W& ."rtf 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1919 v, m10p'fH1tfl0tl d LrS" . I If L 3 BOYS DEAD, ONE INJURED IN ACCIDENTS Youth Drowned in Fall From Wharf Another Killed in Plungo From Auto CHURCH TO DISBAND AFTER OLDEST MEMBER'S FUNERAL .VKU1I1 "l I'H Emmanuel Evangelical Edifice Sold Coincident IT ith Death of l"1" 1"1,,l(' , ' dtlw lliriuiKl Woman Who served It rijty lean It liriirtrncil the boys pi'tor. In Altnco jrrcntlv. When p tnmril iinilli into tlir linltltt nrntiml Clinti'iui 'I hirm tlie minium npiii'iiriil iiRniii In the kv ' .vKitlti nt llio iiuriii It in loinpniilrd us iiml tiiiallv In tlir- Kiuit mikIi llir AiRnrim f Iiml the inlnhmv mImim' u i BABY STRANGLED IN CRIB 1'iftv jmrs In (ho iln nlinnt.' when lio llrt iiiiriltlip tliipli(ilil(if I'm iiiiiiiupI KvuiiRplfinl Cliuitli. I'lMittli 'tiipt below l'oplar, Miv Hniinnli Nit linger, right J Pr-ii yeiiis old, of KWI I Ninth l'miitli Mrert, tomorrow will puss fiom its iloors forever. Wltli hrr. tin olilist mrmlipr, tlip tliurcli will linss ..!,. n,l n .. 'llltO tilllP, foi- tllP Pllll'lPP IlllObcetl lll( ntiiioiuuenirnt, mill Mtmilnv slip illul, ii i "Its iism linlogii nl i nil tilntnl ' lip suiil rffei t innnnt Iip Foot Crushed by Auto Truck Cm I .lellVeii, "i('2. Oiev strppt, Iiml his font Imillv iriishpil toilm In Ciimilcn wIipi) Iip wns st ni K liv mi nutonioliilp (link ilriMii lit Ilpiirv I'lliiintiils, ;'.."",ll Ninth IuIwipihp stiprt .leffsen wus mi his win In Hip New nik Slilpbiiihl niK plniit wlicio Iip is iinplnM'il lip wns tnkin to Hip West leie llotneo pnthn Muspitnl whore nn rlTiiit Is lie nig in. iiIp to nve Ills font fiinrrnl will lip n thp nlil ( liunli Three linra nro ilnnrl nil,r lnt.,i .i ...h -. i.i '' Mls- NlttlncrrN '. . .........-.. tl0 ikt n l)P i,i ane upiiii nip. jbiiililuiR. William sTeps- ' l.nt week il wns nnnoiitii piI Hint dale. Jr.. Ipii jpiiis with thp i Iiiiiikiiib iipirIiIioiIioihI the Jr WM TKLbDALK nlil. of Oil Smith Twi'titj - se v out Ii street, who wns iliow nod in t h p Selunlkill r i v rr wIipii he fell from I o in bni il street whnrf. Waller SIprIi iiinnil, piglit jenrs old, of 252S South !ioss sheet, died on the wny to thp i'nieiItv II o s- pitnl ft om lnjiuies received when Iip foil fiom n niotortnuk. Ernest Olicrhlnhr, one year old, of "770 Xottli M'ntoilno street, wns xtrnngleil In thp heih lollies in his nib. The in fin od boj is: - I)ald (ilirhnian. thiitopn jenis old. of (510 rmrhill streit. who fell from n window nt Hip I'llwootl I'ublic School, Thirtppntll stieet and (Ink l.nne. The Tepsdale bor loaned too fnr over the edge of thp Lombard street wharf to "fix" his fishing line. He lost his balance, fell into the Schu.vlUll liver and wns drowned before nid (ould reai h him. William Toesihlp. fatbpr of the lad. the. poliip sa. is (bing of piipiinioniii nt the fnmilv bnnie. He has not boon told of his son's death Thp lint's Imtlv was taken to the 1'olji linic Hospital. Young Sieghiiiiiiid dud in his father's ninis jesteida aftnnoon while bolus rushed to I niveisitv Hospital. Thebov Ktiffered a friu lined skull when he tum bled fiom the lorn of n inoloitiiuk nt Sixtv fifth stioot and lllmwood inoiiue. Mis. I'milv Obeiklnbr left the in fant in bis (lib when slip wont to the stoic jpstirdav. When she leturiiPil she found the child with the boil ilotli