jS"i I rVA EENIM PUBLIC LEDGER 1?fllLAi)ELP&I A) FRm&Y? MlirVoKM -I 14. '"V 'Jf i ... 28- Mi."- If, u Siti. r iarw- -i. I f k 13 feB lo h m tf! ' 1"- ' K'V 69PENOHNS fiN PAxllA. TY Rill 1 1 i:iKi,t i,iiin,icip',inn'' "" n,n",B n li'Ull UnOUnLI I IIULLItotnl of Plxtj nine IVnisjlvHiiinns in n Fotal Losses Reported for Day by War Department Number 496 pF0UR PAID SUPREME TOLL V ii'..u.,.. at. nai.t- :... J tf BUMIlUglUU. ttU, '. ..-l... Illlll- ' Fennsylranlans nrc Hstrd today in n vJTeiuualty roll with n lotnl ot Afjg tiatnrs. SvivA complete list of Pcns.rlvnnlnns is iv - ...... TJisk kiycu UCIOW Died From Wounds CORFORAI. Noah Hlsker, Toe. ' Wounded (Degrrn I'ndrtermined) PRIVATES Stanley RlenUmsMI. Glen lyoni Georre It. Brown. Schuvlkill tfav-n Thomaa 1 kreltzer Frackvllle. Charles K. Miller, Srottdale Harry A. Miller. Wv- anx: James Emmett Quintan. Haje. Wounded Sllthtly SERGEANT- Raymond r. Goodrldce. wasn.nfftnn CORPORALS Carl Rerc. Mnnen Charles P Uoodmali. ConnellsMlle, Herman Slhotz. Fair Oaks PRIVATES Hamilton Ttrjson. fnlon- tnwn: Frank Cero. 120(1 Soulh llluh.li street, Philadelphia , Anthony F '1.U.', RoadlnB. Wlllard A IJaubert -.lUUM'.t'UlM.i Anthony.. W. Greene c.llbe. ton Fred . I Ctrerror. North Ulrard Donald Hanrock. o- Unt; Edjrar JeffprJea lnlontown Arthur Morvan, Sernnton rilffon. Schmidt Pleaf ntvlile; barren H Schnable nethlhem. Auruflt I Pchupttler I'ottuville. IpU I. Scott. Milan John H StUIman. Ka(on. John Streeter. Itrowtifleld iMilTord Whitr t2.i0 North Klft-sppnth (.trt Pliiladl phla; .lohn Ylnct, IVralnrk Halo Hngldle Harrlsburs AUln .1 t'roih, latinffton Harry P. CJoht WllMamsport Jam-i h" Harden, Duntmr John K Harris Nottmc ham; Harmar D Mawkin" Plttburh Har old H. How. Kerrlrk Center Louis J Hublcsak rhoenixville John JndHewkl Johnstown; Lewis Johnson, Uonora WiIMhtu Jones, Pcranton Wilmpr If. Cramr. Ar magh; Dewltt V furry. Johnstown n drew r Oulick, Mahnnev City Henlamtn Harrison Jarrett Hutzdale, John JeHlnak McKee Rock Dewev n. Klrkland yiniiH tnahontnc, AIfaln.i Pltkn. New Castle Her man "V Perterfleld. SharpsvilJe, John J Pundaf. Hosttter, John R Nies Headins Thomaa V OMallex. Tarentum. Stanlev A Otto, Grapevllle aeonre. i! Slmak. Me Keespoit James K Sling, GreenUlt. Rose V Young1 JohnsonburR. MIsln? tn Arrlon CORrORAt. John L Schafter, Royers ford. Killed In Action rretloiily Reported Pled) PRIVATES -Jonathan K Morean, llecln. Ear! V rmb"nhour Readintr and Harry K. Yoos. iVttstow n Returned to Duty (PretlnIr Reported MitNliiB: tu Artlon) CORPORAI--Charles W Sander? LT.H Kant Boston aenue Philadelphia PRIVATES .lohn J Hurler Ml North Marshall street Phitade phia John F Keeley. C21 Shedwick street Philadelphia Ernest J Kurhenbrod. Wehrum. illiam V. O'Harra 337 Kat Indiana nvenue Phil udelphla OiuieppP Romano 31, Iseminger Htreet Philadelphia Peter Rowinskt. Scraif lon: Carman V Salia, 6IJ0 Hazel aenu Phlladelphia Earl Fl Hchelb. Rendlntr; James P Talor Alonesen. and Tole Tietf Homestead English to Finance Colombia Bank Washington. May 0. ( liy A. I'.) Tlyt London banks have organized an association for the promotion of a from Bogota received here today said. Thu Ttrirish rnlnmhinn fnHfnMnn -;tl ..., --.......- ........ ...... "m uc kuuwu ui i in- i'juj,iiu nuuh, una Will .have headquarters in Bopota, with branches at Mcdcilin and lIaniales. The bank will lo capitalized nt $10,-000,000, C&C Vt: Souvenir Edition in Rotogravure 28th Division At the Front .,5 .VL- IK AS "i ' &? t . Edition TWO FROM HERE" WOUNDED 'Six Philadelphia... Previously LUted at Missing Return to Duty ' cnsualty roll Riven out by the Wnr De portment today. Of till") nillilbrr Pi"; nrc INtcil linuVri the caption 'VhatiKe of "tutu" " I're viously they hail been reported as niis- ing In action, but nceonliiiK to todns rneort they have returned to ilutj . ..:. . .-. 1 ..1 1.... i incir niimrs no oiponu v........ " . , -R -;;; ; , ,"olv,,- and KpYphSriy School 1 Sanders, "J.. Kast SoMon neiiue. andior; muted Sat. 7.30 a. m. residence of Private, John .1. l.uile,, U. Xortl, -rents. --.r&Vr'.n Xlnrahall Btrcet ; .Inlin r Keeley. t..i ' She.lirk street: William 1 (Vllara P.:i7 Kast ln.llnnn iiieniio! lii.wpniip ,i, ,..... . Komnnu, 1"il iTIllillKIT sticot. anil ., ... 1 Cnrmnii V. Siilvin, (11 "0 llnzcl iivniiie The names of two others appear foi llio lirt time. 1'iiiatrs Frank Ccrvo. i"n:i Smith 1'iHitli sliret. mill riiffonl , ' White, 1-.0 North lft -seventh street arc listed as wounded shslitly. The casualty mil for the coiinlrj is a Ions one It contains four hundred uni nitietv lx iimnrs in all I IB paths ARnr.ES. Mav n FRANCES, daughter of Emily and Jeanelte belcs (nee rischel). ased 2 Relative, and friends members of T S Sokolek nnd S J. Philadelphia, Invited to services Sat. 2 p m parents' residence. 2201 N Ith .t lnt private. Auto service. rteniiln. mav tin vlnuwt Vrl after 7 p. ....,& r. . .. ., .. .. v. . .. .. . i ,'VV. -- -V" '- ? ",",, , -l, HAWX (nee Hi wn Relatlef) nnd friends inited to f rrral nerfri at . a p m i:M W Mt AIr ae Mt. Airv lnt prUate. Remains mav br viewed Krl ep. REi KLER Mh T RH wife of feo Ke kler and dauuhtr if Sarah Ilrown aged 'T rielHtiv" iiii) friend omplmt of Kowcll Mil I ti tiiMtrd to funeral er lrp m! j i m jjia i; nuh t mt Heiiu after 7 D m. IIIINMITI -Vv TIIOMXX It bus hnnd of I.uev R.nn.tt Relatives and fnnnds invited to funeral services. Sun. I P in Oliver If Balr Bid lS'Jll Chestnut si lnt private RRADI.Er. Mav S MARTHA, widow of I John ttradlev. aged n.1 Relatives and friends also Sago Council No 115, r of P , Invited to scrvces. Sat. 2 p. m USGO, Emerald at. lnt Greenwood (K of P ) Cem. HROI1IE Sudl.nlv Mnv 7 lOIIV 1 RnnDIE. sergeant nf the 37th District police I husband of Mn-v Hroille Relatives and friends also Phll.delphia Pelice Depl Cnlon , Republlra i Club of S Phila and dl.ectors ' of .the Epiphanv llldg ind Ijoan so In f ifel lnfnip-al lon "i Id a m from 113' Ire. t In ar l'JIli and la, 'vsnn sis I. Solemn 'mass of requiem at the Church nf the Epmhim to .. ni lnt Nv Cathedral , Cem ulo funerel CI. Y At ISIS Ruller at, May 0 HAVllI) I ilvlinVilua nf l)v. 1..A II.... . 