- vit, ?, ? U7 T ..TtrTH IV, . - - "-tvr"; :f a- '" - . ')j j T ; w r ' ' - r ,-..-?,. "M :'Mr '" " i l t t mn. "- ., ' ,.' . .1 ."..' VT''ti" TriTA',"","' ' " ' " ft. V "I .. . GU h'- I. . - "-T. . v . "K (! J3 " -. l ! ... , ' j. U "r . V .,lf ' WV" -,:;: -T'KW : ' "." K - lv l. ... .? :.':'' ..r, ..w :-ai. u -'M ? " t l RVENItta PLt&LIO iJEDGER-PH&ilJfeLraiA, "'" M04H)A.fT, JtfE iG&to' ...,' -X '- v '. -! ,"-":-' -Vya. " w ''- ,"".' esi n 22 , v-ti,? . i '' r t -r 'iA i. . A. Art ., .in-NIfi l(i. 11) - 'nnHi'iii1'!'! .... 77vT. s i FINANCIAL NEWS CLOSING NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS tf1 ;f Canada wviot j.it- Chicoutimi jpidp & Power 6s y A. Trt S X' Due July 1943 , t Bought Sold Quoted fed""Quotntioni on all Canadian & i Securities furnished on request. . Sturgis Macomber -if fan uanaautn ovcuiuy t Specialist A? ff 35 WaU St., New York Pnone HtnoTtr 6375 MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. IOND DEPARTMENT Specializes in FOURTH LIBERTY 4V4 COUPON BONDS . .......... JMARKET2524 TELEPHONESJMAIN I5G2 ' $5Q $100 LIBERTY BONDS nncmiT and soi.ij NEWS AND HIGH CALL MONEY RATES DISRUPT BIG MARKET Many Stocks Sell at Wide Declines in New York Call Loans Demand as Much as 15 Per Cent High Points in Today's Financial Neivs Mexican news, stories of possible force to mnko Germany sign the peace treaty and high-record rate for call money caused wide losses in New York stock market. Curb business was fairly large, with that market unaffected by weakness on big board. Corn advanced, and cotton was quiet and steady. French exchange advanced. Bar silver was higher in New York and London. International Mercantile Marine stockholders voted against selling British subsidiaries to English syndicate. NEW YORK STOCK SALES New York, .Tune 1(1. After brine unsettled during tlie greater part of the day, because of Indications of Mexican complication, ami of the possible demonstration by the Allies to foree the signing of the pence treaty, all the nttention of Wnll Street was devoted to the money sltuntloii. There as general calling of loans again nil over the Street ng n result of payments to the Federal Keservc Hank, anil brokers experienced trouble from enrly in the day in obtaining banking accommodation for their security transactions. Call money whs nt first quoted at 10 per cent, but during the afternoon the Xutionnl City Bank sent in $5,000,000, which, according to the invari able rule of that institution, was loaned nt 0 per cent. This created n false impression of easiness for a time nnd there -was moderate buying movement in the stock market, but the supply was quickly absorbed ami afterward industrial money was in demand nt lfi per cent nnd mixed collateral loans were quoted nt 112 per cent. This further advance In the call money rate to n new high reeord since the organization of the Federal Besene Hank started another selling movement on which prices in the lnte trading in many cases dropped to new lof records for the day. 1'uited States Steel, after rnlljing from 10.191 to 104ys, had another decline nnd Italdwin Locomotive, which had sold nt 100, dropped to SKJ'i. Studebaker declined from t)!)7 to below 0-1, showing n loss of more than (i points. The stocks of corporations holding properties in Mexico were dis turbed by the border news and those issues were pressed on the market in large volume. Adams Ex... Adv Humely. . Ajax Itub... Alaska Old M Alaska .tun. . . Allis dial Co. do pref . . . . Am Agr Chem 107 Am licet Sug. 81 HI Am Uosch 08 0.1 Am Can filVj fit Am V & F Co 102a; 101 fiiiVj High . 01 . 4.- . 87 , :p4 . 4i y2 no Low 51 112 Nt chge. -1 Closa 51 1-2 80 'Hi- 2 - 111 n, J9i Vi iooy, ioo si ;i 1)5 ; 51 .' 102! TOW 2 12 '-H'j 3V4 no n-nt v.t-ti Hlch 50 '1 18 Jxm no 21 y, 02 00 Net ense uo'i iui .m wii.. ini, Am Druggists. 12 1 Am 11 & 1, ... :il 28 Am Int Corp.lOIl 1)0 1)0 0 Am lec Sec... 04 54 50 8 HAm Linseed ... 08 07 O-ft 1 Am Loco 82 80 S0 1 Am Smelting.. 81 78 78 3 do pref 10(1 100 100 . . Am Sum Tob.114 110 110 3 Am Steel Pdry. H8 37 .17 Am Sugar 1112 121) 120 3 Am Tel & Tel. 10(1 10(1 100 Am Tobacco... 212 210 210 2 Am Wool 110 105 105 5 Am Wr Pup pf 40 44 41 1 Am Zinc & Ld 22 20 20 2 Am 'A & Ld pf 5S 58 58 1 Anaconda 71 00 0!) 1 Asso Dry Uds. 50 a4 48 Associated Oil. 8S 88 Atchison 08 i)fl do pref 88 87 Atlan Coast L..102 102 Pit TREND LOIR Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET .Members Philadelphia Slock Exchange. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD Any Denominations R Samuel K. Philllns Si Co. ES MAINTAINED IN WALLST. TRADING, IN OUTSIDE MARKET Reaction Considered Wholesome iSavold Tire Issues Are Marked Corrective to an Overextended Up Sinclair Stocks Weak- Speculative Debauch est of Oil Group v 807 niKSTNI'T STKEET Members Philadelphia Stock Kchanrn riXANClAT. DKr.WVARR RAILROAII COMPANY Rii. r NKKIK.S A. MATI'RINO 1032 iwu'u t . ii uau till n:t oittiiuu Ktd,, , i-iwiaueiiMiia, June lain, iviif, WWjJtl proposals will be rpried until 12 Yi'dwlt noon. Frldar. June 3?th, 1019. nt tho j,i Huuvt oiit(.rt lur inn pule iu ijif? unucrnixneu wrwtinmuBjonfrs 01 me ninKinx t una oroviaea tA-Ior the redrmntlon of the bonds Issued under F&Ji lnjQneraf ilortraire of the Delaware Rall- :cii,toQ company, or a surxicient number of ir-.naXA hands fn Alieorb tho sum nf SMil inn tut m4t th lowest price not excedlnt? par. In nc RJ5?i)rda,nca with the provisions thereof The cionaa no 10 d purcnaspa, 11 coupon in rorm. Ttust have all coupons maturing after July 1st '1D1V. attached and If rpclstprd mint ibfr BCComDanted by HDnronriatp nowpm nf HSil?rny uthorlzlnc transfer to bearer. w Proposals must state the numbers of the r 4 .wyw vimi . u uunun aitriHeu win ue ,j.4lm iur on anu niter JUiy iai. xuia on U nraBntKtlnn tn Hnrv Tntnnll Troainnr ihejLpennsvlvaniA Railroad (mpany. lloom jwiw. roaa .qtroot.jsiauon, rmiaaeioriM, and $ mieres-'on oonas accepta w cease July i?1?t.,jyi0 The rlsnt to reject any and all Mria fm riuirvH &'j;.-7 BAMl'E REA. Commg.tonera Sinking f'uml. ' NIITIL'K TCI IIO.MIIini.lllrKS . KEDKMPTION OF WKSTMOREI.AND COUNTY FUNDING IIONDS Notles la hereby siren that the eecond 125 liOndS Of Ihft lSIUfl Of Weatmnrlnnil Pniinl S -Fundlnr Bond and heme numbered connec- t'Anuwi irom i-u xo s.'u. inclusive, earh or SyisfJUrt denomination of One Thousand (11000) Civ .wur', iraufv uij- ibl, ii.uif, lor me PUT w v Auit.niiA ..b iiumiuik iiiuruteaneHB ana atjleil 'Weetmoreland County Funding .Bond." will be redeemed and nalit at ihm rjM i ft(Be of tho County Treasurer of said Wait- n ir.orain.i uguriiy, in in norousn 01 ureens- ac 'iftRi iciiiiDii.uiiitt, upun yreseniaiinn or K the aaroa .by the holdera thereof on. the lit K:' but at July. A. D. lBin. after which all In. B. - lereit ahull ceaaa on said nonda called. K BERKET H. nOTD. fc- OKO V. DEKD, IW W. D. REA5IER. Cnnimlaalotierp of Westmoreland County. Orwewtiirw Pa . Mrv 27. IMP. Special Notlcea aQUARTRULY JIEETINO Or THE Executive Council of the PhilarfeinMa Kftard of Trade will be held at thalr tMm. LSS-I" Bourne Building. Monday, June 16th. l,i;i19, at 3:30 o'clock. I'" V WM, rt TTTrKER S.crta ry. Dlvldenda Kf General Office, Reading Terminal PHILADELPHIA. June IB. inio Iff -Tha-ltiMirfl nf TllFOftftra Kaa ,i..i.....i . EM'tSa-nat earnlnea a quarterly dividend of Efi'iiMio nor rent (!) on the Second Preferred Ki;mDC Di m -viuvixny, 10 do paid on July iJVi 110, to atockholdera of record at the B.o ' builness. June 24, lOlB. Check Es'wHlrba mailed to atockholdera who hae aV?. atlAri dividend nnkr. with v, m " .."a'e JAY V. TTAnrr . -?'wT.ir tfllf.f. AM UTIII1VI I.-... ....It. JTSj BAILUUAII COMPANY "lfc W-iV.. f . Phltftdelnhtn Hlvth rnni. , .. :,.V nhflSJ r i. ".' ."t'.'."' . Slorlt sales today on the New exchaiiBC totaled 1, -150,000 shares. Yoili Aetna i:xploiies Am Itrtt MfK .. . Am Marconi American Writing Pper Air Reduction Canadian Car Co Con Car & Kdy pfd Charcoal Iron Chevrolet -Motor Cramp Curtlaa Aeroplane ... Carwen Tool . . . Carbon Sleel Emerson Phonograph . . Hendee Mftr . . Iike Torpedo Itoat l.ehlsh Coal Sales. Lima Colomotlie Maxim .Munitions . N Y Shipbuilding .. North Am Paper Pulp.. Otis Elevator Peerless Motor Poole Kntf . . , . Scrlpps-llooth Standard Motors .. Steel Alio) Submarine Hoat . . . . Todd Shipbuilding Trlanirle Film I'nlted Profit Sharing V H Steamship 7. ... United Motora World Film Wright-Martin Air STANDARD Oil. Illinois Ohio Prairie Pipe S O of Cal . S O of N J . H O of X Y . . . . 'Mi i Dividend of S 'per cent (1.5o per "hire! SphaB thla day been declare! payihle on :"..lu.iil; Mnmh is. loin t T.J.u'l??-'? 