V - fetet"? tl" r tl-V m ta fe ft- w w,, !V Kim mi k, ;r- 'to 1 o Only Threo Hours From Home and Is an Ideal Vacation Land ' r JEW ENGLAND SHOHE ' EASY TO REACH feANY BRIGHT SPOTS prwn Boston. Mass.. June It Havo you plpXally realized, tourist and traveler, that P,tn2lhn New Enirlnnrt shore hoclni at the K-1;' ihrcsjiold of New York and N less than ,inree uours irom i-iiiinnciiniur " One step ont of Jlnnhattan's eastern portnl and the trnveler is jn New T-'nc-land. Not, however, till New Ilmen is reached does it t.ccm like anything but suburban New York Here the Ni-w England atmosphere begins to creep In the great elm trees, tin- eo1nni.il architecture, the rlrt one of the biR iol lege campuses hints of the tvph-nl New England that lies beyond and the pi' enco t Ynle toiler:" bovs cxerrwhei', on the streets, meeting their friends and relatives at the Tnft strikes n pleasing note suggestive of the vonth and culture that dominates New P.iir iand society. At New London begins the "vaci tlon land" of the shore, dust where tho Thames riier drops Into the sound Is tho first one of New England's sum mer resorts. 1'equot, one of the oldest of tho smart cottage colonies, stretches Its lazy length along tho west bank of the Thames, while Its neighbor over the wav. Eastern l'oint, sits close, elbow fo elbow, looking out on tho world with l somewnai imperious win-, i " i" pie of "the l'oint" go there for cool air and recreation, but thev like both serxed .in tho latest mode They golf at the Bhenuecossett Country Club but It ins f or. to be done under the guidance of ouo of the best-known professionals in the country; they motor nnd sail, but always xvith the mental reservation that they must keep looking lit to appear at any of the daily programs of cntertnui tntnt at the Grlswold. Nexv T.ondou is the place of departure for the first of the island resorts. Eight imlcs off Bhore is I'ishers island, jvith its dual character of army post and summer playground. Children Rule Fisher's Isle There nro few places where the hotel visitors and cottage occupants combine so cordially in their social life us they do at risheis island. Kt cry body goes to the bench at the bathing hour, every body meets at the Hay Harbor ( lub for aftcmoou tea and everv one goes to the dances at one or the other of the hotels in the evening. The children, though, are the real rulers of the island Nature prcpaiejl for them a safe, shallow beach on xxhuh to play, and exerything for their mate rial needs, even a diet kitchen, has been provided for them Next in line i Narragansett, and the traveler has enteied Rhode Island. Of nil the New r.nglanil states none has a more interesting shore line than Rhode Island Watch Hill. l'oint .lu dith, Nnrragansett Tier nnd Newport look out in the open xxateis of the Atlantic, xxhile dozens of other resorts 14 fringe Narragansett bay, xxlncli indents ml At. ,...,,- t.n tlmt U Innks like a uzsnw ? Ill,' luua, "W ... " - puzzle. For individuality 01 iiinnn thero is no summer lesort in America that surpnsses Narragausett Its early history, the nine uioou or n-1, inom-'-i & the people xxho built Narragansett into one of the first sm.irt sumiuer places jpvolved n community of strong nnd compelling jivikiuuh". . """ j; " -earlv land owners built beautiful suin mer'homes. then they built playgrounds , (-.! .... ii I.npn flinT onitM PfltPr f; boii iiin.xiii'u-3 ,mh "-. .