Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 20, 1919, Sports Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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bay Shift Follows Action of
Night Workers Divided Au
thority, Is Complaint
Between 8000 anil 10,000 workmen nt
the plnnt of the Merchants' ShIpbulldlnR
Corporation nt Bristol walked out in n
general strike today.
"Dlidcel authority and Kenernlly had
conditions" nrc blamed for their notion.
The men walked out shortly after S
o'clock today when they learned thnt
tho night shift had laid down their took
thortly jlicr midnight. Virtually thc'l
"tmllro plant is tied up.
John A. Mellon, general organizer for
tho labor unions nt tho yard, declared
today that officials had been "paMsing
tho buck' from ono to another in the
matter of labor grievances and that dis
satisfaction nmong the riveters as to
piecework gunrnntres was only a thread
upon which to hang the general wnlk
out. "The riveters would hnve Vne on n
eh ike, anyway," ho said. "Hut that
is not the cause of the walkout. The
men want to know who is in autlwrit)
and who is not. Conditions nro verj
bad in the yard with respect to labor.
No Ono Accepts Authority
'Tor weeks I have been going be
tween the company's officials nml the
Kinorgeney Fleet Corporation unil no
one Hecmed to limp nny authority to
net on our complaints. I could.gct no
"The officials were warned that this
would be n long strike. The men intend
to stny out until they find out who they
are to deal with."
Mellon, who hns nn office in the yaul,
was ordered out of the plant jesterdav.
It is said. The men who worked on
the night shift met ycstcrd.iv afternoon
nnd discussed the mnttcr of (onditions
nnd decided to take some action.
According to Mellon, AV. T. Wilson,
tho plant manager, attempted to ad
just conditions last night. Mtllou savs
hp refused to treat tvitli "Wilson about
midnight nnd tho shift walked out.
Mass-Meeting Follows Walkout
When the other men reported for
work today they punched their clock
cards and then lnid down their tools.
The walkout was orrtcny nnd no violence
was reported. The men immediately
proceeded to Textile Hall. Bristol, whcie
a mass-meeting was held.
1 Tho complaint oPthc riveteii is based
on the lack of gnarauteclfiom cither the
company or the licet corporation that bv
changing over to piece work thev will
receive a minimum wagcof $0,40 per
Under the Mnccy wage scale the rnte
for riveters is SO centspcr hour. They
' claim that a lecent ruling by the
Emergency Tleet Corpoiatiou changes
many of the woikers over to n piece
work basis, but thnt there is no guar
antee that the class of work given them
will enable the men to earn the equiv
alent of the hourly rate.
George C. Thacr, geneial manager
of the Merchant shipbuilding Corpora-
tion. said today that the compnny's
hands were tied in the matter which is
entirely up to the Kineigenc.v Fleet
Corporation. He declined to discuss it.
H. C. Higgins, director of the Tenth
district for the Fmcrgency Fleet Cor
poration, nriived in Biistol shoitly be
fore noon, but icfuseil to issue a state
ment or see the repoiters.
l Stationers V
StcrliiTd Silver
Knives Forks """'Spoons
with ServJnjt fieces to Match
Single Dozens
Sets of Four"'OricHolf -Five -
Six'OneHalf "' Seven Dozens.
Encased in ,
Ylahogary ""Walnut A
Z7VERY man is judged by his clothes
by nine-tenths of the people he meets,
and to the majority of them the well-dressed
man spells SUCCESS.
t This may be "snap-judgment," but this
busy world has no time to look up -your family tree or
your achievements. It takes you at your own estimate,
and it expects you to express that estimate in your
Every man can be well dressed it is a question
of taste", not of price. Purchasing here you are safe
guarded against incorrect styles.
Jacob ReedS Sons
Richmond Police Scout Theory
That Mrs. Bicoff Was
Slain by Bandits
Police of Richmond, Va., virtunlly
abandoned the theory thnt Mrs. Hosn
ltlcou, daughter of Benjamin Barnn
Mu. :il' North Thirteenth street, wns
fatally shot by two negro burglars re
ported to hnve entered the store of her
husband, Abe Bicoff, former Phllndel
tihiii merchant, the nicnt of April 'JO.
The men were reported to have opened
li.ffnn line ulirttl ullA flttnmntPfl tO tim- '
fire on her when she nttempted to pre
cnt them fiom oerpowerlng her bus
band nnd robbing the cash register.
