tWi&V SjTp ?TS7 T rrmWFiffip rr- friS w; jTljrefl' I "'ii ! h- lw hi j c ' .. - II - ,1 EVENING PUBEK? LEDGERr-PHIIiADEEPHIA-, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919 (p .Wirt PROCLAIM ANGELES MEXICO PRESIDENT Brilliant General's Participation in Revolt Believed to Menace Carranza Gravely U. S. BARS TROOP PASSAGE By the Associated Press Washington, Mny 30. Villa forces have proclaimed General Felipe Angeles provisional president of Mexico, and Villa himself secretary of war. The move, coming at the climax of military operations considered by the Carranza government so serious that it has asked the United States for permis sion to move troops through Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, is regarded tre as reflecting a situation more seri ous in Mexico than any since the tri umph of Carranza forces over Villa three years ago. Viewed in connection with the, activities of the Felicista forces In southern Mexico the situation is re garded as full of possibilities.' Angeles' reported first- proclamation announcing that Americans in Mexico would be protected Is particularly inter esting to officials here, coming as It does on the heels of the refusal of the State Department to grant Carranza's request that he be allowed to move troops through American territory for the pur pose of protecting Americans in, Chi huahua. Acting Secretary Polk announced to day he had notified the Mexican govern ment he could .not grant Ihe request made unless nssuranccs could he given that Americans would be afforded pro tection while the troops were In transit. That this could not be done had been admitted previously by the Mexican au thorities. Governor Hobby, of Texas, declined to authorize the pntsage of Mexican troops through Texas without guarantors of protection to Americans and so notified the State Department. Felipe Angeles is well ' kuouu to American officinls through his services to the French government during the Eu ropean war as inspector of munitions in the United States. lie is held In high esteem by the French government and was considered by the United States government, at the time of the Niagara Falls conference, the best selection for the Mexican presidency. Angeles' eminence as an artillerist, well known to the French military forces, brought about his engagement by France as inspector of munitions in this country during the war. It was pointed out by nn official of the State Department that "Angeles brought brains .and ability to the nntlj Carranza movement," which is now considered tho roost serious the present Mexican government has had to face. lie has been consistent, it wns said, and Is fighting now for tho Mime principles ho fought for at the start the restora tion of the constitution of 1857. tfogalu, Ariz., May .10. (By A. P.i Regardless of the announcement from the state department at Washington to day that Mexican troops from Sonorn would not be permitted nt present to cross American territory en route to Juarez, Mexican federal troops were re ported last night to be mobilizing at Kpatme, Sonorn, for shipment in Bftnd through this port. Un Finale Accordo Sulla Quos- tione di Fiumee delPAdri- atico Imminente ruhllshfd Anil Uniltr TUnMlT NO. 341 Authorized bv the net of October 6. 