Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 13, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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mnrlnsi Facing Unbounded
, , jhm.w.iw" 1,
pfj Prosperity, Spoaker-to-Be, in
;fr Artrimcc Hftro. Declares
At . .
ifvl "Tberr i openlnj: before America a
SffiVJf-'.lieelnil nf tinhmtnileil nrOSIierlt.V. Tlie
sL shclvel of the world ntr empty nml Ibis
K -' la Iho nnn tintinn nf tile VYnrlll ill n
I'i y ..--n: flit iU. thlir If nar-
I'laiuuil IV "II UIW'l -..... . -- . ---
tlsansbip t an bo fnrROttcn and we arc
wlllliir to tin our hnrc. an era exceetl-
S"v f"C " other in prosperity i ready for
.by its lack ot Initiative llepublk-nns
Med with Democrats In henplnB power
aud money upon the Executive bejoutl
, nu. thltip rvri dreamed of. Only one
measure nn not granted anil tnnt van
Secretary linker's lcqucst for n lump
mim of $,1,000,000,000 Concrrss felt
that monej sbotild not be banded out in
lump sum1'.
"I nm inclined to think that when
the SlOO.nOO.OOO fund siven to the
President is repotted upon the opinion
ot Congress that money should not bo
appropriated in lump sums will be eon
firmed. Congress has been nnlj nn
echo ot what the administration
"It i time now that t'oncrc-s should
lesunte Its function and mtnirnin in the
constitutional manner We may Imve
to wait until the treatj of pence is
ratified, for the ndimnistmtiiin lines in
its war powers. An example is that
giveu by the pnstmnster ceneinl. who
took over the telcjtiaph and table lines
nfter the war whs mei
Hurlesnn Is Itnppetl
As to Air Ilurleson, he gave linn the
quires lone study to handle the, problem.
lul at least the people ntc co din
Rusted with government ownership of
toilroads nnd telegrapn Hues that It will
be half n century Mforc that propa
ganda can be nihanced ngnln."
Ho f.nld the mallwr ot first import
nnec is the pnnsagc of the six big ap
propriation bills which died with the
last Congress. "We must study and
pass them in less than ek weeks. I am
hoping, too," he went on. "that vvllti-
bulldinR flip canals of France. The boys
who conic home tell me they pav for
everytlilng they get in France There
Is one price for the dtugtibnv nnd nn
other for the Fienchman. I know we
paid for some trenches we occupied.
Need Help at Homo
"Hoover, the almoner of the earth at
our expense, Is now huv feeding the
world. Out l'resldent tells evrr.vbod.v
tltnf , n nfA iinilt In nt!1 filll Init lilnnrl
in inr ucxi year n pioper investigation I nml spend our last dollar for bumnnity
or tln wny these great sums ot inonev ,inj where. '
were spent will ,c made. j :. Uon.( objp(, ,0 MuR ,,hlantliro-
Moorp, IjiihIs Aviator pint to the world, but while the rest of
C'ongiesstnnn .Moore stnrted his nil-' tlm world is quite busy Retting Into tor
dress h boosting n I'lillnilelnliiiileigu trade itgain we lire doing nothing
here but drift.
"I nm willing to be charitable, but
when 1 see these nations Hbioad who
our business " credit of being the single member of the
Speaker elect Frederick II Oillett. oabuiei who is not tegisterrd in Fans
of Massachusetts, made this statement pr 0me othei plate thnt is not Wash
In" nn address at the Manufacturer-' instmii Uurleson stns on the job,
Club here last night. bungling nvtn.v " he leuuirkctl
Tic outlined plans of the new Rrpub- He eprtsrtl u belief that Ameiicn
lienn majority, and declared: '.mod at a point of Mintage befme the
"I approach this session with timidif. world that it totild Inn c had what It
and apprehension I hope to be able wanted in the lengue of tuitions t me
to co opernte with the Kxcmtive I nant nboul tin Monroe Hottnue iftheie
.i,-ii .i oil T ,.o i,. thnt tlm liii? hitsi lind been nm ffftnl I" gel il.
