'i'M m if-si '. ""SHr f K I " i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, , 1919 iut c V. It. h. RECTOR LAUDS BEER . PLANF PRESIDENT Message Throws Out "Sop to Cerberus," Declares Dr. Samuel Upjohn OTHERS PROTEST REPEAL President WINon'i rocnmnicnilntion that the wnr prohibition lnw be re pealed was commended todny by the llev. Dr. Samuel Upjohn, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, German town. "The President, who In his message recommend somen hut lifting the pro hibitory bar of n war measure," com mented Doctor I'pjohu, "is throwing n op to Ccrbcrun. "Politically thii Is wise, alio in rea son and fairness It is just. Probably the President would do more if he could, but the political leaders on both sides are afraid to speak for the equity and judgment of the thine "Lincoln emancipated the slaves, and now those who desire to be wise about that which' is written propose to en slave the emancipated, and this in the 140th year of our independence." Doctor fpjnlin recently prepnied a resolution onccincd with thp prohibi tion amendment for presentation nt the Episcopal diocesan couxention. The resolution urged the enmention to recall its lution lat jear in om mendlng national prohibition. The ics olution was not offeied, howcvci, bj Doctor 1'piohn Later he vent it' in the foim of n letter to HKhop Rhine lander. I'mtcst ngalnst repeal of the waitime prohibition nicnMiie efTnrt ivo .1 11 1 X 1 . Mieccstcil in Ihp inrssncc of I'lraiilcnt WiRon to tin' cxtnt t-cst-ion of t'on- gross, uas inntle toiluy to lVnnsjUniiia conKrcssnii'n nnu imp io i mini ouurx - eenators by tlm Wnrtlmo Viohibltloii , Asoclntion of ronnsvlvniiia. TcIoRinins woic srnt to Consrcnian Vaic tinil ScnnlotN l'onio-.P mill Knox, askinc Ihcm 1" oppose nn nttltrn of this kind Mis. Nellie Aniltews (Jazyim. exeeu- tlve secrctar of the association, "-aid today that society had reaped untold benefits'froni iestrietie measures plmeil on the liquor traffic duiiiiK the win nt balls nntl other such functions. "We nio rry anxious," she said, "that our debutantes and younc lollegc meii in the future shall baethe pin tettivc ntliAiitnRPs of prohibition." Follow inp is the text of the tclcKiams tent to WasbiiiRton : "In view of prohibition soon beinc nbsolute, Hie Wartime Prohibition As sociation would respectfully urge th'it no channcs be made in the policy in stituted for wnr time, as prohibition is just as urRent in these times of iecou , struction," They were sluned by E. K. Mont Romery, president, and Nellie Andrews Gazzam, chairman cxecuUvc committee. MODERN CRUSOE CONVICTED Fled to Lonely Island to Escape Wife. Desertion Charged George K. Stubbs, the Camden hus band who was so easier to get away fiom bis wife and three children that he lived on n small island scteuly-tUc miles off the riorlda coast, was cou 1 vlcteil of wifo desertion. In Judge Katcs's court, Cnmden, today. Stubbs ran away from his family last January. He sent small amounts of money to his wife thiougli ichilues When Mis. Stubbs complained to Prosecutor Woheiton, no tiace of jVtubbs could be found. ' Finally Detective Lawrence Doran heard he was in Florida and started after birri. Hut Stubbs wns tipped off Hrid when Doian reached l'lorida, Stubbs was living on Captive Island. Doran went out and ancsted bim. R. PARCEL POST PAWNSHOP AT 904 VINE Toana SI00O for S10 Bring vour dlamonda, vratchea and Jei-e!f7 to the larieat pawnshop In the world. Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine BONDED TO THE CITY BnMMKW CAMP iHontc.s.ort Camp For Little Children Three to Twelve Year SIXTH YEAR WYCOMBE, PENNSYLVANIA 30 Mllea from Philadelphia. SCIENTIFIC DIRUCTIOV covers diet, recreation, t'eportment, occu patlon. dlfferlntr for cacli Individ ual child. Under the personal su perlalon of Anna Windle Paiit, Directreit Montcssori Boarding and Day School Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lake Placid Club Camp TJNIQUK OPPOBTHMTV FOR 1101 AH the Adantai Anr Camp Can (Iffrr All the unrUaled fa'rllltlea of Ijika TlacM Club Adirondack wilderneaa golf tennla, tutorlnr Applv to Ulreitora I'ataloc I.. w. lamiMT CO.NANT St. I.nk'a Nehool. VI avne. Pn. Pine Tree Camp for Girls un,,j LaVe, 1.000 fret aboe nca In ulno-Uden air of Pofono Mountain Four houra from New York and Ph1UdtphU Hunsalnua and tnts -on aunnv hill, Kiprlrnrwd rouncllors. Ten nl. hattehall cannflnr. 'hikes" mII outdoor porta, HandlcrMfta, aardpnlngr 8th faem-on Mini lllnmhe I. 1'rlre, 401 V. Hfhool iJine. rhllmlf lnhlw. Vn. Young Mtn and BftT-i CAMPVEGA Af ISLAND FOR nO.S. 8 to IB j-eara. riihlna-. huntlnc, awlmmlnr. aalllnr. tan nla outdoor tnaatrlcala nlkaa. una trlri. carpntry 'tutorlnr. Two motor bsata Ona (area central bulMIni and eutdonr aleeplna huncatow. Twalva houra from NaurTork City. Catalos on rrqutit. HRS.HlNnY WARD BEECIIER New York OIBra I Telaphont It at 0tb St. 1 Murray Uill (m PENNSYLVANIA HEROES IN CASUALTY LISTS1 Double Roll Contained in Day's Report of War De partment Washington, May 21. A marine corps list with nineteen mayor casual ties, and an auny roll contafliiiiK tilnetj -the names, twenty-four of whom nie listed as major losses, weie reported bv the War Department today. The complete list of Peunylv.anlans Is gien below : Klltfrt In Action ' PRIVATE Warran Alfred Ora-th. 1 lertnwn IHfil from rrldrnt anil Oilier fame. rill.vrB WaiM Kra-no .Mck. ItOckS Woundrtl Sllehtlj PniVATES Tofph t, llraalln Pho-nl-.