Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 18, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 21, Image 21

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MgiZH'f "-V"iwtf3S?
"" Ttfifv w
nW"" AKt''"rtPVjiJS(JjP
Gold Shlpmnnt to South America
New York, Juno 18. TIio National
'City Hank lins obtained permission from
the Federal Itcserve Hoard to ship a
further $3,000,000 In gold to South
('lllcnri,. Juno IN. IIIITTKIt Urrvl.it.
Irt.laT tubs. Markit steady, Bxtrrn, 5((P
O'Jtici nrsis,
, nuns r
slefluy. illf lUMlI'ici orritnnrv nrst. 'A
80c, miscellaneous. .'l7'4 MilllHc; dirties. .'It
.vici cneoks. 2sra3Vio: toriiire-F
nrsis, 'i.
uds. jwnrxit steady, l.xtrifs, ov
Irsts, 47J4 WIIHic, seconds, 4ilfM7c,
Receipts, 3.i, ion cases. Market
SOU CH2',ci ordinary firsts, aj'4 fe
pack eil
Commercial bar silver was quoted nt
$1.126 nn ounce In New York today,
on advance of ',6e. In London the'
price was fill, unchanged. '
4!2 Farm Loan Bonds
Issncd under the direction and control ol the Federal Farm Loan
Board, a bureau ol tho Treasury Department ol the United States
Dated May 1, 1919
Due May 1, 1939
Redeemttdt at pr and accrued Interest on any interest dste after fiTe year from the date of iisue. Bonds
In coupon or registered form (interchmceable) may be hid in denominations of J1.000, J500 and $100,
WO and $25. Coupons are payable semi-annually at any Federal Land Bank or Federal Reserve Bank.
Exempt from Fodoral, State, Municipal and Local Taxation
Federal Land Bank bonds are declared by Congress to be instrumentalities of
the Government of the United States, and as such are exempt from Federal,
State, Municipal and local taxation.
These bonds, therefore, have as complete exemption
from taxation as the Ftrst Liberty Loan 3Vz bonds.
The Federal Land Banks were created by the United States Government to meet the
agricultural needs of the country, as the Federal Reserve Banks were designed to meet
the mercantile and manufacturing needs.
These bonds are acceptable by the United States Treasury at par as security for Gov
ernment deposits, including Postal Savings. Funds. They are lawful investments for all
fiduciary and trust funds under the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Government,
and are eligible for investment by savings banks in the following states :
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
The Federal Farm Loan Board, which administers the Federal Land Bank System, is a
bureau of the Treasury Department of the United States. The Secretary of the Treas
ury is a member and the Chairman ex-officio of the Board. The continental United States
is divided into twelve districts, each having a Federal Land Bank which issues the bonds,
secured by bonds of the United States Government, or guaranteed First Mortgages ap
proved by the Federal Farm Loan Board. In order to avoid confusion, it should be noted
that the bonds of the Federal Land Banks are issued by banks created by the United
States Government, in which banks the Government now owns a substantial amount of
stock. All twelve Federal Land Banks are liable for the ultimate payment of all bonds
issued by each and every Federal Land Bank. Joint Stock Land Banks, although or
ganized under the same Act of Congress, are owned by private interests, the United
States Government holding none of the stock, and there is no liability on the part of
one Joint Stock Land Bank for the obligations of the others.
The Attorney General of the United Statti on behalf of the Government, and tU
Hon. Charlct E. Hughe on oar behalf, bate approved the constitutionality
of the Act and the validity of the proeiitont exempting the bondt from taxttlca.
The Federal Farm Loan Board in offering these
bonds for sale has anticipated the needs of the
Federal Land Banks and no additional bonds
1 will be offered prior to December 1, 1919.
Price lOOVz and Interest
netting over 4.38 to the redeemable date 1924
and 4 J2 thereafter up to redemption or maturity
Circulars giving detailed information will be furnished upon request
Alex. Brown & Sons Harris, Forbes & Co.
Brown Brothers & Co. Lee, Higginson & Co.
The National City Company
The stfttementa contained herein, while not guaranteed, are bated upon
Information aud adyice which we behere to be accurate and reliable
American Writing Paper Company
To the Holders of the Certificates of Deposit of First Mortgage Sinking Fund
Gold Bonds of American Writing Paper Company dated July 1, 1899,
issued under Deposit Agreement dated October 10, 1918:
Notice is hereby given that the Committee under "the above-mentioned
Deposit Agreement expects to receive from the American Writing Paper
Company, on or before July 1, 1919, permanent engraved bonds of the new
issue of Twenty-Year First Mortgage Gold Bonds of said Company, dated
January 1, 1919, for delivery in exchange for the old bonds represented by
said Certificates of Deposit. You are, therefore, requested to deposit at once
your Certificates of Deposit (cither in bearer form or duly endorsed for
transfer) at the office of that depositary named below which delivered the
certificates that you hold :
If the Certificates of Deposit are turned in promptly it is expected that
deliveries of the new bonds will be made by said depositaries on July 1, 1919,
or immediately thereafter.
For the convenience of the bondholders, the Committee has arranged with
the Company that cheques in payment of the six months' interest due July 1st
on the new bonds will be delivered with the new bonds in every case where
ownership certificates, executed in compliance with the Federal .Income Tax
Law, are presented to the depositaries together with the Certificates of
Deposit. When such payment of interest is made the new bonds will be
delivered ex the July 1, 1919, coupon.
The new bonds are issuable either as coupon bonds, rcgisterablc as to
principal only, or as fully registered bonds, in both cases only in the denomina
tion of $1,000 each. Unless written instructions to the contrary are filed
with the depositaries, new bonds will be delivered in unregistered, coupon
form. Y
' GEORGE C. LEE, Chairman
June 16, 1919.
Bears Rush to Cover on Report
of Reduced Area of Cereal.
Oats in Demand
Tin- following H'curltk'S witc sold at
miction today by llnrtiex & r,ollinid :
Philadelphia Markets
" -oiiilii,.,tnl-i:iultnble Title
. . 1 iut t 1 ini'ini . u.ir ..(
lu .urlni, Mi iri Trust Cnmpativ
Interest In Securities Overshadowed
by New Government Loan Campaign
The . . r .
