Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 26, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 1

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-,'. ..
Euentitg public ledger
Washington. May 20. l-'nlr tonight;
Tuesday cloudy.
I i io m i-j i n :i 4 i r i
I (HI 1I7 Utl 71 7:i 177 ITS 7I1 j
, .-?!
' T
VOL. V NO. 217
rubllhcd Dally V.xrnt Sunday. Subscription rrlen J a Tear by Mali.
Copyright, loiu. by rubllo L.eJfr Company.
Enter! aa Second-Class Matter at thn Poatofflc at Philadelphia, Pa.
Under the Act of March 8, 187U.
mm it
Daring Australian and Com
panion Picked Up 800 Miles
From Ireland
Spend Night on Board
stroyer Off Coast of
'Good News Will Come Tomor
row," She Confidently Pre
dicted Saturday
Loudon, Mny 20. The tliousnmltli
ohancc the onp remote cotiliiiKcn-.v
that favors brnvp men faring death
unafraid came to the aid of Harry (!.
HaAykcr, the Australian aviator, anil
Mackenzie (Jricvc, liis navigator, as
they dropped in n failing Hopwltli lii
plane 800 miles fro,m Irolauil. The one
chance was n rargo steamship n tiny
speck in a universe of sky and water
which. appeared far liclow the two nd
vsnturcs at the moment vthen dentil
seemed certain, oven to their bold
The news that Hawker and Lieuten
ant Commander Grieve had been rescued
Monday' at sea uninjured after a Ralliiiil
attempt to win for Urjtuin the glory
ni tnc nrst transatiuntip tlizht caine
flashing, down from the little srnW of
7- islands.valled the Hebrides, off thr west I parade in 1'hiladelphiii.' Thev-oxpresfcd
Tonofan1rf;oH(r,in:,d,hyop::., i " " mMn. tw
and prayeil that the daring aviators. ,v'rc " ",p" " uonrd.
who had been missing six days, might' The transport Tiger also arrived with
by some quirk of fortune be saved, but forty.nine otlicers and l.TI 1 men nf the
which had at last abandoned hope as .,,., ... , . . ,.
, utterly futile. .110th 1 ield Artillery, Seent. -ninth
' London Wildly ItejoiiM . iDhi,iml (wilhern I'eiinslvania), iu-
It turned the quiet ..Sunday inln ., ,linliB ld and staff, lieadipiailer.s and
day of wild rejoicing and decpithanks- (supply company, sanitary and ordnance
giving n day such ns has not been wit- j detachments and batteries A, li, C, I),
nessed since the armistice- was signed , ,, , ,,
for Hawker and his navigator had been "n"
enshrined as heroes in Itritish hearts, The transport also brought the
nnd heroes do not often return from Twenty-sixth, Thirtv-foiiith. .l!!)Hi,
Hawker and Grieve today will reach Umiht MlkU 0l'M" ,H4"' "",l 80-''
the mainland and' will proceed to Lou- 'vr" Hn"olrous, totaling twenty-live
don. They slept last night aboard (he! officers and 1(111 men. nnd si ofTiceis
destroyer Hevcnge off the coast of Scot-I of the 110th .Machine Gun ISattalinn.
'and. Twpiity-ninth Division.
Some 1100 miles out from Newfound- ' '''lie troops nic under ordeis for
land and SOO miles from the Irish must I C'niuns Dix-. IpihIp nml I'litnn
on ;iionuay, .nay in, the lone aviators,
making the best of nn tnginc which wn.
failing to function properly, were com
pelled to alight on the water. The
little Dauish steamship Mary, bound
from New Orleans nnd Norfolk for Aar
huus, Denmark, picked the wayfarers
up and continued on her northward voy-
Lacking a wireless outfit, the captain
of the steanisliipj was obliged to with
hold tho good tidings of the rescue until
he, was opposite the lutt of Lewis, the
northernmost point of the Hebrides,
where the Information was signaled by
means of flags.
There was a merry party in the home
of Harry G. Hawker, near Surbiton
last night, many callers.
Thomas O. JI. Sopwith, head of the
Sopwith Aviation Company, builders
o( tho machine In which Hawker at
tempted to cross the Atlantic, going to
tlio hous6 to congratulate Mrs. Haw
ker. Many airmen jere among those
who called.
Mrs. Hawlicr's "Lucky Day"
Mrs. Hawker never lost confidence
th'at her husband would he rescued.
Even on Saturday evening sho was still
hopeful, declared that Sunday was her
lucky day, and said: "We 'shall have
good rjews tomorrow." 'Yesterday her
homo was inundated with telegrams of
congratulation and the telephone in the
gaily beflagged dwelling was con
stantly ringing.
In a message' expressing his own and
the queen's sympathy and condolence,
King George on Saturday expressed his
fear that Hawker had.lost his lifp. Ho
added: "I feel that the nation has lost
one of its most able and daring pilots.
and that he sacrificed his life for the
fame and honor, of British flying."