ing tighth wrnppul nbout bis neik. Pnviil (Jliikninn plunged out of a sei ond -stm window in the I'llwoml I'ublir Sibool. Thitteentli stint nud Onk lane, vcstonliiv Ho was tiken to Hie .Jewish llospit.il suffoiing fiom I ic erntions nnd (oiitusioii, but was not seiioush hint. FRIDAY NIGHT'S THE NIGHT Lehigh Club Prepares for "the Big Drought" "The last blast bcfiue (lie big thought." This is the binding of (aids whidi hne bein snt out initifiug -niemhprs of the l'liiludclphiii I.iliigli Club of the nnniinl ilinnoi. It will be gieu I'lidnv nt Kssingtoi!. nud iiNo, aiioiiliug to the i.uds, will be "n uieeting of bow it( bing splen dor." The I.i high Club is composed of nluuiiii of I.i high rmviusitr. (IiiikIi bud In i u sold to u i oiiinti n inl In m. It ii (oini idonce Mi Nittmger. who had boon fulling In lir.illli, hogau In doillne mpidl.v about the time of the POLICE HALT RADICALS Meeting Here Stopped Before Col- lection for I. W. W. Prisoners A indienl meeting nt (Jrnml Kra toiuit Hull. ll'i'JII Anil street, was -topped last night b I.ioiiteiiaut Wag ner, of the rifteentll mid hip strpits station. Thp piiniipnl speaker of the moot ing of the doling Donioiiaij was ex pounding Ins thoughts on wlml mi ideal plm e this coiintiv would bo if it hid no laws when Hip polii e put n stop to the tulkiug. ISefoip Hint the speaker, Chnilos Unlit u New "lurk ntlnini'. hud told of the stiike of Hip luiiibPinien of the northwest in Will nnd told of the trfnU of the I. W. W. nt the hnnds of 01 gaiiired goeinniont. Itodit was to bae taken up a (id lei lion to seiuie legal nssistiime foi eight I. W. W. ngit.itois still in mil fiom the distuibmiies in 1!H(i. but the uiitinieh intoifcreneo of tile polii e pic eiited nil but one iiititiiliiitiiin fiom bung innile. That was n T bill do natcii Miss Mm Wnisoi. U. of P. Debating Council Elects 'I he I n'nei-iU Debate Council nt I'ouu jpsteidm elided the following oflneis for next jear: riesidint, Haiold X Hint; die picsiduit. Kail ti. Ilnuisnii: siciilim - tK.isuroi, Tlioinns.l. Aluipln. Hai I'isiin mid liuit h.ne bien m the in diluting foi tlnoe piiis. and Miupln won tins cm's inilii idil.ll spenking (ontest at the I'ni MISltJ. Palmyra Teqchers to Get Raise Palm.u.i. N. .1., .Mm lit. With onlj one vote opposid. nun and women tax pauis at a spicial sdiool ineetiug liere Inst night npprcnod the icipiest of the sdiool liadicis for mi niiHitsp in sal aij of MOlt per tenchei to take effoi t next jp.ii. The tux budget of the towu shiti is i ii loused S.'JOUO as n losult. the iiplglihorlinml whidi hnd bei u bor i - home slme ISTiS. Io r main jenis she had hiboipd in ' (liunli tiidps hi fore thp ougirg.illon I estnblisbed thp iliuri h in !(' Mrs. Nittinger beliod establish it nnd was n direitor of the Deiijoness' Sodotx j She was thp willow of August Nit -tlngpr, foi mnn jonrs engiigod in iiinii- j lifai tilling on Fourth street Two sons, I William 1. and Snmuel Nittinger, and a daughter; Mrs. P. tt, N'nglo, surdo her. She will bo buiiod fiom the ilillldl1 toniormw nfteinoon nt 1 I!0 Intor nii nt will be in the Mount Vrition Com- eti I . OMEN SPURRED FIGHTERS Rainbow Appeared In Skies as Fa mous Division Entered Battles A mliibow appealed in the skies as the famous Uuinbow lVnNion wont into its most seceie battles. Maioi (ieiiPinl Chnilps T Monolioi iiiinniniulPi of the division, wlndi is now ilomobillod. riwealed this oiiun ho fine liming the (it toilm lie spnko wsteiilm at (Jiiniil College "On foui oimsions the imiilim ,ip ipeniod in the sl, as on i Itaiuhou ln -went into aition," he said ' We hist saw tins lemaikaoie onion while we weio boljliiig trendies in the I'.nnrat, Man's Ring of Unique Design An exceptional blue-white diamond, weighing 3.