iR&SEi r 'f i f i " M' . 5 w l!i f Vi SIS fa I v w pr-t- .. T'lwrK'ri ,(H7iii Y'vwCTiiwf'r v ;,V va -. J - r Machine Phop. Textile Machine Structural Steel FOR ALL BUILDING . PURPOSES Bethlehem Construction Company Engineers Fabricators Erectors BETHLEHEM, PA. William Etsweiler & Co. nutabllrhtil 1888 Leather Belting Philadelphia EUGENE VELLNER Manufacturer nnil Importer Aniline Colon, Dye Stuffs and Chemicili SOFTENERS and SOLUBLE OILS 271 South 5th St., Philadelphia Thos. Wolstcnholme Sons & Co,, Inc. French and English Spun Worsted i and Merino Yarns OKftCB ani mills Frankford Ave. & Westmoreland St. Philadelphia, Pa. O. W. KETCHAM Manufacturer of Architectural Terra Cotta, Bricks Hollow Tile, Etc. Standard Steel Works Co. ' Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Southwark 'Foundry & Machine Company Manufacturers of Hudraulic and Power Tools 400 WASIIINHTON AVENUE r-IIILADKLrillA Build of Concrete !i Waterproof t ,- m 1UIXANirEfi'ORTLANDiFMENriO. p 'PmUlPELPHlA EwfJRK iJoSTOi Herbert W. Geshwind Reinforced Cement and Concrete Drick Paving Asphalt Work and Damp Proofing 761-63-G5 N. 26th Street rmtiuisi.riiiA. ia. PHILADELPHIA CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. 1200 Stock Exchange Bldg. ., IVewill finance your project "We" will built! your buildyig Sprue 2088 Race 3017 Chas. J. Webb & Co. WOOL and Cotton Yarns 16 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. N. Z. GRAVES Incorporated 22 and 24 South Third Street l'lilladtlphla The House at Snrrlnltlts In Taints and inrrlAHttn varnUhes VM C. JESNIG Precision Machinist 716 Sansom Street Philadelphia The JOHN T. DYER - QUARRY CO. Birdsboro Trappe Rock HARRISON BUILDING Philadelphia, Pa.' 1M BALDWIN Locomotive Works SKVEUAf. 0tan used trucks for !. 'ine Ualdwin Locomotive Worka. Boa Steam, and Gasolihe LOCOMOTIVES , y- Philadelphia, Pa. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION haa ateady work, arood wacea and ' txcell.nt worklnc condition). Thtra t nptnlnia In nearly all branctaea (or ikllled mchanlci. .Apply Employment Department at the Yards , ?CaUBdH, WJ, iaaaaaaa)BjCTj X m v . - v:- 1?- VW ? ;h MONEY-LENOINQ RATES NKW YOKK Money on call, mixed collnternl, opened todny nt 5j per cent for lending and renewing. On nil in dustrial collateral the opening rntc wad (I per cent. In time fundx the situation abso lutely iinchnnppil in regard to the limited operations and the stereotyped ""j per cent quotation on Industrial loans for sixty and ninety days. Prime bank acceptances nre un changed, nnd call loans on this class of documents still rule nt 44 per cent. In mercantile paper, offerings are nt n minimum , nnd quotations hold nt fi'ivKtVfc per cent, with nearly nil of the business nt the lower level. PHILAnKU'IIIA Call, n4 per cent; time n -"Ji ?? 0 per cent. Commer cial paper, three to six months, B1,, 5',4 per cent ; six months, 0 per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official discount rates nt the twelve Federal Reserve banks were as follows: (The tlrst column gives the rates for all periods up to and including a fifteen day maturity to ninety days. The third land fourth coltimns"are the rates for ic ! discounts of collateral loans secured bj I government bouds or note.) Com 1 paper in to no Govt paper Id to HO 1V daja dnvs t t 4 I l' 4 4'i 1 4', 4". , 4'1 4 4'i I 4'. 