Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 15, 1919, Sports Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 2, Image 2

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L" r
Wnite-Haired G. A. R. Veterans
Add Dramatic Touch to
Parade of 28th
Tired but Happy Iron Men Leave i Some Soldiers Who Had Been
City in Fifteen Long . Gassed Collapse Under
Trains Strain of Long March
li -
Crowds Surge Toward Place
Where Impressive Ceremony
Takes Place
fix JiBliH&SlPci! v vV
i pi
Btj s.
l v
The olivr-tlrnb flood or Krutonc
Trtcram, participants in the Krcatrst
parnele thi-i city ici niv, lifgnti it
hour's ride to Camp Out nt .". o'clock
this nftcrnoon fiom North Hiiludclphin
Fifteen trains wee treiuiirel to enrrv
the 18,000 nirn rtwt tin' Dolnwnre 'ivrr
brldRf nnd through Nen .Iprsei to tlir
Wc cantonment 'I In in nftot tin- tinnl
prortic of drmol)i"7Ttion thr inrn "Mil
return to civil life
feren trains lecemd nrclei to leme.nf tin pine nnd eilliei mjuiie and uas
"N'orlh Philadelphia Hiition it MiriiM 'liikin to the Unliiiniiiimi Hospital
minute intrrinls 'tom c n k until
u o c lock
The movement e.i nip mud will he le
sinnril nt S o'clock tin evening with
the stme intennl -eparatmg each long
(rnln nf tiooll filled com lie- 'lli lit
itring of cats t ecliPilnled to Iptp li"p I
nt 10:20 o'clock
The headqunrteis i
eighth Division fiisi
march, were first I i
leaving at .". o c lm k
if the I wrnti
in tin Inn of
lxi ii il til" tinin
N( ( lllllllllCll
nnd tlurtv ofliicis nnd men will li" mi
the first section
With the bendqutiters ioiii vvpic
the enlisted pcisontipl of thp hendqiini
trr troop, the llip.itin.il troupe tin
hrndquniters clrtii liiiinil of iIip 1 iflv
fifth Hiigndp. 10'lth Infnntu the
mcdital nnd ordiiame dctm liinenl mil
the suppl lompnnv of the lti'Mli In
The 3 1( ocloik train nn ml
the machine gun .ompnnv of the Kilt Ii '
infnntrv, Cominiiies A. P. (' I) K I ,
and spventv five men of rmnpnin fi.
7-lrt cime ers nnd iiipii in ill
The third ti 1111 smiting nt "t til
nMnck l.nd nbontil tin hnllllK. of Ci
Pomnnnv and I'omn lines II I. 1 I,
and M of the Itl'ltb comprising Til!
oflie.1 rs and men
lleadquarteis staff HIT at I
'I he schedule foi htei trains follows
fantrv the liPadquditeis stnfl thp
liendqiiarte i eonipinv thp medical .mil
ordnanpe dcpMruin nts the ninihim gun
c mnnv 'Iip siipplv iiimpiiiv mil
sixty live men of ( ompinv 'lotnl
oftneis nnd
nlistpel men on this tiain
At 1 JO the bnlnme of A ('eunpiiiv.
Companies II anil C ind ixtv hie men j
of I) Companv. 110th lnfnntiv. T't'.i
offiieis and uieii
Driver-Victim Loses Control of
Machine; Spectators Knocked
Down; Hits Another Car !
One mnn was killed unel sevel il others
slightlj hint todiv when nn uitonin
bit" broke thlough the pni ide eioivel
nt I.ehigh avenue mill 'Iwentieth stieet
The mnn killed was Vnthnm Dough
erti. iiinetreu vptis old. of ".'101 Ninth
I'.road stiPPt elrivpi of I lie e ill He
died thortlv .iftei being tiki n to the
Samaritan Hospital
Doughertv, with foui companions
xvas coming clown 'I weiitu th stint
Vfhen be lost eontinl of the uinihine
At I.ehigh avenue the ear bioke
through police inpes and knoekeil down
spvcrnl persons in the e rowel It went
on ns fat as Sedglev avenue nmiovvlv
missing two othpr nntomobiles and
hnallv dishing into n innehinc owneel
b .liKob Marshall. I!" U est Louden
street. No occupant of the Marshall
ear was hint.
Uoughertj's skull was fiaitnrcel and
iiuu' in in .- . .. luir u. in sin" mnn
the broken windshield
u. c. .l.n . n. .. Hn . ... 1.. l r.
Rp.centiem Committee Enter.
tains Women at Bellevtie
After Parade
Two hundred and tifteen muses who
had served with Pennsylvania tioops
overseas nnd who took pnit in the
parade this morning were eutcrtninecl
at luncheon in the Hcllevue Strntforel
by the reception loinmittee this after
Kighteen nurses nine finm Puts
burgh, nruving cailv this men mug nnel
smaller representations eame fiom everv
corner of the state
Two of the nurses had served on Gen
rral Pershing's staff and a number nf
them boie citations from American,
French and Knglish Governments
The Philadelphia local committee on
"Red Cross Ntlibing Service, inelueltng
Mrs. Charles White. Miss Lillian Clav
ton. Miss Louise Sn.vdei, Miss Martha
I.afferty. Mrs Margaret I, Kiatz, Miss
Fva J. Hood, Miss Anna F.. I.aughlin,
Mrs. E. A. Schnabel. Miss Caroline
Milne and Miss Unmet Frost, were
also guests at the luncheon.