The Jtiehinond police nro now work
ing on the theoi thnt no burglars en
tered tho plnce. They promiso sensn
tlonnl drvclopnicnts nt the coroner's In
ipust scheduled for tomorrow. It was
ntiinated thnt n white innn is under sus
picion nnd inny bo tnken into custod
nfter the inqucbt.
Although Mrs. Bicoff lingered for n
day or two nt Virginia Hospital after
being shot, the police sny tliey were
unable to obtain nny (olieicnt stntement
from her. Her principal thought, the
say, was about ner tiinciren mm wnui
would become of tliem in event, ot ner
death. The police say they hne been
unable to locate nny person m the
neighborhood who saw the supposed
burglars running from the direction of
the store nfter the pistol snots.
Two Local Men Dead, Others
Wounded, In Late Report
The names of nine Philadelphia lns
arc in n .casualty roll released by the
Wnr Department today.
Piivatc Henry 13. Kbcrle, -110 West
Xorris street, died from accident nnd
other causes; Private Daniel V. Craw
ford, 1!022 Stcnton ncnue, was
wounded scvcrcl; Private Wnlter
Hnuns, Cnstor road nnd Cottmnn
street, wns wounded, degree undetei -mined.
Among the wounded slightlv
nie Privates CJtildo Clttadini,' 1118
Moore street, nnd Gnctutio Cri&ofulli,
2122 Trjon street.
Two men nro reported missing in
action Sergeant Albert W. Buckner,
7117 Tulip strcit, and Private Kdnnrel
A. Smith, 1220 Shncknmaxon street.
Corporal Daid C. Ware, 1228 North
Fiftieth street, is l eportcd missing I n
action. He formerl was classed as
wouudod severely. M Irate Joseph .1.
isnlurick, L'122 Walsh street, killed in
action, was previously repoited missing.
Trolley Crew, Ten Minutes Later,
Refuses to Aid Wreck Victim
Patiolman Sinnott, of the Twent
secoud sticet nnd Hunting Park ave
nue police stntion, found n bruised nnd
feeble aged man propped ngniiibt a wall
nt School house lane and Illdge nveuuu
early today.
He said he had been hit by a trolley
car. "They picked me up and brought
mo here aud then went on," he told the
patiolman. "Loolc at my wagon theie."
Sinnott saw a w reck in the street.
The man said lie was Thomas C. .Ten
ner, sixty jcais old, oC 204!) North
Iteese sticet. He said ho was a maker
of biooms and was starting out to de
liver when n btreet cnr hit him us he
crossed llidge nvenue. The wagon wns
Nlemolished nnd the aged man throw n to
the sticet
After Patrolman Sinnott line tnken
Jcnuer to St. Timoth's Hospitul he le
tuineel to wait for the tiolley car. He
wns told by the crew that they left the
niau unaided because their passengers
were in a huiiy and they weie nlieady
ten minutes Into.
Two Other Suicides Reported One Youth. Leaving Note, An-
nounevs Desire to Learn More of "Hereafter" '
"Seventy jenrs old; no Job nnd not
n friend in the world."
These were the InRt words ot Joseph
Ilnrkins, who shot himself through the
bend last night In hhfioom In Winter
street near Ninth.
"It's a mighty cold world," he had
previously told his lnndlndv.
A one-dollar bill was all that Har
kins possessed. It was found pinned
to his vest pocket when he wns taken
to llnhtumann Hospital.
Haikius's suicide was one of three
reported to the police.
Chnrles Wnddell, Jr , 4810 Beau
mont nciiue, a student, wns found dead
with n bullet wound in his henrt nt
Wissahickon drive nnd Allen's lnne. A
letter in his pockets said Wnddell
wanted to "lenni more nbout things in
the hereafter."
Captain (. 1i. lie man, of the I'nlted
States medical corps, (E0 Carpenter's
lnne, while walking with his wife nlong
the Wissnhickou drive, discovered the
body. At first they supposed the oung
mnn to be nsleep, but on coming nenier
Cnptnin lie man discovered a small
caliber army levolver Ijing on the
ground beside the recumbent fiRtne. On
Charles Forrest, Winner of Belgian
"War Cross, Given Floral Tribute
When Charles Foire.t came buck to
his office in the Bureau of Health, Cit
Hall, today, after n long stay in Franc e,
he found his desk coered with llowers,
mid the faces of his friends ot the dc
pnrtment wreathed lu welcoming smiles,
Mr. Forrest, who 1 ives nt 210"
Thompson street, has been nn inspcctoi
in tho Depnrtmcnt of Housing nnd
Sanitation since 1014. When the wnr
broke out he went overseas with tlip
lOSth Field Artillery, Headipiaiters
Ootnpnnv. After some njonths of ser
ice in France his outfit was transferred
to Belgium, where It wns to support a
legiment of Belgians nnd two regiments
of I rench.
