'"fjt ?- "i ' '4ti i E-VJE)fflf PTLI'tp&pMl!Ai)ELPHIAV TUESDAY, JUNE : 3, 1319 ? --. " 1r f ". -.."' tin " i" r . - WMMERICAN ATHLETES ALL SET TO INVADE UNCONQUERED FRANCE OTHER SPORTS I Bf v u. f ? PITCHING STAFF r-Jmn i WORRYING COOMBS 13 Phillies Are Hitting, but Mounds men Fail to Hold Opposing Batters LOSE TWO GAMES TO GIANTS By KDWINM. POLLOCK Special Staff Corrrsnondent Traveling With the Phillies New York, June 3. Colby .Tnwn Coombs didn't vnke up with the sweet est disposition in the world this morn ing. In fnct, .Tnwn hnd a perfect right to enrry n grouch nnd n "flock of chips on each ahouldrr. His Phils dropped n pnir of ball (tames, yesterday nt the Polo Grounds nnd .Tnwn wns chased early In the second engagement for bark chat to his umpship. Lord Byron. That's enough to spoil nny man's day if the gentleman, In ques tion is baseballicnll.v encaged. Even President Wilson would have said "Tut tut." Forty lilts in Three Games When a ball club slams out n tolnl of forty hits for fifty bases in three games and wins only one. It's time to look around and discover where the fault lies. The main trouble with the Phils ls that the opposition is getting the greater number of safe blows. The Coombsmen shot up the outer works of Coogans Bluff yesterday to the extent of seventeen hits for twenty-one sacks nnd yet the Giants collared both nds of the first dual bill of the season. When a club slams out safeties in that fashion no complaint can be registered ngainst the attacking ability of the laborers. Giants Oiithit Phils The Giants outhit the Quaker City entry in ench engagement, gathering eleven in the first nnd the same number In , the second against seven for the Fhils in the opener nnd tonln the night cap affair. The fact that the Coombs clan was shot by both barrels of the matinee, therefore, can be blamed on the pitchers. TCeither Gene Packard, who south pawed throughout the first half of the bill, nor Bradley Hogg, whptinctioncd during most of the getaway exhibition, nor Elmer Jacobs, who did relief duty, handled anything except the brown derby for pitching honors. The Phils gave Packard a three-run lead in the fjrst two Innings, but that was not enough. Gene breezed along ' safely until the fourth when the Ginnts fell on him fo.' four lilts, which, with one error, netted the McGraw gang three runs and a tie score. Packard Wabbles Gene continued wobbling iii the fifth, when he yielded two more runs, braced In the sixth, wavered in the seventh nnd almost caved in in the eight. Packard's fate was almost . identical to Hogg's in the final bout. Coombs's clouters presented Bradley with n half dozen runs in the first andi later added another, but the Atlanta lawyer wasn't able to bold the ndvantage. He slipped along through five innings and yielded only three runs. In the sixth his control started to go bad. He walked ' two runners with, none out and was lucky to get away with only a one-run damage. He glided through the seventh safely and then in the ninth the cloud-burst arriyed. Once more the first two batters were passed and after Art Fletcher ripped a single to center that left a trail of burn ed grass in Us wake and scored one run, Jacobs was signaled from the bull f y It's the pitchers and not the hitters that worry uoiDy dawn. .All George Burns did during tth4fter. noon -was to pluck five base hits, two of them doubles, score two runs, drive in another, steal a base, wait for four bad balls and snare five flies. Eppa Rlxey looked like a blK schoolboy awkwardly hopping around the pitcher a box In practice. To prove that baseball's 'Jail In fun" Eppa shook hands with a number of the Giants. Correction to rnu cssuauj "' r.iimmi mud sicking and add Fred Luderus, Fred- Correction