w i .fl" J '4 .' ( l2 EVENING PUBLIC LEIXtEK PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JKtAY 23, 1010 FINANCIAL NEWS GLOBING NEVA YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS Wryog &' ,'Midvale Steel 5's Conrertible Dne March 1. 1936 Company's income after taxes last year 11 times ( interest requirements. Lib eral oinVinrr fund Iirovision. I""-" D r . .These and other items of interest in Circular to be had on request for PE-226. Price toyield about 6.05 MatkmalGty Company CorrMsose'rnf OBUt Cities Pkil.J.lpVia 1421 Cktihut St. Tslephene-"-840O locust STEEL RETURNS TO FRONT POSITION IN NEW YORK MART :$z Large Croud of Brokers Buy That Issue. Forcing Wide Gain. High-Priced Rails Attract Attention High Points in Todays Financial News New York stock market was Rcncrally stiong under the leader ship of steel and high-priced rails. Oils continued prominent on the cuib. Undertone of corn market was heavy. Cotton showed irregu larity and was active. Foreign exchange showed strength for first time in a week. Judge E. H. Gary made an optimistic address to Steel In stitute in New York and phophesized the adoption of a league of nations to assure peace. Bar silver advanced slightjy. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Adams Kxnrcmi Advance Ilumely Max rtubber . . . Alaska G Mints Alaska Junecm Allls-Chnl Mfc Last close High :.s fit 314' 33 St.Jj Ml'i 3i :uj ta AUIs Chal Slf(- pr! oJ' AVi 01 81 Mi Zoli lli'.'ij ... .102 lO.'.', . Ol.'f CO' . 13.'; i:) . 07 101 . :i3'i yt .120; j 12: l!i? It? The Scientific Investment of Funds There is a wide dif ference in the yield of many equally i well secured invest- J ments. Over a pc- riod of years it will make a considerable ' difference in the in come of an individ ual if he buys bonds and notes without a full appreciation of their investment qualifications as they apply to his partic ular requirements. Correspondence invited. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members Sew York Stock Exchange Franklin Bank Bldg., Phila. New York Scranton New York. Mny 2.1. t'nitc-d StntM Steel resumed its position of market leadership in the trailing totlnj. when it wns stenilily boticht tin a large sonle nml Rnined ns much ns A points, spiling nt 107, the highest price touched since the April dividend was tleclnietl nml in fnrt n new high price for the tenr. crossing the previous high of 101'j miide on Mn 15. The crowd of broken s, trading in this market lender, was the largest that has been seen on the floor in some time and included man who had taken a bear position on the stock nutl had become nervous ocr their short accounts. While the upward movements were in progress rumois were circulated about how the stock would go today and the. objective points wliieh is ex petted til be reached on this movement. There were innii) variable movements in other issues, -with importance attached to the growing demand for high-priced railroad stocks which was lcffccted in advances of 1 point or more in neaily nil those issues, with most mtcipst nttuihed to the trading in Atchison, which made the greatest gain on this mm cnieut The minor steels were iiregulai, Baldwin making a'gain of 1 point when the directors' meeting wns held, but after thev adjourned without action on n common dividend the stock dropped 12 points to !l!Ps Itethlehem Sleel "H" became active and strong ami showed n gain of - points, selling above 7s. Crucible nlo made a gain of 2 points, dossing Til. Dc.iliugs in bonds were again on n large stale, with most inteiest Kintinuing to be toncentrnted in the trailing in the J.ib'Ttv issues. Those bonds, while in tontinuetl vigorous tlemaud. jieldeil motler.iteh , meeting some supplv which had been out at limits reatliPtl mi the long-continued adaiKe. Am Agrlcul Cliem'.iasjJ 111 Am lleet Siin 7.," a..- ti . .." fi "in uu&cn Max. A'li Can Am Can pf ,,,, Am Car & ruy Am r tton oil Am Drue Snjdl Am i:press .. Am Hide & Uj j .im it & Ij Pt ., '"" 1C0 C'SW Pr -Vi Am International. V0H Am Linseed (,; Am Linseed pf ., 941 Am Locomotie .. Myt Am Loco pf if7 Am Maltlns '!, " ic ist pro of d Am Smelt & rtef ssn pf.., Am steel I'drles Am Sugar Kef . Am Suma Tob . Am Tel & Tel . Low r.s), :ut sr!5 3J VI 114 3.00 p.m. 00 32 an Vi 42h lit ios;; nn'j tVH 81 5 101'i 10JH 541 1 Cli 13' H' 12Q5J 12. G5!i fl'J-a '? 72 71 71, 2i't0'4 l'2 u m'i o.i'i n. o" "3 ! iO'.i 'Jl 3' j 2,1 'Ki 10s it., 7S"s 107! .h" ' 107 107 .vll'j .lti' .131 if 132). 131 Wl' .lOG'Urb 10C" W , . 105Jt 100 1C.V I0f) , s.l Investment Suggestions We lmvo lust Drepared a circular I listing- 92 attractive bond offerings, including: 37 Municipals 14 Railroads 18 Public Utilities 5 Industrials 8 Foreign 10 Short Term The rale, maturity, price tnd yield of these bonds are indicated as well as their tax-exempt features. Many of the bonds are legal in vestments for Saitngs Banks and Trust Funds. fiend for a coinpHmeiilar! copy 0 this circular, o. I.-S1. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. 115 South Fourth Street ANACONDA The scope of activity of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and its various cor related enterprises discussed in the current issue of our Market Review. Sent on request tor L-3S9 HUGHES & DIER rhtla. Slock ExchantT Members cblcaro Board of Tmdo 1435 Walnut St. rhlladetphU w Yorlt Office. CO Broad Street BROADENING OF TRADE IN SECURITY MARKET) List Displays Better Tone. Fluctuations Orderly and Mod erate Steel Shares Strong LEADERSHIP OF OILS Am Tobacco ....20J 20S); 20ih 20V i Am Tob pf new .100 100 103 100 Am Woolen S3U hllU 8t c Am Woolen pf ...lOUs 101h 101'S IOUj Am Writ 1 pf .. a:, 15 44i 41S m iinc L & s.. lb1 J Am Z L & s pf . ,-,o 10', 40' i Anaconda Copper. 07'k GS'i 07i Assels Itcnllsi . n r, li Ako rry Goods . .(S :,1 18' Ano D C, 1st pf , 70,1; 7!) 7') Absociated OH ... 1i oo "0 Atch Top & S V . WVi .l'4 UO'j AtLh T S. H V pf . . (,7 S7 S7 Atl Coust Line ..lOi'S 101 1'3'j Atl Gulf & vv 1..10J'.j lfiOi lnl Baldwin Loco ...lOi.W 1018 ') Baltlmoro & Ohio. Ct9i 4"i45 .r)' U.ilto & Ohio pf. ,17'j oS fiS Barrett Co 131, 137 1304 Batopllas Jllnlns. lt 2 2 Beth S CIjss B. .. 70 7'1 7(iJi Beth Steel 8 pf.lll'j 11J 1)1 LOST OR STOLEN $5,000.00 American Railways t National Properties t 46 Bonds No. M 1759 $1,000 00 No. M 1760 $1,000.00 No. Jt. 3447 $1,000 00 No 51. D339 $1,000.00 Nov M B342 $1,000.00 Any bank. banKer or Individual comlnc Into poli"i oC 'heat bonrta will rlraae ... . Imm.ftliillv with thn linripr W" cu ..w-.u - L arnad. hf. Utilities Service Corporation S, Land Title Building; !? 'PlitlntlrlnhlA W, i tltwmmm n ' k yi w M Itr s - r Ph' Bond Salesmen Banking house, with estab lished reputation, has de- ' strable opportunity for awleimen. Experience pref erable, but not essential. E B 313, Ledger Office New YoiIj, May 2.".. The Now York HveninR Sun's finnnnnl rf"iow this afternoon is ns follows: Trntlinc broatlenotl out totlay ami, on tlie nliolo, the list displn.v od 11 bettor tone tlinn yostertlaj. Denlincs wore on about the vnmo scale as recently, hold ing around the inillion-hnrp m.nk. Fluctuations ncre orderly antl motl- erate. althoURh hero nntl there pool manipulation were dNtertiible antl a few miscellaneous issues swung over u wide ranee New developments of maiketwise bearing tere scarce. Kfforth made Yes terday by the professional element to bring about a reaction ere apparently gnen tip. It was again found that in the absent e of unfavorable news the lint of least lesii-tautc for stocks vtas still upward. The steel shales came into greatei prominence by reason of hopeful trail" reports, and the proniulgition of .Intlgt (inrj's statements made today at the meeting of the American Iron and Steel Institute. This authority repented what he lias said before, namelj . that thtve is a large and fairly piotitable business ahead for the steel industry, and added that business in the six months ha.s been better than was expected. Lnitect htates hteel was bought hfav ilv at the opening and by midilaj had climbed to around 104. Other" steel shares were also strong. If Wall street guesses correctly, there is a ery big short inteiest in Steel common, and it is hoping to see these sborts run in Less concern was manifested b traders 1 expecting pioceetlings nt the peace table. The upmiliatory attitude shown was thought to foienhatlow smooth sailing. Money market touditions. whi(hhae been the cause of some apprehension, were not disturbing. Call loans were made as low as 41 per cent, and it 1 probable that rates will hold close to present levels. There has been n heavy flow of money to this center from in terior banks, assuiing a plentiful sp. plr. The best prices of the day were made in the last hour under the leadership of I'nitetl States Steel. Chandler Motor soltl up S points. Pittsburgh Coal gain ed 2 points and Itethlehem Steel, H, 2 points. Demand for chemical stocks was heavy. Virginia-Carolina leading with I an athancc of more than 4 points. A btriking example of the case with I which pew stock issues are disposed of 1 nowadays, especially oil shares, was the rapid absorption of Simian Oil's 1,000, 000 shares, which were ten times oer subsciibcd. Ilaldwin Locomotive di rectors met totlay, but no action wns taken on common stock dividends. The stock did not reflect any disappoint ment. I'ool demonstrations were more fre quent than in the last few days, and new high prices for the year wore re corded by a number of stocks, including Westinghouse. National Lead, Ohio Cities Gas and American Woolen. Ex press stocks were featured again in the belief that these companies will be per mitted to make higher charges for serv ice. In the case of I'nited States Ex press, the liquidating value of its real estate holdings has been responsible for its strength. Entire Croup Active and Some Good Gains Are Made Na tional Aniline Strong Booth l'lslierles Brljn IM i;iec . .Brook IS 'I ran . . . B 11 T cfs of clep, Brook Union Gas. Brown Shoe Biuns T & n sec, Butterlck Co .... Butte Cop &, Zinc Butte & Superior . Caddo Cent Cul Inciting .... Cal Petroleum ... Cul Pet pf Canadian Paoldo Calumet & Arte , Case (J I) Co pf.ICO L'4 .o;i His '.'0 ill!. hj 0J 10 -7'S Vi 4S Oli :hh so ma ire.1, ice r,2ii J7 01; VVi 20 i 13". io' j .12s. 70' INV4' Jl'i S7 02 12t Jl'i 4bi fjC, :i2 Central IMy Central Vdy pf ., Central Leather Cell Leather pf Cerro tie Pasco C Cert-Teetl Prod . Chandler Motor . dies . Ohio . . Chi & Alton pf Chi Gt Western . CM1 Mil & St P. Chi Mil S. St T pf. New Yorli. Mny 2.'