Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 22, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 6, Image 6

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S-f'Tour Boats Available to Carry
K Kin Down River to Greet
Selected Men
a' 'i
Four op more lionts vv ill lip provided
to take the next of kin down the lleln
Ware river to meet the trnnnoit lirinn
Jnit the .tliitli lnfntitry, "I'hilndclphiii'i
Own," it the number of relatives np
plying for nccommodationi is sufficient
to loud the boats.
This was announced today bj .1 .litr
den Guenther, executive mannccr of the
Philadelphia welcome home lommittce.
who said that the greatest celrJ)rntioti
ever given n returning troopship is be
Jng planned for the transport bearing
the 31Cth of the Sorentv -ninth Urn
slon as it comes up the river.
The Slfitli is made tip almost cntirclj
of selected mn from I'liilutlrlpliKt and
already n great demand has been made
for tickets for the boats going down the
river. ?
The tiunsport' believed to be bringing
the entire .'tlfilh is the Santa leit. due
here Mn 117 Some mix-up in the
cabled messages from the port of cm
barkntion in I'ranie ha. led to iincer
tnlnty, but (Seneral McAndrens in
charge of transportation, reports that
at least IIMII) men of the regiment aie
abonrd the ship
rhiladelphi.i Is Ke.ul.v
Philadelphia is ronilv In Kh ilie
drafted men of the Seventv nurtli Pi
vision the same kind of iecetion it
tendered the foruiei gunuNmen of (lie
Twenty eighth and tndingr.iin havi
teen sent to all lnps bringing the wear
ers of the Lorraine C'rnsx nkiiig the
men if tliej want to parade
The commanders of the units (in bosrd
the various ships han been u-kcil liv
wireless to entphnsie the nuiet of tin
"home folks to honor the selertnl men
and to plan1 the issue ill n fnwr.'ihli'
a light ns possible The me nkeil
to advise the Philadelphia welcnmp home
committee at once of the icsult of the
The Seventv ninth i niadn up almost
entirely of selected men from I'lul.i
delphia, eastern IVnnsvlwinlu. Mnrv
land and the District of t'olnmbh.
Thirteen transports aie at sea bringing
homo men of the division. The ships
are scheduled to dock at ev York,
Boston. evvpoit News iind this iitv
The Santa llo-n.. Shohonr and Gen
eral Gorgas will doik here
.10 Kli mmtmltion Train
The Shoshone is bringing the "tilth
Ammunition Tram. oiisisting of head
quarters ami liore battalion detuih
raents and Companies 1, and V; the
801th Sanitary Train Headquarters,
uiaile up of ambulance companies '113.
314 and .'lift, nnd Held hospitals .'M3,
311, Jim and 310, besides the Twenty
first Sales Commissary 1'nit, the 332d
Clothing Unit and the C0.1d nnd 00-ttti
Casual T'nlts. The total of men nnd
I officers nboatd will number npproii
I matcly 1410.
I The General Gorgas carries the fiiM.
complete units of negroes to be dis
embarked in this city from "over
there." The units are the fiSAtli Casual
Company nnd the fiOflth Knglneers, ((in
sisting of headquarters and medical de
I tni hments. and Companies A and 1
Other units on the boats will be a de
lacliment of casual officers from the
medical, quartermaster, sanitary, vet
erinnrv, held artlller.v. motor transport
mid air service; the ,77th, fiOlli and
the fioUi Casual Companies Ken of
thee men are of the Seventj ninth.
On the Manchuria
The JIani Inn ill. which sailed fiont
' St Nnraiie Miiv 1 1, bunging the ."04th
Trench Mortar llnttery, docked in Niw
i tork todaj
The Virginian, from St Nnaire with'
tlie :ill!th 1'ield Atlillerv. field nnd stuff,
snuitiirv and ordnanre ilelm liments,
supplv and headipinrters coinpiiuv. Put
teries A. II. C. I'. '" and I". fniliteen
olhceis anil 1 Ul men. mill the .'tl'Jth
' Mncbine Gun Pattaliim, headquarteis
'compnnv. military and mdnaiice de
' taehttients Compnniet A. It. (' mid I).
nine officns and ."III men. m due nt
i ewpnit .Sens net Suiidnv , Inv 1!."
