wv "ft" "n( -, l1l 115' "J c V V EVJSjffifG P0BL1C LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919 ,'. - srniNO nrsoRTB spring nr.soRvs srntxo mcsoni-n BrWXO RESORT APHtONDACKS, N. urniMi resorts XIMRONIIACKS. N. V. hprino resorts NA1 rprino resorts' I'ANADA nrRiNfi resorts Ml wn.iiwmm WH.mvonn ADIRONDACK,".' N. CANADA "'jSi tfxWr I It IS X rV r r4. Veterans of three wars will make next Friday a remark able Memorial Day at Wildwood By-the-Sea and Wildwood Crest Come and spend a delightful week-end I iBHp with its All Capo May County will turn out to honor its sons who served in the world war and who will hold their first reunion on May 30. Parade of veterans, patriotic societies and school children on the Boardwalk. s, Special celebration on the beach, includlnR crowning of the May Queen, May Pole Dance, Folk Dances by HighSchool girls and launching of the Floral Boat in honor of our sailor dead and in greeting to our returning heroes who are now on the high seas homeward bound. Address to veterans of the Civil War, Spanish War and the great' World War by Hon. Giflford Pinchot,' formerly Chief Forester of the United States. All of these events absolutely free to the public. Full of historical interest and spectacular entertainment. Opening of Rhoads' Amusements, Wildwood's great new $200,000 entertainment enterprise, including Jack Rabbit Coaster, Old Mill, Merry-Go-Round, Whip and other high-class amusements. This is really one of the big features of the Atlantic coast. Good train scrvico on both Reading and Pennsy. Special $1.35 excursion trains next Friday, giving a long day at the shore. Last train leaves Wildwood on the Pennsy at 6.33 P. M., on the Reading at 9.15 P. M. For beautifully illustrated booklet and full particulars, write today to W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Secretary Board of Trade, Wildwood, N. J ASni'BV I'AltK. N. .1. AbiJiCterlf I SPEND DECORATION DAY HERE There is a freshness and charm in these opening days of summer at the Seashore that should be yours for the Decoration Day week-end, four days of rest and healthful recreation with as much entertainment thrown in as may be "desired; two miles of boardwalk promenade; numerous gay grills, tea rooms, theatres and interesting shops; ocean bathing; golf, tennis, sailing; automobiling through wonder ful lolling back country; many hotels, luxurious and mod erate priced ones, with rates to suit all. Write City Publicity Bureau for Further Information and Literature. 1 llt'KilX CITY. N. J. . OCE.IN CITV. N. J. The Sjummer Goal of Every Wise Vacationist, Whatever His Age or Taste Tiir: rotiNO pkopi.k know that dellchtful nnn the tompny concenlal. THK OI.DKIt KOI.lv know that the "the beat eer ' Anil the list or amusementa unlimited. WlllLl-: THK KJDD1ES know that there la fun every minute In Ocean City. Hotels and boardlne housea offer every comfort'and convenience that cari be deslrtd. FREE CONCERTS DAILY Choice cottages and bungalows for aala or rent, furnished or unfurnished. Attractive liullillnc sites, for sate. ,,,.... Excellent train service, via Pennsylvania Itallroad. both ateam and electric lines, or Philadelphia and Heading Railway. 