.An official statement confirming news
dispatches, of the rescue of Hawker and
GrleVo wasTssucd last night as follows:
"Harry G. Hawker and Lieutenant
Commander Grieve were rescued in
latitude 50 degrees and 20 minutes
north, and longitude 20 degrees itO
minutes, west. They alighted close to
a steamer owing to a defect in tho water
circulation of their motor. Both men
re In perfect health. The airplane
was not saved."
Tn Water Only 0( Minutes .,
Hawker and Grievo were id the water
for an hour and a, half before being
(axen aboard tno steamer 31 pry.
Hawker has sent tho followia'
message from the destroyer llcvefiirp.
.to. which if hip he was transferred, to the
lll liT.,11.
mr . t
"My machine Btoppcd owing jo water
filter in the feed pipe from the radiator
tlio water pump being blocked with
r pump oeiug diockcu xviin
II tMt$iaffl6iBifmJ8iamsew&ntc...AL itMMarrawinn'iimiriiii ---TS-SS
iflSmM'i'i ,"' aaaa'' $ aaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaW.
U.a-.s -s Ss-W-A-Viv- As.MiMiiSVvS ,. --S. .? 1'Li-Lli4si''.w -. .s... K.A. .. ... ...... -vV "- "-.iO .
3714 Soldiers Aboard Princess
Matoika and 1314 on Tiger.
Dock in New York
' Men nf tin Seventy-ninth Division.
I wlm landed in New Yolk tnda from
i Hie transport i'rinrcss Malnika, voiced
I disapproval of the proposed diwsioual
'Iwentv-livp men of the ".1 Itli In
fun try arriving on the Princess Ma
toika were wearing decorations for
valorous service. Other units lclurning
on the same ship were Hip 1."4th Field
Artillery, the JiOlth Field Signal llat
talion and two companies of the SlOth
Machine Gun nattalioii. They boarded
trains immediately for Camp Meade ami
Cnfiip Dix, respectively.
General Hero Abroad
Among the officers were Brigadier
General Andrew Hero, Jr., ami Colonel
William II. Oury, commanding the
;l4th Infantry. There were very few
IMiiladelphlaiiH remaining in this regi-
tnpnt. wlilph hml n ffilnl nf t.lflO ..nuii.il.
L:Ci, "nn 0c ....... ,.,.. ;illp,l. TIip
regiment was under fire altogether for
live weeks.
The Princess Matoik.'l made n record
trip across' tlin Atlnutic, docking ten
days after leaving St. Xuzaire.
The .ll-ltli Infantry went into action
on September 20. 301S, at .Mount Fau
oou, at the beginning of the Argonne
Forest -Mruse driye. Later they par
ticipated in the advance on Metz, and
from October 2.1 to November 1, fought
east of the Meuso river as supporting
troops. On the latter ditto the Seventy
ninth Division relieved the Twenty
sixth division, anil captured Bclteau
The Seventy-ninth Division, accord
ing to the men who returned today,
continued, to fight for fifteen minutes
after the armistice went into effect at
11 o'clock, November 11, and lost
heavily during the very last hour of
thP war. Delay in the cessation of hos
tilities watfduQ to the miscarriage of
orders. ,
Olllcers Decorated.
- Among- the decorated officers were
Captain Harry Sm'th, of Hnrrisburg.
who was awarded the Distinguished
Seryice Cross, and Captain Slodd, com.
mnnding Company K, who won the
Croix do Guerre, for tuisw'crlng a call
from General Kiihn for n volunteer tq
carry a message through n barrage, niter
several men had been killed in the at
tempt. Four enlisted men of his com
pany also were decorated.
Lieutenant Koneln Shirk, of Com
pany K, a Philadelphiuu, was highly
praised by his comrades Jor his con
duct under flro in "Death Valley,"
where ho fearlessly exposed himself up
and down the line.
Captain John M. Bonbriglit returned
as commander of Company 0, 310th Ma
chine Gun llattiuion.
SS.SO round trip rtnnaylvanla II. II. I.eRve
iiroud St. 7:46 a. in'. w-,t fhiudeiphii'
wmuUvJH,'sV i J-x. iv.Cs v".
! Eighteen Dollars a Week to Be
Minimum Wage Demand by
Those Living Home
An effort will he made to form iiii
l'hiliulelpliiii a union for household do- I
mestics, with an eight-hour day and'
a minimum upptlr iiio ..r &1K fn.l
' "-it "- -,'..j ....
servnnts uho do noU live in the house
where they are employed: '
ATesolution which is expected to pro
duce lic!y discussion nl the com pinion
of the Nntional Women's Trade I'liiou
.League in I'liihidelphia .lime 2-7, will
be introduced by Mrs. Itn.nnnnd Ilobins.
(lie nntloual president.
It will propose reorganization of the
American household to put domestic
service on a footing satisfactory to the
woiking woman, ami oiganizution of
Hip domestic workers tnenispps to de-
ml higher wages and good working
Jt is believed that SIS a week will be
the minimum wage for Hip domestic
sciwint in I'liihidelphia. as that is the
amount set by Hie Women's Trade
I'liion Leagup as a livliur wntrp fm- n
girl in this city today. i
Says Kightocii Dollars is Knougli
Lighteen dollars, " said Miss I'aul-1
hip .cw man. organizer for the Women s
Trade I'nion League of Philadelphia,
win (oxci an ine necessary e.xnenses.
illplllilini? room. Jimiril ..lnil.;.. .....i
" -......, iiiniih linn ,---
scntinl lecreation. As an organia-
sion we ec no reason why the domestic'
servant should receive c.s than that.