Mr. Forrest's chief nnd enviable'
claim to distinction is that he
only piivntc iu n gioiip of
lit f .fill Hie ntlioru Worn nflinnra.
Ameiienns who were nvvarded the Bel-
ginn War Cross by King Albert. The
cross was given him nt Bioven for hnv-
ing hetoicnlly kept open the telephone
lines between Ypies nnd Scheldt on No-
v ember 2. He nlso, under intense iirc.
cairied some wounded civilians to
safety. .
These Hclgian soldiers ore some
ihitt shakers," said Mr. Foirest today, I
"and, believe me, when they go to
pinning c losses on ou they don't stop
nt a little thing like kissing jou on
both cheeks."
Wife Seeks Mi'sslng O. H. Hunter
Mis. Owen II. Huntei, 1214 Fast
Palmer street, has asked the police to
assist her in n seaich for her hus
band. Hunter left his home suddenlj
more than n cnr ago, and his wife,
who is supporting their two children,
hns heard nothing from him since.
Furniture Savings 'A to 2 in This
Many full suits and single pieces at half their present
value because the makers have discontinued these styles and
we need the room they take up on our floors for new goods
arriving daily by the carload. It's the biggest furniture event
in Philadelphia this Spring.
Comparison will prove it. Prices everywhere are ad
vancing. They will not come down for a long time. Oppor
tunities like this are rare. You can save enough' in this sale
on furnishing a home to completely outfit a nice bedroom.
Isn't that worth while?
For many years the slogan of
the Linde Stme has been "Cul
tivate the Home" The Salva
tion Army is mahina a drive this
week to raise in Philadelphia a
million dollars for Home Serv
ice. It's a splendid object. To
our many emtomers nnd friends
we say: "PLEASE GIVE."
i j
$4.71, worth J0.30,
Mahoganv Prtscllla
SevvlnK Table with
remov able tray.
7, worth $10.80.
Mission ltocltcr
or Ann Chair,
In niahoijany ;
genuine leather.
i-pn rni fnM' iM
r) . , v .
( 138, worth $108. Tills high-grade Old Ivory Hill. 4
pieces. Handsome Adam style Dresser, ii; Chif
fonier, $36; Bed, $33; Diessing Table, $35.
$80, worth $40.
Walnut, oak or ma
hogany.' Swell front.
Largo mliror.
Select Now! We will hold
Open Friday
Until 9.30
closer examination he found the oung
man was dead.
On the dend ninn's person were found
several letters addressed to the clt
editors of vlrtimlh cer newspaper in
the city which lead as follows:
"I haven't a trouble in the world.
Don't think I am rjcrvous because the
writing is somewhat shak in outline.
This note wns written In n trolley cnr.
If you nsk me If I over killed nny one.
I must nnswer no, not even n Oermnn.
If I break the Commandments, I will not
die, but will go to hell. I nm doing this
to learn more nbout things iu the heic
after." While wailing to see his wife, fiom
whom he had been srimrntid. John AVet-
7cll. tvvenlv eight cnrs old. n icturnrd
soldier, Inst night committed suicide bv
di inking poison iii the home of Mrs.
Cntheiine Franklin, 20." West Susquc
hnniin nvenup.
Wetell, nccording In Mis Fr.inklni.
appeared at the door and asked to see
his wife, who is a lodger iu the house
.Mrs. Franklin left him standing in the
hall while she went to notlfv Mis. Wet
711 of hrr husband's presence. Upon
hei ii-liirii she found Wctrcll hlng on
the floor groaning, with nn emptv bot
tle beside him. He died before the nr
ilwil of an ambulance from the Kpis
cnpnl Hospital.
Youngster Demonstrates Baseball
Ability Despite Handicap
While showing how tho big linguers
catch "high 11 " bulls toclii. a small
bo stumbled in fiont ot the wagon of
Chillies Pmks, a pioduce clcalci. lit
Twcnt -seventh and Somerset sheets.
