v v., V - ft -,".f : r - & ,1. Hi Jl 522 EVENING PUBLIC EEDaER-PHtLADELPHlA', WEDNESDAY MAY -jSR r-iT ,r 'Y n 2lf 1919 . r Etr,; K ft B' w m u E2. W & i'iS" u 'rtr f if 0WC-rf Delayed; Won't i . . Start night Today ' GS "i ,i 6nllniif(l From !' One gnsldtrnlion n part of tlio liaxnril of &i(fnnsatlnuttc flight, members of the "Gjher cntM-oiTnii expedltloni loilny rontinttril to mnturr tlielr plan for flight, with tlie next full moon, throe weeks hence. From Ilnrlior fit arc came word that the llnnillo.v Page super bomber would be in the air within ten day, Instead of a fortnight, ns the as gfmbllnc of this machine is being ex pedited. Captain Aleott. of tbe Anglo-American team whieh will attempt a flight in k Vlmv bomber, expects the latter ma chine to rencli here tomorrow or Friday two hours' fuel supply on hand and with the weather clearing it was rie cided to descend and Hbccrtalu our exact position. Sent Out ".Messages" "Our radio kept up sending mages. assuming that the torpedoboal ile Mro.vers were pit king them up. We did not know the radio was u-eles and that tbe detroers liml not heeu re ceiving the messages. .ll the crew thought the ea would aged in the Mr I, billows that u'c were Hint there .'an be found In the peace unnble to rise again. conditions one single trace left of I res- We were sixtv mil,.. soTiilmest of blent Wilsons program. . rico when we nllshteil. the nnsltinn "And here begins America s definite being where we had figured wc were duty to step in. America cither must before coming down put its fourteen points through or it "The clearine of the weathei nrmrcl ,.,, ,ininrn ,Kni It l unable to do so i rnu.i n-mporary. lor laier a Mora ramri ,l . , in, nn( want to no .o. being just and holy, the settlement must be of like motive and quality. For this we can fight, but f- nothing less noble or less worthy of our trad! tfons." "And the Oerman people demand nothing more than that which Presi dent Wllon announced In this declara tion. We demand nothing more than that Americans place the fourteen points opposite the peace terms. We do not believe that any one in the Fnlted States will then have the coinage to claim "Monumental," Says Penrose of Charter C'ontlnurd Krom Pesa One is to be tnkrn in the lionise until week ofter next. Hy that time Senator Fen rose is expected to return to llairi" burg and resume his drive in behalf of the reform bills. The revisionists nre, counting on the Senator again to lead their linhf nml are depending on his arrival week after rxt. , . Vare leaders nre'jubilHnt over the re-' Officials Take Reins Under Commls suns o! yesterday s hear he. The tee. Mr. White, counsel for the re vlslonlsts, failed to satisfy those at the, beating that the hill was a practical i lilll. On the contrary, he ahowrd other wise." . J If the present program Is carried out amendments to the charter bills will be submitted to the. House committee on municipal corporations next week. At torney (ienernl Schaffer, Mr, While and .Mr. Connelly will offer the amendments ' CAPE MAY REORGANIZED i p up nnd continued for fort eight hours. so that in no case ma. the world be III. I-.., I. I - ..:..,. .. t...I. . I ll.n i-" iiiiii -- While here bo will ue lis his !,,,,(. the I ."."