One Ifour Forty Minutes
for the Parade to Pass
10:02 Parade startrd nt Iiroad
and AVharton streets
11H2 Last of parade left Uioad
and Wharton streets
"10::U Parade reached Sixth and
Chestnut stieets
12:15- Last of parade passed
Sixth and Chestnut street.
12:45 Pirst of parade reached
Shine Park.
32:55 Serving lunch to scjldiers
3 First nf men entrain for Camp
DIx, North Philadelphia Station,
Fifteenth street jard
The men inarched fiithi steji; 120
strides to tlm mliuiti'.
"j r .
Scleral pirMins wnr iiijilievl unci
Moirs of women fnlntei) today nleiiis
thr toulr of the parade us a teiiilt of
the great crnh of people whlrli massed
to ee the passing oldler'
Numerous volelinrs spinal of whom
had been Rased in Trance, eejllnp-.nl
dining the eight mile iiiaich
In nearly nil iiies those who fainted
line gnen quick attention In the
police nnd siirseotis near the cene
I'etei Alitihell, 110S T'lilrintiiinl inr
tine, n caught in the ingmg e roml
iirciiiuil t'lti Mull ind knocked down
an men a lie ipipiioiI a finitiin
I lime peinn cro siruii, l auto
lunliilrs while (Ming to get cull of the
ciohiK nftii the pntade 'I homos
Mnlln I Kilt Smith 'IhlrtT tul sticet.
and Dniiel Mniklit. of ('Intncnlon.
I wile "IiiiiK li no niiteiinntiili ut
Itinid mil lonibiril streets and both
icipiwd -oide hnelih in pit n 'I Iip
wpip taken to ih. rnliclinii Hospital
lames Ititros, l.'IO South links
Ml p(t wis struck l an automobile at
Hi (iil and Whin tun stieets p siif
fp d mini lev mikI was int to SI
Vins lliispunl
I Iip Pillciw tug collnpspd nnd u
tikcti tu thp hospitjU n impel
Ipftcison llnspilil
( onk twentv font , 'lm ic
Mis s.,,,,,, Pnpip twentv six
cntli Sivtv hist strcpt
Mrs KppcI thittv-six. "13 o
e inn stieet
Helen IVnnld
ingtnivn I'n
I'liuline l.evici
twentv two, Dow n
Ihiilv nine ."iri
f.railfoid sttect
Mt Kll.lbetb Stetlet. twentv thiee
It! - '.! ingohm king stieet
HiIpii MiilniiPV
t Noith
l"iapi sdppt
Mis I 01 hie. thiilv seven
Smith I inelenwooel stieel
Mis lolin Snvloi foitv 7"s
I le oliv stieet
1 1 JO
Itoospvelt Hospital
I'llvnte Willinm A alkei thntv foul
111 !il Signnl I'attalton. gassed ovpisp.is
collapsed it sixth .mil Mnikpt stieet
Mvitle ntes, iiineteeu, "JI17 Fedeial
.Mnver Suiulhi nn. sixlv nine. 1117
I'ark avenue, fell from h, Sith
.mil Mniket sdects. luieialeil si nip
I'ciinsvlvanla llospil.il
In. ob Itadei. nine veins old .TitN
I licstei avpniie
Stelli Kinpewskn seven rn
Jd lie i k stteel
I iiuisi Itowe I'l'jr, West
C.iroline l.iwienie. silt Pun
Kvalinc Shnrcl. Ci.ii.iri Hill
lts loseph Si hinder :SM
'I cnth stieet.
Sill Iiink. 'Jf. Noilh I iwieiue
stieet I..UU nstci . I'n
llililh On. ill'Jt Hrpwstei nvrnup
Mniv 'Ihi.ibui. sin oilh foil.v
sixth street
"Mis Muiv r.udel. Paulboio I
William Stntts. Ilauislitng Tn
Mrs Mniv llrllingn, UivPiton. N 1
Mis Mhiv Donovan, I orliPth stip.t
Hid l'owelton ivcntie
St. .losrpli's Hospital
Mnliel riillcimnii 10'."i Niulh sci
cnlb stieel
Florence Sne.n Wl I Mount Vernon
Mis William llauison IJ.I sontii
'fi seinuel street
t,6s Milhc Feb, 1014 South I. le venth
i ,,,,,,,
I Mrah Itirtner
1 FJa North Moiiisoii
MoIIip Itngow 'lj:j 'I honipson sIippI
I'flie Ulc unci. Cvnwjcl. I'n
'1 he following vveic trenticl in the
inmbulnnip of St .Marv's Hospital,
Itioad anil Dinmoiul stieets.
Mis Annip Itichardson, l.ril7 Kast
I iipji s stieet
M)ss ,'al1Mi,1P Hawthorne.
. Noi th Ilincoek street
':- r; T,rno- "5J N,",,, ,h"
Lj;1"-" K,rf-" ' '""- i
Itobeit MeCraig. twentv i ighl ",1'JJ
(. uster stieet
I Miss Kthcl Hnrkness, J07.1 Chatham
laventie, fieinmntown
Mis. Mildied Ilrett
i stieet
III Haiishuiv
I Anil this was the st,ut of the Fiftv
REDS TO VACATE PETROGRAD1"f,,,1Vr,Krn,1r,"lr1; ,,r,t E'nc T,0
I test the fight of America aiound the
Civilians Ordered to Evacuate as
Finns Approach City
llelslngfnrs. Mnv 1." The Russian
Soviet Goveinmeut, according to te
ports leeeived hrrr, has ndviscd Ihe
populntion of Petrograd to leave with
out eh las All government depaitineuts
will depart from Petrogiad bv Juh 1
It is acldeil thnt connection between
Pctrograel aud Soviet llussia will then
be interrupted nnel thr Nevn river di
trie t left unprotected
Recent reports from Finnish souiccs
haic been that the Finns were prrpnr
Z to march on IV.rgiad were' ,t'w' s
said, the Rolsheviki were having d.f
fitulty in mnintuiDinc ordoi.