- -- W tain, nnd Into this colouv of society folk M - .,! lw.,n1a n ffirp fnr the Is Uors xxho xxefc not home owners i lie Massasoit, Gladstone, Revere, Atlan tic. Metntoxit and Imperial became component parts of this community of society people, catering xx ithout shoxv or ostentation to the comfoit of Narra gansett summer people. The Point Judith Country Club, about two miles out of the town, nnd tho Casino on the benih, arc Nana gansett's two places of amusement On the polo field at l'oint Judith xx ill be played this benson a series of polo games and a big program of tennis events is planned on the country club courts. Xarragansctt Casino riay house The Nnrragansett Casino is the -playhouse for all Rhode Island society f here there is a big ballroom, good juusic, and delectable food, and during almost every hour of the day the sum- tier visitors surge back and forth from Stage to beach, from beach to casino, ecking the sexeral kinds of entertain ment to be found there. After the rooming dip in the ocean the bathers, 'pleasantly exhilarated by their sxvim, move en masse into the casino for cool i-VNVV1-NNS.Wq-lfAASfV' Automobile Trips No matter where you want to go seashore, country or mountain you can secure the finest service from us. Phone Spruce 65 or Race 245 for a touring car y the day, week or hour. Delightful Automobile Trips to Suburban Road Houses and Historic Inns for Evening Dinners Full information as to menus, etc. Immediate serv ice to go anywhere, any time. Limousine or Touring Cars, Franklins and Cadillacs. Lowest Rates quick, safe and reliable chauffeurs. Mr. Gemehl gives his personal attention to all orders. $100 pays for $120 of service. American Taxicab Company CAMILLE GEMEHL, Gen. Mgr. ,X . t'Wwai"WiH STEAMHIIirS vmI rlkm iil 9 , uu in M M Mel tBE SNOIT R01TE TO THE 'SS&? Sbs, J- i asy,,i rpssssswisifc-ssy- Mf By Ft, Palatial Passenfer SteamaUpa of 21,000 ton M Frm Seattle to Hong Kong via Yokohama, Kobe. .i, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila J . AX80 7BEI0UT 8EBVICX3 ipim HtViH ywulthtlir. -vz mMt. Kwm York o British IaAUa rrt Mcnttitr. SSF .V&saficAlliira at PASA&r op Vriht AnsUw o. . MKAVIf V ftltVU ,npmiiMiiMii,SS (P idb rpfresliincnt and nn hour of soclnl ntnenitlcs. 'Jn,nt5, dosc bii nftcrnoon spent motoring. i!nyinjftcuiili or lirldRt, mid with the owuIur tomes the il.iiiciiiR net of Nnrracnusctl, nml ninny from NVwpoit to attend the nightly halls. All thitiRs and all places start,, from some. Irresistible force. Narrncanselt cimm into brine as the mot ixipulnr natr-ring place on the New llnslainl (oast because of its beach, which has no peer in America and few enials in the world. The Mirf rolli in from the ocean over a Rcntly nloping beach, nnd for some reason, perhaps because I of the protectinR arm ot i'oiut .maun, there is no undertow to even noceosi- ' ..., l!f II...... .! Iim Intittmraliifa .if IIILU lll" IIU"1 UIMI i"- H-iuimiHiv .... the natcr is less variable than any place on the Atlantic. Boston Real Resort Iloston Is probably seldom thought of as n summer resort, but in reality it is one of the greatest summer places i,, the country. There nro certain big ho- tels, such as the Veudonie, Puritan, l.enor nnd Hrunswick. tliat feature their summer ndxantnges bx opening loof gardens nnd sun parlors licing in the Ruck Hay section of Iloston nnd close to the xxntei. but enough lemoxcd fiom the (itv to lie out of the noise nnd bustle, these big hnstelrics me lis cool nnd comfortable as the mernge resort hotel. And if the tourist xxnnts to know Nexv Hnglniid in its entirety of dixerseness HoMon is the logical i enter fmm trliwli to stnrt Within, n uidiiis of a few miles, are nil