to Phil casualty llst- 'X erlrk hurt his rlaht leg sliding Into third and had to retire. Sicking went to second and ;aaie bickwk in mu -rirk hurt his rlaht leg si .a n iAtlr. Rlcklnir v Whltted moved to first. r uiiiiirns rot his second homer In two days In the second game. The Notre Dame graduate connected for four hits out of seen tries. Benny KauK didn't get a "afety In the ' flrst tilt, but made up for It In the second -with a homer and a single. Stray Volley Shots Bill Tilden left for New Tork this morn ing. The national clay court champion will .play In the mixed doubles of the Metropoli tan District championships. Flay In the double and consolation sin gles of the women's tournament at Mexlon will beeln .this afternoon. Brook Edwards, the Merlon Cricket Club star, wilt be one of the contestants for the Pennsylvania sfite title, This tourney be gins next Monday at the Merlon. Miss Eleanor Sears, of Boston was ex pected to play In the tourney at Merion this week, but at the last moment she decided to enter the Metropolitan championships In stead. The Junior Intercity match between local nnd New York players, for the Dr. Hosmer W. Hanna Memorial Trophy, is scheduled for Saturday at the Philadelphia Cricket flub. Nothlnr has been heard from the Gotham officials concerning the contests. Miss Helen Farrlnxton, one of the, leadlnc tennis players of Florida, was a liltou In this city last week. Miss Parrlnston stopped oft on her way home from college In Boston. Roy March, of Peon Charter, eliminated his team mate. Mllo Miller. In the annual Interacademlc League championships at Oer , mantown Cricket Club. Only four players remain In the eent. March. Repp and Tay lor, of Penn Charter and Newton Beck, of Oermantown Academy. Willard Dempsey SPECIAL FROW rim.A. JCLY Td-Sth tlngslde Seat, and R. It. Transportation, lie fresnmenta on the Tratni Sleeping Ac- HimmMttlom. B1UO 1'er Person Booking Closes Monday, Juns 0 For further details HARRY T, DONAfiHY, 33 8. HTJI ST. BICYCLE RACES 40-Mile Motor-Pace Race ; vbuenezb Velodrome Tdnight Tonight, 8:30 P. M. , Wiley. Carman, I-awrrnce. Oorry" Professional and Amateur Races Admission 30c, 55c, 85c The greatest boxing show of Just Look, me yesr will taae piare bi Hhlbe Park tomorrow nltbt starting at S.30 o'clock. are me siarsi Willie Jackson vs. Matt Brock Johnny Indee vs. Joe Tlollts l.ew Tendler vs. Geo Chancy Yet .the prlreiTere only l to Sfi, 1 Buy today at Tendler, (lUaeman Jj FeJnsUln'e haber- ByPt .iWMHins, or s .mi&m wti am BILL IIOLLENBACK Former I'enn football star who, It it reported, will be named n. as sistant football coaeli to Bob I'ol well for next season. The assistant coach will be selected at a meeting of the Pcnn council this afternoon, but his name will not bo given out until next week What May Happen in Baseball Today AMKRICAX LEAGUE ...flub Won I-ost P.C Win Lone Split Chicago .... 24 10 .7(IB .114 .1X M'leirlnnd . 20 II .B4S t,17 t.non .03(1 ifw ion 17 11 .mil ivii .ami , Detroit ... in IR ..MM) .B15 .48.". St. Louis .. I 15 .BOO f.RXI t.409 ,!M0 TlllRtnn . 19 in 19(1 J4H ill WlKhlnirton.. 10 10 .3415 .307 .333 Athletics . fl SS .214 .241 .207 . . ., Tno mines. tWJn tno. tl.ose two. NATIONAL LEAGUE riiih Won lost P.C. Win' Iie Split New lork 24 K .7.10 ,7R .727 Clnrlnnutl . 20 14 .BHH ,R00 .Ml llrooklyn ..IS II .BBS r.rR8..SS .5.19 C'hlrnco .. 17 IP ..IIS .112!) .IWIO Pittsburgh ..in 10 .457 .472 .441 Phillies ... 13 IB .44S .4C.7 .433 llostnn . . 10 ID .313 .3S7 t.323 .335 St. I.oilU . . 10 22 .312 .333 .303 . . YESTERpAY'S RESULTS AMERICAN I.EAOUK New York, 7 1 Athletlrn. 0. New York, 10; Athletic. 5 (second came). Washington, 4t Iloston. 0. Detroit, 5i ChlrilKO. 3. Detroit, 2i t'hlcaro. 