The ttaiisport Tiger. aKo fiom St
n73ire with the .'lUMh 1'ield Artillerv.
field u ml stuff liciidiiuarteis nnd sup
pv compjnies sMininrj and oidiinnce,
detncliinents, veletlnnrv Conipnnies .! ,
nnd I and Itattenes I!. C. I). I; aIi
I 1. fnrtv nine officers and I'M 1 men, is
expected at New ork in xt Mntulnv . I
Max IT. ,
The transport IMnurd l.uckenhai It I
has on board the .'tilth 1'ield Artilleiv
anil the. "11th M.ifhtne Gun Ilnttnlmn.
mid is due nt New nrk Max -li
The Dnkolan which smbil fiom St
N!i?nne Mm III. h.is nbnird the Sev
mix ninth Militiuv Police Cnmpnnv
Mllttb Mobile llrdnnnee Repair Section
nnd Thud Ilnttalioii heiKhpiarleis nnd
s.tttlinrx detni hnient. end Coinpnnies T.
mil M of the .'tl.'tli Iiifnutrv. and .'lll-llii
supplx Ti a i n Tin H.ikolnn is due m
N"i vx York on Mm -7
Ixrooiil.iinl is Diverted
The tianspnrt Kionnlnud xxhuh smled
fiom Si Na7ime n Is jm ordeied
xestenlav to dock nt New i nrk instead
of Piosinu. :i origm.tlh plmiueil On
board aie headqiiaiters and motor tintis
poir detai lnnent. fortv two ollirors and
1 1". men . headipiarteis troop, three otfi
ers nnd 117 men "Hth Engineers nnd
headquarters, suniinrx detachment and
I oinpanics A to I indusixe. fifteen
otln ers and 14111 men. 304th Ti.tiu
Headquarters, three ofllcers and forty
men: Third Ilnttnllon, sanitary detach
tueut, nnd Companies K, li and 51 of
the 310th Infantry, numbering twelve
officers and 3(10 men. The date ot the
Kruonlnud's arrival lias uot been n
The transport Princess Matotyn left
St. Xnrnire May 10 with l"4tli Field
Artillery llrlgade Headquarters, includ
ing Iti-lonilini- General Andrew Hero,
.lr , nnd staff, and 314tb Infautry. coui
tposiid of .Maryland and western Prim
svlvanln soldiers. This vessel Is due
in New York May -7. ,
Tean Due Maj 28 .
The tinnsport Texan, with headquar
ters, machine-gun and supply companies
nf the ninth Infnntrv, is due nt New -
pott News on May -15.
The Minnesolnii has on boat (I units of'
the 304th Ammunition Train which, an I
not on the Shoshone. These men w 111
be lunded nt Charleston Ma.v 'JO. j
The Maui, with the .Tltith Infantry
(omplete. cm ept Companies li nnd M,i
left Itrest Mn 10 nun Is due in .ew
Yoik Max 'JO There are seven! -two
othVeis and 'J"'17 men on the transport.
The et vices of Ihe police boat Ash
bridge have been withdraw n ft mn the
welcome home i mnmittee nnd cTorts
me being nride to obtain the use of
another boat on vvhlili rclntixes of the
lemming men mn make the trip ilowni
the tlver to meet the inioming trans I
I'mploves nf the Wnnamiikrr store
who went into the intlllnrj service will
be the guests of honor at a big recep
tion in the sinie June 10. The date
is subjeit to diange if the transports
bringing home the Seventj ninth l)i
vision men me dehvul .lnhn AVnnn
mnkir will extend a peisnnal welcome
to eiuh of the velermis A dinner will'
follow tin rr.epl Kill
$11,705,168 13 In City Treasury
Citv Tii iisin ir Shover todaj issunl (
fiis weeklv Im nn nil statement The
ninouiit paid i" '" l triasuter the last
week was S.-.S7 lilt! 4 and the ninouiit
pnnl out w.is s.s.p."i s.1. 10 This, not in
(lulling the sinking fund account, leaves
n bnlam" of 11.7()." Kks 13 .
Sale of Ships to Syndicate Will Not
Cut Sailings
P. K. Young, Philadelphia manager
of the International Mercnntlte Marine
Company, declared that the sale of the
180,000 tons of shipping to the Uritlsh
syndicate would not menu any curtail
ment of the company's servlco here.
"Some of the ships sold," he said.
