RV w ( - r, EW R II Ii. 4 i ,r- n EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PmDADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY- 21, ,1919 i'. -V POLES SEIZE THE ALLIES LOST 300 IN SMYRNA FIGHT "Enemy Fleeing in Panic," War saw Reports Kerensky Asks Aid for Russians GRAVES FORBIDS MEDDLING By Hip Associated Pres Warsaw, May 1M. Proholiycz, Ho ryslaw nml Mikohijnw have been cap tured by. tlie Polo in their cntnpnlRti In Gnlicln, according to nn oiricinl stutc ment issued at stuff headquarters here today, which nddt that the Poles have crossed the Dniester river near Itoz wndow. The text of tho statemeut reads : .''The Polish successes in Oalicia con tiuue. AVe have occupied Dniliobycz. naud Horyslnw, tlie nil wells at the lat ter place being found intact. t'olisli forces hac rnpttueil Mikolajow and crossed the Dniester river near Roz wadow and are in possession of the road and railway from Lemncr tn'Mika layof. They hate captured vast quaii titles of war materials. The prisoners taken have not et ftcrn counted. The enemy is flying in a panic. Great en thusiasm prevails inc itics taken by the Poles and hundreds of volunteers bate been enlisted at Sanibor." Paris, May 21. (By A. P.) A. 1 Kerensky, former pieinirr of Russia, nml spven other members of the Kus- inn constituent nssemblj and members of the Parisian union for the legenera tion of Russia have issued nn appeal n th democracies of the world for nromnt action with a view to lielpinK Russia out of her present chaotic condition. It proposes the organisation 01 n mission, composed of delegates from all the. powers mid including representa tives of organised labor, which will go to Russia and explain to the people and the different Russian goerninciits the democratic aims they are pursuing. The appeal njs: "It should be stated categoiically that the different Ruicruments lcpudiate the idea of any intervention likely to infringe upon the sovereign rights of Russia.1' Vladhnstolt. Siberia. April Ul. -(Correspondence of thcAssocintcd Press) Major General William S. Graves, commander of the American Uxpcdi tiouary Forces in Siberia, has issued a message, to his troops, in which he de clares that the American policy in Rus sia is tlie same today as when the Washington (internment issued Its nrm-liiinntinii at the time of the send ing of the Amcticnn forces to Siberia. The message is entitled "Our Duty in Siberia." In it Major General Graves says: "The policy to be followed by our troops In any country is one to be de termined by the cxccuthc. "It was clearly announced in the most public and solemn manner thnt the United States did not lontemplatc any Interfcrcm c of any kind with the po litical sowroigiity of Russiu, any inter vention in her internal affairs or any impairment of her territorial integrity. "The I'nited States does not intend to permit any of its agents to inter- j fere with the sovereign rights of the Russian people. Our aim has been to. carry out to the letter the policy of our, government. There has been no in terference in the internal affairs of the Russian people and no net ion has been taken by the I'nited Stntes troops, vhich could justly be said was taking sides in the differences of the opinions of the factious, "We must all icalize that every na-, tion has its own ideals and traditions, which should be icspeited by all audi especially by guests, as we ale. It is hoped that rei citUen of