Of course all tlio details of the problem
must be worked out by the local unions
throughout the country, Minimum
wages will differ in various communities
and under different conditions. The
servant who lives in the house where
she works nnd is gixen room nnd board
will, of course, receix'o less cash pay
ment than the one who pa.xs her own
"In Washington. D. C. the minimum
wage lias been set at .$15..ri(), but llxing
expenses nrc higher here and I would
place the domestic serx-ant along xvith
library xvorkers, factory xvorkers and
all other employed women on an .flS
a x eek basis s
"Other adjustments will be necessary.
too, ' she continued. "Therp is too xvide
ii uscrnire now oeiweeu tne servants!
of the middle class and the servnnts
of the rich. lor instance, (he woman
who does tho housework for the small
grocer. The grocer's xvife spends her
time in the store and all the house
hold duties fall on the servant. She
probably xvorks txvlce as hard xvith fewer
conveniences nnd receives much lower
xx-ages than the scrx'nnt in n wealthy
home. Such problems must be threshed
out by the union and adjusted fairly.
Want Eight. Hour Day
"The union probably xvould prefer
eight ronsecuth'e hours of xvork, too,
rather than four hours early in the
day and four hours Into in the after
noon or evening, as somo housewives
ask. Hut that part of it must be ar
ranged later. At present our interest
is in starting the national movement
to organize domestics. '
Mrs. RxbiiiH believes that the domes
tic servant should be employed xvith the
same business xx-ay as n business man
employs his xvorkers,
"Under present condition's," she Rays,
"the working man resists the sugges
tion that she seek domestic service as
u means -of livelihood and resents the
efforts to draxy or force her into it. She
Continued on Pace S3, Column Tour
Sinilol Smile! Smile!
Otczl Oyczl 'Ti the hnppicat ncict
Fair tonight and prolabk Tuciai
A'ot mucft change tcfl the temp'.
rature knuio
Whie moderate iceit Kinds happily
w""" their return to their owners
' -. A vr-. ,'J'by th-reof m year,
. L0SEBY35 TO 5
Effort to Reject Him as Senate
Finance Chairman Is
Borah Absent From G. 0. P.
Conference Early Action
on Suffrage Promised
';islilnlon, Mny l!(! Uotulilirmi
Lna.nt -f ll. ... . I. .. I...-.
1 " "i
their light loday against Hip srlrt tion
of Senator rpiinisp, anil Spiinlnr 'Wiir -
en. of Wv.miing. as chairman of Hip
' "
litinuro nnd uppropriatiou roti..nitlrc.
icspcdhclj . the party conference ap
proving both assignment. ,
The progiessips. pd b Senator
.loliii.snn. of California, made their issue
nu Seiiane IVniosp. and wpip defeated
:. to .". -No effort was niadp to cnnti'sl
tlip spIppHoii of Senator Warren, and
the conference approved all innnnittee
assignments as made by the cniiimitlrc ,
on committees. Senator .loliuson indi
cated that lie would tint carr, the light I
to the Semite floor. i
Action of the ennfeiciice was an- I
nnunceil bj Senator Wadswnrlh. of New j
York, secret a r , who said there Was no.
roll call on adoption of the coiumou as
sigmnents after Hip conference had np
pimed Hip selection nf Senntur I'pii
losp. I'logresslves who liue opposed
Senators l'enrose and Wnrieu and who
did not attend the ((inference weic
ltorah, Idaho: Khijoii. Iowa, and
Norris, Xebraskn. Other nbsentees
were La Fnliette, Wisconsin: Leuroot,
Wisconsin and Capper, Kansas.
Republicans on Committers
The Republican committee assign -
iiii-iii. luciiiiip hip ionowing:
-. I UHWli.V IthhAI IU.NS: irnldnver
luenuiers. nidge. .Miissncliusclts. ciiair-
man: McCumhcr, Xortli"1 Dakota:
iinran, niaiio ; nranilegee, ( nniiPiticut ;
Jail. New Mexico: Kno. l'cniisjl-
vama, and Ilnrding, Ohio. Xew niPin-
liprs: Johnson. California; Xen, 111-
(liana: Moses. Xew Hampshire.
riNAXCH: Holdover members. I'en-
rose, l'eiiiis.lvania. clinirman ; McCum-
ber. North Dakota: Smont, I'tali : La I
Toilette, Wisconsin, and Dillingham.'
Vermont. Xew member McLean. Con- j
nectlent: Curtis, Kansas: Watson, In
(liana: Calder. Xew York, nnd Slither '
land. West Virginia. Senators Lodge,
and Townsend, of Michigan, lclired from !
the coininittee,
AI'l'ItOI'lUATIOXS: II o 1 d o v e r
' members. Warren, chairman ;
I'tah ; Jones. Washington :
Kansas: Kcnwin. Inun- siiprmim ll.
c....i. x- '. i .... ' .. I
iilnn-.. ..! iiiciniicis (iiouiia, .miiiii
j Dakota : Male. Maine: Spencer, Mis
souri : Phllipps, Colorado: Xewberrv.