11.25 round-trip excursions on Readlne rtallway every ttunday. The new automobile bridge from Somers Point shortens route from Philadelphia tu Oc'can City by aeveral miles. For llonl.lel. Auto Kernel Mop and further Information Write HARRY A. MORRIS, City Clerk, Ocean City, N. J. New Jersey fltate Summer Fchool for Teachers Located at Ocean City. For details write T. D. Sensor. Department of Public Instruction, Tren ton. N J THE BREAKERS Only Boardwalk hotel. K. A. YOUNG, Mgr. MJl? tTkltPPN Directly on beach front. 1 HIli ViUI-Iiit jmoklet. L. J. Rustall. Melrose 14th & Asbury Ave. near Board walk. . J. J. VAN TINE. AH! 1NOTON 4,(1 Wesley Ave. IHcel. AK1-J1,IVJH-'" lent table. n.M.HBIM. WII.HWOtin. N. .1. i, Wildwood Manor gjP yoo, I. fresh and- aalt water In hatha! running V1 Mater: hot anu coiq, in ueurooma; eiactria .levator.! tennl.court. etc. Opens Jun, ST. wio- '" s rfjuauIV( outir k & tff1M1 Vrtvir rinsrl VfiP laaann rtt liltfl ?" 1 W jKtt name courteous iraii V -mnt will 1a estfndr1 to our patrons. Cap. L Ssol A. McMUnKAY.OwiwrfcProprlMor. NEW SHELDON SMwr. , 31u. Kiev.; private baths; rooms en .suite; r 'bklt. AUtO. tJ. J. ffWJa, own mil, wnffopen. lA" OAl'B MV. N. J. I'V NEWS1UUMUN VLLA "rxrertlv on Beach. Prlvato baths. Ileaton- hla terms June. 8. 8. DAVIS. OCEAN nttOVP,. N. J. HOTEL MAJESTIC DIRECTLY ON THE BEAM Elevator aervlce; excellent cuisine, NEW PHILADELPHIA Ocean Pathway and lleaeh Bumnean plan. Clement A Clement. The Waverly 10 Ocean Pathway, near Beach. New nininntut. i Culila unaurpasaeu, touvt JJrJJ5LjEIl -.flia Whltnald Fireproof! overlooking; ocean. Most select centrally loca'd hotel In Oceaa azreva. Chaa. V. Merman, Prop, and Mar. Brian Ilooae. 72 Main At., Mr. Beach. Prlv. itj-tennla. crooutt) booklet. I. C. Duncan. :' '. iiKAi, iiKAcii, vTj. tsi Al..L.i. '.Siu j - 'J ".' ,n . manr aiwommodatiaas t P i swsswpaj, 4j ,ML HM' Mmw. ,K -jfjajpEfflc ASntlBV PAR K . N. J. the bathing: la crand. the Boardwalk oreeiea are cool. the fishing and sailing J BEACH nATEN. N. J. Nearest Seashore ResorttoPhiladelphia II The Peer of Seaside and Bayside Resorts on an Island between Atlantic Ocean and Itarnegat Bay. An Ideal rendesvnus for thoae seeklnr Rest. Reereatlon and Health. SAFEST SURF 11ATIIINO Deal bnrf and liar Ftthlnx SAILINO, IIOATINU CRADIIINO One of 3 places In United Statea IMMUNE TO 1IAY FEVER A perfect summer playground (or children. Furnished rottaree and Bungalow. Now Itentlnr Numerous Hotels and Hoarding Houses. Finest automobile rpsda and new bridge connecting with mainland: Reached via Penna. It. R. For Tlooklct of Beach Haven Aaaress jiorougn Cleric, THE ENGLESIDB Opens June sn. Capacity 300 R. F, Knglt. Manager, TIIE ST. RITA Now open. Can. fin. B. A. peas n. Can. fin. K. i TIIE DRRAKER8 too. V. A AUS Capacity Austin, Mgr. .I.W.IIerrr.'Leadlnc Real Kt ll.n' Kills Parker. Tach'g'Ft.h'lt Tartlea uruni & t,rnuiurr onira. The llreakera. .Children's paradise: bathing. boat'E. fishing: booklet. V. ,A, Austin Mgr. AYON.nV.THK-BEA Hotel Buckingham 1 i MINUTES FROM ASBUKY PARK In thlirt 9fw Jersey. r)eaur.a rieiti p&'uf .Juf.; 'LPItinflB.JhJtifi Jf'riut, ficnrix uaucm SI lfHFBslSu ILJ A Where Health, Rest and New. Vigor May Always Be Found MOUNTAIN TOP and wooded valley, ruhlnKtremi nd placid lakes, everything that brines Joy to the heart of the lover ol nature and out-door life art here in prolusion. The central altitude of the Adirondack. It net surpassed by anr rtnmiit or the Rockies, great peaks like Ta hawue towering Into the air for mort than a.mlle. The popular take reaortt are from 800 to lOuo feeA abort lea leeel. The toll It sandy and porout. Htra It perfect lm munltr from hay fever. The roadt are stood, the drlees enchanting. Wonderful Camping faellltlet, where all the dellghta of pure, untpolled nature mar be enjoyed. 