of the most f si -nous beaches of Massachusetts South of Roston is the Cape Cod peninsiil.i, in itself a realm of em hunting beauty nnd engrossing interest The xisilor xxho goes nnnunlh to Cape Cod has u Tlenrlx delined set of impressions mid epeii'ences to go by. but the tirst-time tourist will suielx hnxc to real range i,iu mniitnl xision of "the Cnne. dixe I him three guesses nnd he xxill tell you I that Cape Cod is lnrgelx inhabited by fishermen wearing oilskin- nnd so" west cts, that the land is a Miiiciinn of sand dunes nml b.iiren lock ledges, nnd that angling for logx deniens of the deep i- the onlx recientinn Rut start I hun out in an automobile from Roston I i . . . t-t. .j n litilluA mir lnolor loads n m -, - "- lloor, let him get his lust glimpse of the well tilled liehN and Colonial bouses of the spleudid farms that slret.h for miles along the xxax. and let him get a sweet fitiginnce from (lie (lower laden lawns of the beautiful es tates that border Riizanis Ray, and he will haxe to completely rex ise his preconcelxed ideas of Cape Cod. The Cnpc Cod fisherman still exists, but is a rexiscd edition of his prede cessor, lie is not the rough senfaier of fifty xears ago, lie is your guide on n dax's'trip into the open waters to catch' blueflsh, sea bass and cod. or lie xxill lead xou to the clear, sparkling fiesh-water lakes, when- the trout pickerel, perch and bass hide in shmlx depths, waiting to be lured out In a tc mpting bit of live bait. Kisliing nt Cape Cod It is the waters of Cape Cod that -it ir apait as an exceptional summer ic sort The sen washes its shoics on both sides of the peninsula, nnd theip are innumerable fresh-xxntci lakes thioughout the interior of the Cape To get the best of tishing, swimming, sailing; to be xxhere oysters, luin--scnilops, lobsters nud qunhogs abound, the xacationist can spend the suninur at nnv place on the Cnpe, for its watc is are nlwnys almost at his dooistep One bv one the vncatinn plans M XIMKB RK.SQKTI fttWI1IRIJsQlCII. VXIIITK MT.. Vll.4 .OI.r. Tennis and Mountain rtlmlilni; Fourteenth Annual l.awn Tennis Ton nRtnnt for New Hampshire Mitn nnd White Mis 1'h.implonshlp aujplns of I nltAd M.ites Vatlonal l.awn 'l,iinls Association July -Jtl and follow Inn ilass One ot the I drill Tour Hotels CRAWFORD HOUSE Crawford Notch WHITE MTS., N. H. SKSOX, .11 XE 23 OCT. tl ddresa IIXHKON HOTEL CO. Crawford House, t'rxfonl otch, N II. XX1IITK MOt VTAINS. X. II. The Balsams Dixville Notch, White Mountains, N. Season June to October H. Tiooklnc office now orn 8 Went 40th St (Town Country) DAY1D B. PLUMER, Manager Phone 2200 Vanderbllt. NARRAGANSETT 1'IER. R. ATWOOD HOUSE Ocean Front Narragansett Pier, R. I. Single roomu or en suite European nnl Amerlran plan Uook early The Pier Will He erv I.lteb. Sw., 1411-13 LOCUST ST. STE.jtsinrs VNsin s Mi GHENT Vtm York U, tb print vto 1 . oabwat. mr mrw tosx CMCAGO w&mv$! I t EVENING PUBLIC come out to meet von as vou travel bv "rail or motor, nnd in each there Is a hotel or hotels of comfort nnd pleasant entertainment At Ilurards liny the one-time home of Joseph Jefferson nnd Grover Clevc land, the traveler gets the first full view of the bay that follows him through Monument Reach, I'ocassctt nnd all of the rnlmnuths to 'Woodshole on the extreme southwest comer of the Cape And If he is traveling by rail length xxisc of the Cape he rinds at Sagamore, Sundwich. West Unrnstnble, Yarmouth, Pennis, Harwich, Chatham, Wellsllcct nnd l'roxinitown scutninr resorts of much Indixidunt (harm. And as to the benches of the