Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 11, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 23

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    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMmmmw m y hhpii. mmmmmmiw. ; w. utmmw'w - w 'uh, iB?wJw(v'rtK,?afft
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Nature's Arms Open Wide With SiPSife3TiSw t- "iw&SzS I DeveloPment pans to Make At' ,i
Welcome to the Weary Who HMBGHHSBBBH Sg-g lantic City a Great Ship- j
Have Earned Holiday SSMSSmKS " ViS I Pin Terminal
r F1 iTlrmilliW!Ttllr1 nBaftfrfTBir -H -'U.ji'JJ ,!sp,p'w' V
Season at Seashore Promises
Unprecedented Prosperity.
Mountains Draw Many
Greatest vacation oar in history!
Never before liae the American pert
pie felt the need o n period of 'rest i
and reereation s-o Keenly us now, and
never before have they so well deserved
It. Little wonder, the.n, that summer
resorts everywhere 7mountains, sea
shore and country arc looking forward
confidently to a capacity season. !
VitU the war over, and peace a near
fact, and millions of soldiers home from
overseas, nnd general readjustment in ,
'full swing, the tired business man nnd i
his no less weary family can afford to
sit back nnd take things easy for n '
time. They not only need it, but they
also have the money to pay for it.
Many of the hot wather resorts are
opening earlier than usual to accom
modate the early emigrants from the
cities, and travel shoreward nnd to the
hills nnd forests nnd the fishing grounds
already Is growing heavy. High prices
very evidently are not going to. in
terfere with plans to take a well-earned
fling at being young nnd carefree nnd ,
lazy, if you please, for the customary
two weeks longer, if ou're one of the
lucky number.
Railroads Encourage TraicI
Relieved of the greater part of the
burden of traffic incidental to the prose
cution of the war, the federal railroad
administration, coutiary to its nttitude
toward rcsoit trael last year, is spend
ing a huge sum of money this summer
in advertising the resorts themselves,
advising vacationists as to the best '
routes and encouraging summer travel i
In every way possible.
In most instances, train nnd boat
service to the rendezvous of the city
dweller on a- holiday is far more ade
quate as to frequency, nnd operated on
faster schedules. The vacationist with
limited time, nnd making n long jump
by rail from his home city to his summerl
playground, will not bo subjected this
year to the long nnd annoying delays
imposed during the war, when the
fastest express trains were sidetracked
and held up to give the freights of the
ordnance nnd quartermaster depart
ments and the troop trains the right of
Resort hotels, anticipating crowded
houses, have been 'renovated and ex
panded, and new establishments have
been built. At the seaside places in
New Jersey, there have been many
boardwalk improvements, nnd new
amusement features have been added.
Summer colonics are springing un
along bayshoro and riverfront in New
Jersey and Delaware, and in the
mountains nnd nlong the lake shores in
Pennsylvania, New York, New Hamp
shire and Maine.
Vacation Grounds Nearby
Atlantic City, the largest seashore
resort in the country, naturally claims
J a large part of Philadelphia's summer
patronage1 because of. its proximity to
., this city. But other New Jersey re
sorts, according to nil indications, will
be well patronized by Pliilndelphians
this season, including Wildwood, Cape
May, SeaIsle City, Ocean Grove and
Asbury Park. Society folks having their
winter and spring residences here nre
' going to Maine and New Hampshire in
) large nirtnbers, and others hnve chosen
'( to spend the hot months in the moun
tains of Virginia and West Virginia.
Judging from the large number ap
plying to the railroad administration's
travel and resort bureaus forv informa
tion, travel to the Rockies and tho
Northwest, nnd to the Canadian Rock
ies, will be very heavy this summer. The
Great North Woods in Wisconsin and
Michigan are calling to those who love
a .life out of doors without tho frills
found in the more crowded places. Here
bunting and fishing' aboun to the de
light of the true sportsman, as well as
Tin the American Rockies. Camping
parties find the forest life satlsfylngly
delightful and invigorating.
, Hear Northlanda Call
With pleasure travel to Europe still
. under rigid limitations, the summer
f. a i -.1.- - -. - .. -
1 traveler wuu jvuiua iu i-l na tut uwuy
Xrow UUU1T. Btcuua na jiuoihuik id tuiiuug
to the vast Yukon country of Alaska,
whm the imsterv and creat sllenco of
aC HA-4Ulnnfl ,i,Afira a onall flint rnralv
v IJC UUiWuwv ,,M,V H (i'V,. ,.. .M.L.J
i lost on the tourist. To the East, the
h Bermudas, "Pearls of the Atlantic,"
u nolu OUC appemiug uuuriu. .Liii'ir vuay
accessibility mane mem especially ni-
-, tractive as a vacation ground to those
who enjoy a briet sea trip.
