a s I -'fS r '"vfc- m 0 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 23,M919 , Mfl. s- fx 151, i: w- h IH R-. i- if iv- V r ! I- 6? I , tci . RaJM.!"" r- lL :h ' M 1 at X j"' Hi. V ' ! ' . HUNGARIANS HUR L r GIRLS INTO RIVER I .."' r Youth Sits In Judgment Those Accused of Aiding Counter-Revolt on W BLOOD ORGY IN BUDAPEST By Hie Associated Press Vienna, May 23., Many persons ac cused of being counter-revolutionists arc being eiccuted in Budapest by the Hun garian communists, according to (lis patches received here. The victims usu ally arc shot In front ot the Hungarian parliament house in the daytime or in the public school yard in the Mnrkn strasso at night. Among those who are said to have been executed are Ilerr Holan, mnnngei of the Ka.chau Odcrhurg Itaiium , 3Z. and Colonel 'Dor'manV." of the ' nostage Irom u general staff, who was taken from n ofrc,l tier imcnuon o return iv m, jjenirm oi. . C him. according In Union "?:?.! -i. .trin.'rn..t.. cv,,. it,. counter-revolutionists, aiso were, exe cuted. ... Tho presiding judge of the revolti tionary tribunal, which orders tho ex editions it is said, is n former lock i.uct. --r. . . v smith, twent two veais of age Mam bodies of men and women and girls of the bettei daws have been Kino I linn to t lima llo vnni il wn found on the shores of islands in tln stinngi' that the pubin did not id llaiitibe, below the ntv It is reported lcnrl imdertand that thn question that thej were nrrested in the residen-I was settled onie and for nil in tin tinl nuarter of Hilda and were thrown Into the Danube by guards who were taking them to prisons in Pest. French colonial troops, the reports iidd, nrc expected to move on the eltv from the south. White guards aud counter revolutionists are preparing to cross the Itiver Theiss, where they have taken the positions evacuated bv the Rumanians who were withdrawn to the llcssarabian front. Tho Bolshevists' offensive again t! Rumanians in Bessarabia is progressing, according to reports received here from Ukrainian sources, because of innbilitv ot tho rkraininns under Oencral Petlurn to cut in behind the Itolshevists ,u the direction of Kiev, tieneral Petlura Is vaid to be helpless because he has been deprived of the support of 50,000 West Ukrainian troops who arc lighting mi successfully ngainst the Poles timlet General Hallcr in the region south of Lemberg. The advices say that the situation is considered serious for the Rumanians because they may alo soon be attacked by the Hungarinn communists The position of the Ukrainians, it is said, is still more serious. The troops of the Moscow government are ap proaching Fetlura's base at Tarnopol. Salford Carnival Tonight The annual falford street business men's carnival will be held tonight iu j tho block between YJne and Calloulull streets. The funds raised will be spent for n safe and sane Pourtli of JuK. I whs there to make a sketch of her. Luncheon Sas Just over, and she was talking; to n little Knot of women. The first ds 1 heard, as I slid quietly into a iby scat, were "National Biscuit," calllnc antly my own tasty ccdgaVmrch eou. I liked tier. eil com fortably as si In, my pen and ears b "Betwcenthc dnik nn" she was quoting, "1110, Rys a lilt of pause w world seems waltlnaWTtonln kfor the chlldreagBPRTce they w thirlWe given that babfcs. lirst I harys" Then, vhen thejF - , to toddle, i aJ always me in my Qj come. An appetizer at the be ne one rmr r .1 . , ,-, . ChlldrenF ginning 01 ine Te soud better, and faction when the served. Nothing can take the place of Uneeda Biscuit on the family table. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY lists' too-rl ten td pad of were war Hour. "You see, even faent on. "are much mala. Thesr are most lol most tractable after they soinethlne to eat. National Bis! dainties , always besin onr Chil- YOUR customers, your organi zation and your banker think more highly of an advertised business than an unadvertised one. Advertising puts your business be fore the public as a"going" prop osition. In the old days manufacturers em ployed national advertising in an effort to bolster up falling sales; then, when business again reached normal proportions, dropped the advertising as something unneces sary. Maximum returns from advertising may be had 6nly through continued effort. A compact, efficient organization at your service. Y DIPPY & ds&berfisfjfe HEED BUILDING "ANGEL FACE" DIVORCED t Mrs, Elllcott Win Decree From Rich Mine Owner Nerr Yorh, May 21.-Mn Violet II Klllcott, known by nitlsts as "the gill with the angel face," cstcrdav scent rd a divorce from Charles It. lJllieott, n wealthy mino owner, here. The dc - cree gave to the mother the custody oC tlieir two beautiful iMMrro. Mnrl.w, eleven, and Marguerite, eight. The first Mrs. Klllcott, who won n decree of divorce from Kllicott se crnl years ago, now is hung in l'liila ioipi.ia. The wedding of the second Mt Kllicott e.iino as n surprise. It wn iinnouMCcd .Innuarj 13, 1007, at a Mir prise birthday part gKcn for hei l frlonilo nt. ii hotel, aud then and there the cercmou was performed, sue is the dnugniei ot .unjor u,y ... v u ind. once lonuuander of the l.iglitli I'nited States Tnfmitrv. who was MMrel in the Rpauih Aiueiican Wni TO RETURN KIAO-CHAU . , , ..,,,, P, rit uoio ueuara wdpuu ,m ..,, vu. Treaty With China . X. York. Mar 23 -Japan ha. never Slmnnei fieitei. former .liiiiane-n- foi eign minister, who spoUe heie last night at n dinner gien in his lionot Yada, Japanese consul general Union (into expressed sm prise Hint pic Miimibh well mfoimed men ire n-k m win the peace tientv docs not in : -.::,.... ,n cnnii ilnde a prou-oon loi the u Monition of (Juno Japanese tieit of Mn VU.i ' If .Tap-in. ' said Baron Ooto. ' hii1 vome things to bo justlv proud of Iiim I uiiwnieiiiig fidtliU to foreign treaties! is perhnps the foremost of such things i Our historv ot international ueaiings denrlv shows that we neier ar en teied into nni treat with anv foreign ii(.tion without the sincerest intention of observing it to the lettei FUNERAL OF BiSHOP GREER Ceremonies In New York Cathedral Marked by Extreme Simplicity New loth. Mm 25 Hiv A. P l 1 urternl seniles for the Right 15e Din id Hiimmell (iioei. bishop of tie 1'iotest.iiit l'plscopnl elioeeses of Now ork, were hold this "inoriiing ill th Cathedral of ht John the Divine 1 1 i seme os wore marked bv extreme sun plieiH. the occasion bringing togeth"! .1 lmge conipnn of distinguished men .mil women 'Ihe master of ceiemoines was the Kev II I'.nggs N.ish, of the cathedral staff. j Siv hundred poi-ons were in the pio . cession to the cathedral piouous to th eoieiiionies niiel iniliielcd a seoie of bishops ami 100 elergv of Piotestunt denominations and tho honorary pall heaiers. The bnili w.is placed in tin "niilt. whieli has been built in the erpt beneath the lathedial. (lion's Hour like a feast. Tor the tiny toddlers thcie is n Milled menu, sometimes Unecda Biscuit and milk, homctimes Urnhnm Crack ers, Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis cuit. This is changed on special occasions to Old Time Sugar Cook ies eirNevv tons and, ratrst of iiUffnie elnvs when we hud ream and Nabisco, and those were our party dajs. "Don't, think my hour is Just a lunch hour. It started us happily. nde us sure they Ty iia.v for mst feed Aluave roar must , iresh always wel- oultl elr ,e o meat, maning tne Dest 1 the final touch of satis- cheese and coffee are 'is?; dirfl Ja V1 ,itW. I III" asH&TF3inas -BBSaalaOTratrifv nl. "only National rcan be. During the ny babies were growing nerer missed the Chil- Bour with Us tasty feast. AITKIN PHILADELPHIA REDS SEEK PEACE AS DEFEATS GROW j .,,,,. . .. -, ) Allied Troops 111 Northern RUS- sja j M&n p08ton of i Bolshoviki 'PETROGRAD IS MENACED 11 the