r v--1 t 3 V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 1G, 1919 L . XKILLED, 6 INJURED, N MOTOR ACCIDENTS Ikull of Warnook Street Man at fractured wnen ma chine Upsets SHADES OF HORACE! GIRL STUDENTS SYNCOPA TE LATIN Gcrmantown High School Teacher Evolves Novel Idea of Translating Popular Songs Into Classic Languages jVllJTlMS IN CAMDEN 3l Joseph P. Kolb, fifty yearn old, of VjlHlB North warnock strict, died ol n fractured ikull when the machine in jiwhch he yras riding was upset last ft'nirs.t. u. Itfr-ti. i- .. l - ar Aulu vib m mc rear seal ul nu rlutMSoblle owned and driven by Wil- Mala? TlnKerl.. tt nA1l Ttiteflftnn nvn- ,, Tl fvAnfitUk Xf. TCnliMfffi Tt'fl a i . .u fivuh mm .'at. ivii,.to " IV Joiech Kane, of 310 North Seventeenth street. According to the police of the facony station Mr. Kolb reached over LwinA erncnnl the ttpcrtnz trhrel. with ". thai ..ae.ill- that- 1 MBnlilnii lintut r.'f-.MV AVDU1V Utah LUC UiavlllUU UlilVVI yjs Mr. Kane, suffering from lacerations 4( the bead and arms and n crashed Jjchest, and Mr. Roberts badly shaken vby the accident, were taken to thr Prankford Hospital, where their Injuries were treated. Later thev were placed under arrest and taken to the Tncony police station. 't Three persons were hurt last night at (Fifth and Mickle streets, Camden, when an automobile crashed into an iron trolley pole and was wrecked. L The inliired follow: I' I Mrs. Helen Dean, twenty-three years old; of 214 Federal street; severe lace orations' of the face. - Charles Brecker. twenty years old. 01 ,.814 Cooper street ; laceration over right If Joseph Dean, twenty-five years old, , (of Broadway and Stevens street ; laccra- (lion or iace. I4, in avoiding a collision wun nnoincr . car Brecker, who was driving, lost con 's itrol of the car. Mrs. Dean wns thrown " '.I l al.- ! 11.!.U 111 .1... C inrougn inc wiuueiiieiu. a.n liib in- lnuul aa.. t.lr.n (a Pnnn.K TTl.er.tt fll " JUICU nilU IBBLU .V, UWPbl ..Jit.fc.. 1 1 a aa aa ,' t TODAY'8 MARRIAGE LICENSES i IFrands J. Sh-llen, 180 8 nth st. n 1, Josephine C. McDonald 1K20 N Mervlne t (atoms B. Melnhardt.r22a N. HoM St.. and ., Ella I! Itassman 8U4 Reach t. ''jKdward. W. Klnr. BOT N. 17th st , and Allcs Ij. Jaeobi. Camden. N. J. .... ' .Our A. Lawton. Quakertown Pa., ana Ml i Han E. Walker. Houiton Ten. ... , (Jamea Doster. SIT) W. Penn at., and Alice Si t,. Smith. 123 W. rnn at. 1 'Edward F. Haines. 1711(1 Newklrlc at. and Ida M, Bauman Sprlna: ritv. Pa . JBenJamln Btaelman K32 N. Randolph at . I an, llaau-fa flat. n a r t y K9 M, Ranrinlnh , if John Morton 744 S. '22d st . and Esther Et Lanaston flflll Haerford ave ' AW. -TT-lataa.ik . , rial.. a. am, 1.IH ' 8ln(er. 333 Lombard at. ral T. Tinian 9AR1 R TlrnaA wti . . and VJH Ella SI. Mahon. 213 s. uroaa st Who snjs-thc classics arc dead? Xot so you csn notlco it, say the' girls of the Gcrinnntown High School, and they provcu their point today be fore an admiring but slightly stunned audience of males at Central High School. Miss Kdith Bice, a Ijitln teacher nt the Gcrmautoun school, decided to take up the cudgels for the abused classics, and the best way she could think of to popularize Greek and Iiatln wns to make people sing them. "If the T. B. M. and the 'Jazz ex pert' once found out how ulluringly peppy, dance-provoking nnd whistle mads.aro the old Latin words, Grorge M. Cohan nnd his song-wrltlng brethren would have to retire from the field." Salng which Miss Rice had her classes translato several of the more popular of the modern tunes into true Horatian or Ciceronian Latin. The idea made an instant and profound im pression, ns many of the girls were used to dancing to these very tunes. Syncopation Latinized Is Right Hero Is how "Keep the Hqmc Fires Burning" sounds when played on a truly Lesbian lyre brought up to date : "Igncs foci Kcrva, avide cxpectnns Longc cum absint tui Vidcnt domum. Nubila