... ""'. '""", .V :'"'.." '.V"": "7 1 In hrliere that America desires to V , , ... . I "'iim,iiiis nisi linn 111" llllll U'nKlllK nun .,., .. .. rrt. Mount Penri plateau aiidiome acntc. t i f t, mnrlilnr damaged, the liave the peai e conditions i mini as l res by Hawker. Flying light to liailmr, planes n tossed about like a intk , ident Wilson s fnurleen points Grace he will there take on a full load of 81m gallons of gasoline before "hop ping off." His plane will hnw n innge ' of -440 miles. Captain Aleott said to day that be would cnrr. as life-saving equipment mil nn Inflatable vest, ns ho',,j, ftl nfdni in i-nlitflln tlirt t Am ! I n 1 M (T i 'Pl.nl io ulir llrilinnil. tO Wllll'll WC 17(1 gallons of fuel we decided to 'vail' , jE m r cannot imagine what argu Inndnnrd. hoping to sight a destrmer, ,,. frnm the American side would be mi nn win . iwii nr (i if i inn pas ; single liip until we i cached 1'ontii Del gada. Off the poit declined pi uffcicd considered other mntrhnnoos of ueh doubtful value that he would not bur den his machine with tliem. lSepnirlng Martins; dp The skeleton of l'rederiikit Itnui ham's MnrtmsMle plnnc n thing of frail nppenrnnce stripped of its im erlng of linen nnd veneer, was sol tip in a repair simp twlav to be reassembled Cflntnln C W. F. Morgan indicated h the destio.MT Harding, which had been sent out to meet u. and 'taxied' into port under our nun power. "Dining the two ila.s igil of seek ing land or iccuo ships we tired all our distress signals, none of which np pnienth were seen. "Without infomiing the crew of the fear thai I hnd that we wmild lie Inst. I pnrked our lug in u wnteipmof imn. tied it to n lifeboat nml wa prepared to i asl it adrift when Hie NS I! sunk The neiinux strniti was terrible nfTcctUo ngnint it. Demands Not .Justified The neaie commission Statement gnve (he following that lie would not tlr with K:ilihain in, while we wete drifting mid the men he nfiomnt t win fatne for which Hie m"Kc(i im e.santlv iins wns the mil machine is being lebuilt. He said when he recovered fiom his Inmries he would make an ofTott to obtain n new plane and start nn independent High! for the British Isles. An attempt is to lie made In the sp eral cxpedilionets lieie prepai'tig for flights to obtain mote sntisfnctnn weather reports than an heietofoie ob tained. ,leteorologist of t Im evpedi tlons met last night nnd cnniderei de fects due to transmission dela; and .1 request will be made of the llntili air ministr for more oliitninous icpoits. ALL 0. PLAiS'E NC-3 ! ANTICIPATED DEATH Crew Gave Vp Hnpo While Adrift at Sea, Toners Says Ponta Delgada. Anres. Ma 1 -Xieutenant Commander Alheit C Iteml flew here esterda from Iloila in the' American seaplane XC A. "Kxceptionnlly bad wi'iithei. which was totally unexpected, was the sole 1 reason for the fnilute of all thiee of! tire Americnn nnv.i's seaplanes to tl I from Trepassej, Newfcnindland. to Ponta Delgndn on si hedule time." said 1 Commander John II. Towets to the 101 respondent of the Associated Press. The man who loiniunuded the mcr seas flight in his tlngshii XC " and the members of his ciew. who had te , ceived 11 seveic huffeting both f'om the storm oerhend and the turbulent sen I when the plane was damaged Satur day in nliglitnig on the water wete much refreshed after having regained sleep lost while bucking the storm for sixteen hours nnd being ndrift rift v three hours more, entirely out of com munication with the world. Crew (lne l"p Hope "Individually." said Cnmmander Towers, "the members of the crew of the XC-" virtual! gao up hope of being rescued Satutihi night, but 10I Icctively they showed no signs of fear nnd 'carried on' until thej nrriied in port here Monday and heard the forts tiring salvos in welcome and witnessed the scenes of general jubilation 01 er their escape from the sea. "Having run shnit of fuel nnd en countered a heavy fog. the XC-."