! The most im portant feature of the Hading on the Rroad Street Curb todaj was the pres sure against Sholan Oil, wiheh. on sales of about l.T.QOO shaies, langed fiom it1 j to riP. This oomp.inj icprcsents the merger of Sinclair Oil and Sinclair Gulf Tlieie was a good demand for I.'rtel (hi. which was trailed in nt S1,, toS'... Houston Oil was stioug with only ,1 small amount traded in, the stock ad vancing from ISO to 140. The rights were tintled in ."''i to Ci ' i . Conolidat od ('ignis were fanly stoadv with sales I 111 ti-Ji.. to fit. Savold Tire issues weie firm. New ork Savold selling nt 7 to 50 and Savold Tire at 5S to ,17 The heaviest trading was m 1 njted Continental Can Prnfit Kl,,-inn. Jfimiii ti.. ..i : Con In lal Mtn hands nt 1! 9-10 to ",. National Aniline wns one of the strongest featuies, sell ing at HO to 40. Intercontinental Kub ber soltl at 20 '4 to 2S-V There was little feature to the vv.ir order group'. Aetna I'xplosivos veiling at KfiffjlOn and Submarine Itoat at It! to ID'... Marconi of America sold nt ."ii.. Plulip Morns ,afed from 12 ,0 Horn CoV, 11'... ( lialmeis Moto wns nttne. j-,e with sales nt JM, to 10 Nipissing s()ld , nrle Ist'p't'..'! at 12's to 12' 1 . Lrte 2d pf ... Keututkv Petioleum wa- 111 cnotl tie- l'"1 M &. S pt 21'i 4S? 111 111 4T 14 ino.'t t.o lu 10:, 4.Vj Oj 22); -To ' " J2 "14s. 43!i 1S1 iV l." 10.' 1 40 m tb!i ai'i 19' 4 OS. l'S r.i 70 00 07-i S7 n:'i 104 100' 1 r.4?i r.8 i:i7 70 1113 .a1. '20J1 25 S74 02 ia4 21'j AWi ro :i2 704 ico 22' 3 40 DISS I. at cloia People's Gas CliI , fi.1 Pero Marntiifette , 228 Pere M prior pf. . 02K rcorU & L'astern. lij Philadelphia Co . 40! Plerco-Arrow .... SOU Plerce-Arrow pf. .107.'( Plerco Oil 20' Pitts Coal 57.' i Pitts Coal pf . . . SO Pitts & West Va. 37'i Pitts . W Va pf . SI Pond Creek Coal. Pi essed S Car . . . Pullman Co Punu A Sugar ., Ry Steel Spring- , itay Cons Cop ... Reading Rep Iron & Steel. 3 00 It lull Low p.m. C55( C3 C5!J S.IJi V2!f 2 J 02W ran 02.U ll'i ll'i IH4' AH Auli 41 51!i 50,'i 01 2(;,' ' 2(1' ' VcM mt C8W 50.'4' 3SH 'iiV.t "37, ivi "mi "ihi 17 70b 12S'i 128J-J I28H I28's 55 50 54' 1 5l't i9 h S0J S'Jn 21!,' aijj 214 21'j b'li f8,'i S7H 8SJ4 SO.'f SR'i SO &R5i Roy D Am shares.llB'. 118'.' 117K 117'i lloyD.N yBharesll7S 118H 117 117 St L-San Fran .. 22JJ 23M 22J4 i'fl St L Sm pf ... 36), 30 30 30 Saon Motor .... 0'i Uj 0'i U'j Scaboaid Air L,.. 0 10 10 10 1 rtl A U pf. 20.'4' 20'r 20!i 20J4 Scars n & Co . . .20S.'j . . Shattuclt-Arlz . . 14 . Sinclair O Ref ... 0C!f 07'i OCJi CC.'i Sloss-Sheft S & I. r,I 01S 02)5 04,'j Southern I'aclflo .IPS 10'J'j lOJj lOSJi Southern Ilivy .. 31 3lt 31'i 3I'i Southern Rwy pf. 00Ji Standard Milling. 135 Stan .villllnR pf. . . 00 Stromberg Carb . 40! i Stuclobaker Co ... S'2'i Stutz Motor C7'i Superior Steel .. 44s' Tenn Con & riiem 1 iu I Texas Co o;r Tevas & Pacific . 40 20'J s,'i 40'.- 84I 5!)'i 40 14'i 277' i Kit 20Jj b'J-'i 40 , 57 a 41S4 14. 40JJ JH 40 14:.' 4'J 20! i fc!) I'M 20,', b'J.'i Third Avenue j i oliacco Prod . j Transue & Will Twin Cllv It T I fnlon 11 & i ! Union Pacific! . Colon PaclOo pf Cnltctl Alloy s Un Cigar Stores I nltcd Drug . United Kruti .. Cn Rvs Invest . . U S Cast IP & F. c . Lvptess . C S Pood lrod u h Ind Alcohol .151i 150)j 15.3H 150JJ ci a itcally & Im. 42Js 41H J.t 43 U S Rubber .... tiTJf "Vi U7!i lb L S Rub Ist pf lit V S Smelt it Ac M. 70'i 705 0Sst Cbs4 U S S 11& M pf.. 4UJJ lT f Steel 10'.' 107 103!.' ICC',' .115's ll.Vi lllVj lr,H 4.1i 44 4i'i 4-iJi 10S ISO 05;J r.li 15 1". 10! 10' 1 45'j 45 i 'I 71 .48 48.'4 4S 4b)f .80' .ihi'i i:!i i:n'i iHojj . 7'1 73!t 7.1'. 7'H4 . 51 55U 55J8' 51', .131', 132!i 131j 1323k .117 110 117i 110 .182 . 13 11 13' i 14 25',' 20i 2PJS 20) ( . 20 32V. 29!j 32) . 7.Vi T0H 75'i 755f Philadelphia Stocks ItlSll 150 Am Strs. 24 7.1 Am (Ins. 70 10 Am Mill, t) 150 Am It pf 00 4 700 It & O. 4Vi 270 nice- Stor 74 JOOO Den & It Or pf.. 1U, 100 Gen Asph OSt 22S T O N A .11 MO. Kcnnc C. :t--li 455 Lk S Cor lfiiJi ,10 1 Loh Nnv 70 .".50 Leh Vol. W 1202 Va It It. AT"S .1 Pa Salt. 80 100 1 &W pf .10 10 IMilla Co cum pf 35',i 022 Will Klcc 25s 100 VI Us C. C1I 100 V It T to L'fliJi 20 llentllng. SSv's 100 Ton Uel. .IMi 100 Un Tract .10 103 U (II... 0!)K. 40.10 V S Stl.lOOti 10.1's lOO-h.ITi 1000 West Mil I!5 VI JIP'i I.1'i -7s lOWnrl&S !) 0 1) . . 2 West C. 72''. 72 'I- 72 Vi l1'.. 