"have suited from this port, but the
company Is planning to build nnd buy
other ships 1 'akc the places of those
"As cvl fence that we have no thought
of cut tailing our shipping here, let me
slate that we hnve just leased our pas
senger iidiI freight offices In this city
for six more ytnis. As to future ex
pansion nnd new Hues, that is a story
for the future."
Ballots Being Recast Today In Senior
CJass Contest
Somebody stuffed the ballot-box nt
the annual election of the next senior
class ot the t'nlvcrslty of Pennsylvania
last week. This was learned yester
day, when the tellers announced thnt
the election was Illegal and that an
other will ho held todaj-.
y Iffc a 5ecrfet!
oJy ihree.
KtxovS lip
ChtejArielcL& do itwrt:
titan, please tfie Taste,
Cv A
$&$$) CflRTEMS )
You can wear E'ARIS
GARTERS next to your
skin, thoroughly content
that they are made under
clean, sanitary condi
tions by healthy, well-cared-for
Temptingly Delicious
The morning repast must b
more than "Just food " It must
be cocked in n xxa to tempt the
tnornlnn appetite and pleasing
to the palate This Ml of serv
ile food is distinctively Thom
trien'R and sou can get a most
sntlsfvlng breakfast here for aa
little as
and not forKeltlnr our de
llrlittul !ll FI.OOK dinlni;
room for Luncheon or Dinner.
Delightful Muslo
1520-1522 Market Street
1700 Chestnut Street
"At the Men of the Cln'mun Hun"
A Domestic Analogy
)T is easy enough to match Tecla
Pearls arid Orientals, but an
other matter to separate them
afterwards which is analogous with
certain domestic difficulties.
398 Fifth Avenue, New York 10 Rue de la Pabc, Paris
Sole Philadelphia Agents Walnut St. at 16tt St.
Beginning Tomorrow
A Sale of Millinery
Formerly Priced $10.00
Formerly Priced $12.50
Formerly Priced $18.50
These hats are strictly correct for summer wear, as
they were only purchased within the last three weeks.
An eveni 01 unusual importance.
'Xhero were ninny repeaters, say the
tellers, and many men who were not
juniors voted. Ten freshlcs cast vote
for next year's senior president, while
many "ringers" and men not students
ot the University voted for their fa('
vorlte candidate. Hath candidate denies' (
that his political machine was respond
siblc anu urges an noncst election today.
Delicious Cake
As You Cart
Tell by Tasting
Ivinssponge Cake is golden
with the goodness of pure eggs,
clean milk and country butter.
Carefully timed and tested
ovens bake it "just to a turn"
not a burnt corner or a heavy
side crust fluffy all through.
Serve Ivinssponge Cake to
night or its popular compan
ion, Ivinspound. Your grocer
Truck economy cannot be gauged by the first cost of the
truck, nor by the figures of the first year's operation alone.
The one conclusive test is What economy will the truck
show in 100,000 miles of operation?'9
I ROB ABLY the best customers for
Packard trucks are the many solid,
well established mercantile and manu
facturing houses of America.
They have been in business for years and they
expect to stay in business for years longer.
When they buy trucks they are buying
transportation. And they know that the capacity
of the Packard to maintain economy in 100,000
miles of service, makes a Packard worth as much
as three ordinary trucks each at half the price.
a? a n
The greatest mercantile house in Chicago
wrote off the value of sdme of its Packard trucks
four years ago. These trucks are still running in
first class condition.
Fifteen thousand miles a year for nine years is the
average of several trucks in the service of another
great department store.
What a small factor in transportation expense,
is the first cost of any of these trucks!
These long distance transportation, records
show another important thing. .
They demonstrate that long life and low up
keep expense go together.
Because the same quality of engineering design
and careful scientific building which makes possi
ble upwards of 100,000 miles with a Packard truck,
also keeps it on the road with the minimum of
attention and grooming.
You may have occasionally heard a man say
that when you buy a Packard truck you are pay
ing for a name.
That is quite true and a very small price it is
for the insurance that the name gives you.
When Packard sells you freight transportation
or passenger transportation, or even transporta
tion by air it is delivering to you the results
of the most complete transportation engineering
organization ever brought together and it
furnishes the cheapest transportation per mile
you can buy.
For figures see the Freight Transportation
Department of your Packard Branch or Packard
"Ask the Man Who Owns One
Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia
319 North Broad Street
BRANCHES Bethlehem, Camden, Harriaburg, Lancaster, Reading, Trenton, Williamsport. Wilmington
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