1 R-A'T,S5r1- fl slP- m," ?n th.e r"V 'nt WU?, Tl transfer books doslnc on the "nth n .Chocks will b mailed fe'rv ' WM lllnni.E. Tre..,. Proposal. I P.,. AUT1CK TU tuNImirKiii. !' ITRKKl' IMPKQVKSIKNT AT SLV Hit, aijinfeij VII.LAOK IIOU8IKO PROJKfnrll r'KK. THK NOBHI CHESTER KlMLIYfJ? .slaVbd propoul. will be reoewid by thi . North ClM.ter H.alty Company at thi m5l &ATrwGZirm:t us a"ss.r.' . rfcrrcVnWaSareTS."'' ""' 3- Th principal Item of the. contract and a. rlmte quantity mn a. follow."; na ,p" -...lar, rd.: bltumlnou. m.cod.m. 29.70a -1J.M &7aTa. UOB Ior 'llnVaTfeVt; "' wo,n tn"-S!I ? "o. Welflem obtain .-. offlc. o A. F. Damon. Jr.. PrailiVt . ccr. Hancock and KiihrrnvS. K...UI.J .k..l . nAA .. (X,..,-f5, H. BROWN. Via, mjj. He ; """ -'" 'V'fT.Pnj. . fli, 11,1 j. 1 rlT. L -a, JS60VERNMENT ALR ' OF " Rmfb f-lajSiVjtilfU. f. o. b., Philadelphia. 6V?im r r0,wj tept.. Burplu. Proparty Dv.. jiui: I ftow,ll4.a Waihlnnton. 'D. C. Particular. Is.aSrt.UbM form, ennba obtained &?, riS.io of Zonf'ipplr offla-s. New York. So.! Ct. a. KA.a.aUa. Da. a. a In Q T Ta ft1 arair. ' Ul P'rflilrr VVtI "flif.tt i-iMt fvm.. . . E?lHFJ22 SVsrffirSK .J o PL V",-vu success" TSrt S-8 wheels, f. o. b. Chlcaro 'r?.KK!r,".ll..Kth ipi;" , "--. -Tti pm forms. .-. St. Loul.. BUJmore. PhilT. ii! Ta'k Boaton. Refer to i5. Xeiv York, Juno 10. The New York nveniiiK Sun's financial review this afternoon is as follows : The stock market broke totlay 2 to (! points in no great volume of transac tions. There was a temporary rallying movement toward the close of the first hour, but thereafter the general level continued to hink lower and lower until some stiffening developed in midafter noon. There was 110 excitement whatever in connection with it all. On the con trarary, the Street displayed much phil osophic calm, seeming to feel that the reaction in itself was a wholesome cor rective to an overextended speculative debauch and waiting with what resigna tion it might for the course to be run. The reason for the setback of lost week and today was 10 nhrimis in leave few in doubt and. therefore, free 01 me nervous strain which accompanies, as a rule. 11 beclouded understanding of market-wise influences and factors. It is f-careely expected that a bull mar ket can exist when money supplies are lacking. Iu a nutshell thnt is exactly the situa tion at the moment. It is a question of a limited supply of funds and a rather insistent demand. The banks have found that they are not equal to the demand, quite irrespective of the consideration whether or not it would be a good thing to give further en couragement to speculation. As soon as the Victory Loan campaign had end ed heavy industrial financing was an nounced. Day nfter day millions of lonns to corporations in one form or an other were announced. There came, at the same time, the Helgian credit for ?o0,000,000. the loan to Sweden of S25, 000.000 nnd so on. Then followed the second payments on wnr taxes, involving $1,000,000,000 or more. Today was the last day for snob nnvnvnts. fllthniiph It is nrnhnhlp Houston Oil (l.nt n.1 nni'lnnnlu ur.. n ...-n n .! f ' l1'!.'.' Rellhlng lllllb iv"-tfc jrutiiiui- , . v ui.uu(,i. iui ,.ie 1'PtfOl last week anil la some cases probably earlier. The government has as jet made few. if any, re-deposits with the banks. Everything, therefore, seems to conspire just now to tie the banks' hands, hence ou top of the advances in the call monev rate Inst week. theri were today -renewals at 10 per cent "SntAmona'"!L. lor mixeil collateral, and l'J per cent I First National'118 for nll-luduslrial collateral. This was 1 cioidfleid" Mera-er ' the first time since December 1010 ! Meld FfflrencV mat tne renewal rate has advanced above 0 per cent. The consensus of opinion in Wall xtreet is that, while some banks may be taking ndvantagc of the situation to put further brokers on the tendency .to speculation, there is nothing like a con certed effort to that end. Why the banks of the Federal Ileserve system do not avail themRelves more fully of the rediscount privilege is one of the mys teries of the situation, although in view of the reserve board's general attitude, as well as its recent request for infor mation as to loans with government col lateral behind them, the mystery is not so great perhaps as for the downward course of stock prices. The bear ele ment, of course, is making the most of the existing pressure. The news of tho day was not dwelt upon much. Talk of Marshal Foch making preparations to invade Germany in the contingency the