70 W Cra'p.VJl 120 120 .. Net Low Cloie che 21 2Vi -i n n . . 02 Vj 00Vsi nVt r.iVi Vj -;t 74 vi HVa 11'! Vi OSVi SVi .11 .11 . . .1471 '!t!5i '.4 10 mri.. 01) 70 . . r.sy, 50 1s 47'i -17-f '& SO SO I .10 0 . . W. :t5Vj Vi 25'j 25Vi 5!) 50 li 20Vj 20 V4 88 SSK !!Vj :iVi-. JlllT's .".OT's "s (!)it 00'i-f 1, noNDS HlBh Low C'loe Net chse. t IS 72).' 82 70.' f 2!'i 38! 4' Chi & Nvvrn l00!i 101i 100'8 100)i Chi R I & Pac . ."I 30' j 29 30 C It 1 & P 7 pr. t2'j 8'j SJ C U I 4 P Sii pf. 09' i 70.' 4 09'; Chile Copper ... 2JU 2.1'i 2.3' 1 Chlno Copper ... 38J4' "S.'j ,)8 C C C & St L . . 47 C C C S. St L pf. 71' Cluet Pcabody pf.lOa Colo Kuel & Iron. 411' i 47 II. Colo Southern . . :J0J4 204 2'J Colo So 1st pf. . 5i Col Gas & lilec 5354' 55 51 Consolidated Gas. 100 102U 1C0 ,0 b7!,' SO1. 8,'i i-'j b Con Insurance ..71 71 71 Corn Prod Ref .. d2 t.Ts 02 Crex Carpet .... oS'i teli 5SU Crucible Steel ... 71 "f'j 71'J Cuba Cano Sugar. 34U 35' i ?,Ali Cuba Cane S pf.. 8IJ3 82)4 SHi Deere & Co pf . . U'J Dela & Hudson .114 114 111 Del Lack & West.213JI Den & Rio Gr pf. U tUi 11 Detiolt lMlson Co 110 115, 29!. is; mnn.l f.... t,. ... .... :... :.i. ! l-llpr ZJOUY . . . . , C.aston vv & v accumulation musing an advance to General Cigar 4" This stotk has Ik en tpnet foi a ' General i:iectno long time, with the inquirv fust appear- . ilenejal Motors l.-.VJ 2!34 10'j 31 21 'j 12't s ing vest utlaj . IMIL'olRlll.- Aelna KxpIosIf Am Hr t ilfir . Am MrtrronI vvrltinn I'aer . Air rtcductlon Canadian Car Co 1 on Car A Mb pfd . Charcoal Iron c hvrolet Motor Cramp Curtis Aeroplane C arwen Tool Carbon M1 nmorion Phonotrapli t HenO-o Mfs Lako Torp Hctl l.chlgh t oal Sales . Lima I.oro , , . vtaxlm Munitions National Anllinf N Y shipbuilding V Am l'ap Pulp . . . OtlH :lpdtr . . Penrh'ss Vlolor Poole I-nc St ripps tlooth ' . . Manuard Motors Stol Vllojs Hubmarfn,. StMft Int . . . St Joseph Lead . .. Todd hhlDbullillns . TrUnEle Him CJnlled Profit Bharlns t H steamship . I'nited Motors Worlds Film Wrlithl Vlurtln Air . Hid 1ti 4 I", ' S SII .sk 11 .Net lll Gen Motors pf Uen Motors deb Good (B F) Goodrich pf l.n l .1 I On 1.1, IT fill 3'i s Jfln 1 2." 1IJ 110 t.t; 21 Gr Northern pf . . I G X cfs fore ore p. Greene-Can Cop . Gulf Mob & No . . Gulf M & N pf . . Gulf States S ... Hartman Corp . . Haskell & Barker. .10 2P 42 7' J 7!' 5' j 3''. 80.1j 82 165 105' j lSS'a US 90) 1 90 Co. 70'i- Wiii 11 29', lx.'i 30 i i 21); 12U 1 7S'i 35' 2 80' 101 187 G0' 9( 71'i 70'J 97! 6!i AV,i 11 35 70) J 79' i 58! i OS'i 47't 42 11 97' i 4i.'i 12 11 35U 35.'' 7.1), 71 79 59' 7G 5fcJ. 2')'4 Vi.i'j 101'. 8 71 (.3'. 58'.' 70' i 35 H 81!.' iit lV li". 2ci4- 19!.' i 3 21 1 12' 7 V :m'.- 8Uj 1G5, 18S "i0 ' a 71 9S 47.U 12 11 3Vi 72!j 70 59), U S Steel pt utaH topper .... 771 , L'ttih Securities . 17!4 V.i C.iro Chem ... lid1. V.i-C.iro C pf . ..113 Wubisli UJ, Wahasli pf A ... oti.'i Wabash pf B.... 2-1 Wells Fargo Kx.. 70 West Maryland . 12). Wt stern Pnclflo . 22' . Western Pdctpf 50 Western Union T. 8tJ4 Westlngli Air U.llSJt' Westing I! & M.. 57)4' AVesthig 1st pf . (,yj Wheeling & L E . 10 White Motors . . . 57 Wilson & Co .... 80 Wilson & Co pf ..101s. Wllljb-Ovciland . 31!. Will s-CJver pf .. CO Wool (V W) Co .13184 111 Worthiiigton P . . 08 ... Wor Pump pf B. 70 ... 11. 30,', 21' i 7') V6!i 5t) 8') '4 57.'. lb-, 574 Ss'i Sr:; 18 GO.' 4' ' i hi 30' 1 2.1' j 7.1' 2 12', ' 50 89.' ' .0 IS 72', 'ii', 30' 1 2.1' s 7(1 13'. 50 $1000 Haiti l.oc 1st ris.-ioooi 10071 10071 M 4200 Ul & IV Tr-ls.. 00 0S7s 0S 2000 Lch Val cons O1 1023... 101'" 10lVi10lVi.. 1000 do 0s 102S... 102 102-;g 102vC,.. 13000 Lib IlontI .Id 4V4s 05.04 05.S0 1)5.82 .OS 1500 2d 4'4s 05.00 !lt.70 115.00 .10 27500 4th 4 Vis 05.21 05.20 05.22 .28 13800 Nat Vrop -1-Gs... 3G'i .12 .10i5Vi 10000 Vcnna Co temp cts DO 05 00 S00O Phil Klec 1st 5s.. 00 05 05.. ARBITRAGE ISSUES ATTRACT INTEREST IN LOCAL MARKET' Steel Common Becomes Unusually Active and Soars Rails Generally Score Advances Home Stocks Neglected Trading wns on n fairly broad beale today on the Vhllndelphin Stock llx changc after n dull opening, hut few home issues showed activity of interest. Changes in prices were irirgular, while the undertone was strong In line with Hip strength displayed Iry mils antl Steel on the big bonid, which was re flected by nctive business In those stocks in the local ninrkct, with their price Kcuerall higher. Arbitrage business made up the hulk of the play's transac tions here, the influence of the pussuge of the deficiency bill by Congress calls lug it good demand ns In Xcvv York. Vcunsjhnnin Italirontl became prominent enily antl advanced ns high as 17, holding linn to the close; Lehigh Valley nlso turned upward, as did Unltl morc unci Ohio, Denver nutl llio (irnnde nntl Western Maryland, with the three latter stocks unusually active for this ninrkct. Heading Company did little, although It advanced on the big exchange. Steel common rose :jaf points to 100"i. n new lop level for this