i-1- Tat 1 I a:, A i , ,. t y 'II ' . . 1H ' . " i , ' J EVENING PUBLIC LEt)GlDR--PLtIXDEL?fll&; iviOTBAY, 'ito"' h ,:v u TONE 10, . - 7fc K 5 ' O' V r v , , 'i:y. ja ; y 1ZI rff l B ' u h riUME PREPARA Lft r r Sem Senelli a Capo del Corpo cho Salvaguardera' Plridi- pendenza 0 la Liberia' Delia Citta' Published and Distributed Under PERMIT NO. 341, PIMT. onflle .(the Postortlce ot Fhlla- ueitnia. ra. xiy eraer ot me rresident. a. s nuRi.rcON. . Postmaster-General. noma, 15 gltigno, Notizc Kliintc iln Fitimc recnno che il Concllio Nnzionnlc, riunltosl rcnonli' in seduta nlennrln. MiLIZIA Dl DIFESA X' lopo aver dUeussn la situazlonc politico. con il Styidaijo della citta , riconosccva la ncccasita' di formarc un eoriio nr- ; liinto-in Flume, alio scopo di difendcre la libcrta' e 1'lmlipendenEn dclla citta. Jt Concilio ad unanimtta' o per acclamazionc votava una lccgc- clie prnwede alia constituzlono dcll'nrmata di Fitimc, ad un fondo ncccssario per lirowedcrc nl mantenimento di dctta i nrmnta cd npprovava la emtssione di buonl del tesoro per l'ammontare di $20,000,000. II Concilio decideva che la costitu zione dcU'armata fosse nffidnta al grande scrittore c pocta Sem Benelli, Kla capitano ncllKscrcito Itallano, e per ultimo decretava che la jtiustizia ncl territorlo di Fiume dovesse cssere amministrnta in norac del lie d'ltalia. Parici, J," eiuenn. Andrea 0oi- naclc, il plenipotenziario della citta' di Fiume alia Confercnza della Pace in Parlgi, hn oggi dicliiarato quanto np prcsso : "lo credo che 11 President? Wilson tia agito in buona fede, ma egli e' stato influenzato, specialmentc durante la guerru, per credere che in Dalmazia, Tstria e Fiume i croati crano un popolo oppresso, mentre in realtn 1 veri op pressl sono gli Italian!." Londra, 15 guutio. Di9pacci qui' giunti indicano che l'ltalia c' passata attraverso la crisi di lino sciopero gene- !, rale. Un marconigrnmma della scofsa notte dichiara che il generale abbandono del lavoro in varic citta' della pcnisola c' terminato. Nessun dettaglio, pero' e' dato al riguardo. Precedent! notlzie giunta da Roma rccarono che In seguito nd uno sciopero generale in Milano gH operal avevano nbbanilonato il lavoro e che slmili con dizioni verificarono anche nclla citta' di Torino. '' Keccnti dispacci hanno nnnunzinto cho per il giorno 20 giugno circa 12,000 ufficicl postal! si chiudcrebbero se non vorrnnno nccettate le domande degli impiegati postali i quali reclamano tin mifltnrnmonto di concliziom. hnfn Rcnrso in Snezia fu ristorato l'ordine in seguito a gravi tumulti che in quclla citta' si erano verificati du rante la giornata di giovedi. Un dis pnecio da Roma annunzio che cento ncgozl in Spezia erano statt saccheggiati c che parecchic villc dci dintorni erano state danneggiate dai tumultuanti. n ir :., ninnee notizla che Eif h truppe Italiane hanno occupato la SP? SUnta. ferroviaria TarvU-MUwco-San X Vito. Iordine fu dato dal Comando Supremo Itallano, dopo accordi presi r dalla Dclcgazione Itnliana a Pangi, con il Consijrlio Supremo degli Alleati. Lb popolazioni nelle vicinanze della detta linen ferroviaria hanno accolto ' ontusiasticamente i soldati italiani e , si sentono cosi' sollevati dall'incubo delta ostilita da parte dei Jugo-Slavi. Le truppe italiane del genio hanno uubito inizinto i lavori per riparare i danni causati alia linea ferroviaria, ; wguito agli scontri verificatesi tra le truppe austriache ed i Jugo-Slavi. II glornale "L'Epoca" ha ricevuto un dlspaccio da Fiume con il quale si annunzia che centinaia dl giovani della citta' c dci dintorni sono accorsi ad iscriversi nella speciale milizia creata in seguito alia decisione del Concilio azionale di Fiume, pronti a difendere i diritti dclla citta' contro tutto e tutti. L'arruolamento proseeue con entusi- f asmo, Tragli iscritti si notano parecchi- siuruui ui j,nesie, opaiato, Trau e Magusa. 39 PENNSYLVANIANS ON CASUALTY ROLL J5V.' P!k I :. D. nan. i- ypf .,""'" "-,aL HOtt,a Jtw names, This City Washington, June 10. Thirty-nine pennsylvanlans are on the casualty list rtieasea Dy tne War Department today. The list contains a total of 340 names. A summary of the losses for the state fallows : Bled from Accident and Other CauMs COOK Oeoreo II. Dean, Cheater. Wounded SeTerrlr PRIVATES Stanley K. RaJkowskv m h-noy City, and Walter E. Roll." Undf Wounded (Degree Undetermined) 1iiMER.Gi5A??ri?yL1"am c Clark. Spruce City. Nhmlab c Rcynler. Spring '352'lAl's Amandua Arter. Columbia od CUBord Hutchena. Valencia. v-0'unD,a ); o ..- rreufencK uupree. culpmont r-.S?!;?1-.0- aoul1- Verona: John LantoBh.' gVHaahlnston. and Btevo Saul. Conway. '., Hounaed Hllfhtly ft ?'tAJOR Edward J, Meehan. Phlladel- s vuim.. V .LIEUTKNANTS George II, ClanD. Phil. fMVllUlUt! and lfnrnrA f Conrad, lhlladol. cola. aMSKUKlNTH-.Tnhn I T,.ln.1.t , . "i t 8rme,Lrr.'d..J- ""Imea. WUUam.port. and - 1j r- t- X" "" i itiiBuciuillal. C-f .Il ..fXIRPttfl A I JJ UHIU KT Athoules. .SCS'k1?' and Anthony P. Cardamone, hnhocken. 'MECHANIC Robert Shlnledecker, JJijC3rlon. - rTJC. PRIVATE3 AmcU T. nnBVfrV n..iar.. S' tS"?"!..;1.1,11??"' i-iusDuren: Harris I. " , ok. Philadelphia: Arthur Davis, Bedford) ', -Aiymond Holqulst. Wilcox: Elmer O. Kelm. JfUBter: Samuel I.lnton. Philadelphia; Ed- ward J. Lynch. Nauty tilo, and John Sll- v4mi, Aiononraneia. .f Kilted In Action (Previously Reported V' Mlsslns) tyATES Tony Lamontia, Bolivar, and to llallnowikU Readlnr. (I'reykmiily Reported Mlasbir In Action) IVATKS-Mlke Andreykovlch,' Sykes- ana iieortr v. jienunnger, uoxDor- Vj.mm,am..sIw Vmnn4mA WttNtlJl-l Hllvkflw aRlVATB William H. Lonr. Pittsburgh. v WHmlnoton'a New Party Loses iWHrnhnton, Del., .Tunc 10. The cf. fort "of the citizens' committee to get; control of the Hoard of Education was (Jxiiallv defntfed at the noils Saturday. irKe ltctnmel, of the Twelfth Wnrd I ctiwwnte ot wjiat, uas pecome tMiixe. "Old (iuard1 was elected majority ,ot 202.1, Oulj- thrc:of the si a ' & ' Post-Bellum Hatred Threatens Civilization, Says Bliss Perry at Harvard PHI BETA KAPPA ADDRESS Cambridge, Mass., June 10. Not the hot. manly hatred of foes, but the cold, calculated hatred of non-combatant competitors for world markets, is the great danger in the reconstruction period, nccording to Bliss Perry, nuthor and professor of English Hternture in Harvard, before the Phi Beta Kappa today. Mr. Perry said in part: "The newspapers reported, not long ngo, the accidental burning of a Japan ese temjile, famed for its priceless dec orations nnd its roofs of gold. .A beg gar had crawled under it nnd tried to warm himself by lighting a tiny fire with waste paper. "Much