- Itle Thomas rostra New raall. St-rhn M (llb.raon T.ancatr, John P Jenkln. ratl.n 'limber, Charles' Ixintaberjer South Bethlehem. Returned to Ilnly. Pratloin.lv Itenorteil Died roni M omnia COOK Cluatav Adam Stein. Tork Killed in Action, rrerlouslr Keported Died i'On.POHAf.s HarnM K Marlowe e ronn Vincent Uoblaskl riltaburnh PMVTE Jamra Itockwell MercemburB , Killed In Artlnn. rre,Innlr Reported Ml- Inc In Artlon COItPonAI. Jor-pll P Trettel Tar-n-' turn I riUVAlK Vlnrenio C'olucclo rittaburch Pled. I'retloui'l.v Rnwrlril Mlaalm In etlon I'llH AEt Krnnk K Nl-ml-c Erie Wll Main hihlnd ISJ West Wllilev street Phil adelphla Daniel Sulllan I'lltaburah Rrlurneil to Ihitr. I'revtflnslr Reporteil Ml.a- Inir In Arilon niXllMKVTAIi sr:it(KAVT MAJOR -Thorn-is () Brian I.MR North Slxtj eecond street Phltadlphla PRIVATE"! John nib.nn Scranton Ml ehael r MeOrojan West New Ion I'orblyl Plereon Sam. Klrb lVrnneotiMy Reported Wounded SMfrflr j I'HIV ATE William II riant, llellertown MUtlNf. TORI'S CsrI.TIB.S Ml. .Ine In Artlnn rniVVTK JPiruIn J I atko, Farrell Preent for IMilj. rrnloii.l. Reported Mla- Inir In Atlon PRIVATE lam Kearny ManaMink dllnn V .Mi William" ,rnnnbunx PRISONER BITES RESCUER " Crowd Theatened lyian Said to Have, Slurred Salvation Army Worker .liiiiinc rnninrk which Joseph KitiR m .nifi to nine iiinun m srcini persons who won- performing for tlio brtipfit of tho Sahatton Aiinx1 cJno last nlclit i Still tnl a Iiostilo llemonstratiou. ' Mon in the venire and others siiizedi toward Kins with . Ties of ''Meat him up! Reserve rnllrcmnn DoURhertx, honocr. wedjed his way through the ciond null rOIMlPIl lljlll ' As he was being taken to City Hall . for his own protection. King. , it .is1 nllcgcil. turned on his rescuer, lipping i his uniform and biting him severely on the bnnd. Uoughrrtv later went to the Jefferson Hospital for treatment. King wns held for n hearing this! morning. He refused to give the nolue! his llddiess. 2 PHILA. MEN IN CASUALTIES i One Reported Missing Returns to Duty, Other Is Dead Two more Philndelphians nre in a casualt.v loll released by the War Vc pnitment today. ltegimcnt.il Sergeant Jlnjnr Thomas O'Hrien, 151S North Hixtj -second street, who has been returned to dutj, was formerly classed as missing in ac tion. Private William Sthwind, i;5U West AVildej street; is now listed as dead, having been previously leported missing. Circus to Aid Salvation Army A monster otieu-air lircus will be held nt the Liberty Statue, Uioad street and South Pcnn Square, tonight in the interest of the Salvation Arm. The show will be under the direction of the Philadelphia Entertainment Bureau, and professionals from ninny of the leading theatres have volunteered their services. The peifounance will begin nt S ojilock nnl will last two houts. FlinrATIOVAI. Ilottl Seea Acerwood Tutoring School For bova and Elrla who need Individual Inetructtan to make normal proRTMS Klndersarten to 111a:h School Tndus'rlal Arte. Domeatlo Science. Muala. firm naa'lca Clardenlna EthlcatTralnlnr Home TAfe. Medical Supervlilon. AdequateButld lnca IarsreCampua Outdoorllfelnaummer 16 Mile from Phlladelnhla. DookUt. Miis Devereux. Principal BOX A. DEVON. PA. BERLITZ SCHOOL 1BI CHESTNUT HTM.F.T (Entrance on 16th btreet) Languages Free Trial X.esaan sritnor, open aix scsimer Durlnv June. July and Auzust leisona will be Riven aleo on tha Jeraey coaat. Hour may he reeerved at anv Berlitz School Teuk-liera 11 anted -Pusltlona waltlnt: Free resla'n for College and Normal Rraduatea Modern Teachrra' llnrean. 100; Market St. klrechhaiim richool of LanKuaaea and Unreal of Tmnalatlnn. Inc.. 1B84 rlienlnut Ht. . BAr-mnYtYtl I'tic Oram Coune. Knotty ermaxroi polntB p0,d ,8J7 giniom- KIHIf'ATIONAI KAMI'S nnnr Men nnd Both The Camp Where You Can Flying in Curtiss planes with expert Curtiss pilots. Aerial observation, map making, pho tography. Also,Ground School. Machine controlled by experi enced pilots at an nignis. BjW7JBB4KhaBBBBBBBBWaBBBRBBBaBBaD aaaaaaaaaaallaanDaaaaa!aaBaaaaaaaaaaai.lSaHH ' IHBBhI JUNPPLAnSBURB Special Announcement Major Gtneral John F. O'Ryan, of the famout Twontyieventh Division, will conduct the camp aa a demonstration of the Swln System of Training, emphasizing liipcrvUod athletics. " J.lslit weeks couinem-ing Juy 1 J,'or catalog udilrcba A. Z. SMITH, 0 E. 45th - vi wrniNo nr.-wnT'. I ATLANTIC TITV. x. j. .- x sBtmS ""l 1 mRwRF - smtvunt Sit lifiytKiri P M'MtlllglilaTl ," ' i, l riw . w- s- a.m. I ft tf- -? J-imryi Apjjjia-s uuting J6r Health ottRecreatior. . fyNomSrCHARLES n onlht Beachfront crvryCpnrenlenccand Luxury wM thorough Service ana Coutesy predominant . nrBookM. Floor Plan. RoadMaocSiKCial Rates ""MlliomA rfi m. V --- ...i m. M 'M'WWI i .TtytC. ATLANTIC CITY. "St'&iZS0 A rocoaivlsed tanaard i ..atandatu eUence, oi eAceueju.e, 600. 