiiriaiBffi gj Willow Grove Apartments 1 :g Located directly opposite and over H looklns beautiful Willow ('.rove Park, g the plavsrounrl of Phlladplphla, on m Park ave., entirely refurnished, for HOUSEKEEPING M Apartments of 2 and 3 rooms, com. S 9 pletely furnished kitchens with each g apartment, with all modern con 19 enlences. Including plenty ot hot M h atcr. are H NOW READY i for occupancy for the season of HMD: a electric tlRhtlnt? throughout, larce comfortable porch and lan and pure ii g Sprlngflcld water; $35 and $43 per 9 month. H g C. P COWARD CO.. 20lh and Jeffer j? S son ets., or janitor on premises, H anilSWMillSlllllllIIIISlilllSllll'HIllllMI'IIMIIHISIlllllg ATAHTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE BARTRAM CHESTNUT AND 33D STS. Furnished and Unfurnished Apts. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS Amerlcan'nlan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. OE KM A NTO WN THE CLINTON. 10th st. flt,w Spruce Modern furn and unfurn. apartments THE LITTLE HOTEL. 225 S Ilroad st A good place to lle when In Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2420 HOLLYWOOD Two-story 7-rm. dwell Inn, In Rood repair; conveniences. Wm. L c'ravpn's Hun a 20111 Columbia aye. 252.1 N HARTA1N ST. Two-story, 6 rooms and bath; acant now; 2200. TAULANE. POO Walnutst. 300 W COLl'MtUA n store and dwell Ins, occupied: exceptionally Rood Invest ment; $1 on 100. Room 101. fll2 Chestnut. DES1HAHLE 3-story dwelling 19.7 N, 83d st. Inquire Lauber, 1033 N 83d St.. Dla- moii'i n ii or - w inn st.. ki inert 2100. SMALL 2-sty tolored homes in N, Phtla.j ou can buy llko rent, no deposit required. SHERWOOD APT. AOBNCY. 225 S. Broad! 1725 MT VERNON Eleven roomi; well lo- cated; price reasonable; POSSESSION. Wm L. Craven's Honn 2010 Columbia ave. AMERICAN IIOTKL. 8lh and Island roadl new. mndern: near Hog Island. lCBX.NEnV, 1001 Chestnut. 213(1 N "7TII Three-story D-room dwelling possession: price attractHe. WM. L. CRAVKN'S SONS, 2019 Columbia ave, POSSESSION, -iniu Indiana ave., T rooms. porcelain hath HIS Clearfield, modern, 0 rooms, bath Hammelte, fill Cambria st. 0011 HLOCK, ONTARIO ST hlx rooms: all conveniences: little cash required, CAMERON' '-'Ml Kensington ave. .VMt N. 1HTH ST. Larca 12-room d.v.llln main street; nice ard, conenent iocatlonv wm. i. rrBvfiiH nous. .iw ioiumpia av. p? 8UVBN 1-actui(ii;m. nortneast section, dif ferent sizes; suit any business, tracKaae. KKNNI'DY. 1""1 Chestnut st 727 N. HITH Twelve rooms; conveniences; good location: price reas to quick buyer. Wm L Craxen's Sons. 2llln Columbia ave. 2727 HEMHURHER Two story, 7 rooms, conveniences, theap to quick buyer. WM, I. CHAVHN'H ."ONS L'niD Columbia ave 1IIU8 WHARTON Ten rms.; all couvs.: prlca 143011 S. B Home. ISIIi and Wharton. 2727 l'OPI.AR, Hr.. store & dwur.: low price. Wm L. Craven's Sons. 2010 Columbia avs. S. W COH. 21st & llilsworth, 3 sty., lor., all convs ; price tSiino. Home. IHth A Wharton VOSSUfe-SION; 1U1 S 20th: 2 story; 8 rms.; ll conveniences, lllasl. 1805 8. 17th st. AUCTION SALES ; cinipiey iooi uoom i.aine, witn taper, drawn colleta 1 i, modemly equipped: 1 18x8 American Quick Chanca 'B lipped; 1 10x48 Toolmaker's Lathe, micrometer feed, .gfu nent i Seneca Kails and Maxlrlte Bench Precision and 'iq Tool uoom Lathe, with taper, draw.fn colleta unui-K, rii'. - ; --asa liiuuu x ivuoor.o , -. Presses; 1 Gang Plain Radial Drill; 20" Exc 3 and 4 Spindle Drill Presses: Sibley a xcel- nd .v... uhiivimi uiihuci, ,.oriun 4uoi jruiaer; ,. i with musnetlc chucks; No. .U llath Universal Vl . ,l li "i.'Vi- j i r m H" -.c- etV. ifl.rt lf &m "AaV . -.' r-