of our modern civilization is still like that: a roof of gold and freez ing, reckless beggars lurking in the underpinning. It is not the poets, it is the sentimental politicians, who cry pence when there is no peace, who argue for our international isolation when such a tiling is no longer possible. "The wnr poetry of the last five years has wrought one inestimable serv ice: it has told the pitiless truth, not only about the battlefield, but about the wrath and hate and greed that are coiled around the foundations of u-1 -j..,., .,, rope. It says little of the pomp and Te"8 cate8vllle Steel Workers to circumstance of glorious war; it goes Walt Until Peace Pact Is Signed straight to the human facts underlying CoatesvIHe, Pa., JunedG. At a mass war: it shows that world-peace is con- ' meeting Sunday James II. Maurer ditloned upon tlio concrete nnu lumia- i mental issues of justice, liberty and ,.,,- ,.!.. wi.i 't .i.. i... ,, be no progress. "And yet my second generalization is this: That the finest voices of con temporary poetry still bid us to lift up our hearts. Poetry has witnessed in conceivable horrors, and it sees the brutal fncts of the present situation. It was after the triumph of Waterloo that Byron wrote bitterly : "Europe has slaves, allies, kings, armies still." The poets know even better than we that every perpetuation of hatred is a postponement of pence, and that the hatred wo have to fear in the inline- I diate future is not so much the hot. 1 l.. 1 r . U- fn...l maniy uuiri'u ui. iuus wuu uue latm i one nnother on the battlefield ns the cold hatred of noncombatnnts, the cal culated hatred of competitors for world markets. The poetic imagination sees nil this, ! but it also sees something else, and , that other thing is the essential thing ; I namely, the ultimate supremacy of moral forces. We may find comfort in the words of Harvard s most distin guished graduate: "In all the encoun ters that have yet chanced, I have not been weaponed for that particular oc casion, and have been historically beaten; and yet I know all the time that 1 have never been beaten ; have never yet fought, shall certainly fight when my hour comes, and shnll beat." Emerson wrote that in n prose essay, but he never wrote more like a poet, for he wrote with the long view. Victor Hugo, uttering strange prophecies be fore the Peace Convention in Brussels in 1848, and Whittier, celebrating that convention in a poem about "The great hope resting on the truth of God," were, if you like, historically beaten. But the chief question is, after sev enty years, were Hugo and Whittier right or wrong? If we think them right, were they ever really beaten? And seventy years hence, ns Harvard men meet here, what will they say of our present American effort to insure the peace of the world through a league of nations? Will they call it wrong, or right? Poetry, we may be sure, will take the long view of it. "Not yet, dejected though thy cause despair, Nor doubt of dawn for all her laggard wing. In shrewdest March the earth was mel lowing, And .had conceived the summer una ware. With .delicate ministration, like the air, The sovereign forces that conspire to bring Light out of darkness, out of winter, spring, Perform unseen their tasks benign and fair. The sower soweth over vale and hill, And long the foldeth life waits to be born; let hnth it never slept, nor once been still ; And clouds and suns have served it night and morn ; The winds are of its secret council sworn ; And Time and nurturing Silence work its will." BERRY CROP PROVES LIGHT State Bureau Warns Housewives Re garding Price Remaining High Ilarrlsbure. .Tunc 10. The State Bureau of Markets sends out the fol lowing forecast on nearby fruits and veeetablcs for the week : Good strawberries are not likely to be lower priced this year. Light crops are reported from most sections, so do not put our canning waiting lor cheaper berries or you will find the season gone. Sweet oxheart cherries and the early TUchmonds, for canning, promise to be in fair supply on the. markets of southeastern and central Pennsylvania. Lettuce, green onions, radishes, as paragus and rhubarb should be given places on the daily menu of every household. The recent favorable weather has caused early peas to ma ture so quickly in central and south eastern sections that they now are plentiful. The first few carrots and green cabbage are reported ready in some sections serving Philadelphia and nearby cities. PARDONS BOARD TO MEET 31 Caaea Will Da Heard 8U In- volve Homicide Ilarrlsbure, June JC The State Hoard of Pardons la scheduled toAieet Wednesday vlth thirty. one cases (or hearing, six of them involving homicide of various degrees. Two first degree cases', Hubert Loomls, Xortliamptoa, and Uroneslaw Bednotciki, Heaver, are at the top of the list. The others are second degree and manslaughter. The nnnHcatlocfc for rehearing include two . x S DIX HAS QUIETEST SUNDAY IN MONTHS Brig. Cen. Whitworth, Third Permanent General, Directs Civilian Employes in Camp Camp DIt, N. ,!., June 10. The ar rival of Brigadier Ocncral 1'egram Whitworth upon nssignment makes him the third permnncnt general nt DW. Besides Major Gcenrnl Ilnrry Hale, the camp commander, Brigadier General G. O. Gately is also here. The last named is in command of the billeting nnd supply companies, which have taken over the work of the depot brignde. Every incoming troop trnin is met by this officer, who gives instructions to commanders in charge of the train as to how they shall handle their men in order that they mny be discharged promptly. General 'Whit worth will have charge of civilian em ployes at the camp and as their num ber is increasing daily he will soon have n small army to command. Yesterday was, one of the quietest Sundays nt Dii in many months. The camp hns been virtually cleaned out of men ready for discharge and the only arriving units are casuals from Merrltt, Devcns nnd Newport News. After the hustling of the Inst two months the lull was a big relief to the worn demobilization officers. In order to stimulate recruiting for the nir service Lieutenant John S. Donaldson will have charge of a "fly ing cirCUS" that will plro n-rMI.Ut . nil cities along the Atlantic coast, in cluding Philadelphia. MAURER OPPOSES STRIKE !::,'. "' uie reaerntion of La Z-iWi! workers employed in tnc P'ant ol Lukens Steel Comnanv not to engage in a strtkn nt ihil t: m. ' meeting was called as a protest against rc-ndoption of the twelve-hour day. Mr Maurer urged the men to wait nbout three menths, until peace hns brfen signed, by which time he predicted lntor will be scarce. He said the mill em ployes here are not organized to that extent where they could make n big walk -out successful. BIRTHS TFI?F;tVI7.Z- Arrival of a son. on Sit"0. iobs'VuVe?.'1 JI"' Har"' M Uerk0- married WlMON-wiwo.v May 30 I9in. at vLn-ifF: Vi5ffi'3,Vr-.2,.HrfJ'-...fcE",A Tr- Tlan.. 