Forest and stream, lofty peak and
sandy beach all are echoing with the
JVJVW V,,v w tf"a - - ., .,..- ...-
thrown aside nil core for a time and
M devotluR themselves entirely to
ftirougb enjoyment of nature's won-
iliSkilltfi " UVffl First Airport in America to Bo V.
raS19HBBS9MeSPSM ' Made Permanent for Aerial I
PBP V TMCTJr- rSJ8W ' Sea Lines
i . UBivinBaaMHnHHWQ i
I ' jKHgL'fi. :l'iivmmnX'!3B'm?"ZZLW
BmSsMtimiJk ikc , SmM
Ce'il-,-:sS; fc ,3 sftiEM JXiagsr ?-33s3b iJi-lai fnme. 1,cli"e'1 '" fort"nw a" ps'i-
I..i i ill in i I jihlii. iii .MMjifciii iaj i m(IIi J llhlWl I JJW llli 1 WHill i IMMi H 1(I11MHMM1I Hill il'l JMIf " V nk,: " rvKTSw ll!MBKWr' i -VaSWr .1,. v . v' JK IP ft1( VKrf KT iTAJvi2?'rV'5uaa5iJ
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; ;'';. ..rM;fjmis
--!Ssis,B . . .,
This Atlantic City scene, pictured from an airplane at an altitude of 2000 feet during the recent aeronautical congiess at tho shore, shows where it Is proposed In establish an otrun terminal for transallantic liners and make the conn
try's greatest resort New Jcrsej's greatest port. Atlantic City ahead has the distinction of beinjr the fiist. airport in America and rtie nof f.il- distant future may s e (tie nseul (he tc,1c.:h Minin.il of liunsoccanic aerial cruisers plyinj
between the United Stales and Europe. In the foreground is one of Atlantic City's smaller pavilions and sailing yaiht pier, and hey cud, !- tlantie Citj Yailit Club
Atlantic City Group Starts Or
ganization Other Resort3
Are Expected to Follow
Soldiers returning from overseas to
their homes nt various seashore resorts
along the Atlantic coast nre virtually
n unit in urging the establishment or
branches of the American Legion in
their home towns. '
At Atlantic City there is already
under way n movement for establish
ment of a branch of the legion, which
is made up of army and navy men who
have seen service overseas.
Progress in organization work is
being reported also from Ocean City,
Asbury Park and other senshore and
mountain resorts.
Hlock and neighborhood co-operation
committee is designed to assimilate, new
arrivals into block activities, intp
churches .-nnd fraternal organizations ;
to co-operate with other block organ
izers in establishing community service
associations in the school district.
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Suits of Feminine Bathers Show
Plenty of Color, but Less
Cumbersome Cloth
1 :..!.. I.. 1I,.I. .-.I !.:. t.. I.U !...
so('i slow Ij . because qf the. countless
so.-ieties - to - prevent - something -or-
other, the bathing suits worn , b, f.lr
swimmeis on the Atlantic coast aie aP;
i.iiiarmuK un- i- ii.iiiu-i uuitripai
I'acilic coast resorts. Less nnd less
n-e they to be recognized as cumbersome'
bunches of ruffles
This ,cnr common sense seems
little nearer than ever in feminine
bathing costumes. Perhaps it's the re.outing an investment of $150,000.
tendency in dress which seems to have Spend $130,444 upon a magnificent
its psychological explanation in a paikway to bring this boulevard to a
haunting fear that our men from "'over plaza west of thc uptown hotel district,
theic mav jenrn for charms in far-off i with intersecting approaches to the
France " beachfront over all the intervening
. . . aenues. i
Of course, the frank freedom of i Municipalize the Atlantic City alr
those California suits is still UfSOO miles field, the first actual airport in America,
aud several oceans in mental breadth the prospective terminus of transat-
removed from us, but, Teresa, indica
tions are there is hope !
jTr. :
Y .
Mi JtffrnllH BM "il ?A W-t'--i VJsf-w5sBftl
HUsHHo. T " A 6l7iyPPiB'5lrl
HlHcMBt . PWflPS7tl
9aHs MPR-" BI I
SSbSIw ? V "" " ' v " ' " (." " ' V"1
VT MrU J2WW, ai
?3------i-.. JSL a -v L-1
LAKt lOUl?t.1arlor.ih? Canadian Rsclfic TIocWw
Atlantic City, June 11.