the Tailed $tates in Siberia, and especially those wearing the Tinted States military uni form, "ill constantly keep in mind these facts and fully respect, not only the laws, but the customs and traditions of the people." RUSSIAN UNIONS BACK UP KOLCHAK Announcement Pledges 20, 000,000 to Support Omsk New York. May "1. -The Russian co operative unions, comprising "(), OOO.OOO heads of families in northern Russia and Siberia, announced last night, through representatives here, their suppoit of the provisional Russian government at Omsk. Siberia, headed by Admiral Knlcbak. In a statement ap pealing to the American people to lend their "knowledge, experience mid re sources" to the problem of saving Rus sia the organization demanded libera tion of tlie country fiom Ilolshevist rule. While their piogram calls for ulti mate establishment of a new govern ment founded upon' a constituent assem bly, thy unions declaied thnt they rec ognized the Omsk legime as a "prac tical, central government power sub scribing to democratic principles." The organization of Admiral Kolchnk, they stated, was "re-establishing the state and creating a fighting, disciplined army." Units of tlie Russian co-operative unions, described as uonpoliticnl in nim and which mnintain offices here, include the Siberian Union of Creamery Socie ties, the Northern Co-operative Unions of Archangel, the Siberian Co -operative Unions, the Co-operative Unions of thp trans-Baikal region and the Council of the AU-Siberinn Co-operative Assemblies. Casualties Include Dead and Prisoners Taken; Americans Took No Part in Fighting Paris, May 21. The Allied casual ties. In the- fighting Incident to the landing at Smyrna last Thursday totalled 300, it has been officially an nounced. The Turks defended the forts stubbornly. The Allied casualties in- ude a small number of dead, together with some prisoners. llritish, French and Italian forces are still holding tho forts nml other strategic points, while the Greeks are occupying the center of the city proper. American forces did not take part in the fighting. Only a consular guard, for the protection of Americans in the city, was landed by the American war ships. Dispatches received from Smyrna yes terday afternoon indicate the city Is now quiet and the Greeks arc taking steps to testore, tranquillity. In the (lunches Greek priests are recommend ing just treatment for the Mohamme dans nnd making every effort to prevent a conflict over religious belief. The ltnlians, who landed tionps at Adalia, vilayet of Konich. 'prior to the landing of the Greeks in Smyrna, also disembarked troops on Saturday at Iludrum, ninety-six miles south'east of Smyrna, and at Makri. in the vilayet of Smyrna, on the Gulf of Makrl. An account of the Smyrna engage- ment received on Sunday from Con stantinople stated ISOO Turks nnd 100 Greeks were killed. WAR FLAGS IN CAPITOL Standards Borne In Battles in France by Keystone Heroes Deposited Ilarrlsburg, May 21. (By A. P.)