22LiS5i SPECIAI, I'OK DCCORATION DAY CJQ Either Thur.day to Sunday (TO PO or Friday to Mond.;PO HOTEL NETHERLANDS Vff ork tp . BO yd, from Unftrrfnalk lacicltv 400 Eleiator. prlte tthii run- I jiIiik water in bedroom" Free Peatiirea i llatlilna- I'rlrlleire from llotet. nance Flnnr Juno rates. American plan-C2.no to M dally I4. SIB. !.. X10 neeklv. I At'tii'aT nuiiwm:r.. rronn-tor i 7fotel STRAND 'riHEpnoor' On. tKe occarvtr Capacity GOO. Alvvaiy On. tKe ocean, front goeitufiDO.Awaus orar Sao water In all bath.Orchatrq COURTESY' SERVICE -COMFORT GRAND ATLANTIC Mrelnla Ae near lloardwalk and lentcr of r"- "":"".., '.., r.i,i.'...rf i.,,T. .h. iinrt""" feature- n wi iP daii; Ppe?ui wki Papmit on Hkit Atitn meets truing imn.raliln management W. P. SIIM1. HOTEL NFW ENGLAND So Caro,na av ,nd Beach. ntr ,,.,. Amer ft Curopean plana, prlv. bath., run't "atr Jn rooms, elevator, flna porchea, etc. '"' " nrnwinmiw rmeav n ,i ivimimi THE CARLTON l'n'" Avenue ana " Ho". n7 - b.B?eA.d.?,on.V i,Ip manascment. CHAS. T ZZZAM HOTEL CRESTON IP"rAve A upargnaiK iow open Pplial, tinllia ,nnln ...... t. II rooms: elevator. Special June ratee Mnth ' JMjoti If M REBVEB. TRMOREAiiAVTKarvl 10RU)5 GRFATEST BOTH. SUCCESS .HOTEL ABSECON "Jp Fireproof. Private bathe: eleator and all conveniences. 13 00 up dally: tpeclal weekly ratca o D PMNTBR Try CLARENDON HOTEL VIRGINIA AVK. NE.1H BEACH All rooms with hot and cold running- water. Prlvale Hatha Write for ralea and booklet. HOTEL EDISON ?!VoANavx?? Open. nw mnnnuernrnt Thoroughly reno Rtrti Amr K mnrwHii fin" Spring rafi Hotel Rio Grande Jo0rrffimAvSM ealk. Flreproor. Curopean plan luteal: 00 Rlev.; run water: parage M M MeCall. Hr Worthinirton i""'0url and Pacific Avea woruiuigion , rom hMUi A If a a Depot Hot cold runnln water In rooma Tenna moderate .1 H WOnTHIMlTOV HOTEL BOSCUBtL ---y a ..; dally Amer plan Bklt. C n Marlon Delancey-Lakewood l .?robn; Ing from hotel' rate, mon in I iaiv Westminster Ky- Av- nMr Bch- eit. wcsmuiaicr to (lt prlvB, balh. run viater. flSOOupwk. J2 50updally. c Buhre. TIIK ItlMIOIU. US St. lamea PI nr beach rooma dally or Akly : rea. at V K Parrer KIIITTinsl, Until Hetea s01irilAM M IH)OKKi;i.l'IN(. Our 'eraduates arc tn tonatint demanJ Uood pHiliu puiltlons await ou Urctoc Short IiHnd. the easy, speedy system Complete til tr nt iiusses inienuvn irainniir r.iiiun nnj in. it- v,ii or wrua for full pnrtlculwrn and rata lor rilll. IU1SI.NRSS COM.LC.K and Collece of Commerr. 1017 Chentn.it St.. rhllwdetphU A TKC'IIKn OF TIIK I1BF desires prltaU imi) Hi for lenrtoriri In Mn-Readlnc. wd- )taaH alaivlnev alim niaia taartaat taat f lava. aTna uiraat iimina nuMiimi iuv"iiii 'iina .aaaa atanie If. t nr Int. Ilrooke Hall Madia. Pa. ! QTRAYFR'S '-"he Rest Bualneaa School J a cat f.F!oiTNtIT 8T ROT CHESTNUT ST WhsT CIIKSTEIt. PA . BhST HliSTKB STTENOKMAI.htllll(II. Both Sene. tJ.'ll tn JBIl fl M Phllllpii Prln onnc Women nnd f,lrla Landscape Architecture A VOCATION FOR WOMEN Mam uraduatea of the la , thnrpa School of Iundatd.H Arihltetlure at (roton, Mae; . nre earnlnir more than r 1 Hell hood In the proreiiB.oii jnej na.e i-arnen i tn chool Landscape Architecture la delightful work for a woman The I,owthorpe School teaches the pmre8lon in all Its branches (rllmf apeclal lnntrUv.tlon ln Horticulture and rUnt Inn Ueslcn. IIb location at O rot on. one of New Knt land a most charmlne lllaces affords an unusual opportunity for the studv of a nurn hr of beautiful estates Course two and three ears Tall term beclns hept 17 1010 For particulars and catalogue, address Mist AMY L. COGSWELL, Principal Groton. Mass. AM.ENTOWN. PA. Cedar Ctest College ituk uinie) flVFR. 1A Allentown, Pa. "Suburbs0 Limited enroll ment. Two new modern buildings on high and picturesque campui of A3 acres All modern cultural and vocational counts Athletics nates IISOO Address IlOX U FnUTATIONAI CASH oiinr Mn nnd Ho Fly Swimminc. canoeincr. rowinc sailing, motor boating-, baseball, basset-ball, horseback ridinjr, fishing, tennis, fencing, boxing, polo. Motor Mec1anca, Wire less and other technical studies. Street, New York City. Ji ild?snrtT4V , .i.. "nx- . .. wrniNQ BF.WORT.S Asniinv rnK. x. j. NEW 11 MONTEREY HOTEL Tie rlenl Rrnorl llotrl OPENING JUNE 28 Dlrectls- on Ocean All outilde rnomi hot and (old salt water In bath'-ooTns MW MONTKRI'.V ORU.I, EntlreU new serMea a la carle and rianrlng - larKeat and moat beautiful mi tin Jeraey coait litia tur molorUlp MIFRMN Itr.NMS, Manaerr Ni York omce R IVtit nth St Phone Vanderbllt 2D0 llDonnell A ( onipanr , vi.,v nrk tt.k i iv North. Asbu.r;y Park N.J. The Fenimore piittiil .ifniif Akhurr rnvk. . J. One riock to linin Hurt atnmrium 1,10 Alt Oiittdf Room 150 nfurnl"hff1 rlfntor print hath roomfi with or without rumilnc writer, white rv irp capiclt 20 trnt & Maas, Prop. Hhnn M Aiiburv Hooklft HOTEL FRANKLIN NI1 ITTA(!E The lloune of llopltaltt