'GOLF TENNIS FIStlINO HUHT1NO DATHINO SAIL1NO MOTORINO MOTOR-BOATINO DR1VINO, BTC. Modern hsttlt andhotrdlna-houtet, full equipped with everr mod ern eomfort and convenience. Booklet! and Information upon requett i any vi (iiv igngwini noivil. J7aenu Paul Smlth't Hotel 300 Paul Smith', If. 1 Leland Hotel 120 Sehroon 2jkt, If, V. Stevene Hotel 300 LaU Placid. If. Y. Hampton Hotel ISO Albany, N. Y. HotelChamplaln ISO Bluff Point, N. Y. Marlon Hotel 175 ljk Gtore. If. Y. Au Ssble Chttm Htl. I2S AuSatleOuum,lf.Y. Hotel Wlndtor 120 'Ki&iA(oicm. W. Y. Orandvlew Hotel 104 f-ake Placid. AT. 1'. Flanagan Hotel 100 Malont. N. Y. Weitportlan 100 HVifrwrt. If. V. Witherlll Hotel IS rfal(r. If. Y. Lake Placid Inn ' ieJte Itarld, If. 1'. Deer'a Heed Inn 75 t.lizcbtlktcwn, If. Y. Renteclaertnn 1CT Troy. If. Y. Warden Hotel ISO Saratoga Spring. If. Y, Rehd via JYaar York CenfratLniee Deaarareano lioqton Ktilrotd am Hudson mm m I.AUK llnPATCONn. N. 4. XySexJi oiS-rvs-c y, fa'JtescrJbrwrJrj NEAREST MOUNTAIN RESORT toNEWWRK ONLY 95 MILES FROM PHILADELPHIA LAKE HOPATCONG, nestling in the mountains 1000 feet 'above sea level, offers an ideal combination of mountains and water that cannot be equaled in any other resort. Ideal climatepure mountain air, no mosquitoes, flies or malaria. Excellent fresh water bathing, canoeing, rowing, motor boating, fishing, etc. Only 45 mllea from New York ("an be reached by the r., L. A W. n. R. or the. Central Jl. R, of N. J. flood raotorlnr over the finest roads In New Jeraey. The fallowlnc hliti-eUaa hotU ajiit home-like hoanllnr liousee offer every modern comfort unit convenience, and will quota ratea, eta., upon application. 1'. O. Mt. Arllmton, i P. n. .ake N. Hotel Capacity Alamac-ln-the-Mla. (formerly Breslln). . 4nn Lalce View House . l!f0 Mt Arlington Hotel. ".I Hotel Caslle Edward Hryant villa Hotel Ellsv.orth Sunnvalde . . . California Lodge Pchaffer's Hotel ... rm Oreen Croft Inn The Woodstock .. fiiM l.ee'a Hotel . The noulevard .... BO Oreat Cove Houe Villa Von Campe . 50 l The Rspanonir All hotels are located 01 Fnr Booklet LAKE HOPATCONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Landlnc P. ).. N. J. OTTO PKTER9, President HAnnV J. BOWDE.V Sicretnr iiNjtKc MOUNTAI'IS. MTAniINGTON.H.J. otv LAKE HOPATCONG Qrrrules ifonvPiuladclpKia. rvostnivg xr oaiitif ulLywoodccl no(xntairs OPENING DECORATION DAY EVERY RECREATION Superlative Fiskiruj &.Ba.lraivg Fa.nvocxs La.tzccllaor Grille.. Mack Latz Co. ASnUnV I'ARK. N. J. NEW MONTEREY HOTEL The Ideal Rttort Hotel OPENING JUNE 28 Directly on Ocean. AU ouUMe rooms; hot and cold salt water In bathroom!. NEW MOXTERKY GRIM, K.uirely new tervlo a la cart and danelng" 1 arrest and. moat liaautlful on the Jaraey coatt. Ideal for motor!. KIIKBMAN DENNIff, Manager Nevr York ome, 8 Weat 40th St. MrHonnell A Company Member! New York Stork Kxrhsnire phnn VanrerNlt n,oi