.Michigan. Senator (alder ictired from
the conimlltee.
over members Cummins, lown, chair
man; Townsend, La Fnliette, I'oindex
ter, Washington; McLean, Walsnii,
Kellogg. Xew members Fernnld, Fre
liughu.xseu, Flkins.
JCDICIARY: Hnldoxer members
Nelson, Minnesota, cliairman: Dilling
ham, Rraiidegee, Rorali Cummins,
Colt and Sterling. New members Fall,
Norris and Kellogg. Senator Poindexter,
retired from the committee. I
Wndsworth. New Yoik. chairman :'
Warren. Sutherland. Xew. F.elli,-.
huyseii; Johnson, Cnlifoi'nia.'and Knox.
New members, Leuroot, Spencer and
i Capper.
NAVAL: Holdover members. Pace.
Vermont, chairman ; Penrose, Lodge,
Poindexter and Hale New members
Hall, McCormick, Newlieiry mid Keyes.
The retiring member was Harding.
COMMLRCK: Holdoier members,
Jour's, Washington, chairman: Nelson.
Sherman, Ilnrding, Fcrnald, Calder ami
Leuroot. New members, Colt, McNnry,
Continued on race 2K. Column Thrre
Steel and Many Other Issues at New
Top Prices for Year
New York, May !.'(!. Stock trading
xx-as on an enormous scale today on the
New York exchange, xvith bullish sen
timent more pronounced than at any
time since the luixx'nrd movement started
more than three mouths ago. Nearly
everything xas aelivo and xvide gains
xverc reeord(;d, carrying many issues to
nexv high record levels for the year,
I'romluent in the transactions wild
United States Steel common, which
scored a big gain to JOHVi before r. id
day, a new top price," from which it
rencted a little on profit -taking. Mo
tors also made ' sensational adx'ances,
xvith General Motors leading. Total
sales approached li,000,000 shares.
No special news -was forthcoming to
explain the vigorous market and it xvnu
generally attributed to geueral optimism
as to the future business outlook of the
country, now that the steel market has
become an open one and tic railroads
are expected to receive sufficient ljuaiicial
biipport through the new Congress, xvith
their return to their owners probable
Woman Makes Charges at Cor-1
oner's Inquest Investigation
of Injuries to Be Made
Injuiips infiiclcd In i put milium
caused Hip death of Joseph Cnllnrmi.
m-i-in iliiiR In his w iilnn . who testified
td till- effect tollll) III Mil inquest III
Hip ciikp lipforr DimiiiIi Coronei Row
III ml
('iillniP77i. wlm IhpiI nl 1720 South
.MiiIp viioci, ,jr, Siiliirdii) nielli at Hip
I'm nili t. i .. 1 1. .c .;...! run ,...,..... ..r
hisdrutii ttiischpn iis'"piiiiiivti'on'finiii
mania " ('n1lniiv.i. according tn Hip
police. nv iii-ipnIpiI ypcrnl dn.xs ago
wini- HiMnMns mi Hip sIippi Ht Ninth i
llllll llikin0U streets. Wlicll plated
iind-r hup. i,p i,Pp,,,P tioirm. it i-
Miii. iimi ravp.1 nfipr luiiiK placed in a
Up was Imnll) icmnxrd to Hip liospi
tnl. 'I'Iipi-p his inlpinp inpipii"pil. ii i
vitlil until Inu iliitiM
f l'hjsipians at the hospital notued
lhPip wpip deep i-iil" mi ('llarp.i's
1 1. . i i - . . . .. . .
"'" "' " "" """ ,''l""," "", " '"
i I in Until n
WlntliPi- tlipsp iujill'ips weip inflii IpiI
in siilnliiing ('olliiii'.sri has nut Iippii p
As a ipsult of Hip stalPiniMil insult hv
Mis CollaiP..i impstigatinn ill Iip
iiuiiIp In Iphiii 1ipIIipi- Hip wiiunils fminil
nn ('nllnrp.i conlriliiilpil to his ilpalli.
j Methodist, Presbyterian and
I Reformed Preachers to Launch
! Drive in Churches
""XexT Sunday, June 1, wfll be a da '
nf protest against Siimhij athli-tics in
H. -lBil.,ii-i l"..i. ...I I(..r I n
iaii I'll ltlri(li (l)r I 'I '! I ll( ll'l llll II ) II
I I'reslijterian Churches throiiglmiit I
city as a result of ipsnliitinns ndopleu
at the various ministerial meetings, to
daj .