Pinks chew the hoiso back on lis
hauurlies unci the bo lolled from be
neath the horse's hoofs.
"Thanks, mister," lie said ns he
puked himself up and dusted off his
clothe. "I didn't get hull a bit."
"I)idou caUh the '11 ' "V incpiireel
"Sine I did." was the leplv. nnd
Hie oungstcr opened u giuuv hand
and showed the ball.
Held on Complaint of Wife
v t.loi.n f ii.ivinc brick, wiappeel in
enviame e biwuh-.. i - - - -
was the daj at a liearing of nn assault and iint-
seventv ti rv case befoic Magistrate Pennock.
rs otlicriCel'ia AVllsmi, wife of Louis Wilson, of.
a sweater, wits produced as evmen e i-
llior, Hunting Paik nvenue, testified
thnt her husband struck her with the
weapon during n quuirel last night. She
added that he bit her hand. Quarrels
ilmve been fieipient for n cur, she said,
The husband, who is fifty onis old,
was held in $500 bail for couit.
TIntll thii ( th (P4lBaafiCff
u'l'hltodelphlit njfjt"""!
Runt-Proof Kvrrlimtlne Itewlrable '
Phono VVillnnt (1077 for I'ntliimtor
STMN-WAY AIK!. CO.. S12 X. Dirlen St.
i5l.no, worth
jiS.73, Iloai y
Porch HooKor
Closely woven
Beat and back
a... .
, win
IK 111 II
If Ml
I 111 'II
jiiimi ii
-IrszS 11
"ij, IjjjjUi-- V v r feiijiiiJllA'o
1S0, worth 5183. This very fine Living Room Suite.
Davenport, C feet. Largo Ann Chair and Kireaide
Chair, upholstered in Brovjn Spanlbh Imperial
9145, worth fin.
Quartered oak
liuffet. veiy rlc'.i
and Bturd) Three
drawers, two
$170, worth $240. Four-piece large and massive Queen
Anne Dining Hoom Suite, In quartered oak, richly
hand carved. Buffet, 60 In China, Cloret, 45 In.
Serving Table, 40 in. Extension Table, 48 In.
your purchase until wanted.
League of Nursing Education
Backs Nation-Wido
An eight hour dn.v for pupil nurses
iu hospitals is nchocated b. the League
of Nuislng Kdiiiiition anil the Penu
Slania State Association of N'mses.
Legislation iu this state to mnke eight
hours the legal winking cln for u pupil
nurse on wait! dut lias been discusseel
by these two oiganiations nnd inn
(ijHliilllp iu ii bill to be piesented be
fore the state t.egislatiue.
The J.eague of Nursing IMucntion,
which is national in its stope nnd has
its membership nmong the supeiintend
ents of nurses anil graduate instruitois
iu training schools of the laigest hos
pitals iu (lie (0111111', is behind n nil -tlon
wide movement to cut down the
winking Iiimiih of i in pi t nurses.
A tutuni that legistered nurses weie
prepniing to demand tin im reuse in
snhuv to S40 a week and n strict eight -hour
working dnv uliu.li would make
it iiccessai to cinplo nurses in three
shifts iu (uses of seveie illness in pri
vnte families - was ulixilutplv denied b
the head muses of hospitals he re-.
The cxpiessed the belief that the
minor was "pmpiigiiudn of the wnist
soil," designid feu the puipeise of ells
(editing tlie plan foi an eight-lioui da
for pupil muses
-Must Heel lire Working Hours
Miss Cln ton, superintendent of
nurses nt the Philadelphia General llos
pltal and funnel local head of tho
League of Nursing IMucatiou, explained
that for the lust jmr the; women who
admliiistei the nuislng htaffs of hos
pitals tliioiis'hout the coiintr had been
urging shorter hours for the pupil
nurses upon their hospital boaids.
"The boms of work for pupil
nurses," said Miss Clnvton, "must be
cut down either bv agreement nmong
the hospitals or b.v legislation. We
I Fur Vaults
Iffll This is an invitation to call and j& I
iMffl inspect our Dry Cold Air Fur lwl
liM Vaults, and then we ask you to visit ijul
MSu other stoiage premises. The out- jlmk
YKk como of your investigation, we feel llfflli
Y3.J suie, will be manifested in your JDx
V. piomptly asking the telephone w
jKSsk operator for WM
sn, "Walnut 1S0S." JffiwL
IfWQv -
There ain't
Years ago, when the L. B. Automatic index was first
introduced, many people said the same thing that Uncle
Hiram did when he saw his first giraffe. "There ain't
no such animal"
Business men could hardly believe that any filing sys
tem could be so devised that it would check itself against
and at the same time be siiftple and quick and common-sensible.