4 4 1 4 4'i 4' ft 4'1 4 4'i jr. das dava Hnjton . . -1 48, Now York . 4 i I'hlladelplila . 4 4 rievetniiit . . 4'i 4 ntrhmoml . . 4- 4 Atlanta 4'i 4I I'hlcag'n ... .4 4 Minneapolis . 4'i 4". (45 St I,0Ull ... 4 4i Kanaaa City . . 4U San Frnnclco . 4' ." Dalla 4 4j 5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yorlt, Slay 0. The weak fea ture in the foreign exchange market in the early dealing todny was lire which showed a drop of 3 to f points to "." for cables and 7.57 for checks. Htetling n'1" firm nt llf" ,)0Rt quotations of the week and irnncs nppeared to receive a I ...l.ln ,,,,,, aF dim..., ltnlrl!,,, n. 1 V I 111 I II IMIHIIIIJI. Ul rll,Mll. II I Mil I II,, "li 0.12 for cables nnd fl.H for checks. The market otherwise was dull with out particular interest. Quotations generally were: Demand sterling 4.68''i, cables 4.on't. Franc cables 0.12, checks 0.11. Lire cables 7.55, checks 7.r7. Swiss cables 4.01), checks fi.Ot!. (iuilder cables 40, cheeks !W74. I'eseta cables '0.28. checks 20.20. Stockholm cables 2010. checks 25. R0. C'hristlania cables 25.;I0. cliecks 25. Copenhagen cables 21.00, thecks 21.II0. Ituble notes were steady nt nominal quotations of 12', fff 12',i.. BANK CLEARINGS nnk r .arlncff tnilay compareil with cor reapondlnx dav last tuo "": 1010 mis 101 I rhiia J:.n.ninJ37 (r.n.Tni.vnn sus bs S4 .v. York 7sn.nsn.riBs otn.osn.riiis 7fl.4"i7.4'jo Homon .. r.ii 44 s"i.4in I'l.lfilii M.. 1I1J I11S KV 7IIIl.(li j Nil. ft. .Ill' lialtlmore 11 Jtll.lllf 10.004. 7111 7.377.4.1R LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS nid .:ik .Itm Butler . MrfcNHinaru illdivay ... - Mlzpah Kxtenelou 1- Monltna ?.1 North Htar n't Rescue Kula 20 West Knd '.' OOI.DKIKI.I) STOCKS Mlanta. 11.1 Blue Hull o'l Hooth Il lllanif II II O'J lnla' UJ Krwanaa 0.1 Oro 'J Silver I'lek 10 Spearhead 13 .11 - .! Mli!C'KM,ANROUS Arl I'nlled .'JO Nevada Wonder Tocopa lltnlnir . .13 .17 .11 1 RAILROAD EARNINGS I'lllfAOO. ROCK ISLAND AND rACIFIC SYSTEM nil co i iuii en!! !'. ,!!' l.4Jl,tt94 Mairh gross $S.4r,3, llalance ufter taxes 44D.IISS Vet oier. Income 2.17,113 Three months' gross 21.(I'I,1.NI,1 Balance, nfter taxes 210,7(12 Detreflse. "J.fHS.L'HS -M.S31 I CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS Clllcngo. May II Bl'TTRU rtecelpts. R41R tubs rirm Kztra 534 5JB7C, flrets. 54Frri(lc; seconds. M'i .13c. i;!GB Rerelpta, 23. .1117 cases. Steady. Firsts. 42W14c; ordinary firsts 40'4tT41'ic: mlscellanen'js, 4H8,43!?4c. Conveying Elevating Screening Crushing Washing Storage Power Transmission i The Webster Mfg. Co.,PhiIa.,Pa. j NAGLE Steel Company Shipping Urgent Lots STEEL PLATES and SHEETS Within Two to Four Days Pottstown, Pa. runjK 1411 Morris Bldg. OFFICII Metal Lockers and Steel Shelving High class. Prices reasonable Dexter Metal Mfg. Co. Front & Arch Sts Camden, N. J. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS Royal Frantz Premier Eureka Walker & Kepler 531 Chestnut St. HOMES AND POULTRY FARMS Lint home Bites which equal sevan o 1 1 y lot equipped with modern poul. try plants at once. Etrht dollars on easy terms at SprlnaTflcItl Manor. Ten minutes from (9th Street Terminal. Homes desltmed and built readv for oo cupancy within elxty days. WALLACE & ZOLLERS S05 Otia Building fa-uin ftruA A IT QJ2W'J"rtu",lm"T : 'i'1!'