Efficient Scores
in Jamaica Opener
Cont.rufW I rem Vage One
Ynunff Adam 111 Tap
tin . s to s. 1 to s I in
Kr7one IIH Havne7tol Mo 1 1 in ft
Time I 13 2 Ti Marmite Tedd) ttoutseau
and Imhaisaricir III alsu ran
HLCOND rtACK for Ihre-e lrar-nl.1. and
up sllln pure S77R 5 B'-j furlonsa
Out the Wav till Tap
Iln 1 to ft nut nut
Grern Cold It HotT
man ft to I 1 tn 3 out
H.tcasa 111 I:
Ha)na '' in l a in i . in in
Time tut ;i Hubbub and Halt and
Halt alia ran
1'in.S.T nf K sclllni; handicap three sear
olda and up 1 1-1 it mll
Par of rboenli. in'. Jl
nowan jn jo i an n tn
Jarlc Mount 11 Itlce . 4 00 .1 ll
Napolio inn, Weaaler -I JO
rfme li 1-. Cae1dle Prlourrtlne
Mevliv O tiepln Irlah .Maid Klmralonit
Hllrrup Capt Hodte and Jlonocacy alio ran
SS.COND HACK handicap nelllm foul
tear-olds and un 1 mllei .....
Llltj. IT 111. Rmar tH SO 11 0 SJ 60
llaviceaa- too Valor,. , 3 60 so
N K Beat l)n Corev 10
Time. J to -i, riallr loney. Oalley
Mead and graphic; also ran.
im il Bl !
l)t'" H WL
m;-m : mm jVM' M ( ..MBri .
I feinlln lerf t rtin Tnce One
I left vheiuldei then bljonets dull in the
.unless mottling then lanks twelve mi
twelve tliev swung hv ill u lull 1"0 steps
' to the lllllllllc men In Iip pi ninl of
looking .ill th it seniiiiienl ninl cmnliou
iln tatnl thev should be
nil Iheit footsteps IpII with n e tu 1
mis silnlnnt suih suisi, shush
likp the song of tin tub' on u smdv
llPle h
I I llPlt gold stupes tedd cil sei n i
UHinllv onp and oIipu two foi the blooel
thPV give spoke of the veteran 'I lieu
swinging stop (oh! or bikes tlitoiij,li
long muelelv night' when up illicit!
tumbled the gulls tin v iiiusi fine hv
Mumble of Drinns
liul this list hike whs to the iiiumbk
I of diiims, the time of bugles anil baniN
n, ..ii. MiniMi uf Hun 1 1 rlii mile
linteh. no mud todiv no 1 n in. no night
otilv the constant e In k nf liobn ill nnt'. lines nitilletv brigade eniiic into
j nspilht stieet of tins eilv ill (loci s view
eeiiint'v anil the eoiitiniious slnill e heei 'IheChesln brigadiei iiele slatelv bv
of i pi ninl people
I hrs.r- men who showed the illinl ,
...,,,,,. I ll,.,l I,. ol,.,,l. el,e nen.v ... 1,. ,
vnniiuisli. wcie no laggntds nt p milling
'I hen eveiv movement wns piompl fiom
II ' hoiu. when thev jumped off it )
Itioad nnel Wlmton stieets, HI OJi
o'eloik. Ihiough all then nivalin dovvn
the long eight miles
Willi ' I nclr riinilev Mutt tiding
eiect iveiv null a ileeoiated Maiot
(.ineiil of the luin Division at thin
Iteacl the I ills icniliiil r.roaei ami
I Chestnut stieets at 10 J. o e loe k liul .
len minutes Intel, (ieilll ll Mlllr snllltcel
the I.ibcilv Hell al Imlt pendente. Hall
I hose in the otlii ml stiuids spmng
wilcllv to then feet liovcrnoi Spioill,
in the s.iiii M1-1 nf the I'.ell. raising
his hat to the Iron Division 1 oinin inilei
tiding ealinlv the blooded "Minslul. '
'I hen fieuei.il Mini s stalT, Imided In
I'nlonel Diviel Davis lode bv with till
divisional eolois nnd then gunid
II was "liul Clurlc.v's' faiiwcll
1 ide with them
His stole fin e gave no sign of it ns
be lode nt their head, up I'.ioad stieet
I.atei is he left Ins plai e ut the lie nl of
the line it III nail .1 ml Diamond stieets,
foi hisliinil icvieiv his fne c show eel some
thing nf his emotion He saw them all
go bv. the iiipii he hid helped train, the
bovs he I1111I sppii tuinpil to 11011 bv then
bundled 'lavs of lighting Not ngiiui
would In lomnnnel them
Ilenelepi utcis Hoop 111 lomiiiind ol
Ciptain Taiil SI (Inn ilnttucel bv
e lose be hind
Doughhovs ihllv lliecied
'I lien lose n e heei fur up ( hestuilt
sheet Ihe doiighliovs were coming
Colonel '.loe' 'lhompsnn, his fine
set, as it must have been that elnj at
the Velc. when he tinned nil hell looe
with his lads of the 110th on a guaul
counter attack
Mdmr On thev came, platoon aftct
platoon a wound stupe on cvcr.v fouith
arm the bovs of Philadelphia's own
legiments. the Ifl'.lth and 110th, the old
Fust and Third National Guard lads,
pitheticallv scant in familiar faces, foi
these regiments had met the boches und
piul the price.