1 MOUII 1 .niu-.ll.--l in ills- mi"' I l'IU Hill! I Catharine R Cla I"ue notice of funr-r.il ' I will b" Riven I Cr,unc. Suddenly Mav (1 HELRN ' PVCLINE. wife of Joseph Cleffc' nffed 31 ' . Relative and frlenda ln ited to servh e ( Rat 'J p m .10rt2 N Hutchinson st. lnt' j Pern wood Cem. Friend! may view lemalns Pri e I ONNOMTT Mav 7 1UT K vUfe or ' . William P Connollv (nre Connellv Rela tive and filend Leacue of th SaireI 1 Heart and Propacatlon of I'dlth of St Thomas AquiiuM'H parish invited to funeral ' Cm nemalns mav he v.vve, Fr eve """VMtlVS V. -" invvi hn" i ,i ... ..RE1.Z-M..V MXIIV A... .widow of ,,'nRn T -M . HOW A RJ1 J U V I- i 11.7 Mice i.ieopr.t njr,, . -I i;enves and "''," n"" ,".',.'' '.,j TV;,:,,,.. t..;:i,i friend, .he Vrrli.onfral. rn.tv of Holv l'am-l"l ." ''"'iir n n ! A ' v wVlSJ' llv and Allar Socle.v of St. Peter's Church '", ' "'" N" "'', ', Jw Pf , i ,,'i "J ''J?,' and the Holv Ro-arv Soclelv of St. Rom- i I'" !"n Fir" Co of Ambler '"lte.l to fu fa.iuss Cliurrh Invited to funeral. Sat. I nerit Mon 'J P 'n r .side nee o f Pfrjn s SSO a. m 1S4!) N l,.llhBow si. Requiem ' ?-' ' ,m,,rchv"' S" P1"T ,In nm"' mass si Peters church 10 a m. lnt Most , ll"nd" mav rail sun trom . to n p m Holv Redeeme. Cem Trlends may call Frl.. . ,9.K.nU-JlD.."S,?.' .' AJJW 1? I.T" r,,"m,-h,,:.fli" "L'mA.m"''P.f 9ur ! "' the.Rosarv 10 a i 30 ' .mi-... "" -. . .iii-r. iuiiiHri service COTTER Mav 0 Ken. widow of .Tame C Cotter, aged 74 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral service. Sat ,2pm at her eon-in- law s residence Alln Oalbralth 17 LI Mill eojr Cem Remains may be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 D m rVFNPORT May 7 EDWRt) hu bsnd. of Leonora S pavenrort -accd 81 Rfi itlves anrt rriend LIU Post Vn . G A R Invited tn Tuneral Sat 3 30 p ,m . 1111 Ruffner st Nfcetown lnt private Htllsldo Cem Friends may call Frl 7 to 0 p tp riiT.it flower DECKER May 6 WARRBN J DECKER, husband of Marv Decker (nee Mheri aged 'J ueiatlves and friend In vitod to funeral Sat 8 30 a m. 4U30 Paul Their "bit" is done magnificently done. There's noth ing left but the memory of what they did and how they did it! And the story is told, thrillingly and graphically in scores of photographs showing our own Keystone Division Pennsylvania's "Iron Division" on the Battlefields, be hind the firing lines, in the trenches. William Bell Clark has written the story of their in trepid, red-blooded bravery and unwavering courage in the face of almost certain death. He has irnmortalized the stand they took and held. His story and the official pho tographs of Pennsylvania's soldier boys, will make this SOU VENIR ISSUE of the ROTOGRAVURE MAGAZINE a pos session to be treasured for years. FREE PHILADELPHIA NEXT SUNDAY, MAY Limited. Place your order at once with your carrier or dealer DEATHS at FrenkfoM. Church HI a Hlnh man at St. Joachim's I Int. St, Dominic's Cem auio service. DOUGHERTY. May R, MARY DOfOlt ER1Y (nee Burns), wife of .lan.ea Dough erty, aged 27 nlnlUra and friends Invited to funeral. .Mon , 7.30 a. m.,-hushand'e resi dence, 3741 Kensington ave. Solemn re quiem mass Church of Ascension 9 am. lnt Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto sen Ice. Dt'FKNUn On Hay 7, JOHN, husband of th. lalo Katherlne DuhTner aged 48 jars nltles nnd friends, also members of Bt i II...I.I. r...nn t ti 1. r.nil 1 It l.ene- nrlal Association' Brewers' t'nlon No 5. and employes Ot I.OU.S .tPlKiiuil Jiirnmn ....- nanv InMted to funeral Monday, 8:80 a m. from 1440 North Newklrk st High mass In St l.udwlg'a Church at in a m lnt private. DUNN May rt. 1.1 BIB It . daughter of Thomas I. S. an! Elizabeth Dunn (nee Carlln). aired 1B. funeral, to which rela tives and friends pupils of unman CMno.ic Hoiv cros, rem Autneerv.ce jo1!' nri 2idCAT U'iMS .Prjlni Harden st Relatives ana iricnqa injuea rn.,.i ui Tno m marl meni or v ,,,,o, ,-n, , . -. ..- ij --- ,lv J llejnolds. 18JI Sprlnit Harden st. "in i .nasi Cathedral 0 am. Int. Holy Cross, Cem. ,, . l.nWARDS Ms MARV widow or lewis Edwards Rlatles and friends In- lied in funeral. Mon 2 n m residence of n. Ssmiiel Edwards 2.11S V Svllzer st in. nr.vsi.- vimi nut-i - fergi'sov -uv 7 cornelu " hus hin.l of Matilda Ferguson (nee Snencel nelilives and friends emploves or lie.me- Mcllbennv Meter Works. Imltd to funeral ervices Sat 2 n m i'N ;'"n" lnt West Laurel 11.11 Cem Remains mav he viewed Frl 7 to 0 n ... rilEUNP Mav 13I.SIB M. dauehter of Antone nnd Knte Freund Relatives and i frind inlted to funeral. Pat . , 1413 Porter st Hlsh mass at St Monica' Church 10 a in. Int. prhate. Old Cathedral Cem V mr t Atlnntlr .Cltr N J. Mav f Tini.IA rilX. dauehter of late Martin nnd I?elia Jcar aped B4 Relatives and friend lrlted to funeral Sat , s 30 a m , residence of son In-ltMv Phllln J Kern. 7132 Van T5ke st Tacory Requiem hljth mas St Leo's Church 10 a. m Int. St. Dominic's Cem 1'ox May 7 mm KvnuiYN wire- or MHlcolm P Fox and iLiuahler of ralrlrK I and Knthrvn While Relatives nnd friends, are Invited to attend funeral. Sat, R'.IO a , in 4S1.1 Chester ave Solemn high mass of . rei.ulem SI Francis de Sales a Church 10 a in nl Hnlv Cross Cem V.'o funeral i iMunrri nnil Itrldset Galliiaher (nee O'Don i,,M.i,vin r.iv - vih. . iiiui ,, . ,-m, ,,. acert .1 tine nonce or mnTPt win ne I . u woort sr T I flu) w tfp Relative and friends Invtted to services, Sat . '! P. m 2231 S 07tTi st Int. Mt Klnn Cem. Trlends may call Frl. after 7 p in I (tUll'h .viav inn, AiiiAiuh, Iwlft of William Golden fnee Mtnihan). Rela tive and friend also Sacred Heart Society i of the Immaculate Conception Church, ln lted to attend funeral, ''at . 8 30 a, m.. 112 Chenango st dflth ward). Hluh mass I at the Cliurrh of th Immaculate Conception 0 in lnt Holv Cros Cem Auto funeral utiAT - Aiav it MCiii. rtivi' nunRnn ot the lute Anna flray (nee MeCarthv). Relatives i s 30 m ni 020H Tlulst nve.. W, Phila. Sol Htid friend Epiphany HoW Nnme, Altar I emn hUh requiem mass Church of Most and rtoar Societies Dlvllon No. 11). A. I Blessed Sacrament 10 a. nf. Int. Holy Cross o H T.eitrim vin tn Hr?neia tsrancn, T C O I Mercantile Penenclal. Union I Republic" flub emnlove of reglatrv divi sion Phlladetph'a Central PostnfTtce, and I pv o'h', ocietv nf vhlch ho w a mem 1 hr Invited tn funeral Sat . 