-1-?' &IQ L Vr 'EVENINGF PUBLIC) IyEDOBl JBtILADBLPHlA, FRIDAY, GOSSIP OF THE STREET DISCUSS PROBABLE CAUSES FOR SMALL RAILS' ACWVITYZsZ' 'Wise Ones" May See Importance of Linking Up Big Systems When U. S. Returns Carriers, Says Banker Gossip of the Street (CTTOW tlo you nccntint for the recent nctirlty in vhnt nre known n tlie A-- 'little' rnilrontlt?" ns the nne'tion put to n bnnVer nlioc liotise N largely interested in rnilroad -eeurities. Tn reply lie said lie lind been told (hut the possibilities of oil discoveries in land owned by n number of these ronds, or in lands contiguous to them, nnd thereby addin- to their freight earnings, if nothing more, were responsible. "Hut." he added, "nfter all. there nre very few of these roads which In the long run could hope to profit in either of these ways." lie snid he believed the real reason for the activity in the small roads wns the result of the wise ones anticipating the importance of these little fellows when the time conies to link up the big systems in the plans which nre snid In be contemplated in the return of the roads to the stockholders. ' Tt is worth considering thnt every prominent railroad man is opposed to n return to the old system nnd thnt the mol favored plnn nt the present time contemplates n regional system formed on n basis similar to that of the Federal Reserve Hank system. It) that sjMcm the little hanks became quite important nnd hnve remained so. nnd it is natural to presume that these little links' will play nn important part in the final solution of the revised railroad system. A broker when discussing the subject of the "little" roads said lie agreed with the conclusions arrived at nbove.' He said when John Moody, the well-known financial expert nud statistician, wns in the city n few days ago he advocated the retention of the railroads by the government for an other year, until the theorists and extremists for government ownership have had enough of their own medicine, nnd until the rnilroad deficits pile up to a figure which must be taised b taxation so heavy that its teeth will be felt, and then the people, who have to pay the piper, will rise up and on demn forever the piinciplo of government ownership. "He said that Mr. Moody expressed the fear thnt if the iond weie returned now the present rnndilinns would he loo soon forgotten nnd people would listen agnin to the mlncntc of government ownership when the next wave of such a sentiment sweeps ocr the country. In some other qunrtets the "activity in mjls is Attributed t" 'he news thnt Congress hnd been called for a special session. Constructive legislation is looked for, especially in regard to the tailroads. Traders Do lot Object to Brokers" Larger Commissions The new rates of commission for brokers mentioned in this column some days ngo as being tinder consideration by the governing committee of the New York Stock Kxchnngc went .nto effect yesterday, owing, it was snid, to the default of a majority of the members to vote against their inauguration. These