-. The first flags of a Pennsylvania unit carried in the campaign in France have been received by Adjutant General Henry for deposit in the-state Capitol with the Civil War battle flags. They came from Colonel Frederick A. Snv der. commanding tlie IfKld Engineers, pait of the Keystone Division. General Beary said the flags indicat ed thnt the regiment participated in the following engagements: Chnm-pague-Mnrne defense, .lulv 15-18; Aisnc-Marne offensive, July IS-August (I; Fismes sector, August "-September It; Oise-Aisuc offensive, September -1-7: Meusc-Argonne offensive, September 20 to October !) ; Thiauiouit sector, Toul, October 10 to November 11 ; all in France last year. The colors also include two battalion national colors rnriied by the First and Second Battalions. Gabinetto Disonorevoli ' Lft PACE Tedesco Ritione le Condizioni Imposte Dagli Alleati Published nnd tllnlrlbutetl t'nlr PERMIT NO 3(1 Authorl7d by th- act of OctnW . tniT. on ni t the rosloftlct o( I'M! dflehlA, Pa. Ily order of the PrIVnt A S HURT.KSO.V Poitmaster General. vita' rcpresslva contro gli itallanl dl Trieste, durante 11 periodo della guerra. l.a stampn frauccsc ha dato n In! II soprannomc "I'lmpiccntorc ill Trieste." Hcmbrn die la partenzn dello Schu macher sla dovuta ad un rirhlamo per evltarc fastidi. contrarlo Kuropel, Ilerllno. 'JO maggio. ln comunlcato all'Associated Press, questa mattinn, autorizzato dal Gabinetto, dire he In Germania dcclina di fiimarc i termini di! trnttato ill pace impost! dagll Alleati, pcrchc' essi mirnno alia dls struzine economicn, al disonore politico cd alia degradaaione morale dell'lntein nazione germanica, non solo per II pre- scute, ma anche per lc futuie genera-i zioni. ' ' Parigi, 21 maggio. I plenipotenziarl tfilcschi presentcranno le loro osservn zioni nl trattato di pace oggl o doinani. Nessuna dilazione di tempo per replicare urrn' ad esi actoidatn. Geneialniente nei ciroli della Con feren.a si credc clie la Germania tiuira' per tirmare il tiattnto. 11 Presidente del ( ousiglio dei Mint stri d'ltnlia, On. Orlando' e' purtito la scors.i seta alia volta di Roma, ove conferira' con i colleghl del sun Gnbi ny,to soiira ccite questloni interne ed esterc. Kgli tornera' in Parigi venerdi' II giudicc Scliumacher. addetto alia delegazionC nustnaca come inppie- scntnntc del Tirolo, e parlllo inreiio a Viennn. La sua prcsenza trn i dele gati austriaci ha sollevato sfavorevoli commenti pojchc' egli splego' una atti- Parlgl, 211 maggio. La France Libre pubblica nim terzn lettein dl Adrien AVebeii siill' Italia. 11 coriispondentc tllevn die una gaffe dell'Intesa, vengn pure cnmmessn da Wilson, potrBnbe NLondra, 20 iiinggio. La rlvista "Out essere di grnvissimo nocuinento ngli In look" spera die le relazloni anglo- teressi della Francln ier la quale egll Italiane non engnno turhatc dalla j vetle diminulrc senslbllinente le sim qucstlone Adrlatiia. L'lnghllterrn non Pntio in 'Italia, causa I not! avveni ha sinipatia per (e pedantl nmmotiUionl I "" I'sorta, peitani. la sun patrla dl Wilson e la founa del suo manifesto1'"1 nfrettare un trattato di commercio ha incoutrato qui" nltrettanta disap- !'"" J"'lnlil1 l", ' " dlstoglierc nrovnzlone Iip In lintln 1 !,.,,, I ' ,tn"n da, qualsiasi ilesiilciio di un fiontiere dell'ltnlln c' relemento T7 ravvic.i.amemo in (.erman.a. esenzi.ile per ,mw cu,ea. :Ncl "rn.b''?m. ,lcl1 ',.r,B!,,,, ''" ''"" 1It.lln ha bisogno dellMnghilterrn. del L "T "".T" ?" ' T "" TT suo carbone. dei suol capltali e del sun "",""'"" " "', '" """ i"'""""" .nn.l ii,i., ,",.,. ,.la savie.a edn lasseguazone, ma mette appoggio politico. L Inzhilterra ha . i -,.