Associated Press 1'uils, Mav 23 A whelcs message f i oni Moscow to Itela Kun. the Hun K,r,ni, f'oiiimunist loadei. probably from TpliiUhci! tJ)c ,, Uolahcnk coi'mrh miiiisici, ushs uiul cue iiiin-i Jeans he tnld that the llolshcUU did not i(fu.e the Xnnsen food pioposnl but tlie Inxit that the cessation of hostilities vliniihl be a subject for lcgu 'ar diplomatic negotiations. Ur-,m,oul UnrcniemU of the Bol .shouki appear to indicate that thc do sue negotiations looking to pom e. I especiiill in mow ot new defeats and I the growing weakness of the Souct I government Recognition of the Kol 1 clink government bj the Untciite is e pec tod almost nnv day by members i of ninnv of the delegations to the Ponio ( unfei euro who .no of the opinion that iCineinl Denekine's ninn will loin up with Kolc link's foiros slioith. mid n 'gild the liiitisli niw snctiMtios m tli Bnlti' as a giiniantie that tho ltol I shevik luu will licit be pel nutted to i hai.iss the Usthnniiins and ruins, who me supporting the nut Itolshcwik femes which nie griiilunlU dosing in on Pctio giad Ixiiuliin. Mm 2.". The allied troops on the nmtli Russian flout hsie eai nod out a successful tinning movement ngainst the niniii Bolshevist position, fortiug tin otiemv to retreat southward, ne cording to a noith Russian othiinl 'coninuimi itioii lcccived lioie last night Sevoial touiis wcio captured nnd mail ipnsoneis taken The enimv also biif feiod heavv casualties The e omnium 'cjtion sns the ttiiuing iiiDVCinout was can nil out Mav 20 noith of Modvyoj vaoia, sn miles south of f.umbushki Scarlet jSage One of the moit effective and satisfactory of beddmp; plants. Brccr's America the eailicst anel most continuous bloomet ; crv uniform in growth. Tho bushy plants grow about IB inches Inch, with the immense spikes of biilhant fccdilet flowers rising cleat abose Hip ruli giecn foliage. Plants, l.'ic each; S1.30 per doz.; $10.00 per 100 FiDE'E'D Secds,Plants,Tools UILLI 714-16ChestnutSt. The Most DREER5 - i S9r&k!iHsliW, m i Hlnr. Hill's H flK Guarantee WfH LSH Goes mBK IB with 1;VK Bp Every KaH HBn Purchase mft M: Store HJHI " IB Open KsK SSsSSK F.viiv !'iSKi JBK Evening n mBm 10 o'clock IHk ou tho railway; that tho enemy was cpellcd from Ills position and is In full retioat The towns of liuinuuslikl, Otrcclic and Kolodaii weic taken. I This lighting was on tho Muriuau niilwiO front noithennt ot l'ctio grnd just to the north of Inkc Onega. Mcdxjcjjngora is n few niiks wist of 1'oUcuctis.J lhtboninn forces are rapidly np proaehing I'etrogtnel from the west, Ac roriling to nu ofliclal statement lawA nt Kstlioninn nnny lieuileiunrters and leceUnl heie The text of the state ment leads: "The Ijstlioulnns arc advancing swift lyton I'etiognid. Besides the town of Ymnbuis. the railway stations ntcv ;:: zt; , r r ,i"'" - i. ac the town of Koporjc and several il- Ingos ueiii Kohganpin, on tho I innis.i ifculf. have hern occupied 'Jlits brings Prices Leather is Still Going Have Protected You $100,000 worth of low Shoes, almost one year ago, from the best ' , makers in America, Burt & Packard, Thompson Bros, and other. We gambled on selling thousands ot pairs more than we sold last year and these low prices for Citstom-Bullt Style Shoes will do it for Here, You Beat the Market PRICES LOWER THAN EVER PROFITS LESS THAN EVER - VALUES GREATER THAN EVER You don't have to pay higher prices! We have the shoes, the cost oi selling is at a minimum in the basement shop, and our huge sales enable us to charge smallest profits per pair. Look at the styles and quality of the $9, 310, $12, $15 priced shoes shown in the ground floor shot) windows all over Pennsylvania, then come in here, examine and inspect, see these 10 LOW SHOES PRICED HERE NOW Royal Cuttom Built Styles. Tan, Ma hofany, Black Calf and White Buck Style Shoes, o! hfkheat trade workmanship and 'inlih. tvery sue. , $9 to $12 Shoes, Black, $ $Q Tan Calf & Cordovans Pick From These Winners NOW ! Select From the Greatest Variety of Individual STYLE-SHOES in Newest Young Men's Patterns of Any Shop in America. English Lasts, Brogue Patterns, Plain, Fancy or Wing Tips, Leather Linings and All "New Ideas" in the Smartest Tailored Oxfords You'll Find From Coast to Coast. Save $3 to $5 On Every Pair Now Come today, tonight or tomorrow if possible, but be sure to get in before Decoration Day, next week! 