North. Asbtxry Park N.J. METRPROUTAN asuil.1 irtsn New, Modern Hotel of Concrete Conalruc tlon. NOW UPE.N , . Ideally located. Luxurious suites, private baths. Running hot and cold water In all rooms. Music. Accommodates 800. O. A- M. .1. NORWIItll) The Fenimore Srond Amine Atburr Pai".. On P. lock to lnch and Natiitortum istuAii nutiii no Roomft ISO RefurnUherti eleator: prlvat bathi rooms with or without runnlnur water: whlt rv Ice; rapacity, 2!n, Htraat Maaf. Troiw. Thune H2t Asbury, Ilookltt. H CHESTER, f HOTEL FRANKLIN AND COTTAOEM The House of Hospitality. Extensively lm proved. Open May'.'8. O. BTHOUD. FATONIA " th " " Beach. tnJXU"lrt Kxcel. cuisine: whit, serv Ice. Apply for ratea. B. STOt'FLBrr. VlfTORIA Third Avenue. Overlooklnc VlUlUIVin ocoan R.nned clientele, nklt. on request. BUTTON k SUTTON. THE MADISON rlnnset are, Lake. oierlokln Ocean and Rnnaet F.TJOD.MAN HAWK. IXINOPOBT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN I-ONfirOBT. N, J. REOPENS JUNE 2IST Directly on the ocean front. An Ideal family liutel In comfort and aurrnundlnga at moderate ratea. !Q mini, bv trolley or auto from 'Atlantic, City. Hklt, John C. Coaster, ' ' mm iWtkrmil Sfc ISrHACUSC Room Room Rlvertlde Inn 73 Saramae IjtktiN. Y. Fort Wm. Henrvlltl.70 Lai Gioree, N. Y. Cumberland Hotel 6S 11lltbrp. AT. Y. Lake Harris Hotl ta Ifrweotnh. If. Y. Ondawa Hotel 41 Scares Lake. N. Y. Drown Swan Club 35 Scarrwn lake. N. Y. McCollom'a Hotel 25 MeColtom. tf. Y. Ye Waytlde Inn i M Luttrnr. w. 1. River fiifht Lino Bot. I, AUK IIOPATCONfl. N. .1. llopatconc, J. P. O. Lake HopatconK. I . J. ( apacliv Hotel Capacity Hotel Durban 80 r. O. Lnndlni. N. .1. Hotel Capacity Mt. View House . l.Ml Bon Air Hole! 100 llll un i KM) ' ino , 100 Co. ,n I lthanell Iloue . lfKl rn i iiopatcona: llos pn Ml . Corinthian CottR. .10 RO ' West Shore Hotel L'S IjiKe Hopatcons. tvrlte tLAMAC irxiKcMountains Lak Hopotcong iLedqawoed fiandara narhltv. ' vri...i.. n - i. r"r"-n.im;.,i. ? .!ll BelleHead Hf Kingston Princt0r fTrentan Unqhorn tBustltbn V ' .. vPrlllaDElrNA AKiirrtv I'AnK. n j. THE NEW OCEAN HOTEL (In the European Plan Finest an fhe North Jersay Coast. Cap. 350. II. OAnONEB. Mgr. iHatlborougfj gotel AJnt'RY PARIC. N. J. Ef ry modern convenlrnce, American Rates on application. plan. New Tenney Hotel rooms, with ml ulthout bath. runnlni water In every room. Fumlsblnas entirely new. Hooklet. Mrw. E. K. Tanney. HOTEL THEDFORD Sixth Ae., oerlooklnx ocean. Hklt Suites with bath: reflrtM patronage. HARRY DUKK1BLD. O-rrier & Prop. AUDITORIUM HOTEL gaf New manacement. Ocaac-front rooms: sup. rior accommodations. . M. 1.. WHITE. THE GIRARD agementi capacity 125, booklet. XU7 out Ave. niock to ocenni new man. Special Jnna rateai M. A. GATES, l'rop. TV. 7ttrtrli o1 8Uth Ave. New man- SPRINO LAKK ItKAI'n. N. J. ESSEX & SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Directly on the Ocean America's Finest Resort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th Now York Officii 8 West 40th Street, or TUza Hotel F. T. KEATING - . Martajer THE BREAKERS On the Ocean, Sprint- Lake Ileach Open until Oct. 1, Kirellent tablet music llatBlnK. Oolt. Tennis. Phone .10(1. Owner ahln Manacement. LOUIS N. MU83. fThe Shorehain 8p?nf '.' Prop. BICAWinB PAKK. N. J. THE MANHA5SET . T -. .. j-. ir. ; - t . . UiNHwiaefy.J''.ijiy,ta..iLMM'.Ml ii)iusi.'ee t WsrlWiiii'jiiiaiiiniii(ii i mmmimZi i imtxl PLITRUlaeeV nwmnuwKoinni, festrrMlAMe.MtaaNniMe """ f OARAHAC IAKE ' f - 1310) CTT pu I r-i olWE; vi wmrmw 3A Nracorui'tioMtTinW WKT0BT, TO SCHNXMUl. CHBTERTOWN &M UMWO7 tUZCJUtC I UTKA SARATOOA 4ft RlhCSl W"lKCTUr Pml LALI, I I'PKK HARAN.lt', V. SAi.AB.A0 IN THE HEART OF THE AD1R0NDACKS t r.KTirir.n mii.k A (rilMnrt KKSORT of the highest character. mirrh ruiHtnc environment socially desirable. Ixxrtted on tho nhore of WONDKIIFt'I. UI'I'i:il HARANAO LAKK F:xcctlent State loads, eood golf All Sports mill Amusements at their heat. 1IOOKI.1;T Milri IIAItltlMITOV MILLS. Slnnaaer .11MKS i: (iU.lllir.Y. X.rhlr .Mnniaer iJKIJ!TTNN 5aUPPER.SARANACl. N.V Attractive furnished buncalows to rent, with hotel service. Combining the com forts of An Adirondack Camp with the convenience of a modern hotel Golf Tennla Flshlnr ttathlna Address J. II. Reardon.S IV. tOlh HI. .NY. Pavilion Hotel and Cottages Opens June SO. White Sulphur bprlnca ' and Bathing Establishment now open. , Foldera tent on application. TIIR ANNEX. Adjoining the Faninua Hatha ' , Open all vear. I i. h. OAnnNTiR pon. ' w tr crtatrt !.. .. --tuFlf I'OINT. N. T. Hotef ehambfain TSRffT0int,-Tr? Fireproof. Historical region. IS-hnle golf court. Motor Rotting. TennK Fishing, Dancing. Concrete garage. Excellent cuisine American Plan Mr J. P (lraes. of I riof.da East Coast Hotels, Manager. .Vein Vi k Rnoklvn Otflor. rl.s Fifth Aw. ' LAKH (lEOROE. N. Y. I rciniis.itniiiiiMieiieiit.n.evtm.i HOTEL (MI4REON LAKE CEORCE, N.Y. 78 Mile from Albany. Directly on me Lake Front, also state Road from Lake , Ccorge VUtaac to Bolton Landlna. Capacity. 300 Cuests White Service. WIUi or tvlUiout Private Oaths. Open lone lo October Adjoinlrtc New ! CountryantSYaeMCtub-FlrcproofGnraee j Dooklet Free JOSEPH H. marvel I femilllllllllllllEHRhtaitabbiBBaKaaitiitiia UHE PLACID. N. T. 'eoKFATUHTEa ADIRONDACKS Here the Lakes, Streams, For est Trails, Perfect Roads, Golf Links, Tennis Courts and all other forms of recreation and diversion combine to make the real and ideal outing for the vacation seeker. I.IKII PLACID has 5.001) ft. ai. tune. Is renrhed by New Vork Central Lines unit Delaware and Hudson M. tern, nnil In nil illrerl ruule of ihe l.nofl Mile Internatlnn.il Auto Tour. Fnr Jtookl! and Information regard ing Hotels Camp and Cottages address nnARD or tradk. LAKIi PLACID. N, V. NORTHWOODS INN Mndern Hemellke. Kxrluslve rtate mod. ertle Jtoolclet 1. A. I.EAHV, Prop. VriTPOBT. N. Y. WESTPORT INN ON LAKE CIIAMrLAIN Housekeeping nl non hnusekeenlng mt. taces. Own Uolf Links, Tennl. floating, Itatning. l-isning. Ijrfnt-slra. Hlenm heat. Itates 15.(10 un. nooklct II P. SMITH. ' WESTPORT. N. V. M'HRUON LAKE. N. Y. Watch Rock Hotel on scunoo.v lki: Tout Offlrf. Adlrondacks. N, V. Situated on th eastern shore of riau tiful Hrhroon Lake, four milea un from foot of Lake, and Is most ilelleht fully located directly on shorw of lak. Mod ern house, sanitary plumbltur and has Us own vas plant and water svstem. Heautlful crounds. plenty of shade, tin mosquitoes or malaria, air dry and healthful Large pIsszhs. Hungarian chef. Hates on application. mniPimOS.. Proprietors HAINBS FALLS. X. V. Lox-Hurst In the ' Plahl ,i lart of the Catakltla. tennla. Alt. 103a, rnexrelled lewa. Rkk . f. jiau k i, fTOD. l'riMI FARM Beautifully altuated: MOD feet elev. Modern. Write for booklet and rates. HHS .'