per astra Refulgent argentum : tfs'ubcm atram persolvo Dum revenicnt." Can anybody imagine what a sensa tion a marching troops would make if it sang those words? "There's a Long, Long Trail" be comrs "Longa Via FIcxuosa xst Qua Me Ducunt" ; the lively "Over There" Is transformed into "Trans Marc, Trans Marc," and equally alluring substitu tions were found for "I Am Always Chasing Rainbows," "When You Come Back," "Life and Love," "Xou Found Me and I Found You" nnd "Ja Da." A humorous pong like "Oh How 1 Hate to ct l)p In the Morning" is particularly fetching in the ancient tongue. It gocV like this, ns trans lated by Miss Iticc's classes! "O! O! me surgere mane odisse O! si mancam in lectulo! Quid est miser! mihi Tubnc nudirc voicmi Surgcndum tibl, surgendum tibi, Surgcndum tibl prima luce," etc-. The popular "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Turn Down on the Farm, After Tlicj'ic Seen Parcc" sounds like thi-: "Qui cos tcncbls agrlcolns Post Pnrcc vidcrunt." Who Could Parlrz-vous Hovtm? "And Who the Deuce Can Pnrlez yous n Cow" becomes "I't quii mencr- cule protect parlcz-oiis locm. However, the moit striking' of them all was the Latinized form of "K-IC- iCnty" which the girls rendered into thin nocl form : "O-O-G Gaia, pulchra G-Gaiu Ks Sola pu-cl-cl-clla quam ndoro, Ubi lu-luna lucet, supra hubile, -Expcctaoo in culinnrla porta." The students at Central High School were naturally amazed at the descent 'of so many Latin goddesses, especially lion thov rere ko nstonishlv un-tn-ilnlc in regard to music. Latin professors! were amazed nnd declared that thrj ! would give anything to accomplish nsl much. There is only one song the falri Saphos and Athcnas did not render J Wns it failure to translate or modest) which caused th omission of "Hall, Hall the Gang's All Here?' account of ill health. On regaining his health he went Into partnership with bis father, who had a law oflkc nt WMlllamsport. There he organized the Wllllamsport Library Association, drew lip its first charter nnd organlrcd the Wllliumsporl Wntcr Works. He nlso built the first market house In his homo lown. Mr. Armstrong wns always a Repub lican. In ISJiO and ngaln in 1801 he was elected to the Pcunsjlvunin Lrgis Inturo from n strong Democratic din trie,!.., "In 1SS0 Mr. Armstrong wns made. a member of the Republican con Acntlon nt Chicago nnd was lAJcr np pointed United Stntes commissioner of railroads by President Arthur He is siirir bv a clnughler. Mrs. Wlllard Hall Porter, of Wilmington, Del., anil n son, William H. Armstrong, Jr., of this citj. Dr. William H. Bennett Dr. William II. Bennett, one of llic founders nud for twenty-live jcain di rector of the Children' Seashore Home in Chelsea, died nt his home nftei n brief illness. He wns slilcken with pninhsis snine months ngo, but on recocring insisted on continuing his duties nt the homo despite the acMcr qf his physicians. He suffered auothrr breakdown n few dujs ago, from which he failed to rnllj. Doctoi Bennett was for n mnnbci of years piacticing plij sicinn in Phila dclphin. x Mrs. Isabel B. Sommers Isabel Bojcc Sommers, widow of .1. Hariy Sommers, Insurance broker of this city, died suddenly In New York late Tiiesdnv night. Mrs. Sommers Is of nn old Philadelphia family on her maternal side. Her grcat-grnndfnther, Thomas .Inckson, was killed in the Hcvoliitionnry Wnr. She Is survived by n son. .1. Hnrrv Sommers; three dnugh tors, Mrs. 11. W. Wlupenny. Helen nnd Isabel Sommers ; n sister, Mrs. M. U. Mnppett. nnd n brother. Funeral ser vices will be conducted in this city nt Ollcr Hair's on Snturdnj afternoon nt 'J o'clock. Elkton Marriage Licenses Klltton, Mil., Mnj Hi Mnriinge licenses were issued here todnv to .lolin B Itohr nnd llninin Sid-nan, Onirics 11. Robertson nnd Jennie Dussell, Theo dore C. Fuge nnd Agnes S. Knight, Gabriel I'isdi nud Fnntiie Rnhmiin nud Jnmcs 1' Currnn