ness problems of this rotintn inn be '-While Itah got the Ticntino. Finnic , onh undci pressuie fnim the longics
proiliut. Captain .latk Schwab, the
riillntlelphlit "nee," who downed ten
ooches nliines in Frnme. Mr Mnnre
brought the innnufat tin eis to tlieir feet biive- been tnking our bountv. seeing
with applause for the itvintor. these nntions seizing colonies for them
"Vet thnt hov. in all his iitniles i selves in the humniiltarinti tovcniiiil s()
hail to depentl on Hie niiplanes of other thnt they aie now In n position In tie
nations, while we spent MilO.tMIO.Otlt). ninnil that out sons patrol their coasts
without producing a lighting plane. "' ,'"'lr ,uirs mrr "1,,ro v,ll,f' "r mr
was Mi Mooie's toniment met eh given the chance to keep on
He "spoke his mind" about things! spending our inonev cm the wotld in
in Congress during the war. a thing im .Reneinl, I think it time to stop,
possible befoie. he snid, because nnv "Taxes are onerous and will contimie
one who inlled n spatlc n spiitle ws In be oneitms for a long time. It is lime
nn used b unnecessnr.v officials nnd to dike an mint of stock. As soon as
home patnnts of being n pio (Jerman we nm tlciciitlv do so, we should send
lie expressed doubt whether the Vic vw'id to the I'lcsnlent to tome liomc nnd
tore Loan of M ."00,000,0(10 would be attend to business heie.
sufficient to meet the demands of the "All other nations ate proteiting
ndministintinn. and sniil thai Sciiilnii neinseles, n'nd I insist thai we should
(ilnss hii first demanded M0 000,000
000 nml gmi in 1o the lesser amount ,
piolect oursehes. Wo should hnc the
tariff barriers high, for n soon ns this
technical war is ended the low tariff
schedule is effective ngalu, nnd we'll
have people begging for luend and
President-Elect to Visit Italian King
and Pope
Koine. .May 1.1. (Hy A. 1' ) Hr.
Fpitncio I'esson, president elect of
Iirnsiil. Is expected to arrive here Thurs
tlnv. He will be the guest of King
ilifor Fmnianiiel nttlie Qtirinal nnd
will nlso visit 1'ope Ilenetllct, going first
to the Itranilinn embassy nm edited to
the Vnlicnn
The I'rnillnn ambassador to the Hol
See, wising to celebrate the recent ele
vntion of the liinillnu legation to the
i auk of n n einbussj , gnve n dinner nnd
reception hist night which was attended
b mn in inidinals, im lulling Cardinal
Caspani. p.ipal secictniy ot slate.
Sbuth Bond Man Smashes Bol
shevistic Picture Over Head
of Red Speaker
South iicnd, Intl., Mny 1.1.--(Hy A.
IM Maurice Vcnnet, member of the
city Council here, broke up n meeting of
"Itadlcnts" in Washington Hnll, this
city, last night when he tore down n
picture ot n tablet bearing n number
of names nnd the Inscription "These
Men Died for the Fatherland, Killed by
I 'nlted Stntes llullets." Councilman
Vcnnet had gone to the rndlcar meeting
fiont n session ot the city Council. The
speaker of the evening wns talking when
he eutcieel. The councilman tore the
frame from where It hung nnd swung
It over the hend of the speaker, tearing
out the picture. He thfn grabbed the
torn canvas aud threw It into tlfc speak
er's face.
Kxtltemenl pievnllcd for several sec
onds, hut n platoon ofvpollce entered
the hall nnd rcstoied order. While the
crowd wns leaving the building, As
sistant Chief ot Police William Cassldy
tore red neckties nnd red nrm bands
fiom tlieir wearers. No arrests were
She Slngi and Says "Au devoir but
Not Goodby"
Met. Mny 1.1. Miss Margaret WIN
ion. daughter of the President, bade
good-bye to Metr. Sunday night nt n
soldiers' concert nt which she sang,
General tie Mnudhiiy nnd M. Prcsvel,
the mayor ot Met, were present. Oa
tnklug leave, Miss Wilson said I :
"Wr now belong to one big family
the lengue of nations. T will not say
cnod-hv to von hut an revoir."
Rtltled fa.rlv 1 nm not sine that this I Alat e-l.on nine anil i.tiginnn nn nn-
CO-operation wilt be possible 't ninnies, we 'rrm to have gotten onlv
., , .,. influeii7i and tvtolnbition ' he te
. Aim of Iteptibltrans i,
Full investtgtninn of war expend! .,.,.,
fines, a budget system, end of Wilson s I'ea.e lei ins S.ll lsf.it lot
ontrol of Congress, lugh tin iff nudl " I"1io tetms of p.ne. though seem
limitntion of government lestmtion nf'pretlv sntisftn tm v We want !ei
hliainnco 'I'linvo frntlllrs nie ill tlie lliam 1-0 liowelles-, ,n lllei llglllll to
progrnm of the new Cougiess whnh I institute
nnoils neTt week, the new sneaker said , it will be
Hotli he and Congressman J. Hninp- bitious nation that wants to go to war.
