y'i TO- fflHfT- k' ii- 51 x r n y--i FOi; m 1 SB, - V$ m& if P WkFt iimMi :f TO POINT PLEASANT . Jpjredges Opening Boat Route "ft j Between Barnegat Bay and ;"' the Manasquan V'N EASON SOON AT HEIGHT IV? E? . "iPolnf. Pleasant. .Time 11. Almot irrounded by wnter. Point Plcn.nnt of s rare optiorttinity for n dclfphtfiil umer recreation. Thn' resort is In the hrocs of its most prosperous season. f-ViXISttaces and hotels have been oiiciied in iflarge numbers nnd the summer program 'V'Vlf Aivirtjt ts well under WAV despite the l. .jointly date upon which the activities hnve k; ifiarieu. j.ne next two mrm win mt tvcrythinK nt its height nnd tne scnon fcjJSs exnected to develop many novel and feSy tjnterest.ng divercions both for the out- i.ijoors anu we inuoorx. ??)'f Point Pleasant is eaecrlv awaltine the ifeWJBomplction of the inland waterway con pSL fleeting Ilarnogat Hay and the Slnnas- YSMHUau river. Tim state hoard oi t-oin- tvf lVni-(-A ntiir tinvli-nt inn lina rppplltlv COll- J. i. v . . ........... .. .. . 'TrACteil fnr nnother SeetlOll Ot tlllS rw AY . , , ... , t ft tjwotcnvay and every day the lug dredges t .' i'i ... .,.. .1...., ,., ' u vre wurKiiig m-urer iti nit: urn iiit-iu .' L JThe canal will run only n short (lis- M'Jfiinrf, fo the west of the resort Point i SiPleasnnt, and will make the resort a Br, If ery popular reuuevous lor r few jiail-boat enthusiasts. Put Po k-Sr' "iflnt docs not lack for w '.ITery popular reuuevous uir niou i . " oint fleas- , viiii-rnii.iii. . ...n "I "Besides the Atlantic on the east the , links of the Point Pleasant t.ijit t lun !Wnce is bounded on the south by the have already been the siene ot many f" Jtipanseof Harnegat Pay with its boat- 'spirited matches of an mtormal nature. f dng and fishing possibilities and on the, During the winter cnso Mn,Oi-.ant im - , korth by the beautiful Manasquan , prove lnents have been made o he Swfiver splendid nine-holt' i.'iire and the & With the orirniiizntion of the Point J.kl J-. V-1 .1. f ..f ' -sr.rJeasant risliing i urn, ine rivivui m ainnterest in the Point Pleasant itoit,nrst trips in it no- t-nni-. nm '. IClub and with numerous projects under Pearl, of Philadelphia is the pn-si '' tway for the creation of additional' Mcnarms to enhance tne resort popu-i i flarit.v as a watering place, tho town I lias taken a new lease on life nnd is titiiHiiAii -.v.M. ii iieMire to expnuu. I 7J. " r"' "r" "- - --- - , r ffK I healthy sign is tne lortiicomiug rmr ?& Jganization of the Poard of Trade and p Jthe launching of many projects for tlie .improvement oi tne iioroiigu. I T.-I.l.l.. rinh Tntl. Is "risllV" ia!; The story of the organization nnd W- 'growth of the Fishing Club is perhaps L& 'l Hnof nlmnnmnnol 'fill tlllo CVCC (spun. It is less than a year since two rnthiiefieti lint not OVCrlV 1llck 'nlmrods dangled their line in the surf Sand wished that they bad a fishing J club in Point Pleasant. Since then Hhe club has enrolled a membership .l.inli will nrn.in hi v exeeed the 1000 t'J J mark when the charter membership "t rolls are closed on August 1. it has . f . ... i... ... j. -i.i !.... ... ...l.;..l. ; . fuutlt n nun-loot jisuiug inn i" ...ii... itnn oTtensinn of .500 feet more is being Wi built, now. it has provided comfortable, -j"1 '-.J lounging quartern for iU inenibers on .-.' I the beach front and has arranged for lk . !. .A.-nH.'a l...tl.la fM .. lie "Se OI one oi me iw"" ..u.r.-. kUt... ft l.- .... ........Intinn rf nil mOlll ll..r4 !'---- ior nits uL-uiiiiiuiu.ii.il. ... .... ..- v... ilpslrine to remain there for stays of f short or long duration. Tho 300-foot i. 