't.. '.... .:fc "".l Ul ;-" ri . . y'11""- 01 Winnipeg:. Canada SO.V. U. 8. AUCIIIBAIiD STKARNS WII A.. Rnn nt "r nn Mr. wn.. Hope WlUon, of New York ' "'":r IN MEMORIAM huiband, john ' j. DKONANf'Sie'd &V iiiLun in ii ,. Wira. dearfundoivuTjnn'. 3Z 10. 1918. of AKVrt""?,,15' FRANCES K. widow OI Abraham K Allan n,int. j j- June 15. FRANCHS iv. AllAn nel.it,.. i-,,!,.. i '" "clonics ttllil menus inwteq to funeral service. xva. in in 'ed '5, funeral services. Wed., 42 B Clapler Bt.. Oermant P i2?r,T5L'3ens. Cem Wnodburv, N. J. Caapcr Andreas. Relatives and friend. In. i..a lo, ""leral services. .Mon.. 8 p. m.. resl Tj?cVf on. Pjoree Andreas. 1110 North at. Int. Fernwnod Cem . Tues . 2 Dm , ,V"S; wear Vlncentown, N. J.. June 14. nE.N'JAMIN it. husband of M.-i June il, llli.N-JAMIN It., hust R. Atkinson aged 69. Relative! I, of H, Vlncentown. N. J., 1 Und funeral, Wed, 1.30 p. m., hi baI ?n n.i.n . . . ea ana inenas. invnea 10 at- A.SS: , ti,J- "i- BaPtl't Cem.. Mt. Holly. dinhii'J T-f1 9i" a- m- fain from Phllal SJUi.JJt Vlncentown BIRNRAUM. June 13. SALI.IE J. dauch. ..WrS s"f. lnt.Wkll paV2APii?TirJua& .15- ANN- waow' "f vited t tt Ti?eJatl;v and ,rlena ln- Xnth ., '"neral. Wed . 7:30 a. m., 1220 S. ofMo.; mf.VJ1 J1""" 0( rulem Church private Blessed Sacrament 0 a. m: Int. TuSPVnilv T V jrai" Shade. N. J.. June 13. K1.AM. husband of Martha A Bra! Sfiedrtoaff,ed 7?-,Ielat'v" and' frtends In! win copy" Colestown Ctm- Lancaster pa. i.SIr?.1ff'"7Ju?.9 13- THOMAS, husband of al?,a'.h" " .??re Relative, and frl?ndj N ......- . ""ii, vea.. ;,ju n. m.. 3714 liouvier st. Solemn requiem mass Clmirh of Holy Soul 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral CAMPBELL, June 14. MARGARET ANN', widow of Samuel Campbell. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed r. m-r t1 1 ''ennsjlvanla ave.. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Int. prlate. Friend, may call Tues. CANTY. June 13. CATHARINE, daugh ter of late Jeremiah and Ellen Canty. Rela tive, and friends. B. V. M. Sodality of St. llalachy's Church Invited to funeral, Tues reaulem man Kf raiah.M k....u ,n " v . .. wit , iuiuniuia B.VA. Mfl mn lDUCAt,h.era,.Fm' A,,t funeral. CARMAN. Near Yardvlile. N. J. Juns 14. WASHINGTON O. CaKmaK' brother 5! T. Warren Carman, aced 82. Funeral prl! ateA.re,laence of brother, near Yardvlile. N. J. Tues.. 2 p. m. Int. Bordentown dm.. Bordentown, N, J. ."... CARNEY. June 14. WINIFRED CAR NEY, widow of Peter Carney. Relative, and friends, members of B V. II. Sodality and I-eagrue i pf the Sacred Heart, invited to fu neral. Wed., 8:30 a. m., residence of son-in-law. Jame. Hunter. 618 S. 16th st. Solemn maBs of requiem St. Teresa's Church 10 a m,I1t-.Ntw Cathedral Cem.. Wllmlnston. Del. Auto funeral. Wilmington. Del., papers copy, CARROLL. June 14, CARRIE B wife of Newtpn J. Carroll (nee Hushes). Rela tives and friends invited to funeral services Tues.. 2 p. m.. 1231 W. Somerset st. Int Northwood Cem. Auto service. CLINTON. At Conshnhocken, Pa.. June 12. THOMAS F.. eon of Annie 'and ttie late James Clinton. Relative, and friends, all associations of which he was a member. In vited to funeral, Tues.. 8.30 a. m. 224 E 6th ave., Conshnhocken. Pa. Solemn blah mass of requiem St. Matthew's Church. 10 a. m. Int. St. Matthew'a Cem. "m";a' Ju COLQAN. June 14. PE.TER M COLOAN son of late Matthew and Marearet Colaan Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed . 8:30 a. m., 1832 Wood st Solemn hlin mas. of requiem Cathedral Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service COLTON. Junn 12. HKM.IAMIV rnrTAv son of late James and Susan T. Colton (nee Flood), aged 02. Relatives and friend?, em ployes of Atlantic Ref. Co.: Wm. O. Warden Benf. Asso.; Phlla Lodse. No. f.4 L. O O residence of brother-in-law, John Iauhery IBM Point Breeze ave. Sofemn high requiem maw 8t. Edmond'a Church 10 a. m. Int New Cathedral Cem. ' ' init uu.rs.ui.ux. June m, ja.mks, pon of i.ta rjuii nun Air VHJiuiuiiy tnee Mci.abe) Relatives und friends Invited in ftm.' Tues., 8:30 a, m , 1610 Mt Vernon st' Holemn requiem mass Cathedral 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. uuwwuu June 14, a'atiiick J. CON NOR, husband of lata Julia K. Connor. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Wed., 8:30 a. m.. L'328 Dickinson st. holemn high mass of requiem St, Gabriel's Church xv a. m. in i. uuiy iross Lfm. auio xuneral. CONROY. June 7. at San Francisco, Calif.. JOHN II. CONROY. of Company c! 818th U. 8. Engineers, son of late James and Catharine Conroy. of Shenandoah, Pa, Relatives and friend invited to funeral, Wed.. 7 a. m.. residence of brother-in-law. Frank J Fltioatrlck. 11! 2 7 8. f.3d st. Holemn high mass of requiem Church of the Most iiiessea nacrament a, m. Int. Shenandoah. Pa, raln leaves Readme Terminal .10:30 CnONIN, June IS, MICHAEL, husband of late Kllen Cronln. Funeral, to which rela tive, end friends. Holy Name Bocletr of St. Thomas'. Church: Dlv. No. 4T, A. O. II.: all other societies of which he wa. a member, invtttd, Tues , 7:30 a. m., 1950 S. Chadwlck st. Ma., of requiem St. Arne.'a Church, West Cheater Pa., arrival of train ieavlns Broad St. Station. Thlla., 8:19 a, m. Int. 8t Aimea. Cem. DAWSON. June 14. at Chestnut Rtdice. Classboro N. J.. ELL.KN V widow of Wes ley M. Dawson, aied 69. llelatlve. aim friends Invited to funeral, Tues.. residence ot son-ln-Uw. Charles W, Belrne, Chestnut KldKe. liaasboro. N. J. Services at house lo a. m. ini. privaie, wesirmnsier tcm.. Atom tomery ro,. Pa. Auto funeral. ltOHBINB, At vil Penn st., Camden;- N. J.. June 15, HAMUISI. ItOBBINS. artd 83! Further notice of funeral win bo siren. EltHEHT. . June IS. LOUISA, widow ol Theodore Erbert, sitd T3. Relatives and friend. Invited to funeral services. Tues. '2 p -m.. T0 Master sU Int private, Mt. enion k FI.YNN. -June. 14. JilARQUERITE 14. ilAROUrRITE Prank P. and Jenni. tlva and frl.nil. In. Flynn jaaed 7. Rslativ .inn. lumnier nr rr :uneral. Tile.,. 