Order in Marching
Thev were sweating, dogged mauhers
now as thev passed sileutlv covering
the long miles in the parade. These
weie the men who hail held three id
visions of "Germanv's best" nt St
Aguin, who knew not what retreat
" .. ." '"' 'T. '.M "
them were left when then allies fell
First the 110th, with the suivnois
of the old Third, then Colonel Robert
Dunlap. heading what was left of the
old First men who had held on at the
Vesle and at Apremont in the teeth of
the worst and best the boches could do
'I hen came the itp-staters, the equally
gallant Fiftv -sixth Rrigndc doughboys,
bred on Pennsylvania farms nnd mines
and mountains, the 111th. which gaie
the flist to light, two platoous to help
the rrenih at Hill 20-1, headed bv
Colonel Fdwaid C Shannon "old two
jnrds 'as his lads cull him, nnd ''Old
Pop" Colonel George C Rh hauls, who
staved with his lads of the 112th
through everything.
Rank on rank, twelve men across,
heie the ribbon of the V. S. C, there
the CroW cle Guerie of the division's
brave lads, they tramped bj these
doughboys of iron
.Machine Gunners Xel
Ihe inuchine gunners came next,
(those hard), eudililng superdoughboys
whose Cliauchats and Lewis ta'-a-tat
had backed every ad,yunco from the
JUiruc to the. Vcsle, from Vnrenncs to
if hy Gcnnani, Feared
the 109th and 1 Will
llelppil Trench cheek hist Cpi .
mini ell ivp on lull 1fi. WIS
I iuIpi icintinunus hip foi incur
thin n month in Vesle mvci anil
1'ismes scctoi
"Mopping up of Tismes and stoini
mg of pteinotit hatdest fights
1'ighling cnemv till last minute
of the vvni
Stiftcied moie casualties Ihiin iinv
National t..inrel regiments in Kiante
Chatcl ("lichen 'I he thiee ,mai hinc
gun Ii millions were sunelwielicil now be
tvvcen the elnughbov biigides utul Hie
ailillciv brigades.
A gu.it c hecr e nme alons the Inncs of I
people as the head of General William i
'ii- fellow tovviisnian, the fio.ciuo' .f
',f" '"to. His 7."is and loos hail made
1 llC UOC lit S fc II
"''"' "" nn emptv pin. e heie foi
,,,p ' "iladelplna bovs of tlie KlSth Field
1 tillcri , who vveic somevvhete olT the
I'eliiviuio Capes
' n0 "Old Seeonel" bovs missed the
ut the gallant With the. bovs w ho
"cut light up flout with the dough
1,0,s """'1 sniped at fierninii nincliinc-
" "nn men 1.1 s. got tlieclieers
"" "- oionci i. M. .John (jicble led t
i 10m the stanels then heioie "light
mg inlonel. ' Ubci Minei. eiett on
his nut. hes Ins l.g So,P )(,on t,P
Knee, saw them go bv
Lieutenant Inlonel fiookston
c ame net w ith Ins gunners of the 107th
Field Artilleiv. lads who luid fought
in Finnic and Ilelgium with an cf
t.ctiveness that iivaleel inv nitiiicrv
1"" I
in tlic Allied tanks
"t . Tl I t x .- .
i ".on ?,. . 1P ' , , Knolfs headed
he .00 Ihiladelplnn bovs in the 10'!d
Tienih Mortal Itnttciv. which closed
the ntlilletv see Hon of the paiudc.
'I hen eame the fighting enginecis of
the division, one of thr few engineer
regiments that eoiili) tight ns hind us
lnfunti.v and build budges no matter
what soit of hell was breaking loose.
'I hesc bovs, half of them Philadelphia!!,
iindci Colonel Fieel A Snvclei, had
liuift ten bridges neioss the cslc nnd
then fought to hold them against the
attic king enemv. 'I hev innk with the
Seeonel Ilnginecis who hi Id the boclic
ut bnv foi ehvs at Clinton Thienv.
'Ihe othei niiMliirics in the 'Ivvcntv
eighth, em h with its cleeointcel men. to
"how thnt even auxiliaries ni the 'I wen
i eighth were fighting men, came in
otelei Then weie the Mgnal coips men
with their blue arm bands, i en who hnd
kept the vviies open up to the fnithcst
out "PC" and eicn to outposts uueler
scathing shell lire
T'niiiey Ied Ammunition 'I rain
Colonel M. V,. Finnej leel the men
of the ammunition train, the bovs whn
had to feed the guns when there was
no wav to get there, but got there any
how, nn outfit whose casualties were
nbovo the average beiause theiis was
dailv, nightly chance with "hell at the
c rossroaejs." Thr medical eoips, with
Lieutenant Colonel William K. Kellei
nt their head, bovs wliobe "shell proof"
jobs were turned into risks to save the
woundeij, lads who braved anvthing to
get thr battered buddies back to the
hospital, came along.