8 30 a. m.. I 130 hunl. si Solemn mass of requiem rimreh of the Rn nlmnv 10 a. m. int. Holy C ros Cem Auto ervlce tJRAV Mhv 7 C.r.OROn W GRAY" aged in nluiiiM and friend invited to funeral vlrp Sit 2 p ni reIdnce of daugh- p ot dau Mrs W T Cot torn A230 Washington a.' I m Mim LaVewood Cem Minneapo lis Minn Mlnneapol' panrn copy. HKNXRTT May 0 JOHN A. son nf T.nnf 1 and IVlia J Hanartv (nee Huirhes). ngei 17 HeMllves and friends. R V. M SodnlUv Invited to funeral Mon 8.30 a. m , reidene of parents 220 N Wanamaker st . Wet Phila Solemn mas of requiem Church int. cafiipora rem auto seric. tatnedral Cem. Auto ji M'SHALTHR Mav 7. LOUISA, wife of . ns- ...s. , i ThHfd Hauhalter Relatlven and friends WRT COTTHR (niinvltpd to funeral e v it e at 501 N, llth at : n in lnt nrivaie, I1LL Mav 8 JOSEPH R husband of Kate Hill aged 12 Ilelatlvew and friend'.. -"rt"(,"h" Jf JLf.1 T"Pt'rnlTLnl' 7H13 T O O T M I. Court Clearfield. T- of A invited to funeral. Sun . 3 P m , f.O E Indiana nve Tnt Oakmont Cem ervicei tn Trlnltv Reformed hniscopai 4 P "i I hurrh F st and Allegheny sve I Ileinain mav be viewed Sat . , p m HIVCHMAN -Mav S, ISAAC R husband 'of Suannah Hlnihman ag-d 01 Relatives nnd friends Merthantv 111 Lodge No 1111 1 T and A M Invited to funeral services, ' Sat 3 p m t'hdpel ave Merchantville, N l lnt private l'olptown tem MIRSCIT Mj 8 1SADORE husband ot WITH dkatiir late Mettle Oswald Itlrsrh. aged 02. Rele lives and friends. Camp No. "."97. P O. H. of A , Harr Clay Council, No. 7. Jr. O, II. A. St Court Itobert B Fatterson, K. of A lnlted to funeral. Pun , "".SO p. m , residence ot aon, Harry O. Hlrach," 203.1 N. 25th it. Int. Adath Jeshurun Cem IttTTBM. On May R. inin, at his lata resldencefl lort Kennedy Montaomery co , Ta.. IICNRT HTANI.KT. husband nfEHa I Hlttell. Relatives and friends, also Valley Korre Lodae. No 480, I, O. O, !'.. ara In. lted to attend funeral services. !7at , at 1 p. m , at his late residence. Int. "irUate. JACOHS. May 8. 1010, KATHERINR. rtauahler of John and Mary Jacobs, ased lfi. Helatlca ami friends, also Indies' 1", A. H, Society, Invited to funeral. Mon , 8.30 a. m,, from parents' residence, ."108:1 Cedsr st. Sol. emn hlBh nnii.il Churoh of the Natllty 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem JACOUS. Suddenly, M-y i, inlO. MART A., widow of Edward T. Jacobs. Relatives " i. a.t clocW f iktS' "i " c.IOCKVn,,s!V ana irienas inwira to xunerai services, on residence, 10th Init.. KERR. May 7. STEPHEN, liushsnd ef Matilda Kerr, sued 71 Relatlies and friends, Penne Lodge. No. 1. I O of O. F . Inlted to funeral services. Sat, 4 p. m . residence nf ann.ln.law. Jdhn It Rimn.nn 1311 Main et . Darby, I'a Inf prlate. KF.TSER May 7. HARRIETT V . widow of Edward Kesser. Relatives and frlenrti invited to services. Sat., p. m.. 2J3S E. Vensnio st tnt, private-. Greenwood K. of l, Cem Remains may bo lewed Trl., 7 lo 0 p m Auto service. KINCAin May 7. JOEI. HUt.nTT, hus band of Ida A. Klncald Relatives and friends. Cecil l.odte. No 12S y. ann A. St., ":' r c'oiinpll No B4 tr n t" si -e , t0Sa iSd?.' No. 'S.S. "o O ' f" 'Marine Englners' Renetlclal Ass'n. No 13 , mn t tuneral services. Sat.. 8 n ... . I 212 V 3d st tnt Bethel Md. KINGSTON Mav 8. SAMUEL KING, fryoN. ased 70. Relatives and friends In vited to runerai service Mat , 1.30 p m . at the parlor ot r'echler & Magulre, 1540 N noth In! nrlvate. KOHI..KR May 7. JOHN J , hustjand nf Ntary Kohler (nee Sween-y) and son of lnie Julius and Tarollne Kohler. Relatives andl rrienos empiojer nna empioves or vvuiiam It. Horslmann l'o all orEanizatlons of which be was a member. Invited to funeral, Mon. 8 80 a tn , 4121 N. flth st. Requiem high moss St veronlca'a Church 10 a. m KRE.MER. At West Falm Reach Fla . May 8 TllhOOORE E. KRE.MER, of Rld- l.v Park, l'a Notice of funeral Int.r uKE. May n. MARIE I wife of Claude f i.ake and daughter of John and Annie j.; Flanasan, aged 27. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral. Sat.. 8.30 a, m., 45(ir Haerford ae Solemn requiem mass rnurcn or vjur v.oiner or ciorrows in n lnt Old Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. LKFI.AR Mav 7, GEORCH; W LCn.R aped 73 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat 3 p m.. 1831 N, 2lst st. Int. Leverlngton Cem. Friends may call Frl. after 7 P. m LEONHAHIVr Mav 7. ANNIE, wife of Henry Leonhardt and daughter of James and the late Aurusta Freeh, aged 38. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Sun., 2 p m . 118 Pranshavv st . Lanndale. int. Hlllsid Cem via funeral car, MARKS Mav 8 1P10, RAT OARTMAN wife of Kmmanuat Marks aired 2.1. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral services, Sun. 10 30 a m. C847 Chestnut st. lnt private MARTIN Mav 7. JOHN, eon of Annie nnd lat John D. Martin Relative and friend Invited to funeral, Mon , 8:80 a m. Jt3s K st Solemn requiem mass Church of the Ascension 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem Auto service McWnmn -Mav 8. MICHAEL. huhand nf lain Kllen McHrlde (new Kealey) Rein tiv fitnl friend Invited to funerat. Mrfn , Cent auto lunerwi McFADDLV May 7 KLLEN E , wife of John J McFadden and daughter of Msry Mtfrrow and late Andrew Roden, ng;ed 2?. itfitlea and friend invited to . Ir Mon.. 2 30 p m.. fllTii Relnhard st , West Phila Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Friends may tall Sun eve ( McHCGH May 8 at 1028 Rlttenhouse I fit WILLIAM J MtHCGH. Due notice of ' fmtornl will he iflven. MclNTYRE Mav n. THOMAS P.. hus band of Marv Mclntvre (neo Elchner and non or the late ratricK ana Hriuget Mcin tyr Relatives and friends, emplojes of Hill Independent Mfg. Co., Invited to funeral, Mon 8 3ft a m 212!t B. Firth st. (Frank ford ave. and Cumberland St.). High requiem mas St Ann's Church. 