? came rlown at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon in order that wo might obtain our bear ings. The plane was damaged as it leached the water nnd wns utinhle again to rise While we were drifting the! 20,r miles in the henv stmm the high seas washed over or pnuiyled the plane j nnd the boat began to leak So fa-t j j did the water enter the boat that the' members of the crew look turns in b.il j jng the hull with a smnll hand pump. 1 while others stood on the wings in nider to keep the plnne in balance. Mean while we were steering landward. I "That our radio was out of commis pion was not known to (lie crew until ' our arrival heie. Communication hnd been cut ofi since !l o'clock Monday morning, owing to, our having lost our ground wire. Smoke to Keep Anake "We ite ihocolate and drank water from our radiator. This was nnr nnl means of subsistence The 1 rew smoked heavily in 01 dor to keep awake while we were drifting. No one nf us oh taincd more than four limns 0f sleep after leaving Tiepnssey until Ponta Delgada was reached." The hands of nil the members of the 'crew of the XC :t were bndl swollen ns a result of their heroic work at the pump. Otherwise they did nut undergo jiny suffering, except Lieutenant Coin roander McCullough. one of ihe mints, -who had n rather severe utt.irl, of sea sicknets. The men hne now fullr re covered from tfieir tring epei-ien,-e. 1 "The XC ,'5 encountered henv tlouds1 at 1 o clock Saturday morning The light instruments on hoard failed, audi Te. sailed the plane nhoe the 1 louds in order to get th benetit of 11 moonlight reading of the instruments "We kept in sight of the XC 4 unt,i nearly dnlight Saturday unil with the vl'-l until short A after dnrli"l,t Ail the planes were fliug in formation, hut the XC 1 mid XC i were mnloi nc.ith the clouds part of the time, heiaune their light instruments were good "The NC :i had no difficult! 111 being guided by star shells, enn blights and smoke frnm the station ships until we reached Station 1 1. whiih wns not seen I ''I assumed that we weic off our1 course, but did not know 011 whicli side, I nnd began flying 11 parallel cnuise in what I thought was the ilireition of I Corvo. Shortly nfter da, light we en countered a hem fog. inin squalls and 1 high winds, nil of which continued un- ' til the NC II WPiit down upon the wnter "Before alighting on the surface nf the sea my calculations showed us to be ju the vicinity of land, but with only thing that kept them nwnke. "I helieie transatlantic flight Is pr.11 lii able without a slop ullh planes 11 little larger than the XC tjpp. The engines of all three of the planes winked perfect I anil could hae 11111 oonil tulles more if theie had been stiftirient fuel on board. "Who Itoiible m the 1 list 1 11 nirtit Imnrd was the ineihani.nl defci t c peneneed by the T ,T " Germany to Refuse to Sign Treaty CnnlltiliPfl from Pace line the prosecution of the task of win ning the war) with all the gi cater 7cal nnd enthusiasm liei-ausc we know tlvat for us tins is 11 wai of high pnnciplc debased hr im selflsh nni bitimi of 1 nnquest or spoliation. it is lieiause 11 is for us u war of high disin'eicsted purpose, in w hit ii nil the free peoples of the world aie handed togilher fm the iindiiuttou of right, a win for the proserin! inn of mir nation and ofnl that it has held dear of piineiple nnd of pin pose, that we feel ourselves doubly con stiained to propose for its outcome nnh 1 lint whnli is iighteous and of irreproni liable intention, for mil foes us well as for mil friends The muse of the Na tional Assembli met witli tne canimi st C o'clock Monday evening, the session being under guard and held in strictest secrecy. F,en membeis of parliament not belonging to Hie committee wcie bailed. Heinliiiril Dernburg and Heir Wissel. minister for socinl policy, who, haw returned frnm Spa. participated i it J the discussion The gnwrnmout estei da nnnounied that forecasts 01 tne fJerninii lepl. sent out by scleral fnieign loriespondenls. were wholli without foundation nnd were based on indn idual cntitei tines Such lomment ns it was possible to nddiiie in nthcial quarters permits the inference Hint the tiormiin official re plj will b.isiuill unilei-simo the con Haitii tion. alleged In tiermnnv. between