W"v VVO-,..- , vy JL Dtfv.. , 'i '.-'" . - r, I k m ? Eft '-Li- ' ' '" BBSs ." '' Eta Vf . . "" ' BKJt j , , EaW ft . ? ' v B T- & i- ' ' W ,"''' P.-' j' -mi'. - -it J- hh "i t B 'W H ' B - -1 Ii r- K x ' - Lit rsrotners ft . ''-," '""'' - ' " ;,": ;".''.-ij!f:rr:: :.'.:.' " '(.''--;'. '-;'- v,:. STRAIGHT across the country sweeps McCall Street the street on which we picture the homes of the 1 ,300,000 families who read McCall's Magazinef the stores of the mer chants who supply their needs. . ? An imaginary street? Not. at all. For though McCall Street is plotted on no map or survey, it has several millions of very real residents, who spend more than a billion dollars a year for food and clothes and soap and soft drinks and auto mobiles and other things they need or want. McCalVs Magazine is not only the shopping guide of the women of McCall Street, it is also their fashion guide, and for nearly fifty yearS they have bought McCall Patterns in tfie stores of McCall Street. T .; Among these stores is a'retail establishment known the country over for its magnitude, its enterprise, its success, its greatness in every way the store of Lit Brothers; . The name of Lit Brothers stands for all that is strongest and soundest in retail merchandising. In every one of its. departments, the goods sol&ihust measure up to the high Lit Brothers standard of excellence. McCall Patterns are sold by Lit Brothers because they do measure up to that standard. Mc CALL' S MAGAZIN1 .A.- , .&.. ,1 . ?l vlt N The prestige of the McCall Patterns is- built on a solid and enduring foundation the fashion supremacy of McCall's izihe. and its authentic, complete, advance showing of summer styles. Ki 'It . Buy the June number of McCall's. See its exceptional fic tion, its special articles of vital, interest to every woman- You will understand why the: women of 1,300,000 Ameri can families look to McCaH's for their fashions, and why the McCall Patterns are sold in leading department stores every- .. x- where. J -j-v. '- ' ' sr, ' .. v jjEii-.- 'i: THE McCALL COMPANY, 236-250 WEST 37TH STREET;NEW YOfeK ! f - I ; CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO BOSTON ATLANTA -TORONTO . K't ;