ltenlely Im prned Open Va SS l STROP D THE MADISON Sunaet are. overlonklnc Oiean and Sunset lake. r. nnnMN iixwk. TIIK HSTONI- SJO 4lh Ae near beach i:cllent cvnslne white aent'-e Apply for nix KSiniTt.KT Marlborough Hotel A1RLRX. PARK. N. J. Kerv modern tnnientence nierlean plan Ralea mi wpplleatln 1 1 TUC fllRARD "" "' Ate. Illork - viraa j orrnrl. ftr ma, Bm, capacity 125. Special June rates: booklet. SI. . (,n s. itoi.. " ' tjpw Tennev Hotel ,on room. with , ana wnnnut bat i. runnlnc naler In eery rnnm Furnlhlnxs I entlrelN nei Rooktet Mrs E K. Tenney. i AUDITORIUM HOTEL HrA1;.8 i New "hianaviPtnent Oceanfront roonw, um rlor wctonimo'1atlonw- M T WHI't yt The Zurich 3lT wVh i't l.N"v m,n- a in. uiuu ngemmt j) .1 Fream. Prop ri:N i : it n v p. v. j. HOTEL MAJESTIC nmrcTi.v ov the ukach Plevator eerlie. OTPellent Milelne NEW PHILADELPHIA Ocean rathirnT and Reach P.uronean plan Clement A Clement fru. Waverlv v ""." ? cuiauia uaaurpaa i. 10 Ocean Pathway, near Beach New manacemaaL excellent eervlct M U UAYER The hltfleld Klreproof. overlooking ocean. Moat alect lentrallv locaM hotel In Ocean Grove, v-naa rt Herman t-rop. anq ivifr. gl'RINn l.tKK nFXI'll. N. .1. ESSEX & SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Directly on the Ocean America's Finest Retort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th New Yorki Office: 8 West 40th Street, or Plaza Hotel F. T. KEATING Manager TL-. CI I. Open .Tune M. n E. 1 11C UUWI,CliaiU fcpange i ftpangenhurg Prop 1,KP. HOPTf OMI. V. J. fPtGCj icriuuniMino xrfr77,eBJSLM), AKE HOPATCONG 'it NKV. 'P" I ill open for (tw season on CORATION DAY many betterments OwJnankjo Martaacmafnf MACKLAT2COi fit r Re s er vations Irvouire' nMt.Wani.iwurrcCTrU BKATIIHAVEV. V. .1. AATCMLCaS BAY pS OAlUNO-fWFlSHIMO kA0DERN Motel Home ABvkheSeo Si-iW Open June 20. The beat combination of i .-B-hore feature! on the coast Matchlena hay for sailing and flshlnr perfect beach and bathtns; The Kngleslde has all the modern conenlente prlate batli with sen and fresh water Itcoklet R. V. KNCLIC. JIr . also The Covington, West Phila Fli Trkviann Huperior accommodations ine .ICVlWin for lOO Nearotean Tenl newrh, V .1. J H TftKVmAV Prop The Hrea Iters. Children's caridUe bathlntr. boat' ir, fishing, booklet. V. A Austin ilgr. OrKAX CITY. . .1 THE BREAKERS Only Boardwalk hotel. K A OLNG Mgr. TUp OIJFFN Directly on btHrh front CAt'F. MAV, V I NEW STOCKTON VILLA j Directly 6n beach. 1 aVilM tatrma J una PrlvaU tathi Haon 8 8 DAVI8. aaov-hv.tmb.sk Hotel Buckingham 4 MINUTES FROM ASHURY PARK In the heart of New Jeraey a Pleasure Kelt; opena June 28 C, ritman Haker Jr Mir Hotel Colonial Phlla Ta PT. n.KAHWT. V .1. The Carrollton Hotel Point Pleasant, N. J. raclna: ocean, American plan onena Junt lat Boardwalli tlahlna anlf C. llaft.Pron, The. Leinhton Vail,t l'1"""'. N. t. ine j-eignton Dr, 0N thl ocean, Opena June Slat. Special Seaaon nana.- KacJuslve clientele, lloartlwalk flolf. Tennla Orche.tra Hahert M. Croilch. ISt.AMI IIKIflllTS. N, J. fa r combination of alniplUHl fooi aite anil comfort Maple Inn la clean cool and dependable Maple Inn makes jour acatlon a aucceia lloollet I.lan.l Height. M J M. V. O0K. Phone. laland Helatita '.',t SKAHIDK PAKK. V. J. THE MANHASSET Tllretlv on the Acaan front. CaoaHtv Snn. Soofciet., M. 0a TUKNBK. OWn.r.Prop. I CUINEK., OVoir.?ro, sfi&sW&xLKr SS-SffiaiL1 iSetiSCwith r ten fftOT rP-1 tPi r IfflifK . flf. . ii t'fi sntiNr. nBsonT EAdl.EHMKni:. I'A , Eagles Mere Pennsylvania IJ The summer reanrt that t different from othera because. It combines mountain and eeaahnra rendition nidi unique aurrnnmllnca. J Jtnre arenlo hrnue.v anil healthful enelrnnment make Karlr Mere the vliolrewt of mountain reaorti. One el the finest eolf, rhursea in America. Thu eintlr liench and lempernle water of the Lake of the Riiclea nrford ptemtlil hathlnr XJ00 feet nbnea tea level. n I'er Illustrated booklet and ratee arlla Crestmont Inn VVIIIInm Afnoda. Manarer. The Forest Inn Iterman V, leaser. Manarer. The Lakeside J. S. Kirk Inn. The Raymond Murrar S. Kleaa Manater. KAfii.rRMF.rtn park. pa. DRStnAITIK furnished rottaaea completa with mod conen for rent at res term, occupants Ia1 meals at the Toreat Inn. .... .. . ir,,n .,iar iiuaneBvu n, r. nnnn. p.- ItAOMIK INN. Itmlnar. Va Vn Ideal inuntrx home nilhtu a fo mMiuteq of cl1 tenter i loe to Ktalfon with wonderfu' train eei i e Tennis solf anod rnnni. and er ex. el table Motorl't" Sundax linn heon SI dinner SI ".