'extension to the pier was mane possioie " 7 SfMMICIt BKStlHTS Csij " TIII'I'KkI.AKK X. Y. THE PRINCE ALBERT TlI'l'KK IAKK. X. V. Newly furnished throuBheu' Dirert y on the mont beautiful lake (n th Adtrondacks. nxrejlent rishlnK, hathtntc and boatlne Table furnished frum our own 80-acre farm New manaKement. Write for booklet D. E. FLAXIIKKS. TilPPer Lake, N. Y. SABATQUA Sl'RIXtlS. X. Y. iinniiii! Grand Union Hotel Saratoga Springs, N. Y. OPENS JUNE !1ST Advance room eng-apementB for July and August can be nr ramged at booking office, Hotel McAlpln. HAMILTON r. ni-RNKT. Slitr. of Clarl.Ue Jlntel. X. Y. VUj m igjtmmmmmmB nu fi i an n n iwiimiii.3 '.tyre ' "'"""i y..y ELIZAUKTH1-UWN. N. T. - niiiiU'v Uknvi iuh ANn ctiTTAfira In the Heart ot the Adlrondarkx J) iTinla: eaddl. horses: danctnr. Klnit tv.1 (&, IOonrB In the Adlrondacks. arlll. IlooklH - T-(fc. jt. iftiwjn. rrop. tiizBDCtniown. , t. i F.LIZAIIETHTOUX. N. Y. "GATEWAY TO THE ADIRONDACKS" You Can Drive to Any of the Mountain Retorts in a Few Hour. From Ije Winb$QV Elizabethtown, N. Y. But You Won't Want to Leave Once You Get There FACILITIES VOTl GOLF, tennis and fourteen other sports. PERFECT ROADS to all the wonder places of the woods. Food at Its Beit From the Windsor'. Model Farm RESTAVRANT UNSURPASSED. The entire hotel hus the cool atmosphere of the woods, the tone of the private club, the accessibility ot the city. , . . . Booking Office open now ? i ,& I Open. 4ffi;' I June 14 Hotel Continental Hroadway and 41st Street. N Y City A. P. CAYWOOD, MSr. Phone H. S. DUNCAN, Pre.. 4220 Bryant Af fp KAOl'ETTK LAKH. X. . 'TANTLER5 On Iiaquette Lake, in Ii . . t mr , . tlie Adirondack Mountains fl (, - T.,r. 1 C f n. 1 i-J'FB1 """, "" " "' t." " A.t.. K.aa W Auurvs. ninp i, jx, Ituqurtte HAKATOGA trl'BlNGS. X. Y. THE NEW SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. Thoroughly Renovated and Refurnished On main trunk Una to tho Adlrondacks, In tho center of the new -Stat Reservation, -iOw the Empire Tours. American Plan. Attractive Grill. Book' M WNifwieiT'. -r;k. K. Q. SWEENY, Manager Kvry'-A-m-am!C3iyaw; i n i AC SAI.I.K CU SM. AIilitOMiACKS , by the raising of approximately .S(UM)0 i ny me tew wealthy resiuenis who com- nnd inunv of the sojourners of the bench I prive the advisory board of the club. ,.,, r(. mm to ocen this season. Joseph 1 Moinn. of lirooklyn ; I.ee'i'iie coining of J. 10. Iteerbower ns the ' 0. Coder, of Jersey Citv. and Cap- ' manager of the Inn is believed to mark 1 tn in It J l'.nri'.'tl nf lliilmken. P1IMII. ........... ..t .!... !....! n !. f . ....n V.".nOI nh ntlmr lnrcri cntltl-lhll ..." ' "r --., tons wero made by .1. lllnckbiirn Mil- , v-... i i i.'..- - i ii. u-r, m .t- ltu-s. mm i-.rit.- .niii-uit-i KOr, of Hol.oken. The rl.il, is said to have the Inrcest m Iiershin of any nshcrn.on-.s organization on the Atlantic sraimiu-ii .,.,,,, ,. .... ,umougn me ouicuii im,ii,..i, ... i.,.u - ..... ..... l., ..... 1 . .. ii.i.a.1 ,rt tlin iiiiiut-iiis nut u.r. .... , .j. changes are pleasing l thf returning n ..ll.nllD 1ll. 1, II . 1. 1,11 I. lit t It' t ll II I l in.-iimi.t .,..., n..,.- ..... ......... ; si MMI'.lt Ithtimrs I.AKi: l'l.Xt III. N 'V. Here tho Lakes, Streams, For est Trails, Perfect Roads, Golf Links, Tennis Courts and all other forms of recreation and diversion combine to make the real and ideal outing for the vacation seeker. UKB 1'I.ACin linn 2.000 ft. nil), tutifi Is rfiit-lieil bv rw York Central Lines anil tlel.nvurr nnd HiuKon Mrtu trm. nnil in mi illrert route of tho 1.