Ill .V,
flilrnrn, Jutm 18 Illinois, Missouri.
1?m fl"'1 ,"n,J-Ocnerallv fnlr tnnlslit
?.!.ia.?.Dl"'!?.v not much chanec In tem
lv fIVI'. V 'ennsln t'nietiled but mnst
J.hilr ,,onlnl "ml Thursday, not much
rinfid! .!.ni ""fri'turc. Minnesota Part
Th7.IIinl wohauly unctttMl Innlnht nnd
south .-I ronlT In west tonlKht nnd In
i?nV ?."'' c"niral Thursday North Di
SK ,npr,1.1, '"If tonight nnd Thuri
s.,,ik V; ,r.ln f""' nnd central tonight.
f.T .Ji,"it.n"1 I'naMtM. but Bern-rally
Vbrakhl,innd T,h'"!-. olcr tonight.
Th; SSi f "nlly fair tonight and
(lenriu.' ,ro"l'r tonight Nehrnakn--hl,
i ,f"lr ,nn'Bht and Thursday. omc
no. vrr ln lu""th tonight Montnno
5n'.' "omlng ralr tonight and Thurn
loj, not much (hango In lunporaturo
Chicago. Jump 18. Consternation
was tliroHn im thp ranks of the hi'in-i
in the corn market today by an esti
mate, publNbril locally, that the area
of the cereal this season would hov a'
redaction of nbont 7,.-,00,O()O acres,
which would indicate the smallest urea
since ll)0!t.
... Kri'flc nisi, to rover many stop- i
loss orders wrr.- received forciliR big I
advances into new liIKh Krnunds for the ,
season. Trading wlls i,roa,i senl(1.
At the outset, quotations raiiued I
downward on solnp scattered selling'
brought about l favorable weather and i
additional losses j ylvi, nR,
The lightness of the moiement. bow I
ever, coupled with stnhilltv l ,h ,.i,
situation, discouraged beaiish netivlt
and there was n utiifk moement up
ward, j.ong lines that wcio liquidated
yesterday were leinstated.
Unfavorable crop news caused a gen
eral demand for oats and the market
made good gains after wavering in the
initial trading. Yesteidaj's best sellers
were among the most pioniinent btijers.
Offerings from the lountry were more
liberal. The shipping demand from the
Kust was slow. Weather conditions on
the whole were good.
I'lilhid.'ltmln 1 rust I initili
,.. .. '"r ,""1 )s5
10 I inn. 1 ttiiiin t'utnp.m) fur (lunrun-
i"liiK MurtKiiKiH l'..r H'P'J 1W
-" iii'iiii'tuinri, 'i rui iomnn par
fun n i'j
11) Sojtiiu, sum Natliiiuil Hank phi
llim us
1 Htiunrelaml utcr Company 10
1 ijik t Wulur Cimuiany -I
lo.Miriou l . injti rj l. juimn lt $17
l.iO 'tortuilt i Copikt L'ompanj . pur
1 l.ot ."'0
H,. (iinrti , TreudHill Mlnliw I'om-
I'imj , pur tin IkjI S3
WKiritiiM on at.U lli'tlnluu Oonu'.iti ,
par JI0 . . . I Ail i-
ll (Suld. n lie. it. lluhl .Mining Cuin-
paliy, par Jl . . l.ot I'J
o'l .Sun l.ula .Mining Comp.n. par
tin . . bit S
." 1ViuisImliiIh Hhattlli Coiupal)
pruti'rrtil; par $10 Ia)1 $J
s .South iShoto Acres: par lln l.ot $
I lilt'int I'otnpnm par $lo 'J
oniric Ttlcpoflt ('oinpam sotlng
lrut irrtltlat-s. par $10 Lot 17
" I'm the stmltliiff and Mlnlnir Com-
puiis . pur $.1. . . . Lot $1
" Ain'rliau ToliphotiL Compini par
$111 Lot $1
1" Culm rou .Mhhil i l'o. priferrod.
I'm !l .... I')
1 ( onii.lldatiMl Copptr .Minis I'ont-
p.un , par $.. . Lot $ i
7 Thhtei'r.th nnd Fifteenth struts
I'lis ner Itallwt.) . . -O.i
1 .Ttdin II Sti tsoli Company common.
Par $100 303
I John II stetson Compan common,
par $100 ... 31-
" John II St. hnn Company common.
Pir $100 3(10
i ' norlcan stores ininimny pre-
firrid, par Sluo.
"(i Northern Llht-rlle 3'is Compan ,
Par $J." .... . .
.oil K. .Mulfoiit Compi'i. par J..0
Jlliorito It Newton Coal Comimn
first prefornd par $lo)
l"'l National 1)11 Compan preferred.
par 810 o
s King itowther Corporation, par
tlliii . I1'
.'MiiliH Title and Trust Compam .
p. I .!.- "'
I (llrard National Innk. par $100 41"
I" Corn Kchango National Hank, par
$101) . ... 3S)'
"i Corn Kv'nngo Natlontl Hank pir
$100 . . . . 3sn
lo lVnn Nltlonnl llanlt, pir $100 -.
7 Tlrsl National Il.mk J'hllndi Iphln
par Jl.io .. . . 243
i. Hank of North Amcrlia. par I loo -'7m'-".