-, rhone Wane 17 wniiMoisni.tr, pa. SUNSET HALL P"?""11 " -;" ful hinim inmforta lieallllful inounlain alk Ilellchlflll l.ln.B for week end" NOT V PWVTIIIIII M nl.i fll-.O HVII, Mar WKKNIVISVII.I.B rv ci I-iil.ii. l.,dser OHlce PKVON. PA Wvnburne Inn n Maln Llr"' Eapa. neaa men wllh families. Hooms with bath at reMsonahle rates ivanclnp Larae around, wide veranda, rhone llerwyn 17 ,1'IK IINII Villi NTMNl I fe lawnre AVtiter (,nn Pn . The Bellcvue UP tn ,at9 ln every re. I ne ucut-vue gp(,rt excellent table Tho popular house for vounp people Cap. ISO, ii mln to station Rooklet Danclnr, golf and tennis HAnVEV W BL.A1H Riverview House fn "'' W ,Mn'1- rru .leaiti he it , prfdtv l'O lentil. , ourl. all nut door spts Hookiel Mrp lUIUT 1,1. I) Mtnu US r Forest House 5 t i Samo management 2J ear A L MAnSH The Hillcrcst rta.ou.hiy tiepBkit Delaware House ft; fAtf BREWER COTTAGE iii.stu. l'. A homelike pla Near Hut k Hill ..t tlemenl Suited to tho.e d. slruiBr nulet and rcat llimklet JOHN K HHNRV The (Mil Inn. I or rcat and rec In Pocono Ml- Mod alm POOtiHrunla amil.e Oar. B .It New nwn ahlp O.car A Ptapff Cl.ll'l' IF.V IIIIUSK for a real vacation an I plenty eonil tlllnge In eat rtato. til up Booklet rilAS KOl.B fhtnaden.la. Pa. Trie. Pines Maiinlflicnt luiuiion Booklet ""' " on renuct ll tell, the try JlVROVi pniru Pin Knob Inn wn f"rm ,rout D'hr rme miod inn llt ,.l;o w UIIAVg Toh.hannn. Pa . ThvhAnna House -ow ope.n. m. . w- .- . j,, ace for n rent, or rond Iront fl"hlne n intAivi; Chichester House ?' , nnd tlnhlna Booklet Vre I! rillriinsi nn llii.liklll. Pn. HIVFRSIDEn roai1 to D'neman Kerry. KlVtlUIUr. Modern Plelilng liiMtlne liatlilns. tlon.1 roads Auto headquHrter. Ilarace Booklet JOHN M COOK fi.fc lroi'd.hnrr ln. The Maplehurst Vnr.ai""....". i nhml hjmciouh t iw lis HhIIi tr tlh i; inini 'ol .r.tn fwlprtxl tn rtnoklfl I M l hhiwnee-oii-llelawnre. Vn, I PNWOOD olf "athlnc. flshbic "Book- let DETRICK JE.SOV nlnemiin's f'errv High Falls House KleiUrlc lights, prhate baths, ege tahles from our own Karden music flanclng. tennis, boatint? .latthiiig.tW.," Ing, beautiful watei falls moun taUi scenery ; unsunah'-ed i-omls No mosquitoes Illustrated booklet PHILJP J FULMUR. Tioprletor Mount I'ncono. I'll. Qt WotMtPooono: tr? ff . m. Jrva .1- Nj wioumryieasam: i ouse r menn (j.OT7irorr& OGvtoe, Opems yJ(jun&20tr. Oref&stim-7)anufig HI UutdoorOOOKS Kli rrHMwue.ion k'Ut.X Hufn Flinrmrf KnLtS , , .- - . M. .- - RiXw,.-. -Sr'ZI-V.-.Z vlftXlVrtal t.x-eecfi Ji. Summit Hnuse "" farm dalrJ " ummii nouse r..nt ,,,,. rpavon. , al.la ralea booklet Mra K SfllUKNDCV Hawlhorne Inn No" hnnieki-epliig mt nawuiome inn laBCH to 1CI1I n ion lie, linn ullh Ini HUU I M lirsill Bit Trin Ontwood Mo', Write for hklt an4 ino unwooa rtg E u 4EV Ar, TheCIairmontCap r' Mwl- stm heat: t nc sturinum, hom cealc.g R H 8mltn roenno Plnaa POCONO PINES INN i:ic (" ft I.ode, I'ottaiei. Cablna Panip. Caalno Oarage dolf Tennla nil llarda Bowllnir Orchestra Dancing, noat Inr Rathlnc Flhln S mile lake Oneoe lunei '.'I Jlooklet S.4 Stephen Olrard Bldg Phil rocone Lwa fa I AIIRKI INN Ne" mt SeteralprUatc. LftUnni- uill trnut ,rMm, f.PKld. n ratea Hl.lt A K HBRRICK Pron Mountain Home. Ia. MONOMONOCK INN Mountain Honi"'a leading hotel Ideallv loo Jteam heated Uatea reaa n open Hklt Bo Air Lodge 0tdu.7n:"ivfrupt,,t Booklet. Dr. t Mra J. M DeKay. HeUer'. Mt. Airy Mitr. p8 iiKiii-onn M'Rivnx. pa. IF Mil BEDFORD SPRINGS n ip.) iioTi. Ay Ijirae. modern hotel In 300CI arre alaaa. e.talr. ISOO ft. llbnia .en leral. Krellent rnltlne. famona rnra. Ilia mlnrral water. . On Lincoln High. ar. bood motor roade In nil direction.. -.--. t aalff a. aa 1 nel trt I n m Mm earl aa aw aalall-B- irillUai ! .-luiiiiiii ! aaiaa, IMinail. Open June 16.1010. II. V. DE.MI8. Mgr.M I . . - -t ""- - Mai mi imiiiii tr srRiNfi itr.sonTS l.Ki: ll(H'T(IIN(l. N Y A1TIa.A4AAMaal L.CSM! rmuamjuu . j NEAREST MOUNTAIN RESORTtoNEW.YORK ONLY 95 MILES FROM PHILADELPHIA LAKE" HOPATCON'G, ncstlinp in the mountains 1000 feet above sea level, offers an ideal combination of mountains and water that cannot be equaled in any other tesort Ideal climate pure mountain air. no mosnuitoes. flies or malaria. Excellent fresh water bathing, canoeing, rowing, motor bonting, fishing, etc (Inly " mllea from Nen . ork Can lie reached ht the I) , I, A W. It II or the Central It It of N J, (,0oil motoring over the- flneit roads In New Jersey The following- hlcli-rlaa. lintel, anil home. like lioerilllic lion.ee offer every modern mnifort ami i-otncnlenre. and will quote rates etc , upon r. o Hotel Mt Arllnrton, P 0 Lt1. i Ctweily-H.t.l " Alamar In the Vita (formerly DreillDI liike View Ilou.e Ml Arllnaton lintel Rchlffer . Hotel The W oedatock The Itoule.ard Villa Von 1 auipe I ramie rdwanl 4 SO Rrrant Ilia 2MV Hotel t;ilnwnrtti r.(i rprTi I n-ft Inn f.0 lr lloTrl 1.1 ftfPM tnt llrtu .V Thi Krpnnone All botfl tp loomed fur Itoolilet LAKE HOPATCONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ljinilln P OTTO POTBRa President. vvii.nvvoim. n. j. For Your Memorial WmWrnrnm Y mmJti'uH -vFMmm: a2a nMer AND WILDWOOD CREST New $200,000 amusement entcrpriso just completed for the entertainment of a million usitoit. thK summer. Splendid putiiotic piogi.im, omhiacing militaiy ami naval exercises of an interesting chjiactri. 