. II I.IVin, Prnn. lAKK C.KORtlB. N. V. VILLAGE OF LAKE GEORGE The center of the creat mncadam road ftvetem of the north, eood hotela and rnnm. lng houses, Illustrated hVtorlc booklet and road map on application loaltoard of Trade. Lake Ci corse, N. Y IlXrAH-OX-IKK-dKOItfiR Mofiican HoU'e Summer sports, iutea IlKIIKIIItn HI'RIN'CIS. PA. in. EDFORD SPRINGS' A. i iiuir.t, i .a a. ijiniF, innurrn UOICI in dimu-arre Si tlVaVe' at. Itiv) ft nhove ae. Irl B ' l r lI- lii. -..T "-- n r.Tniru luiiivr, inniuiia rnra. 4lra vnlnvral uatapa. On l.lneAln llit. nay. (lood motor roads In all dlrsetlnna, Tennis, aolf. slmmlnr.danclne. rldlncC (Inen June in. 1010. II: W. ItRMIH. Mar H urn m y h Trirnr HAI1XOR. PA. RADNOR INN, Radnor, Pa A country 'homa of comfort anil refinement. lal. I B t1 I within easy reaurt of icily center. Oood roonn j Pemllvn " M1") MalghU. Rear fitrvwia.l && SS 5( n 'rtiiiiiiiiii!i!i!!ii!iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikairm StlpSiiri!!!!""- m&, ?Z$ '-'-iiP'jV QafeauAKEOJ31$E. LOblSE. "The Pearl of the Canadian Pacific J Rockies," a jewel of a lake, compels atten tion by iti incomparable loveliness. Pine-clad mountains, snow-crowned peaks and glaciers rise above it. And right nt the edge of its iridescent waters, in a glory of wild flowers, Is the CHATEAU, one of the most perfectly appointed and commodious hotels of the Canadian Pacific chain of summer resorts hospitable, welcoming, with every creature comfort; a Paris-New York cuisine, music, dancing, and always the most delightful, cosmopolitan companions. "f etie-ry window ram a million-dollar picture" Thrilling mountain sports; foot trails; pony cr tallyho to other lakes in the clouds; Alpine climb ing equal to any in Switzerland. Evem fJto memory of Chatenu Lake Louise is a tonic. Plan NOW to go (Ait eiimmer. .Season from Jun tt to Splmbr 30th. Afalrm rrtatin arty, for CHATEAU LAKE LOUISE I th. coa.t.J l.w.l of ummr rtiortl. For full information, addr CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS ;.'! lirtlniit tlrnluii3 , N NK1V LONDON. PIINN. CJ7 iwvwwnsi ti KUWSlii 7 LaZROfr-1" sjgMsg8 Eastern Point. New London. Conn Finest Seashore Resort in America John McE. Bowman, President. Earle E. Carley, Vice Pres. Open June 12th to October. Two and One-half Houra From New York and Boston. Superior tuning Service. A la ("alle Onragi l neciualeu ltnthing KnMhtleji lleautlful IS-hol tlolf I'ourSe Damfng Afternoon and Kienins llrokfr s ufllce with IJIrect Wire All Dalrv (Idrdcn and Poultry Supplies from the famous llranford Karm. Cool and Uracfn? Climate New York Office, 305 Fifth Avenue, or The Biltmore. Tin: in:i.i.K n:v I1IXI.KUK IIKIIHITX. AtlKJir.NT. (IPKN ISLAND HKIIIHTS. V. .1 va-Mtlnn of pln hrfizF, mixed vlth alt Hlr. ko(k) home rooklne. pIimh ant vlrpniK rnomc. ullli all lht lioattnc nntl liHthimr ami fmhinit ou want, ti vhT Maple Inn eriablea ou to njo Wrhf fnr iuirt( uli.m. I'hnne llunrl HfUhlH -i: M. V. COOK. , ,EA illKT. V. .1. THF TkEMONT n'siit'on Tho neacii inc. irciviv-ii i Kyrrv room , lew A qulel, restful, reflnetl humelike family hotel Table eupplleil with freh protlucls hy our o'n fnrm Surf and still mater bathing, tennl", golf, dancing. Conn trv surroundings, no boardwalk Booklet, rOINT PI.KXSAXT. I. The' Carrollton Hotel I'oint PJcasartt. X. J. Kai ing ocean. 