rates must nlso be dinrged by Philadelphia, brokers on trnjjsnctions in the local market covering Ksnes listed in NVm York. A customer in one of the brokers' offices, when asked what he thought of the new schedule, said it wns nil right. There m no reason why the brokers should not make more money than they have been doing during then Inst few lean jenr. bill with u succession of million aud million and a half shared,! the were just heginuing to recoui; some of the losses they had incurred for u long time past. He said he wns certain there would be no kick coming from the cus tomers who pny the commissions, as they recogni.ed that their brokers had been losing through poor business and heavy expenses which, in common with the expenses of eery other business, hnd been increasing out of all propor tion in the lust few cnis. A new schedule of commissions, similar to thnt adopted in New Yoik, will probably be put into force by members of the Philadelphia exchange, nppl.iing to stocks listed here. Such :i schedule was posted on the local 'change floor yesterday . PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ftRAIN AND PLOUR UKMirs nnu ri.sJ" H111KAT Receipts, -dl 3113 bushels The arael ruled nrm vun nsni niinin," Tho follovvlnc were the nuotauoue: i ar lo iuiiii.viiik ri- .' .,-... -- - t in export elevutor. srovernment jtand rd Inspection, standard prices No. I. red Inter, SJ.SIl; No. 1, northern aprlnit. JJ.3K. lot: 7," i ard . Irlnla, K'n 1 hirH winter. "?.3D. No. 1. red Win IIRitnr aril,l.i. CAT N'n. I. red smutty. "I " 3B: No ::. red winter. Si.HH: No. 'J. north- 1 .n ....nn ii qn s;n h.rH vvlnl ha'rd 'winter. 2.3fl' "111 D,.ll. .a....., ..U. ..",' i,. nil No. -'. rea winter. Karncsy. .:... ; .0.1 red smutty, W.33 No. 3. red winter. fJ 32. ml No. 3, norihcrn spring, ti 3J; No. 3 hard .in winter. Si.3i. No. 3. red winter, garlicky. .12 1 S2.30, No. .1, red amuttv. ti.ifi . No. 4 red, M'S'-'.XO. No. i. garlicky, J-.2H No 4. "niutty, I " '.7 Vn A irurllfUv emilltV. S''.tlll. NO on' o!"red. 1128:' No. 5. garlKky. $J.-.0. No 0, smutty, J2.'.'5: Np. 6. garlicky, smutty, JS2 24 itnv Dn.Ia 4 HI Uiols.l. Tha mir. L i-'ll.. Irvciilri, I tiiis uuaurie, iiii- inni- 1 ket wad cjulct and pricr were kirn-M nomi- tial We quote pllow in rar lota for local j trade, as to nuality and location, at tl "Sit i 1 H' nor l.iiihrl I OATyHeteJniff liTfi.", bushels Demand waa llsnt an1 Prices ver 1c lower We quote Car lots an to location No 'J white I 'fl'ltift'it, nWndnrtl while. ThS U 7'T tlo. a. white. 77'- lh57Pc. No. 4 white. VWltC riOUR HecelptB. M 8Hri.OiO round- In tutlona Applet-. Nev York, per bbl Maid tarka Demand was llnht and prlrea fnored win. $8f1ti.10. Orecnlnt; $!IWinj Kuweit1 bujera Tho following were th nuotn S7ttffi Applra rennlanla and Virginia t Ions. To arrle( ptr 100 Iba In 140-lb lu I per bbl Hen Davla, JflSfS (Jano $7h .Mi sacks Winter straight, western, $1 1 500 Applea. uewtprn. ir box. J4 7.'(tU ." ,V l.fin 11 7r. nearbv. Jll IT.ii? 1 1..0 Kansas innn, per box. II.WiffM ns Orimrea. Florida HtralBht. $12.i0t:,f,5, do, ahort patent, I per crte. J.. D."i7 .10. do California, m-r 11.1(,(13 ,t0, sprlntr, ahort patent J1J r.iHd I.l.a.'i, do, patent. irjJAVl-.T.l do, flrit clear. $10 .'ifl-ft 11 II YB FLOL'n waa dull We nuote at J10 (UlUh.i 4r barrel In Rack., aa lu quant PROVISIONS The market ruled firm with a fair Jobbing demand. The quotations were a a folio its Bef In seta, amoked and alrdrltd. 