1 (second game). neteianu, a: M. Louis, a. NATIONAL LEAOUB New York. 7i Phillies. 4. New York. Ot I'hlllles. 7 (second game). Hronkhn. 3! nohton. 1. Ronton, Si Ilrnoklyn. t (second came). (hltiigo, 7i I'lttohurgh, 0. Chicago, 2 1 Pittsburgh 1, (second gnme, 1 inningHi. Cincinnati. 7i St. Louis, 4, TODAY'S SCHEDULE AMERICAN l.KAOUK New York :il rhlliiilrlnliln. Clear. 3:30. IloMon ut WiixhlnKton, Cleiir.. 3:30. 'hlcuro nt Detroit. Clmr. 3.' St. l.ouls nt Cleveland. Clear. 2 and 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE Phillies nt New York Clear. 3:30 n. m. Ilrookljn lit Ilostan. Clear. 1:13 nnd 3:13. I'ittshurch Bt Clileage. t'lnmlr, . Clnrlnnutl at Kt. Iouls. Cloudy. 3:30. EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS At Hartford H. H. E Knrtford ., 0 1 J Worcester - 1 rtntteriCH Baker and Flaherty: Uennett ind Tyler. . At New Haven 'Vow HaVn 5 .? ? JprlncHeld u n Batteries Grant and Meyers; I.oe and Wlluder. At Walerbury n. H. E. Waterbury ..., 1J 13 " Trovidence t H 3 Batteries Craig and Murphy: Harrington. Spald, Gearln and Weeden. At Bridgeport - n H E. Bridgeport 4 n Plttsneld 0 4 1 Batteries Walsh and Skirf; Tillman and Mdrlarlty. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE At Newark Baltimore and Newark game was played esterday. At Reading n. H. E Jersey City.... 2 0 0 114 0 0 0 14 1 Reading 11200000 1 S 13 1 Batteries Schacht and Hyde: Plltf, Brown and Crossln. At Rochester n. II. E Buffalo oonsnonn o 2 in 2 Rochester .... n 0010030 x 4 11 2 RAtterics-r-Gaw and Casey; Ilrogan and O'Neill. At Toronto n. II. E. Blnghamton ... OS 100000 D II 11 1 Toronto 0 3-JI 0 0 0 2 0 0 R 7 2 Batterleb Marten and Smith; Peterson Golf'Honors for Heimenz Kphrntu, !!., June 3 II, John lletmenz. I.amaster Country Club, carried nrf the honors In the Victory eolf tournament with sixty-four entries played over the Rose mere course. -f Algase Chosen Tennis Captain New York. June 3. The election of Ben iamin "Blbby" Algase, captain of the tennis team of the College of the City of New York for the 1U20 season, was announced yes terday. Algase is a sophomore. Up-to-Minutc Marks of Leading Batters NATIONAL I.EAUK A.n. It. 73 16 125 31 II. P.C. 3 .460 41) .302 IS .333 28 .341 Truiath. Phillies ., SB Voting. New York. 32 KlldufT. Chicago .. 19 McCarty. New York .2(1 Williams. Phillies. 27 HI s-j 111 37 .333 II. P.C. 4S ..172 4"v .364 40 .317 4 . 136 20 .331 AMERICAN LIUC. UK A. 11. It. (I. Colin, Detroit .... 31 llodle. New York,. SO Vearh, Detroit ... SI H'eaier, Chicago , 34 Schnnsr, Boston .. 33 1ZU 24 110 1.1 11 17 13.1 2(1 87 7 IjilijHBJSJHBJBMSSJjesBasJamlinn ,l (iii, jm(,Iiii HffBjtsBj SWiii' nT" T IT ' I SjXMGJUajBejjjjJBJBayBHHBgtt!jpi'iJ! Lower Merion Star Hasn't Lost Match This Year Down3 Beck GERMANTOWN WINS TITLE Carl Fischer, of the Lower Merlon High School, gave another exhibition of the constant Improvement In the junior tennis of this city, yesterday afternoon nt the Cynwyd Club. Play ing for the Cynwyd team in mi Men's Inter-Club league mutch with German town Cricket, Fischer took the mens ure of Itodaey Heck, Inst reason's junior star. Wliile the result, ft-!! 7-t", may he n surprise to the average tennis fol lower, Fischer's uotory wns expected by several of the developers of junior piny. Fischer has been pluying In sen sational fashion nil season nnd didn't lose it single match In the Interscho Insjtjc League. Also Heat Dornheim This victory oer Heck placed Fischer on the highest rung of the junior1 lad der. Last week he defeated Herman Uornheini, former Pennsylvania state junior champion, in a match nt the Ply mouth Country Club tourney. . The Lower Merion star has a powerful forehand nnd backhand drive. Wlillo Fischer took the measure of rteck, the Cynwyd