enemy does not sign the treaty and the possibility of a renewal of the old border troubles with Mexican bandits were indeed dampeners to some extent and played in the hands of the bears. , New street steady tained. ltroad fahly York, June 1C. The curb market showed a tone, with prices well main in view of the sharp declines which were recorded on the New York Stock Exchange. The curb market apparently n-as in stronger position because of absence of the heavy borrowing which is connected with operations on the board, but which have no place in the cash trading in the majority of transactions on the curb, nnd thnt market, for the present time, indicates the real speculative situation free from money disturbance. INDUSTRIALS Hid H'i :t 1 r.o L'S Nil II 2.10 Ml) in a 100 4 17 1J. 7 oL' 42S 5. 82 as 30 So Ha r i 113 so Yes close Ask (sale) 10 N t2 3.1 BO 8 3IKI 133 1(1 .1 lit) 104 134 SO 34 '; K? 3i 30 fill 7 8 17 117 3 31 45 0 si 25. 3Vi STOCKS .117 183 .370 373 .2B2 208 .27(1 274 .7113 713 .303 3711 7(111 370 INDKPENDKNT Harnett Oil & Oas .. Commonwealth . . . , CoHden & Co 1. ... Elk Rasln .'. Federal Oil it- OIL STOCKS A 'i r.7 ins! ( ihio Fuel Sapulpd Itef nequovan Sinclair . . Island Cllenrock. UK . ?7 :::i7?sl 38 lll. 10 3tt 28 i?Sw r.-tv, -K MININO STOCKS Ills Ledge lloston at Montuna BYKRN'MET.-T SALE OF (NKVF) rw. uiKn.n-ot.itq Clin. ned 10 , m July . ItflD. at tta rtv office, Slat it. and Oregon av" HUB' t obtained, Rtfer ty B. p. d" ,SAR SILVER eial.W lyer wan quolwHa tO; .MJlUSUr.BM-fttl, NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, June 10. "here wns nn easier undertone at the opening of the coffee market, with call prices below the previous close. The Brazil cables tfiowed no further advances there and were at virtually unchanged prices. Rat ukd man i.nw tunmjt September Open io! December January. MarcU ., t.2T May .... 10-10 High 20.20 10.73 1H.43 in. mi 10. m Low 2O.10 1U.43 19.42 1 6.2.1 10.15 Close 11)9.1 19.45 19.3H 19.21 10.03 Close 20,17 10.07 Ml 7 10.38 10.28 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor- rr',T,S tXifc5;,'0.Sl81- 73 'I 1 4 111 Gil II (loldfieid Kcwanas t irer-n Monster . . necla Mining r Howe Sound 4. Independence Lead 3 Jerome Verde . i Jim Butler 31 Jumbo Extension 10 MoKinley Darragh 2 Magma Conner S4i Mother Lode 42 Mines Co nf America ... .S Nevada Hills 3 Nevada Wonder A Nlplsslnst 11 unio copper ' Rav Hercules . r Ran Toy 9 Tonopah Extension 2H United Verde 40H w est t,nd Con Hi White Cans 18 Yerington 5 in 3 3 111 nn 10 ", inn 10 att 28 27 :in 3'4 s"; 0K 70 1A 44 10 nn 3-. 12 11 03 n aa 37"4 43 43 4 .. 0 114 H'i 45 .: lii ii Bethlehem 7s Cosilen OU As . Cnprlen A Cn It. Cudahy 7s -tussian i.ot ,a Russian Govt 04 a Southern Buys . BONDS 102U UN ...:.. AH . ..102U 102 . . -fn nil . nn4 nn . . . S3 834 10J", HI"! 1113 47 00i FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, .fune 10. The feature of the foreign exchange market in the early dealings was francs', which were quoted nt 0.22 for cables nnd 0.24 for checks. Demand sterling was quoted at 4.00 cables nnd 4.0iyt checks; lire rabies 7.00. checks 7.08; Swiss cables B.2S, checks Ti.nO; guilder cables, 30, clinks. .".0; pesetas cables 10.02, checks 10.85; Stockholm cables, 20, checks 2.1.80; C'hrlstianla cables 23.C0, checks 2.1. ;i0, and Copenhagen cables 24.30, checks 24.10. Ruble notes were dull and nominal at H.2u11.50. In the late afternoon, French ex change lost 7 centimes of the early ad vance, touching (lffor cables and 0.31 for checks. Sterling was slightly steadier at 4.00 for demand, 4.01 for cables. Lire were easier at 7.07V& for cables and 7,00i for checks. Vesetas were steady at 10.08 for cables auil J0,tK).(lp. checks. Guilders were a Atl G & W I.. 171', 1(1(1 Hald Loco Co. W) 03'i Halt & Ohio.. WH. -I!'s do pref .174 n7Vi Harrett Co... 120 12S Heth Steel 11.. W 8!Ji0 do pref ... .111 Brook Itap T. . 28 ft Booth Fisheries 21 aJ Butt Cop & '... 12 Buttcrick Co ... 37'i Itutte Sup Cop 2S'"- Caddo Cent Oil 41'4 Cal Petroleum.. :il do pref 81 V 111 2(i's 21 12 .".4 20 'i 42 31 i 80 (14!!i Canadian I'ac.lOl', KiOU Certain-teedl'rd 40 Ccn Fdy Co . 21 do pref . . . . 40 Central Leath.101 Cerro de 1'asco (ill, Chesn & Ohio 04 Chi & Alton pf 15 Chi Gt West.. ! Chi M&St I. 42 do pref .... 08 1 i Chi & Northw.KK) Chi Itl&Bac te 2(i4 do 0 pc pf . 0(1',-. Cni&l'7pf pf 77 C C C & St h. 52 Chile Copper . 