(100 .Mile Internntinnnl Auto Tour. For Unoklet and Information recartl Ins Hotels Camp; and Cottaces address iiont nr traor. UKK PI.CIU. N. T. ADIRONDACKS LAKE PLACID, N. Y. OIT.NS .IVNK 211 II. i:very conpnitMi-e to m-" lli fquireint-iUs of reltne.l p otIt . ex i pptlnrml tfM itnh"ntra iiriMitr lirtth- l'1'KNIMIKU COTT(l! IOK HllW 1I nut of i1f..r Altrnila K diwrsicii' t .r r M. II. MAHSHAIiL, Mur.. fjike I'l.n Id. N. . LA JUS TLACID. N. T. OPBN . TTNB 11 Modern In all Its snpolntmer.t.. J. J. 8WEIWKY. Manwr. Wlntfi Highland Park Hotel. AIS. . a I'I'I'KB NARANAf. X. Y. s MW lll'KN IN THE HEART of THE ADIRONDACKS -Kimrn:i milk A HI MMI-.lt Hi;.oin- of the hlBhcst i-harac-' i superh u sin uvlrunmenl socially n il. l.or.it .1 on the ihore' of l(IM)i:iII I I. CI'I'KK SAKAXAC UKR K. - 11. n State mads good Knlf A.I Sports and mu..ments a their best. HOOM,i;T A,ldr II KKI.MiTIIV AII1.I.M .'l.maEer .IAMI I.. (iAI.IIItl.Y. AKMirlale Manncrr I I'I'KK SAItAXAO. X. Y. Attractive furnished hunsalowa to rent, with hotel aervlce. Cofnblnlng the com forta of an Adirondack Camp with the convenience of a mouern hotel. Golf Tennis Plahlnv Bathlnc. Addreaa J. II. Itenrdon, Corey's, X. Y. S11AHIIX M-UINHS. X. . Pavilion Hotel and Cottages Open. June lit). White Sulphur Hprlngs and Uathlns Establishment now open. Folders sent on applleatlon. TIIK AXX11.V. AdJollllnir the Fumnii. Ilntl.. ! Onen all ear. J U. GAUDXKIl & SON. W H OltAICl. Lessee. KI.IZ A I1KTI I T( I V X . Nj V KAdl KT7T. IAKK, N. V. A refined report of family cottages mil bungalows, containing from four wio eight bedrooms, one to two bath rooms, living room with open fire place, electric lights, large verandas, furnished In an up-to-date manner. Cuisine the best; vegetables from our own garden ; abundance of fresh milk and eggs from the farm; boat ing, bathing, fishing, tennis and alt inti LiiiuBeineiiia oi Hummer resorts. 32d successive season under man- aBement of owner. Fair auto road. t State road under way. I.IK.VMnM v. iiz..Tiir,ri, x-roprieires. Lake, X, Y. SARATOGA ei'KINOS. X. Y. ....;, WORDEN rtMKIPlLuU.UUijQw .mry & a mw m na iXdirondacksi ' UPPER. SARANAC N.V Jf nt of the club, nnd Peter Baches, of! Trenton, the vice president. Others Alio hold office nrc William AY. l'lnkcr ton, of Itnilnor, l'n. , Thomas It. lim ner, Dr. He Witt C. K. ltlrketts nml Krntik Imlny, of Point Plensnnt, nml John Catttio, of New York city. Hlr Social Season Plnnntil ltcmtlnp, bathing nml fishing Arc to be inentioniil in connection with the myriad outdoor sports which are nt- tiactitiB the Attention of the young nnd nci ve incnilicrs m tno Bummer colony aVeady hero and while these activities nmincemoiif ot the opening this week of rrt 'sis "ort,1:!:"- 'r, .t .,., -- - for the most interesting beason of so-i """"if the boat owners ami enthusiasts cinl activities ever held here. Mnnv of I here. As a Ycsult the shlpworkers here the important events are to be held for! nrions wormy ciiaruies, and tliese nr- fairs have nlwnys proven the most sue- cessfut iniiiibeis in Point Pleasant. As usual, the big hotels will be the ' niecca for the social lenders, ami mnnv of the lmporlan events will find their settings there. The Cnrrollton will open within a few days under distinctly ' new iiiniuicenient. (' n-st nn Ilnft. nf ! Woodhaveii. I,. I., will conduct the .. " - - - . --...., ... . well-known hotel. t:p nlong the Mnna- sipinn rhcr -.hole, where the Pine Uluff Inn is so atlr.nctivelj located, the social activities o' the river-shore residents .ln..:... ..t t I'uiPiiiiiuiv ,u n ii-w inns HKO. ,,.. ,,, ., ,, ,, i" . , I lie People of 1'oint Pleasant have ,,. tl11nv.,l..,, ..,, Hie lml.il v!n ,.. K,nwV.1 f'.': :. .......' " ..'