Club failed to halt the fast going (iermantnwn Cricket Club team, and the cricket club won the lengue championship by a margin of three points over Cynwyd. The finnl stnndiug gives (tcrmnntnwn fifteen wins nnd five defeats, while Cynwyd won twelve nnd lost eight. Tilden Wins from Johnson lu the other matches yesterday Hill Tilden defeated Wallace Johnson 7-ii, 13-11; Stanley Pearson, of German town, won from C. X. Heard, ot Cyn wyd, 0-1, fi-2; J. Hajnes, Cynwyd, downed L. C. Wister, of Germnntowu, 15-0, 0-a, 0-1!, while in the doubles 011 c'nrsonia Park rink last night cover White and Cullman, of Germantown, jK KRO arils unpaced in 1 minute won from droll nnd Miles, uynwyd, 0-4, 0-3. One more mutch is scheduled in the league, but it will have no bearing on the final standing of the first two clubs. The league this season was a most suc cessful oue. Philadelphia Cricket Club won the Women's Interclub champion ship. Columbia Routs Syracuse New Vnrk. June 3 Columbia routed Syracuse to the tune of 14 to 1' In the an nual class day game on South Klcld es- leraay. AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES The (iermantown 11. C Roiers arc open for all nrst'Class traveling teams willing to travel for a guarantee. Uermantown B. C, BU41 Wado street. Welcome A. C, Hrst-dnss traveling nine, has June 7 open lor any team offering a guarantee. William Lavery. 2320 Fernon street. Itldgewny A. ('., flfteen-sUteen-jear-old nine, wants games with traveling teams of same age. A C Boycr. loul Ridge avenue. Tho Htennrt A. C. flrst-rlnsi fully unl. formed nine, wants games with a Jersey nln-i for July 4 (. m and p. m ). offering a guar antee. W. Duncan. 110 S. Sixtieth street. Clifton II. P., a sixteen to seventeen-year, old traveling team, has June 7 open. R. l.aury. manager, 1S24 Tasker street. Ia-ttrrly A. P. would like to arrange Sat urday and holiday games with all fifteen to seventeen-vear-old home teams Oeorge Kooier. 2451 Coral street. St. Malarhy'a P. P. would Use to hear from sixteen toy nineteen-year-old teams. Jo seph Connor, 243j North Opal street. Schoettle A. A. vvhiiIs to hear from such tenms as Overhrook, Monica. Frankforcl or all other teami nf that class Herbert Barock. 1227 North Warnock street, or call Poplar 50-1 between 7 and 8 pm. Norwood P. P. has June 7 and 14 open for Rrst-rlass home teams. J. McCsnn. 1030 Rltner street. , Ryan A. P. Is anxious to hook games with first-class teams having grounds. J. Nich olson. B12II Merlon ave., or call Belmont 2807. Dfllmur A, P. wonts games with flrst-class teams having grounds. B. Sandberg. &25 Falrmount avenue, Columbia C. P. are open to hear from first-class teams. Dan New. 101 Jackson street. Liberty Mars are booking games with flrst-class In and out-of-town teams. P. Williams. 215 South Qulnca street. P. R. T. , A. P. would like tn srrange games with flrst-llass' teams. J. Whiteside, 3511 Joi.e street, Ilrldesburg has June 21 and July 4 open for nrst-clsss home teams. Harry Smith, 41(10 U. Thompson street. Three P Club wants to hear from all of the leading flrst-class teams having home grounds and offering a sultahle guarantee If Herzog, 4811 North Falrhlll street, or call Wyoming 2431, Maxivcll Will Visit liig Fighters'' Camps Jess Willnrd and Jack Dcinpscy are training every day for the big heavyweight championship battle In Toledo on July -1, They arc pre paring for n boxing bout which wllf be witnessed by iiO.OOU persons uud will draw a gate, of more than .