101T. on tile at the l'osturflco ot rhllu delphlu. Pa. Hy order ot the rreldnt A H HUH1.KSOJ. rostmaster General Parigi, HO innggto. I.'On. Vittotio nimtnuele Orlando. Presldente del Con siglio del Mlni'tri c Capo delln Dclegn- zloue Itnllaun nllu Conferenzn della Puce, c' stato clilnmnto tiuestn mattfha dul Presldente Wilson alio scopo dl conferirc sopra I dcttngli riguardantl la slstermnzione dl Flume c delln questlonc relative all'Adrlatico. SI npprende chc un nccordo rnpltln mento portern' la soluzlone dellc ques tion! riguardantl' le nsplrnzloul del- I'ltnllti alia fuse finale. II Concllio del quattro oggl non terra' tiuntonefi per dar tempo chc posiano cvere trndotte lc contronropostc pre- seutate iulln Oermanla ni termini di pace degll Allcatl. c per dur tempo al rappresentnnti delle poteuze minor), in teressate, di esamlnarc 1 termini per In pace con I' Austria. II eorrlspondHite dl uno del plu' nutorevoll glnrnall americani di New York ha hfpedito nl suo glornnlc II seguente tplegrnmiim ! Parlgl. 'JO inngglo. Contrnriamcnte nl inpportl chc un ngglustamento sulle question! rillcttentl Fiume c l'Adriatlco sia stato ragglunto, la sltunztoue ltal- iana c nuovamcute tllvcnuta serin, dovuta alia Irrcmovlblllta' del presl dente Wilson. Scmbrn chc touto l'lnghllterra, quanto la Krancla cousld erano it problcna itallano cosi' serio da costitulrc una dellc ragionl del rltnrdo per la prcsentazlonc del trattato dl pace all'Austrla. Durante tutta la nottc dl mnrtedi' fu! tenuta una riunlone per vederc dl ronipcrc la ferma attltudlne del rappre sentanti dcll'Itnlla cd II Presldente Wil son offri' di concederc ogli Itnlinnl un plebiscito per la parte di tcrritorlo aus trlnco clip egll aveva ad essi rltiutato. II Presldente consctiti' clip Alpl dell' Istrla formassero 11 confine orlentalc dell'Italiu, mil a, cottdlzionc clip un plebiscito dovesse detertnlnarc II futuro delle popolazionl ad orieutc della spiirtiacqtie della linca voluta dagll Italian!. II President? Wilson nvrebbc dldiiiirato cite egll non cousentirn' di ilnre popolazloni secondo II trnttato di i.ontira. senza cnu prima qiteste non sluiio state (otiHtiltntc e se un plebliscito' Itallnnn all Hotel Edward VII, c' stato sara' airettat queslo dovrobbe eicrc Mistlnto per gruppl IOn, Orlando, d'necordo con gll nltri della drlegazlonp Itnlliiun, apiinrente mento rifiutnrono di nccettarc 11 sug gerlmcnto. Gil itallann hnnno fntto pre scnte chc II Presldente Wilson noil lui applicato I'ldea del plebisritn a mllionl ll tedescnl, mpiitre ttislstp die slit np plicata per le asplrnzloni Itnlinne. Al quartier gpnernlc della Delcgnzionc detto clip tirsMin nggliKtatncnto e' stato raggiunto stilln qiicMIoup ill Flump e della Dnlimtziii. e do' (ontrnriamente n quanto si diceia nri ell coll nmci icnill, die tale ngglustntnento era stato rag gitfnto. 1uuica declslone rli gli Itnlinnl co nocnnu sia statu fnltn nl Conslglio del Qunttro fu clip lu ilefinizioue .delle frou tiere tra 1'AustWn n I'ltnlin rnniprcn dpit 1'applicnzione del plebiM'ltn. W. H. Wanamaker Buys Pro Settlement was made today qrp th propertj nt l'JI" lit t'hcstnlit W?, which was purchased by William" ill1 Waunmnker, .lr . from llrymnnii &j Ilro., whojatpntly ''ought It from (iifl'' Thompsotwstate. Mr. Wanamaker w i, rpptesented by .John C B. Morley, Thoifvi price wns not diK'Iosed, but the prop-y erty had been held at $000,000. ' ! Can You SwiMf -4 KEEP COOT ha-ay and well Our biff hundred tbounand gallon tank f filtered, sterilized constantly chanrlntt water Is just the Blue for vour req reMtlnn. Trv It, Mk m bfibit of t fntr1 Hrnnrh V. M. C A. 1451 Arch Stmt TODAY Devon Horse Show and Country Fair PONY DAY Admiion, 50c; Grandstand, $1. FENT0N LABEL CO.. INC. y GUMMED 3 LABELS Phone 506-512 RACE ST. Market 103S. Main 14 MIlll' 'ii:iiiiui'ir,w mil' laimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiy mm inwig Three New Limousines Selling Price $3200 Will Be Sold At -Attractive Price. to Responsible party: liberal terms: fine equipment for funeral use or private rental, C21 . . I.EDGKB OFFICE 'fflihjiiiiiii:!i)'iiiii!!!ii!ii!,iiiti(i;iii!i,;iiEiiiiiiriii;iiii!''i,iJiiiiii:i!i8aiiiiiiiii Jjn&kittgtdon Every