and Violet Mcutoti, all of Pliilndelplna; Vinc-ent A Senis, Camden, nnd Maignret Hognn, Phila delpliin ; Joseph Van Strntton nud Murgiurt O'Bueii. Aberdeen, Mil.; Curtis S. Sihumiiu nnd Margaret De long. Alleutown, Pn ; Iijuian J. Smith. Northeast. Mil., nnd Minnie II." Curbnrt. ion. Mil ; Weslej S. Geoigc and Liielln Cmordule, Wjomlng, Del.; llnrr) M. Sujder and Daisv V. King. Tiimnquu, Pa.; John It. Sillmau nnd riorence 1) Smith, Bnston. Pa. ; Joseph Rospeth nnd Mnry Burilow, Alleutown, Pa., mid John Schcctz nnd Alphui.itte 15. Blown, Camden. F &r DeatJts of a Day uii Agoatino L.uriano, s.ii t .-vuiarea at. iii- i Julia Do Luna lis: s. inn at. V- and Thomai K-r-ey. 6C11S Pearl at., and Eleanor upyl- nn:n rear! at Loula Tolchlnsky. 3on Gcrmantown ave . and Saiuh Brodv. Euston, Pa Robert T. McAllister. 0408 Baltimore ave . and and Sk lw and Ruth P. Hunter. 384S N. Broad at fc inoriaro A. ama. liill tiranovwme ri 1 Zolta Montenamjra. 1022 Rowan et. IT Hose aiacKam. 313J wnarton et. William A. Kuhnle. 2110 Korrla at . and - Florence V. ShIIIIncsbunc 2235 Coral at. Harry oscman Bin n. 7th at., ana Dora 6 Mandell. KOI M Rlh f- I, Andraa Perltua. 101B Carlton st and Ve- t- rOItlta. X.IUU41IIIKMI, J1I.U viriiun Dl. WILLIAM H. ARMSTRONG Former Member of the State Legis lature Diet WilliHm H. Armstrong, nn attorney and former member of the Legislature, died Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wlllard Hall Porter, of Wilmington, Del. Mr. Armstrong was born in Williams port, Pa., ninety-five years ago, and was the son of James Armstrong, a judge in the Supremo Court of Penn sylvania. He was graduated from Princeton University in 1847 and made a member of the bar in 1S4JI in i,.tconi inc county. In 1851 he married the daughter of Robert Earp. of this city, j and maintained a law office here until ' 1857, when he was forced to retire ou tJSJohodz -JL wi &veir cJasmsiGs jtrom. RAMESES CIGARETTES STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER rut nozuk 4VJ7 Stiles st 1 wmoia, -miu Tuconv si Micha! B. Harhiv. 3ia S Tambert st Catherine Ij Morrow. 1331 Catharii 'Qeorg W Roseboro, JS17 N Alllnon st f ! wm1 E Palmer. 1337 N". Allison st i j- .uDuiB j-i. j. iaii, i iiniiiur.uKD vi., Lrooaman. uftmnen. and t and Nel- 4 II. . ITimaai Itannn JOI Ijs (itmkals -.'lai J a? VaVfllVB a--n- Will - JVal U t I UV 1 inlll 0tj AJIU Ij I Ethel Wooiverton inn E. Tloita at, Diniuci onrppnru. .. llOReDerrr si., ana , J Jennl Sllfer. 107 N 2d at. 'Nicola Napolltano. 71a Wlsslnomlnr ave , t i and Lucy Qunllardn 7148 w Isslnomlns ave. 3amea B.' Touell 2030 K. Allechenv ave . .i, and Estell II. Miller 2M2 K Rnmeraet at, it Harry K. Atuood. 6028 Uelnhardt at., and Iff Kathryn A. Belter. MteKlnasessIn ae. I? FranK A. Laurla. 1813 S. 8th st., and Viola 3 E, Liwron. 1140 N l.ee st. KBther llerkovltz. .IRnO nirarrf nvn " The Care of Your Watch You only realize how much you depend on your watch when it goes wrong. It deserves your regular care before this happens. We are always glad to regu late your watch, and to examine it at any time to see whether it needs attention. No charge for these services. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVEKSMITHS II Open I Charge ' Account Second rioor mt (StS-Ml t r r I ' . IS. C mm If Ml, $-? S JullI: it.il 7 ! W j''! wl I '-T r m w 9 .cci:ni:i m " a- 923 MARKET STREET X IMPORTANT SALE OF $35 and $40 Beaded 1 Gcorgelle Dresses j- $(ICC I i Special at The dresbes that are in great favor for sum mer wear, offered at u saving thut is most un usual. Large variety of new styles in all the pop ular colorings of the season. $25 Silk Dresses $ Hrfllnf, taftetas, georgette iiepes and licorgcttc combi nations Very spec al alucs, at Hats Reduced to $3.00 A number of Women's Hats in many different styles suitable for dress and outing wear; for mer prices up to $7.50. Third Floor ... , We have taken 50 