extreme sojith shore, there is no end to them or to their diversltv of entertainment. jSlnrting at Woods Hole on n xojnge of ''"'T -J J- V ? i lllC ,?"r ' fllo,v? J'"'. ,,Pe,P'V",,'nti'1 C0R?t' fli".VnK, nt JYilmouth.t otuit, Hynnnis nnd the four ' ,,' . " ' ""Vu I"n7Bro"D'ls ''' wliidi dip into the salt waters of the ocean. ('olf Courses Abound Just here let it be snid thnt on the Cnpe and its two neighboring islands there nie excellent golf colli ses and line clubhouses Just off sluue f i oin Cape Cod nre Murtha s Vineynrd nnd Nantucket, two of the most famous Island resorts in the xxorld 'I heir history begnn with the discoxery of America, and though thex haxe long since put on the guise of fashionable summer lesorts, thev still retain something of the mellow atmosphere that their ancient history bcipicathed them. There is boinetliing about the words peninsula and lslnnn that suggests iso lated location, but the truth is that Cape Cod, Mnrtlia's Vineynrd nnd Nau tili kct are x-ery easy to reach. The lines of the Nexx ork. Nexv Haven nnd Hartford Railroad tinxerse the xxiiole length of 1 ho Cnpe. line motor roads spreail like n spider xxeb oxer Cnpe Cod and tlip islands, and txxo boat lines i oniing xiii New Redfoid bring tho trnv eler to the laiger of the shoie resorts. Out of Iloston now go nortlixxaid and eastward to tho oast lesoits of Nexv Hampshire nml Maine "The Noith Slime ' ns suburban Roston north of the iltv is styled, is one of the most exctiislxe summer home i oiumunities anxwlieie, nnd the trans ient suinnici xisitor "xill tind much more of geneuil interest nt the resorts that lie beyond. At Hampton, Rve, York Harbor, smrxmR resorts NEW IOMIOV. IIIXV. N 4&$g?ti&&lW$ff y--7S7rr?TTriTrrMiiig,Ki..lltJJXiLitlil,.i:!il i."tri .C LE.lfcfc.P""l"" thr 5' 8BSrSirtfSit. jQTiiirrni f m (nriii i ums'M la i,- . im75SI5K - yatgaBgignBBB!!aaEBaa -- ' -- "- -rt -"-- -z Eastern Point. New London. Conn Finest Seashore Resort in America JOHN McE. BOWMAN, President. EARLE E, CARLEY, Vice Pre.. Open June 12th to October. Two and One-half Hour From New York and Boston. superior Dlrtnc Serxlce A la Carte Grill Matehlm Motor Roads Hotel Garage Unequaled llathlnsr Fnttlltles America! Most 1 amous Tachtlnff Centre Iteautlful 18 hole Golf Course. Danclnc Afternoon ani Exenlnp Broker's Office wltli Dlrert XXIre All lalr Garden and Toullry Supplies from the famous Ilranford Farm Cool and Brarinff CHtnale New York Office, 305 Fifth Avenue, or The Biltmore. the iiEi.i.r.viEW, nEi.r.F.Mit iiridiiTs. Fi.nnin. iimieb the same sian- AOEXIINT. OPEN JANUAU TO APRIL I.E.NOX, MASS. A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Catering to an exclusive patronage OPENS JUNE 14 ELEVATION 1400 FEET Desirable Cottages, With Hotel Service HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers Winter Resort, Princess Hotel, Bermuda Oil) ORCHARD IVEACn. MAINE 0 LD ORCHARD BEAC MAINE STEN'D your vacation at thl most 3:'rnctU resort on the beautiful New Kngland coast with a ilellghtful toniblnatlon of seashore and countrj Knjoy the unsurpassed surf bathlnp on the longest widest and cleanest beach In the world bplendid walks and drUes in surroundlnic coun try Concrete aldewalkn. Kxtellent road fop automobtline Ocean Pier, Casinos. Theatres and all outdoor amusements Hotels that are clean, comfortable and charmlnir In eery respect, belrnr ndSDted to the requirements of their ruests and lnltlne a class of patronaEe that assures the permanent popu!arlt and continued dee!opment of the resort, Write any of the following for rates reseratlons or Information Hotel and Prop. tap Hotel tand Pros. . Cap. $S&Si& TeZrV Iff. Hotel Vesper. Ch.s H C.mpUH..IM Kicrett House. F II I.lhby . 