Kinslm;ton National Hank par
J.-.ll ... 121
-'.'1 Kenwlngton National Hank par
S.VI .121
ltnd Title atul Trust Compan
pir $100 .Ma
Jo riilelltj Trut ( ompany. pir $100
JO ligan Trust Company, par $100
"t 'I loga Trust Cnmo.im ; par $.0
J l'ennsihnnla Compam for Insur
ituei on i.ives ana urunuug
tnnrkft -u- n. ... ..''. ti.. ..niiti.ri Kniidini. .Iiino H. Tntrrrot tn bornrt
..nd,;!r,nlVI';,r,a;.,,,;d',rlKeVV-r.',.l,i,' "" exchange was again
I ,"'." 'at r $2,111, No . 1 southern spring, ocrshadowed today by the new gavern -
':.,'.''" ' ii'iru 'iinier -r aa iso i i"
"'.'"r war iki :ir No 1 red smult
incut loan campiiigii and the maikets
I'-orrlgn locomotive orders received! by
tin Haldwln Locomotive Works, 'ne
cording to reports in trade circles, Ins
elude sixteen Mogul type for the Danish
State Hallways and five Santc. Fe type
and three Pacific tpe for Lourcnso
Marques, Portugese Kast Africa.
I."..'"i '"?" -.fed wrntir' Vj.3'1. Nn s north- lemalned narrow with a cliMkered ap
ein Fprlng $2 311 N, 2 hard w Int. r 82 Id rnn, '
No J ml Inter uarlliki 12.34 No 2 red PCItrante.
n", iJ nn'," -:.'.'. ' '.i." ".'", vi .i! Canadian nnd South American mils
.. Il 'ill -'L'J IIIM, .). 1' "'.. . I . ( 11 I
" . "iit i :ii Vii :i rmi .iniir ariirk "ip inriinrd to si it. rtofiin on ismicn ' -r m.A . i i ..
vj ao No :i Vr .in . A i i vn 4 rwl 11 1 - V- 1 .1 . 1 .n.i.ui.imirprs in waisiH report mi
IS ?." "ri..TuliV8s- n"; V im I ' f?"1.1""';- ,,'"1"r "10 ,""1 ,,f."tior.Ilimr demand for white seor
VisN ,S-S"r!i"k; rIi,"kT tilS? N" '' '""r1""1 n: '"V'r s,,"r.7 were strong. 'KP ,r(pp .,,(, Kaym for rtM
I.UIUI' I.' -, .v-(1 -, .,up.i. ,,.. n1l.it 12 21 I '" "-'-' i"tv in ill'- nii"-i.iiiiiii-i-i D..1,I1I. ....,. ,l,1 . I.- Mnnnw
1 fUlV ltecell.ts lltil'J I.K.hVl. There a i.f tin. Intnpfinllntinl Moeo.itil tin Moeli.i. I. ""","'"""" "" "".'- !""
.imo'T''"'" ,r2 int.heis 'There a. f ,. International Mercantile Marine i " ' " , , ','",,",,,
X'lZ:Zu"nTZ'ZuTl Company on the sale of the l!,,.ih ' rs for immediate (lclh
i?oo f?i 'i'i 'L1. '"V '1" "" ,n 'lui'lty and loca- holdings led to the selling of shipping .. ... , ,
Mi-ri '.'. y,M ; it bushel . . rollon tofllcs arc In good i
M ":l'"Zj?tin TrS'lS- " '." J"! being the principal
nnerlngs , ,M1i, ..., ,,. . , i a
Hon No 2 whit, SIO, (t( sli , standard
While Ml, VH,, S ;, ,lt, T'l7PVai .
NO I Uhltr 771, r,t 7su ,
.t''1',0l'."""',l"" 4"" l'W C'"1 -'"""
' .Ii.1 T '" "ailip rti market continued nmk
with huiets slioning uri lltth Interest
.. fuolutlons u , n, f,,n,,ws To nrrlie pir
IPO IllS ill llll IK I. In .rl,lf. ll'lnl. r
siraigni liisttrtl $11 L'.-.fril 40
V 1 1 2i Kansas straight
it. irl.t
JA T'M !" Imiiihiki Vtmlirht $11 Vtfl1
U .1. ito L,,..rl .....n. llnIM I ".11 mrln.
1 : .r, I'll, 111, Clh'll . 2'.'
short pr nt jiMuin do unient 11 .0
W?.V.,.ni' " !12r1jr.o do patent
W12 2- do Hi.) rli.ir n t.'.ifi to 2:
llll, rim It ,, i,uet and v hanged.
we quot at js j.-.dS 7." per barn I In
sarks as In ooilili
1 There wji. n tar Jobbing demand for most
ii-euripuons nnd lalues generalli rill, d llrtn
dried ts,
! j-uioneii anil nr dried 411.
1 .ureii
I'ff In sets smoked and air- , ,,, , ,lrk r r,.,.or, Juy ,
Mill agents are doing little except dis
pose of Mi-rnlliol "slinrts." een thMo
,er,,,;no,r.0'pe?f;,r,ons prZTxss :- rr(,"Uir ,i'" Ms rciid!l- -orbd.
July 1 to stoi k of record Juno 20. 1 '
I ho iiuouesho Light Comiuiuv quarterlj 1
"'.'i ','r.er'd I"1! 'V'"''"' ,",VHUl' Au- An analysis of the answers to a ques
PU"hila!Mph'hnil''ioinp..n quartern of 1 1, ' tinnnnlre sent by the National Fctlera
Cr, '"rl "" ,,"m,.non ibl" J"1 '! to lion of Construction Industries to 140(1
"'"ie'publli"' lialiw'av and I.icht 1 urnpinv. "f ""' leitiliiiB construction industries
iiu.irteriv of i'j per tent, iiisabi.. .iui in and lehited interests in the United
to stoik of tciord June ;lo j,.,, .1 , . . . .1 it t.
Welsha h Coinpn semiannual of .p, per i,,l,,rs 'hows Hint during the last few
lent on preferred and ier 1 ent on lomninn, weeks general business conditions havo
both Pable Jun, 30 to stock of r, , ord ; RrntIv Jrnl,rovl,c, ,, t,mt tht pros-
f reamir I'lrkBK Mtiiutfnnlurimr r, mi- , poet for tht? future nre bright,
p.inv. imartTU uf Xi2 pir tnt on prifrnil I
nii 1 u per eru on rmnmnn, panhp ju'
So fuslsf etit linvo Iktii the demand
hi en's
hmT KhUCkl"8 ami tmier". 1tlttmnrn Tub.' ("oinnnnv. ntinrfprH (,f .e ... .... - . ..