movement. Judge (Inry's statement at the. Steel Institute uieetlng in New York, ns well us favorable action by Congress on the problems confronting the railroads, were credited with the increased demand for this usual leader. There was Mmi n huge turnover for the local boaitl of Kcnnccit Copper, which shutled slight!. Home issues were neglected, but were fairly stead. Fractional recession u'e.r: .mn,le UJ' Hnplil Transit ccrtifitntes, I.nUe Superior, Union Traction, Vliila delphia Ulectrly and Klcctric Storage Itnttery, hut other local stocks were generally sternly mid unchanged. liond" business was brisk, with third and fourth Liberty 4 Vis active and slightly lower nfter ntlvniices. A large turnover of National Vroperty 4-Cs was recorded at ilOVs, n gain of more than 5 per cent over their previous level. v v 1, The VhilndMphia oxchnngc will probably lie closed Saturday, May 31, as well as Memorial Daj. The New York exchange governors voted" to observe the extra holidny jesteiday and ollicinls of the local cxchniigc will meet soon lo con sider similar action. New Chairman for Baldwin Board Directors of the Ilnltlniu Locomotive Company today elected A. D. Newbold chairman of the board to succeed William A. Austin. Mr. Xevvbold was chosen n du ci lor to succeed Samuel Mcltobcrts. of Xcvv York, who resigned. No action was taken on the proposition to pay dividends on the company's common shares. Regular semiannual dividend of JJVi per cent wns declared on the preferred stotk, pa.vable Jul 1. Mr. Newbold is a member of the firm of Drexel & Co. Mr. McRoberts le signctl because of his mtin.v other duties, which pi evented him from comin- to Philadelphia to attend the Itnldwin meetings. BIG DEMAND FOR SROT HELPS COTTON PRICES CO', 57 K'i 57 SG 34.-,' 131 10'i 57M 8SH A'eiu York Bonds ShIph li J 1 11(10 II Low High Adams I'xit Is 07 05' I I Am Agr deb 5s 100 10S";, !I3 Anglo-l'icntli 5s i)7'i 07m II Am l'oigu Sec 5s 1)0 T, 007, 7 Amcr Smelt (!s 01 01 !l Amer T T 5s 027 02 2 oO 07 100 07'.. oTs !)1 'M 10.1 104 8 S2 SO 7M, So Oli 00"s s:; !)!l' . Osi". lis i, OJ'S 07 ! 117' . M . !J'!i 02 05.1, til" . 87'. 82 ., SO 7S--1 S5 011 00:S S3 !)!)' OS' S)S t !7-,'j 1)7 00 117'. K! 007t 02L1 !r.'s 05 Opening Declines Soon Turn to Advances on Trade and Liverpool Buying tin wriAi. ', VCity-of Philadelphia 4"j's Beth. Steel 1st Ext. 5's. due 1926 .Tac. Ist and Ref. 5's, due... 1923 Qmm. Motors 6?o Debenture Stock 'MULL Ky. & Power Co. 6 Coll. Trust .fWotes - Due Feb. 1, 1920 ' IThos. A. Biddle & Co. 424 Chestnut Street r . O. S. LBERTY BONDS " $50, $100, $1000 ,T. rt NFtJZ"00 ItirWger, Hesdersoi & bab I4IU Ul&njni4 fiar.ci m mt m otl rhUaHtMkKwhinrM ?. Lcl IndiUtrlaU Only (CR COMPANY, inc. WMMtr uuainfl iilTitifDa. American Telephone & Telegraph Co, A dlvldenrt of Two .Dollars nr uliuro will b raid on Tuendar. Julr IS, 1010. 10 stock holarra of record at the clofa of butlneta on Friday. June 0. 1010 o. D JtlLNE, Treaiurer. T1IK WJiST rllll.MJKI.l'IIIV TITLE AU TRUST rOMI'Ay fniiaafiptiia, amy 8th, ltllO The Board of Director! hn this day de rtar'd a Semi-annual Dividend of 8I IB) I.R. ei-'T. clear of tax. nnvthl. Jm... 1B18. to atockholdera as registered on th. hooks of the Company at close of business May 21. lflfi The Transfer Books will bs Closed irom mm.y i to dune . luitf. RALPH I. I.KVElNO. Treasurer. posals OmCK OF TUB t miMIHMIONKKtj OP 1S7 fltr Hall. VhlladrlpliU Sealed proposals will ha received at this efllco until IS n'rlork noon on ItrdnesduT. Jane 4. 19l. for the exravatlon. eradliiK and construction of the tunnel and basement stories of the Philadelphia Museum of Art on ttaa site of the old Kulrmount reservoir In Falrmount Park. f'utl parttrulars as to form ar.d every re rement of the proposal, with tlie nects sary specifications and blanks, may be ob tained at th office of the architects, 1408 Land Title BjHdln, Philadelphia. Tlis Commissioners reserve the rlrtt to reject any or all bids. hr oraer at, the CommlsslojHrs lef Falr- .lii 3'i 1" , rti .10 u'j 1 . in . r, in 107 I', -'S Jl, T.M KD (III, . . 104 :iin Itlinuih Ohio Prarle Pipe f O (.rfl S tl J SON. INDI.I'KNIIKNT lUrtiett nil i Can . Commonwealth . . Cosdtfn &. t u Klk ttaijin Federal Oil . .. . Inter Petrol . . .. Houston Oil . Merrill Oil Midwest IlcflnlnK Met Petrol Ohio Puet Sapulpa Jtef . . . SlncUIr iBlanit . OlenrocU JU"i 381) Oil. STOCKS 40 4 J ts .Ml 01) 14 110 I'l 3IU .It I "i J!lO 740 31IJ 111 Mi 5'JVi 11. Illinois Ccn 103 Inspiration Cop . 54i i.Mj 01' 5o'j Intcrboroueli Con. GJi tVt li'j CJj Inter Con pf .... 23?i 2U3 -i - Internat Aerlcul . IM), "7 2.) 17 Int Agrlc pr ... 8UJ 81 T'Hi Si I Inter Hal v new .1301 l.'IJ 1M'4 U0 4 I Inter Jler liar .. 463i A7'i 4.V. 47' j Inter Mer M pf.133.1 124', 12a1, l-U.'i Internat Nickel . 26) 2 2C.)t ail.1, 20!f Internat Paper .. S3't u4!, 5." 54j Inter V pf stptl . . 7oJ 7tm; 7(5 7ii Jeel Tea 3SV, liy 30 3 Jewel Tea pf . ?5i ... Kan Cltv So .... 