Somebody, just who is not material
for his philosophy is not chal
lenged once said when Atlantic City
Rtops doing bic; things in a large way
to hold its premiership as America's
greatest plajground, it will begin to
slide biii'kwnn'. He had in mind, no
doubt, (lie sequence of events through
which tliis resort, nltnost as well known
throughout Europe- and in some parts
1 even of Asia as it is upon this side
'of the gieat waters to the east and the
west, had evolved in not a great number
of years, as the life of cities Is meas
ured, from a fishing village, a few huts
used onlv in midsummer, by the side of
' a friendly sen.
What this philosopher, unheralded to
fame, believed he foresnw as a possi
bility predicated upon the eclipsed ca
reers of other resorts once popular nnd
I prospeous, has no part in Atlantic
City's pogrom for this post-bellum year
of 1010. Marking time or sliding back-
Iward has ixiught to do with the sea
shore metropu'is Philadelphians started
upon the road to fame. To the contary,
the international Ihnven of play seekers
nnd health seekers, whence come the re
nowned of all nations nnd the classes
and masses of the great American
Union, is bounding forward serenely
confident that onlv the prologue of its
itorj has been wiitten.
.Still .More Uig TKngs
These arc some of the things Atlantic
City plans to do during the next twelve
Throw open the doors of another
great hotel, a twelve-story fireproof
caravansary modern to the minute, rep
resenting an inestmcnt of $2,fi00,000.
l'.egin the construction of nt least two
more great hoatelries, one in the select
region of Chelsea, the other in the up
town hotel belt.
Acquire a site in the mid-section ot
the beachfront and nwaul contracts for
the largest and finest convention hall In
America, to stand as a great white
victory memorial for the giand army
r ' """-' -., u.z unuvu "inaua " Uia.u
I Start operations upon a rail-watct
'i'.'l' terminal deslgneil to put Atlantic
&n? & A&e!
0lbil nmI' Houth American liners, aud
l make thc Ies0rt also the greatest ship
ping point on the Jersey seaboard. Titla
to the terminal site has been ncquired.
Throw open to the use of motorists
just 7 - "iL'"
the motor dlstnnce between Philadelphia
.it.il Vtlnittir. ltv ,,,' tl..'i.n ti.iloc r fn-
- . lautic passenger-carrying dirigibles, anci
the eastern terminal of the American
aerial routes.
Play host to 200 conventions, includ
ing some of the greatest meetings in
America, with more than 100,000 dele
gates. t
Procure the paving, bv the state as a
part of the state's $15,000,000 high
way system, of solid concrete motor
speedwajs to Philadelphia and New
Think Program Feasible
This, it micht be said, is a big nro-
! gram for one year, but Atlantic City
I does not regard it as otherwise than
I logical and perfectly feasible. It is by
' doing just such things that this com
I muiiity of aggressive, optimistic people,
1 supremely certnin ol a great destiny oe
, cause of climatic conditions and geo
graphic situation, has made this mar
velous playground, thirty minutes by air
from the cradle of American independ
ence. It will be obesrved here that At
lantic City, being an nirport, is already
( beginning to measure distances by aerial
' courses.
Atlantic City, to bo quite frank, has
no alternative than to keep right on
doing large things for the retention of
its existing clientele, now measured only
by the boundaries of the land of the Sj,,i
tree, nnu tne signing up oi more anovg
..in ...... ... -....,. i i.nn .... ,i.... t jt?
Mill luuie imtiuuo. 11 uus uu uuirr 141-
.llIC.H.. tl.n.. ,.,., ...A...!! ... ..A..UA.1., a .. .
it seeks no other that is not incidental ISa
Sheer necessity brought to pass the
Marlborougb-Blenheiin, the forerunner
of the palatial hotels of the beachfront.
Sheer necessity brought to pass that
stupendous pile of money, the Tray-.
more, at a cost of $4,000,000, a finan
cial success from the day it was opened,
the coup that sent the last survivor of
me BKepuca vi uuxei nxiuiu irv&iug lur
the tall timbers. Inability to en re for
a constantly growing armr of holidays
makers who insist upon having aUft&t
tho rnmfnrtfl ncwl lUTllrlPK mnn-v umc
'buy. regardless of cost, brought the ifSr'i 1
Ambassador, the towering new hcJW'
, in Chelsea, which is to open its doors
June 14. ., "
least 1000 rooms, to blHmt'war'J
lantic and Pacific avenues'totM
Chelsea, facing the cjcejsenj'arK, oa .
. ( -
, . t
i ' '-, . , ".ti " tK
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A i