$."00,000. The big fight Is Hit; principal topic of conversation lu the sporting world nnd the preliminary work of the men is followed with interest. ItOISHHT W. MAXWKLL sports editor of the Kvu.MNO Pl'lH.IC Li;tmi:it, will hit the camps of Wil lnrd und Dempsey this week ami write n series of articles on the nc tual conditions nt both places. He will tell, in his breezy, humorous, critical style, the early dope on the big . mnteh and how the men arc training. The first nrticlc will appear in the Kvknino Pt'iii.ic Lkikiku on Frl yday, June (I. Do not fall to read this series, TIM DRONEY ON TOP Easily Defeats Eddie McAndrews in Lancaster Wind-Up Ijiinraster, Pa., June IS. The last show of the indoor boxing season was held here Inst night with Tim Droney und Kddie McAndrews in the star bout. Droney proved his superiority in every round after the second, jabbing effec tively with his left and landing heavy rights. Jack Wolpert knocked out Tommy Cicary in the sixth round. Johnny Houck bent Lew Schupp and Joe Mutzcl had the better of Paul Wagner. CAREY BREAKS RECORD Sixteen-Year-Old Youth Shatters Roller Skating Mark Heading, Juno I!. Malcolm Carey, a sixteen- ear-old joutli, the inter state amateur roller skating champion, established a new world's amateur recnril for half mile on lint truck heie 18 2-5 seconds, smashing William Itob inson's former record of 1 minute till seconds, made in Cliicngn in 1!K)S. Kurtz and Brodbeck Lead Seven two-mrn tcumi rolled In the two men Philadelphia hnndiritp tournament games on the Casino Hlle,H last nlsht Kurtz and B odbt'ck rolled into lirst place with the fine pcore of I70'l. Magee's Reatlves Killed Clnrlnnutl. June 3 A I rother and sister of Hhcruond Magcc the famous ball plaer. were killed In an auto accident near here ycsterda. Junlatii B, P. would like to arrange Sun day games with flrst-class teams. Louis V'I'tmer. 3110 Reach st. Ascension F. P. woul! like to hear from a flrst-class team for June 21. William Krebs, 1814 Uast Thaor Mreet. Ixirmlne F. P. desires games with sixteen to eiRht-en-vcar-old home nines, n Tlrjv 220 Main street. Darby. Alco A. P. are open to hear from flrst- class home teams Edward B. Boer, 2133 Fltzwater street. Argn A. A. would Hkn In h.jr tt-nrrt .. class teams having ground J. Dalley. 7n Belgrade street, or phone Kensington 1301 W Essex A. P. hai June 7 14 and 28 opetr for flrst-rlass tpnmn tl. T.vnnh 1AI Cm,ts Ninth street. Ipmulls A. A. would like In hear from all nrst-class home teams nlainz Sunday ball. H Mohr. 3104 Hmerald street. Newton A. P. a flrst-tlas traveling team mints games with homo teams George B. Newton Co.. 5537 Chestnut street. Natlllty P. P. wlshc tn arrange games with flrst-class learns Phil Hncrertv, .Mad ison and Miller street, or Nativity C C. MldlvnT A. P. ! onen tn hnnr frnm A..I. class home tenms. 101 Fayette street. Conshonocken. Ta. A flrst-class catcher, who last year played with Wa.vne, of the Main Line League, would like to Join some well-known flrst-class team W. (Buck) Weaver. Wayne. Ta fiodfrey F. C. Is open to book games with first-class traveling teams. John K. Dag nev. Twentieth street and Church Inn. nr call Germantown 5286 North Ride Professionals are open to hear from first-class traveling teams Johnny J Hoover. 2035 North American street, or call Kensington 0400 W Kinsley A. A. would like to arrange games with all sixteen to eighteen ear old home teams. L. Sommer, 4213 Glrard avenue. riIOTOPI.AVH PHOTO PIAYS OBTAINED ifle S THROUGH ROOKIMa Corporation,, i 1 12th. Morris K Passyunk Ave. AlnamDra Mat.DallyalL'. Eva.H:450. PIUKriI.I.A DBAS In "TUB EXQUISITE THIEF" n-t 1 C BSD AND THOMPSON STS. ArULXAJ MATINEE DAILY OI.OA Pl'.TROVA In "THE LIFE MASK" AnoArMA CHESTNUT llelow 10TII AKLAU1A io a. m. toiuinp. m. WALLACE ItEID In "TOU'IIE FIHED" T3I t TCialDn BROAD 8THEET AND BLUE.tSlrVL' SUSQUEHANNA AVE SESRUE HAVAKAWA In "THE COURAGEOUS COWARD" BROADWAY of,". &e WILLIAM VARNIIM In "THE JUNQLE TRAIL" PHODrCC MAIN 8T.. HANATUNK. EWlr tt3J MATINEE DAILY WILLIAJI KARNUM In 'TH13 JUNQLE TRAIL" FAIRMOUNT snMAWBAnDDA.tvY THIIRHTON HALL In "TUB MIDNIGHT PATROL" I- A H.III V THEATRE 1311 Market St rAlYllLil O A. M. to MMnlchL MARY MCLAREN In "THE UNPAINTED WOMAN" rj f TU CT THEATRE Below Sprues DO 1 ri 3 MATINEE DAILY FRANK KEENAN In "THE PUHLIC DEFENDER" GREAT NORTHERN . PAULINE FREDERICK In 'ONE WEEK OF LIFE" I11DCDIA! 