the terms of peine and President Wii son's program, whiih. il will be said, was accepted in good fnith bv both parties as a basis for negotiations. The Oim.in peine mission at Ver saillos will, in the tourso of the net few dais, tiausmit 11 series of im portant notes dealing with the issues in lolwd mi the eastern frontier in Alsace Lorraine and occupied territory, the sue of the indemnity, the manner of its payment. Oerman priiate prnpert in hostile countries and the lights of lnbor. amendments offered by the revisionists themselves have met many of the ob jections raised between the Vnre forces, and there is n feeling nbout the Capitol that the opposing factions are not very far apart now on the charter measures. Senator Vare's Senator Vare statement nfter the hearing "City Solicitor Connelly. Mr. Oaf ney and Senator Kdnard W. Patton, all of them practical men who understand the workings of the Philadelphia city government, in their addresses showed I how lidiciilous this charter bill is in nianv wnis "This showing wns made notwith standing the fact that this bill hnd been all ripped apart nnd amended be fore it was brought before the tommit- slon Form of Government Cape .May. N. !., Ma.i 21. The new city commissioners organized for their four .icnrs of government under the iciiiinission government law .wstcrday nnd divided the city departments. Frederick .f. Melvln was selected mayor and director of the Department nf Public Affnirs; William It. Shep- , pard was made director of the Depart ment of Finance, and Oeorge P. Went- ' tl! v as named director of the Depart ment of Public Property nnd Public Woiks. 1 1 The commissioners elected William Potter, a former assemblyman, oil clerk, recorder, tegister of bonds nnd superintendent of water works; Stephen It. Wilnn, tionsurcr; Walter ,T. Fen derson, tax rccelier; .1. .Allan Wales. lassessor, and former Senator Lewis T. ISteicus, city solicitor. U. S. Leads World. Peru Holds New orU. May ''l Peru's first ambassador to the Tinted States. Dr. Fraueism Tuodelai Varnrela. at a Pan Ameiican Society luniheon heie oster dnv. de, tared "Peru considers with sin ceie grntiliiation the decisiie part which liab fallen to the I'nited States in the process nf world inustriii tinu. J.fl.Aic Cullougk &Son AUTOMOTIVE AND GARAGE SUPPLIES -w "Garage Men Use Manley Equipment The Manley Garape Equipment increases efficiency and adds profits: Garace Cranes, Press es and Engine Stands: Can be used for a hundred purposes inside the garage and out. Ask us for further information. I 11 balanced Siy" 'ftalancedSi THUv J!VW72&H Qumm 219-21 N. Broad Street IFe co-operate icitli your dealer. Buy through him. FZzmmPSF?;. n .&m?&i&L - r r&ffc jQmfViSi -s-o O ENEATH ,ne clat.ic body of the W& O AMERICAN Balanced Six .land. t&J&figffiji&Z&Z'J&ffe- cnnstis that is an engineering "" 3$r&i6l!'B&&f$f I triumph, n dittinct achievement, s 'J f $JK&&$J(!yv7 ' . Tbe weight is distributed evenly . ;M ,hroU8houl' 4 a" $ffiJ!mM$(i& n' influence wrhlch this exerts In the Wffi' ?!$!i '' WSfiSlEE" i performnc of the car la remarkable. fv $!&&&&' i ' n4w Ss3 K pen ,he 'hroUle wlde "nd tak8 hrp e' 'ffi&M& '-SPmZSZ. - turni but the AMERICAN Balanced Six ffif& effijljjit ' j2Si , : Jm'S? J" manlfeita no tendency to skid or topple V 'leEK ' liW'v''v. ov"' "' readability Hi amoothnes! of . . ?"aK',' '?