of our Misses' All-wool MlSSeS Spring Suits and reduced them to exactly Suits HALF PRICE; several good styles in sizes 14 H-r to 20 years; former prices $32.50 to $59.00, all" tomorrow only $16.25 to $29.50. None sent Price . C. O. D. or on approval. Second Floor Girls' - Dresses at $3.35 Gingham, Chambray, Pique and Voile Dresses in many colorings; several attractive styles; some are slightly soiled; sizes 6 to 12 years; former prices $3.95 to $5.95. Second Floor v vr Two-clasp Real Kid Gloves, white with three i.lQ rows of self embroidery; good-fitting; well fin- Gloves, ' ished; worth $2.00 pair. $1.45 - 't Floor Women's Washable Vests, 75c Washable Vests, embroidered and plain, checks and plain colors in different styles; former prices $1.35 and $1.50. First Floor Women's Waists, $1.00. A remarkable value; mostly White Waists, al though there are a few in colors; not a large lot, and as the price is'so low, not more than two will be sold to a customer; none sent C. O. D. or on approval. See them early, aa they are sure to sell fast; same grade of Waists which would sell regularly for $2.00 and $2.50, .4 CLEARANCE SALE OF SUITS and $1Q.75 DOLMANS Former Prices Ranged to $25.00 25 $ wl ALE OF I 10.75 II Another Inroortant Sale $5 Georgette Crepe i: WAISTS $0.75 c I A . blp purchase maUcs tills salng: posHible Beaded and embroidered st les lace-trlmmed col lars. collarleR-i tnrl.A.l and tailored effects. White, Hesli mid nil new tu.t shades. 3 Street Floor , p. a V yiSaiV5!. J&&L The Newest Maline "Hindu" l-.00 TURBANS Again Showing Otu Leadership in $5 Hats ine erv ncuesi in iuiliiner is uIm.ljb here li this populai eroup tliough other stores iisU lilRlier prices foi the same Hindu turbans of nialino mc Iho latest choice of ulaclc 01 naw lilnp anil finished ulth ihlncstone pins Mrr-l I luur Tl I I I I Latest Styles in SKIRTS $3-98 & $4.98 All-wool rserBes, wool Panamas, wool pur lins and plaids; also embroidered silk pop lins. Street Floor $2 Pink Brocade CORSETS $1.50 In the popular lop'es slle Wr special Milne fm this one d,ij !reet Tloor Lovely Silk Envelope CHEMISES $4.98 1 t'repes do chine rich satins $0.49 & & iiui kT.WiWI.IsfcVHd.loTn I I A Very Remarkable Sale of Women's & Misses' $ f M ,9g ' SILK DRESSES 14 Wo made a fortunatn purchase of 1.'5 new dresser .llUCH ranclllB up to J-6 00 Choice of bruilrd eeorRrtla rrrn, silk taffetas, satin- and finest quality silk pjp lins. All now styles and all new i'oIoiIubs A Clearance Women's New Suits & Capes Regular prices were up to $14.75 $1Q.9S 12 -fee I ff I J If A Very Special 'Sale Tomorrow , Girls' Dresses $ 45 . Values up to $3.00, at. , " I lloiens and, dozens of hi les of yjtliie nualltv chanilirajc. all neatly H JLitlimined SIpk from li to 14 vc-arx I Children's Serge Capes . . $A.98 Girls' AILAVool Strge rnM.a M Summer ' Hilliilery It $!i00,$M0.p5 $8.00 and $9.00 M1 ORE large Hats, some of fabrics, some in lighter shades and very effective with light summer frocks; also large Black Dress Hat3, Leghorns combined with silk, dark straws trim med with mixed flowers, large droop--brims with ribbon bows. Also an in creasing number of medium - size shapes, trimmed with wings and feather fancies, designed particularly for wear with tailored suits and dress es. The Hat sketched is a pretty combination of straw and crepe Georgette. Hundreds of Ready-lo-Wear Hats, $1.95 to $5.95 Ranging from the smait Banded Sailor that is a part of every woman's outfit this teaton. to the line straws and transparent effects, in dress styles. All are copied from higher-priced models!, and are unusually good values. -- tunn bridge n c minicr Second rioor Mri.