150 I Ocean House. Lyman Abbott. . ,.,. JS0 Throuch l'ullmsn fertile from New ork tlly. Steamship Srrilcn from .New lork and Iloston to Portland, Slain.. .. HOTEL PURITAN l 30O Commonwealth Ave.ttoeton The DIatlnctlva Boston House called by globe trotters one of j the most homelike, and nt tractive 1 k hotels In the world. Modast rates. J , Writ for our booklet wlthqutdeto k historic plooes. RL.Cotello-Hqc I roitTT.wii. aiE. PORTLAND, ME. Hotel Brunswick 21 Preble Street Portland's newest hotel, Cen trally located. American and European plan. Private baths. Hot and cold water all "rooms. Rates reasonable. For informa tion and booklet write m&tsi LEDGER PHliADELPHIA, , WEDkfcslWsY "'UMH"U-V91lK?d York Reach, Kcnnebunk, Kenriebunk port nnd Old Orchard, genuine summer colonies, the tourist xvlll find much pleasant company nnd a big program of entcitaiument, Portland Fascinating Ilesort At l'nrtlnml the traveler comes to one of the exceptionally fascinating summer places of tho world. Portland is n city nnd a big city, but if there cxer xxns 11 placed steeped In nn atmos phere that speaks of the romance of American history and literature it is Portland. One does not hax-o to knoxv that Henry Wadsworth I,ongfelloxv was born there or that Commodore Preble, hero of Tripoli, built for Ills home the house which is uoxv the hotel of thnt name, in order to feel the in fluence of their spirit. The people of Portland take thcmselxes nnd their town seriously. At nresent thev have no less an nmbl tlon than to make Portland ono of the grent ports of entry ot the world. Jn the face of the fact that Portland is geographically nearer Europe than nnv other seaport of the l'nited States, and Hint tt tins one of the finest harbors on tho coast, their gonl Is not nn Impossible one to reach, nml when roruanu nns attained the fruits of Its endeavor, tho city will become nn international trnxel center. As a summer resort, Portland can count its ndvniitaRes in tens. The city hotels, the Congress Snuaro, Columbia, Falmouth, l.nfnyette, Preble House nnd New Chase nre nil of the well (quipped kind to be found only in modern elties. while beach resorts and .hill (ouutiy xncation places nro just out side the city gates. Along ensco Ray, on xxhldi Portland fronts, there nre doens of line individual hotels nnd Mores of cnttnges that have been built for no other purpose than to entertain the thousands of xisltors that come to Portland. Prom Portland the line of summer places continue up the const till Rock lnnd nnd Mt. Uesert nre renched. This region of tho Penobscot Ray and river is so boundless In attractions that one agrees xxitli the person, xxho in utter iinin7Cincnt. exchuined. "How can so much beauty exist in this xxorldV It iwt)Jte that the beauty of the Penob scot section inspires a feeling of nxxci All of the softer beauties of the sandy benches below Poitlnnd haxe gixen place to the picturosnuencss of a rugged coast. In bold relief the sea-beaten rocks stand out against n background of pine and spruce xxith only au occasional bit of StrxiMFR RI'.SORTS XEW IQMIOV CQX. N ------ - - . ii. . . il i r- " ii ii imiLj. '''5coraMM?xHHias'iV "Tjrfaujijili--,iBtaKaB&..'inMiMirtiimrfr:Tr'! :ii "-VTKr.Tr-tT URI5WULD I.EXOX, .MAhS. HIGH AND COOL IN THE BEJIKSH1RES HOTEL ASPINWALL v LENOX, MASS. OLD OaCIIAKI) nEACH, MAINE H NEW Kr,IT BOSTON Ss-v f w' BOSTON IS AN IDEAL SUMMER RESORT and the Vendome an ideal summer hotel open on four sides to light and air; large windows and high stud ded rooms. Located on Com monwealth Avenue Boston's, famous Boulevard at Dart mouth St Removed from city noise.dust and heat.yet in cen ter of everything worth while. "ON IDKAT. TOUIl" American and European Plan uiutiis nu.iuuvr iiionins. Send tor Illustrated bonklel. C II OREENI.EAP COMPANY BVEUETT n. lUCII. Mjtr Director Aisu 4-nin'JL."