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. McKINNEY May . JAMCS. husband of Sarah McKlnney (nee Stinger), aged 3,i Relative and friends. Southwestern As-s-mhlv No 18 A O of M. P.: employes of J G nrllt Co . Invited lo funeral. Sat 2pm Mil. Wharton at Int. Mt. Morlah T.Wijnv' "tS a n i.r t, rn. T A,Mn husband of Annie Mulhern. Rela- M" " friends invited to funeral. Sat, I o20 r.ucUey St., 0 am. High mai St Mark's Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Matk's rhnrrhvard -NIEDER. Mav 6, PAULTNB E. M.. dauehter of the Rev Rudolph and Mar- garetta Nieder (nee Offermann). Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Sat. 2 p m , German Evang. Lutn. J.manuers Church, 4th and Carpenter sts. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. NORRECK. May 8. 1010 LOTTIE wife of Loul Norbeck and daughter of John S. and late Margaret Donaldson (nee Culbert- $ms 1 Ith nrTiis aon) ateil 24. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral services, .Mnii a n. m . In Trinity Lutheran Church. IRth and.Wntf ta. Irit Trinity Lutheran t'hurch Yard Re main, mav be viewed Sun . from 8 to 10 p. m., at father'a residence, 2402 H. (Ith st. Trenton. N. J., and Wilmington, Del., pa pers conv OSItrtRNK. At Atlantic City. N. J.. Stay 7. RKHECl'A J., widow nt Hugh Osborne, aged 77. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Pat., 2 p. m.. at resldenca of her nephew, W, p. Champlln, 414 8. 60th st TARKER. May 5, JOSEPH, husosnd nf Rose Ann Parker. Relative, and friends Invited to funeral, Sat.. 8.30 a m,, lar2 IS. Allegheny ave. Huh mass Ascension Church. 10 a. m. Int. private. Holy Sepulchre Cem. RORIIIN8. Suddenly. May 8. Corporal HARRY C, ROHUINS. Jr.. aon of Harry C. and Henrietta A. Robblns. of 2407 N . 28th at . naod 20. Relative's nnd friends. Co. 4. ln.ld Depot Rrlaarte. U. S, A.; members of Cahnrv Reformed Church and all omanl ZAttcns of which he wan a n.ember. Invited to funeral Aton , 2 p. m . parlora of Martin F.voy & Son, 2S0O Diamond at lnt private. Ternvvood Cem. Remains may bo Mewed Sun . from 7 to 0 p. m. ROIUNSON Suddenly, at Moorestown. N, J . May 0, CHAIM.KS R, husband of Amy Matlack Robinson, aged BO Relatives and friends, all societies of which he was a member. Invited to funeral, Sal .,2 p. m . 21" Union at., Moorestown, N. VI. Int. Colestown Cem. Krlends may call Krl, S to 0 p. m ROI.I.1NC3S Mil 7. THOMAS HOI,. 1.1N11S, late of Kidderminster, Knglnnd. aged fill. Relatives and frlenda, Rrussels carpet Veaers' t'nlon, Invited to funerat services, Sat . 2 p ni , .esldence of Arthur Mitchell 27.111 X. Reese st. Int. pilvate. Northvvood Hi'PP May 7. l.YDIA. widow rf Itenrv Rupp. aged Si, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Sat , 2 p. m , 72H er non road. Stenton, Oermantown. Int. prl- "sCHATFER May B. MARY J.', daughter ... in, ..... nnrt Catherine Srhnfrpr. 114 Mldvale ave, Tails of Schuylkill Relative, .. ,..J. in.. .A,, (n funeral. Sat.. It n. ni . Kails of Schuilklll Haptlat Church. Int. Mt. SCHSilDT.-Suddenly. Mav 0. TRANK I J., aon of Umma and lata William Schmidt, aged 11. Jtelatlves nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., I p. m.. mother's residence. 2700 N. Reese st. Int. private. Northvvood Cem , .. .. .. . SJaiPLD. May 7, RORKRT, husband of Annie Semple. aged 74. of County Antrim. Ireland. Relatives Hnd friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 p. m , 202(1 Wilder at. (2th and Dickinson sts ). lnt Oakland Cem. Auto service. .. .. SHOK.MAKKR, Masonic Home, F.llza bethtown. Pa . May ft, JOHN I.. SHOE MAKKR. M D , aged R4 Retatlvee and frlem'.s. Kensington l.odE" No. 211, V, and A M , Invited to funeral services. Sat , 2 p. ... . office of William Itovven, 307 E. Olrard ave. liu. .Monument Cem. SHUHF.RT Jlav . CHARUIb, husband of late Margaret Shuhert. aged 84. Relatives and friends, numbers of I.ehlgh Renetlclal Soclet. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 7-30 a. m.. 2S44 Tulip st Requiem mass Our Lady Help of Christians t'hurch B a. m. Int. private. Most Holy Redeemer f". . SINNOTT. st ner residence. R1B S. Rlt tenhouse sq , May R. MARY 10 EINNOTT. Relitlves nnd friends Invited to solemn re quiem mass St. Patrick's Church. 20th and Locust ats.. Sat., 10 a. m. Int. private. Omit ""sKOV May 0, PETER N., huaband of Anna Skov. aged 48. Relatives and friends, members of the Danish Brotherhood and the Danish Socletv. Invited to service,, Sun.. 2 p m . 1742 N. Franklin at. int. Oakland Cem. Remains may bo Mewed Sat. after s'tiNSOX. May 7. JOHN F., aon of Thomas aid Marie Stlnson (nee Hrady). Relatives and friends. St. Kl.lllp'a Holy Name Soclelv, Thlla Aerie, N. 42, r. O. i: , Court Independence, No. 1.14, T of A ; Morrison Republican Club of 3d Ward, In vited to funeral. Mon . 8.30 a. m.. parents' residence, 110 Fllzwater st Solemn mass of requiem St Philip's Church 10 a in. Int. Holv Cross Cem STRITZINOKH In Norrlstovvn. Pa , May 7. l' G. SI IIITZINQKR. Sr.. aged 87. Relatives ami friends Invited to funeral, 600 Haws ave., Norrlstovvn, Pa.. Sat., 2 r m. Int. private at convenience nt fam ly. THOMAS 'Killed in action. Oct 14, 1018, RI1RNHARD J son of Mr. and Mrs. An I drew J Thomas. I2' W olnev ave., aged I 2,i Relatives and frlenda Invited lo attend I memorial services In Zlon Lutheran Church. Front and risher's ave , Olney Sun., at 7:45 n n. THOMPSON At Palmyra. N J. May 8. SAMUEL, husband of Eveline M Thompson 'neo Chase) agod 81. Relatives and friends. Ivanhoi Ledge, No 440. I" and A." M ; lUker Post. No 8, O A. R . and Washing ton Camp No. 23. P. O. S. of A . Invited to fun.ral. Mon. 1:40 p m.. 031 Morgan nve.. Palmra. N. J. Int. private. Mt. Peace Cem . Prila. Train leaves Market st. ferry TOWNSEND Mav S. RALPH M1L ROURNB TOWNSEND Funeral sen Ices at St James the Less, Falls of Schuylkill, Sat . 10th Inet. at 12 o'clock noon. WALKER. Mav 7. FANNIE WALKER, daughter of late Frank and Sarah A. Mc Danlel Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m., aonMn-law'a residence. William G. Petri. 6300 N. Front at., Olney. Int. private. F,rlends may call Frl. H to 10 o. m. WINKLE. May 7. KATHARINE T. WIN KI.I3 (neo Togarty), wife of John F Winkle Relatives and frlenda. League of Sacred Heart ana A.iar societies or a. tephen s Church, Invited to funeral, 1147 W. Erie ave . Sat . 