-ji . ,, ...,'- L Lnnn Jll'l,l!. . .. ' " hllnl"' iM-n-m- ii limn, CIIC llin null "wvu" "' " 'itniM runic gnninie oeiia I nn. l l.l!. . . . i-.L I -"'u',rn"r" p,''' l.cvante. , pnrl(, deiritnlia sembia ...........,,. unr ii ipoKginre I i in in e.ri,,ia nnn.ni. aspirnzionl, le quali non sono belle maniere; jii.V. ... . . . .'l.lW . nrll Interrssl hrlttnnlcl oil neclli-enrn llmnstrnlnln n nn"re zloiil eonra F utne. e cio In consider-1 "welcome home ,to as maiLV of the HI 7.UK; : b . n-'p ........... .. . .- . sf, a finfTrr nncnrn mrf,! i,i, 1i,,itnl,,nn ilnlln .,lnn ,1a11h ni.Biiiln nL,l,inn,n !, .hiaIIii ..fillne oottiircf ami n,ntlncu 1l1n u'Attl: HfiSw nuova trlplicc fraio anglo nniertc nun. , v-na i,n ,tnin ,,nii liinii i. ,.. t. i, c,il ,,,! i,nv hrm ili. delle piu le sue Conclude I'niticolo invocaudo plena luce n lealta' suH'ootrncisino the odpisce 1'ltalia. La Fiance Libre pubblica un lungo artliulnilel Deputnto Andie' l.ebev sulla necessita' ed opportunlta' dl iiirallcnnza intiina e lordinle fra I'ltnlin c la Finn- da. lnsite perche' la Fi'iiiicin ntiri il, ....! nni.i...t .i.. t.i .......... i.. l...., 'a rum rxjlllllll nil r llllin mii,.i,,,, hi mjmi prcsenza provocaie. per il iiulih nn.ii di tatto o qualsiasi altio inotivo. qiinli lie risui die puo' essere piesn per incidentc giave. Ksiiitn gll Alleati ml una inm posizionc lenle c sinceia del piMldcina Adiiatico in fnjoie ilell'ltnlia. posta analogn fu fntta daU'Onorevole Kmerson, repuhblicano dello Stato Ohio. l'lunip, 20 maggio. - Un comitnto del Concillo Nnrionale ha ieri unniiiine- niente npprovnlo una ipqilicrnzione con quale si diililarn che il pleblseito del la charged. Irving G, plans. A committee, headpd by Armstrong, Is preparing the a della Washington. 1. ('., 20 tniigu'M La Camera dei Itnppresentaiiti I House of Representatives I lui oggl delibiiato di non abla nuovainente n illvnnipnie. La richianinre ratleiizinne dei oinpoin'iiti invidinbile; ma1 In Deleguzlone Americana pei In I'nie a apprezza snpratuttn le Parigi pen lie' vedano die m,i tut la essa soffersc tier la glustizia iill'ltalia liguarilo le aspnn- ginrno HO ottolue legnlinente iniisie lilta' ed il rln ondarin all Italia I'nn lopia ill tale deliberazione statu speilltii nlla Conferenni I'me a Pin igi. Lm deliheraione illi e ch la I'onfeieun lion pun' stjMnme la uttn' ilnM'ltiiliii senza il consensu del popolo il quale e' pionto a iesiere a qualsiasi alto dl v inlcna (he si "in IHPttPs,. inntio di ess,,. Berwyn to Welcome Service Men Citizens of I'ctu v u and the sm round ing terntoi.v nie aiiiiuging to give a Thres something about them you'll like V f !-- IsJSv rm&m Twtnlv to the package G'unbcl Brothers J J . store Hou- 9 to 5:30. Gimbcl Brothers II Ston Hour i to 5, .in. Wednesday, May 21, 1919. . Mountain Valley Water endorsed ur PUYMOIAXR A remarkably efficient Natural Diuretic. Famed for curative i'pertics in Brlght's liseaae, Gout, Rheu matism, Diabetes, etc. A Trial Will Convince You Pure, TMtelwj, neUcbtful 718 Chestnut Street' rhons Walnut S107 BTjiAl'iP" i Today in Philadelphia .- -.. , p MMM1MH "3S STOPS AND LECTURES TO BE MADE BY THE 20-MULE BORAX TEAM Wednesday, May 21st VKANKFORI) 10:00 A. SI. Klnsr nnd llltmin Sis. 10:15 A. M. 1801 Orthodox ht. , 10:30 A. 51. 1037 Orthodox M. 11KXIA. M. 1830 lrnnkford Atf. 11:15 A.M. 1510 Friinkford Aie. 11:30 A. M. 1S73 Sflltri St. 11:1.1 A. M. 1330 Sellers St. 12:15 1. M. 1534 Ruan ht. 14:13 r. M. 1133 Paul St. 1:00 r. SI. 1510 Tarkananna St. 1:45 1. M. 3U01 Arttidln Ave. 2:15 P. SI. 3;nn lrankford Are. 2:10 P. 51. .larr and Tloea Sts. 3.00 P. SI. 3341 Kensington Ave. Thursday, May 22d KKI.TO.NVH.I.K 10.0(1 A. SI. A and Loudtn Sin. OI.NEY 10:30 A. SI. Rising Sun Lane and Tabor Road 11:1)0 A. SI. 240 Chew St. 11:15 A. M. 3d nnd Tabor Road 11:45 A. SI. 5523 N. Fifth Ht. r.ERMANTOHN 12:15 P. SI. 583 Slurvlne St. 1:30 P. SI. Sork Road and Wagner A7f. 1:45 P. SI. Mlndilm & I.tndley At. 2:00 P. 51. 