2,1 Chino Con Cop. 44' Cluett Peabody 80 " Col Fuel & I.. 47 Col Gus & Elee CA Col & Southern 2.1 do 1st pref . . .18 Consol Gns ...100 Cont Can XU. Cont Int Cal .. 11 Corn Products. 04 do pref 40 21 41! 05 -111 (13 15 !) 40 Vi 08 00 Mi M 00 70 51 li4 43 80 44 53 U 2.1 58 DOVi 00 10 U--2 48T4 14 SH'A 00 1 SS 102 2 10(1 0 03 (1 50 1 57 128 5 83 1 IU .. 20 1 21 12 31 2 20 24 4 2 31 2 81 1 05 1 100 40 1 21 3 40 -3 !)5 4 50 V... 03 1 15 t 40 Vi 2 08 100 . . Si 00 77 51.. 24 1 43 1 80 0 44 1 53 1 25 58 . . 1)0 U 00 5 10.. 02 21, .107Vi 107 107 . 28 . 17 27 . 21 . 80 .115 40 .. 32 .. 83 ..100 ..210 ,. 034 "74 -,ruL-iuiu oieei.. nun Cuban Cane Su 34 do pref 84 Del & Hmkspn.llO Denv & 11 G pf 8 Dome Mines... 13 Elk Horn Fuel 35 Emerson Brant- ingham .... Erie do 1st pref. do 2d pref . Fisher Body . Fum Plajers. Fed M & S pr Gaston Wins . Gen Cigar Co. Gen Elec Co. Gen Motors , do deb Goodrich, B 1 Granby Mining 71 Gt North pf... 1)5 Gt Nor Ore sub 40 Greene-Can Cp 42 Gulf Stntei Stl 03 Ilask & Bark 00 Int Agricul.... 2.1 Vi do pref 81 Inspiration Cop 50 Interbor-C Cor 7 do pref 27 Int II C (new).142 Int Mer Marine 40 do pref 110 I litem! Paper.. 54 Int Nickel 20 Jewel Tea 3S Kun City Sou. 21 Kelly-Sprngud.110 118 Kmnecott Cop. 39 38 HCeystueT & 11.101 05 Lack Steel 82 Lehigh Valley.. 53 87 32 81 110 8 13 32 28 17 1!T 20 70 112 40 32 78 100 203 02 73 70 !).1 44 41 50 5S 21 82 57 111-. 23 137 40 112 2.s, 37 21 87 2 32 2 82 110 1 8 13 34 1 28 4 17 27 20 1 70 2 112 40 1 32 70 3 100 1 204 5 02 1 73 3 70 2 05 40 41 1 50 0 58 1 24 82 2 57 1 24 3 137 2 40 3 112 1 51 2 28 1 37 1 21 Vi 118 1 38 1 05 5 77 5 53 30 1 74 1 183 3 41 2 72 30 1 1021 174 20 47 1 10 8 17 1 28 1 Close 57 2 21-1 02 17-1 00 70 Pierce Arrow Tierce Oil . Pitts Coal . Pond CO. Puuta Al Sug. 00 Pressed Stl Car 80 Pull Pal Car.. 125 125 125 -V. By Stel Spr. . . 00 88 88 2 Bay Con Cop. 24 2n 23 Heading 87 84 85 3 do 1st pr ... 37 37 37 Hep I & S .. .80 84 84 1 Koynl Dutch .100 101 100 2 1 mi 1 1IY4 -t nn t jw,72 1111 alio i.yj u 0 l!) 17 0 0 20 110 new . . . Saxon Motors St L S F ... Seabosrd A L do or Sears llocbuck.200 Stattuck Ariz . 14 Sloss-Sff S & I 03 Sinclair Oil ... 58 -2 11) 200 14 00 ?4 10 17- 0 .. 10 -l 200 .. 14 00-2 52- Southern Par.. 105 103 1031 no. -.074 00 51 1)2 00 45 12 45 28 1 00.., 51 4 02-7 00 1 45 1 12- 40 3 Southern It It, 20 do pref 00 Strombcrg Car 55 Studebaker ... 1)0 Stutz Alotors 70 Sup Steel 47 Tenn C & dim 13 Texas & Pac. . 40 'raw..- fVi O'Cl Of I .r-n .rt --VAU'3 .W o riUU tfou lYi Third Ave K It 22 21 21-1 Tobacco Prod .103 1)8 1)0 34 do pref ....100 107 107 1 Union Pacific .131 130 130 lo pref 73 73 73.. Unit Alloy Stl. 50 50 50 1 Unit Cgr Strs.,153 147 148 3 Unit Fruit ...181 180 181 1 Unit By Invest 11 10 11 1 I'SCI P & F 30 ' 30 30 1 lo pref 02 02 02.. U S Express.. 27 27 27 U S In Alcohol. 140 143 143 5 U S Bcnlty... 47 45 45 2 U S Bubbcr ..110 112 112 3 do 1st pr ..114 114 114 Un Food Prod. 75 73 73 2 U S S & It... 00 05V, 05 ilo pr 40 40 40 1 U S Steel 105 103 103 3 lo l'r 110 110 110.. Utah Copper . 88 85 8.1V, 3 utan sec Uorp. 17 vu.. Will-Ill. I 0(t 10 33 11 80 117 54 10 54 33 05 88 17 1 72 2 00 . . 10 33 1 H 80 117 54 10 51 1 33 1 05 1 00 1 -2 I Philadelphia Stoclts Net Close chge, 50 8 45 .. 30- 45 82 1 CD 2 32 58 50 10 on Hloh I.ow 10 Am Ice. 50 50 15 Brill ,T G 45 45 41 Cam Iron 40 '0 10 Col Fuel. 45 45 3483 E1 Stor. 84 80 150 Gen Asph 00 00 1)0 I 0 N A 32 32 100 Inspir C. 58 58 20 Key T Co pref ... 50 080 Lk S Cor 10 10 Leh Nav 0 345 Leh Vol. 51 44 L Schuy 40 SMinehlll. 51 100 AUtlvale.. 100 Mo Pac. 752 Pa It B. 00 Pa Salt. 25Phila Co cum pf. 35 35 010 Thll Elec 2.1 25 1000 P It T tc 27 27 120 Ph Tract 00 00 20 Heading. 8Q 80 15 Ton Bel. 3- 3 25 Un Tract 30 30 130 UG I... 09 00 1705 U S Stl. 105 103 103 1 100 Willys O 33 33 33 1 180 W Cra'p.132 130 130 2 Ex dividend. Total aale. 0083 shares, compared with 130 shares Saturday. ' 48 20 40 82 50 1 10.- CO .. 53 '53 1 40 40.. 51 48 20-l 45 r IU-4, 48 , 20 45 81 81- 35. 25. -80 -3-30 , 00 ' 1 STOCK PRICES ARE LOWER ON PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE Electric Storage Battery, Transit Certificates and Steel Mako Up Bulk of Business Rails Are Off M ' 1 The Philadelphia stock market today was unsettled nnd generally lower, following n fairly steady opening, reflecting conditions on the big board. Few issues showed activity here, however, and the bulk of the day's turnover was made up of Electric Storage Battery, Rapid Transit trust certificates and United States Steel common. f Storflire Ttnfterv. i-hlnh nthiimaJ .t.n .!. i..j i.tu . ,. , . l. . t. ---. ......... UoUU..,iU un ininc icuucrsuip, was ex aiviatna. in lit . . . ,U mov UI n B0,,-',Iitl fraction, with the 1 per cent dividend Moniintn.l fine inl.. b-lll,n ...