-H carats in a massive octagonal hand chased pjatiiuim mounting $2600.00. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS J CWULLIIS SIL.VLUSMITH3 'VI Mnn .1oy lie Down Hut He's Neiei Out," (7i Siilmlwn At my I'und. W !! for the L For iho Throat Nose Give QuickRelief gki i Account I i I I 2 0FY ' ,- (IS 923 MARKET STREET An Uncqualed Showing of NEW DRESSES n Most Wonderful Values at m r.nn5Ar m WW - M J J J.eland4iel !tl - luur nrxlfri (orittt Frlnlrd firorccltps (rorsi I (until Sntinn A variety rt stjles that c - Eeilm "ili' rirry lip i 'Kftte nntinil I s TatTetaiiJ -' xery or All featuie season olory Tina! Keductions on Our Stocks of $50 to $65 SUITS . . . The best indlililual models of fliiot woolens Hi new $3g.75 Nainsook NIGHT GOWNS 98c-sr Siiuitly trlm iiilcI ttjles A Special Sale of Silk Skirts $3.98 0 $5.98 silk taffetas in plaids and Mrlpes Alho sill, popllnx Slsles that are new and charm. IllC Hlrwt I Innr $2.50 White $1.79. sl Tilmuieil wltli 1 ten and i itibon X Silk Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists $g.00 Beaded or em 'brolrteredfrontD. c o 1 1 a rless oi new collar nnd tailored effects. The New Taffeta or Georgette Hats $9..98 The newest ( o r summer wear. Nuv blue and all leading shades Neatly trimmed Mrret 1'loor l;tWHHIMWtiltf Women's & Misses' New Silk-Dresses $ffc.98 9 ettte new Splendid new frocks of sattmi, lafTctnH and pop lins home CJeor lonil) nations All colois and all slzes crepe Clearance SUITS & CAPES Values up to $19.75 J.W A T4 Q:t il .98 i$L The styles that aie In areat lawi'1 now i educed to effect an dlato cleainrif All fUea Inline. Children '$1.00 Wash DRESSES, atfiQp Ohambrays and glng-vPlr Boys' Wash Suits 89cto$2-98 rnn cpiilainv ntnrl fierualp. . 0 J Klzea 3 to 8 years. H0MI& OEl.STYB AD J59(?fOMYOK4 hams Sizes from 3 to p tnv $0nomhop the Only Bank in Philadelphia that will cash checks, receive deposits and open accounts From 8.30 A. M. till Midnight (IM'Ul)ING SATlllim) Deposit Your Money at the Close of Business Each Day With This Progressive Institution At the Panama-Facific Exposition the OllOl'fl won the highest score for tone quality over all other talking machines. 1311 WALNUT ST. Resources $10,000,000.00 Franklin Trust Co. '15th Street below Market W. Phila' Office: 52d & Market Stb. The Institution that gave Philadelphia Day and Night Service Mavsteon & DeMair? 1215 Chestnut Street An 8-Day Clearance Sale of Our Remaining Last Winter's Stock of FURS OFFERED AT PRICES THAT ARE FAR BELOW OUR ACTUAL COST This is not a Rag-Tag Collection of old or shopworn pieces, but the remainder of our Last Winter's High-Class Stock. The Styles Are Absolutely Correct for Next Winter's Wear Following Our Firm and Established Policy We Never Carry Stocks Over From One Season to Another, Irrespective of the Advancing Costs Purchases will be reserved in our vaults until next fall upon payment of a deposit, payments to be continued monthly during spring and summer. t Fur Coats , Regularly fo rn ..