1047 North nroad St. 2:30 P. 51. 15th and I.ouJru H(. Friday, May 23d . GER5IANT0WN 10-ofl A. 51. 1314 riermantawn Ave. 10:30 A. SI. 5000 Onnanttmn Ave. ll:OOA.M. 3514 Onoantown Ave. 11:15 A. St. 5(100 (xrmnntnnn Ate. 11:30 A. SI. Chrltrn Crrmantonn Afes. 12:30 p, 14:43 r SI 5342 rhuv St. JI. 5740 Mtnton Are. rilESTM'T HII.I, 1:15 P. SI. Duval nnd1 JffTrrtton Sts. 2:00 P. 51. 7121 tlrrmantown At. 1:15 P. 51. 7141 Ormantown Ate. 2:45 P. SI. H427 (iermantavvn Ave. 3:00 P. 5!. 8601 Cermantown Aio. Saturday, May 24th FALLS 12 Noon 223 Danfton St. 12:45 P. SI. 1221 Bldge Alf. Toilet Goods Sale : Gimbels Household Drugs Soaps Rubber Goods Brushes SAVE A FOURTH TO THIRD We believe no such varied assortment of dependable lotions, creams, soapy, powders and other articles is obtain able anywhere else, at anything like the low prices of the Sale FOR THE VERY GOOD REASON that long-ahead preparation and exceptional facilities abroad as well ah here, and the Cimbel Laboratory in New York all enabled us to buy in quantities before recent advances in prices grew serious. aaie is in the KeguJar Section and on the urand Aisle, Mrst Hoor; also in the Enlarged Section in Subway Store require stamps, the price SSSaJc c " 'J special Urder Jiootns will stive quoted covers Everything. you time. No luxury tax scare. On such items Medicines : Drugs Needed In EveHy0 ousehold Keep the Family Medicine Closet Supplied Bathing Caps and Shoes All-iublior BalhinK Cnps; an overstock puicliaso from Mc; Ammonia, pints, nt pints, at Hie: quarts, at 4r,c; Gimbels Household quarts at 30c. Gimbols Violet Ammonia 31'c. Gimbels Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia, 3 oi 8 o;., Soc. Gimbels Imported Baj Rum, half pints, pints, Hoc; quarts, SI. 50. Gimbels Benzoin, Gl.vcerine and Rose Water, 8 03., 20c; 16 oz 40c. Gimbels Boracic Acid. lb. pkp., 28c. Powdered Borax, lb. pktr.. 13c. Gimbels Camphorated Oil, 3 oz., 23c. Gimbels Castor Oil. 3 oz.. 20c: 8 oz., 4."c. Gimbels Spirits of Camphor, 3 oz.. 10c: 8 o SI. Gimbels Tincture Benzoin, 'J oz., 3c; 4 oz., 10c. 12c. Gimbels Fluid Kxtract Cascara. 2 oz., 21c; 1 o. Gimbels Kphom Salts, lb. pk 10c. Gimbels Alum, lb. pkp., 23c. Gimbels Gljccrlne, 3 oz.. 20c; 8 o... 30r. Gimbels Lime Water, pints, 12c. Gimbels Rose Water, t oz., 20c; 8 oz., 10c. Gimbels Seidlitz Powders, 12 in pkg., 29c. Gimbels Sulphur, lb. pkp., 13c. Gimbels Witch Hael, triple distilled, pints, 33c; quarts, (52c. Gimbels Violet Witch Hazel, half pints, 26c; pints, 17c. Gimbels Sodium Phosphate, lb. pkp., lfic. Gimbels Essence Peppermint. 2-oz. bottle. 23c. Gimbels Orris and Chalk, half-lb. pkp;., 13c. Gimbels Bicarbonate of Soda. lb. pkp;., 10c. iiiuiiuim-iuriM enanies us to otter a and Batlunur Caps, at 25c ami 30c. times a.s much. Battling Shoes I It seemed nearly impossible to have a pair of Bathinp; Shoe-! , made to sell at 30c. Special ' value. lot ot ery Many are lesirable Beach worth thioe and local Hats four Sponces. bath, toilet to S3. Sponges for all purposes cleaning, etc., at 10c Imported Perfumery Best European Makes Are Represented Ctity of Fiance, Houbicant, Roper & Gallct, KerkofT, D'Orsay, Avenel, LeRiand, Piveis Finns, "Violet," and many others, lour finorite perfume is more than apt to be at Gimbels. 