The Kerormeil ministpis niloptcil n
second icsolulinii pelllioniiig the I'aik
Commission "lo allow a union worship
"f Hie Sabbath nnd Siimhi) srlmnl and
church song service in the parks on
The resolution adopted lij tin arinus
associations is identical. It follows;
"Wr leiterale our emphatic piotest
against permitting Sunday baseball and
tlier sports in Hie paiks of our city,
""' we suggest
"First, that this maj he made the
"-uhjed of consideration nnd iriicr in
the prayer nipi'ting of tins week
To l'reaeh .Sermons
.-Second, that on Sabbath. June 1.
ii seimon lie nrencbed in exei-v i-liiinli In,
Hip pity on the Sabluth question, call-
ing attention to the harmful effect nf
these Sunday sporls. Hint Hipy are con-
trary to the laws of God and to tlic(
law of the (,'oinmnnweallli.-
"Thud, we request the minute ni"il
of our churches to prepare petit s
protesting ngiuusl miiIi Sabbath ipse-
,. i ,i , ,i .. ,
cialion and urging Ihat these Suiuhi)
sporls be liscoiitiuui.il. and have them
signed by the men of the (.jj-rcKntious
and xicinities. and place thr same as
soon ns possible in the hands of the nf-
ticers nf the I'liihidelphia Sabbath As- ,
social inn.
Parks for Poor, He Sas
In speaking on the icsolution at the
lcfornied meeting, the Rev.
I Sa,"s.0"! oC .""K"U' '''"'I '-
I ,l1",Mlu ls """'iKnious as long
I ;"'" parks uie kept ( n, golf
,. " . ,, , ......."....
go on outing trips, 'lhe latter, he de -
, i , ! ,, i ,i
n nviii mi ;-ti i mm ii v iimi imiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
cuircii no inuic iiiiiiii iiiun piii) jii nu
pinks. "Hip parks me for the poor.
he said. "The others belong to tlio
rich. There should be no discrimination .
make the licit icspect Siuida.x as'
well." I
Administration Forces Claim Lead.
1000 Members Expected to Ballot
It-nllotifirv it) till Ymmt- Wixnmn o
ilUIIVMlUn viinif-, ""llllll .1
Christina Association will be resumed at
7 o'clock tonight in association head
quarters, 1S0O Arch street, xvith tin ,
"administration" forces claiming a
strong lead. i
Although only ."0 ballots hnve been '
cast in the election that began Wediics-1
day nioniiug and more than 1000 mem-1
bcrs are expected to vote, John M. I
'Scott, election master, said he beliexed1
. . ii . Ill 1 . . t.i
The ballots will be counted by tourt'
rim nniioiiun xxouui cioso xniirsnnv
of Common 1 leas No. , fi, in accordance
xvith a court dieision detining
suffrage rights of association members,
The court is m charge of tho elcctiqu.
A Tale With a Thrill
In the Uvexincj Tunuo Ledoek
today there is printed the first in
stallment ot u story by J. Storer
Clouston, the story of a Germnu spy
of an rntirely nexv typo told from
nn eutirely nexv augle.
There is something in it that xvill
grip and hold you.
Turn at once to page I'll and read
The Man From the Clouds
Pressure Gains in Paris for
Modification of Treaty's
Industrial Terms
. . .
-''ticism Openly Doubts Practi-
nl-iilii t !-.. I iti -i 11 I
cab,,,ty of Demands Made Under
Entente Influence
PRFniCR TCllTnMin L-vnniio
Delegates Disinclined to Rp
Revision Foe's
Milder Than Allies
siair I nrrrsponilf ,it r ,r ;,,nlK .(n,
lilltrr With llir IViiip llrlren.
nun in
lt Sprdal (able
I ofil lallt. 1111 hu Pi,l,t,r l.cluc I
Tails, May 2l!. lntpiessinn i
glowing here Hint the Cellulitis proh
ably will s,.,.,p , nnsiderable chiniircs in
T1'"" l'01 ticat.i. cspppialh in the tinaii
eial and ecnnnniir spitions. .
I .!...!
MpiiiIipi-s of Hie Amer'cim delegatioti
aie npenlv criticizing the cnndilions.ini
pnsed. The lendeis of MIipi.iI opinio'i
in Lngland arc ngaiiKt the ticaty and
mass-meetings are being held in pio
Ipst. TIip Ameriiau economic advisers
llaiucli, MeCnrmick, Lnmiint and
II"noer in" Mir)ing degrees aie dis
s.itislicil Willi ll nnnmip iihascs.
Wh it'll t
' ' '. n.waiii milk-
....iH:i.....t i ,
! . I
' I lit" 111 IMIIIIt'jll
llig. Ill general, they wpip oierruleil
b. the force of Hip ISrilish and French
iiPinanils anil the iiecpssny lo satisfl
public npinmii in Ihnse two countries
Mill, as ilnjs go t aiuV the work re
laaining bcl'nie the Peace Cotifereme i
' loulPiuplatPil. the ilpsiii- f. ip(isimi
Wilson Position Indefinite
ll is not known whpn- President
1 Wilson stands on the question. The
piohaliilit.x is that lie is lilt ic iulc'estpd
, ill Hip coiniuercial side nf Hip settlpineut.
Ins mind running inlliei towaid Hie
political questions. His Ini I, of inter
est. as xi'll as Premier I.Io.mI (ienrge's
lad. of iiudci'stnuiliug. is t In- pioliablc
explanatioit of the sexerllj i f thr ticatj
'" """v" ","l'l. 1 c-nip I with
"' mildness on the political and tPni-
'ri.il side.