'lhe Ma Queen will be ci owned in the pies-cmc of hei cour. with legal ce'emony. All this jh addition to natule'- wonderful iittiactions at th magnificent icort. Come and spend the vveck-rnil (iood hotels lAcr.vthing foi ,oui plcasuie and convenience. ntc for booklet. W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Secretary Board of Trade, Wild wood, N. J. IIIROMICJt Villi NTUNs Adirondack Camps, Cottages and Sites for Camps Cnltagf, mi th" famous . ulVnn Chain of I.akCM ." sVepltiK luottih iMthrooiu IhiiiK mom flteplHrt -lln ing loom kitchen t e iul woo 1 houst '.ini Toet Lake fiont 'i hms foiMt 1 1 nr t nnii.etel furntHherl bjk prlte I75WJ Mj-o ii SiinitiKM Hunaalow flh .1 IMrooniM brith llvinc room Kit. hen llO HIl'l OU(I hOUMt Willi Ul Of lOrtt pipr iMthlns bent Ii ami park dlH rrlcr- S'jiiUH Will rent furnished fjr Jvlnu for JuU and Ausust )ki bullcllnir lot for nunim" homes ani camps. ale prite $Jvj tu $ .Midi i Alt of the ftboie are nccesfllile bv rri III iiii d HUtomobll. tuul steamboat Palls mall Hnd supplies Wonderful et enerv pure air botttlng bathlm. hunitns and flshlnar l.aUe 1m 1707 feel nboe sea eel Come lieir for tnnifort ln the AdlronddtU Mountain W ililnrncis H. C. N KI.I.KR MMIKIMIM K Kl.M l.-llll, Old rorgi-, N. . UKe flFOROE . T. -iinmiiilllllllllllMlllllllllimilllll HOTEL M4RI0N LAKE CEORCE, N.V. 7G Mites from Albany. Directly on ifie i lake Front, also Stale Road from Lake 1 ceorge Village to Bolton Landlns. , capacity. 300 Cuests White Service. Wllb or without Private oaths. Open June to October Adjoining New Country and Yacht Club-Flrcprooicaroce Booklet Free JOSEPH H. marvel aiHIIIIIIIIi'lHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIII.IH , I N( s on . fit nmiK IvTnriiran Hnll'p hummer uport.. Itatee iviomcan nou.u $u (Mlto ,.,, UMt hi tj-r rtnsr x Hotel ' (Phamfrfain Bluff Point. Nr' Firepronf H.itori l r. 18 hole rnlf rourse Mnt ir Hinting Prftlt Miff "' rele rhiiij, merlt nil Pint. Ml 1 Florida Um ' i t H i Is r nnlo Klehtnfi 1 x Ment i uisine !' irae of MdtuiBi-r flt 1 h linol i i tt'fl.r ?,i tfi 4iue. I I'lTR KN( BOT51JETTNN UPPER.SARAKACA N.Y Altra tle fuiiil-t.eil bui.j.ulow8 to rent, nlth hot 1 an vi n, tomUliiit. the torn ort of hi. Adlrondai k c amp with th couvenlem- of a modern hotel Qot- Iiin.8 Ki-hlnc Rtithlnv Addreb J II Rfurdon V 40th St N Y. Pavilion Hotel and Cottages Opena June 1!0 WhiU Hulphur burlnj and Uathlntf EitabUahment now opio. Knl.lern n'nt on application TUB AM-X, AdJolnluc the Famous Balh Open all year J H. QAIMJNFXl A BON W H rilAIG ! WrhTPOItT V WESTPORT INN ; OV KKH CIIMriaiN llouaekeeplna and nnn houaekeeplng cot tagei Oin Golf I.lnka Tennla Boating Hathlnfr. Flahlng Onheltra Htram heat JUte .a uu up iiookii i it i; BJUlll. WK3TP0RT. . -. IIMSF.H FALLS'. V. . 1 ny.rlurit In ,h" he"rt of th8 fatakllla "r- naning, tennla Alt tn.m I L ne-telleit Iewa Hklt C A MA11TIV Prop LI'LANll KAIIM lleauilfull altuated S50O feet ele Modern Write for hnuklet and ralee .MIIS C H Lnau, Prop Tonw Honolulu JAI'ANt II1NA Plilllpplnea amall party aalllng fiom Ban Kranclaco Jal. SO and 'triober II Pir S. 8. Korea. lS.OCt tool. Japan In Chrraanthemura aeaiea, jlooklet on requeal. . VllANK O. CUAHK. ximei oio.. n. i. uitjr. rauaaeipnta A lent. LasS Xltla a. Tnut Co.. Broad ani CliMtBUU Labs XUJ, ft Xryat Co.. Broad aoi OlMtnttU aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffiflaiaaaaaaaal l.KK IIOPTC'OMl N, sMWHHBKHB SVczcO.CAsJSGY, 't m m atpllmllon Kopttcont f 0 Laka lfanatnanr. Cecity & 'm Cip.eitr Jiw r 0 Luidint, y, j. la HotJ Ctpiclty I'M f ri.w liana. ,.. -i--Ta Itunail Hr Mn Air Hot. 1DII 101 lOd SO 0 23 Uhflnpll House Hnprn ug llonw I tlaafhlavi fjil am Ml r.n ft viiiiiiiiaii WI UIMU n Went Shore Hotel on I . Uopntrong Write O., N. .1 V.V1I I1VV 11(111 N Day Outing Come to 5S" VI Mt HI, " Ha MAYn.OWKIt INN NI I tin XtlF.s I inipl, n rl 11U7 I hi iiio.i inn i.rn on I I , ii in if till x appoint" 1 roHotl holt I in New t'liBlnrl I.iihI"i1 otl VlHiioniel I'nliii ailjn in i liivtnri I'lv iiouth liltl f n lap. Ill iniitnri.l. tm f une li, I ,il fur Mkl i r... I! -mfnr.l Vlsi I'd I'hiniiuth Miss I.KNOX. IS1. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the BcrUshiret. OI'I'VS II SI. 14 XJestralil. Cottacca nlth Hotel acnlca ll(lM, A. IWOltlKil.ll. Manutrra Addreaa until Mav .'10 uiro Hotel llelmont. 421 htieet anj I'urk Ae .New ork Mnlnr n.aorl ITinion Hotel Hermiidii i'i; ni ii -.. CAPE COD COTTAGES M 1. 1. 1.1 I. I.I.I MI llil llll tlr.i,ll,e, lilnnneil anil altuated. fulh fiiriil.lieil moil, crate rent. Xililrr.. XdFNT, ( XTTAIN I. II. IIVMIC I.STXTi;. Vtelllleet. nr 14J Mute, street Oel. Itlilimoryl 10701 llocton. I M MtlMII. MNX. FALMOUTH ARMS Klalit iii ItnrurrN Hut, 1 M.MIH 111, MKs. Summer lit d 1 nf the Highest lass 1 oi r.uukkl dill I!t(t- itildresx 1 W limil. MnHKer MTlIH's IIMH N LAMPREY HOMESTEAD S ir It e lit i Mm, ljiiU iiMiil rri whun limit shade i'Iiih w urN near lu mln tlk tu liHihitif- Iim h h in oiikiiiff own fu rtn priiduie 'i in lf t i I'nrtcmoutti (Jcnf t. it s mn I ii 1 iii s ,. mi MNC HhsfKR. VI. THE DORMS l" tVl" -.cro t.ritiiiiila hhHtle pnn. cr i lihle Stur It It ftnJ It illev l'.n cue. la Alo.lern Improuuienta 5111 tn S.'O Hi nlrl rsn nv. Mr. Peaks Inland House ,'"1,.'