-.l - .1 ... .... . u. -......v.., ,... or,..., luuai-ii a rencusii mat carrieu the stock off for a loss of more than 2 points, and only a small recovery occurred before the close. lffl lAlfl THnnalr nasaflau. -llaf .a . .i " . -"'"" vc.iiiu.uivb were siigiiiiy lower throughout the day on trans actions totaling more thnn 1050 shares and Philadelphia Traction, after opening unchanged, followed P. II. T. nnd yielded fractionally. The other lender, Steel, made a-better show-ing here than In New York, selling up a trifle in the forenoon nnd rising above the low for the day by midafternoon. Among home stocks showing declines on moderate sales for the day were General Asnhalt common, nff nnlnin t.u u......i - .i , . - --- . " ...w , .juni: uuiriiur uriuru.1.1UU, Olt "to Z i'iT 'TdJj?1' "' T?.nW!-.BeLt. wl'h " fractional , , ; ,,"' ,x "n...u uu-ciric anu inimueipnia company cumulative pre ferred held fairly steady, while Keystone Telephone gained 1 point. U. G. I. was unchanged after being lower. American Tee lind tlm vt-lrlfef t-An i. i.. i ,- . . a trifling transaction: ' " " ""B 'D P" lennsylvania nailroad, Heading Company and Lehigh Valley were lower and a block of Willjs-Ovcrland yielded 1 point. The bond market wns conornllv .1..., i.... t--i-.i t-h v i . - , , ., . " j ji uui tmitu xvuiiivujb jnvesimcni of gained 1 per cent. 0030 BONDS High Low Close 84 Net chge. Va 1 O & C. (10 Wabash 10 do pr A . . . .- 34 West .Maryland 12 w union Tel. . 80 West AirBke.,117 ti .-i. .hik .... uo-;i Wheel & L E. 11 White Motors . 50 Willys Ovid .. 34 Willys Ovid pr 1)5 Wilson Co 01 " Do pr 104 104 104 west rand M.. 75 VI 73 73 3 Worth P MprB 70 70 70 Total sales reported on New York stock IICKer. 1.478.(1(111 -hilr-o,. ,,mr,fPu ..141. 003,000 shares Saturday, Elf i!lvM.,.i .. ., ,,,,Tj vi.- -i' "TT'.'ncricnn i.inneeu in c icrred. 1!; ti-isiai-nM u i i . ii,i,.- SSl, H' "1 : Bethlehem Steel II. 14 : W M T t o .....,..,Cii, oieei is. extra Si Amerlcnn in. ..cm.. f".rr?4on?a' 'v,0"" State. Steel nrst prc- H.- ;, ur( company. 2: unuea n-TSn3pa.njU?,i : South Porto Blco Sugar. a',i nI ortoBlio sugar, preferred. 2: Cuba- ;,; .i,"r- - ! cuua-Amerlcan sugar preferred. 14 ; American Uosch Mairneto. i?-'.. . Anjorlean. 14; J. I. Case Cora- Pyj prJj?ri'ed- ": Deere Company pre ferred. 24 ; California Packlns flrst pre ferred. 14 ; Manhattan Eiovated. 1: Has " j13".1- Is American Bank Note preferred. : Ilepubllo Iron and Steel pre- .. .u, ,-,; i-ierce Arrow preierrea. -: stromberc Carburetor. 1: Crucible Steel pre. jerreu. i- ; Tobacco Products preferred. 17. I Liggett Jk yv-r- nrplarrl IV AA. yf.no.num,'l' Preferred. 14: Boech Creek. J.i!,: CH1.'- Cane Sugar preferred. IK : Loose. JJ.Hcs Biscuit first preferred. K ; American "ool. 14 : Amerlcnn Wool preferred. li : umu supper, 74 ; .evaaa consolidated cop per, h ; Kay Consolidated Copper, 4 : Utah Copper. 14 ; Bethlehem 7 per cent preferred. 1: Bethlehem 8 per cent preferred. 2: Electric Storage Battery, li Kelly Spring field preferred. 14. S1500 Am Gas & El 5s 84 84 1000 Bald Loc 1st 5s.. 100 100 100 10000 City 4s 1045... 00 00 00 .. , 2000 El & Pe Tr 4s... 00 00 00 1000 Leh Nav con4s 03 03 03.. 2000 Lib Bond 4th 4s 04.20 04.20 04.20 .00 5000 Penna Co tern cts 4s... 05 2000 Phil Elec 1st 5s.. 03 1000 Reading gen 4s.. 83 2500 Un Itwy Inv 5s. 71 05 03 83 71 05.. 03 2 83.. 71 1 Total sales. 128.000. compared with J3000 nuiuruay. Local Bid and Asked Buff A. Susq do lirpf .... American Stores iiamwin Brill. JO Cramp t c Elec Storage . . General Asp . . . do pref Keystone Tel . . . do pref Lake Sup Corp . . Lehigh Nav .... Lehigh Vallev . Lehigh Valley Tr do pref Penna Phlla Electric . Phlla Co do 3 per cent pref 30 no 11 ner cent prer an 74 ine Ton llel , Ion Mining .., union irac ... U ( I , U 8 Steel York Railway , (10 pret . . , . , Ex dividend Today Bid Ask New York Bonds Sales in .1000 High I.mv Clnsa 175 Anglo-Fch 5s.. 07 07 07 7AinerT & T 5s. 01 01 01 14 Amer T & T Cs.103 103 103 4 Atchison 4s 82 82 82 7 B & O cv 4s. . 