100 5-Grain Aspirin Tablets, 50c Of course, guaranteed. Tanlac at 89c. Sloan's Liniment, at 21c, 12c, 84c. "inol, a ifconstructive tonic, 89c. 'Hick's Malted Milk, 40c. 80c. $3.10. :mbels Syrup Sarsaparilla, a spring at tonie, at Usoline Oil, a refined mineral oil, large bottle 40c. Xujol, a refined mineral oil 20-oz. size at 78c. .Nuxated iron, 51. 10 size, c. Freefone for corns. 30c. Sal Hcpatica. at 26c. Peroxide of Hydrogen, lb. bottle, 18c. Amholt. & Schaefer's Malt Extract, an excellent tonic, bottle at 13c. Dioxogen, at 19c, 37c and 57c. 78c, Gimbels Syrup White Pine and Tar, Kic. (tlyco-Th moline, al 2(5c, 32c, 91c. Jad Salts, at 78c. Glass Menthol Inhalers, at 8c. tocneiies Amos, a mouth wash, laice mzp. at Castor Oil Capsules, one-half doz. in box. at 7r. Baume's Analgcsique "Bcngique," at 32c. L.vsol, at 13c and 83c. Musterole, at 2(ic nnd 32c. Mentholatum, at 21c and 42c. Lambert's Listerine, at 21c, 17c, 8(c. AJaddin'Soap Ujcs. in all shades, at 3 for 23c. Carbona, 13c. 22c. 83c. Kissingen Salts, lb. size, at $1.04. Gimbels Fig Sjrup, large sizo, at 15c. Palmolive Soap at $1 a Dozen "Omnibus" Soaps, $1.50, 90c' Face Powders Creams Deodorants Seeley's Adjustp Rupture Pad .Increases efficiency of a trut$ SO f. 4l5h u ftlfl uflBTiinL. JfilBi!)! IlmU'kJ' 3 P m Mr r.u GRCATEST RUPTURE '2 RETAINER Tli arlf-adjuttluc features of this r It rMjr to vrmr. nnd th Ihumb. Bi-rr lUiulntor nllo of altrrlni r- ture at mil. moot ruimirn craw aianir 19 prrsuiie iruir mni icetnru tikh r were not. iitir irop'o flilrfflnrtd methods Insaro for tery nnd tur anr. . . .... i a. wore bru t la tho bestnninc rnplltncrs and mproTeniont- f wSfwtk Face Powders and Rouges Java Face Powder, at 37c. Ouida Face Powder, at 2fic and 52c. Tetlow's Swandown Face Powder, 18c. Tetlow's Gossamer Face Pow der. 21c. Tetlow'R Pussywillow Face Powder, 40c. Orchard White, at 37c. Gimbels Liquid Rouge, 19c. Gimbels, Vanity Box .Rouge, complete, 19c. Gimbels Face Powder. 32c box. Gimbels Vanity Box Powder or Rouge, with puff, 23c. Gimbels Lip Sticks, 8c. Gimbels Eye Brow Pencils. 8c. Dorin's Compact Powder, 32c. Dorin's Compact Rouge, 32c. Hush, at 19c. Mum, at 21c. Odorsweet, at 19c. Amolin, 19c and 37c. Nonspi, at 42c. Odorono, 26c, 32c and 94r, Cold Creams Ramsdell Cold Daggett & Cream, at 37c. Hinds. Honey and Almond Lo tion, at 37c. Gimbels Theatrical Cream, ii lb., 21c; M lb., 33c; 1 lb., 58c. Gimbels Almond Cream, 23c. Elcaya Cream, at G3c. Gimbels Cold Cream, lie jar. Ponds Cold Cream, 21c and 12c. You can't think of "delicious" or "refreshing" without think ing of Coca-Cola. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed. The taste is the (est of Coca-Cola quality bo clearly distinguishes it from imitations that you cannot be deceived. Demand the genuine by (ull name nicknames encourage substitution. The Coca-Cola Co. atlanta, ga. Jifi HlIiMH ullilll Ii 1 llilulu Si UmmH III 111 lilffl 8 UliiKll . Celluloid Toilet Articles Specials Sets Can Be "Matched Up" Among which aie Hair Brush- es, Mirrors, Combs. Puff Boxes. Hair Receivers, Trays, Jewpl t Boxes, Frames. Manicure Pieces, Buffers, Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes. Perfume Bottles, etc. Hair Brushes at $1 to $3. Mirrors at $1.23 to S3.75. Trays at 50c to S2.50. Frames at 50c and $1. Cloth Brushes at S2 and $2.25.. Hat Brushes at $1 and $1.23. Shoe