! iiuubu, tynu. .mi. fXEiboME; UrMiM,.!. tiAmiUiil' "llMr ssiullt! EiMii y.ilisrfl misjitfiBMl Mmw .rti lilHPk MTHIkEr wtunvk' . . i 1 " ' ' " M-WWfcWj BaJid beach to remind one of Maine's mbrfl gentle 'clinrnctcristics. Penobscot Naturc'.i Plajliouse In the midst of nil thU utcrnpesspf Iniiiljcnpe, cntlironed on n dais of vel vet crcon is the Satnoset Ho'tcl at Kock land. Ai If snn,tched from the band ot na-' ture herself, txxo hundred acres of virgin forest and rolling lauds xxcrc converted into the estate and gardens that sur round the Hnmosct. Looking out from n hill top above the Penobscot Hay the hotel viexxs in ntTspectlve a panorama ot seascape nnd offshore islands on the ocean Fide, and from the other side which fronts the hills, the Camden Mountains xxith nil of their beauty of forest and lake. Like all the fine modern hotels of N'cxv England, the Snmoset possesses an an ay of amusements, and the facilities for every kind of outdoor and indoor recreation. The golf course, laid out In con stant view of theXiny, is without ques tion the nioit popular sport nt Satno set, but tennis, horseback riding, snil iug, inntnr boating and fishing all haxe their dexolees. Hntklnnd, Camden, and Mt. Desert all belong to the splendid family of Maine resort nristociats. SLXIXIKtt ItRSORTS wiim: .Mob.TAis, n. ii. WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. New Profile House rulerlnr to c llentele of lllnhest stiiinlnril. 10 Coltine. In connection. OM-. di nn: -xkist i)i,siitAiii,i; , (OTT(II.S ! IOU KK-NT (.nrnee. ciolf. Tennl.. Ilontlnc. I Ixlilnc. Our Onn Farm nml Imlrjr. ON IIIKAI, TOIR OPEN JUI.V HI o sl,PT. SSth C 11 inKrai,l!AF. President KxenETT ii. men ViBnr t, , i m " . M PHKI.PS. Asst nooklnic omce. 118(1 11 waj.N'ew York Hotel Vendonie. Iloston. Name MVt. r 1,1 MOUTH, MAS1. VW!Wfc -1 h.4 it -2ZJ-mms?mM.emv! tat-j MAYFLOWER INN iMS-iWfTa.. ,-r-.-... -. -,-. MFxSEilVZ v ffyvbrv$ ; t . y...... "T7T: ' fh - -.-- w.wrf 23. L v'vww. 3 I'M .MOUTH, MASS. B iiimiimea in I'll,. Tlie most nioUern Hotel In .Nexx i:nBlanil. Located mi Mnnomet Point atltaient to historic B l'lymouth. deal for Cape Cod motorist's Uolf unexcelled Write for Bklt. m liUmtUl: K. hAXFOIlD. Munnirer. 1". O.. PHmaiilh. ltn. W, PlUlllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllWIIIIIIllllllMIIIIIIIIHII MKB HINMI'ESAUKEE, N. II. JULY Tl here to do juat It's the social and scenic center of the reclon cool mountain air eer-changlnc &cner Injerest In etr hour, health In ecry daj. FmoriteNto.F-Oter Tor Auto Tourists Garnjtc Iloats 300 GufHtu All Jloilern Popular Kntrrt GET THE FAMOUS INDIAN HEAD BOOKLET IT TELLS THE STORY LANUAbTKIl A I.M:. ('riMw.. MEIHS. N, II. I'Ot I.T.N BY. T. In Green Mountains; 60-acre grounds. Shade; ont and indoor amuse ments; good table; near railroad and trolley; 150 guests; modern im provements; near Lake St. Catherine; $10 up. Booklet. Box L. C. L. LEONARD, Mgr. CASCOnVY, ME. Peak's Island House Twenty minutes' boat ride' from Portland. A thoroughly modern" hotel, under new man agement It offeis the charms of both country and seashore. Dancing, bathing, boating, fishing. Rates moderate. Send for our Booklet S. T. BENNETT, Manager wniTE MOUNTAINS. V. II. "1..n 4-n Tinf liVQc-rKiio IL oUlllC l" iKiuivpyuv Moosilaukee Inn On the side of old Moosilaukee Moun lain Wonderful scenery, pure air, health-EUtnir water., wholesome food No moiultoes here No hay fever, nienty of spoft Oolf (no chane). tennis, flshlnc. driving-, walking; rlimbln He flned oeople No transient crowds Sea. Jon opens JulJ 1st .Hates moderate write H E. WacKee ilananer. Box 10. 