78 HBrookn Rp Tr 7s 80 1 Bordeaux fls ... 01) 3 Can Gvt 5s '31 0S iChl & E 111 4s. 33 ! Lee It & T....32 30 Loose-Wiles .. 74 74 Lorillard P....1S0 183 Max Motor .. 40 43 Vi do Istpr .... 74 72 do 2d pr 37 30 May De St . . 104 100 Mex Petrol . . 177 173 Miami Co Cop 27 20 Midval Stl ... 40 47 Min & StL new 17 10 Mo Kan & Tex 8 8 do pr 17 17 Miss Pocific... 30 28 do pref 55 51 Mont Power . . 77 77 Nat Acme ... 30 3.1 N Con & Cble 10 10 N Enam & Ht 74 70 do pr 102 102 Nat Lead ... 77 75 N It It of M 2d pr 8 8 8 Nev Con Con.. 18 18 18 N O T & M. 37 37 37 N Y Air Bk.115 115 115 3 New York Cent 70 78 78 N V Dock ... 30 20 20 1 do pref .... 52 52 52 NYNH & II . 30 20 30.. NY Ont & Wes 22 22 22 Norf & West. 108 108 108 51 771 1 35 10 1 72 1 102 .. 75 3 rortnern rac . i'.yj Nova Scotia Stl 82 Oklahoma P&R 10 Ohio Gas .... 55 Ohio Fuel Sup. 51 Ontario Silver 8 Owens Bot .. 57 Pacific Mail .. 30 I'enu Seabd Stl 30 Pan Am Pet '. 01 Penn IU .... 45 reoria & East 12 1 Peo Gas & G. 52 C Pere Mar .... 23 21 do jot pr,..,, (O 03 0.1 70 0 53 51 7 53 30 30 80 45 05 7fl0 0 54 51 1 7 53 4 30 30 .. 80 4 45 121 52 21-2 lk) 100 Chi B & Q 4s.. 0,1 SOM &StPcv 5s 88 5 do cv 4s 78 1 Col & South 4s. 80 10 City of Paris Cs. 07 .1 Comp T R C 0s. 84 Vi 5 Detroit Tun 4s S0 3 Gen Elec 5s 00 1 Intcrb Met 4s. 38 ILig & M T5s.. 03 1 Louis & Nash 4s 85 432 Lib Bond 3s 50 do cv 4s . . .'. 551 do 4s , . . . 1 do 1st 4s.. 04 do2dw4s., 1502 do 4th 4s 78 80 .!! 1)8 33 05 88 78 80 07 84 80. 1)0 38 03 83 00.00 00.40 00.48 03.00 03.70 03.70 0.1.40 0.1.20 05.30 0.1.20 0.1.20 05.20 04.18 04.04 04.00 04.30 04.10 04.32 78 80 00 08 33 0.1 88 78 80 07 S4 80 1)0 38 03 OilY2 420 Vic notes 4s.. 00.08 00.00 00.00 80 do 3b . . . . 100.30 100.04 100.04 1 Marseilles 0s. . . . 00 00 3Midvale 5s 00 00 5 Mo Pac gen 4s.. 01 01 3 Mont Power 5s. 02 02 3 NIOi M 3s 71 71 32 do 0s 00 00 1 N Y N II & II 3s 1050 ...- 54 54 4 N Y Rwy 4s 42 42 5 do" Cs ' 15 15 0 Pa 5s 1008 05 0.1 1 St L & SF ajt w I 07 07 3 do in w 1 51 51 5 So Pac cv 4s.. 85 85 8 do cv 5s 100 105 100 5 Sodth llwy 4s.. 07 07 07 00 IK) 01 02 71 00 54 42 15 03 07 51 85 04 04 04 102 102 102 80 80 80 100 100 100 80 83 85 103 103 103 7 do 5s 1 Texas Co Cs. . . , 1 Tokio 5s 4U S Steel 5s... 3 Union Pac 4s. , 14 do Cs 22 UK of GB'& 1 5s new 1010 00 00 5 U K of O B & I 5s 1021 ... 081ff 08Ji 0 U K of G B & I ' 5s 1037 ... 00 00 Total aale.. 111. 076,000. JO, 222,000 Saturday., 00 08U 00 compared with OPPOSE MARINE SALE Stockholders Vote Against Deal for British Subsidiaries New York, June 10. Stockholders of the International Mercantile Marine, at a special meeting today, voted 530, 072 shares to 78,521 shares not to sell the concern's British subsidiaries to a London syndicate. Earlier n the day Federal Judge Hand denied 'as, application lor an Injunction r r Saturday Bid Ask 73 711 73 7(1 324 34 B2 33 23 23 23 23 1134 OH UllU 1011 43 47 43 47 130 133 13J 133 hl)K 82 84 K 83 III! 71 71) 71 103 1117 1034 108 II II) 9 10 48 30 48 3D id, , in'i 10 ion 1184 'l 08 70 32 33 63 MU 14 17 14 17 20 28 20 28 43Ji 4Si 43U 411 23 234 234 23 17 :in :ix n i 32 30 IU 35 Jl 33 S34 27 274 27$. ". 34 a 34 H . 34 3 34 3 . 384 304 3S 34 i till WiIh UU IlllU .1U34 11134 1004 100 . 04 104 4 104 . .12 324 32 324 COTTON TAKES DROP AFTER GOOD START Tight Money Restricts Trade. ' Price Changes Irregular. Close Steady New York, June 10. Tight rates for money restricted operations In the cot ton market today, following a good busi ness in the early dealings.- Changes in prices were Irregular, but the finnl tone wns steady, with the list above Saturday's close. Crop re ports were bullish in the main, but the South and the trtdc sent few buying orders to the pit. The market closed steady at a net advance of two to ten points. July . August hept. i"ot. . Nov. . Dec. . . Jan. . . Feb. . aiar. Saturday's close Open High 'Low Last 31.20 30,00 31,48 30.00 31,22 31.30 31.80 31.80 31.30 81,30 30.80 30.80,30.80 80.80 30.80 .....Ilir.H 30.40 80.03 30.23 30.00 ....28.80 28.80 28,80 28.80 28.80 30.23 30.00 30.31 80.00 30.32 30.10 29.80 30.42 29.70 30.18 28.30 28.80 28.80 28.80 28.30 29.03 29.33 30.23 20.SS 29.95 GAIN IN LOCAL LOANS 4 Reserves and Deposits Lower Than This Week Last Year , The average condition of members of the Philadelphia Clearing House Asso ciation for the week preceding today is shown in the weekly statement, with comparisons, as follows: ALL MEMBERS June 16. '10 Decrease S830.O7S.000 18,303,000 Clearing 20.787.000 110,040.000 131,300,000 BO9.1O4.O00 Loans Exchanges House Due from banks.... Bank deposits Individual deposits. Time deposit. .... Res. with F. R. B. and legal deposi taries Cash In vaults .... Total reserve held. Reserve required . . Excess reserve . . . , 3. 