And then there were the "M P.'s."
the lads who stood at crossroads in the
hell of a strafing and kept things mov
ing, the lads who stood and were gassed
under orders that others might escupc
the "mustard." the M. P.'s of the line
division who really did help "win the
Wounded Came Last
'Ihe way the crowd had cheered it
seemed they must be running out. And
then came the wounded. And they were
laughing, boys whose arms arc gone,
whose legR were taken at Courinont,
cheering, gaj, happy, filling trucks nnd
Some of them rode the ninety foot
observation tower once used by the
Crown Priner in Montfoucon church
tower, a trophy of the Argonne,
Loaded down with cigarettes and
ihocolntcs, the gifts of the crowd,
these lads rolled by in limousines und
trucks, wearers of the Kejaloue red
with their sacrifice. Hundreds of them
there were, the bos who have spent nil
these siiven months since peace came
in hospitals in Fraucc and here, wear
ers of the Crolr Do Guerre In many
These boys need not be silent, as
were their buddies marolus at attention
up front. They could dicer back at
Clin ..A...I nn.l ..n.n .lnnH n.l .. .
.... ....,. u., .,..,..- i,u1t u,,.i 8im uieii nv loiouel Ailolpn It. ilnrtimg,
then pioml owft in the stands. Itxvas.who alone among them woie the armj
eight miles of ovation of this living ex- '(), I) "
mint of the Twentv eighth h 10,000
insualties Anil theli best friends were
just behind them, the muses, in theli
blue, with flic pi and gold stripes of
women's overseas service cm their aims.
Heir nnd tbeic were nurses with tin ee
of thee stupes, girls who went over
I befoic I'ei slung with Hasp 10, unci some
lotheis weiiitig pioudlv the insignia of
Iseivlci on the Ilutish front. Others
I lepicspnteil I'.nsr :. thp Jcffeison
nuisps. nnd Ilap 'JO, the Lnivcisity of
'I hev weir followed hv the officers
and men of Itnse 10 headed bv Colonel
Hart, who took the unit to 1'iauc.e in
.Iime. Wl .
Those men nic
all now disc hoi ged
'",M1 "erviees ns me
the men of Ilasc
ti whiih followed
'Ihese uults 1 lose d the pniuilr. win Ii
Ind taken an bom and fortj minutes
to piss the icvicwing stand.
79th Starts Home
to Arrive May 25th
Continue;.! f icm Pave One
and a detachmentof six ofhceis of the''""' p"' ll,pT Knew ,t. in violation of
llfltli Machine Gun Ilaltalion of the
Kevenlj ninth Division, silled fiom ht
Viitite on the j,amc dav on the tians
pnitTtgei. The.v aie due at New York
Mav 20
On the Virginian are :il2th Field I
Aitilleiv. field and stafl, s,ntai.v tuitl '
oulnnnec' detnehments, ' sppl, ' and ,
... .. .
headeiuaiteis eompiiuies. Itntlcries A.
Tl C. I), I!, and F. fourteen officers and
14 51 men; and the .".12th Mac hine-flun
I liatlulion. licadnuaitris companj. san-
ilatv anil oiilnnnir tlelniliinents, Com
panies A, P.. C nnd I) nine othects nnd
.V)t men.
' '"- "Ih""1' 1WII 'Ml till' I )(ri rr
;.,()Ul r,P,,i Aitilleiv. field and staff,
hrailqiinileri and siipplv ic.nipnnies,
1 he organi itions on the I ign are
saiiitaiv and oidnnnce detachments.
clciin,ii Compunies ,". and 1. and
lintteiics A. 15. '. 1"). 13, and F, toitj
ninr oflueis and F'.l I men
'1 he Scvcnt.v -ninth Division was
oigunicd mi August 'Si, 1017, and
trained at Camp Meade Most of the
oflieeis wcie Pcnnsjlvauians wlicn the
division went to" France.
'Ihe grcatci pirt of the men of the
:512th Field Aitillcrv. :112th Mnehinc
(inn P.attalion and "10th Field Attil
leij. nre nuclei cutlers to pioloed to
Camp Di aftii ilisenibniking
Former German Liner on First Trip
Under Stars and Stripes
Ilrest, Kiance, Mav 15 (Hy A. P.)
The liner Iniprtatoi. which was turned
over to the I'nitcd States by Oermany
under the aimisticc agreement, sailed
at 10 o'clock this morning for America.
On board were 1100 hrst-elnss pas
scugcrs, 2200 second class, including
the Jl.'lth Infantry, the Seventeenth In
fantry Ilrtgade Headquarters, Evacua
tion Ambulance Conipnuv Xo. 11, nnd
010 women, nurses, V. M. C. A. work
ers and .soldiers' btitles. This is the
fiist overseas jouiuej for the Impera
tor under the American flag.
The Leviathan will sail this evening
with 12,000 tioops Among the pas
sengers will be Ileni.v P. Davison,
cliairmun of the Reel Cross War Coun
cil, The transports Agamenon and
America also sail today .
What That Man Did
at Sixth and Chestnut
Probably J"ou saw him.
As each detail in the patade came
along he stepped out and gave hur
ried Instructions as follows:
"Eyes right, in passing the Lib
cr'y Hell."
That man wns Sergeant James R.
Kissel car leputation has
won on merit not on mere ex
ploitation. See Pliolooraph In fiunetai'a Ltdacr
Pictorial S re Hon.
V, CIRKK UUIKD, 30 ', Ilftacl
When General Mtiir nnd his staff,
leading the gallant unit that is nhout
to pass into history ns such, leached
the intersection of Broad nilil Diamond
streets, the crowds that had gathered
thicker nnd thicker in the ttp-town dis
tricts seemed to surge llke.n tide to
ward t,hc spot nppointcd foi the last
i If there is nnv significant o in nu
merical figures, perhnps the fait Hint
it wns 11:11 o'clock. .1111 time, might
.somehow be ireardrcl ns llnknl will.
, thp day thr ni mistier went Into effect,
11 :11, of (he jenr 1D1S A. I).