48t. bef. knuckles and tenders amoked and air-dried, 49c; pork, family. $irtiintl. ham. S P. cured, loose, 3.V -&3lli c; do. skinned 1nn-.v niUfllS.'.Ur! tin. do hmoked. 3(1' 037c. hams, hotled, boneless, ftlr, picnic ahouldera. H. r rured loos, -hac.pi amoked. 29Hc. bellies. In plcltl? loose, 31t, breakfast, bacon, 40c, Inrd, 3U-, REFINED SUGARS Trad was quiet on a bants of Dc for fine Branulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CIinESR sold fairly and ruled firm with tuppllea well under control at the following quotations: New York and Wisconsin. wnoie-miiK, current mrnip. n.,or v, .,r TnrL- nnd Wiacon.ln. whole-milk fancy held, 38f8tlc; specials hlshcr; Uo do fair t" good IWO-37C. , , nUTTEK Tha market waa nulet. but of ferlnes were light and prices ruled stead:,. The quotatlona follow; Solid-packed rreani err, extras. 00c: higher-scoring goods, Bl 01c, the latter for Jobbirm sales; extra firsts. I8c. firsts, ABOSTr; seconds. .Vtri4c sweet creamery, choice to fancy, fl2w14c: do. fair to good, o601ct fancy brande of prints Jobbing at fl7B0nc: fair to gooi. .,0ll5c EGG3 Demand was good nnd prices ruled firm, with supplies well cleaned up The quotatlona ranRed as fottowa: Free cases nearby firsts, $14.10 per crate: current re. celpts, $13.80; western extra flr.ta, $14 in firsts. $13.80; fancy selected eggs Jobbing at 52954c per dozen. POULTRY LIVE Offering, were ample for the lirn Ited trade requirements, and the market n.i FOR SALE Single-Screw Steel Steamship "OPHIR" . The United States Shipping Board proposes to sell to the highest bidder the S.S. "OPHIR," formerly of Rotter dam,' Lloyd Line, damaged by fire last November; sale to include Hull, Engines, Boilers and Equipment as a whole. The vessel Is now open for inspection at Gibraltar. A deposit of 20 of the amount of the bid is required as security for payment of the balance within one month from date of acceptance of bid, which deposit will be forfeited In the event of failure to pay such balance within tfme stated. Deposits are to be made with the Disbursing Officer, United States Naval Base, Gibraltar; and may be cash or certified check, which may accompany bids or be handed to said officer at or before time of opening bids. All bids are to be made in United" States Gold Coin, and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Dis bursing Officer, United States Naval Base, Gibraltar, and marked "Sealed Bid for S.S. OPHIR." ' na Bids are to be opened at .10 A, M June 15, 1919, at the , U. S. Naval Base, Gibraltar. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. UNITpD. STATES SHIPPING BOARD I'JU.JTX , tvc JunihanRed The follonln? are the nuo- rnwle. via. express. .ISICfS'le eprliiB rhlckens, lirollern. not leffliorn. welahlnc -ivi', ins. apie 'e. Iiw7;ic 'vnne l.ef horns, hrnlters .llafH.le: rnnsters. "4 ducks Pekln 34fff1Hc: do. Indian Uunner. 2SO.I0 : geese. 