. . ,"'."". ,". '?.. s.,nBt:ts j'M," m & Spavn, who diieeted the chorus Inst summer, has .,..., nrriniBements for lioldiii" the sinrs ... " - T. . ---n-' m in( open mr iiavihniis ot tne liotels. Ti,p Hiorus is being organized now and will get together early this month. ' - ,tl(lltTS w.i.x.i)niA jhaji. THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE .yrjSL, -.- t- --iTSS:rV-' ' iTHE VENICE OF AMERICA THE most delightful and convenient location in the Islands. Fine fishing, motor boating and tennis. The starting point of all principal water sports. Finest auto roada from all points East or West. WILLIAM H. WAUHURTOX, Proprietor ixi.iiT. . . "im.i:T. N. ( THE WOOD lourlli I.nlie of the Fulton tnnilfrn, all-ypar-round hotel nr- rnnnuodtitini? 150 iruestH. l.arwp. alr. iipw f furnished room with hot and old wnter, rttani heat, electric Htflit. comfortable and homelike roit hooki.i;t apply T.i;i)fii;u ckntral. on addkkss I C. WOOD, Prop., Inlet, X. Y. i.aki: okouci:. x. v. pi0GS05S53y0U HOTEL MARION LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. f Most beautiful location on the lake. Adjoins the new Country and Yacht Club. Golf and Tennis Tourna- 'l ments. Large, airy rooms with private baths. All steamers land in front of Hotel. Garage. Write for illustrated booklet and rates. Joseph H. Marvel IIAI.T.STON SI'A. X. Y. SPA SANATORIUM Near Saratoga Springs Refinpd homelike "WW, equipped Pun parlorH, nwiinmlne pool, bath: MusBaB and elect rkTit treatments, llooklets. A. I. THAYKK, M. I. ItnlUton Spa. X. V. LAKK U'ZKKXK. N. Y. l pltlf" "".'"' yelVaysidjflI7A Lake A modern hotel, delightfully situated, good food, well cooked, every facility for enjoyment and rest, convenient and at very reasonable rate Can ou expect more? May we send our illustrated booklet. U tell the story fullyT . OKOItOK W I.a SALLi:. Trop. laki: fibrin, x. y. NORTHWOODS INN mkk riacio, x. v. $ Modern Homelike. Kxclulvt. Now open. Hat mod f rate. Send for booklet " J. A. LKATIT. Trop. ADIHONDACK MOtTNTAIN'8 riiffttcrtowii. X. Y. CHESTER HOUSE CHKSTERTOWN. X, Y. On the state HtKhway to Schroon, Placid. Saranac, etc, Catering especially to autolsta. H. S. DOWNS, Prop. HA INKS FALLS. X. Y. Tiv.HiTnt In U" heart of the CatskUls. ulxnuru FUhlnr. tennl.. AltV 103d. Unexcelled views, Hklt. P. A. MART1X, Prop. J. ' ' ".: Uri.ND FARM Beautifully .Ituated j 2600 vfeetl.v, Modern.. Write for booklet and BAYHEAD CLUB RACE ..... -... i .-. ... QPHPn Fn CT RHAV OurlLUULLU on I UIUm " ' Initial SDOrtinP Event to Usher in Season Full of Social Activities tlalie:u1. N". V.. June 11. An- are being besieged with orders for tho- immediate piepnration of. tne- club s large fleet, and if there ore enough boats in the wnter the initinl race of the sennu muy take plnee next Satur dn'v. The niieniiis of the club will coincide with the reception of guests nt the various hotels of the resort, nl though nofow havi' already opened for tne season. Social aetivmes. roo, win ,,.,. be ushered In almost immediately and everything indicates a lively summer.' Just now tennis enjoys the grcntest popularity among the younger set. The courts of the jnelit club are the scenes of many spirited contests in preparation for the more strenuous matches which will make up the annual schedule of tournaments, Hubert IT. MoU-nlfc, chnirninii of tho tenuis committee, is arranging n number of novel matches for the summer in addition to the usual tournaments. With tho opening of the vnrlolls clubs along the buy the directors of the Harnegnt liny Yacht Jtiicing