Or course the clock nt thr coinei
registered 12:11 ns the grizzled general
swung out of the column on "Min
strcl." the splendid mount loaned him
for the chv , but the rent time was sig.
uificnnt, just the same.
I Hj his side nnd n little behind him
i perhnps bnlf a length,, Lieutenant Col
onel David ,T. Davis, division adjutant.
swung out in unison on Mnvoi Smith's
'mount, nnd It was but a minute or
two until the entire stnft of the Krj
,stone Division wns lined up m row Din
inond street nt the cast side, then eves
for the fust time turned soittfivvnul to
,wnril the approaching Ilrndnuuttrts
Old Guard Gives Salute
Ten minutes before, ns woiel of the
pelade's appionth hnd been Unshed to
them from Fleetricnl Bureau lookout
station Xo. 1J, the Old Guard, Second
Regimeut. left its armory, headed bj
Major John I. Hughes and, nicompa-
... .-. ..
When the divisional staff was at at
tention for icvievv salutes wcie ex
changeel. ami the Old Gunid marched
back to points of vantage along Iiroad
street near the arinoij. the medals of
manj n campaign on their uniforms
jingling in unison.
Cheers for Offkcrs and .Men
It was when the staff lined up and
the sleek, intelligent horses stood
champing and pawing as Hendouaiteis
Hand came along thnt the deiiselv
pocked thousands settled to sec what
thej bad waited for so long. First
came their cheers for the olhccis, manv
of them gray, but soon all c.ves weie
foe ussed on the tank and file, the men
who "did the business" after nil
Geneial Muir and Lieutenant Colonel
Dai is were stationed H few piees m
front ol the lest, and thev lcspotidcd to
salute after salute as the Fiftv -fifth
Hrlcnde gave wav to thr Fiftv -third
Aitillrrv, and so on elow n the line. , nnd icve ucel hci She piomptlv fnnited.
'I lie 110th Regiment bad their fiist lull and a man whn escaped from the loonii
at this point, and to the men it seemed wns arrested l.itei nt nnotbei hotel,
welcome. wheir he was found dunking beer fiontl
Ordeicd to jest, the.v lclnxeil the'n bottle nnd molested ncrninsl 1..I...-I
ugidity of their vhtecu-wide foimation.
ordeis and their chief's public appeal, i
el,A, tine snnlchltiir Hi ollltllres.
bananas and othei edibles thiown at
them ltndci bs ver.v eyes
n "Tons" Harmless .Now UK' "'"' '""' " '""' "ompnnion. who
. ' ,u i '"H"1 I'lmself ".I. Fi.kel," in Plnla
N,,u "". gain son.r mnn in the ini.ks ,)pl,,hln. while she was seeking a place
oiIl "kid another as thrv rested )iilo sro 1no putnil(, nf thp Tf1 CIB,,
r" lh" mmt l,nrl ,h(' so,,ll';,f! l'"' lllt,p Division. He I
attention to the tnong It was "eves,., ....nninniii
"" ... r. i- - u,. .! n,r . , , "uo "P"'"
right" foi Ihrm ns llir.v passed the
staff, and when that was ovei, and
the.v waited to move on. thej eie
thinking of othei things thmi gloi.
A sergeant in one of the scpinels who
was tho riglit guttle foi ins Inie foiiud
time to twit his "top-kukei ' on his
cadence "Wheie's the llir. old head .'"
he voliintecreil fioln the toinci nf an
otheiwisr stnctlv disciplined nulituiv
'1 hr (op grinned baek. though hi kept1
his nose pointeel noi tii pei force, he '
ing in chaige of the little army mnttei
known ns discipline for thnt particular
"Aw. well. ' smd the man nt light
guide, "I can't get a i ir out of him.
lie's onlj got twentv -four bouts more
to stmt nnv thing 'I hose little old dis
e barges aic ail tinted up. May 10, so
the top's harmless."
Fiom stnrt to finish of then niaith,
nothing happened within the lanks of
the division tn tntciiupt the well oi -dcrfd
movement northward. Sow and
then some temporal j congestion up
ahead called foi a haet. as the infnntrv
men gave plate to the artillery in the
line of vision, and now and then n doc
tor or a nurse oi a poliiemen, oi all,
darted ovei tu the cuib to help care
foi some one m the crowd who had
fainted. ,
Hut bv and large, ns fienerni Mull
said after H was nil ovei, "it was a
good p n ado and it was our last re
view." Troops Bach From War
and Homeward Bound
rialtubura at New York from Ilrest.
May T, with W armv personnel
Floridlan,' at New York, from SI ?.
salre May IS IMS mn
Hudson, a I New York from Bordeaux,
nrll 'J. with n1- men
'-I.'-'. "i- .... v-, .
t.spaa.." ui ,.c,v lm, iron, jiavre, aiay
1 with 3t7 army personnel
Toloa, at Roston with 112B officers and
men Including l-lt Machine Gun Battalion
Baltimore and Return
War Tax 18o Additional
Washington and Return
Wr Tx 32o Additional
Special Train Ideate.
Stli and Cht.tnut St..
Station 8100 a. in.
The "boys in blue" iheered the
"Iiojk In khnki'' ns they swung nrotind
the not th side of City Hall in the
On the south end of the plaza JKO
veterans of the (!. A. It. were seated.
The inspiring patriotic music, the
sternly tiatnp of feet and the endless
columns of guns nrottsed the whlte
halted bovti of the nruiy of the Xortb
to the highest enthusiasm.
Memories of the stitring clnvs of '01
to '( Avcre icvlved when the wnnlois
r th, levstone stntc marched bv. No
one riireieel moie lustllj or more fie
epientlj than the vetcians, who took n
new lense of life.