- ' ,If -" nun from liiiiliiul Spa.hore A. I ounl m omh limn ,ih t. Ii'f llah K Ml It I II, mutt J lilt I I M All Ye Longfellow Inn ' i,i. i it"- i,i I Ml Mt I KI s t j Gel a.y.av tn Canada somethmc thffertnt y iothenei( it--uii puir - meil sleep c us air food fco't f ishtni everything tbt niUet I t- wnrlh whl F trj room i f rd ate lllutriieij flouklrt Royal Muilvoka Hotel I O ,1 akoHoiseau Ontario I sII1M( I) I Burlington Hotel Lean than Mva mlnutea (rom eerythln American and European Plant 431 Rooms with Bnth, $2.50toS5 1VASIIIMSTIIN. 11. C SI I S Mint I.-i SAYALLA 4950 Tons Dead Weight Classed A I British LIoydY Now Booking Freight at Pier 24 North- Also at Port Richmond for Copenhagen & Gothenburg May 25th Full Brokerage Paid For Rates and Particular Apply MEGEE, STEER & CO. Areata rmorma stkamsiiip tnnroju-no.v 461-465 Drexel Bldg.. Phila, BEUe-LOMUABU M0S f.VD J0 Paa-aaaaKBaaaaiwaaiiw 'A : 3 ''' iAcin, x, t. l 1 1 'lisP1 11 M ' nrWeya7 ADIRONDACK'S Here the Lakes, Streams, For est Trails, Perfect Roads, Golf Links, Tennis Courts and all other forms of lecrcation and diversion combine to mako tho Jcal and ideal outing for the vacation seeker. I.VKl. PLACID haa I.nftfl ft. attl. tiiiie. 1. reached br New lork Central I.lnea and Delaware ami Hudson Mrs lem, anil le on rilrert route of ha 1,1100 Mile International Auto Tour, 1 or flooliiet and Information regard Ina libels, i.ump and Cottasaa addrea nnvnn op tradk. i iKr. ri.Acin. .n, v. NORTHWOODS INN Modern Homelike, Exclusive nates mod erat HooHet J A. I.EAI1Y. Prop. Baflis ii ii'iiuii - ii; in .ini im.iicu i. htmband of -Knnl Andrews Relatives tna frlendu itmfed funeral erIcea parlnra flf V Fnnkenfleid nm 1300 Ine at Wed. 4pm in' Mt Morlah Cem BAl MOAHirU Mav 2" GODFIIIED. tiUHbttnfl of iuine i umifaertel (nee Werner), HBed rtf HlaiiM)t and fner.d olstlander Tntert erein No 1 h ltert to funeral er) eji nt . p in T7 1 Kensington aV. Int t rdnr Ittll nn HI VMSON Mt JO i ATiinniNi; wf nT hnrt Jienniaon ine H(hmirlt) Hired iiT. FtPtatlen mH ft lendit Fifth lie formed tiur li initel to funeral, Krl - n mt JTlii ttHterluu t Int Orpnoo(1 (K of l' i t ni Remains may Le lewed Ihura. Hft.r T n m Hl)M K -Mav . AS.NA KI.1ZABETH. iff of John I Itov l nJ riHUirhter of lat Will in m Hnd M.tr Algo-1 of rarlnh of Doe, ourm of rrnxtl Ireland Relatives and frlfndu lnvheil to fvineral Kri 8 30 a m, Mi no a rod I.lai.r h t ppr Darby Dela ware munm In Holpmn rtquleni man t UrnLM l hurt h lit a tn Int St. Denia x -iii uto pr(p lini.Ntl -Mat -It PA TltirK J hua and of Hrldaft Mrpnnon (ne MrCIoakey), ( (iunt i( Meath Ireland Helathes and frnnda H X n R A tPleKraphcrw Invited tn funeral Frt h 10 h in 3 10 J Hnmllton t ffiKh n.H8 "t entha i (. hurrh 38th and yprUi(r Garden nts 10 a m Int Holy l ron-t im Auto funeral lillUUN -Mh IS C THKRINB dauh tpr of urah J and late Thomas Rrown. Hflativfi h ii I friend -i lnlted tu funeral. rhura 1 10 n in reldence of mother, 4f i: Indiana nc Int Hillside Cem. Remain a nuy be lened Hcd ee BR N RUIM R (nee Yerr). a idou of Dr Mf ur N Bnan Relathcv n't friendM invited to lun-ntl services. 1 hurt J K p in Ht the chapel of Andrew I Hacr . Son Arch and 10th eta. Int. pf"t Laurel 1HII t im ( LA.ro Max 11 JHVMK A wlfd of liriiula W flax ton aged ! RelatHes and f ripn 1h m.lipd to Hprlcet Thur 11 p. m , reKldpmr of son In law James M Fenner. 111H Ulndenwood at Int prlate Friends m all id S to 10 p ni ( i.i:wj - M- lit UIMJWf R hUl hnrl of lat" MaM 'W Llrgg nsred 70. Rplatle and friend lrtor LodRp No. 4t4 K uf P Purlt Council N'n all, Jr. n t SI Mitloch Laatlp No 38. K. (1 T. tiiittpd to funeral aerltea Krl 3 ' t ni 1.V13 FranUford axe Int Oreenvxood (K of IM .'cm Friends may call Thura t after R p hi .IOTI111-R On Ma IR lPllt GEORQB M D t I.OTHICR Relatlxca and friends of the fa null in. tld to funeral arxlcea. on I burn at T p ni from his late residence, 17J7 N lth at Int prlxatp i OAT KM Mhv Hi JOHN T husband of 1.lln I'oatp untl non of Ut John and Sa il tin oite- Relatives and friends. "31st ard Itepub I. tec Com and Vest a Club. inxltfd to fgneral prxlces, Thurs J i m . 1HJ7 K MerireHiit at Int Oreenwooil IIC, of P) Vm Remains max be tewed Wed., t to lo p m uto arxlce DAYION At Glouceater V J Slav 18. MR wt.iow of John C DaMon Rela tle anrl frl iida United to funeral Thurs. -' p in ..on" Motimouth at Gloucester. i N J Int nrlwite llarlplah L'ctn Camden. nnc n o -i. to vi'ttr(tiir N J Friends may talt ed , 7 to 0 o ni, DOVAIILi: Mav 18, JOSEPHINE,, daughter of late William J and Kllen Donahue (nee Hmiej) aged 1'4 Relatlxvi and friends Inxlted to funeral, at 8 a, m . brother In law a residence Harwood T. -lash 1.3-.M S Ainerkan st Solemn high requiem inasi Our Lady of Mt Carmel i hurt h li to a in Int Hon t. rosa Cem DOVAHl. K Mux 'JO MARY C widow of Patrlik Donahue formerly or Willow Grove. Montkomerx count x Pa Relatives and frlenda lnxitd to funeral J'rl 7 10 a m, rpldpni uf dauchur Mrs Marx ral 213J S iMh nt Hlth mass of requiem W. MoniiHs f hurrh Warn Int nrlxate New ath.dral iVin Auto funeral U lllovx Grove and MiiiitKonierx iount ptperscopx DOI.i; Max lit JOHN huband of lat Marx rij e (nee trowlex) Relatlxes