-' iJs'w operation lt comfort In riding Its -T PfmKj WrJ'mf&& atralght and true driving qualities all ' jSagjjp '?.;. T ?'teV'S52 the.e are contributed tcln no little de- W &&? ' " ' ffm822&- i'" y thl p"'"1 bIlance' 8& PENN-AMER1CAN MOTOR CAR CO. , Distributors G. Allison Brower, President 2041 Market St., Phila. " " ' 5)PE Piedmont Peanut Oil is cold - pressed from whole, hand-picked peanuts grown in the "sunny south. It i s a wholesome and easily digested American food oil ideal for both table and cooking purposes. Ask for PIEDMONT Buy Now Fg3 IP Insist That Your Dealer Gives You saffiiE Heat and Steam Without Smoke FOR DOMKSTIC USE Kck, Store. Cheitnut and Tea. FQB STEAM USE Hucln, heat, Kite and Darter. The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company The fact is Over half the truck Tonnage o f Ameri ca is carried on Jlnttom TIRES Ill jWa IHIl '" '11 ' if '"- MMBii JHHH.Qa" HBcTl If P SI ' tefU aaaaaaaHaBaB l. il The food oil with ' the nut flavor ' "A man may be down, but he is never out" PLEASE GIVE! Salvation Army Home Service Fund HERE we have the Men and the Machines TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK on the JOB ONLY 7gX And you get your Ow choice of these WORLD FAMOUS ELECTRIC WASHERS APEX PRIMA NUWAY WESTERN ELECTRIC 1 TninK or u uniy tu nrst payment That s all ou neea to pay nown ana you bci any one of these brand-new ery latest model Elerirfo Waeliers mat jou may select, aemereu to your home Then ou .an pa the hatanr In una t pas monthly payments. tree Demonstration In onr Home , I'HONK M'Rl'CK Sins In our hoiTroom ou ran ee neitrb all makea of elertrle washer anil rleaners. DEFT DEVICES CO., Inc., 1640 Market St. oii. movdu. HEDNEi)y am friikvy i;vrm.n(.s '4? NOTICE TO WATER RENT PAYERS WATER RENT BILLS FOR 1919 (SCHEDULE CHARGE) are now due. All bills remaining unpaid after May 31st will be subject to a penalty of FIVE PER CENT. This Department will be closed May 30th (Memorial Day). Payments should be made at once to avoid the rush which comes to this office the last day of the month. W. FREELAND KENDRICK Receiver of Taxes ) -v J'! T:M"' -. I a 1 I l Be a Good Fellow Help the Lass who fed doughnuts to our soldiers. The boys who bled in France may need her help again. Help Her to Carry on Here PLEASE GIVE Salvation Army, Home Service Fund $1,000,000 for Humanity May 19 to 26 This space donated by McFarlane & Weinstein Distributors New Auum Sixes 252 South Broad Street W. L. HAWKINS, Retail Sales Manager 3" v 'i -t.Htf '-a.j uWe wacl1 your truc and sce We have a tire press and other ma- that the tire equipment is properly chines to give you this service. We protecting the truck. have a complete stock of Firestone Z We give you the right kind of ruck Tirf in .a11 shc A J68- serviced applying new tires. Pcre yu tfind tircs. and sece ,that , . keep trucks working and reduce J We see that the tires are standing delays. Make use of our aids to up to the work after application. economical trucking Franklin Tire and Rubber Company 4312 N. Broad Street 2121 Vine Street BELL WYOMING 4792 SPRUCE 3854 PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. F . B?ita4a??'2ttMaiattaWSIBJE!afc,aabl7aaW. T XO BE SOLD BYTHE ALIEN PROPERTY UUSTODIAN j . ti in - - ;.'. i.l . ' """ ".it". .i'wA .... ...ijJuJtilku'. , . THE PROPERTY AND BUSINESS of PAUL GROSSER Known as the GROSSER KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the uridersigne'd, Francis P. Garvan, Alien Property Custodian, will offer for sale, at public sale, to" the highest bidder, at the principal office of the Grosser Knitting Machine Company, 260 West Broadway, New York City, at 3 o'clock, P. M., on the Sth day of June, 1919, the business known as and conducted in the name of Grosser Knitting Machine Company, together with certain' other property described and set forth in the Order of Sale. Full description of, and information concerning, tlia property to be old, the terms and conditions of inspection and sala1, and the order thereof, may be obtained by application to JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, Director, Bureau of Sales, 110 West 42hd Street, N. Y. City. FRANCIS P. GARVAN, Alien Property Custodian,, 1 - fit V.!1- S-'T. ar "S'i!""! , v r M f" 5 4 -, l