i PHILADELPHIA FRIDAY" 'MAY " 30, i9iiT ' " "" ' " ' ' A J ' .1.. , . VI sJ? t Throng at Devon Show :Navy ' 'Eight" Here for " Henley ":Philadelphiatis iif 'SW Arrive 'mm B' Hs" f ? ? . ..... " ' TN , 7TT ' RPv - r' n 6 ( 'y iT- F7 PT -f-? '- r tikc ' r-iyjt tj'.i;irK's'-"'"'i) V tSll'tei'iTVt .-t r i .a v-'f ;. 1, v?i-w?"cs x'y'iA i ftySyc1 jsag. liSSfe ?5i--s??'lis' y ifi ti ij fciitT-Lr Ja " w!-t'tte3' -''ffl- i Kr1 wilvsSswi'-' s 1 . lltfclkPVo Ylviyr M i t K, Bi?t'o. ' ' t Mt? tHMsfif-'?viHft$V ;'jlv 5SjjJttr'MiM.S'i ; S-iffc! '; iiM&1m "' ll .Jp'S?! &v4fPirv3 f 'vf'V &9'i i BF''V Mfti' ' !! &v . f'-lH f ' vv $$$$$$$ ?vM B 2MB)- RjiT'' ' -lvJv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plf '"i4&?i& 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J'iH r '" B-Hflf''. IV Ts ' M-l: 1- I BPMp ; -aty-' r ffi i BBB'-rj--- M BKj&l&J&e ' ' i't't ' t 1 'V ' '' ' ' ' '-C -' 'HbHlBHlt ;' MKSFJfe&r?iYf ' f 4A VISITORS AT DEVON'S HAPPY VILLAGE. Miss Mary Glcndinninc, Miss Eleanor o Robb, Miss Paulina Bell, Mrs. B. Dobson Altcmus, Miss Ellen Glendinning, Miss W MmlBSmMmSKSKIIm ' -V Mary Norris and Miss Gertrude Conaway. " MpPaiBpppMHM ;' BPIIIP? ' KS ; ,------------------- xTfhiiwiiy M-Y- QipbjTi3inpo---i 1 r! jt f T'. )'.";" . .: ' "r5Tf neb x . . t y . . t tef t THE NAVAL ACADEMY crews arrived in Philadelphia yesterday from Annapolis. In the varsity crew above arc: Crawford, coxswain; Ingram, stroke; Harris, Repplier, Ballreich, Skinner, Graff, Graves, and Sanborn, bow. In the distance are the second varsity and the lightweights crew. THE GOOD SHIP Wanatcheo left the ways of the Now York Shipbuilding Company at Camden recently, christened with cider pressed from apples grown in tlje State of Washington. Mrs. Harry B. Jones, daughter-in-law of United States Senat6r W. L. Jones, of Washington, was the sponsor. HONORING the QueeiTof May at the Walnut .Lane 'ScH661,"Germantown. "Ebyal4" Meets of Queen Mav dancinir the minuet before her highness at vesterdavs pageant. A teaturo of the iesuvai was the playing 01 Tennyson's "The su spring Foresters" 'by students of the school. Y ! hSjBIHSsI jkhHHv v ffi' $" irTk'y,xi ," JBL ' '.$t ' HHHflHBBHHHHHRBBB9HnBHHvflHH K-IH B3-r. 'y ' K . j - t. GfcNEBAlJOSEPH E. KUHN, :omrandr offt,SevetV.ninth Divfsion.who arrived , ,I,Py"'yw yMRtiMFyV--'-llILt.l,P.LI i HUM . JE .- --1 ..JSi-BaHHr... .v, 'i.rf .JfitwEaftiSiwafafJilS?. . - . V 'i ,'v. ; il.'-, ". a.t.A m."- ' : ',-; ',' -r " - - 4m v Vtf - . . -, ikJO-." V if t -JbSHBI K-IWfw'iiMMr PHILADELPHIA? infantrymen' in- thet3ith, who' arrivedyeterily' HSnydiBri t "?i -' Y-rftfm"'Tfiii f Iffrfcnrttffif -m" Mcvrikd ikxm imtt itttm !iV. avenue on jftt'e 2r ,flhtin4W .'Of' .!. -W'1