'Ai 2t 2J, :3H Kelly-Sprlnc 'f ..1181i llUUUhU 110 Kennct-ott Cop .. 31H 35', HU 3M K'eybtono T & 1 . 8JU Hi SI 00'' Itcledo (Jas II 73 70 7.1 I Lack Steel hO'i 82Js SO Sl"j Lake K AL W pf . . 20 31'i 21' , 214 Lee Hub & Tire . bJJ-j 32J4 Ui'j iUh I Lehigh Valley ... 5-Vj 6s; ob-i .'jS'j Loose-Wiles BI3 55,, CO, 50JJ fi stn,, 7f) SI '.i Ml 1(7 -14 84 i 104 71 ."I inn.. up,.. ns 7!) M Vt SII SIS sr, 71 .11 ',s ni r.31, sun.. Sll Hi's "Vs 4-1 Vj 3l't .137 . 30, 17 Jt)' R' . C2S ' . Ul. 50 li'. It) :i 3.' 110 189 2S 02's JHMNO STOCKS . 7 4. llJ V' nil Ledce . Boston ant Mont Butte New York. Con Arizona . r F t. lerome Firit National 2 Ooldnelit Cona 17 lioldnel.l Florence 4 4 Goldflflfl Iewanas 4 cirten .Monst r . . . Ilecla Minis.- . .. Howe Sound . Independence Lead Jerome verde Jim Itutler S MrKlntey Darruih r,H Muama Copper 311 Mother lxde 40 Nevada Hills '.' ' Nevada Wonder . .... '4 NiplsKtnff K1 Ohio Copper i Itay Hercules 2 Han Toy ... . 1IV4 Tonopah Kxtenslon 211 uniten vertte . . . West IJntl Con White Cap 1 erlnslon IlONDS Bethlehem 7s Cosden Oil 6a ... . cjosoen icuovs ........ cnaanx ns ..:......... usaian uov ovsa ... , lant uov nis,. ..... 37 102 70 HI IS CO t 8 ' tij 37 4 11 .1. 3X. A ;ot 11 . in ,7 82 1 12 31 is-i, 3S Hi, 'JA 102' 01 ur. ,,10:14 102 r,n . on WX Loofc V II 1st if 10.) LorlllarJ P Co ..1GJ Loula & Nash . 121 Manhattan Kiev . H2 Manhattan Shirt . 118 Maxwell Motors . 41 Maxwell M 1st pf. 70)j Ma-ell M 2u pf. 34J May LN!pt Stores . 00 Mexican I'etrot .lbOJi Miami Copper ... 27 MlcUale Steel .. 47Js mibm Kan & Tex. (Hi r, I Miss Kan i T pr.. 22 t,, Mltsrourl Paclflo . 3J ' Mifbouri l'ac pr.. 50 Nat Acme vdt Nut Cloak & Suit, tvlji Nat Cloak S. S pr.lOH Nat Con & Cable. 19JS Nat En & Stamp. C3Ji Nat Lead 70 Nat It of M 2d pf. Wi Nev Con Cop ... 17 Now Or T& M ...355, N V Air Uraua N Y central .., N Y Chi 4 St h, N V Dock N Y Dock pf . . , N YNH&H.. N Y Ont 4 Wes Nor & Western North American Northern Paclilo. ('($ Nova Sco H & C . (,7ii Ohio Cities Uaa . M!i Onturio Mining- ,, SJ, Okla Prod & It . 12J Owens Bot Mao , So l'acltla Mall 37H Pao Tel & Tel . . . 2WJ Pan Am Pet & T. D4U rauAmPi Tpf.l63J 45' j 44'u 73 72'i 30 3SJJ 95", 9. 1S2 ISO 27) i 27.' i AW 47W 17 M. !'s 2' 14 Wi 2o;- . .! u, 30i 21 0.515 78: i Wi 20 55 30) 1 JUJi 03'f '7!i 4." 7::'i 3u 95 lhl.!. 27i 1 .8JJ n 20 :2. 0 30", 20'. .,116H .. 80H .. 31K ...3J .. 61 B2 23 17JJ 17H Uli SHi 81 81i 32H 55 22K 33 Kiii 22i Wi 111M 110 K) 01i (0M H7'i 7,'1 0 1.0! i 0 'i ur, tOJ. 38i 12.'. 50 am 32H C5 32U 22H 110 0IU Wi 72 0U 'l2!4 60 05!f 93Ji 04 S tin (!i 101 1," Armour Co 41 .s S7'. !l Atchison 4s ... S2.j I Halt & Ohio 5s. SO ' !! tlo ov lUjs .. 7S-"1! IT) I! cv O Sn :!'ms 8.-1 1 Itrntlen Coppor (Is !M1 2 llkfjn Kap Tr .".s (HP, 7 tlo 7s S3 1 I!tii(lpiin (i . llll'j 2 Can Cot ."is 11121 US'", : (lii ." 1!I2(! . .,i', .".2 do ,".s i!i::i .. 1177, 21 ("out Leather ."- !l7 1N Chile lis i() ts 1 Chili Copper 7s. 1I7' ."..". Ches.O cv 4-l.s S.", " ,"il do conv ,"s ... ill II Chi (it West -Is . 02', ."ill Chi IIaC Q -Is . !l."s 2 Chi Ind & West 4s 05 7 Chi .Mil & St I ifd 4os .. .. 72 20 do lonv ,"s ... SO 1 j 7 tlo cv 4i.s ... 7! " 2 tlo Ren 4.s .. sp, 1 ('lev Sli li l'js SO 11 fit Paris (is .. 9N " Comp Tab Itec Co 0s S.", 11 Cono (Jns cv (Is .11)41, 7 Den . Uio (!r 4s 71's ." Krie cv 4s SerA ."1 's I do Ser 11 51 1 tlo Ser V 531 j 1 (Jen i:iec fis ... )!).. S) 111 Steel 4VjS SO" 3 lown Contra I 4s. l(17s 13(1 Interl) Met 4jS. 307s 40 Inter Mer Mr (Is. 10412 lot't, 104 Sinter Afir fix S2',... S2'. 8'J1,.. 5 Lack Stl 5s 1050 02 02 " 5)2 !) I,eliiKh Val Us.. .102'', 101ft 101ft 1 I.ig & M T 7c.1i; 11.", 113 1 I.orilhutl 5s !)lft !)17s jdft XMi Lib ltd .'IMsi . . S1SI.IM !)1),54 00.114 3!)7 Lib UiI cov 4s... 04 71 01. Oil J)4. (HI 22 Lib ltd 14 4s... 1)5.00 05.00 1)5.(10 HOT Lib ltd 4'.js . .SI5.0S 05.82 05,81 OS Lib Hod Ifct 4',s 05.0(1 1)5.70 05.80 1052 Lib Hd ii 44h 05.12 05.00 05.00 137S Lib ltd 4th 4iLs. 05.32 05.1005.14 1 Ljous Gs 00'. 0!)'j 00j I .Mur.sle us :i!i'.. l)l)i(j OO'S lOMidvnle 5s SO'fj RSTs 806 1 .Minn H li 4s. . ,(i,.j 7(ji . 701, :: x y 0 & n 4s 77"K 77 " 771,4 4 do (lh 00 )0ft 00 10 X Y XII & II lis 82ij S2-7 82V. 22 X Y Uwy 5s.. 14V. 14v. 14'. (i Xorf & V cvt OslOl) 100 100 " 5 do 4s 82 Vj 82 Vi 82 V. S Xor Pac Us 00 00 CO " .'t I'enna-gen 4js. 87Vj 87Vj S7V- 5!) I'u 5s '08 HO Drift 00 4 Tierce Oil '24... 100ft IOOVj lOOVj 20 Sinclair Oil 7s.. 100 1)0?6 100 ICSt li & San V ndj w i "P fiOVj 70 7 do in w i .... Wft 54ft Ti4ft 32 Scab A li adj Ds 51 51 51 10 do rfd 4s ... 50 50 50 7.1 So 1'ac cv 4s... 83 83 U 834 III do cv Cs 108 107ft 108 12 do rftl 4s ..... 81 Vi 814 81 '4 5 South Uwy 4s.. GKVj OSVj Vj 18 Third Ave ndj 5s 35 . .14 .15 27 1' S Realty 5s.. 70ft 70ft 70ft 10 V S Iltlbber 5s. 80H 80 81) 11 do 7 10.1ft 10.1Vi 10.1Vj 25 Un Itwys 8 V 4h 33 Vj 33j 33 Vj 13UKo(GK &I rl4s 1021 .,. 