Associa tion will soon meet to lay out the sea son's i-ncing schedule and other ac tivities. An independent program of club races is being prepared by John Cnttus, of New York, bend of the tc- " si MMKlt IIINHITS , . . - -- AI,l.,M)ltl, II . . mxs TOTi ... J ivr -- 'jiftr-ffiii.i y-ri- "-. -"IL-- AlexaMnaBayNX. Thousand CAMP NEODAK CliuInArilromlncki, X. Y. o A romfortablp. modern Bumnnr re- sort house under the same tnnnaL'e nient and affording the same hlRh-rlass ne-commo.latlons iih the Wood. Near the head of Koulth Lnke. m.l IT 1'IIINT. X. Y. I'lotef (Phampfain TSrufj' Pomi-on-Inke l?hamplain.JJXlC IX THE ADIROXPACKS THE summer rendezvous of people of cultuie and re finemcnt,magnificei)tly placed on the highest promontory on Lake Champlain.' Fireproof every room a front room 800 acres ten nis 18-holc golf course concrete garage Grand Ball Room boating finest bath ing beach on Lake Champlain fishing historic motor trips, etc. Excellent cuisine. American plan. Management, Mr. J. P. Greaves, of Florida East Coast Hotels. Descriptive booklet on request. New York Booking Office, 243 Fifth Avenue. HOTEL CHAMPLAIN Bluff Potnton'Lia;e Oiampl.in MMUUUHUJMMMMAMUttMMMUaiHMUiBtIBII THE ALGONQUIN Iloltmi-on-Lake (ieorge, X. Y. A i-'et modern hotel where refined people may feel af home. Ideal loca- tpin on the shore of Bolton Hay. Quiet 1 and homelike, but not dull. Excellent 1 cuisine, and service Lighted bv elec- !' ity. Hot and cold wateiHbaths and I fliiKh closets. All amusements, as I bathing, boating, fishing, tennis, dancing, billiards, $20.00 to $30.00 per week, $3 50 to $5.00 per day. Illustrated Hooklel at Ledger Office MOHICAN HOUSE lTnrai.on-l.ake (ItMirE. V. V. Modern Throucliout ArrommcHlatei 125 puuuira on iiiva it round, commana Ins a nne view of the Ukeiand moun tains, liroad ptaczaa, ihiidr lawn, line lopine nanil beach for bathlnc. Uarase. autos. launches, toata, canoes, pool, .fowling, uancmir. tennts, etc. whera oyunr People can thoroughly en 30y thmalvB. I KXOIIont to HI aimnllai I with own farm and garden product.. It I Jtatff. U,no to ttll.oo. K,v J 1 I MookleJ. SMITH HKXTON. ITofrletor. 1 1 ( -. mmsmmmtmm''m 1 IIOLTON-IIN I.AKK I.KIUU.K. X. Y. mmmmmmm 1 K. L. I'KNFIKr.n. I'ron. ' KF -i,(iitoi;, X. V. I I I MAS-ON-UKK CiKOltOK. X. V. I .,. J ' ''" .-.-ha -. -aSf. .:.',:v$.yifr;KXirx;i$k mmmmmmm mjmmmm HV' )f(f&lf?&&'A4JKKK .sssss..............BHK.ial.al.al.aH..a.al.all ll R"1::5? KuitoFKAx 1'i.ax &, . Riktlft committee of the linyhead Club. The various classes of racing boats will an uc Bircn recognition. Th0 1,l,,fl"s "otci & " "" (aged by its owner. Alfred B. Johnson, this summer. Mrs. Orimstcd Is' nt the Itellcvuc. nnd the Orenvlllc Arms will nRnln '' conducted by Miss Lniirentliie the larger hotels to open, is in the hands again ot .Mckerson nnd Cummings, who have conducted it for many seasons. FLOWERS LURE TO HILLS Hot Springs Cottage Colonists Find Rhododendron Abundant Hot SprlnRs, Vn Juno 11. The transition period between spring nnd midsummer finds tho Ilomeste'ad look ins forward to n gny nnd ntfllve season. Siitmni'r bookings nro the largest In years, anil nlrendy signs of activity are everywhere visible in tho cottnge col ony. During the last week the weather lias been specially favorable for out door sports and adventures. The lure of the rhododendron Is strong these days nnd motor nnd driving trips are made daily to the glades nnd hillsides where these lovely flowers are blooming. Mrs. William Ellis Scull, who Is here with her daughter. Mrs. Alexan der Ititldle. drove with n small party on; uiestiny to until Alum nnd