-t street west TIME TO LAY IN A SUPPLY OF DAINTY SUMMER COTTON FROCKS THOSE smart ginghams and cool, crisp voiles, that cveiy woman likes to have in pluity, and these are fco inexpensive that one can have a summer's supply with cry little outlay. The model sketched ($9.50), is of a white-flecked, plum-color voile, with white organdie collar and cuffs edged with the voile. Otheis in equally charming effects, $8.75 to $15.00. Silk Dresses at $19.75 Cool taffetas and crepes de chine, in navy blue, taupe and black, with dainty little vestee and collar. The taffetas, ate made with the new youthful straight line skirt, the crepes de chine have a box-plaited tunic, giving somewhat of the effect of a coat dress. Just the kind of Dresses women like for general wear in uie buiuiiieL-uiui-. Women'sSiiits r"m Silk Dresses at $25.00 Taffeta, crepe de chine, and taffeta-and-crepe Georgette combined, in a variety of styles and colors, some beaded, some embroidered suitable for after noon wear. v - Slrawbrwlae A t lotluer second Floor Centre I THERE'S NO DEPENDING -ON SUMMER! AN OUTER WRAP IS A NECESSITY MAY has proved beyond a doubt, that a smart, light, loose Wrap should always be hanging handy. Top Coats, .$20.00 to $27.50 'Ihe kind the out-door woman or the toui ist would like. Made of two-toned diagonal cloth, in a smart bo style, at $20.00," and the 11101 c en eloping models of fancy mixed cloths, $25.00 and $'27.50. Practical Coats, $22.50 to $27.50 Several models of poplin, at $22.50, made in good belted styles, with attractive silk lining in body and slees. Others of poplin and gabai dine, at $27.50; some with collar of silk. Capes, Many Specially Priced Several models at $15.00 alone, one model in cst effect beautifully trimmed with braid. Others, that were formerly much higher in price, aie trimmed in color, or smartly finished with bt aid-bound edges. Some at $22.50, in the graceful surplice style, attractively braid-trim med. Also several unusually high-class models at $40.00, including the mod.el sketched. Dolmans, from $25.00 to $37.50 Buiella cloth, lined throughout with funcj figuied silk, $25.00. Of serge, trimmed with braid and taffeta, JM.OO. Of velour and silvertone, lined thioughout, some with over-collar of silk, or with hooded collar, $37.50. -r- Strjwbridse t Clnthler .Second rioor L'cnlru Reduced Serge Suits novo $32.50 and $37.50 TjMNE Men's-wear Serge Suits, in black and navy blue, also some checks, in tan and gray ef fect.. Belted Suits, plaited in arious ways; Box Suits, some tucked, some braid-trimmed, and Blouse Suits with estees of tii colette. Not all sizes in any one model, but all sizes in the group. Tricotine Suits Reduced to $40.00 Semi-fitting models made on smartly tailored lines; models with plaited coats, others' shirred at the waist-line; also Blouse Suits. Black and navy blue. Bro ken sizes. Silk Suits, $25.00 lo S105.00 Sports Suits, $25.00 to $75.00 Straw bridge Clothier Second Floor. Market Street Pl Shopping for Corsets is Most Satisfactory Here Because of the Variety and Skilled Service Our Coiset Store is the home ot an ex ceptionally fine French Corset, our peerless Jessica, also of most good American makes, and of models espe cially selected for growing girls and small women. Skilled corsetieres are heic to help to a. selection if desired. In variety offered and service given, we plan to afford the woman shopping for a Cor set utmost satisfaction. French Corsets the Jessica $10.00 to $25.00 American-made Corsets $2.00 to $20.00 The Jessicif is made exclu sively for us and has' won wide popularity among discriminat ing women for the grace it im parts, the comfort and service it gives. The American-made Corsets include such well-known makes as our famous S. & C. Special, Nemo, Smart Set, Redfern, Warner's Rust-proof, W. B., La Resista, Bon Ton, Royal Worcester, American Lady, and Gossard Fiont-lacing. Brassiers, hook front 50c. Also, a Corset Store Exclusively for Girls There are all-elastic Girdles, Girdles with elastic sides and tricot back, all elastic-top Cor sets, topless and medium bust models, well boned and lightly