00 09 00 .a mm$m.mw!k New Yorli, Mny 23. After n brief reflection of easier cables nntl more faorable weather which caused a Ben ei al opening decline of 13 to 10 points, the cotton market turned firm ngtiin nntl quickly l allied to aboe 20 tents for October. The trade nnd Liverpool were heavy buycts on this upturn which was further supported by southern advices noting u tremendous demand for spots. A private cable from Liverpool te porting that Manchester was largely uncovered, tlint is to say, hntl bought ny little cotton against leciuirenients, and leports of n coqtinued good spot demand weie factors on the rail. Tlie bulge met lcnlmiiR nntl local selling for n reaction, however, and the mnrket was easier, with prices back to about last night s closing figures Y't. Todays 11 00 May . lult Sent . Ot-t . . Ic. .ran Feb March MONEY-LENDING RATES .PHILADELPHIA Call, Tift per cent; time, 5ft QO per cent; coinmci- cial paper, tluee (o sit months, 5Vi 51j per cent; six months, G per cent. LONDON Money is quoted nt !!!, per cent. Discount lates, short untl three-mouth bills, :?;, per cent. Local Bid and Asked rlnRA nhpn . 30 00 8tl.tr, jn no 87 . 0 111 iS IB . US SB 2S SO US 41 --'S 40 H 30 21 ii: i in m 30 21 I'll N7 JS 10 W 14 JH 41) 'j in us ir, 21 tu -s : US 1.1 J8 1.1 1 30 2 311 p. m 30 Jl .'II (111 2R.10 28 PI 28 43 2S.11 2K 21 p in .11) 2.1 '.Ml 118 28 II) 2H C!J 28.20 28 It BANK CLEARINGS ll-inK tlearinss todiv coiunareu vlth ror respondlnir da last two ;?(. i.i.U . 472.1211 I'fill J10.S74 Sill S14 SHI ten i .. rtoitnn W.W.r-f! 4S.4 11 4 331)45311' - I v Y 7CI1 7S0 12J ,120 144 37 5114.207.171 , -!si liut'i M HI)J.271 21 4.11. Ill L' Jll'I'Sl.l: t hl.HCO SI.721.IM') 7.147.71. Ml IK1.IIS.1 li.iltlmore 11.2113 1)111 S ns 714 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yorlt. Mnj 2:i. After the con tinued successive acute declines in for-' eign exchange throughout the week a bujing demand for both accounts de veloped in enily dealings today, with gnins of more than " teiitinies in fiancs nutl of 5 points in Swiss nnd Scandi navian cchuii";es. Steiling improved ftc for demand nntl Iftc for cables, computed with .vestoidn.v's opening hg u res. One of the leading international bankers said this morning that bankers were considering measures to solve the tremendous pioblem presented by the demoralization in Trench and Italian exchanges paiticulailj , but so fnrvith otit success. The point of concern naturally is tlie great obligations of both Trance and Italian in the face of iiniitel supplj of gold. Quotations weie: Demand sterling 4 01, cables 4.05. TraucB cables (105, checks 0 07. Lire cables S.70, checkH 8.72. Swiss cables 5.10, chicks .".I". Guilder cables 30, checks .10s. Pesetas cables 20.11, checks 20 05. Stockholm cables 25, checks 24.S0. Christiauia cables 25, cheeks 24.S0. Copenhagen cables 23.70, checks 23 50. Itelgian cables 0.70. checks 0.72. There were viituall.v no quotations obtainable in the early dealings feu ruble notes. In mid-afteinoou. sidling, in ton- ' tiasl to tlie lest of the muiket, t ended American Stores uiitr & Suq . . . 71 ilo preforrej n t Ilaldwin . .jo,) llrlllj C! .4-, tr.uni t t .111 lilfi trie Morace . 7.l, tieneral Axphalt . . l.S ilo preferred 10J KevHtnnn TelPnhoni II (lo preferred . 4S I.ttko hup Corp ... HIS Lehigh .Vav . , tipl I-ehlRh dlle ,1S4 Lehigh Val Trne . 1 I do preferred. . . . 28 Pennsvlvanla . 47'i Phila Cleclrle . 21V(i i'hlta C"o . 4llt do .1 per cent pref 21) do (J per cent pref ,11t Phil i rt T t c . . 2(1 Heading- . . . 88't Tonrpali llelmont .m Tonopih Atlninir 3.V fnlon Traction 311s t'nl Us Imp ilDVa f S Hleel Itinjj ork rtnilwa) " do preferred, .. 32i, Todjv Hid Ask 1'4 10IIV: lot) Yesterday Illd Ak l'ii 71 I 47 120 71 II') 1(1.1 111 no 21) 7(1 no 17 37 474 2T, 41Vi 31 311 ail's 8H 3'i :i's 40 7(1 I ua i)"i 4.1 1LII (IS 111 I I) 48 lt t'.'l r.s 14 38 47'4 2.11, 311 Vi 2'l 31V, ail', 87lt 3s 3W 3T, ill 10", 73 r.i'4 ltin'j 17 123 74 '4 III) llll 10 nn Ill's 71) M 17 .17 an5 lll'-i 3(1 an 'i. S7i 3'4 ak 40 nuts 103'n 32 ' DIVIDENDS DECLARED Giobo Ttubber Tire CompanM quarterly of l' Per cent, pajable Jun 15 to utock of record May 31 Northern Pipe T.tne t'ompanv. semiannual of $.1 a (.bare, paatle Jul 1 to stock of record June 11 Wolverine Copper Mining Companj, quar terly of .10 centa a share, payable July 1 to slock of record June 14 lirnuklyn t'ulon Uiih Companj. quarterly or J'-j per tent pajuble July to slOLk of rXiord June n Submarine Signal, n dlldend of 2 per cent, pavable Jun ,1n to Ktnclt of reeord Mav 2J Atlantle Hulf and IVest Indies Stewmshln I ompanv. (.emlnnnual of 1.1 a share on com "on, pajablo August 1 to stock of record General Chemical Company. Quarterly of 1V4 per cent on preferred, paiabltj July 1 to stock of record June 18 North American Company, quarterly of l' per rent pasable July 1 to stock of record June 1C Pratt Food Company, quarterly of 5 per cent, payablo Juno 1. BAR SILVER Ci neicinl bur silver was quoted to- da in New York at Sl.OlS'i. an ounce, an advance of l:S,c In London, the price was filTid for both immediate and forward deliveij. This is n gain of 'id over cstcidn.v. TIVANCIAT. $10(1.000.00 CITY OF READIM1. 