V ...t.U,......U. , w v..,
Tork fiimtn 4f
lo-n 1,V l .T
SI to on pr'frrp(t an1 rummon, pnnblf
I to to K or record juno -it
wnulfii mill srliiner npents to accept
"' nijini. flflti'. .I1M 'XtVitl'3 I (lu. Oil. I N. Liu Smilfu .SfPP utifl I Via I 'ntntnhi 1 .. 1 . . . ..
nnn 1 . '. " " ' . :
wnPKwj .itp-a (rr.l,ic. hauifi. Imlli'ij hon1- iurti'rh of - t r rpjit on pffnrpMl
, "- '-, pirnir Rnoumrrif n r rurrii 51 LTi on roinmnii, paaui jui Hi
I loojip. 'j 1 , ,io ntnokPi), l'D c IipIIhk 111 Manning, ilaxwell A Mom- o'larlprU
I'lriiio loidp, aac, lipMkr.mt lnnn I.e. J ' ppi t f nt and umtl ntra I 1 'ti p,ir
lard. 3V
Prill of tho Inttor linvo nhntulonpfl thnir
'' Tinllr.l nf rnt enllSnn or. fnn ntionl nml
!," Hi ,T wt llllt f-(-II ilfi "J 1UI UIILUU UUI
t TIipto a a modentp ilmiml n
I nf ii f,r fiiif RrHnulntcd
iiotii p-nauif Jump so to toik of rcinni of nn tnUinp tlif orfIcr.
Itnr 1I1 S pir 1 Ion-North ArnTk an (ir '
pi. mm. a .luld.ml .f $ a sharp pim il,U Slll)MH'1lN ill0 1(0(1 at St. fiall, Swt'
' JI I lv nil" n
1 IIKHS'K ini in amplf jtiiT'ph ipiift mil
hnril Ft. a.iv QuntntloriH .N w '-rk and
W i"inin uholp-inllk tl.it-j 1 urn nt mak
f.nif ? j a 3ji4 c hppt lain hiKhpr dn w iml -milk
flat", (.urrt'tit in.tkp fair t. m d 31'a
"i , 1 t
HI' Tl Kit Tho m.i rkpt wii qui!
honi-ii imio chunffp A K'" il.nl 'if
nail to liy Htorrd for owner" 1111 mini, uw ins
to lai k of an outh't (Juntati.nin N.ilhi
purktd ir'nniprv. txtr.iN "t.ti huh r-iniiK
V-? 1 B"t,'''. ri4it."Hr th lM-r f-u ji.i.i inu -ihI-
J,T' ? 'Xtn flrtn, r2c. flrftM ptfi Mi. m imN.
loo ITulN. Kwert trpanipr hui.. to fan'
I V5Cri"i do, fair to irnod .'.O'o .4i ftn-
r.mds nf jirlntM Jobhlnj, at on 'n ij. fair
f nrnnl Junf LM
i ihutlon 1 Intr ph
I'.nirth iiih-rtv i.nn U it rfnt hnn.N and u oro valued nt onh SI fiUn,0CR, against
.0 per l 'ii 1 in w tor linn 4s in r n.nt c. . ,,- ..,,. ,.- , , 1
to atock of rei ird rune 2 (lass of cotton manufacturers, the prin
Inland tie. k iml 1 iimpanv ounrieriv r (I,i i.viiort item, slinretl in the lie-
on p.lotile Jillv 1 to
1 p.
ha 1,'
1 crease.
Leading futurea ranged u
Corn (new delier-
Onen lllvt, I ....
JJ'iiv 1 1.1 1 ', 1
Clo"!' 1 Iiini'
.Scilt 1. lisNi I 7:H, 1 1.1.1. 1 r'-it. i .'.!. '
'Ull (I'M, 7LW, i,ir, 71
.lepi in, ii7 li'l 711.
AlltluUbf. liar SIO'I ... 010 , to good .'.Offl .Mir
J 1 oinlnercl il Trust Company, par i:i!ll.s The market for Irl.lh llnj; egg-
J1"0 ..". rulid firm with hui nlli alow I. tf ni"d
in Jtnklntoun Trut (Jomrall! pir up. The quntnllon" I'm la- i ip irbv
. . ''". . . . lil flrt. S13 mi per i rim ut r, i i i.iu,t
second and 'Inlrd streets r.isen- I $1.1 'Jil. western etra llrstn ll.lso ilr-t -
and i-ioi k of record June
e,Li. n-.t c.- "crlared exports to t be United State
Proctor & Gamble Declare Extra fpom ,!pfl(.(,K Xirnrapua. amounted
Cincinnati. .lime 1 1 lie Proctor . . Sli.7I.-.L'li2 In 10)R, nn increase of
Cniublc Coiniiauy derlnrcil the regular 'RI.L'SO.irc. compared with the value
liiarteily diiidcnd of .", per cent on the f tlm I Ml T exports. I'.ananas were the
common stock nnd an extra iliiidcud (hief article of export, the value'ot
of 1 per cent in new common stool,. I those shipped being SI. 101,(100 in 1018.
Dividends are payable August ", to ' a large increase ovci the 191" ship
htock of record .lull 'Si liients of S(U.!l!l2
.lull .31 7." 34 To
ipt .13 SO Ui or,
Julv 27 .'0 U7 7.",
Sept .-J7.H0 7 75
Juli on 90 oO 110
Sipt IS ,-,n is 7.-,
Hid tAsked. ,
." I
.I'i'Si i
31 r,
II on
3i r,
.13 70
1 iii ;:
V 27
.9 nn -,u n
tslo ;ii)
'34 so
.11 12
r.o r.ii
I New ork. .lun; Is III TTi:i: Slluhtli
-,;!T"'''..."',Cplit!'. 15.S1H tubs lllgh-seiirliiR
. .'J1, (h.i.lc. ejtrns, ol", Hi ,-, rsl- -.o'o.-.lc
sisonds. 4SW4'iV4c state d iin r,l i MiJ (
, l.till.S firm Iteceiptw 24 2:,s cafe.