returned with a cargo of gorgeous bldssoins. Mr. J. J,ow llnrriman nnd Mr. S. II. Reynolds Hitt, who have been at the Homestead the last week, have returned to Wasliiifgtoii. Urigadier Cenernl Cornelius Vandcr bilt joined his family early in the weeli and is resting after his vigorous cam paign in the Salvation Army drive. Mrs. Vnnderbilt, Miss Ornco Vnndcr bilt and Mr. Cornelius Vnnderbilt, Jr., hnve been nt the Homestead since early in May. Sl'M.MHK KKSOUTS UKK flEtlltflK. N. V. VILLAGE OF LAKE GEORGE At thf lieail of Lake Gfnrse. thf motnrlnn center of the Adlrondncks. flood macadam rnnds lead in nil directions. The lllnee has ample mercantile facilities to supply ths wants nf .lottaRers anil rmnpera. liefore maklne summer plans send for handsome Illustrated folder containing historical nkott-h and full description of the village nnd ndjatent country. IIO.Mtl) (II TltAlli:, 3.t Montcalm HI.. Lake fleorge. N. Y. lllll.TOX-IW-I.AKK-nKOK.Ii;. N. Y. lini.TON.OW-T.AKB-riKOmiK. X. Y. THE LAKEVIEW HOTEL' BOLTON - ON - LAKE Address for Booklet, Rates, Etc. IIAClIIR-n.V-LAKR-ni.nRGG. x. y. 17 ' Uaguepm-Lnkc George f'fiP Centrally located as to stores, ''KW churches, dock and postofllce. f H jjjiJaHtiil&LrrrS House overlooks the Bay ot Hague, SaSSfcES'l V " ts I -Bceiic of the annual Lake George tfcwSjSitgSySyJEJj W : l'3rai Ttdratta and the best fishins f&KmS&K ffrouiula on entire lake. Table fur- B Slit iff IBlM B t dritetSllaal aiaalaEt nlshed from our own garden. SwfJiUIUJ (pSflS!ra? Itates $2.50 iier d,-iy and up. Write ' ' ' a at'i7 H 1' aailitatiisTar 'SlSEis"'WI!'xa ISLAND HARBOR HOUSE AND COTTAGES IIAOUE-O.V-L.KE-GKtlltii:, X. Y. Summer season, May tto November. "Winter seuson, December to March. On lanO-lot-kecl ha formed by nine Island Modern throughout Capacity 100. Comfortably furnlsh.'cl. Telephone. Same management since Ib3. llroad piazzas. Dining rooms on lakeside. Outdoor sports. Fishing or all kinds In abundance Boats and guides, Sand beach. Safe bathing for ladies and children. Mountain climbing. Launches for charter. Livery nnd garage. tJpeclal attention glen to bridal parties in June nnd September. The low winter rutin offer to the vacationists an excellent opportunity to ace and uijov Lake C.eorge at the height of its winter splendor, scenery at this (1m1 unsurpassed. All winter nnd Alpine purts. All indoor comforts as well. Onn farm products. For booklet and rates apply 11. A. t'LIITOX. Proprietor. I.AKK OKORCiF. ASSKMIILY. X. Y. OAK KNOLL Lake George Assembly, N. Y. A select family boarding house, with the large, airy rooms and fine . cuisine' that bring to all its guests that homelike feeling of content ment. Large porches on all sides. Tents for those who prefer to sleep in open. All amusements. Food from our own farm. Address Chas. J. Frommel, Lake Cteorge Assembly, N. Y. IIULKTT'S LANDINO. X. Y. New Picturesque Hulett's ZT"- -uvkf, neoRGi:. x. y. THE FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL ILx m&fszWfm?p$;4m VESTTORT. N. T. I KLT.KXVILLK. X, V. , PPM WESTPORT INN ON IAKF. CIIAMPLAIX Ifou.eke.nlng and non-boiuekeeplnt cot- tax... Own. Oolf Links. Tennis, Boating-. Bathlnr, KliUur. Orcnutra. ulrim hmi. utM it.W JEsiLlfflt- ,H, P. SMITH, BUnir.n- kksoktu Al)tHONIACHH. X. V. -z: WomI&wL x rue, PERFECT SUMMER PAKADISJ "ttfSM, ha... ".( -T. -wrf .fTFKn;""..