21 el Unnrdwalk American plan plu Tf :ncn -June ll.ifl.l'ron ftelilllg an K.oi.isir.m:. pa. I Eagles Mere, Pa. The summer resort Hint Is dlfrerenl because II combines mountain ant sea shore conditions with unkiue surround ings I'or booklet and rates write. The Crestmont Inn WILLIAM WOODS. Manager The Forest Inn HERMAN V. TEASER. Manager The Lakeside J. .1 KIRK L SON The Raymond MURRAY S KIKSS. Manager lir.niN. I'A. A7mfifirnf Inn Un 1Ialn ln"' Espe. wynourne inn rUUy rtnirabie tor tiusi. cesa men with t redsonsbitf arounde wtda families. Itooms wltn bath rales. randsa Itancinr. Lara phon. Perwyn tl W KK N KRSVII.LK. PA. Walters Park Inn Wemeraville, Pa. The Oreateat Hare In THE BLUE RIDGE Krery Modern Appointment WK'LL SKMI lltl 1IDMK HAPPY AMI IIEALTHV Special Rates This Week End "Memorial Day" FROM ANI) Taurtdar, May 29 Incl.diai Snpptr TO Mond.f, Job. 2 Indudinr Brcakfut One in Room. . .$16.00 Two in Room. . . 30.00 Leat. Readlne Terminal :J5 Arrhe Werurrsvllle 6:te Monday, leate VernerTllle 0:01 Arrive PlilladelphU 10&0 Chair t'ara lloth Waya rtease make reseryallon, If possible. SUNSET HALL 0fta a" "e,r' tbr. auiiam nn.iu, fu, hom. comforl,. beautiful mountain walks. Pellahtful place for week-ends. NOT A SANATOtllllM. Writ. OBO fi. OAUL. Mr WBllNEnaVILLB, pA.. or Public ldeer Office KTRommwno. pa. V -a.J-ZllV'VkOfZat-. 11111 ML I I I III I lillllMIMIU .si. Ill l lllll'llllll III i t'rniniiiiaTi - - .s- iiiiiiiiiiiwraiyiiiniiiiiiiiB'r.iJiiiiii'irait-BiEmiii fia&llfilr jVlillnrirlptiU ur Monlrfnl, NK1V LONDON. CONN. iiisSB.numiimrrrnifef,tfflWw aMSSlyi4li..lStfJ tewPMWasSBBrWBUTariflitnfiil Ur.M Matililes Motor lln.idii Hotel Amer'ta's Most 1'umoue ni'htina ivmre ri.tlUIDX. I NDKlt Tin: sa.mi: si.iv- JAM'UIV Til AI'KII. Vi:ittI(INT VERMONT v aNYACA7ION Twe wortU thxt mu Uit asms thin to U,uavad of rst-axid-plsji-nr-akn wa oma yar aUr yJ to tbis "Switxcriav&d f uterxn Amarloa." Uaka your vamtioo this lammex oas nTtr to b forrtUo. Plok out ra of the taeasaada of cHaxmlar pta ameoa the lsJies cr bills of tbs Orso Mountain nurfen whert hos plUUty and uasurpaats4 nocomm4a tiocs tr found oti e.Txy hsusd. Bend for say sf tba fellowlos FCEE bookleU bsfore pUbjiuii yocr vaoa. bent 'Ths Oreen Mountains of Vermont "LsJlh cf Eastern Verm-oat" "Lakes of TVs tarn VarrcMt' "Jctairy of Hotels sad Boaxdinr II' -i "Oottsxes To SeOnt aad For Stlo" "Autftiuobllo aod slap" Write Wday, wfcilo you thlak of it to Ilarry A. niarh, ftee. nt Shat, I'UDliriiy iturriD, Mootpeller. Vermont jt r, . .. -w- i ,.-'yir SI4s8fe rOfl.TN'KV. VT. THF DORMS ,n ukken i"i ntai.ns 1 nc UJllYU so-Acre (irounil. Hhatle. hnorts. Rood table. Near It. It. and trnllev. i,",u aueata, lodern Improvements. $10 tot?o nnoklet Itm L. CAMPTOX. N. II. ALBAMONT In the Beautiful Pemigewasset Valley A genuine old-time New Enrtand Hotel with at) modern conveniences. Tor llooklet Write CHARLES M. BIDDLE, Mgr. CAMPTON NEW IIA.Ml'SHIKi; I.ITTI.B HOAR'S IIKAI). N. II. LAMPREY HOMESTEAD Near ne Ileach. Absolutely modern: abun. itant shade; Pine vrooda near: 10 mln. walk to bathlnr bearh; home cooklnsi own farm iroduce; II miles to Portsmouth. Uolf. latea moderate. Tenth aeason. VERMONT VKRMONT RESORTS Free Information bookleta by wrltlna Harry A. Black. Sec. of State, Publicity Bureau. Montpeller. Vt. PORTLAX". MB. Ye Longfellow Inn ga;,:,00k",1'f.,ch'ln boating, etc. Hales tl up. H. H. rilASE. CAurO WAT. MK. Paalm Talnnrl TTnitse 'eaa 1... Ma. oimj -u-.y.