1W.. 4V4"l LON Tor Street Imnrocemenls "Cerles tl." S500.00 Dennmlnatlon Dated July 1, llllt). Interest payable Jan uary 1 and July 1. 10-Year Coupon nnd Resletered Bonds due July 1. 1020. Free of all taxes In Pemislvanta. Kxempt from Federal Income Tax Ivural Investment for Truat Funds. Pondl of tne City of Heading enloy a blah Investment stnndinc. Healed proposals fo'" the purchase ot K.ild bonds will be re ceived at the office of the City Controller. City Hall Readlnff. Pa., until 10 a. m. June 4. 1010. Bids mint b accompanied by certified check for fi of the par value of the amount nf loan bid for. made payable to the City of Reading-. No bid will be entertained for a sum less than par. The right is reserved by the underslsned to reject any or all bids. Tor further information address the City Controller. n PRANK RUTH. Supt. Dpt Accounts and Finance. O n DCirtWARD, Cltv Controller. WKIil.INOTON M. BERTOLET. Cllv Snncltnr. n half cent to l.o:!1: 1.04' j for cables. for demand antl Inquiries Solicited From Brokers Wishing Quotations for Active and Inactive SECURITIES WARREN A. REED Brokers' Broker 421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Annnal Klertlons IKT Kfc-UJl.Ml COJII'ANV 12? Central linice. n Phlladeln1 Notice is .hereby elven Itemllnr Tntnnt ..l.. .'tit Zi.. .T "..'. j miuueiimia, jviay u. Ocnernl Dfllee, Jtlay 20. lull). VlD, ,U. . oolite 0.,,1 ";. --; A 1, "v annual election of stockholder of leading Company to elect nine Directors will take place In Room No 453. Reading Terminal. Twelfth and Market sts.. In the Cltv of Pblladel. nhla, on Tuesday. June 3. 1010, at t'velva o'clock noon. Ry order of the Hosrd nf Directors JAT V. IIAR13. Secretary. Bpelal Xotlees UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Rats 3',.. 3'9o.. 4 .. 4 .. 4'.. 449o.. Vifo.. Vt.. Callable .. 1932 . .. 1922 . .. 1932 . .. 1927 . .. 1932 , ..1927 . " 1933 '. .. 1922 , Dus .1947 .1923 .1947 .1942 .1947 .1942 .1928 .1938 .1923 $50, $100, $soo AND $1000 DENOMINATIONS FULL INFORMATION REGARDING TAX FEATURES OF LIBERTY LOAN SECURITIES WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST THE I0HTG0MERY & CO. 133 SOUTH 4TH STREET PHILADELPHIA 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK ujuiiiuns or jiiv, m:w york ami rmi.Anui.vim stuck exchanges COVliltN'MIINT SECURITIhS UKI'ARTMISNT TELEl'lIOMiS. UUI.I,. 1.0 M UAH I) 4330s KEIbTONK. MAIN S3SI F ITSS AT A JOINT MKKTIM1 or T1IK 3Sf Hoard of Offlcern and the Women's Auxiliary Committee of the Jewish llns. i.llul Arsoelatlon of, rhllailelnlilu, held Mav 12, 1019. the president havlne announced the death on May II. init). of nur honorary director Simon n. Flelnner. the following minute was adopteC by a rlsinc votes " Mr. Flelsheir hecamo a director or the as sociation In 1RRB and durlnic the jesrs of hts active membership on the Board of Officers he rendered lo the association and the In stitutions under Its control useful and effec tive service. ... . . . He was appointed a member of the Com mittee on Home the first ear of hts election ss director and served on that commute-, with but one slight intermission, for the fufl term of his active membership until lie' also served as a member of the Com mlttee on Admission to the hospital from 100 to 1S04. and on the Committee on En tertainment and Employment from 1802 to Mr. Flelsher also was one of the com-, mlttee appointed In 188S to provide for tb enlargement of the hospital and home, nml It was largely owing to Ms wise counsel and mature Judgment that the present splendid i Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites tints He displayed a deep and sympathetic In terest In the Home for Aged and Infirm, antl I v ever ready by his advice and counsel to In 1S0T. having passed the rejulte. term of ten years' service on .he Hoard of c)ff. rers. he was declared an honorary member. Ills relation with his rollesrues of the board were always pleasant and marked by nva. rl.ble courtesy and consideration. " mwhw nf that Nnn vrl n fllfUdk m int iniiiwrip w s.d v . wj iwn pna v v ERHS1 & ERNST NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA BUFFALO PITTSBURGH CLEVELAND CINCINNATI . CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS DETROIT TOLEDO DALLAS HOUSTON , nrrffj of the Wonwn'i AntWmrY CajnmUtn dftap; ,1? AUDITS and SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE WASHINGTON IY1UNSEY BUILDING p PHILADELPHIA OKFIcJj 2023-2024 LAND TITLE BLDG. Telephone Locust 2681. We announce the opening of a Washington Office, located in rooms i 915-16-17 Muhsey Building, for the purpose of facilitating 'the handling of all Federal Tax matter.s referred to any of our offices by our' clients. J "ka' ip, mi mi: m .. r 'a i n i ?l !& rmru ,woa;;' JiJ p 7C 4. PUftB Railroad .. 4S, tliVi Sf.tl "', jb wtmm, somj,' 'P"f "J ry vrr'XLEX f ' & aS.54 it V iIMH