'Come in and see for yourself try a pair on your feet. Don't buy inspect them. See them while they're here at these Sensational Low Prices. oyal Boot Shops AT BOTH OF THE ROYAL SHOPS 13th & MARKET ST. N. W. Cor. 2E.cnETeryEvg 1204 CHESTNUT STREET on Second Floor Store Orders Accepted 1029 MARKET STREET Tomorrow MR. HILL OFFERS THE Greatest Savings Ever Known on Men's Summer Suits For Young Men's $20 and $25 Skirt Model' Suits TAKE this wonderful gioup for instance nearly 1000 brand new suits in the wanted skirt, high waisted and more con servative models each offered at a having of from ?5.00 to $10.00. All the wonderful plain colors and great patterns in vogue this season. For Men's Actual $30 Silk-Lined Suits THE suits that have taken Philadelphia by storm. The finest blue serges, plain color or striped flannels, homespuns, novelty mixture, cheviots and raRlmnrfn Wonderful Silk That Are to Be Duplicated Under $35.00 and $40.00 Tliey ai o clothes that could only be equaled by v custom tailors. T hoy represent ,th,o master prod- A ucts ot ou ot wis country's nest Kpown ana leading tailors. A size a model-a color a pattern for every man. within fifty miles of Anli.ingcl, Mny 10 (delayed). Kus i.laii hoops io-operatiiig with tho Al lied forte on the Murmansk front cap tuied tho town of Povlctictz, nt the head of Lake Onegu, on Sntmdny. DIVIDE DISASTER BLAME Responsibility for Halifax Blast, Costing 1600 Lives, Shared by Ships Hallfav, N. S May 23 Responsi bility for the Halifax explosion, which devastated the greater part of the city and exacted a loll of 1G0O JUcs in De cember, 1017, rests equally lipon tording to a decision handed down by the .Supreme Court nt Ottawa The explosion occurred when the two Rising Higher and Higher. We By Contracting for AT atvPtoCJ 'Storc Orders Accepted tho I'sthonlans 1'ctrogrnd " In every model to appeal to young men as well as conservative dressers. - Lined Suits alw -v- r I steamers collided. The decision re-1 verses one by Justice Urysdnle, of Hall- fax in tho spring of 101S, plnclng the blame on tho Mont Blanc. Solicitors for tho Imo said they would appeal their case to the privy coun.U in Kugland. llesponslblllty for tho explosion will Involve liability for claims aggregating many millions, it is wild. , ' the MrM tm m T M. m 3 F. aaTaTaaTaTaBDHnaTfluTaBantaiu.. . .-f-iT-'' 'J SHVI '"JfiA ' aHH iHBiSlaBal -i V Turkish Hf W ', Tobacco JgjHBp s lMiiL A tin spoon costs a silver spoon. "Bundle" 100 pure tobacco for cigarettes. If you don't like Helmar return the package and get your money back. .We are anxious to have you spend your money for your money's, worth that's why we caU your attention to Helmar Negro Shot in Fight lola Wright, of 1238 Webster street, ls dJ'nS In tho Howard Hospital from sunshot wounds iu tho nl.domcu and "rnV, inic"'' according to tho police, bJ 1?r,laeh' tweuty-two years jiM, H '"H'" " near Thirteenth, drnB a quarrel nt lhlrtcenth and Doth nrc ...u-. .i" ") )' negroes. cigarettes cost less timrjnvs ifiinimaHELJBBInmw m a i h IIHMIIIHIHHaHaBHBHHHIlHHIHHlHHHliHIHHHl Turkish the Mildest and Best Makers cftlisHidlKslGmdtfjiu III l' Tpi.m' anataubiiaii ugmucsittthe Help Your Skin WhileYouSIeep withCuticura JMIdrnuttti 8oiDa.Olrtmfflfa,Tlfun! 'aieumSS. Bmpl oiohfraaof "OiMcrnr, Dtp. il, wma.1 less than than Helmar J A ' . t",-- .-. . K. IVi ' "" UlLl CAim Market If-. ,J- w I liuk.a&. . 11 ilrWmriHMlHfc'ftflli' ftriI "ft-"