215,000 34,314,000 15,100,000 33.177,000 53,587.000 1.010. 000 1,104,000 2,400,000 8,021,000 3,012,000 02,000 10,74R,Ofl0 433,000 10.770,000 887.00O 10.392,000 MEMBERS, RESERVE SYSTEM Reserve held 60.870,000 0,080,000 Excess reserve .... 310,000 8.777,000 TRUST COMPANIES NOT MEMBERS RE SERVE SYSTEM Reserve held 4,208,000 1,609,000 Excess reserve .. . 1,830.000 .1, 813.000 In addition to the deposits above there were last week. 164,372,000 government de. posits, against which no re.erve I. re aulred. Increase, MONEY-LENDING RATES ' NEW YORK Money on call, mixed collateral, opened at 10 per cent; high, 12; low. 0; last,, 12; closed, 1012; ruling rate, 10 per cent. Industrials opened at 12 per cent; high, 15; low, 12; last, 15; closed, 1215; ruling rate, 10 per cent. , PHILADELPHIA Call, 6, per cent; time, 5 00 per cent ; commercial paper, three to six months, G5 per cent ; six months, 0 per cent. DIVIDENDS DECLARED United Drug Company, quarterly of Hi per cent on flrat preferred and 14 per cent on aecond preferred. Th. first preferred la payable August 1 to .tock'of record July is and .econd preferred September I to .lock of record August IB. Central Cok. and CoaJ Company, ijuar- K'O. "' ':r..r"A"'"" "'""J." J" l.OV V v vu.i.ii.vu, IMYKDie JU in a. regis.. cu .... .v, .soog. ao close, uly not Pralrlo JflP Un. Company. Quarterly of recora IS. payable June uu. July 31 to .lock, at No Change In Refined Sugars New York, June 10. Conditions In tho refined sugar market remained un changed. Prices are unchangod on the basis of 0c, less 2 per cent for cash for fine granulated. Itaws arc unchanged at 7.28c for 00 centrifugals. The United States Sugar Equilization Board made no purchases of raws on Saturday. RAILROAD EARNINGS COLORADO AND SOUTHERN LINES lOin Increa.a Flrat week June 1422.923 198.851 Prom July 1 8.S00.300 1,074,313 Oreat 'Northern .R.llwaV Company, nuar- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY LOAN SECURITIES Apprm. 312 334 4 4 414 414 4i4 434 414 Callable 1932 1922 1932 1927 1932 1927 1933 1922 Approx. Yield If Called, or If Da. SelUns at Par en Callable Date 1947 1923 1947 1942 1947 ' 1942 1938 9 1923. 1928 3.52 3.74 '4.50 4.85 4.74 5.10 4.80 4.75 Yield t Matoritr 3.51 3.74 4.30 4.40 4.55 4.65 4.70' 4.75' 4.85 $50, $100, $500 AND $1000 DENOMINATIONS FULL INFORMATION REGARDING TAX FEA. TURE3 OF THE LIBERTY LOAN SECURITIES WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. MONTGOMERY & CO. 137 S. LA SALLE ST, CHICAGO 133 S. 4TH ST. 14 WALL ST. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK MEMBERS OF THK NEW YORK' AND I'HILA. STOCK EXCHANGES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DEPARTMENT TELEPHONES, HELL, LOMBARD 4320) KEYSTONE. MAIN S3M Free Brokers' June Handbook INVESTORS and traders about to take advantage of the many profit op portunities on the New York Curb Market will want this free vest pocket guide. It gives high and low levels for May, and all of last year; par, capital and dividend rates for more than 800 securities traded in the New York Curb Market, and the Boston, Toronto, San Francisco, Salt Lake and Los Angeles exchanges. Those studying The Preat Oil Boom should use this compact reference booklet. There are nine facts on every line of it If you were in Wall Street you would consult this price guide daily. Call, phone or write today. Free to investors and traders. Ask for Booklet No. T. U.-485. 1 Just Out! This week's issue of the Investor & Trader The dominant weekly of the New York Curb Market. Copies free-to Investors and i. Traders JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Witlencr Bldg., Philadelphia PAonet Bell, TTatnul 1690 Xtvttont.-Kacc 2290 NEW YORK DETROIT NTTSBUSOH CHICAGO JXrtci PrivaU Win BOtTOM COLONIAL TIRE. & RUBBER CO. ALFRED R. RISSE m . . J -- SO' Broadway- Jw SPECIALIST New York' TEL., BROAD 5204-52105.5206-5207-658 1-7468,,. . ' '. J 3' s s U?U4a,U. jad V.4I i,rsswl,--)4- y-weaj auajmym '49 , i WA J T '. . JEK l JT ? IV, t,k!mk?: y Wxv ll-'zSiSSBImSlSSimSaml 1 miwi ii iraus1? 'm SiW3!?2miL'tffi W . WZOI