2J.1r2.1e; pigeons, old. per pair .l.liraftnc do. oi4i. per pair, 4n4f5llc lU'.nssri) was In firry finin..apd steadv Quotations' Fmvls. rrrsh-kllleil. iTi .' i ' .1 In hones- Welehlnc r, nniinHs nnH ni.p I aplei c, 37c; weighing 3a (fr4 pounds, 3Se: weigniiiK i pnunos ,voc, smail'T sires iiiwf 34t, fiesh-kllled. In bills, fancy tln-pklieu. weigning ,i iiounos ano over aniete. ;iie, we.glilng 3'i W4' Ihs. apiece 38c; smaller sizes, o.uo,c, oin roosiers nry.puKea -TC, spring ducks. Long Island. 43(T4.1c. squabs per dozen, white, weighing 11ffirl2 lbs per dozen. l,.7.1fi r,0 iio. do. weighing oruilii Ihs per dozen, 17 7.1WS .10. do do. welshing K Iba per dozv.i 111 ,11107, do. do. 7 Ihi. pr dozen, l.Hhrir.O- ilo. do. weighing Mill's h per do7en. J3HJ3 .10; darks. 1 3(lfl2. small and No 2. 73rs?$2. FRESH FRUITS Annka were in mtirII suiml unrt nin"t with lUtle I'liHnK m irt es Stnwbprri" were Irregular In nualli mri ahif. lnjt i i,ni'. atoik tuleil firm Other tlrata were In moderatn renuest at rel-iet1 flsurPH Un.t- iiwic, x.i uiiTif.a.-i urapefruit per iwx II ! as lrfl3V Strawberries, southern. ier quart VEGETABLES New polatoea were more freelv orff red and apaln eaalt r Other met a hies were generally atead Quotatlona White pota toes Malne, per 100 lbs SJ .(( J Utmt potatoes, Pennsvhanla, .No I per IOii lb" i 40WJ.60 White potatoes New York ,r 10ft lbs . IM -40OLMI0 White potatoes Del aware and Maryland, per 1(10 lbi $J 1'." tJi -.40. Whltn potatoea. Kiorlda new nei bbl No 1, 7 .04fH .No 1'. $5 .-.Otfrfl Sweet potatoes, .lerdev. npr twnkul- n l s ey, per b 7.,, .NO. CabbaKe. nouthprn per rum per, S2.71.ffv R 2S, do, do per rrate. ,i o"ini .i, no, .Norroik. per bni ji'iuftj unions, euow, per KKMb ban, j.Wfj, do, Texas, new. per crate $4 6 1 , j NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Mny (). Tlio mnrkcl for I cotTpo futures openeil luifhailRPil to 11 ' i p,.i:np nf c -!.. Timlinir .... ,t, , tieuini- ot o points. liailllig on thn , (-j,u vviin v-iiuiiiirii to me J7PcciiiOPt' mill March dclivones. Vcs cloie Julv is 71 September 1H .'.-, December 1 7 7u March 17 54 April 17 50 Todav'a open 18.71 1 H 21) 1 7 (111 17 411 17 50 Paris Bourse Firm rails, May 0. Pricps uerp firm on tlip Bourse today. TIii'pp per cent mitps 02 francs ()."i cpntimps: pxchangp on London liS francs ill cpntimps: ,1 tier cent loan 8.S francv 1(1 ipntimpx. TIip dollar ranged from (! francs 11 pntimes to 0 francs 1!) centimes. iiiiii i Milium I , '.Jiifi 'T-y"? -7-- p ?rm BREAK IN CORN PIT Fni i nwrn rv rai i v Oats Depressed Chicago. May f). Violent swings oc curred In the corn market todny, distant positions finishing weaker, while May ended higher, reflecting stability in the cash tirticle and smnll stocks. There was a general rush to soil far deliveries nt the outset, influenced by yesterday's record -breaking icport oil winter wheal by the government, ex pectations for better weather, which encouraged the belief that receipts would increase shortly, lower prices for hogs nnd heavy shipment. froro. Argentina. On the break there was huying on resting outers and by commission houses, with lonnections in the east, whlih led to rallies. Pressure induced bv the weakness in corn hnd a depressing effect on late de liveries in nuts, but May finished stead ier. Theie was n good demand in Hie spot ciowtl. The weather wns mine fit Miritble. There weie minors of export busi ness being worked at Uninhn. Leading fuliirp. railed follow . lorn (new rteltr Open HlRh Low Clone .luh . . I ill 'a i n; l nn. 1 il.T. Tt i toae 1 li'l I nr,', CRi, H'J'4 Srpl . Oala .lulv . . Senl 1 .4'i 1 .