60T WAI.NUT STS. HAROLD LOCKWOOH In "SHADOWS OF SUSPICION" I CAnCD 1ST LANCASTER AVE. LkAUllrX MATINEE DAILY ' W. S HART In "THE MONEY CORRAL" I intTDTV BROAD COLUMBIA AV, LlBfc.rC 1 I MATINKK DAILY nnArm vaukntink in HOT SUN PIS TO Local Star Advances to Fourth Round of Championship Tourney at Merion PLAY FEATURE MATCH TODAY "Never put off till tomorrow what you inn do today" must have been the ralljing slogan ot Miss Moilie Thajer in the opening of the tourney for the women's tennis championship of I'cnn sjlvania nnd eastern states jesterday afternoon on the Merion Cricket Club courts. I'Veu though the sun was scorching, or something like Hint, nnd entiiely too hot to be comfortable even on tlic club house veranda, Miss Thajer decided that she must win her way into the semltinal rountP of the upper bracket. This she accomplished, winning three mutches, one by default and two by fine playing. Wins by Default Miss Thayer was saved the work of playing a lirst round mutch hy reason of Miss Agnes It. Uergen defaulting. In the second round the star of the aft ernoon took a two-set match from Miss Hutl Wallace with the hxs of but three games. MWS I-liznbcth Osthelmcr fell b.v tin- wnjsidc in the third round. The showing of Miss Thayer yester day makes her one of the favorites for the i liampionship honors. She pos sesses a tine forehand drive und plays a line iill-iirouiid game. Her opponent in the semllinnl round is still a matter of doubt, as the others arc still worrying through the second or third round. Link of tho Draw The old jinx the luck of the draw made its appearance yesterday with its usual result. Two of the best players of the tourney. Miss Claire Cassell, of New York, nnd SIlss I'hjllls Walsh, of the I'hiladelphia Country Club, must meet in the second round. If they had been placed in dif ferent brackets there is not the least bit of doubt that both would have advanced to the semifinal and probably the final round. Hut the "luck of the draw" makes them meet virtually at the beginning of the tourney and one must be eliminated. &T" yjtg wmmsmwm PIIOTOPUYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through theSTANLEY Booking Corporation, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Booking Corporation. 333 MARKET tSffJili! CONSTANCE TALMADOE In "THE VEILED ADVENTURE" MnnFI i: SOUTH ST. Orchestra. IVIKJUIJL Continuous 1 to 11. VIOLET PALMER In "GINGER" OVERBROOK WD A$$g;VK IlERT I.YTIJLL In "DLACKIE'S REDUMPTION" PA1 ACS' I2'4 MARKET STREET r-li--I- 10 A. M. to llilH P. M DOUGLAS KAIRIIANKH In 'THE KNICKERBOCKER HUCKAROO" PLAZA BROAD AND PORTER KTIlEfyra .-NIIK3IA iai.mvijmi-; in 'THE PRORATION WIFE" PRINCESS 'WfTCifSm, F.XIMY WEHLEN In "THE AMATEUR ADVENTURESS" REGENT mmik,?tas1m. n0el0,T P,TMl CHAW.ES RAY in "llir; iiuHtlt-.K DI Al TO OER&VNTOWN AVE. KlMLi 1 J AT TULPEHOCKEN HALE HAM.LTON Hi "-nl:'-,i "AFTER HIS OWN HEART" DT 1RV MARKET ST .BELOW 7TII KUD I tO A, IV to 11:111 p, u. JANE nRB,ln ' "WHEN MY SHIP O.MES IN" CAXnV ,2U MARKET .STREET OAVUI 8 A. M TC MIDNIQHT OEOROE WALSH li, 4 "HELP. HELP. POLIC, " STANLEY J.fSVgPJS.S?", M. MARY PICKFORD In "DADDY LONG LEQS" ViT'TfPi'lA MARKET 8T. AU. 8TII V ! I - I UrUM. 0 A. M. to 11 1B R? 11 THEDA HARA In "THE SIREN'S SONQ" V When in Atlantic City WM n:4tr, NORMA TALMADGK In "THE. NEW MOON" FIFTY AMERICAN ATHLETES SAIL