1 leih gathered extras r.iK, "oiji tnr.ige
paiked extra firsts V.K milde aturug.
packed Uralm 47'"4SHc giithi,, extra
tirstal7lft4Nc, first. I4'j r.i n,i, , .econd-
IJilW.l.i cheikH, 3(iff.-17o Mate nd neat lis ,
I hcrmeri whites. .11) m H2c gathered whites
li'tiSc; weitern whiten 47(ii.-s, western
and southern gathered whlt'.s 4(iru "7c state
t and nearbi hennery brow na lllffi ,",iia c cath
cred browna and mlx'd 4'i'orilc ,
rmci:si:nij.i ii(Ceipt. i.tsn boxes
,'",' ,!,ho'ii.,n.,.llk ""' 'urrent make, ape
lnl 30 T.I1 'i i do alirage run 30l4 J,
,loc. ftate. ilium milt. luln. . .. An. I
!, .!"... o.r:.'1" .'-". "I'l-lll ,
.n-ii.iij, no average run. '
make, pneclahf,
au V .lll'SC.
The following report on the fre.h western
idrisaod meat trade In Philadelphia , fr.
nlahe.l by tho loial llieto.-k and meat nlTlco
of tho Hure.ui of Markels, Cnlted Mates
( department of agriculture
! riir.HII IIKKP nicelptj light, market
quiet at steady price demand light
..?T.hCJo??'"c,pl" "eh,; "I'rket Meaily at
111 to $21. demand nuM
.,'.fJ'?rJ'i'?'-''yu 'teh' market unchansed
, at $12 to $15. demand slow
i VCAL Receipts moderate, bulk medium
! $21: demand fair' '""""l MC"'Jy at "l l
ir r Ha II a v Pninnnti -1
I CitlMin' I'uHsenjfrr Italla. I'lim-
panv . . . 2-"
rr.inkfonl atid Snuthwark P-ipsch
i R' r i; tiiuay onpan- -si
STioOO .MioitKoniery Transit Coinpun,
i pm ttru. iirFi a tin rtitinu
ln inortKaRe. luupons ,lun
and LJeteintnM . duo llH 1
IMU (.'In aaiiOHko uiitl Dfliwar" Caiidl
Company. 1 P"i cent. tiri
tnori until . tomtoni Jnu.in
ai 1 Jul . duo lirjti
lotio UHNiiltiKtun and lrlnl.i lull-
ia t'ompinj. tl im r i put
'pijulpment trutt" oupnif
January nnd Jul). t!ti' in-'-MVtONplmi
1 .Itflittiu? I'nmiMnj " p r
int. dip- l:J
Hti0 Ullkoi-lliirro (ias and I.lP.tiii
Compani, .1 per cut f 1 r t
inortKHKf, t iMipons Jauuar.v
and July, dup 11.1
J 'li. I -Nuith hpilhgtli'UI UtM ( urn
pin, ." per tent, tirst in-ri-KHS
. oupons .Ianutr and
Juh. dun UiJiH
1'ino sprlnutlrld AVatPr ConiPiuv
lpr (put, onsnlldtitp 1 iiiimi
irnKn, toupiiiH M itlIi and ri
timber, diif lHJd 7,
100 Smith Shun- AirH tumpin "i
per lent, dm 1HJI I.ut $(i
.tOD I'onmnpiiUtHli 'lleph"iK mul
TplrKraph otn(ian. (J pi r
rpnt du" HtJJ . Uil n
."00 Cloeland and KrU- Hallway
I'onip uij , ,i jwr t ent tlrpt
inortK-iKt . i oiiporiH J.muar
aud Julj , dup tPJ
luiiO Tldlad. Iphla Klpilrk Cnmpanv
." ppr wn . lirt itioiU;ik
i oupons April and Ortidn r
duo HottJ
lu0t)Ukn-11arrp & Ha7tptm Hail
tool Companx, 5 pi i ent
Tifht i(dliitral innrtKKKi' rou
iin .Mas and Nutiiitn, dm
' I w land & i:rl Itailua: I'mii
pan, ." ppi rppi. tirnt murt-K-irzr
oupoua Januirx and
Jul . due 1!fJ1I $J."iM (,Ip(
land A, i:rf Hallnny Com
pany " per rent. Inform4
mortem duo tii. .
11.1 .'( fam. wil.-itfd ,c JuhliiriK at .".1
ji jkt dozen
I.I K dull nnd fnv . i ..uiiu lr
(lower Quotation! I'owtj via xprev
tJ(Ji ;t3i 4prlnu hltkeni hroii. i- nut I.ej
horn. jellow wklnni'd v pfhim: 1 WJ Ion.
kI'Imp 7t2&o7n. . oprtnt; ht Kfn. 1 roll r
not I,. kIiotiia -llow skinm-il u ishintf 1 'a
lb apiece. I" f(l alf hll I.f(?horn p11ov
skinned, wrlKhlnu 1 fit Um ipide 4'ti) .
IV. Unite I.tchoriiH -llo kiniod small1
r l7i .TUff-lUc rotihi 4r J:T .Mi dui k
JVkln. .ir931f, diirks Indian lluim-r 7
-s.. Kerse, o-y.Ic plk't on- oi.( pir pair.
0v .io picpona. ountc pir piir W'Tt in(
IUL;HSEt wan iiuht and hrnilinu . tin keim
were Inui-r I'owls rub d "I. tdv fimt 1 1 iufis
follow I'tiwls frh kil!d dr ph kr.l In
boxe weiKhltur 1 lli and over iitm-re,
Tc weljthinK 3' It' lii .Tl. smaller "ien.