ton Moore, in their addresses, ihnrged 1 rnther think the trentv of penie will
waste and ineffiucnev in the expenthtiiiel 'nuvinie miv sin h nation that theie is
of war funds nnd nromiseil full details ill 'hercafdr to wni
innnl lommittec
He objeclecl tn the mounting loans to
other lountries nnd expressed ninne
men! I hut this inuntiv lins no othei
secuntv for these loins except the
piomism note of the nmbnss.idois nt
the i mint lies nt Washington
suggests t lint we should
Don't Suffer
. 'il "'"".D TVTC AtkYour
wunv-riiiij Dru
fl ,'ij;,.', ;i ; fcl , ! 1 1 . y jTi 1 1 ' ,, jj , ' '.'.i hvu
s.nini one
a wai nnd' so punish..! Ih.it ""-el nm d-bts tn Fiance to pav I,.
- n 1-soii in .111 other nm .favetle heiemniked I nm inclined
in the coming Congress.
The two congressmen told of the
Rient war expenditmcs from their ex
periences on the big money committees
of the house Mr fiillett has been, for
twent.v jenis, on the npprnpi ijlinn
committee nnd Congressmnn Atonic is
n member of the wavs and means com
the money
in their
nnd his trip to Paris
Mr. Oillcll explained that Air w it
son iissiited the people of Aniei n a that
his iiresem e lit Hie Pence Cnnfeiinie
wns lmlispt nsnhle liv his srlci tinn of
Ins nssot lilies to lepiesetit the Lniteil
He s.iid Piesnlent Wilson had m'lde
mistake nnd biought on the con
He will sell jou A. F. Tierce's Corn
riattrs with a r.ome. money bacl. guar
a Use If you re not satisfied vf ith the results.
Durlnpr 16 veara hundreds of thousinds
eu I ri.n'i- ctn,rimpni iih harsh liauins.
to think thnt we have alreadj paid I.a I which may burn the lin and foil and in-
e ... .i 1.. .i,r. ,1.. clnrtfinir Ilon't tie thick. DUlK-
'""" " ' "' , ,, , ng plasters which arc T difficult to wear
"Our soldier bovs who want to get uder the .locking
home aie put to work building up thei Tierce's Corn Tlasters fit snuEly
r...its of Finite while foi v e.n s we and close onto the toe. jae pain win flop
ro.llls Ol r 1.1111 i Mini' n .us ni . ,,,,... and the rom mil ills-
have been lis mg I
loads in Peiinsjlvnnin
"W'e tan t get i minis built along the
Atlantic coast, .vet Amencans arc ic
,i ,i almost immeoiateiy ana tnc corn wm nn
11 vniu tn gel decent "" .c f,w our, For 21e tou can
huv enough for S treatment: for I Ot. 3011
can bur 3 treatments Ily mail direct if
you rrefer the W'inlhrop Sales Tompany,
116 West JJnd St. New A'orL- City.
"always fresh
Packed in Air-tight Light-proof Cans
Serve It With All Your Salads
Sold Everywhere
SsiC&SSCSvp ,'flh"t Qtttt,ily Cottnts
Here's the Htvt for the
"Regular Fellow"
Quality, Style, 'Neverything - f
Then, loo. d. ah
"In a class alone." Better than p
and quality at my price.
the cheap ones and lower price for
the better'ones. 5th Avenue styles
Only Here w-v 4 N. 13th St.
which devises wn,s of getting Hovers nboi.t the ,un.e tieatj Iv not
ic.v. Itoth were far from tender o..sult.ng the .onutiv on what lie
allusions to President Wilson P'noed before going to Inns.
Another mistnke he said, was in not
"messed is the peacemaker, foi hei tailing Congress into session in Maich
shall fce Paris." was one of Sueakei
clect Gillett's icmarks
AVnfleftil and haphanid. thoughtless
expenditure of grent sums. Mi (iillett
declared, must cease with the end of
the war. He advocated n budget sys
tem as n waj of reforming the hap
hazard System existing
Indorses Ktitlget Sjstein
"1 nm ghtd to pee that youi senior
senntor has been openlv ndiocnting tins
grcnt reform." he said. "It must
come. It will be difficult to get. but
more must tie inc same program lor tnc
,House nnd Penate. I nm glntj you busi-
!. .Anl.VA ,uA :. -r
4; 2. 1 I 111111 lllir l lu.ll.i.- ill." lill-ll-l. Lilllll' Ul
.'ftiVWYliiH leform. for unless theie is nressuie
.&-4.rf f-nn tlio niiVilip it ill he lllffiflllt- In
?r1t overcome objections.