FOR FRANCE TOMORROW Uncle Sam Will Have Strongest Aggregation in Inter-Allied Meet to Be Staged in Paris Men There Now Could Win Without Any Help Hy THD MKItKDITII World's Greatest Mlridle-DMannt Runner rpHE track team that Is to represent the army lu the" Inter-Allied meet In I'nris will leave New Yock tomorrow on boaid the American. Fifty athletes have been picked to make this trip, who, together with the men held in Krance, will oppose themselves. The other gov ernments will have teams entered, but thnt is about all we can say for them. France, vvitii ,"S per cent of her young men killed or wounded, will put a sorry looking team against the Americans. Andre, a sprinter and hurdler, Is the only one they hnve that can compare to the boys on our team, nnd I doubt if he really can place. Donaldson in Sprints Kngland will send Donaldson, its pro fessional sprinter, and this man no doubt will beat our men, but he seems to lip tlioir nnlv lionc Whnt flip rest luivo 1 do not know, but it is safe to say thuht they have uot produced any great men ' SHAW ELECTED CAPTAIN Star Middle Distance Runner Lead Columbia Trackmen New York, .lime SI. Charles to I .r. Shaw, who scored Columbia's only points in the intercollegiate champion ship meet at Cambridge on Saturday, was elected jesterday captnin of the Illue and White team for next season. Shaw is a junior in the college. Shortly after his election he nnnounced that because of u summers position which he had obtained it would be im possible for him to go to France as a member of the military athletic team. KENNEL CLUB TO MEET AltJToy Association Holds First Con ference Tonight The first meeting of the recently or ganized All-Toy Club will he held to night at the Hotel Itiugham. All those interested in the small breeds arc in vited to attend the meetiug. The membership is limited to 10(1 before the charter closes. Therefore, those intending joining the club nre re quested to get in on the band wagon. &AT THfi MAM - . 7E MtH IS 2VfoKIHG- 3o -t)z .citctReTTE? Taste Good? cC: IfthetyYe Ifiey do more TH&tt Let's Go, Boys Today at Shibe Park Athletics vs. New York Sfs hard hitlers In duel. Marts 3.30 P. M. Tickets, 30c, B.V. aSr and SI. HI. Reserved at tilmbrls' und Simldlnies', PHI)Tl)PU'h THEATRES OWNED AND MANAGED BY MEMBERS OF THE UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION BELMONT wu AUOVB "A"41 MARGUERITE CLARK tn "LITTLE MISS HOOVER" t CFDAR C0TH AND CKDA'1 AVENUE TAYIX3II HOLMES In 'A REGULAR FELLOW" ( rVM ICCf IKI MARKET BETWEEN ,.-LL113t.UM ROTH AND OOTH SPECIAL INCH CAST In "THE MIDNIGHT PATROL" "M" MI A I Otn. & Msplewood Avs L.UL,W1ML, 2:ir. sni S:15 P. M J. W KERRIGAN In "THE END OF THE GAME" EUREKA 40TII A MARKET STS. MTINEB DAILY SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "A HEART IN- PAWN" FRANKFORD mB ZERD NORMA TAI.MADOE In "THE PRORATION WIFE" JEFFERSON -'utsjtsani!,at.adaV!? SHIRLEY MASON In 'THE UNWRITTEN CODE" 45th ANNUAL AUCTION SALE IMPORTED JERSEY CATTLE "Linden Grove," Coopersburg, Pa. Thursday, June 5, 1919 CATALOGS FURNISHED AT SALE T. S. COOPER & Established 1874. , Coopersburf Is 00 miles west ot Ketr. York and 48 miles north of Phllsdslphli. Visitors from Is'tsr York uts Ihltb Ysllej or Central 11, IC of New Jersey to Allen. town, Pa theoee bT Leblsb Talle Traction line to the "Unden Qtots" , nti. rnm Philadelphia take P, A It. steam can or Lthlth Taller Traction cars at S9th St. autioi. fast electric (rslo. hourly stop rifbt at the ''Linden Orote" atablea. EASILY BEACHED BT MOTOK SPLENDID BOADS during the war, when they could not do so for un Olympic contest It really will come down to n meet between the United States army men, which will be a tine thing for the l''rench spectators but