K' "'i'-' i ' "' i ' .11 i'i'-1 ....'Tin' i iii. in ii ! -i I, i ",i i,, , i I., i i n in ,. ii i TwEi '., ,: ,r' in'.nsi, fj li w m . t' , f: a f Rr V, I - W . K1' ," He J ' - w uv , '.i.. "'. .. .! v-.-. 'i,' K a p:y 'Ji 3h Public Ledger's NEW WEEKLY COLOR SUPPLEMENT NEW so new that nothing like it has ever been issued by a newspaper. In size a real magazine, with every page in full color, the work throughout of artists of reputation. COLORFULLY a delight to grown-ups and to children an enchantment of fantastic cut-outs and stories in all the hues of Rain Bow's End. HUMOR real humor, not coarse caricature is a feature of every number, the "funny pages" being in full color also, and quite as artistic as the rest. Printed on excellent paper, the rich color drawings are repro duced in all their original brilliancy. No brighter, gayer, or more amusing weekly can be bought at the magazine stands and it is yours with every copy of the Sunday Public Ledger. How alluring the contents of the very first issue: The cover -a masterly painting by Wm. G. Krieghoff a giant troop ship landing at Philadelphia. Another painting The opening of the Fifth Liberty Loan a vast city decked for Victory. Robert Louis Stevenson's lovely children's poem "The Lamplighter," illustrated by Frank Godwin's sympathetic hand. And then a page of "Cut-Outs" insuring happy hours for the kiddies "Tommy goes to the circus." ;-.,' "The Piggie who Fared to the Fair" a delightful children's story written by Ruth Plumly Thompson, and illustrated by the quaint and charming fancies of Charles J. Coll. Philadelpia's historic beauties will be shown in a series of paintings by James Preston the first being of "Bartram's Garden." and "You never can tell" the full-color comedy page will win the laughter of all. On Sunday, June 8, the PUBLIC LEDGER presents the first number of this new weekly Color Supplement. You want it, of course and you'll be SURE to have every copy thereafter. LEDGER PUBLIC r ,Z - .1 - 4..S& u BliiSfeiSf?, ' TM .m aJ I '!fcl &l I aj J hi . .V44 m " iJ .-.j SM m ISSi f v' ma -a . . a . .6ca if '. 3 fc.t .i,- "-h-r -,-HiM off ''"