The critiiism of the tieatj inns not
tipnii its justice so much as upon its
impracticability. The best .informed
Americans fiankly ndmit that many
,laises .annul be carried out. (Ilhcr
vW(M .teamed out. make it in,-
... , , ,,
possible for Unman) to pay the reimia
' ,, , , , ' '
tl""s Il"n,,, !""1 Liiglnnd expect. In
"ther words, the treat) defeats itsplf.
One of President Wilson's favorite ideas
is not to put a conqueicil people under
Hie sovcieiguty of other nations, but the
leading economic mix iser ijf the Ainei -
icans estimates that, if the treaty is
signed and en forced, it will be lieees-
sar.x for 12,000,000 Germans tn leaxe
lieiniaii) and becoine snbiects of other
loiintiies. It this is true, self-deler-
lninatioii of peoples ' reilured to
(Mpt) pin-use.
. ,, . , ,- , t
' This1 estimate of Ueiiniin
is based upon Hi
industrial conditions
in (iermany resulting
i a"l l"' l"ven)
from (he conditions of peace. P.cforc
the xx a r tieiiuan) supported an indiis
tiial population of ,'!.",000,()00. As the
lesult of the loss of Alsace-Lorraine,
the Snrre Valley and the tenitory as
signed to Poland, (iermany has lost
three-quarters of her iron and one
third of her coal.
Hut this is not all. Much of !ei
mnnj'a economic prosperity is founded
ConllmiPtl on fane ''.I, Column Two
I a. I llr T. Anhnn.. hut. In D..IJ
-w-,.- , , -- v-,-
Ity, Ifo "Clean-Up" Week Late
"Hello, hello, hello.
"Who is calling?
.. .,..u..i n .,
" IHIS) 1 I'"" ,
c.i it uniieared todav to the Miimi-r-r.
from ti,e northwestern sectiou ns Iig
"i hein.iii tie I'ltv linn toxver. .
A ch-iintio nullev reduced hv illalimcel
lo sze ami appearance of a te enhone
--0-0 - . - - -- - - - -
eui-piece. cables' suggesting wiren, and
the outstretched hand bcloxv them as if
to allay possible thoughts that tho fresh Johnson, Republican, of California, re
red paint on the tower's apex might be I questing 11 copy of the peace treaty with
slgiiiliciuit of the Founder's conversion! Cermaii) .
In bolshevism. Senator Smith. Deniuorut. ofCeorgiu,
No, the real significance wan far dif- 1 led the opposition attack and wns sup
fcreut. v ' , ported by Senators I'nderw ood, of Ala -
Pulley, isibles, led paint mid all xverc batnn. Fletcher, of Floiida, and oth-J"
only evidences that clean-up wrel, a I southern Democrats, -vim demauded
bit late, perhaps, hnd readied "clean I moro time for discussion. .
lip" 10 inc iiiBiieni piiiiiBcut in the
iitak ;; nun ixar-A A'
Gcniuiny livmly lo I)iturni
First. Hoply It ill State
till lilt. Mm -JC. i ', I' i
Infm inutitui has 1mm ii rpipipi! fioni
mi iiiiiinppiii liable niircp thnt Hip
iniihlpt pinpnsals to hp ni.idp liv
tPiinnn tci Hip I'iiipp Conference
will ihiliiie in finer nf inilitni) ills
iiiniiiiiK nl. snuiig Hint (Sei'iiuui) is
'piiiI In iiiIiiip hci funis tn ;!."().
(Hill within two iiiiuillis nfipr Hip
Kim Iiimiiii nf ppiiip, mill I" Hip ex
piintlnn nf iimiHiPI Ml- In (III Hip
sip nl Hip II ii. ilnwn tu 'Ott.(lOH
ll will Iip iIpi IiiipiI, that, in -I'll'
f iiiIpi'IiiiI iIishiiIpis mill Hip iippps
iU fur (hfpiiilinn Iipi" ftiinliPis. (ii'i
mam thus nppps to ilisiinn aliPail nf
all nihil iinnrii. It i pnintpil mil.
Hull this ciM's aili'ipialp inoof of
l!nniiin s iIcipi munition In ip
ii i u mi i- all inililni sip ami imppi nil
1st ii triiilcnrips
Philadelphia Fourth in List of
Oversubscriptions Atlanta
and Dallas Lag
GRAND TOTAL 55,249,900,300
lt the Assm I.itrd I'tess
Washington. Mnj 211. Ti tnl -iil-
scriptions to the fifth or Victory l.ibett,
loan wpre nnnnuiiced tida b. Hip
Ticiisiin as X."i,21il.!l(s.,::ol. an mrr
siilisciipti ,f neaily ST.'O.dOO. 0(1(1
I'liilailclphia stands fnuith nu Hip list
nf ipspnp districts iiersubscribiiiifthrir
shans of tlic loan, its total of $122.
T.'li.lllll. nn a ipiola of S.",7.".I)II(.IMIII.
hciug an excess of 12 7-10.