Mru 34c freb-liillf d in barrels fam v dr
ph ked w- Uh inn Ibst Mv ,,,,.r anleie
1 li'-M. iehlnir 3ff V? lb aoifie 3"i''?3il.
smaller Hire 3'"fi 'th old rooatcrs iir
ph ked. 24r bruib r twiuln "i''(iil.,t do
western .'.llfiTi:!' vprina dinks lmir Inland
' i Bnuahs pir do, n white wlKhitis
1KU12 lbs pt., ,1,, $s-iTriL-. do do
"Uhin tK'10 Ihs n r do? $7 "Wit s j" ,
do do velKlilnc s H - per dor JdiiCTr.
do do. wflUihiff 7 lb ter do S t r0ffi)
i a l;,i . tin do wpluhlnu' ipfMm lbs nr do '
' tli'l.l ."ill. dark St .-.nff? '-. ,rn.n i
No. 2 C0,f,$J t",u" ""
Chniep tnrk sold f.ilrH and a!u" am
orally Wrre w p Hiis-miuM Quota tlon
lemons per Inn $ I o U U -.;, oranges, fall
, furnta. pr box yjfiu, sirawbirripn p r
inwrt. J.;Ji? laniHluupm t'ahfnrnia p. r
' r,,,. ,lJ" watpimebnis 1'loTld.i p. i
.ir. lanii(rtJ-.. I,larklrrhs North i Mrnil ..
t-.r ouart Jn-T.. . hprrl. marbv p. r
lb . sweet. H'tt'.:. do. nr i.-,n, j'v,
Ptaehis tjfortfia. pir n,iir $i;fo!5n
Three Wells Drilling
Two within the proven area of
Ranger Field, Texas.
One in Elbing-Peabody Field, Kansas
Moderately capitalized and adequately financed to
carry out extensive development campaign.
No Subscription Stock
Actively Traded in on New York Curb
Market Around $1
('tirnhti tin tl l(ii op ifqurst
ltablish d 1P02
Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia
M, mbi ri V v Mock UxchanRe
42 Broadway, New York
lliiiilKO. .tone !H HUCs U i t Ipti. 2a. 1
noil luail Opened about 2aiiri'ie lower but I
Kttural li.id vi.ih 30l&.T.e und. r MM.rdaj hi
iv'iriei l.'arly ton $21 o"i. bulk t2o:.',iel
New potitoeH sold falrlv and ri,,,l sh ,.,,
nimer dnloni and labbuue w er, ,lui ,,
.a-ler IMotallone Whit, pi.tat,, f ,
per 100 ll. tltH", White n,d,l,iJ
sooth Carol tn and .North Carolina ,.r l,l
No 1. 4 .-.0i. -,!-,. .N 2 $ -,'l'.i-l -,ii
vyhlii. polato-i i:,,iern .shore. VlTmnia' ,,. r
bid No 1 $-,fiil. No 2 f2fi .!.-,(, Hhile
I'otatoea. Norfolk. ,mr I.W -No 1 Jl'ij",-,
Vo J tJ -UdS I'ahbaRT. Norfolk i r
crate (?'!. .1.. i:,tel u M,oi , r.
I2M.12-. Onliiu-i Texas iel)u r , r ',
It'll I . i do do n hit, p, rir.ll. Jl.il -,o
Jo. New ,I'I, pi i baslct $1 ,-,ii' j .-,
I.AM11 Ileieipta mod. late bulk or h-k , -," '"..'"'nvv $20 4,-.(tt'20 HO medium SJo II ,
Hneclnl AIetlnr
CA'l n.i:- lltfelnts. RlHlii heml II i f l.rri
mmm bul hi r ' lm k Bteadv to Htionit ( alen
, fteitih to J.'n. hlghei . feedi H si d bt-ef
Htfer- in dlum and hev ilmir. and prim
'414 ."t Hi l.'i. nipfthirii Rood Jl'.' j."iii l.'
ronin.wti $HI T,fl 2 45, Rom! and hoir .
I $1 J 'V'l 1 1 7" common medium Slifii 13
h'lftri- J7 ".Vr 13, inva J7 aOli 1J 7o -.n
in ra Hid .litlin. $(l I'a'K 7 ."u eal nlvc
i of HkIiI .md hea vs. ?la oOfi IK, fieder teer.
ha $p 7." ri 1 I fctut ker steer JH L'.)ffJ 1J "J7,
hiii:i i'-uecetpiH. Ui.nno head. -Market
is a tlM' but most Is steadl Ton landis
i ariitiR wtunorn. j: , iwin ::... pwe
2023-2024- LAND TITLE BUILDING. Telephone-Loeurt 2681
1 6a Ilroailwa
New York Cltv jn . 17 lnIn
Hpeclal meetlnvr of Hie irLimi.ia...
the Aetnu Kplos,es ('oiapin.i. Inc.
peen lallen fur I liurvil.tt . .Inl 10 1.. ..-
general oITIcpb erf tho lompini al In1, Itmad- ! I
way, .NovaorK city for Hi. puiposo or I ll'l
taklnc Hctlon on the rendju.tmeni pi, , medium uooil and . bolce, $7 7a(& n ,ri0. iuIIi
lran.fer hooka will clrsi s,,r,j Junp 1 .,nd loiuuioii J3.50Sr7 So
21. and be reopened l.'rid v .Juh u
,-a HI'KriAI. VfKl'livi w,.ir..V ivansas v ,13 , ..10., dune is iun,.s Jte
13S TiVi,iL , ,f 'llS('-r"', i1 olpli jonno head: Sue to loc lower (ban
ri vi.Tili'i ni fh'. W.,',V,,1'' df f" ot the ' leiterdiv s averau" Hulk. IIP Hot; 20 2o.
held Vll. I5?uinS.UT?f ' l',l'V,,,,,l,," "'" bo.lie-,,1... 2 W20.30 m. dlum wcUbtp.
I L'f, .?.' ,,5.J?,?Jvi,,"E. 1,ou"" ,"",',1 '.",J M,r" ' mill Ju .la. Iluhta. Jl'l -:.t 2.1 1-.. Iluht
6 h. 10l). betueen-ihV houra ,,( olie" "two M" pW MuS&o -M '"" MUt B""' "" "W
lh Rsiotr frnn, lliflft nun . ,V,.k . .v . ."l I ' " ' h ""1UII1K UllVCniy lOTCCI Of U"CI I .1 1 -
iii,.1??!1.?. T0"1 OOOiOOO to SliiiiO.ooo. tha tie. butiher ntiKk mostlv 2.V lowei Vealr..