2 n. m .2221 8. B vhbu lok xunerai. lues tj.. .2221 8. Bt. 1oodlaiM ave.Ij rraps miyi si, ana vi DKATllS Invited to funeral sen Ices, Tiea., 3 p. m.. oSIM I,nrchwood ave Int, private. OArtDNEU. Juno U, ANNA M.. daunhter of William J. and Anna M. nMn' (ni Krey). ased .10. nelatlve. and friend, in Mted to service. Wed., 2 p. m . re.ldence of tMrents. (1112 Upland st. Int. private. I-rlends may call Tues. eve OARDNKlt June 13 JtlllNT son of Kllia neth nnd late Thomas J. Oardner and grand son ot late John and Mary Gardner and late Jamvs nnd Alary Crulce. need 7, Relatives nnd friends. ilrst-Brade nunlls of St. Monica's Parochial School. Invited to funeral. Thur... fi 30 a. m., restdenco of mother. 2038 8. Opal st. Solemn requiem mass St. Monica's Church 10 a. m Int, Holy Cross Cem. Auto serlce UAKDNBR June 14, ANNA M.. daughter nf William J. and Anni M. Oardner. sired In, Hlatlves and friends Invited to services, Wed.. 2 p. m., parents' residence, (1112 Up land st Int prlvalo. Friends may call Tues. pe. . , OAllWOOlJ June H. WALTER E.. hus band of Clla C Garwood aaed (1(1 ' Rela tlwa and friends, directors of South Ward II. & I. Asso,, nnd till nnrnnizatlon. pf which he wns n member. InWted to funeral. Tues.. 2pm, 1210 S. 3d st.. Camden. N. J. Int. pmnte. Evergreen Cem. Friends may call Mon. eve. SCHEKTZ. - June 14. ANNIE SI. SCHEETZ. wife of John Schect.. aired 80. Relatles and friends Invited to funeral, Tues,, 2 n m., 820 T.lndennold ave.. Am bler. Ta Int nrUate GLAZIER. June 1.1, MAtlEI, A., daueh-t-v of John J and late Mary J, Glazier. Relatives and friends, n. V. M. Sodality Church of Incarnation, Invited to funeral, Wed., 8.30 n m , father's residence, N. E. cor. Eleanor and A sts. Requiem mas Church of Incarnation 10 a, -m. Int. New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. GOLDEN. Suddenly. June 12. nniDGET, ' widow uf James Golden. Relatives and friends II. V M Sodality, nvlted to fu neral. Tues . 8 a. m , 3412 Sunnyslde ave., Falls of Schuylkill Solemn requiem mass St. Bridget's Church 9.30 a. m. lot. Holy Sepulchre Cem. ORAVKLL. June 14. ANNIE, daughter of lato William and Catharine Graven. Rl nth'es and friends Imlted to funeral services Tues.. 2 p m., 18.12 N 23d st. Int. private. Barren Hill Cem Friends may call Mon eve. ., GREEN. June 14 ANNA, wife of Corne lius Green and daughter of late Michael and Ellzibeth Peyton (formerly of County Mayo. Ireland). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8.30 a m.. 402 W. Cumber land st. Solemn requiem mass St. Edward's Church 10 a. m Int Holy Sepulchre Cem. GRISCOM. June 14. at Havcrford. Pa.. ANNE STARR GRISCOM. wife of Rodman E Grlscom. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Starr. Funeral services Church of tho Redeemer Rnn Mawr. Pa.. Tues . 12 noon. MOR8TLER. June 14. ETHEL MAT. daughter of Ida and late John Morstler. aged 1,1. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral erlces Tues. 2 n m. res'dence ot uncle. George W, Kelly. 2117 E. Norria at. Int. private, North Cedar Hill Cem HAMMOND. June 14. IinLlNDA HAM MOND (nee Scott), widow of Patrick Ham. mond. Itelntlies and friends invited to fu neral Wed.. 8 30 a. m. 3427 Warren st. Solemn requiem mass St James's Church 10 a m Int. Holy Cross Cem. Scranton, Pa,. papers cony HENRY June 1,1. LOUIS B. HENRY. Service and Int. at convenience of family on Wednesday HAVENER June 14 JENNIE, widow of John D. Hevener. Relatives and friends in vited to funernl. Tues. 2 P. m. residence of son. Ednln M. Fae, 2032 Seltzer Bt.' Int. private HOFFMAN. June 14. MARGARET M widow of Joseph F Hoffman, aged 82. Rela tives and friends Invited to services. Tues., 10 a. m., 603J Cedarhurst st (50th and Hal- illiuic (L c, f All. Iiliu.iniil, a. a, , ..r- malns may be viewed Mon. eve., also at M. E. Church, Bridgeport. N. J.. Tues. 2 P. m HOPE. June 1.1, nniDGET A., widow of Patrick r. Hope and daughter ot late James i. ana .viary A ixiugnney. iteiaiives ana friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 0.30 a. m . C30 N 30th st . West Phlla. Solemn re quiem maris St Agatha's Church 11 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem Auto service. ANNE HARKER. daughter of Charlotte Thomas and John M, Hull, aged 23. Services it jui suranaview ave.. I'iainneia. in. j.. Tues... 2 p. m. KANE. June 14. SAMUEL II.. son of late Henrv nnd Krlrtcet Kane llelntlves and friends Inllteri In funernl Tueq.. RrSO ft. m.. 4742 Melrose st Frankford. High mass St. Joachim's Church 10 a m. Int. St. Domi nic's Cem, Auto service. iir.i.i.x. June in. .viauuaup! ej. kELT.V. rintiirMpr nf lte Arthur nnd Sftrnh O'Brien. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Tues t 7.10 a m.. residence of her brother. 4018 N Warnock st Solemn high requiem mass 9 a. m Church of tho Holy Child. Broad St. and Duncannon ave kenney -"Suddenly. June 14, miciiakl,. husband of Nellie Kenney, aged 01, Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed . 8:30 a. m, 3041 Kensington ave. Solemn requiem mass Church of the Ascension 10 m Int. Holy sepulchre cem. LEIQHTON. June 13. INEZ E.. widow of Henry Lelghton. aged 02. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thur.., 2 p. m , son-in-law's residence, Andrew A. Newton, 5737 Torresdale a.ve., Wlsslnomlng. Friends may call Wed., 7 to 9:30 p. m. Int. MaRnolla Cem LIPPINCOTT. At Medford. N. J.. June 15. REBECCA LIPPINCOTT. aged 57. Rela tlves and frlvnds Invited to funeral. M. E. Church, Medford N .!.. Wed. 2 p. m. Int. M. E Cem.. Medford. N. J. Train leaves Market st. ferry. Phlla.. 10:30 a. m. for Medford. . ' .MAUUlKK June la, jaaiks MAuuiiitt. Relative, and friends,. Fifteenth Ward Union Republican Club, tmployes of Court No G and Fire Department Relief Asso., Invited to view remains at 4033 Catharine St.. Tues . S to 10 p. m Int. at convenience of the famllv MARFING June 1. Dr. EDWARD J.. husband of Lillian H. Marflng. .Funeral Tues.. 8 a m.. 510 West ave.. Jenklntown. Pa Solemn requiem mass Immaculate Con ception Church, Jenklntown. 0 30 a. m. Int. Holv Sepulchre Cem ,. .MAlillNDlil.i. At Aiianiio uuy, juiw 14. WILLIAM NEWKIRK. husband of Mar tha C. Martlndell. aged 75 Relatives and friends. Sherman Post. No. 12. o. A. R . of Morrestown. N, J ; Apollo Lodge. No 368, r. and A. M of Phlla.: Palestine R. A. Chapter. No. 240: Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 29. I. O. O. F.; Camden Encampment, No. 12. I. O. O. F., Invited to funeral serv ices. Wed., 2 p. m . St. James. Episcopal Church, Atlantic City. N. J. Int. Fleasant vlllo Cem., N. J. , MATHIOTT. Junn 13. CHARLES W., husband of Helen V Mathlott (nee Smedley). aged 88. Relatives and friends. E. Ever-mond-Dehart Post, No. 85. Veterans of Foreign WarB: emploe. of New York Ship building Co.. invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 p. m , 811 Federal st., Camden. N J. Int Arlington Am. Rem'alns may be viewed Tues . after 7pm McCAY. Suddenly, June 13, STRICK LAND G McCAY. aged 88, Services and int. private. Laurel Hill Cem MITCHELL. At the Gladstone. 