and friends imploxes of thn Phila & Rea din Rw Lodge Vn .14 LoxhI Order of Moose; l.tbcrtx J)de No .IT ll St S A Incited to funeral Ihura b 10 a m 831 N 27th hi Solemn requiem high mass st rancls Hipra (.liurch lu a. m Jnt Holy Cross Lem Auto funeral . ,. EOW Max 19 MART EGAN. widow of Thomas Hsaii Relullxes and friend! Inxlted to funeral Prl 8 30 a m. resi dence of son 'Jh22 Sharaxxood st Solemn lequiem hihhh st Elizabeth's Church 10 a. in Int Hol C'roi-i Cem Auto funeral. LNVls Ma 1 MARCLM,A EVM9, ddUBhter of U te John and Catharine Ennls, formerh of Doujlacuxille Pa Relailxes and frletidt) I t-Httue of Satred Heart B M sndalltx nil other boi letter of ht Elizabeth I - hunh f .xhkh she a a member Invited ' io funeral 1 hur s JO a m resldeiica of ounln June J M i ornil' k ,10 N 58th st i Solemn requiem mai-i st Elizabeth Church lu ,i in Int m jaul s tem Douclass- 1.1EWIN suriJenlx -Max JO JA1EP hui i hand of late inanrla Tomltuson Erwln. t aceil S't Relatixei- an 1 friend Invited to funeral Tr) J 10 p ?n reidence of daug-h 'er In law Mrs shiiiu" T Erxxln Somer ton Philn Int William Ptnn Cem I LANDERS - Max 'JO WILLIAM H. Inij-bdwl of (. an le F l'lanlera Relatives nnd friend h ln it d to funertl aerxlces, Thurs 7 p m . tfll N 60th st Int. t I o.anla N II J FOOLL - Mhx J1 IKV B FOQEI Relatives and fnei ds United to funeral eerke parlora of i.eorRe W, Barrett Park and 1 high a en Int Fernwood TlRASSER - May IR I- REDBRICK I.. hutband of MargaretJi Grasaer (nee Geek;. ngel 47 Relatlxes and friands. employe! , Ualdwin locomotive Works Inxlted to fu 1 neral Thura 8am MM N Taney St. Requiem iiia" 0 3(t a in IM Iaiidwli; a i hun h Int Most HoU Redeemer Cem I (IREr N Mux Hi KAIHRTN J ivffe of Hi in F dreci. Jr ai J daughter of nna and late Mh In I t rotiln Rela-- ttxp and friM)dr in lei t . funeral Krl S 30 ni nJO N Hoi' t bolemn lequiem Tna-i st Ikii i lus hurch 43d land Ujilla Hi- Mt in Int nrlxate I i.lKFNUOi'l- Mav 11 1 0RRE3T bus- band of Mrif W in Green w md and won of I romaa and lte 1 ithrr Greenwood Rela Uvea, nod friends in ited t furra jvervlces. I rl In tn -H3S shermau at German- invvn Int private Remains max br viewed I h ll evt- tUr V -Su Idenlj Mav J0 JOHN" hus- iinnl of Marx l Gre (nee Sartlt Rela v m and friend AlgunQUln Tribe No 243- j f If M i ainden Lida. No HI I O. ii t metnbera of Wfttmiint Hre Co em rlovc-( f Mai ndrew F rb9 A Co ln lneii to tunera! r I' e Pr J p m 07 K .'ii ve Uthtmorit N J mt Harlelan t fin Fnnile max -hII Thura after 7 P m . GlUlGAN Mhv fi THOMAS ORO- i'N mm of Mars l ee Ke!H I mrl late Ao n iirnt.au rtelaiixe anJ friend pivped in M ial rmn h 30 m 172J V War roil hi :. ltmn requlen masa St Matachy's hunh Id a ni Int .Vt Oathedrai Cem. no funera" lil I I IM It Mv jn AIV I INF BT HI- M M n ire of Tohn T ouiltxer. (unerai m r i Wed H ) p rn resldenco r iv i.nuiej Henrx H74', ireene st., 'leruianti v. n Im BltiKba niton N Y KMSLIt Mhv .ti ROM OK son of 1st i thuiix and 1 label tJardner Kaiser RMaiixtK and fnentU united to funeral nerv I es it a p m chapel of Kirk M . mni t,t t mantovx n axe (lermantown Int priXAte IvFRNS - Mn .0 OEOROE son of late WiUon II and Sara A Kerns Rala- iive and fr ends inx ited to funeral serv 1 I en T-ri J ii m IJ.M Pennsgroxe st Int. private irthvxool i em Friends may call Thura e 1 KNAPPli K -May JO MRV J KVAP-, PR K me Dufalla) xlfe of Andrew Knap pl k aged ."id Relatives and friends In xlted t i funeral Frl fs a m '2T22 N 3d nt Ri nulem ntata Ht Bitnlfuriua's Church 9 a ni Int Holx Redeemer ( em Auto eervlrt. Kl UN Ms t SARH xlfe of Chris i tlau Kuhn and daughter of Patrick and lata Anna Dtlv Relatives and friends Invited t funeral Frl S 30 a m ..OAO" Rosehlil nt Hixh ntasH i hur li of the Svenslon JO I m m Int Molx i rom Cem I KINKEI Mav Itt BLMAUKTH I KA1M KLNKKL xxldoxx of John C Kunkel aged Mt vears 4 month IJ dais Funeral1 Thurs , J p m from 17 South Front st Harrls burg Pi LV.MK May 20 PETER V hUnhunA , of Ahble La mix ln-e Leonard) Relatives and friends T 11 Kneietv nf Si Jpr' t.-- OFTHC "Tf I Michael a t'hurcti hutted to funeral Sat . 1 jt' n .tti a in in v Master i noiifnn in int ?vvx t a t near a l cem Auto ju-- neral LAtDi;nnoC(HI At Salem N J May IS Rev WILI IAM V LACDERBOUOH. pastor of VI rat Presbv Church Services ths church, 'Ihura, 'J p m Train leaves Market st wharf Phila . 13.24 P. m. IoL Preabxterlan Cem I.Ex, I Ma J0 MIRIAM KORCHEIMER. widow of Harr S lexl. aged 2d. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, Frt. 10 30 a in 281 N 2drh ft. Int. Adath Jeahurun Cem MACKELL May 19. EDITH, dauahtef of WlllUm and Ida Msrkell .nee Uill) rt llelatlxea and friends lnvlie.1 to funsrat. Thurs . 8.1 A in parents" residence I9(ltv R, Lhln v , . Bolemn requiem roai-fl i f'nurh of the Visitation fl V L Hi a, as. 2 Int. txw Cathedral Cem Autr rrvkf, t i Cl IMMMM m .nHS raga .. . h ? requiem mas .St Mlchael'a Churrh JQ a. ft jl .a ."a ..-.-.- ' T i'l "31 ; a j 'ftl i si M 31 ! ,1 r I m 3i JJ '1 1 I l n,trl '1 J. l jJJ m 3' Nsi H? U M 'i-SS f' WW ,'j f""!5? T .;vi j' "JO wa l)1- fl j frj