-.. ""-i "i iifriT'iViir'iii ii'llii I.AKi: flUOKOK. X. Y. - GEORGE, N. Y. A holel of refinement and quality ; newly renovated throughout; cuisine unsur passed; all sports; excellent grill; orchestra, dancing; accommodates 125; situated on Lake Shore. II. A. BEATON & SONS, Props. HAciPR-nx-TAKC-tiEonnR. x. y. lakh CKonr.r; assembly, x. y. II I' LETT'S LAXDINCi, X. Y'. On Lake George A really new hotel In a splendid location, midway on the lake ; every convenience. Four malls dally ; long - distance telephone. Accommodations for 350 guests. Dancing, bathing, boating, fishing, Picnic parties, bowling, tennis. Ex cellent cuisine. Tables furnished from own farm, Itates $15 up. Write for Illustrated booklet or apply to the Public Ledger Resort Bureau, Philadelphia. Po. XO DULL DAYS AT IIULKTT'S W. U Wyatt, irulett'. Landing, X.Y. unto (iKokok. x. y. Sl'KND JUNE AT Mount Mecnahga llpuse& Collages fn the "beautiful Bhawkniunks" ot Ulster County, New Tork. Estate of 1.000 acre. n-rUi mile, of wonderful walk, and drive., Duen fire, .team heat: golf, tennl. bowl- P11 JS. ,tirt log-, is a aenxmrui .utnm.r Home (or cui ,tart PWrtfii . Bert ;H. XerwIHUw, ,Prep KM InfrtA-'MT '' f iWi " rH Yv' l .. f5 .tum HiMyiS ,ttM,fiiwjMMrcuflyi Jjf;ajBi JuplwjIiOiiJ'TI'nflHtt r ?3SllllBli w 111 I Mm i jSt "" -r4JiHl rui.nHi i lXxI,mmKfHKem " .. aaj . m iMpaeal a m ' .Bnsi5e'Fit.T"" j- . (Ia35R.,' MJMMKR KKSOBTS ADIHONKAIIKN. N. T. cMondacks, fScVtt . . STSitiiiALotilt iftlli-KroitOMsltllNrwcOMitlrtpI.JrS j MALONEMCOUnrwCOMI7i $mm$&&d mm Get a Complete Change- Relax Your Mind and Body SEEK a place away from Jangling bells, tooting whistles end crowds of people. Visit the Adlrondacks this summer, and you will know for a year that you had a vacation. Oct ac quainted with the country so blessed by nature with Lakes, Streams, Forests, Scenery and Climate filled with creature comforts by man. The general altitude of tit. AdlrotKUok. I. not arpw. by .ny range east of. the Rocile., cr.at peak. Ilk. Ta h.wu. towering- Into the .lr for more than a milt. The fiopul.r l.ke retort, are from too ts 2000 ftet above sea vol. The .oil I. ndr end rorouli Here 1. p.rfcet Im munltr from h.r fever. The road, ere rood, the drive, enchanting. Wonderful Camping facilities, where all the dellghte of pure, unspoiled nature mar be enjoyed. OOLP TENNIS F13HINO HUNTTNO DATHINQ SAILING MOTORIMO MOTOR-DOATINO DRIVINO, BTC. Modern hotels and boar4lng-hou.ee, fully equipped with every mod ern comfort end convenience. Booklets and Information upon reque.l to any of the following hotel.. JiOOTM Paul Smith'. Hotel 300 P)ul Smith': N. Y. Iceland Holel 120 Schroon Laki, N. Y. Stevene Hotel 200 Lake rtatid. N. Y. Hampton Hotel 180 I6anv. AT. Y. HolelChamp'laln ISO Bluff rolnt, N. Y. Marlon Hotel 175 Ijak Gttrot. N. Y. Rensselaer Inn 167 7Vo. AT. V. Worden Hotel 150 Saratoga Spring', N. Y. Koomt Au Sable Cha.mH't 125 A u Sable Chasm. N. Y. Hotel Windsor 110 Eluabtthtown, iV. Y. Orandvlew Hotel 104 Lakt Florid. JV. Y. Flanagan Hotel lot) JVfafone. JV. Y. Westportlnn 100 nVefport, AT. Y. Witherlll Hotel 83 Plallihurn. N. T. Lake Placid Lakt Hand. N. Y. Deer'. Head Inn 75 EliiaUthtovn, it. Y. tfrnrnfttmrt ..' Aaw Vm1 rAt T 1Y .. . f ..uu.ibu ..... ...T . u. n .(... m iiib wvuff.ia.nu . ' ' Ihtdion Rtilrotd and Hudson RinrNUht Line Bottt -WjKfflJfrjIJffiS "iiiim,fevTOTfl3rrrt KCIUlfWN' UKB-ADIRONDACKS !P0NAffi "i ia 1 TV&F&2sSZi--'?ria I '"Ul .J .!-. .