New Yolk heads the list with
owrsuhscrintinn nf .'ill :i-lll: Cliimgo is
second with IS i-U). and Itnstou third
with 1" 1-1(1 is a fraction uinrc than
t... per icnPbexond I'hiliidelnliia's sur-
Xew York led all other di.-tiicts in ill- '
illvidiml subscriptions, also xxith 2. I2.-
and Chicago was second with 2. -
2(17. HI.
The Atlanta and Dillns icserxe (lis
trii'ts faili'd In nbtain their quoins At
lanta h less than 1 per ( cut and Dal
las lij sliglitlj "ss than S per pent. This
was the lirst war loan in which an dis
tiiil failed to subscribe its quota.
It was psiuii'itPil uliiei'illv inda.x that
Ihcie WPIP 12.000.0(10 s-s,il,ps the
inan. Vc.nh lid per cent r the total.
H2,t;ts.l."l.s'ilt. was I a kin in Mibsii'ip
lions of SIO.OOO or less. s.ibs( i inlinn-
nj (lisiriiis. niter allowing lor alio a I
linn nf I finn. one (list, at to ...,
other, follow
Nei-, Viirl,
Chfl iOSii
.IIiiih apiili
I Irxrl.iml
st IihIh
III' IlllHlll'l
S.iii I'r mi I"
KlIIISHF' ( ll1
xiini-iii-iit s.i,s. n i, i
" r.vj."!!!:.!!!!:: Jl Vii !m,'. I!':"
;t7". linn (via
I J", I "II Hlll
'IT., IHIO f Mill
l.'.T .Mill nun
I'll ntiil lion
1mi lino nun
IMli iiiiii.onii
;mh -.ill piiii
111. linn licit
1 1 1, 'Hi, i i on
jj 7i; 101.
1,1! Ill s-,.1
4'l.,.",ll l".,i
.HI .31 I.Xli
-....". I I"! sxii
"111 lu sum
1117 Hsu Inn
U't ill",-; I "ii
S7 '.ill '..ii.
SU 1 10.-
I). ill. ii-
HI., .'lit nun
The Tre.isiir) subscribed li
"00 lnoie
(Ixersiibsiriplions Allintled
AllotuiPiil of Hip nxi'isci iiiiinn b.i,
Iippii made nn the basis of mil pp.' -cut
to all subscribers of S.'II.OOII or less,
Ml per i cut to persons sub( riding to
x".0,OU and up o .-.200.0007 dm noii
lo take less than S."iO.(MIO. and less pc,
entages on all subscriptions up to S."iO,
(100.000. siibscribeis nf wlmh will re
i cue mil) I- !' per icnt of tin- aiunitiit
asked for
Opponents of Amendment Pre
vent Vote Today by Par
liamentary Tactics
Washington, May 2(i. - 1 1S A I' i
LlTorts to expedite a xote m the Senate
iiniii,! nu in' iioiiiuii iiiiiiii,! M'lnuui-
,,,,., aineudincntV resolution were de-
loihi) on Hip woman siiffiagp conslitu-
fciteil. II) parlitiincntar) tactics iqi-
ponents nf t lie measure succeeded, after ,
two hours, in postponing all u turn until
inmoiriiw. I
-' !l v" '" -- " ;,,'"",p "'
!.... ... I i.f.iiniii I liv Sk..tiiil.,t. slmilli ,.rl
j...... -I -.. .,. ........... ,
( ". " ''' 'ommitt.-e be 'lis-j
. usiikci in nu- nii iiuee ua,s unless
I" '.." " resolution fnvorabl.x be-
fore that time. v
., ,, , .
Af"' nnienm roll calls and other ,
"h-trui-tiou, the motion to discharge !
i" ""'""s1 -.011111111 1-- iiiun coiiiucriiiK
the resolution, xvhlch was passed by thei
. .. . , . . ... ,
uouse nisi xxces, was set rsuie unuer
the rules nt 1- o'clod. for renewul o
the rules nt " oclod; for renewul of
I debate on the resolution of Senator
Senator Johnson, of California.
agreed to'havo liis resolution tempo-
wii mm.
Renter's Says Omsk and Eka
terinodar Governments Fa
vored for Russia
New Regime Must Accept
League of Nations Effect
Upon Boundaries
Austrians May Not Get Terms Jj
This Week Send First . "m
Itj the Associated Press
Paris. Maj 21! - TIip Council of Four
nf the I'piicp Conference has decided
coiiditionallj tn recognirp the nntl.-
I!nshpik gmprnnipiits of Admiral Kol-
iluik and General Denikine, according
I lo Renter's agency here. fc-fc
, The conditions for the lecoznition.nrn
, that, regarding the future of Russia.
these g(nernments agree to convoke nndj
' accept the xerdict of a genuine cgh"
i stitiipnt asspniiiij ; likpxxisp, that tlio r
leairup nl tiatiiniH eiivrnntit nml iIr pimi.' sin
, seipiencps as affecting the boundaries?'
1 nf Hip foiniPr empire are acrepk'd. . "4f
iniistitueiit assembly is to de-vis
tiitiirn iitrm nl irnvprtiniptir". sj
' Russia. . i.Jffl
Allies Will Assist
The nnliev nilnntpil. It Is added.""