. 'o "recorrlTt i'-nST "Z ""? r'i!V !"""!' "baker, anil feed. r slea.lv ,o l.mer 1
nno hulf hall i. it .7 , iniivii iiio i in-' i mi re. inoio" a no prime f ..I
nne-nali unall be added to Surnuq a. ,-. n. ..,.u... n.i i ... .--.,. i
V. rT.TrTniTT M'.rir. . .....- ',.,.,. ""''".'"" 7"y". ' - l " l! 1 i .'
' w... yriij . ".nier
Notlre of Dividend on Preferred stock nml
Common Stork
The Hoard nf rHrectorn of Wll.on Co .
Inc., has declared a uuarterlv dividend uf
one and threo-nuarters per cent (ler) on
ItH Preferred Stock. paahle .lull l Itllll
to the preferred stockholders of record nt
the clone of bualneBS on June 21 IMP, and
a dividend of One rinUyr and twentv -flv ve
cents (M.-a) Per shnreWi ItH Common Stock
pavable Aucust .1. 1010, to th" niminon
slokhoblers at the close of builm si on Julv
21. 1010.
Tursuant to the order of the otlnir Trus
tees, checks will be mailed bv Wilson &
Co.. Inc.. to the respective holders of tho
Votlnc Trust Certificates for said Common
Stock standing of record on th" honks nf
the Votlmr Trustees at the (lose of business
on July 21. 1010. and checks lu poment of
tho Preferred Stock dividend will l mailed
as usual..
Dated, New York. June 11 in It)
liK.OmiK I). HOPKINS, secretary.
Westinffhouse Electric
A Quarterly Dividend of 2 (II 00 per
share) on tho PREFI'RHCn Stoi k of this
Company will ! paid Julv 1.1. lull)
A Dividend of 2 ($1.00 per share) on
the COMMON Stock of the Companv for the
quarter ending Juno 30. 1019, will bo paid
Julv 31. 11)10.
Hoth Dividends are payable to Stock
holders of record as of Junn 30, lino.
H F. HAI-TZ. Treasurer
New York. June 111 mill
14ft Chestnut Street, Vhlln,.. Pa.
Juno 111. 11110
The Hoard of Directors has this dav de
clared n quarterly dividend nf one and one
quartrr per rent (lvi.), on the preferred
stock of this Company, paiahle Julv IB.
1011). to stockholders of record on the. bonks
of the Comnany at the close of business June
80, 1010, Cheeks will be Inalled
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
A dividend or Two Dollars per share will
be paid on Tuesday. July IS. 1910. to stock
holders of record at the close df business
on Friday, June 20. 1010.
a. V. IHLNn, Treasurer.
The reeular quarterly dividend of one half
of one per rent (V4 of !,) has been declared
on the lommun stock, payable Jul) 15. ID1D,
to stockholders of record June 30, 1010
New York, June IN. loin.
A. K. WIDI.I. Seiretary
urviiu ami uoiumDia Ave.
.. ht""ledphla, june B. join.
A-.f.'?'!1"- of tha Monrd of Directors
held this date, a semiannual dividend of
?-" ,J.JHr.rent. w.? declared, payable July
iS t. 'ft?.! ,?.i."to5kho.l.d-!; "' record Juno
20th, 1010. Checks will be mailed.
Oirira of The United Gas Imnrovement Co.
i. i ."'oj-r'Tflsa ana Arcn streets.
a red. a
1.00 net
bualneai Juno 40,
of reco-fl. at the clisa of bu.U
1010. ChJcks'wlll.l" m.ll.d
uintnoii. ill 'u1 12 HO. ait we bzhts. uuod
and ihulce. 112. 1 .'( 13.2': common and me
dium. SII"i0I(12 10: bUtlher cattle, heifers.
Id dOn U 10. cuvvs, Su40fc12 1o. fanners
and (ullers, I." 2.-iGii6.3V veal calves IlKbt
mil lindv neli-hts. J12 7,"i'H 1. feeder steers
loi I' .Ti stocker ste.r", !7 H"i4l 13 'J.'i
SH '1' Jlecelpts, r,0o0 Mow. Lambs
1'ic In 2."i I i tits lower: dhetl, J.'ii' to r.o,
lower nmts stend.v I. .nubs. cU pounds or
1,ks JH 7,riW1s 2,"i, culls and imniiniii J 12 ."III
I'll Villllng wethers, $11 JVuMt ewe I
$7 If ti ."il ewes, culls and loiniuon I uO'if 1
ii 73. koata J3 9S ",0
St. I.imiU. Juno lh IIIHIS Iteielpts. II - I
.-.mi head .llarket opvnlnu 2."" low.r than
I'Sterd.iv a averat-e, or riU1c7."' low-r than
Monilav Top. Ull (..",. bulk IJo.J-i'u Jo 7."
b av.v weiKht J20 TiOtif 20 "Ti in'diuni welttiit,
l.'il i.'itl.o II.".. Iiuht weight $111 I ."II 20 .10
Ill-lit lit-htw $10111117.1. luavv paikini- mows
smooth $ is .10 ft 10 .10. pin kltur sows rough,
.... i,il, "V .ill. plKS. $10 -ill'il HI 2.1
CATri.i: Iteielpts. :iS()o head Market
slow uneven but virtually stemlv on all
klnla. veah .1047.10 hlkher It.ef steets,
uiMillum ujj good, S12GM.1 lommun, $10 7.1
1' 12 Html weight. Rood and ihulie $l:t'ff
117.1 lommon and medluni $'17.11113
hutiher nittle heifers. $01ftl".1 ,ows. 7if
11 21 fiinnera and tutlers $hii7 2.1 veal
calvis, llhtil and handi vveis'hl $12 7.1
17 21 feeder steers $N.2.11tlJ1o stuiker
steers $7 .lOlfll 7.1
S 1 1 K I : I KeielpU. 3(100 head Market l.lli
J.li lower on both sheen and lambs Iimhs
lm ludlnK springs $1.1 7,11( Is 71 Hies med
ium and iliolie. $7.7.1(iJh.7o, lulls und com
mon, Situ 8,
jnnu Lower
$J1 101(21 00
11 20 7.1
r)iu:i:r and
lienil Mteadv
Umbs. IIS 10
l'AI,Vi: Receipts.