'Breezy Point. Warren. N H mixmiitv. mars. Powder" Point Hall DUXBURY, MASS. An laeai .. . .-.. .. wu, snore. New concrete construction. All modern lm. nrovements. Bjfo bathlnr and boatlni. Tennis, to f . F'P" "t0 rods. Noted for IU excellent UUe. Open last of June to Rent IB. Booklet. Address CM. READE. fi3 SUta Bt , Boston. Miss. NEW IIAMPHIIinE FOREST HILLS HOTEL Franconla (White Mountains),. N, H. Frank II. Abbott Bon. Manaxtnc Props, A thprourhly modern h cb-zrada resort. Unexcelled table. Unoblruslv sorvice. icvery ouioiwr ict..hvw ,.c.uii.Di. raiea. Hbw lfllIlJWr'tlJttilabain, rv H. iVliU & SrttAC JKKMff'i MIMMIJW rtESORTW BPMMER BESOBTfl -gPMMltH. HBHORTS -, - T 'Zfa VERMONT ' VERMONT ' , . VERMONT; r ,'f. i "r iiiBOTMiuiiaiiiiiifiM)iiiiiiniiiitii)iitHti3iii)iiiiMiniitriiiiiiiimiiiiiiMiitiitjU!uittiiititiii miiiiiimiiiititimin m 1mHMmiIiIiIIIIIiI)i(!HiII!IIII 0-14 Me 4 tTTCD TVn j 1 AUl I VYX (f - tion and IMKT" m From every metropolitan district will come a stream ot rest and pleasure seekers to recuperalt and refresh 'mid the wild and romantic scenic beauties of the Vermont hills and valleys. Not too far away from the heart of things to be easily accessible; not too distant to abound in every luxury and convenience the cities themselves afford, yet possessing every primeval attrac tion that Nature knows, this delightful region invites you to a vacation unforgetable. Before you plan a Summer tour or vacation write for any of the following free booklets about Vermont: "The Green, Mountain! of Vermont" "Directory of llolelt and Boarding Houiri' "LaVts of Eaitern Vermont" "Collsgei to Rent and for Sale" "Lasei of Weitern Vermont" "Automobile Road Map" Write to-day, while you think of it, to HARRY A. BLACK, Sec. of State, Publicity Bureau. MONTPELIER. VERMONT. ri.YMOUTn. MA51. vr1-!!- AND COTTAGES and beautiful v niiDolntptl resort m UKE MNMIESAUKEK. N. II. "swSi,i5fri OfELWiEIRS the Best Month for Tourists are so many ntensurable acatlon things In this region that onn neer falls to find tho sport or amusement one wants, white Motor Boating, Bathing. Canoeing, Fishing, Tennis, Motoring Through the Mountains, Slier la I I'arties With Our Onn Cars Are Prominent Feature- I'OUI.T.NEY. AT. The DORMS Poultney, Vt. WIIITB MOITN TAINS. N. II. . Bretton Woods White Mountains, N. H. noun MOT oh:no through the Alps ot New EnsUnd iionsrcnACK niRINO ovnr MountTa Trails and Wnodlanfl Paths In the very shadow of Mount Wash'g-ton THE MT. PLEASANT Open June 10th. Closes Oct. 1. C. J. DUNr-HY. Mcr. THE MT. WASHINGTON Open July 7 Closes Middle of Oct. C. J. nOOT. Mrr. Tor Information, rates, etc.. add. Hoteln NEHV YORK POOKINfJ OFFICE 213 Fifth Ave. I.ITTU5 noR'S HEAD. N. II. Lamprey lyiomestead Near Uya Heatti. Farm and aeashora com hlned: abundant shade, pine woode near; 10-mlnute walk to bathing- beach: abso lutely modern; home cooklnc; own farm producer mllen to Portsmouth) Kolf) rates moderate: 10th season. riTTNFIEI.I). MASS. BREEZY KNOLL INN Lake Pontooiuc, PitttfUld, M Ilatlilnr Uontlnr In the Mountains