8.30 a. m. Solemn high mass of requiem st Stephen's Church 10 a. ffl lnt Holy Sepulchre Cem Tamaqua and Mahanov City papers copy WOLF May 8, MATILDA I,, wife of Charles W Wolf (nee Osterheldt). Relatives and friends, Itaska Council. No. 27, D. of I' , and West Park Council. No 108. P. and D. nf I... Invited to services, Mon.. 2 p. m . 5161 Parrlsh st. Remains may be viewed Sun eve. UNDERTAKERS LEOAL AUVKRTIBIItENTH jA-jgKSTATE OF FRED W. TAYLOR, tVZis deceased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims tn present the same, without delay, at the office of the Corporate Executor. 400 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, ASA S WING President, and EMLY II TAYLOR Executors (53S KSTATE OF LAURA LOUISE .MIL ZS? I.KR. deceased Le'trs of adminis tration upon the estate nf Laura Louise Miller, deceased, having been granted to FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, nil persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and .those bavins rlaims against the same to present them, without delay, at the office of the said Company, Nos. 325-331 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WILLIAM P OEST. President,. fKEF ESTATE Or MYRA Q. OXKNFORD, I-' deceased. Lettera of administration on the above having been granted to the undersigned, all nereuns Indebted to the said th'oV.8 hlvlnS" claims 'to TreseSrthesamV ?..,?-... ji?.'., c'"'ma ,n Prespnt tne same, "" " nun nv-ii-vtor, Or his attomev, LEO MacFARLAND, 1515 Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa 3S KSTATE OF RICHARD HEMMING, ?? deceased Letters testamentary upon the estate of Richard Hemming, deceased, having been granted to ELLEN HEMMING, all persons Indebted to the eald estate are requeated to make payment, and those hav ing claims against the same to present them, without delay, to the undersigned at the office of the FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. Nos. 825-831 Chestnut st . Phila. ELLEN' HEMMING (13Sr ESTATE OF KI.I7.A W. SINCLAIR, - deceased -. letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the underatgned. all persona Indebted tn said estate are requeaed to make payment, and thoae having claims to present the same, without delay, to the undersigned, care THR PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 400 Chea'nut at., rhlladelnhla. Pa. CATHARINE S. ASHBROOK. LOST AND POUND BAR PIN Lost, Thursday, April 8,on Cheat nut or Market ats. or near Wanamaker's. diamond and sapphire bar pin. Reward If re turned to J. E. Caldwell ft Co , Juniper and Chestnut sts. I COLLAR Lost, diamond and black velvet collar, containing At diamonds and 1 pear-ahaped diamond drop: stamped cither F1759 or E713. Liberal reward If returned to J. E. Qaldwell ft Co., Juniper ind Chest nut ta. . PERSONALS I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. PELEQRIN HOMEDES. HELP WANTED FEMALE ALTERATION HANDS ON DRESSES APPLY BEAUsOFEMPLOYMENT jfclyl BROAD and W DIAMOND BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING AFFORDS PERMANENT PEACE-TIME WORK FOR YOUNO WOMEN. J8 TO 25 YEARS. rAMINAT.NbnWORK.N.CONGEN,AL tfl PER WEEK FIRST FOUR WEEKS RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER BELL TE0'Spp,'t?, COMPANY MI3S IITAV 10l ARCH ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPERS AND ASSISTANTS ALSO TYPISTS Arn.Y BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER' S UllRLERS, experienced, on Axmlnster rua-a-learners taken. Apply HUSH ft DIAMOND .leaner and Ontario sts. CHAMUBIIMA1D Wanted a. good chamber maid to go to Vlllarrava: wages tl)i Pro! eatant preferred: reference required. Call inn, wpence St., netyeen 12 and 1 CHAMIIBRMAID - Wanted, a middle-aged woman as chambermaid for a lady's coun try house! Spring Lake during summer. AP plv llox 777, Narberth P. O CIIILDNURSB. German or Swiss, consrlen- tioua: willing to do mendlmr and assist chnmberwork; good home 'and wages. 20 Pellwm road. Oermantown 44 CLERIC wanted In manufacturing establish ment: bright rrotestnnt girl who Is quick ana accurate at pgnrcs: one with some knowledge of bookkeeping or cost accounting preferred: stato experience, references and salary expected "R.4I," P O llox :4".nn CLERK Young lady wanted in Jewelrv es tablishment: must ho verv good refer ences: state age. experience, where last .m plovcd. salary desired P2I7. Ledger. Office CLERKS ron ROOKKEBPING DEPARTMENT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S COOKINO, waiting, downstairs work: wlTTte. no ehamberwork: small fam : good wages Call Mrs. Brown, Gin . 1250 W. cook. Wanted a good plain cook to go to Vlllanova: wages i' an: .'roiestsn. nre- ferred: reference required street between 12 and 1. call iiiia spruce COOKING and downstairs work, white; no laundry: permanent position; good wages: 2 adulta and 2 children: reference required; ronvenlent to trolley. Phone Chestnut Hill IB, htwen 8 and 12 a m. or 8 to 0 p. m. DRESSMAKERS. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S GIRL, half grown, colored or while. mother s halner. rood nav: reference quired. Phllln Green 4Q."0 Olrard ave GIRLS Over 18. for light manufacturing work, not afraid of machinery; H. K. Mul ford Co.. 42B S. 13th at. GIRLS Must ho over IB years xif age. bring credentlala proving same. Apply Bush ft uiamonn. jasper anq Ontario sts LAUNDRY COLLAR SORTER APPLY 130S FILBERT ST. OPI'!rtATnnfl ..twrUnrpH on Alerrnw nm Ing machine; good wages; steady all ear work: none b.tt experienced need applv Cheltenham Knitting Co . Stenton ave. and norklana St.. oermantown OPERATORS on Wilcox and Glbbs single needle machine: ateady work: good wages Cheltenham Knitting Co., Ptenton ave. and Rockland st . or 240 E. Collum St., Gtn PROOF RETOUCHER, permanent position for reliable retoucher; salary $15. Apply Marceau Studio, 1CO0 Chestnut at, SPOOLERS, experienced In carpet yarn; steady work: good pav. Atrply Bush ft Diamond. Jasper and Ontario sts. t STENOGRAPHER Must have several eara bus. exp.. rapid and accurate: res. Kens or Frankford. Add atat. ago, where employed and sal, desired. P 42. P. O Box3484 STENOGRAPHER, experienced, fur the Led ger Art Service, (112 Chestnut st,, third floor. Ask for Mr. wenn. WAITRESS: 12 per week- 0 daya a week. Rroad St Restaurant. 