Horns at 10c and 50c. Military Brushes at $2.50 and $2.75. And many other items. mMW Special Engraving Offer Three-piece Imperial Brush, Comb and .Mirror Tjoilet Set, complete with jour monogram, at $5. Rubber Goods and Hospital Supplies Guaranteed Hot Water Bottles, at 30c, 65c, 85c. .tieiai hoi aler Unities, special at $1.15. Imalid Rings, at 50c and 75c. Silk Riihbcrird Cushions for ' home oi traeling use, at SI. ! Infants' Far or llcer Sringes at 10c. Rubber Syringes, at 10c, 12' jc, 18c, 25c, 38c and 50c. All-iuhhor Ice Caps, at $1. I Rubber Tubing, 5' , ft. length, 25c. J Chamois, at 25c, 45c, 75c, $1, i S1.25. Whisk Brooms, at 20c, 40c, 15c, 50c. 55c, ti.'ic. Dressing Combs, at 10c, 25c. 35c i and ti5c. i I Black Ruhbei I)rcMing Combs. at 20c. And Other Specials in Soaps Jas. b. Kirk s Jap Rose Glycer ine Soap, large cakeh, at 7'2C cake, 88c do. Resinol Toilet Soap, 20c cake. Woodbury's Facial Soap, 20c cake. Pears I'nsccnted Soap. 12c cake. Gimhek Glycerine Soap, lose or violet odor, 10c cake, 75c do.. Floating Castile Soap, large bar, 50c bai. Knk'b ()al Line Toilet Soap, honey, eldei flower, glycerine, large cakes, 10c cake, or $1 doz. OIne Oil Soap, made of palm and olhe oil, at 90c doz. ()lie Oil Castile Soap, 12c cake. Shah of Pei mh Castile Soap, at 12c cake. Lehman's Wonder Soap, made of pure cocoanut oil, excellent for shampooing, at 7c cake, 80c doz. Reverie Toilet Soap, violet odor, 2 cakes in a box, at 15c. American Lady Toilet Soap, assorted odors 35c doz. "Bamboo Flouts" Toilet Soap, at 5c cake oi case of 100 cakes for $4.65. White Castile Soap, 50c bar. Peroxide Toilet Soap, cake at 7c. 75c doz. Gimbels Bath Soap, large cakes, iolet odor, at $1.35 doz. Spiehler's Olive Oil Castile Kirk's Skin do.. Soap, 7' 2 cake, 83c Soap, at SI. "Oh-.My' Ha7Pl Soap, 100 cakes. bar. Floating Witch : cake oi $4.75 for ir at 50c Dl , uciuw Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes Clothes Brushes Han Blushes, at 50c, American and imported Hair Blushes, as sorted wood backs, all excellent values. Hair Brushes, at 25c. . Hair Brushes, at 75c, S. S1.50 and up to S2.50. Assoited wood backs, excellent biistles and worth at least double. Tooth Brushes, imnoited kinds, all styles and textuies, at 10c, 121, c, 15c, 18c and 25c. Worth double. Nail brushes, at 10c, 15c, 18c and 25c Bath handles, Brushes, detachable at 50c, 65c, 75c, $1. Cloth and Hat Brushes, at 10c, 25c and 50c. Complexion Brushes, at 25c. Hughes' Ideal Hair Brushes special at 65c. Hughes' Ideal Hair Brushes at $1.45 and $1.65. ! ; Shaving Preparations Daggett & Ramsdell Shaving Stick or Shaving Cream, at 23c. Palmolive Shaving Cream, 28c. Styptic Pencils, 5c each or 3 for 10c. Camphorese, for after shaving, at 15c. , Molle Shaving Cream, at 19c. Johnson & Johnson Shaving Cream, at 25c. Shaving Bruahes, at 25c. Worth much more. Colgate's Shaving Stick or Shaving Cream, and a half pint of Gimbels imported Bay Rum, the two for 70c. Hair, Tonics Beshore's Hair Tonic, at 68c. Hay's Hair Health, at 37c and 78c. Danderinc, at 73c. Dylox for gray hair, at 52c. Canute Water for gray hair, al $1. Gimbels Quinine Hair Tonic, 47c and 89c. Gramaton Hair Tonic, 26c. Gimbels Liquid Green Sham poo, at 42c. Gimbels Harina Cologne, 47c, Gimbels Bandoline, at 21c. Gimbels Brilliantine, at 26c. Gimbels Hair Tonic, 68c. J Tooth Preparations 1 Pebeco Tooth P.iste, at 38c. lbodon Tooth Paste, at 19c. , Pepsodent Tooth Paste, at 42c. Fronham's Tooth Paste, 12c. Kolynos Tooth Paste, at 21c. Kal Pheno Tooth Paste or Pow ! der. at 21c. I Colgate's Dental Cream, at He and 26c. Pjorrhocide, for icceding gums, I at 78c. i Lynns Tooth Powder, at 21c. Calox Tooth Ponder, 21c and 47c. Colgate's Dental Powder, 16c 1 and 25c. I Gimbels Tooth Powder, lie. I Rubifoam, at 21c. Pyoradent, for leceding gums, at 47c. Lawiris, at 21c. Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, handles aie "seconds," at 17c each, 3 for 5lr. Child's si.e, handle.-, aie "seconds," at 10c. Pills and Bland's Iron Pills, 5-giain, 100 in bottle, at 18c. Compound Cathartic Pills, Kit) in bottle. 25c. Calomel and Soda Tablets, one fouith main, J00 in bottle, 15c; one-tnnth grain, 100 in bottle, 15 c. Tablets Cascara Tablets, 3-grain, 100 in bottle, 21c; and 5-giain at 25c. Aloin and Cosearin Tablets, 100 in bottle, 25c. Hinkel's Cascarin, 25c. Lady Webster Pills, 23c. Bayer's Aspirin Tablets, 2 dggen at :5f)c, 100 for $1.19 1-lb. Cans Gimbels Violet or Corylopsis "1 Q Toilet Powder A Garden Talcum Powder, Talcum Powder, laige cans asst. odois. at lie can. Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Baby Talcum, at Hie can. Mary 63c. Ma is Talcum Powder, Babcock's Butterfly Powder, 26c. 26c. Talcum limit). Is Tnilfl (Jomls riPftlon ami UianU Aiiile Flrnt door; also Knlnrsed Subway Stole Section Palmolive Combinations Palmolive Shampoo, with 2 cakes Palmolive Soap, at 47c. Palmolive Cold Cream with 2 cakes Palmolive Spap, at 47c jar. Palmolive Face Ponder, with 2 cakes Palmolive Soap, at 47c box. Palmolive Talcum Powder, with 1 cake Palmolive Soap, at 24. Manicure Preparations Gimbels Nail Bleach, at Kic bottle. Gimbels Nail Polish, at 1 tic cake. Hyglo Nail Polish, at 20c and 37c. Hyglo Cuticle Remoter, 20c. Toilet Pumice, with or without handle, at 7c. Perfumed Powdered Pumice, at 15c. Nail Files, large sue, at 25c. Manicure Scissors, at 75c. Emery Boards, 5c doz.; large size, 10c doz. Nail Buffers, large size, 35c. Real Orange Wood Sticks, at 5c each. Pearl Nail Cleaner. 10c each. Nail ClippersHat 15c. Cuter, for manicuring, at 32c and 63c. S Subway Store : Toilet Goods Specials 'aver, 4 Rolls I Yum Yum Toilet for 2.ic. High-Grade Toilet Tissue, 4-oz. Rolls at 12 Rolls for 35c. Westoter Toilet Tissue, 10 Rolls for 38c. Bob White Toilet Tissue, 5 Rolls for 2")C Puritan Toilet Tissue, 600 Sheets in Rolls, 6 Rolls 48c. Handy Toilet Tissue, 7-oz. Paekaire. 3 Packaires for 25c. A. P. W. Toilet Tissue, (Rolls), i. 51.40. 10.000 Sheets in a carton, $1.45 ' Mothozone Protection Against Moths Naphthaline Flakes. 12c lb. Naphthaline .Moth Balls, 15c. lb. Tar Sheets, 10c ea., 90c doz. Manahan's Tar Bags, Business Suit size, 65c. Manahan's Tar Bags, Overcoat size, 90c. Manahan's Tar Bags, Ulster size, $1.15. Manahan s Tar Bags, Auto size, Crystals (a moth compound), at 25c a package. n i.Hi'tnn. A. P W, Paper Towels. 150 Naphthaline Cedar or Lavender, Towels in a Roll, at 25c Roll. ! nt 20c a package. Gimbels, Enlarged Toilet Goods Section, Subway Store GIMBEL BROTHERS MARKET : CHESTNUT : EIGHTH : NINTH & T. r'M f m I. . 8E.EI.tY. 10Z7 wmwiai. B. SEELE i Out cut aa fcMa for roiorMM, - - ' ,: I I fa, rfmrenwwHy &y ViSSssSsfiB V- w V'" i y , .v 5, 'U. W-8!ri V V. -(" & r,&-'"iJ&.?lt ! ' - J,, - y: a: s- r- . yj." i ' Atf xiw8.. rw v i sm , vfc ' . T, m :MB& f.y-i fcl'r- 'W . i?'"Vlijrf3' JBW- li j- Jhl ,.j,j .',.- btimkULL, 'isA 'r-tu.r