11th and Tine sts. June 1.1. MARY MITCHELL. Fu neral services and Int private. NOBLE. Junn 14, JOHN T.. husband of late Elizabeth E. Noble and son of Francis and Jennie Noble, aged 48. Relatives and friends. Court Germantown. No. 53. F. of A.: Oermantown Nest of Owls. No. 1624. invited to funeral, Tues.. 8:30 a. m.. parents' residence, 4460 Germantown ave. High mass St. Francis of Assist'. Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. PRAUL. June 13. SARAH E. (nee Byles), wife of Thomas W. Praul. aged 65. Relatives and friend. Invited to funeral, Mon., 2:45 p. m., Churchvllle. Pa. Int. Churchvllle Cem Autos will meet train leaving Read ing Teimlnal 1:23 p. m. at Churchvllle sta tion. REILLY. Suddenly. Juno 13. WILLIAM. son of Charles B. and Matilda Rellly (nee Meehan). Relative, and friend. Invited to funeral. Tue... 2 p. m., parents' re.ldence. 8181 Aramlngo ave. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. Remain, may be viewed Mon., after 7 U'OACIL June 14. ROSE M. ROACH (nee McFadden), wife of J William Koach Rel atives antf'frlenda invited to funeral. Tours.. 8 30 a m.. 2700 E. Allegheny ave. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Jnt St Ann'. Cem. RUPPERT. June 13. MARIE, daughter of Joseph and late Clara Rupoert. asred 17. Relative, and friends invited to funeral serv ice., Tue... 2 p. m. father's residence. 2413 Heybert at. Int Mt. Peace Cem. Remains vtv v.a vlnwed Mon. eve. SMALL. At Ills residence. 2225 Fltzwater st . June 16. JOSEPH SMALL. Notice of '"SuiTirtlfAt 837 S 18lh ?.. Junn IB ANN RACON SMITH. Due notice of funeral will Ka irlven SMITH. June 14. PATRICK II. SMITH. Relative, and friends invited to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 a. m.. from residence of niece, Mrs. Peter Rellly, 2145 S. 18th at. Solemn reqaiem mass at St. Monica. Church 10 a: m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. ST. CLAIR. On June 13. 1019. JESSIE L. ST. CLAIR, daughter of Harold and Jes sie W. St. Clair (nee Lutner). aged 20 years. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 1 p. m., from parents' resi dence. 202 Snyder ave. Services Id Church ot St. John the Evangelist at 3 p. m. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends may call Mon. eve. STRAUOHTBR. -Juno 14, ANNIE RTRAUGHTER. . Relative, and friend. In-, vited to funeral service.. Tue... 3 p. m., son's residence. J. William Bailey, 48S7 Ter race St.. Manayunk, Int. private. Friend, may view remains Mon. eve. Omit flowers. STUART June 14. 8. ELLA. ' wife of Manllus Henry Stuart. Relative, and friend. Invited to funeral services. 5183 N. 11th at., Tue... 2 P. m. Int. American Mechanic.' f'Atn VANHORN June IS MELVIN. .on of Walter and Margaret Van horn (nee Stehllg). aged 12. Relatives and friends. Brlde.burc M js, nuuuKr .pkiiuui. hiwicu tu im'erai. Wed.. 2 P. m Parents' resldsnco. 4823 Almond t. Remain, may be viewed Tues.. 7 to 10 P. m. Int. Onklnnd Cem. WELDB. June Hfc MARGARET D.. widow of Jacob Weide (nee Laukua). aged 81. Rela tive, and friend. Invited to funeral. Tue. . 2X m., Bon-in-law. re.ldence. John K. Mayer. 1833 Margaret St.. Frankford. Int, Northwood Cem. WINOATE.- Juno 13. SARAH E. wlf. of Benjamin v;. hhimii. jieutuve. ana inenas i..ut( tn funeral service.. Wed.. 230 n. m.. 203 N. 81t st. Int. Westminster Cem. Re mains may w .aw lut, ""'. W1TTMER. Junn 13. ANNIE K. TyiTT MEn (nee Roeser), wife of Domlnlck Witt roer, aged 49. .Relatives and friends. Ton- ?uwa Council. No 80, D, of P.. Invited to uneral, Tues., 8-30 A, m husband's resi dence, 3642 N. 7th s High mass at. Ve ronica.'. Cburcb 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croat WOODS. June IS. BESSIE C. daughter of John and Elizabeth Woods (nee Dowling) aged 11. Relatives and friend. Invited to funeral. Tue... 8:30 a. m. parent.' resi dence. 38IB. Brandywlne at.. West Phlla. bolemn requiem mass 8t, Agatha. Church J0 m. Int. Cathedral Cm Auto funeral. WURTS. June 13. ROBERT K.. Jr.. only son of Robert K. and Katharine Newbold Worts need 10 nNPEWTAKl-mnl' AOENTS SALESMEN Here1, an Immediate oppor tunity for active trustworthy Catholic men tn engage In clean, dignified work where they can earn from $7 to 115 dully! Prompt advancement offered those that make good: organisation national In .cope. If you am In earne.t and want a good Job call and so Mr. Baxter. 90J Land Title Building. Good men needed In Hazleton and Scranton districts. LOST AND FOUND llARPIN Lost, Wednesday, June 11. on the 12 o'clock noon train to New York or at Broad St. Station, or on 18th st. between Spruce and Locust, a plain, graduated dia mond barpin, containing 23 diamond, set In platinum, stamped 11-8232. Reward If re turned tot J. E. Caldwell 4 Co.. Juniper and Chestnut sis DOG Lost. Saturday, after G P. m.. blue skye terrier, nnswerlng to the name of Gypsy: license No. 504, Reward If re turned to 8919 Chestnut at. HELP WANTEDFEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING No Experience Necessary 10 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS Salary Increased after the flrflt four weeks' training period. Young women between 18 and 25 will And tele phone operating very fascinating, clean work, with unusual opportu nities for advancement ln ralary and position. In addition to a rood .alary wa have com fortable rest and lunch rooms, where food is served at cost. Call personally First floor. 1B31 Arch st. Miss Ryan BOOKKEEPER stenographer and typl't wanted: must be competent and depend able: state experience, reference, salary and inntiiiim iiuuini a Af, Imager ItmCO BOOKKEEPER Experienced ledger clerk: Germantown resident preferred. Apply to Walter Woodcock. Mitchell. Flitcher Co , BOOKKEEPER and typist, experienced only. r.f.,1, re ..T-nuFll, in .Pi, flq SI. CANDY PACKERS, experienced. Apply 8826 Hamilton nt. CANDY WRAPPERS, experienced, wanted. Annlv 3820 Hamilton st CHILDNURSK Wonted, experienced chlld nurso, ago 30 to 38 jears. Proteatnnt. re fined, educated, for 2 children, ages 2 and 4 years: excellent wages: highest references essential. Mrs. Jamison, Seaholm. Spring l.KKe, it j. CIIILDNUR8E Permanent position, to ro iu ..miiiic ivi Dujiiiiici , reiercnccs. tttt Powelton ave. CLERK Quick penman accurate at figures, accustomed to card-index bj stems or book keening, r. O. Box 197. COLLECTORS Neat, trustworthy, energetic Cajhollo women: excellent opportunity to earnfa steady income in pleasant, dignified outdoor work: salary and commission. Ask tor jwr. r'axtcr. vitj lAng 'ntle llldg. COOK, also waitress, exp , ref, req. Mrs John S Clarke. Phone Hrvn Mawr 77. DEMONSTRATORS for drug and department stores to demon strate sterno-canned heat: reply giving ex perience and references, also telephone num. ber. M 012. Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER wants trimmers, waist and skirt finishers: well paid while learning closing 5:30. Saturday 1 o'clock, McFadden' 101.1 Walnut st Locust 3257. DRESSMAKER wants skirt finisher, on fancy skirts: position worth applying for- salary is exceptionally large. Call rear DRESSMAKER wants experienced help; Btnflilv work: half riav Ritit..,, mm "V - - -, loan DRESSMAKER wants) flnlsnera and oo- EXPERIENCED FINISHERS: Jood rTy. Apply A. F. Bornot Bro. Co.,-s. E. cor 17th and Falrmount ave. stamping presses, salarv 114 n.- , perm, position, no Sat. work. Hughe. En' graving Co.. 1621 Sansom at. FINISHERS ON PORTIERES AND LEARN ERS ALSO TAKEN. E. L. MANSURE CO.. 1415 NORTH ST.. FIRST ST. ABOVE WALLACE, BETWEEN BROAD AND 13TH GIRLS over 16 and young womei . we have positions open ln our assembling depart ment, where the work Is light and clean and in the machine department on power presses L'!EJln?i.KaLhlnK?- too Presses and manv other light machines: steady work and good pay In a modern up-to-date factory, which because of Its location t. Ideal for tho.n living In West Philadelphia and within easy reach of all sections of the city on account of the close nroximltv to tho subway. Baring. Lancaster aye.. Darbv. Spruce. Baltimore ave. and Spring Oa.den bridge surface lines For detail, call at factory office. H. T. falsto Co , 8201 Arch et. GIRLS to paste nlcturn tin rthtana t. pongenlal work on calendars; wa pay S7 to S8. according to ability; experience not necessary, xi. r. oil.UiL;AiN LU., 210 N, Broad St.. 3d floor. GIRLS Calendars, girl, to paste picture tie ribbon, etc., on calendar work: w. pay $7 to 18, according to ability; experience not necessary. ". r. BUUUIUAN UU., 210 N, Broad St., 3d floor. GIRL cor general housework, small family, no laundry work. 739 Wynnewood road, relmont 3919. GIRLS wanted, good wages, steady work: also have positions open for ilrls or women who desire to work part of each dav. Anolv National Umbrella Frame Co.. 30th and GIRLS AND WOMEN' wanted to do general work. Apply at 4820 N, Lawrence Vt" OLAZERS EXPERIENCEQWOMEN OLAZERS 0oo?j;m?,wJLteS?J' work: no labor trouble APPLY TO F. BLUMENTHAL CO.- Wilmlnston, Del., Monroe .t. cat.. HOSIERY KNITTERS AND TOPPERS on Standard machine. Experienced on Single and double stitch work ALSO LEARNERS on knitting and topping STEADY WORK GOOD PAY NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascher at.. HOSIERY KNITTERS and topper, on point.. iic nt.,,,,,.., ....no nmiii aieaay worK: good pay: alio learner, wanted over 18 year, of age:. IMJd while learning. Hygienic g i,f "u ..,,? ..v . w. , .,u n. iiowarq. U1 ..., llnX,.. m .', OI.K . w Z . m HOSIERY welter, and looper. wanted; good wage.; ateady work. Apply Allen Hosiery Co., Wayne ave and p and R. Railway. LAUNDRY SHIRT STARCIIER ALSO FEEDERS AND FOLDERS IN FLAT-WORK DEPARTMENT APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT BT, LAUNDRY WOMEN, WHO HAVE HAD LAUNDRY EXPERIENCE. TO WORK PART-TIME APPLY MARKET ST LAUNDRY 1808 FILBERT ST. LAUNDRY WOMEN FOR PACKAOE WRAPPING APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1808 MLBERT-ST. NURSE, experienced, white. Protestant, wanted to assist ln care of 4 children. Infant to 8 year.; .pend .uramer at sea .horn. M 622, I-edgcr Office. OPERATOR. r"OR MACHINE SHOP EN GAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRICAL DEVICES- SEVERAL OPEN 1N08 FOR EXPERIENCED MACHINE INIIN DUX- UArr.iu,u,i;E,u A1AI HANDS AND ASSEMBLERS: TRA rAioOL FITS INEXPERIENCED -IKAININU PLOTEH FOR PIECEWORK iff K jmir WEEICrTAIIiWIILB' LEARNING! FAC- VnintOK GIVEN- -TO EACH "EM- FV CO., HELP WANTED FEMALE LAUNDRESS, flrst-cla... Mtonday and Tucs . day of each week. Phone Germantown 1872.- OPERATORS1 Experienced frontmaker. and sleevemakers on ladles' tailored cotton shirtwaists; best prices; steady work all year. MlUrlm Mfe. Co.. 1214 Arch st. OPERATORS wanted on ladles' silk and cot ton waists: also girls accustomed to power mscntnes. Apply in n. un Bt,f sixtn noor, SALESLADIES. 3, wanted In cloak, suit snd millinery department.! onlv thornuchlv experienced girls tn this line considered; can commute dally if deslredi attractive salary: snori-nour more, Aoures. or apply vo Schaerln Bransteln. 608 Market st.. Wll- mlngtnn, Del. SALESWOMEN TOR SHIRTWAISTS. NOTIONS AND SEVERAL OTHER DEPARTMENTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SILK WINDERS, experienced on tram and artificial silk! good ware.: nteadv work 12 months of the er. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4600 N. 18th St.. near Wayne Junction. SPINNERS FOR TASSEL MOULDS! EXPE RIENCED AND LEARNERS TAKEN. E. L MANSURE COMPANY. 1415 NORTH ST.. FIRST STREET ABOVE WALLACE. BE TWEEN BROAD AND 15TII. SPOOLERS FOR COTTON YARNS: VERY BEST WAOES: BTBADY WORK: IVEARN ERS ALSO TAKEN. E. L. MANSURE CO., 1418 NORTH ST., FIRST ST. ABOVE WALl LACE. BETWEEN BROAD AND 15TH. STENOGRAPHER CAPABLE OP JKMNO GOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER 8ales office of large manufacturing company desires a capable, accurate stenographer; good salary with ex cellent opportunities for advancement. Apply in person. 855 Bourse Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, advertising experience. Appiy jtoom i, ioo v nestnut si. TEACHER, competent for outdoor work at seasnore; gpoq satBry. f mu. Ledger Orf. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Thoroughly ex perienced; good 'alary to start: replv, stating full particulars M 61 8, Ledger Off, WOMAN, with business ability and educa tion: permanent Ttnsltton. advancement. well paid. Call 607 Denckla Bldg., after noons 2 until 4. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED I860 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES MEATS, ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIGH WAOES INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY H2D AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN, N. J. , . WOMEN. WHITE FOR CLEANING AND SCRUBBING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER' S . YOUNG WOMEN FOR CASHIERING AND INSPECTING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT; WANAMAKER'S '"" fSrnernl WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR ittTOMnmrrio $25-i-COMPLETB COURSE 125 Sattlern. 1601 Spring Garden. Open Sunday BUSINESS SERVICE CO . 1116 Land Title BKPRS.. 118-J25: CLERKS, gen'l bill.. 115. STENOOS... 