Healthful climate; fine, Derkahlrrf cenery; variety of recreations. Kxcellent fable. Moderate -rates, Uooklft , , J.W UHtxqpmUpii AV 'V Green Mountains " of Vermont VCADC f rv,mMe e.'moc? Am .,' Jr m.s. llif - IJ Ul Oliumuuo nai iiiiibo riiitiv,a UX.X.UO a mwr turns naturally to this premier American playground. nin iiEAcn. n. it. GOLF A good A good BATHING BEACH and a good HOTEL is a combination to be sought This combination can be found at RYE BEACH, N. H. The Golf Course of the All V XAQV I CLUB Is one of tlie finest lS-hole courses on the SOUTH SHORE FARRAGUT HOUSE Open June 21 W. E. CARTER, Rye Beach, N. H. Furnished Cottages tor Rent I.tKK HUNAI'EK. N. I'. LEWIS R. DUDLEY, Proprietor m: hajii'siiiki: ALBAMONT HOTEL CAMPTON, N. H. y A gcnujnc old-time New Kngland hotel in the hcait of the White Mts., on the beautiful Pcmigewasset River. Entirely lenovatcd, re fnrnished and model nized. Located on an estate of over 600 acres of pine woods, meadows and pastuies. Dancing, mountain'climbing and biook trout fishing. Milk and cieam from Guernsey cows; eggs, chickens, ducklings, turkeys, lamb, etc., all laised on our own farm. Fireproof gai age. Moderate lates". Send for our booklet. VfinK CUFFS. ME. The Coolest Resort PASSACONAWAY INN And Cottages York Cliffs, Maine OPEN JUNE 25250 ACRES NO MOSQUITOES Situated on high, rocky promontory overlooking the ocean. Golf. Tennis, Saddle Horses, Motoring.Sea Bathing, De-sp-Sea Fishing, Canoeing. Steam Heated, Fireproof' Garage. I Exceptionally Desirable DANIEL A. HAY, nooklng Office. 1186 Ilroudwoy. X,,T JKKFKR1QV. X. II. New Waumbek HOTEL AND COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN TnE IIEAKT OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS Golf, Tennis, Fishinr, Riding and Dancing Daily Concerts orEX moil juxe n to oct. BOOKING OFFICE t tVest 40th St.. Nsw Tork. Taleplione, Vanderbllt 2290. N. T. Stock Exchanra Offlca of f N. I CARPENTER A CO. Frank T, Shot. , John J. ntpnsir. Owner. Manacsi, LAKE W INNIPtWAIIKtai. EIRB. X. II. IAKE WINNIPESAUKEE .Hi;hII)E JIOVBE, Welrp, Xj II. 'XIIIK l-Itl!Iir.Tl STOP" PKIYATHATJUOARAOK ssssKr.J.SYW.'KsT'ZS... V4L'' & fc,J I i TTl'i. ft lH In, LI RYE BRAOn, N. IT. course The nothing Is superb, and so near that a bath Is the natural finish to a round of golf, nhlle both are near the IVKi: SCNAPEEj N. II. pen jfflere 3Jnn Lake Sunapee, N. H. Located In the foothills of the White Mountains on beautiful I.. ike Sunapee, Ben Mere la es pecially suited to, quiet rest. Ilroad piazzas, pleasant parlors, cheerful dining room and big open fireplaces Steam heat and electrlcltj. All outside rooms t'oncerts every aftetneon and evening Danclnc, tennis, safe canoeing, boating, bathing, sailing and fishing Near golf course. Send for booklet and Information. NEW HAMPSHIRE O KK CUFFS. M E. ori Atlantic Coast - Cottage to Let for the Season lJ Resident M.nr York. Tel.Iadlson Square 471S W1I1TB MOUXTAIN8, N. ITr Altitude 1500 Feet .WHITEMOUNTAINS XEH' HAMI'MIIRE MAPLEW00D HOTEL and INN ALSO COTTAGE. COLONY SEASON JUNE TO OCTOBER GOLF ..?oS5S COURSE SADBI.K HOUSES 11M,r"a Xsw York Office. 1180 MtoaJiraT Ttlcplionei JIailisoa Squsra 4741. A. E. 1)1 CK Manatini Director TnArSIIOOTING TOCRXAJfENT K June SO to July S X FAUIODTH, MASS. FALMOUTH ARM HUht on .Btauuis Bar. f ' virunnrirj aaaaua tvtL., 3 BAraiBBniaaff. sssaK FallawSsBj 'ISIS? tJV!2SL"2rU si 1 V HZ. 4 A i l m 3 0 9$pm miiii i Mmmmmmmm"mm 1 M 'IT A7 r 'um 'U 'f"!i""WvmiW ,., 'fc. I r-a ,esA r f j" f fe' rr ' a Etitesfe S, E j.j . Siiii-:it-J i- .,V " ' T V''1 K.V