Top, 111).
June IS IIOIIK Receipts.
Heavies and heav v vorkers.
light yorkers and piss, $20 5o
I.AMDS Iteielpts. 1000
Top sheep, $10 .10: top
300 head Steady
Kast lliirralo. N. Y June IS CATTLK
Retelplb 22.1 head Active and steady.
Calves, receipts, 300 head, 2.1c higher, $U
111 .10
1IIX1S Receipts, 0.10 head Active. 13o
to 21c lower. Heavy mixed and yorkers,
IJ17.14i-Ms.il light yorkers $ Jo 2.14120 .10.
pigs, $20 21 roughs. $10 2.14110.10, stags,
H247 1U staters. $21 2.1 Q 21 71
SUHKl' AND I.AMIIS Iteielpts. SOO head
Fairly aitlve and Bteady Lambs $12dill.
jearllnm $1043in: wethers ttn noon;
iwi'i. IJiiO.SO. mixed sheep, 110 fill. 50.
$12,000,000 Issue of $50,000,000 Loan
Series A
$2,000,000 5-Year 4Y4 Registered and Coupon Bonds, Due July 1, 1924
.,, , . . H a ,.s,ucu allu vuujjuii uunui, Due July i, ijty
$2,000,000 15-Year 4 Registered and Coupon Bonds, Due July 1, 1934
$2,000,000 20-Year 4V4 Registered and Coupon Bonds, Due July 1, 1939
$2,000,000 25-Year 4 Registered and Coupon Bonds, Due July 1, 1944
$2,000,000 30-Year 4 Registered and Coupon Bonds, Due July 1, 1949
Financial Briefs
M. Wllliiun (lOotlman, formerly with
Ilertron, (Irihcom & Co., litis beconip
associated with the sales tlrpartineut of
Harper & Turner.
TIip New York stibtreasury lost $4,-01-1,000
to the banks yesterdov, , retlticiuK
the ciisli net gain since Friday to $1,.
Villtam W. Allen, Jr., lias been np
pointt'd transfer officer of the riiilatle:
liliia National Bank. Mr, Alien is a
member of tho Vhilatlelphin 1)9 nnd lina
been connected with the FalUtdelphln,
Jvjatifina for some time.
Free From the Personal Property Tax Imposed by the Stale of
Exempt From the Normal and All Surtaxes, Also Excess Profits
Taxes of the Federal Income Tax Under Existing Laws.
Oflkc of the Auditor General, Ilarribbura;, Juno C, 191f).
Sealed proposals will be received oy the undersigned at the office of the Auditor General at Harris
fturc, until 1- o'clock noon, Monday, Juno -1, 1910, for twelve million (12,000,000) dollair Loan of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the following conditions:
TMs Loan is authorized by an Act approved the ISth day of April, A. D. 19ti).
The bonds now offered, amounting in the nKRreBate to $152,000,000, will be dated July 1, :oi9 and
will bo payable at The Philadelphia National Bank of Philadelphia, Fiscal Apent of the Common
wealth, in lawful money on their respective maturity dates, as follows:
July 1, 1924
July 1, 1929
July 1, 1934
July 1, 1939
July 1, 1944
July 1, 1949
Interest nt the rate of four and cne-quarter (414) per centum per annum will be paid semi
annually, on January 1 and July 1, at the office of the Fiscal Agent of the Commonwealth in Phila
delphia. All bonds issued under the provisions of this Act shall be exempt from taxation for State and local
Certificates in registered form will be issued in such amounts as the purchasers may require in
the sum of one thousand (1,000) dollars, five thousand (.",000) dollars, ten thousand (10,000) dollars
twenty-five thousand (25,000) dollars, fifty thousand (50,000) dollars, and one hundred thousand (loo'
000) dollars; and in coupon form in the sum of one thousand (1,000) dollars. Said certificates will
be interchangeable as to form.
Negotiable Interim Certificates will bo issued if desired, pending the engraving of definitive certifi
cates, and may be obtained from the Fiscal Agent on the day that payment is made for the loan, or
No biiWill be considered unless accompanied by a certified check or certificate of deposit drawn
to the orduTlof the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an amount equal to two (2) per centum of tho
principal of the lonn for which the bid is made. Checks or certificates accompanying bids not accepted
will be returned by mail to the bidders within forty-efcht (48) hours from the time of opening of the bids
Deposits of successful bidders will be applied in partial payment of the amount of the loan awarded lo'
them. No allowance will be mado for interest on an advance payment from the time a bid is submitted
to the time -of settlement.
Settlement in full for the loan awarded must be made with The Philadelphia National Bank, Fiscal
Agent for tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, on or before Tuesday, July 1, 1919
at 3 o'clock P. M. ' '
Tho undersigned reserve the tight to reject any and all proposals, or to award all or any portion of
the loan for which bids shall be received, as may be deemed for the best interests of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. (
The State is free from all bonded indebtedness not now provided for by moneys in the Sinking
Fund. These bonds are a legal investment for trust funds an-5 constitute one of the nafest and most
durable investments that can be obtained. Tho wealth of the sovereign State of Pennsylvania guar
antees BDSuiuiu Buuuuiy ui (jiiiitiijui, wiuuiuy ui intuitu:, ua wen us a rcuuy bbio lor me DOnaa at all
times '
HARMON M. KEPIIART, State Treasurer.
CHARLES A. SNYDER. Auditor General,
- s - , ,sl
I 'irtl
'" V
it:;.-: : hPf :hjf)'i ..- .
"L. 'J '.-. M "jWrJJIBK" El vV '
va'.Va'A,. a ." A, . I
v. . -int'jK .t'v
x -.. ). )i..'-