,"nnIiIo the Allips to recognize ami i-,v
slst not fnrep in Uossiii en-noerAiiniriiU1
the struggle against soviet rule, becausoVi
""a recognition will le in force only
iiutil such time sis the constituent af
siiinbly decides upon the pcriiuiiieut form
of government The leglonnl govern
ments will then exphe autonnticaIIy
The Allies will not furnish Admiral
Kohhak and Genrrnl Denikine xvith
troops, bin will suppl.x them with arms,
munitions, money and food on a larger
scale than hitherto. It is stipulated tj
.1 ... . I. . .. Ml t. !..l..(...Hn. a..ll Mi
mat lucre win up no nnrui-iviRv uwi
the races of nun. Russian states rc
ccnllj pipcIpiI fiom old Russian tqrrl
torj ,, ,, , ., ,.
,,"li'1" lss,,r ( 0,1,OS l"
There were inilii iilinus loila.x in Pface
Conference i irclcs that the uegntiationn
for the settlement of the Italian problem
wpi'p liping ipsiinii'il sulci' a xvei'S s su-j-ppiision
It is iinilprstnnil that a strong
effort is being made by Hip French,
liritish and Italians to hnve the treaty
of London" signed b) those poxxers In
l!ll."i. just before Unix's entrance into
i the xar, form the basis of the scttle,
iii nt.
Dr. Karl Reniiei. the Austrian chan
cellor, made an nppcti to Premier Clem
i in can, president nf the Peace Confer
enic. on S.itiitilax for the expediting
ot the peace negotinlious xvith Austiin,
acconling lo a Vienna dispatch, 'l
Itcnip. tndii) The chancellor is dp
,.lti.i.,l t.i liiiin lu.iiifpil not Hint the de-
. ....... ... ....,- , - - jJt-
I... tins liniim- ii bail 1'fl'ect nn the tier '$.
inuii-Austi i,in population, causing fear
Hint disorders miglit break out
Auslri ins .send Note
The credeniials nf lhe Austlian dcP
gnliou nt St lieiinnin en La)e huve ,
liecn appnncil b) the credentials com
mission of the Pence Congress and ihij
Austlian delegates hue seat their first,
mile to the nllicd nnd nssociateiL
liiiwcrs. The note lias to do with Carin
Ihian affairs The Council of Four haj;
Minipletrd the Austrian treatx with tlio
exception of liiiniu ini clauses and the
south. 'I'll hniimhii). n which details uftf
still In be stiaighlrued out.
ll is probable that the presentation off
the terms to the Austrian delegntlou
will be delayed until next week, accord-
, in-r to Reuters. Limited. Delays' la
completing the (hafts of certain sections
. ...
an' 'ml " h( respoiisune
Three New (jcruian NotcH
-iM.., ., , ., lele-.ntlnn nIn-iWa
i in- xixiiiiiiii .... -.....---,-.--..--.-. .-...-,,, ii.S 1
h f thr00 np u.a to ,),-. secretariat HM
of the peace coufereiiee The notes ilenl.-sfl
respect ivelx with reparations and re-spa
' .. . . .. ,. ili.i.iTfl
kp0sbility ; uennau property in aiiivu'
countries, nnd (ierinan religious mis-rf
, llbroad.
0lu. ot ,i. 110tes sent Saturday bf
1111 X-ei-IIUIU-l, riiii-uimiiii ,.,,.,. v
.lUmiteli from Sua saxs. demanded tin s
the (iermnns, a demi-official (Sennan
rvoeiti(m of a conference of labor -3
i..,ni,.i-s lo iipeiue unou mieruaiiouai ia c i
hm- leirislntion. Another note xvhlch re'O
1 - ... .....,.
lated to (iermiiu piopertj' In AW
countries declared that the decisions'1
the Allied governments In deciding up5
the fate of the property cpuiu not.
accepted, Jr$
(ieueral Count -Max Moutgclas, onet
lhe members of the (iermnu peace mtei
sioii. xx ho had Intended: to go to IJrrfijlTj,
mxi t lkn- ......t 1 F Tltr.1j-ii. ttt
Willi I. TOIfHHUr n run iiuum "u
,.tti,M .lulorriitf-M. wlm loft luftf na-fct.
postponed liU ileprtnrr at the la wffe y
. 4 fin. s.mtiinr lii finite, tfilim titt f I
Ulflll. . p'l'H - vr...W.M ..jym
at the depot here, he retui-ncd to Yr '
sallies in an' automobile.
IT -1
; (Jeruiany should refuse to Kigu.'fc
,t . . ) , .' '', -'
. X D-Mil-kwiri m FM. CeJim-ai Xwi
'" -
:y.33"E'w.A- .7 -. '
ih .
. V
. ws ,r fc. "S
i, '. 1 ;-jf " s.-. .. . . (-t -.
'Mi '
s : ijT--. i "wj. ---..i.' ,1 '
". ''f...i.i VB. toC. w:
r -n js-i. e' v. . . . 1. ' 1 . ... T
. a- M