- ''"t!slilR, fra i i a .mi . .ii .u ii!Niiiiiiwwv.iii . II '! Mm I ilk '' iBmWm mlffwSl ILS I Ull' VstUtllilaWiT WilllmEaVl MnUfjU wiwP flllflllilft 'It. vHllllwga UI'Kltlvr, CAN. GO&FE.QS d will find daUthtful surprts at Tadousae a Summer Rssort far neugh North to b both (Ithful and plcturtiqui vl equipped with Coif Links that will corn par favorably with th mor fashions bio course., of th South HOTEL TADOUSAG TADOUSAC, Qu.. Is beautifully sltuatad on th St. Lawranc- at th mouth of th far-famd Saa;unay Rlvar, It Is th oldest, qualntast European settlement In Canada yt her w find st modernHotel om f o. table. home-IiUe and well-managed. Flnast fishing camps In Canada sis private lakes. Literature on re quMt, F. U. BO WEN, Manager. Tadousae. Qu. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LIMITED 9 Tiller ii Ssihc. MiismI Mimtr rkbellM Th. fin.st Summer R. sort In Can da. On th. tide) waters. f the St. Law- r.nc. ac Murray Bajr, Que. AU'SKOKA LAKICS. VAS, Get away to Canada-something difftrent away tn the .nerve-resting, pine- cented. sleep-giving air IteyalMustokalgS; Mufjtoia tou ; I fotS I chet.rrv tMMi. sfanjf r "" mmmmmmmmmm. footi, coif, flahintl, everything thut makes lif worth ub.Je. Ererrrooma fixedtstt. Illustrated Dooklart, Royal Muskoka IUltl T.O..Lake Ross can. Ontartov. I'l.1"MOfTII. JIASa. MAYFLOWER INN AND fOTTAtlES t'ompletea 1H17. The most modern and beautifully appointed resort hotel In New Englsnd. Located on Manomet Paint, adjacent to historic Plymouth. Ideal for Cape Cod motorists, (lolf unexcelled Write for Hklt Ueorae It Santord. Mar I O Plymouth. Masa- IU'VIU'RY. M.S. Powder Point Hall DUXBURY, MASS. n Ideal family resort on South shore. Neu concrete construction. All modern lra nrovements. Safe bathing and boating. Tennis, golf Kin. auto made. Noted foe , ita excellent table. Open last of Jun t Sept IK. Booklet. Address i C M. HEAtlE, .Ml SUts HI Boston, Mlia I I.KNQ1C. MAWS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. : High and Cool in the Berkshirti. OPENS JUNG 14 Desirable Cottacea with Hotel imlc. IIOWK TWOIIOUER. Iltasnrs Address until May SO. care Hotel UelmoaV !d Street and Park Ave., New Tork. Winter Resort, l'rlncesa IIoUl. Itertaoda. ' I'AI.MOCTIIjMASS. FALMOUTH ARMS Bight nn nnrxarda Ray, FALMOUTH, MASS. A Summer Hotel of the Hlilnat Clasa. For llooklet and P.atea address K. V. BflTOB. Manager. ClAI'K C on. CAPE COD COTTAGES WELLFI.F.ET AND TntlBO AttractlrtlV plannetl Nl ana siiuaiea. lany inrnienen. ni.de rente. Aridrea. AtlKXT, CAPTAIN araia renia. rtnomiB miru. i. .A I . nAKER l-TATK. WeJIfleel, r 14 Mate nireet tsei, menmanu iviuj. Hoaian. WASHIN'OTON. T). C. Burlington Hotel .- .a..'. J uun man nnaunuus trvas. ,K(aayHfi American, "fa , giiwiii Pmm i ff nrSff wrawWsrlsWsffsy.SSxW av . Hi m . Jir s-Aj 3 'm T" ' -fflr.i 6T8,?rTrlS:V' KWs ywmwsWi i'e7ia;,J!ry7"JalSa, ri 'P - , i ' a c ."; rJj V J ,"u I.. " ' -SSskSW eje PfHmpn. w, W "R . -ft '' -u ; ' ilr