(4) 30-inch Mai mot '"'"'" X ' ...... IOC (111 f 41 36-inch MusKiat '"u'"u (1) 30-inch Natural is utna . (8) 30-inch Austialian Seal . (3) 36-inch Taupe Nutiia .. (3) 30-inch Natutal Nutria.. (5) 40-inch Australian Seal . (7) 45-inch Natuial Muskiat (2) 30-inch Hudson Seal .... n fin.infli Hudson Seal .... (9) 30-inch Hudson Seal 285.00 (1) 30-inch Moleskin .linn (2) 30-inch Squirrel ,'.",'" ?J,, (1) 36-inch Russian Kolinsky. 750.00 145.00 150.00 165.00 175.00 185.00 185.00 195.00 250.00 Now $59.50 79.50 84.50 89.50 110.00 120.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 165.-00 195.00 245.00 295.00 350.00 Fur Sets Regularly (.'!) Natuial Raccoon R35.00 (5) 'laupe Wolf 70.00 (2) Hudson Seal 70.0t) CI) Black Wolf 89.50 (2) Giev Wolf 90.00 (4) Skunk 100.00 ( !) Black Fox 85.00 (5) Brown Fox 110.00 (II) Taupe l'o 125.00 (2) Beaxer 105.Q0 . (2) Mink 105.00 (3) Black Lynx 110.00 (1) Natuial Blue Fox 430.00 (11 Silver Fox 430.00 (1) Hudson Bay Sable 617 50 Fur Scarfs (2) (3) (5) (2) (6) (4) Regularly Now Hudson Seal $30.00 $24.00 Russian Kolinsky 80.00 24.00 Natural Mink 35.00 28.00 Natural Squirrel 47.50 J8.00 Seal Stoles ' 55.00 44.00 Stone Marten 60.00 48.00 Regularly $72.50 (4) Hudson Bay Sable ... (5) Moleskin Stoles 92.50 (6) Natural Fisher 110.00 (t) Russian Sable 180.00 (2) Natural Blue Fox 205.00 (1) Silver Fox Scarfs 305.00 Now $21.00 39.50 40.00 47.50 49.50 57.50 68.00 69.50 72.50 84.00 84.00 88.00 344.00 344.00 491.00 Now $58.00 74.00 88.00 144.00 164.00 244.00 Choice Fox, Wolf and Lynx Scarfs Colors are Taupe, Brown, Black, Poiret and Georgette. 18.00 24.00 28.00 U.00 38.00 44.00 48.00 Greatly Reduced. ! . Purchiuwtf Af nU' Order Accepted STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Reliable Information of Reliable Merchandise for To-morrow, Thursday NEW SILK AFTERNOON DRESSES I n hiding the Charming Moire ' Dress Sketched Price $37.50 Tulletas with tiers, und kinart flat bodices that tie m tho back; crepe dp thine, some cry closely plaited fiom the neck to the end of the tunic; satins, Minph dianed nnd with little or no tiimming, but so Miiait and good-looking: crepes Georgette, some in lovelj combinations with foulard, others trimmed with ti Rolette, some entirely of crepe Georgette, beautifullv beaded nnd embroidered see par-tmil.-iih the new ciepcs in white and pastel shades, bended and rmbioideied in white or in self-tone. Price innge fiom $30 00 to $47 50. A civ I'oile and Gingham Dresses, from $9.50 to $13.50 Voilis and ginghams with all the airs and Ci, ues of silks and sntins Tunics of nil kinds, wide bo plaits, deep folds through the skirt, bodices with i lisp white vestees nnd collars, many with n sinait touih of black in belt or girdle. Light and daik effects, in plain colois, stripes, plaids and fig- uicn patterns Lovely Spring Silk Dresses, $15.00 to $125.00 A cu Summer Cotton Dresses, $Q.5() to $00.00 mm iTrt l t Ik sc nn I VI WOMEN BUYING COATS NOW ARE LOOKING AHEAD TO VACATIONS I hey want the inepenie Coats that the can subject to haul weal with an easy mind, and jet feel uitabl diessed. For toimng, cspecialh for women who hao much hiking and climbing in icw, there aie Mnart Bo Coats short, light in weight, not at all cumbersome made of two-tone diagonal cloth, unlmed, $20,110. Then