inch of space we can get is needed for Jtfew Cars we are re ceiving almost daily. It is imperative that we sell these very at tractive, good class of USED CARS Lexington Convertible Sedan; 7 passenger; re built and refinished ; $1500. . Lexington 7-passenger touring car; surpmer and winte'r tops ; $1800. Lexington 5-passenger touring; splendid condi tion ; 900. A number of other 'makes at attractive prices., v Lexington. Motor Car Co. of PenmrlTBtila The Wanamaker Store Is Closed This Patriotic Holiday The Heroes of the Civil War &memm9Mmsm,vk ' iUHry . JKw&b&s LI X jWwbM Will 1 fflXKvlr .r xatfc yk llmtl mgh sign ! Ql mMy M. No-17 Jne !P pN HraX'HiwBWiPffllH Wp; 'KlllK I (iff flrlMliil !V ti .- m am "Phil" Sheridan U. S. Grant W. T. Sherman Oh, no! the ball-parks don't hold all the fans nowadays! Here we see an Orlando fan a rooting, walking delegate for the Grand Order of the goodly smoke. He is giving you the O Hand Sign "O, hand me an Orlando when it comes to cigars." He just can't help rooting for Orlando. When you join up, you'll understand why he's so enthusiastic and you, too, will become a Royal Rooter. Philadelphia, Germantown and Valley Forge Will Keep Solemnly and Gratefully This May Day Memorial it f( taHB , Vfl ,1 I whIIiiV -Jj jjfcr nirim Cihwih JKe Sign of a Good Cigar .V Is it the mildness? Is it the mellowness? Is it the rich bouquet? that makes Orlando such a delightful smoke? Those are questions . no one tries 'to answer. Every member of that? great mystic brotherhood, the Order of Orlando, says that Nature holds the secret of the real charm of this cigar. But don't let this 'satisfy you join the Order of Orlando and draw your own conclusion. R. E. Lee of the noble men who came from Log Cab ins, from farms and workbenches, col leges and churches, and fought out on land and sea the troubling questions of the eighteen-six-ties and settled them forever. However great the discord and tumult overseas on the way to peace, J'' mBhH dHHPKU.1SbHiB'VbBHIH MflBllXnv trfM WMmmBsM r '; "Stonewall" Jackson L In Our Goodly Country only good will and permanent peace abide. We will look into the faces of the heroes and veteran leaders of the Civil War. By the memory of our conscien tious and illustrious .generals let us pledge ourselves to be faithful to the duties and responsibilities of the hour, and patiently and helpfully work out the problems to bring and bind the world together in a Brotherhood of Peace that cannot be broken. As an old pious Scotch woman put it in her own vernacular: "The Lord's aye to the fore!" A wreath to the old soldiers at rest and a happy day to the young soldiers who have come back home! Signed May 30, 1910. Im M m Invincible size, 2 for 27c Box of 25, $3.2550, $6.50 r Orlando comes in ten sizes 10c to 15c. Little Orlando 6c. Ten sizes enable us to use a fine grade of tobacco without ' waste the secret of high quality at low prices. i Orlando is sold only in United Cigar 'Stores " Thank you! ' UNITED CIGAR STORES M lip VTreen y 11 . -- mm Overbrook, I'. ,.(-, Un H m.''kil " "lH Overbrook, r f' vb. WMzHi Treen WEKm 1 Imp 11' SM rrrHIS charming home, at Green Hill, commanding a view of the surrounding country,-'$M X will appeal to any one seeking an exclusive residential section near Philadelphia. A new' home, never occupied, and .now Demg reaecoraiea ana rcnnisnca inrougnoui. i Five other beautiful homes now under construction, plans of which may be seen at our office. Close to churches and schools. Golf and country clubs nearby. Twenty minutes by motor through Fairmount Park. I nt paction hy appointment, Morris Wood, Manager, 64th' & CJf.I J VS a "M 5 n m mSm HL 4I T f'l.i ll' 'i'i mtmi mmmmimim ppe mfmmmtmm tlj:r , hv nfvT iJ 4- .4, -5