115-125: French & Spanish. 133. HELP WANTED KALE BAKER Flrst-cjas. cake baker: good posl tlon and good pay to right party. Apply Food Shop. 7 8. Broad gt.. Trenton. N. J. BOY wanted to learn wholesale cloth Duel- liucw. x tju, liruaer mucc. BOY wanted over 10 for general work In office. Apply 8 S Front nt. BOYS ?vrii,ou. vt,D v. un, w worn tn wall aper factory; good wages Apply at once lecker. Smith., Page. WAter and Snydef ave. BOYS wanted. 10 year, of age, to learn to feed machine.. Brown & Bailey Co.. 410 N. Franklin. " BOYS wanted; can earn good wages. Mr. Chambers, Delivery Department. 1601 Chestnut. BRASS FOUNDRY FOREMAN WANTED The Redlngton Standard Fitting. Company is desirous of securing the service, ot a brass foreman foundryman: he must be thoroughly familiar with moldlng-machlnn work and the melting of composition metal, and have a good knowledge of up-to-date methods forhlgh production and low cost. Application should be made by. tetter to Mr. A. J. Graf, superintendent Redlngton Stan dard Fitting. Co.. Redlngton. Fa., to secure a personal Interview. BUFFERS Wanted, several good buffer, on brass and steel; highest wages paid. 800-11 13th it. N. W.. Washington, D. C, CANDY HELPER wanted: must have fac tory experience. Apply 3826 Hamilton. CAR BUILDER'S carpenter for repair work on, city and lnterurban cars. ATLANTIC CITY AND SHORE R. R. CO.. Atlantic City. N. J. CHAUFFEURS wanted. experienced White dump trucks: married men pre- icrrea; no ooy. neea apply, x-. xl VAUtt, 3100 S, Broad at. CLERK Quick penman accurate at figures: accustomed to card-index system, or book keeping P. O. Box 197. 20 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN EXPERIENCED IN INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL WORK , OOOD SALARY CALL BALLINOER & PERROT WESLEY BLDO., 17TH AND ARCH N ' ' . ? BOO ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTOj i mVETERS RiVETiNo'aANaa COPPER SMITHS. FIRST CLASS' PASSER BOT8 MUST BE OVER It TEARS CF AOB O0R TIU.ININO DEPARTMENT WANTS BTRONO. ABLB-BODIED , ' MEN TO LEARN BHIPBUILDmO TRADE3. GOOD PAY WHIL3 LEARNINO. APPLY 00 WALNUT BT. BEE MR. BHATTUCK OR MR. PHILLIVS 1B21 ARCH BT. BEX MR. 8WABT2 J " ,v t. wj HELP WANTED MALE DENTIST Mechanical dentist, high-grade Pwte and bridge mechanlot exceptional op pprtunity wllh laboratory near Harrlsburg, Pa.: state qualifications, reference, salary. Address Mechandent, Box 71. Room 209, " urnsnwsT Mew York cttv DRAFTSMEN. 2 or 8, first class, thoroughly experienced In blast-furnace worki perma- '.-. iu.iiiuii iisib kuii oeiaii. regarains typlfnc?' flry de.Ired and date available. M 420 Ledger Office. DRAFTSMAN, architectural, experienced In iiiuuaiimi na insiuuunnai worKt sooa lnrV. Pall llltllnwA- t. 1.. T TT n 17th and Arch sts. , . FRAMEMAKERS, experienced men on wln- dow and door frames; highest wage., 48 hours. Mill, nth and Tioga, OLA7FRS EXPRntENrireijVtteN nr.imrtm Good wsees, stendy work: no labor trouble. w ri.x xix x'. iiuumnnillAU J, Wilmington. Del.. Monroe st. gat. HOSIERY KIXER experienced on Banner machine. STEADY. WELL-PAYINO POSITION for a flrst-clas. man NOTASEMB HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascher at. Call or phone evenings and Sunday C. J.SCHUYLER 1910 H. Clarence st. Phone Frankford 1212 M. LABORERS "WANTED GOOD COMMISSARY APPLY II. KOPPERS. CO.. 1521 AnCII ST. LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONER. HANDWORK APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. LINOTYPE OPERATOR: gooa salary and steady position, national x-uousning v;o.. 1222 H at.. N. W.. Washington. P. C. LINOTYPE OPERATORS AND AD MEN WANTED. APPLY FIFTH FLOOR. LEDGER BLDO.. 6TH AND CxIESTNUT STS. v MAN Experienced fountain man. one caoa- DIO OI laKiiis lun umiKo u. luuiiinnii kooo. iay; steady position. Apply Food Shop. 7 a. irond st., Trenton. N. J, MEN WANTED AT ONC FOR THE V. 8. MERCHANT MARINE TO BE TRAINED A3 BAILORS, FIREMEN. STEWARDS FOR GOOD JOBS AT GOOD PAT ON OCEAN-QOINa SHIPS PAT WHILE TRAINING- BOARD AND QUARTERS FREE: AOlSS 18 TO 83' BRxKa BIRTH CERTIFICATES. "' APPLT TO TJ. 8. SHIPPING BOARD AGENT CITT HALL TARD PHILADELPHIA ' A, OPERATORS and finisher, on shirt, and trousers. W. H. Emblck & Sons. 1620 PACKER, experienced, for wholesale hard. reMahln man-"p 424 "'Led.eOfflce. "" T' Platk PRINTER, union or nonunion: steady work and good "pay. Apply The Keating Co , th and Sansom sts, PACKERS AND WRAPPERS FORiHOUSEFURMISHINO OOODS .- L - CHINA. ETC. AFPLY-BITREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK "" Age. IS to 45 .. - Weight 140 lb.. "or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Gooo-, Living Wage" Paid -Whll. Learning Steady Work Assured Apply In Person V or Communicate with Factory Employment Office TUB GOODYEAR TITtB t RUBBER CO. Akron. Ohio POLISHERS and assemblers a,..,i....x wanted on brass bedsTgiod .ww.- &'& rtwrk;t.At""yJ JKna" cTaibl'Lud- - .r2nTERa AND CLEANERS ' APLY &a&g.S2!aSHr AT ONCE - WANTED AT ONCE RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS , FIRST-CLASS SHELL RIVETERS AND SHIP CARPENTERS APPLT CHESTER SIIIPBUILDINO CO.. LTD. FRONT AND KERLIN STS. CHESTER, FA. BALE8MAN. experienced In auto .oeelattle. tn hand a a sfanla linn of i.i. vZX..'V".'l linings, p. etc. i must us own car In clUnx on trade! n excentlonal openlu for reat i-!imin aaUry.and commlHtpji ?-"'' m- . '"i,n'Tiilm t srtsiTrm . inn rrriiira w ? i v phiu'.,.,p; WW, w HELP WANTED--MCALg' x SALESMEN Hern', an Immediate ' ott tupity for active, trustworthrT Cafholhj men to emrnorn in clean dlirnlflAil vorn where they can earn from 7 to $15 dalBfl il txriimtnt rot i-tvi. hnamaisl tfjmA 4iiAa IWsi Ma,AHah "H r - nuiniltCIIICIIt UltCICU I II V (ft? tilHs IIIKtl Kcoai orsamzation national in ficope; ir yo ATS In enrnoftt nnrl want a ofM-wl tnhi -nssll atAafl se llr. Baxter, 902 land Title Blda- Oooit; inrn neeaea in iiftiieion ana scranton aw- trlctf. . - -s SAI .ronrt n. ... - i I Aiientown, Ilethlelrcm. Em nun and Kaitont il 160 per- tWftAI fenVfeSif llAH D fnn nnAannxfeAB zir. y ' ' ' vfuaiiiuii. oco ,( . u( ciiunv J'Hll Ml, a f i r t- a i r a BOTTOMFinfl OS CUSTOM flHOPl WORKJ v.J, IK! 1JHUI1.AU Iff KMl'liUltfbm , WANAMAKER'S Experienced men wanted for work on 5-r-tUI tin mn , Appiv at KMrrOTMTCNT PKPT. ATLANTIC RHFININO CO, BTEEL DESIGNER, structural, flr.t etawli' nltrh trrnAm nf tint ! i. 1A .... " . perlence, and preferably one familiar wTSiJ blast furnace of steel-plnt work: permanent 5 position, state full details regarding expert-1 419. Ledger Office, . , 1 STENOGRAPHER for South America! m Sr Jnflo. state rrb and aalarr eat- ''" . -ueajrer oince. . r TAILORS TRIMMER AND CHOPPER WANTED BYi J,!!..." "V;1-"3 MBKUIIAHT TAILOKIf FIRM nonti nppnnTttMtrv ven vctti ,XVX), A. OJ. XjXjXXUXIIL UllSIUlt:. TnAwmr uim about SO years of age.wanted.br local bntncll of large mfg, company: previous exp. In' s iiHiiBpurimiijn nino some anowteage or ware house necessary; Initial salary 12000 per yr. j good opp. for the right man: none but those with exp. need answer, I iao. Ledger OftY Wiirvmun,., ., J -.