there are the full, cm eloping, more piotective Top Coat- of fancj mixtuies, $25.00 to $3"i 00 Foi motonng and mid-summer tiaels in waim climes, theie aie I. men Cni'-h Coats, in tan and in jaspei, $7.50; Mohair Cape. in giay, blue and black, with est fiont, $12.00. Light-weight Velour, Burcllaand Serge Coats Made foi full-hip hguies. Vanou- good colois; body and seees lined, 25,00, The same stjle in -eige. lined thioughout, $ !0 00. -- si,,,, iq ill ihur s,,on,i !uor , n(r SILK UNDERGARMENTS Their Prices and Prettiness Fine and softly lustious in matenal, fascinating in the way lace and nbbon and piett stitching and wee loscbuds aie u-ed to enhance their clniim. these Undcrgaiments embody all that artistic taste can eonjuie in the way of color and tiimming beauty. Practical, too, for both haul wear and laundering hinebeen con-ideicd in their making. Women seek ing the nth and beautiful in Undergarments will hnd these woith attention. NIGHT GOWNS Of flesh-toloi crepe de thine, $3.95 to $16.50. Of flesh-coloi washable satin, 5.95 to $12.50. ENVELOPE CHEMISE Of flesh-color eiepe de chine. $1.95 to $5.75. Washable satin, $2 95 to $5.95. PETTICOATS Washable satin, $4.50 to $6 95. n BODICES Ol llesb-t'olor ciepe de chine oi satin, $1 00 to $5.50. 1)1' naw blue washable -atin, $1.50 to $2 50. NEin'IS Of glop silk, flesh color or white. $2.75 to $125. BLOOMERS Of gloe silk, $3 50. CREEPERS Of crepe de thine oi washable satin, S2.9"i to PAJAMAS Of Hesh-coloi ciepe tie thine or washable satin, sO.-.O to $10.00. y ' STEP-IN CHEMISE Of flesh (oloi eiepe Geoigette, $12.00 to $J5.00. COMBINATIONS OC Hesh color washable satin oi cicpe de thine, $6.2" and $6 50. NOVELTIES Night Gowns of ciev Georgette in' Victory Red or Ovciseas Blue. $16.50. Chemise of the same $9.75. Chemaloons of washable satin oi eiepe de hine in (lcsh-eoloi $2 95 to $3 50. Il lull IK.llli t . , i)it 11 t ll 111 i als mi l ie Mi t 1 1 uiil on un i i -s- in pit i in i r ' nil p;u h i trawl il In i I Hi l I h i I I l..ni W si WMKKC How Will That Ball Team of Yours Look on Memorial Day? Will your plajers trot out on the diamond to waim up in a nondescnpt tollection of uni foims, with jerseys and stock ings of eciy hue of the rain bow, for all the woild like a scrub outfit? Oi will they all be smaitly uniformed alike a real Ball Team that looks etery inch the hard-hitting, fast-playing aggregation ou claim them to be? If ou hacn't equipped joui Ball Team so far, by all means do so at once. Sixty-Five Dollars Will Outfit Ten Players From Cap to Stockings Here Ten Uniforms of good, heavy genuine llannel, the Shirts with detathable sleeves; the Pants cut attording to the latest "league" pattern. Ten Caps, ten pairs of Stockings (oui choice of col ois); ten Belt all in the sizes jou requne. Your Monogram or Initials on Shirts Free All ready foi immediate de liveiy and all foi the very low price of $65 00. We have other complete team outfits as low as $50.00, but the one above men tioned presents particularly good value unsui passed any vvhel e. And heie's an important thing to consider, the Uni foims aie guaranteed to be thoioughly reliable and to give good erv ice. Undei this same guarantee we sell practically every Base Ball Atcessoiv that tne player re qunes and at the lowest price consistent with leliable quality. OUR