H.'f p' '"Die last Congiess was distinguished ibv government ownership that it ic
His presence was not iieiessurv
he s.uil "He w.is awaj all last wintei I
while Congress was in session. And j
this is n Itepublicnn Congress, whnh,
probnblv require1! bis prrseiuc less loj
guide it. I
Our ptogiam is taggeiing." he ton I
tinuetl. "When v ill i misiiler the tie
mendiuis business tli.it is dependent on
our action it is breath talcing.
"I hope ihat Congiess will sf, ,n t
that the henvj hand of government ic
striction will be taken from business
and private biisimsi will agniii lie left
tc its own initiative. Till then wei
tannot expect n business icvival.
Reviews Kailro-ttl Piohlein
"We have the lailioad pioblem be
foic us. Itaihoads nie so tlemoialieil
Packard First Cost and Final Economy
Judged by the number of years you taill use the Packard, as
against the life of another car a Packard costs less than an
ordinary automobile. The total cost includes not only the
' original cost, but supplies, repairs and' upkeep against which
you can credit the assured high used-value of a Packard Car.
-! far
iifiis-m' hi " a; , ,
t I
l- 1
m Dp
Ut7i Bui
Never gets on your nerves
it .
and smoke
it too
Ask. for Giravd at
tftc -next cigar counter
2 for 25e
wa v :l;. -ytat 7-
WW wm
gsP Oir.elar" VlMEm
W i-
s -i
& ., ,
, ,. .,
Commander Evangeline Booth
Of the Salvation Army of the U. S. A.
Will Speak TONIGHT
at the Metropolitan Opera House
Broad and Poplar Streets
At 8 o'Clock
"The Secret of the Success
of the Salvation Army"
Admusion Free. No Collection.
Concert by Marine Band
Colonel Richard E. Holz,
Provincial Officer, Salvation
. Army, presiding. Judge John
M, Patterson, Chairman of
? Salvation Army Home Service
j. Fund Committee for Philadel-
ligtfphia, chairman.
'J' Doora open at 7:15 o'clock.
neAvspaper offices and at 1430
0 South Penn Square.
No tickets Avill be required
ffjttVlriilcony admission after
riMJ( 'y fur
1NE automobiles were long made and
sold as luxuries.
Some men cannot yet grasp the idea
of economy and sheer utility-value
beyond a certain fixed first cost.
Their motoring ideals are limited. Their car
imagination stops about half way.
These men have not kept pace with engineer
ing development as represented by the Packard
Twin Six.
Leaving aside the factors of elegance, beauty,
speed, riding comfort, they would not understand
how the Packard, for example, would be worth
a two-fisted man's money, even if he took care of
it himself and, let us say, drove it in his shirt sleeves.
On the highroad, or in city traffic, it is the
easiest car in the world to handle; the best car for
either man or woman to drive; the most respons
ive, accurate and safe.
The Packard has a much longer natural life
than other cars.
It costs less to maintain than compromise-cars
at one-half to two-thirds its price. It does not
need the constant care of a mechanician.
Every part is accessible.
Adjustments are so simple, the whole mechan
ical lay-out so clean-cut, that any man or woman
who has been about cars at all and knows enough
to handle a wrench can keep it running sweet
and strong as the day it was delivered.
The Packard does everything easily, without
racking vibration, without effort, without strain.
There is nothing inaccessible, awkward'.or ama
teurish about it.
It is a developed car; professional through and
through. AU the power you can use, but never
any wasted.
Any man could see the advantage of all this in
relation, say, to the power equipment of His factory
Why should he ihink he can compromise success
fully in his motor-car investment?
There is a new science of transportation that
of motorvehicle performance, maintenance and
cost. It has to do with your car and its duty,
however limited its use.
The Packard people are transportation experts;
they have more to tell you on this subject than
any other organization in the w.orld. You can ask
them to discuss your car problem without obliga
tion It is to your interest and profit to do so.
"Ask the Man Who Owns One
Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia
319 North Broad Street
BRANCHES Bethlehem, Camden, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Jleading, Tr enton, Williamsport, Wilmington
m utuuuiiU
' i
, r . . .... Evangeline Booth ,
itoiMSii;-'yE'K .' . r, L. t- ..
' . u
iTj-i lllui' "I sF"",a!snHMPP0HH
3 -il ealQfatifcr' ritftajfrfrr-