-K. Xin hteCT FASIOUS for more than half a century, Schroon Lake is today more popular as a pleasure resort than ever. Considered from a scenic point of view, no more beau tiful location could be found, and the elevation and nature ofthe soil insure perfect drainage and sanitary conditions. The lake is ten miles long and two miles wide and lies York city to Montreal. Newly completed macadamized roads make automobiling very popular in this section. The lake affords every facility for boating, bathing, sailing, and excellent fishing. Hunting and dancing, golf, tennis, directly on The Great International Highway from New bowlings, billiards, .pool, mountain climbing, etc., are among the popular amusements. Telegraph, long-distance telephone, daily mails in fact, every convenience. An ideal resort for rest and recreation. Write the SCHROON LAKE IJOARD OP TRADE, Schroon Lake, N. Y., for beautiful illustrated booklet, or THE PUBLIC LEDGER BUREAU, Philadelphia, Pa. LELAND HOUSE Capacity 400. Splendid location. Send for booklet. U WT & J. A. KMERSOX, Propt. WATCH ROCK HOTEL An Ideal spot for the vacationist. BUMP BIIOS., Props. BROWN SWAN CLUB Large enough to be excellent. Knele Buy, X. V. ' EAGLE BAY ' ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS FULTON CHAIN OF LAKF.S FULTON CHAIN OF LAKES THE MOHAWK AXI) COTTAOKS Fourth Lake of the Fulton Chain of Lake. SAME MANAGEMENT S1N.CK jilOO Latest efiuluinent, capacity 12a-, electric lh-hts, running hot and cold water in every roomi private baths, open fires, tomplete heating apparatus Kxcellent cuisine; flne.t ervlce; own garden; mountain sprim? water, mountain sportsj tennis, boa tine, flshlnc. music; OOU-ft. san na Daininff Deacn. Keferencea exciinnired. 1-or booklet nddress OTTKIt UKK, X. Y. OTTER LAKE HOTEL OTJER LAKE, li. Y. UMtKtHttSUMatSumifJ&Aj-ymKtiM '' ' V 'WBtaBa.alalalalaBl.alalalaB 1 " 1 11 i i mw wwJBaTafaaa.a.a.aMBawa1aWa.MawM A new and modern hotel, beautifully located on (Hi,er Ike. IT00 feet above Ma ter.l! 2000 acre, of Forrest Land, D smaller lake, within 2 miles ot Hotel. Pure Mountain spring water and outdoor sports and indoor amusements, nund a..tn vnaria nta nAt. ii leta and Information address l ' i " r MRE CLKAR, V. Y. iRilS ' iBi L - c.-ij.T.twtflJlljBBHp' . . "..,. f .."7 , Ak . 'jab"t7' " ADIHIIMIACKH, N.""V, , ' ' " ' f 1 ' ' e 'I 1 s 1 1 JCooma Rtver.tdelnn 73 Sarniiii lakt. N. Y, Fort Wm. Henry H'l 70 lakt Grore. AT. IT. Cumberland Hotel S5 TafUdlirff. AT. Y. Lake Herri. Hot.l M ATewfomk. N. Y. Ondawa Hotel 41 Schroon Lake, N '. T. Drown 8wan Club BS Schroon Lakt, N. Y, Hotel American S3 Saratoga Sprint. W. Y, McCollom' Hotel 15 HcCoUomt. N. Y. Ye Wayside Inn 15 IX Inn TI LAUtmeJsr. r. scunonx lakk AninnvnArKS InThe Adixondachs TRAVEL AND RESORT ONDAWA HOUSE and Annex.. Near lake and amuse ments. GEO. T. BAILEY, Prop. BOGLE COTTAGE Capacity 75. On lake. Garagra, etc. CHAS. II. BOGLE, Prop. Small enough to be personal. P. E. & P. J. RICH. Kaele Mjjr, X. Y. And Cottages FOURTH LAKE, N. Y. Open May I to Oct. 1. Electric light, alexin heat; 21 rooms with; private baths, 20 with hot and cold water. Largest and beat hotel on west side of mountains. Fine sand, bathing beach. Dance 5 nights a week. Rates $4 per day $1S to $35. per wek. Onrnge Willi .Separate Stall. II. V. SI'UKItY, K.W1I.K HAY, X. T. O. LOXCISTAFF. OLD FOROF. X. Y., CITTKB MKK. X. V. ,iVg AT8.'TOpSSW8ByWKi 'VA yr ,&Vj1Ke.alallalaB M.tmmyVmKriaSriiiVSSrKrrS, ft"" .!. T,-LWWrJ&:.9talaWlalalalalaBlalalalalalaM IN TIIK ADIRONDACKH . R. K. XORTtlX, i'ron.. Otter Lake Hotel. ' ' LAKK CLKAR, X. T. v j-, ILakz- Clear I3nn, -LAKK, CLKAIt, ADIRONDACKS, N. T. riiarmlngly situated In the heart of tho Great North Woods on ih banks of one of the most beautiful;, lakes In the Adlrondacks. It occu-. pies a commanding site on that famous St. Germain carry, 2000 feet above scp, level. Golf, tennli and fishing, Table Bupplled' from our own farm. Hotel bus mesta'. trains. Rates $1 and up. t'x tt , -. - .?-(.:?' y$fe,a i -l 4". "I ! a " 4, .J- m