1728 N. Broad sr. WINDE.RS -wanted on top frame. Apply at once. Robert Lewis Co . Richmond. Bridge at . Rrldesh.irg. Philadelphia. WOMAN, experienced to take charge of tiles, mail opening, messenger svstem, etc.. one accustomed to card Index and follow-un on correspondence preferred Applv J. Ed wards ft Co.. 314 N 12th st WOMAN, young, of good education, for out. door work: plenslng personality; good sal ary, with opportunity for rapid advancement P 214 Ledger Office WOMEN. WHITE FOR CLEANING AND SCRURmNO APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN TOR PACKAGE COLLECTING APPLY BUREAU OF. EMPLOYMENT WANAMAHER'S WOMEN to learn pnolographv; genteel, hlgh claas business: JIO while learning; In crease as adv. Apply Marceau Studio, 1G00 Chestnut st YOUNG LADY wanted for clerical work with manufacturing concern. Box 72, 15th and Moore ats. YOUNG WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General BUSINESS SERVICE CO. 11111 Land Title BOOK'ERS 5I8-J2S; STENOG'RS St.V2. HELP WANTED MALE ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN wanted, openings for two or three capable men. Magazlner ft Kherhard (103 Chestnut st. ARK YOU GOOD ENOUGH FOR A BETTER JOB? WOULD YOU LIKE TO ANSWER BLIND ADS IN newspapers without en dangering jour present position? Write or call, day or night. ABILITY CO,. 1034 Arch at , second floor. AUTO MECHANIC - Factorv garage has onen ne Tor a thoroughly exner enceri and competent mechanic to repair trucks and passenger cars: no application consioercq un less applicant has had machine-shop experi ence and la willing and able to keep all parts of cars In flrst-ciaas condition. ..refer fine having thorough acquaintance with Cadillac car. but will not employ specialist who knows only one make of car. 8tvrteage. ref erences and experience In full. "D-43." P. O Hnx 3470 AUTO RADIATOR repair man: experienced man wanted, capable of repairing all types of auto radiators: must be first-class repair man Atlantic Refining Co employ ment department, Atlantic gate, 3114 Pass- unk ave. AUTOMOBILE PAINTER wanted, first-c'ass Jlniaher: Ideat conditions, good wees end ateady to right man: 5 mites from Philadel phia While Horse Garage, Haddoa Heights, X J AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER. Cnwvd Ta Parson's Shop, AWNING HANGERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S BLACKSMITH. HIGH CLASJ.. WANTED CAPABLE OF MAKING HEAVY FORC INGS OF ALL SHAPES. ESPECIALLY MARINE WORK: EXCELLENT OPENING FOR GOOD MAN. CANADA FOROB CO.. WBI.LANT). ONTARIO, CANADA. BODY BUILDERS experienced on auto com. merclal work: good pay: steady work: best equipment Fltzglbbon ft Crist. Trenton, HOY over IB year, for tying In war,..; chance for advancement. Apply Bush t Diamond uasner anq un.ano sis BOY. through school, for work In advertising department: excellent opportunity. Applv Sherwin-Williams Co 105 B Water at. BOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK: MUST BE OVER IB: CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER B P. M . L E D O E R OFFICE. FIFTH FLOOR. BRAIDERS, experienced on American ma chines: steady work; good pay. Excelsior Braid Mllla. 84(1 TB. Walnut lane. Germant'n UIITLEU loung man. second cutler, ror a IKUl n vuuui,? tiuu-n. u.'.iii li.nq uurins immer. Apply Box 777. Narberth P. O. CAFETERIA MANAGER, flrat class, for government careiena in wasnington, Ap ply Mr. Ledger. Globs Restaurant Co., 1311 B St.. N. W.. Washington. P. C. CANDY MAKERS Wanted marshmallow and cream man. hard candy man; best a! opportunities with growlmr concern. Write R. H. Hsrdesty. Inc.. Richmond. Vs. CUTTER Man accustomed to the use of Bhort knife for light leather and sateen goods; steady work; state age, experience, former employment and wages expected, 8. -25. P O Rox 3484. CYLINDER PRESSMAN wanted. Brown ft Bailey Co . 410 N. Franklin st DRAFTSMAN, exp. In hotel and. apt. house designs: no other need apply; state exp , 'age and salary expected. P 13B. Led Off. DRIVER Steady man for steady position; over 21 years of age; good aalary. Apply 0 a, m,. Mr. Helnold. 1527 Balnbrldge st. DRIVERS and helpers wanted for permanent positions. Apply American, j.suway ex press Co., 18th and Market. Employment Bureau. ENGRAVER, experienced In lettering on sliver. The Bailey, Banks ft Blddlo Co., 1221 Sansom st. . ESTIMATOR Wanted, flrst-riass estimator on electrical work; one who understands blue prints: bring references, a. Wood- ward. Jr.. 43 Transportation BIdg. FOREMAN, experienced, for ornamental Iron shop; musb be capable of reading drawings, laying out work and handling men; tn answerlnr state qualifications fully, experience, age. salary expected and refer ences, or no consideration will be given. O 883. Ledger Office FOREMAN A first-class trarnett man to act as foreman In'mattresa room: no mattress experience required, but must be a first-class garnett- man; good aalary to right party, II. S. Bedding Co Memphis. Tenn. . FURNITURE FINISHERS EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAJLAKER'S - 'FURNITURE FINISHERS UDN HlOH-GRADt; MERCHANDISE WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WARE- HOUSE I K. COR. J2D AND WA8IHNOTQN AVE. HELP WANTED MALE Ti-tf CURTAIN 'HAVERS OF FIRST. CLASS CHARACTER AND ARII.nY GOOD MACHINES CONtsTANT WORKj EXCELLENT WAGES J'AN RE B.RNKIi ONLY NONUNION MEN NEED ArPLY. M 21(1. LEDGER OFFICE LINOTYPE OPERATOHS AND AD MEN WANTED. APPLY, FIFTH FIJOR. LEDGER HI.DCI . 0TII AND CHESTNUT STS. MACHINIST First-class machinist wanted, fairly familiar with Detrlck ft Harvey boring mill machine. Atlantic Reflnlne Co emplojment department, Atlantic gate, 3141 Paasyunk ave. MEN AS PARCEL CARRIE"? I APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S MEN. white, warehouse wanted for Insldo work 0 Walnut st In OFFICE BOY wanted lv a targe manufac turing concern In Nicetnvvn siaie ae n Salary desired P 212, Ledger Offlce PLATE PRINTERS wanted l.v well-known Philadelphia engiavlng house on rtmiijj run of social and commercial work, steady work at good wages state experience A 14. Ledger Office. PORTERS on high-oradf; MERCHANDISE Apply wanamaker's furniture ware HOUSE N. E. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON A E TORTERS AND CLEANERS WHITE MEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S AT ONCE a WANTED AT ONqE RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS FIRST-CLASS SHELL RIVETERS l ArPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO . LTD. FRONT AND KERLIN STS. CHESTER. TA. CLOTHING SALESMAN Real producers, who are not afraid to ! a new proposition and know how to put it ... , .... nf urnt nnA WOrK across, wv n.vo n titii ',.-- ;., cloUies entirely new In conception, superior In quality, for which there Is a great big market: wo ar ready to pav liberally on either salary or commission basis for men who can get results quickly: we will not entertain applications from any but men or proved ability, and letter must contain lull particulars of experience, territory covered, kind of goods sold and volume of business to receive any consideration: state yMf personal Interview can be arranged M -Oo. Ledger Office. SALES MANAGER Man, experienced In re tall sales of sneclaltles. articles retailing from $500 to J1500. must have Initiative, bo a real leader of men and be able to prove his real selling ab!llt ; to such a man we ofTer good salary, and commission: old estab lished house no Investment, state full ql.all flratlnns In reply. Address T 210, Ledger Office. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS SALESMAN" COMMANDING TRADE FOrt STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR BALTt MOBE JOBBING HOUSE: GOOD OPPOR. TUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN. ADDRESS. WITH REFERENCE, M 20S. LEDGER OF FICE. SALESMAN Wanted, cigar salesman, well acquainted with the trade In Pennsylva nia, New York and Maryland, to sell high grade line for en old-established factory. Address glvlwr full details, with references, M 204.. Ledger Offlce. SALESMAN In Jewelry stoic good future for young man: state age. experience and pay wanted Address Salesman, P. O. Box 743 , SALESMEN In large retail and wholeaale stationery store; a knowledge of loose rtnf devices and printing desirable; state age. qualifications and salary, give refer ence Charles O. Stott K Co.. Inc . 1310 V.iv York av N W Washington. D C. SALESMEN by wholesale paper and sta tionery bouse, outside salesmen: must bo cneraetic ami ambitious, slate ace, quali fications nnd salary, give reference Charles r, Stott K. Co.. Inc . 1310 New York ave., N W Washington. D C HOG ISLAND , SHIPYARD WANTS RIVETINO GANGS SHIP FITTERS. TIRST CLASS COPPERSMITHS. FIRST CLASS TASSER BOTS APPLY 300 WALNUT ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR MR. PHILIPS 1321 ARCH ST. SEE MR. SWARTZ OUR TRAINING DEPT OFFERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES TO RETURNED SERVICE MEN FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL ON ABOVE REPRESENTATIVE OR AT BOOTH. CITY HALL COURTYARD. SALESMEN, experienced, wanted, who visit the retail, confectionery, drug and soda water stores: excellent opportunity. Flavor- In Products Co.. 7411 Elm St.. New Haven, Conn SA1.E8SIEN Specialty men for Wilmington, York ano Reading: B2V4 per cent conimls. sloni $BU per week proposition. Mr. Hren- nan 215 N in'" " HIGN WRITER, first class, A-1. wanted; n.u.1 . it..-'-..., .... t.- rvreA good wages., -. ... . ...... t HI. AG ROOFERS Experienced foreman and helpers. Apply VVarren.Ehret Co.. 38th and Grave Ferry ave STAMPER, hollow ware, wanted an general line, of nickel hollow ware: good wages: transportation furnished. Wm. A. Rogers, T.M Nlagsra Falls. N. Y. p RTFVOGRAPHER. quick and accurate, wanted.by large, rubllahlng house: one who la willing to work from 4 to 11 u, m.. atate ref7r"ncn and salary expected. C 113, Ledger Office. i , , TOOL DESIGNERS .... ........ K vHri1 exnerlenee. men with practical toolmaklng expsrlen.ee preferred! aalary $40 weekly to first-class men: per manent. Address.Employment, Lock Drawer 11)72, Baltimore.- Md. TnTMMKrta. experienced on automobile work: good pay. beat equipment. F1U-. HELP WANTED MALE WEAVERS on erdure tapestry and rlolH Ml . looms; steady work, Apply at once. Rob Ml ert Lewis Co Richmond and Bridge sts., -J11 RTldesburg. YOUNG MAN' wanted for clerical work wltli manufacturing concern. Box 71, 18th a.iil Moore eta, Tnt'NO MAV HANDY WITH TOOLS APPLY RUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG MAN will, some exp. In men"; fur. nlshlngs. Apply Wright's. 200 8. 32d st. AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN to sell low-priced build. Ing lols in beautiful suburb near cltys easy seller", liberal commission full or part time. Ferguson, Front and York. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALB LADY, young, desires a clerical position! knowledge nf mines, ledier work and type writing. C 315. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE OFriCE MANAGER Active man, now ne cupylng position as office manager with government estab In the south, desires to locate In Philadelphia or vicinity: excellent record. Address M 127. ledger Offlce. EX-SOLDIER naed 33 wants work SHEERAN. 931) N St, Bernard at. THOS. r EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BETTS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY has engi neers, firemen, chauffeurs, butlers, porters, janitors and laborers furnished for all kinds nf work 2038 Master st. Bell pbone. Top- lar 2017 WANTED Parlormaids. laundresses walt rrssea, first-clasa cooks. Apply 511 9. 10th st. BUSINESS PEIISONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively htftheet cash prices for your Hm monds; any size fromU to 10 carat; nonn pay hlshTj nlno old jrrfld. platinum and Mlvr bought Estate bouRht (private Ket. lOyri, The Diamond Shop mh Trv'.t DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OR.1KCT KELLY ft CO. 032 CHESTNUT ST Suite 21-22. Over Chllds Restaurant, rrlvats) VISITING HAIRDRESSER, formerly with) Miss Cloud; evebrowa arched; henna treat. I ment. all shades blond nnd black. Wood land 8017.J. WRECKING OF ALL KINDS PHILADELPHIA WRECKING AND CONTRACTING CO. , ROir. CHESTNUT ST. CHIROPODIST Bun.. Ingrown nails treat ed: corns removed. 