Today, Uncle Hiram speeds from his farm to the circus
in his super-six and takes the giraffe and the airplanes,
too as a matter of course.
Today, too, the L. B. Automatic index has become such
an accepted part of business that business experts some
times wonder how in the world they ever got along
without it.
The world is moving double-quick these days and the business man
who wants to keep pace with progress has got to step some. The L. B.
. Automatic index will see to it that you get your letters when you want
them, and help you to keep two jumps ahead of tomorrow in all that
concerns filing. It Is, truly, the system that solved the filing problem.
Write for catalog G-5018
Library Bureau
Card nnd filing- Founded nn Filing cabinets
systems wood and steel
510 Chestnut st, Philadelphia
Saletiroom la 4? teadlnc cities of the United States, Great Britain and Franc
feel that the only way to get the result
we nim nt is by making nn eight hour
dnv mandator
"It Is generally agreed that the pupil
nurse hns to work too lint d. WV feel
thnt n eii I who has to attend classroom
lectures nnd gle time to studv should
not be forced to spend more than eight
houis n dnv working in n hospital
Smb. a law ns Is advocated bv the
(superintendent ot nures would mnke (
lit neeessniy to expand the pioscnt stall's
lot hospitals b.v at least one-fourth, or
possibly one hnlf. Iu most hospitals
the present arrangement keeps the pupil
unRk'PRO iiiurses on dut twelve hours. To com
YYUnrtnOjll)v wjt) ,p SUKKC9tcd law it would he
necessary to hnve three eight bom
Fears for Proposed BUI
Dr. A. 13 Blackburn, secielaiv nt
the Pennsvlvnnln stntc honrel of exam
iuers for leglstratiou of nurses said
today in discussing the project that he
did not think sue h n bill (oul'l li
"1 am very much in sympathy with
the movement, ' said Doctor Blackburn
"but in inv judgment it would be ditfi
cult to pass an (ight-hour law foi pupil
"1 believe the smaller hospitals of
the state would fipnp such n law lis
passage would compel them to mnke
Salted Nuts,
favors, Bon Bona
to harmonize
with the table
D16 Cnestnut 5t.
animal "
sfti V
large additions to tho number of their"
'pupil miroes to do the work they are
doing now
i "You probably will find that the
'superintendents of nures In the larger
i hospitals in Philadelphia arc in fnvor
of the eight-hour bill. They hnve wait
Ing lists of applicants for ndmission to
their (mining schools, nnd wouhl have
no trouble lu getting the number needed.
I'm J?ie
JZiilte Ch&mub
Ask Your Grocer!
Balch Price
5th Avenue
Straw Hats
For men
Are alone in
Supremacy and
In Style.
Prices, $3 to $12
cxci.usim: piiim..
M bldllK w ' V
I 11th and Chestnut
"You Can't
Make a Good
Omelet Out of
a Bad Egg!"
Neither can you
make a good Suit of
Clothes out of an in
ferior fabric.
i So we made sure to
get our fabrics right.
f For one thing,
they're new? Just as
soon as the mills swung
back to civilian wool
ens and worsteds, we
were there with our re
quirements. J And we got the pick
of the first products of
the looms. Have been
getting them all Spring.
CJ How they do walk
out, these 'fresh, new,
vigorous colors and
novelty mixtures!
The.se handsome flan
nels in blue, in Oxford,
in green, in brown, in
single stripes and in
cluster stripes!
J And the new serges !
Oh, bog With Memo
rial Day in the near
CJ Make up your own
Memorial Day combi
nation. Put a pair of
new White Flannel
Trousers to a new
Flannel Coat of Brown,
or of Blue, or of Oxford
for a change!
A good many are
going to do it. It's go
ing to look snappy, and
will give you double
service out of your reg
ular Suit !
4J Finely made, rightly
priced, and here in
great big generous va
riety and all sizes, of
Perry & Co.
16th & Chestnut Sts.
'1 '
i5 J
r" jSq,oii;H;r,, VUiuiugjit ana
'! 'V
m mmmmmmm n i .
k '
a if o,' ..'""!
.ft JtlX
V-- m.,. V.J