"I feel ten venrs voitnger," said one
old soldier as he watched General Mulr
i ide bv.
"You'te not as young ns I nm," said
another us he watched, with leni
dimmed eves, n line of heioes vMio were
up nt the front of the fight nt Chatenii
Thieirj. And to show Hint thr bovs of '(".1 hnd
not been fengnttcn thr hundred who snt
iienibv frcepientlv losp nnd iheeud the
old "vets" aftei thev hnel finished
i herring thr "llovs of WIS"
'I he grilled (ighteis of the past
ncleled n dramntii' touch fiequentlv dm
ing the mnreli of the Ironmen "fhsfs
Imv bov I" shouted one old soldier as he
potmen to n sturdv soldiei matching bv.
The olel man rose nnd the people
cheeied. The leteran wntthed the de
railing Ynuk until he was swallowed
JP in the mnc of marching men.
A score of vetcians v.vntche.1 the
pageant fiom eomfoitnble epinrteis of
the City Club. .'I1.S South Hroad stieet.
wine h ciuiililv icsponded on hearing
theie was a smicitv of seals, for the
venerable fighters Here the men were
entertained nt luncheon and the mem
heis of the Jul. lit them sec that then
deeds in the Civil Wni were st.ll ic
mcmbcreel. Scveinl icsideiits along Itrond stieet
also made loom for some of the G A.
H. men nnd made them feel at home
tu cvei.v mii j possible.
Found Clinging to Hotel Window In
Reading After an Auto Ride
Reading. Pa.. Mnj in. "I lie cries of
a voung woman elingitig to an uppet
window nf n hold on Penn street nt
liae'tcd the attention of the polite list
night at midnight. A eletettivc btokc
tn the door of the woman's npaitmeut
made a pnsnnei, saving he "didn't
want In
be ilistui bed
The girl was taken to the Ilomeo
t.t 1 1. ., Un.mhil ..!.. . i.A .....
name of Mrs lidvun Rcnedii t. seven
leen veils old, of Philadelphia, and
hail indue eel hci . she said.
Ilim nil nil ... ilnn.nl. .1.,
,!,,. nll( nglllnst ))0I pitt lll(i
.brought hci to this c itv Here she .aid.
tIP nmn hnd icgiMteieil her at thr hotel
as "Mt , Fiektl"
when aiiaigned al polue licadiiunr
l(,s he gave the name or M. J. Cunanc,
(,f Philniieljiliin.
Train Service
x Atlantic City
Resinning baluidav. Mav 17 add!
tional steam trains will leave Market
Mieet Wliurf Philadelphia at too
p M nnd 4 utl 1 M Haturdaja only,
ihe 4 OH P M train will operate
weelc-dasa beginning Junu 10
lleclnnlnit Suudav Mav Is addl
llunal aleam trnln will leave Atlantic
l lt 0 tr ,,'', M Siundasa nnlv- for
North Phlladeliilil; W eat JMiilttdHl
plila nnd llr.Md Hlreet Hlallon Phlla
rielplila via the Uclanin Ulvgr
lteginnincr Mondav Ma ID addi
tional Monday tnui iihnx nnlv train will
leave Atlantic city nt 7 no A M fur
Market btreot Wharf Philadelphia
twill eipeuts week Uaya beginning
June 10 )
lleglnnlng Saturdav May 17 addl
tlnnal Saturdav onlv eledrlL train
will leave Market Street Wharf at
. Oil I' M Additional Hundav only
electric .trains will leave Market
Hlreet Wharf M flu A M for Atlantlo
t lt and leave Atlantic city 8 00 P.
M for Market Street Wharf.
Wildwood, Ocean City, Stone Htrbor
biJ Cipe May
tleglnnlnz Haturday May 17 addi
tional Saturday onls train will leova
Market (street Wharf Philadelphia
at J.JS P M for the ild.wood
llranch connecting for Ocean Citv
btone Harbor and Cape Mav.
Consult new time tables for other
thunces "'
11 &
C n
' I
Puffalo Com pteirxe Co , i
nurtalo. N. 1.
"Turner for Gmcrctft
Construction costs are
relatively lower than,
commodity prices.
Builtl now and be ready ''(
for the increased business)
which is just ahead. '
Construction Co i
1713 Snnsom Ft.
28th W
Pack up your troubles
i Legal Medical Any Kind
j in your old kit bag and
I bring them to us.
1 We're here to straight-
en them out.
MacLaughlln Indorsed for Mayor j
Dnector of Supplies Joseph S. Mac
I.nughlln, was indorsed as a candidate J
foi niajoi nt the coming majoroltyj
election, nt n meeting of the Columbia J
Avenue llusiness Men's Association, ial
their hendipiartcis, Jal'o Columbia ave
nue, last night.
KI.HKIir Mav 13. at his residence 41 J
West End ave New York cltl, of pneumo
nia, WILLIAM MCHOI.SOV. soit of tha
Inle Tan"l Hnildard nnd William Tllghman
Elbert, of Philadelphia I'a
BOYD - M his residence IS V I.lnden
wood et May IS. CHAPLbS C I50TD.
Notice of funeral later
Prrilb Mav 14 II Sl'E M daugh
ter of Samuel Clark and Hetty Oraham
Patrhen f-ervices will be held Krl , 3 p. ill..
37in IxkukI at !nt at Clearfield, rn.
BnOHN Mav 1.' at Atlantic CUri
M Mll.AlU T .MUIR I1UOW V wife of T. Wla
inr llrovn aaed r.J Funeral aervlcea.