--j- .. . V 'mil i..ir.ii -xutiu, Bicaay, rniiaoie men wanted to.- watchmen force: state all your. mllflne'lnnn In fAo. I.il.n A. i n Ail ovallflcntlon. In first letter, A 41. P. O. fox -tm WEAVERS wanted on verdure tapestry! steady work; good pay. Apply at one Robert Lewis Co.. Richmond and Biilt Rrldesburg. Pa. WOOD TEMPLET MAKERS for out-of-town Job. Steady work for good men. Writ MARIETTA MANUFACTURINQ CO.. POINT PLEASANT. VT. VA. General QREENEWALD'S SALESMAN STRICTLY HIGH OIVADH MAN familiar with Mfg. Ilnrs, Foreign territory. J5OO0 Yearly & Commission all expensea paid. High class men only. ENGINEER Civil & Surveying expd In As phalt Macadam street Gutter & Curb work. Foreman Mfg. Exp. Chief steam A Electrics 1 engineer. Asst to employment Mgr. Inter. vlewerer (Female) Secretary to executive stenographer excellent wagrs. Credit man re tall exp Bkpr. Hotel Rkpr Mfs. Exp Dkpr handle cost dept. Cost clerk, time & Payroll men. Cashiers. Accountants C.P.A.Exp. Borae. nttractUo opening with well known concerns. & Individuals good wages. Expd. men h Women only. Information blank A booklet gratis. No enrolment charges 2V1 RO 11TIL BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 1114 Land Title BOOKKEEPERS Bank and offlce,2n-80. CLERKS Cost & prod., gen'l, I18-t25. DRAFTSMEN In) Design of heavy mach'yJS JiNUlNftttliB iieirigeraiing-. electrical, con struction, re-entorcea concrete, izioo. SALESMEN Agricultural mnch'v. nA1 n-y, smb, erncerv. trralns drugs nnd SDec. 124ni IZ400. STENOO'RS ti TRIVATE SEC'S (2), .18-128, "K ,,KK ttanK ana dbdk DOOKKDrs.. tiizuu. CAPABLE MEN Sales, office and technical. EARN BIO MONEY Do lathe work, auto repair, mechanical and electrical, driving or storao-e battery work; wo train men on prretical lines. Philadelphia Mechanical Electrical School Call un-tns tirown St.. rnnaaeipnia ra. SITUATIONS WANTEDrjBJMALa l rnntf float mlan. ATnrlrBiV r'athnllr -r.l , Ml COOK, first clans American, Catholic: ter-,t TEACHER desires clerical or other work lJ a hotel; can entertain children; seashor or mountains; July and August. P 827, ' ijC'iKcr iin--r. SITUATIONS WANTED KALI! ENGINEER, mechanical, who gave up ex ecutive position with large steel corpora tlon to help win the war. desires position with .industrial concern: experience In plant construction, maintenance, power plant, crane hoists, conveying- machinery, material handling, piping, etc. P 430, Ledger Of fice. ENGINEER, steam & elec; thoroughly exp. desires pos. as enter pnx. A tu. L,eq. un. STENOGRAPHER An expert stenographer nnd operator, with business ability, tact and force desires position with firm or In dividual: salary $25. B 130. Ledger Offloe. TELLER 14 ears' banking exp. in one of Pennsylvania's strongest banks: interview desired AOQ Manner, xixw ,v luener xaiq.. YOUNO MAN. 32 year, of age experienced in selling, an nosi.iuui iu dxics iimii&.cr, as office manager and executive, desire, po sition of responsibility, where ability will count, with high-class progressive company: recently discharged officer In tho engineer.: available July 1: preferring partly outside activity. R 805. Ledger Office. JAPANESE COUPLE wish position In small family; long experience. Fugle, 20SJ Vine. Locust 2990 J EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES' COOKS, chambermaid., rhildnursea, want positions. Miss Rose Dougherty, 1811 Oirard ave. , FARM HANDS and dairy hands and rnarrlsd I men. white and colored. 418 Raoe at. -l CABFET CLEANING WALLACE 1 N. 191828 N. 20263 Church Lans. Otn. OLD GOLD OLD gold, sliver, platinum, plated war, old. 'CI style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash,' Hi Est. xai7. J. xx, tjiarK. tenner, mot Bansom.-' CASH paid for old gold, silver:, clock, re-' paired. Rogers. 45 S. 17th st. ' Loo. 1311. ' BUSINESS OPPORTtTNITIEa , HOTEL, movie theatre, poolroom (3 tables), garage; center of town of 1800 people; onlrji noiei in town; on lounsi routes net incama from hotel. $200 month; poolroom. $125: theatre, 1125; soft drink and -cigars. $75: garage .tails. $50; price ln fee. $35,000; $15,000 can remain nn first mnrlns, F. tn iu jrcaiii iiuusq luuy turnisneq ana eq.U!PPeaa2. a and all goes at the price; proprietor and wife. t'SI wish .to retire on account of age: brokers srat. rfl 1...bu I, ,o r .. nem . r" - "n;.' muox. ... mo, ixnirr viiiiue. x GET our estimate; patent, developed menial & model work; tool, made for metal goods. Machine Shop, a 8- Orlann MILL with about 20.000 to 25.000 .q. ft,,''S Suitable for Worsted anlnntnr atihU l....l Ing distance by truck from 'Philadelphia! "ji .,w-. ..w..-.... ..,.,,, n vihl-b uuui linger long lease. B 204. Ledger Office. BOTH 8T buslnes. property: 32 8. 0th lot 16x82) now millinery business: posses s ion In July; term, to suit purchaser. Rich - xiu x . x-uwreii. iij a, na. i-""1 WANTED To buy & factory" ln a small yM town; a going plant manufacturing a.rl--ffl cultural Implements preferred. M 601.S9 tul... ffflrtm "' J.Vf Ledger Office. 0TH ST. business property: 282 8. 60trv-! next to Spruce st. corner, right where car ' .ton Rlchsrd P Powell !.'li2 8 B2d. " CAPABLE business man will Invest $3000 T1 more, with services. In estab., profitable,! pusines.; ntaie line, u Bo, Ledger Office. f 3i BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT lH Positively highest cash price, for vn. jii.i mondsr any size from H to 10 carat.rnonaS pay higher: also old gold, platinum and silver! bought. Estate, bought (pilvats) Est. 10 irn'-i 10 YTftH The Diamond Shop 43 N. 10th tf'.l 10th ab.Mark SAMUEL SIMPSON 3f, 72T "Walnut st. rhlladelph!.. j . ' DIAMONDS BOUGHT keISy S,Ec"aPCBc,NgsiWrX, Suite 21-22. Over Chllda Restaurant, TPrfrat, V18ITINO Ma HAIHDRESSER! formerly U Cloud: eebrow. arched) henna tr aTl shades blond and black. Wo MIS. land 8017 J WRECKINO OF ALL KINDS "iwexr.i'rjim WtlKUKtNtJ 'MVe1iVA,"HSANI ' Vn'iV M."i. V.U .rT ' ULEC. treat.. manicur.' Office Hntrf iliog- IZ2 3. 13th t. Room 40Tr Ma Lanlcurlnff'- rt. i. 4M wwt'-tfiMl bjr mawdauHtr etwn. ,, Thee are twl ft ? 'UMNlltM' . " - '! M II tj." A WJl '" ?i? S"'Jf' MP? mm y. nj r " . ...i , aiji-j; uii