2 for 50e. 8 for $1. Dr, Lewis. 2B 8. 15th. Bell phone T.OO 82R W. BLEC. treat. manicuring. Office Hutchinson nine . VJl! h ltn st. oom sui: nrs lo-n. ELECTRIC treatment tr manicuring. Roorn 10 Heed Rldg . 1215 Filbert st Loc. 30(12.. ELECTRICAL TREAT. physical culture. 302 S. Rroad. Hours. 10 a. m to B n m. BUILDING plana drawn for all classes of building operations. C 20, Ledger Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLORIST BUSINESS Valuable location, property Included: biggest of Its kind In busv section. P. 210. Ledger Office. CAPABLE business man will Invest. iiiOOl) or more with services In establiahed prof, business; state line. C 303, Ledger Office. ' USED AUTOMOBILES PAIGE USED-CAR DEPARTMENT A dependable place to buv mechanically rebuilt used cara at proper prices. Bigelow-Willey Motor Co. 804 NORTH BROAD ST.. PHILA. TWO R-ton White trucks, stake body, with closed cab: these trucks are practically new, have been used four months and not oyer 2000 miles (' Bapts Ellsmere. Del. rORD radiators, all models. 1010 Incluslvs'. liberal allowance on old ones 332 N. 15th. OVERLAND touring car. llmouslnn body: good condition: must be sold this week on account of Illness. P 2011. Iz-dger Office. STUDEBAKKR. late model. 4-cvl tour . ex. cellent cond : cash or time 0212 DeLanrev, Wan tad WANTED Tell auto dump trucks. 2,4'lo 5 tons capacity, for B months' contract: write particulars as to make, capacity ana condition A 0 ledger Offlce. , Auto Enmities Repairing HUDSON REPAIRS IN ALT. BRANCHES Brandyvvlne Auto Repair Co. Rav Simpson, formerly with Gomery- Schwartx Co.. now established at 2220 and 1031-3ri Brandvwlne st Poplar 205ft , ' i I ITenllnr HAULING Autotrucks to hire. '-4 to 5 ton: hour, day or week. Callahan ft Roonev. 1n" Rens.ei.rt st. Snrore 1011 Race 15 AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TOURING CAR, 7-passena-r limousine, 1 30 per 1 our up. Jr-opiar in.n. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW and 2d-l.and blcvcles tires nII mkcs, ANDREW T. BIRCHETT. 803 S. 22d St. B0ATS.MOT0P.B0ATS.LAUNCHE8 45-POOT CABIN BOAT, reasonable; north of Gloucester fen v. N J. t owner's name on same H. II PBDERSEN. 1038 S. Croakey at , Philadelphia PIANOS. PLAYERS. TUNING. ETC. HOWARD VINCENT f3R-R38-840-S42-844-848 N. BTH ST SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS Wli'EK 1 Geo. Steele Upright 70 2 Weberfteld Uprights 73 o 3 Lester Uprights $12.1 uo 3 Hardman Uprights .... J73 up 5 Chickerlng Uprights JOS up 4.Estey Uprights $115 up B Cunningham Urrlghts $12.1 up 4 Blaslus Uprights $0.1 up 7Stelnway Uprights $100 up 4 Schomacker Uprights $75 up 3 Heppo Uprights IU5 up 2 Knabe Upilghts S14.1U3 i in. n. nn-.nm I n.rr, ' 200 " Emerson 88-Note Players. . . , 3 Knabe 8S-Note Flajere. ... 1 Chickerlng 8S-Note Plajer .-. 4 Stelnway Granda 2 Chickerlng arands, inxilnlature Baby Grands .... $3.10 UP S32.1 up J350 S2.VI us 18.1 UP $205 up Every one oi .ne aoove pianos are in stock. In line condition ready for delivery. Including stool and scarf or 23 roils of mualo and henrh and one year's tuning free. NEW PLAYER-PIANOS $32.1 up. $2.50 wk. NEW UPRIGHT TMANOS. $14.1 up, $1 5Q wk. HOWARD VINCENT 830-838-840-842-844-840 N. 6TH ST. Established 50 years HAVE your 05-note plaer made to play 80- note music rolls: only $85; work guaran- Wm. Doran, 3721 Lancaster ave. Prea. 6657. WANTED OLD CLOTHES ijoUOHT Cast-off clothing wanted: 'men's old suits, coats, trouaera. shoes, etc ; ladiea' clothing nf "all descriptions and evenng clothes bought; then are many users for sour old clothing when jou discard It! don't sell for practically nothing, wa have a big demand fqr them rnd give you big prices; our buyers call any- wnere. ti.y r tuuinu, r iiiuni. vvrue, call or telephone Filbert 2172. -" M. SELIOSOIIN CLOTHING CO.. 340 N8lh. Ol.n CljOTIIINtl BUYING Western buyer for genta' Berond-handrlnth-Ing and shoes, all descriptions; will pay Silt moro than any other dealer city or countrvi write or phone. M. HIMON, 241 N Sth ist. rhone Filbert 2570 W CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Wanted Gentlemen don't throw your, old rlotlilmr away, as we pay you the right price full-dress suits: we call any tint you wish. In or suns, iimutun., ,iuup,b. Piluca. (J or our or .own. write ri. i nernnwuii fi i mo W Columbia ave. Phone Poplar 381. ' " f! CLOTHINO, caat-ofT Best prices patd for ladles' and gentlemen's clothing-, all de scriptions: hats, shoes, fura. etc. t trill call day qr evening, city or country. Call, write or phone Poplar 5480. Blaiker. 1230 Poplar at DIAMONDS BOUGHT ' Highest prices paid for diamonds, old gold, platlnum.xsllver. false teeth and pawn tick et a bouaht. 1800 Filbert st . second floor." ANTIQUES, carpets, rugs, beds, parlor sets. dAvennorts. go-carts, paper., raga. metals. Mf U-Need a furn. man. Safety Flrat Junk; Co . 3.I-' Lancaster ave. r-reaion nim.l.. AMIVJUba anu inuu. iur., jeamer leae, . .... K nil t.u, . 1.1 I. . f M n.L.. - . - ir.Br. TU'". ,.,,, jo... ,,f,,. )J,wb. .vims ft -..'.. vr TTK-- m, nl.: on-"." .'.. I'.oneer. i..-'. ... ....-. . . ... jymn.t.ii n.o. FURNITURE, rarpeta, bric-a-brac, antique?! .,iCThir nrlres paid! call anvwhere. Phnn Dickinson 772 W. Morris. IB43 Federal st" ANTIQUE furniture, old china old Jewelry. lAl gold, silver, false teeth and diamonds, n' Antiques. 828 Chestnut. Phone Walnut 7n-."B ,r BROKEN . Jewelry, antiques, pistols coins. , x IKIKrJn t J.w.n1 , n.iMupw, ,iBiuia. coins,-, coin book with price I pay mailed JBa, J.H.1 . (People's Store). 2I1C H. llth, Wa. 4 tag Boss CASTVJFF clotti'Jur wahtedMadlea' and ch if, r, il i. l ibnm crlsi. iranton. . J. -. . sywiirfftUM, s a fltyi bt i I B1J1RT 4Knrrl uuU I ei'WB. .i-: l ??; - r ffMia .?&'.! fc T. -&. ,lm tCTJl ,i '