REPRESENTATIVE vv ill be glad to call at your home oi business place with samples, etc., to give estimates in the tom plete outfitting of teams. This scrviie.involves no obligation to buy. sii-h w I I !e S. I InliMr I .ill III 1 I I Urk"l str(H t Women's Spring Suits Reduced Substantial reductions, on Women's Spring Suits of line, light-weight cloths nist the kind of Suits every woman needs for summer traeling and much general wear. Men's'-wear ISerge and Tricotine Suits now $32.50 and $40.00 Belted SuiU showing the vauous new plaited effects, also Blouse and Bo Suits, and some plain-tailoicd models with semi-fitting ioat- Some attractively biaid-trimmed, some with waistcoats and vestits. Black and navy blu' Not all sues m an.v one model, but all sics in the group Smart Spring Suits in Extra Sizes, reduced to $40.00 Suits made pspeciallv foi etia full hguies, nnd designed with that caicful attention to Mine" vvluth is the Alpha and Omega of a Luge Suit's stylo distinction. Some are close-fitting oi semi titting, othcis tucked and plaif-d nnd hm-linl with attiatlive bolts Of scige and poplin, in black, navy blue. In own and giay. siriinii.- imii.r i i , Mlk , ,, t Fires of Faith .1 Salvation Army Story A stilling stoiy, by Charles Kenmoie U 1 1 i c h, illustiatcd with pictures from the photo plav 50c. , The Salvation Aim.v, because of its woik Over Theie for oui boys, has tome especially close to the heait of eveiyone. This stoiv of its activities is, theie foie, moie than usually mtoi csting. siiawtir h'l. X I'lfilhifT PplkiiiI Floor rill en street IWil Block Baby Strollers Special at $10.00 A neat, durable, easy-running Stroller, of the famous Hloch make, at a substantial having. Also Ready for the Spring Days in the Sunshine are Velocipedes', $5.00 to $19.75; Ex press Wagons, $1.00 to $0.00; Au tomobiles, $0.50 to $30.00; Tri cycles, $8.00 to $1900. htrnHbiMse c lothlrr "Jd Floor Centre EIGHT HUNDRED MEN'S SUITS UNUSUAL VALUES AT $15.00, $18.00, $22.00, $25.00 I'o u i ecellent groups, each of which piesonts unsui passed oppor tunities tor woith-while economy m clothes buying. Chiefly smart, tnm-looking single-breasted stjles foi young men ami men of con seivative Uste The matcnals are neat medium and dark mixtures. The entire collection should go quickly at these prices $15.00, $18.00, '$22 00 and $25.00 Iff Seven Hundred Suits SpeciaSfet $28.50, $32.00, $34.50 and $38.5) Including the smartest new styles of the piesent and coming season, and with a good representation of the popular double-breasted effects which young men have been asking for. Fabrics are neat I mixtures, plain-toned flannels and blue serges. SJV Strmbrlilse t Clothier Seiond 1'loor lia.t MEN'S PERCALE SHIRTS AT $1.10 Veiy good Shirts and at a price which is considerably less than equal grades aje selling for to-day. This is the last shipment of a special purchase, and we can get no more at the price. Men who prefer Percale Shirts should, therefore, take every possible advantage of the opportunity while it lasts. r-- Htmwbriilie Clothier- Kant Store Illghth Street MARKET ST. .EIGHTH ST. FILBERT S I STRAWBRIDGE Si CLOTHIER MAItKET ST. EIGHTH ST. FILBEftT ST. '!' M J - s-v " Mir . 2 A? "A !' , .Yi J ViH tiii'i , ..r- k.B ' Ji. r.4M -. 1 ..1 ', A . ' rs.' t"' it. s'yriirMPm- jBMurf .. tls" eTT iv. 's p0 "fleTr'