not very con soling to know thnt the United States i so much better than they in sports. No Trainer The team will go without a trnincr, nnd there will be no one to take care of them in the way of giving them at tention after they have been training. The men will linvc to do all the training they do on their own hook, nud the re sults of this lnck of care will make them a sorry crowd when they arrive in France, However, they can win. In fact, the team in France now could do so without their help, so the result in the cud will be the same. Hut it Is a shame that they could not have made the trip right, now thnt they finally team. have decided to send a Pcclc Given Five Passes in Five Trips to Plate Hoger I'rchinpnugh, the Yankees' great shortstop, got back in the game yesterday at l'liihulelphiu, after a ten days' absence due to a sprained back, and proceeded to go after rec ords right nway. l'eck toed the plate five times in the first game of the double-header and drew live passes to first. He wasn't "at bat once in the contest, and jet he scored two runs for his team. K. 0. LOUGHLIN SCORES K. 0. To Box Jack Brltton Twenty Rounds at Tulsa, Okla., for Title July 4 Tulsa, Olilit., June .'!. K. O. Lough - line, of South Itetlilehem, knocked out Johnny Celnmrs, of Toledo, O., in ten rounds here lust night. Loughlin meejs .luck Itrittou here July I twenty lounds for the title. Cfiestetfielcls WLI.IAM A. C s:th and llroun Sts. ii r.n.ii r,i r,.vi.ii, Ji'.r. Jif t'DOLK.ST fl.llll IN THE CI1 Y LAItm II.VNsl.N (. JOT. PHILIPS 4 OTHER STAR HtHITS I' A. Mlllt I A OPKN-AIK ARENA llurns & leenev. .nrrs. i kii. Ave. I'liinnrln ! GUAM) OlMlMNt. ALL-STAR TALENT riviui i,i r.vi.vii, Ji.'vn bill .1 WIMII'W r. PIIOTOPiaVK JUMBO ft T al A. uiUAHU AVE. JHIitlliin mi Frunkfurd "f. i.ii.v 1..14 111 PUPPY LOVE" I OH ?T B-D ANt LOCUST STREETl' UUV-UO 1 Mats 1 -30. 3 :1D Evgs. 0:3u to 11 DOROTHY II ALTON In "THE LADY OF RED RUTTU" NIXON MD AND MARK5T,58T73 VIVIAN MARTIN 'lil ' "THE HOME TOWN GIRL" and I PARrf BIDOB AVE i DAUPIUN SI rrtrr. Mat 2:1.1 En. 0;I5 to 11. I.ILA LEE In "RUSTL1NO A BRIDE" RIrI 1 MD AND SANBOM 8T8. tlVVJL,l Matlnw DaU. ALICE JOYCE In "THE THIRD DEGREE" CTR ANjn GERMANTOWN AVE. vJ 1 I-iNL AT VENANGO ALICE JOYCE In "THE THIRD DEQREE" WEST ALLEGHENY 2&5 CONSTANCE TAI.MADOE In "IU1MANCE AND AHAI1KLLA" SONS Coopersburr, Lehlrb C.. Pa. i f . Looking at Truck Tires from the Ground Up A worm's eye vjew of a Solid Rubber Truck Tire sustaining a load of a thousand pounds or more, rolling over average roadways would show more distortion and disten tion of the rubber t& than the average ' truck owner thinks possible. In a great measure, all , rubber looks and acts. 'I alike until you bend, pull and flex it out of shape, and what happens then is just this: New, vibrant, properly toughened rubber will "come back," return to its normal .shapejheavilyloaded, logy, inert rubber won't. Result a lumping condition in Tires that invites un-, due wear and tear. The even wear of GOODRICH DE LUXE SOLID RUBBER TRUCK TIRES is prover bial. They rarely, if ever show any tendJ. ency to nick, cn'PP off or disintegrates generally. We sell and apply DeLuxc Truck Tires r. Goodrich Rubber Co., 319 N. Ilroud tit. Atlantic Tire and Rubber Co., 1414 Mt. Vernon St. Foss-IIiiBhea Co., 21st and Market Sts. Klmer narber, 1127 Lund Title Hide. Service Stations! 1.13-i Ludlow Nt., and S310 E. Cumberland St. M $ Ati m 'SSM M :m Jr " ria tm n ,i --.- 'Ar V -V Mi. m m V.l l r 1 -I v is 98A . .42 -.s A INWtl teaser. M,l 'THE UNCHAWTBNJfiO VfOMMT' THE' NEW MOON' ., i i. h . . x. 'A, .. --V If, i- vv' ',-, It . jf 't ' i. fi .1- -T . i ll'-v'- 1U .J- ". - 1 tf tfi" ft 'J' .r ,.- .,.. r. -t --, m w t -v w et j-, i ' ' ", ' ft '