I bur. . 1 p ni . at her husband a residences.
Pinvnett s .1 Inl nrunle
HliNVI-.TT Mav 14 at Mlanllc Clty.-I
l)r vvii.i.iam 11, tibAut i. runerae
Mcrvlres al the Children a seashore House
sat tl a m Int. ft Thomirs a Cem ,
VV hltennirh about 1 r m .
A! C K Sudilenl Maj II nhelnhold F.
AI'CK nt Sim S stlij.1 , Philadelphia. ra
Hue.) 117 rtclallven and friends Invited to
funeral snt , at 10 a m . from parlors of
VV J iMiirtlpp 1109 s loth rt Krlenda may
view remains rrl 7 to 10 p m Int Ml.
Auburn cem . Cambridge. Mass Kindly omt
CHt.MOItE -Mav n at Philadelphia,
WIII.INM J and Kl.t.A M ClIUlOtlK hiia
hanel ami wife Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral services Sat, U 10 f. mi,
nt Jl 1 West 'Jlli si , Wilmington, Del Inl.
Q 1 1 ( arlirr.nl. Ikiii 1
MIMSTItOSO Ma "i al WllmlnglnnV
aged I1 Relatives and mends Invited to
services at live residence of hla daughter,,
Mrs Wlllai.l Hall Iorter ni Delaware
MVe llml.iali.il Sat May 17, 2 10 p m.
Inl prlvste til VVilirlnctt.il and Rrandywjns
C em
URAiin:rti ijpnnii:NrKD ov orrmaH
nhfn RRAin( HiaiiKST wacbm
lil nib It n 1 IMV Oil PIFfK WORK.
H4KMI on breTd bench linn dp on mtf
and douiih mixer Rood sces Mallei.
Dili and Mm Carndfii ......
ROY wanted Ifi seari old for eeneral nf
tire work must bo bright wiltlnr In1
dufatrloua, ucrminpnt. opportunity for h4
boy who uro ifi himself orlh. Apply
looni s .tin r&nsunk ae , Monday after-
tinnn Aia 1 u
I.I.KC rniriAN-Onnd oltpt rlclan wanted
for lnali) Nndoultiidc wiring 13 lfan"'r
ni:si:RN mavaokfi
foriwrition havliicr plant ronslatlnc ton'
eripp diMi iounor. gray iron lounary,
machine pattern forc bIiops cleaning: ,
fiartment. eti nou rncagtd on medium td
leiy snerlallzed Jobbing work desires t
engaee a general manager tn aastime cam-
pi pie cnarge enure property inciuaing flaies;
Asslatanre on technical production will ba
glen when desired, by president of com
non u hr will rpirmln ill nlnnt. nlant run
trolled bv northern Interests: desire to add
manufacturlne sncclalt tn balance prod u ft
tlon, prrsent butlneen ample. proiert goodi
now working 100 men tan emplo 15n with
out extension present business largely ex-.
port location rum n western irgmia opien
did climate, good town. 8000. position re
rtulrrs high abilltj and aRgressKeness with
spfilt-ncf along similar lines, a capable or-
ganizer fimillar with modern management
and production methods, ample salary will
be pMd to secure a high grade man who haa
previous produced results Address with
full Information M Jn, ledger Office.
......- . 1 ai
PUNCHER experienced wanted, for lar
riirlnln wnrk. Rfnson nrexs ADD1V FAtnkH
ogu ManufacturlnK Company. Patrbogufil
I I fifl"
IiOONKCVPCR Tounr man. St. deslrea V9k
altion Hharton School graduate, 4 yearsf
exp , exrciient rers r .'., imager unict.
At PhllwdelphU
BJHT, 8, AV( Large front room4next t
bath, for 1' Kcntlemen opposite Black Oak
Park Uoodland 1H3J.M
f liy
(Kits WOOD RT Small central lnvestrotnt-J
irtreasing in aiue iJ
MYERS X. WR1H Ridge ae and 10th
300 ROUSKy for sale. 1100 down; balance,!
I same as rent Utt on request
ir.inrwi, ii ,iit-i,iiui.
tent, nun r.emr1'.7rvc. n .hv ...
nnd frame. II rooms larie pArches'i abocati
1 aere arrourcl. fiarace: beaultful lawn 1A
mtn from Jlrcael 8t. Station. A rnln walXi
from station c. J Mitchell. 810 Lincoln ruilj
it UMl.lS. ..... .UUI.I..IUI muuui aural
erourd, garage, fl min from slntloniall cnn
venlencea -'. J Mitchell. 810 Lincoln Bldjafj
NAIinKRTH IIK3IDBNCK. 3 story, atenai
and frame IS rooms large porches, lot,
rtlxJSO fine ahade. t.t min (rem Hroad 81, i
hlallon n min, walk from Narberth station:,
only 113 000 C, J Mitchell 810 Llncpl3f
n.ill.ll.ir v1-
ihaii: tut RKvr
ItAROU t.err. 1IUK4 reel, a.'e: Qermantowaj
ave . ulth icry large lot In rear, contain:
Ing 10 000 square ft aultabla for florist, ofj
Junl neaier uwn.r a... mnor roaq
ni.iliA'TRRtl alatf rooflnr Aonm at
square foot, aenet poetKl, Phone Olek, 47.1
t I'lpeou m n i-cn sc
PII1I.A HfAMP evO g b I.7TII BT "
liLOTHINU Mlnt and discarded
nil kinds, bought! need goods; p .1
zig;: "ttrssswr sgra
- " J B F
? x
?"Tr u fn- J7J-W