boned Corsets $1.50 to $10.00. One is sketched. Do not forget that this Is Nemo Week, that this is Nemo Headquarters, and that alt the Nemo Models with their varying helpful features are being shown. ' Rtraubrldre & Clothier Third Floor. Market HI reel, West Dress Skirts For All Occasions T70R practical wear are good- looking Skirts of serge and roplin, plainly tailored or braid tnmmed $7.50 to $10.50. For diessier wear are Skirts of silk, crepe Georgette and satin in light colorings with stitching, tucks and such trimmng to add fascinating beauty. They help quickly and easily to a costume of richness and elegance $10.00 to $27.50, according to material. Richly smart also are Skirts of silk poplin in black, blue and taupe; button-trimmed $10.50. Extra Sizes Specially designed to give good lines to those who need large skiits is a model of mohair in black, blue or gray $7.50; of Panama cloth $10.00. Strawbrlilse i. Oothler Second Floor, Filbert Street MISSES' NEWS A TIN-and-CREPE DRESSES AS SKETCHED, $18.50 TN nay blue, taupe, plum color and black. The X bodice is of y-atin with the new lound, flat collar of satin, crepe sleeves, and tunic skirt of crepe with folds of satin Sics 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses' Cotton Frocks, S6.50 to $13.00 Figured and flowered oilcs, in light and dark color ings, made with tier, ttjpic, tucked and diaped skirts; dainty while organdie or lace collars, many tucked cstees and soft sashes. Sizes 14, 10 and 18. Misses' Spring Suits, $21.50 to $29.50 Fancy Belted and Box Suits, with noelty silk vestee and ovei -collar. Tan, nay blue and black. Sues 14, 10 and 18 jcais. Intermediate Girls' Organdie Dresses. $11.50 to $13.00 In lose, pink, light blue and white. Made in dainty tucked effects, with deep folds and soft sashes; many with plaited organdie colla" and cuffs. Sizes 12, 14 und 16 yeais. Girls' Regulation Dresses, Special at $4.50 Made of white ill ill with new l oil sailo.- collar of Belgian blue cotton; all in straight Dlaitcd effects w ith belt and large patch pockets. Sizes 6 to 12. Girls' White Dresses, $5.75 lo $7.50 White Lawn Frocks trimmed w ith Valenciennes lace insertion and soft ribbon girdle. Jacket, panel and chemise styles, with full lace-trimmed skirts. Sizes 0 to 1 1 yeaiS. -ir Str,ibrlde . Clothier Second I loor Market Street NOTE THE PRICES FOR THESE SILK UNDERGARMENTS THEN, if you could see the Undergarments, you would understand why our Special Display grows moie and more crowded each day with judicious shoppers. Women are finding. that refined charm, good making, and good value are combined in our Undergarments' in a way that delight them. Envelope Chemise, snecial at $1.95 Of flesh-color crepe do chine with tucks and hemstitching in pretty effect on the front. Bottom lace-trimmed. Ribbon shoulder straps. Otheis up to $7.50. Night Gowns, special at $3,95 Of flesh-color ciepe de chine, tailored or lace-trimmed styles. Satin Petticoats, special at $3.95 Flesh-color or white, double panel trimmed with hemstitching and losebuds. Bloomers, snecial at $2.9. Of flpsli. rnW u-nOi. able satin, in tailoied styles. 'Others of flesh-color batiste, jersey cloth, Windsor crepe, or black satinrj 50c to $1.50. Bodices of flesh-color or white washable satin or npvelty mate-v riais ure Here ju variety . i.vu io o.ou. in ine cotton Undergarments, ' there aie many pretty styles of Night Gowns at $1.25, of Envelop . all the Undergarment helpfulness here. . (U'crsarmcnts are taxed 10 per cent on any excess In price oVr ,6 00 each.) -. Btrawbrldne t ClothlerThlrt Floor. Wait' . 'I - .J 1 .') m ,j AJ V- ! - .ie'J ,1 s Mil 'A 4l '1 ?Jm J A I in Htl.th.-r., .J innw cWcl-(ir" Coatee and vust cftects. m& swwBpxas M 'M ftl! -.V j-ISs eyas-US in i-jiiiwuh I'-y-aajaj-ajpenB-aeajr 8 vUiMMi . Q afc .JbrW'?,-T . li lo t n " r w ICOl -li . &li.. MaWs.-Jat.ffi ttf BK& ,7 E MS u f