-,s l B3l, l HJ IIS no. B7 04 si ns (id I.ard Tul 31 so eni 31 4" nihil 1.n Jul .7 s", Pork Vn Jul- :.n -.11 llnl .11 sn ill 40 .11 7 a.i .-. ,ii oo " on js nn TRADE IN CARPETS ACTIVE I j iiii.i.i ! a . mi .. muubiry. wnicn Has uaggca, anows CUiit f M.... I If WIJJIIO VI l.YT Ullte The inipet business, which hns been dull fnr sotue lime, is bejjinnitiE to show sisiis nf nilivttv, nccoidiiij; to the weekli teview of tunic for the,l'hiln ilelihi,i ilistint ,j It. (i. Dun & Co Conditions in textiles, (eiiernll.v , arc snid to lie sntisfiii tnrj . with nianiifilc luiers liiokini; fomnid to busy times within tlie next three months. The icvictt, continuing, goes on to Mi.v : .lubbers of hosiery, uiiilerwenr and knit Kimils stnte tlie hist week or ten hns biniiKlit ii decided impiovc nienl in business I'rices lime nKo. n l n in ill nud i iillci timis nloii'; tliii liue .'lie tepoited nniuial. '.lobhers of woolens nnd "ottnn piece Roods state thnt the market is ml vniicins. Theie is n good denintul. ".Mnniifiictmi'is of men's nud bojs'i rlntlnug Miitr tiuit tlnv arc mmluc to till tillers presented to them ovvinc; to the' abor sitiiiitinu, nnd inability to olitnin ' i pir'i gnoiN. "Miiiitifniluirrx of ilrcs"!". nnd -liirt waists nNo slntr' t tint. nwiaK In Inbtii' rniiilitiniis, (Iipj- linvo liron iinnlilp lo fill onlrri prc-i'iilrtl to tliPin. Tlin df inniitl ill prppi'iil I'M'i'ctls tlie output of tlii'ii' pliinti. I'lii liniilvMiio lino iPiiinius nrtivc m , ' nil its brnnches. l'lioii nppvnrs lo lir nn ini'1'pni.p in Hip nmoimt of purrlin-.p-vl liping imiili' nntl n moip jji'tipnil satis- fnr t ion i" pxii-pspi1 in tliisluu nf liusi ih'. I'ricps remain Jiigli anil oollprtion coml. "I'nint ninniifnitiii'Pi"--, iIphIpi's in, pnintx nnil pninlpi's -unpliPS ri'jimt an ini'i't'ip-p In lliii Hup ni nii'.iiipss. l'ur- I i'hn-is in r in l.iijjpr piiiiilitii"i anil rpp ipvont all (rnili"i nf iiiatpi'iiil, anil it i" ' lit'liPM'il tliut tliPi'P will In n 'li'iiil.v in cipiim' in lliis lini' nf luifiiiP'-s iluriiiK tin' I'cniiiiiiliiK wpiiiiK pa-on. nnil that tin liusiiipss will iciiinin acthi' iluriiiKi Hip Niininipr montlii. I'vicps lomain liigli nnil pollpi'tioiis kooiI. "Wnllpnppi' inniiufai'tiii-Pix. jnbbcri ami ilpiilors report a .teail. increase in llii line nf business!. A few- large con- tiartx are beinK taken nnil Hip bus-iiif-s ' in KPiiPral npppar-, tn be in a normal loiulilion. There ii little i'Iiuiikp in I prices mill lolleetinni reiniliii row!. ' GOVERNMENT BONDS lllil As'rfed nsi l)1t PO'i Its'. !I1, O'.i'i om, 1IJ on i, iii nn on nn on no nn nn, 'i'is, sn n si .rj Kinu nnii, ion', innu o; mo Panama poupon 'J" J('!,,.., , I'HnamH realnternl -",'"" Panami loupon ": lllfj. Panamii realstereil ir l1 I'aunmii i oupon a 1J' , rapama reRlstered 3s 11)111 . . rhiiippinu 4. mat . . . 1'hlllpplne 4h, in.15 . . . . 'hlllppine 4a. 1P3R . I S. (lovt coupon '- I'M" 1' S. llovt rcR '-'a 10m 1- S Gnvt coupon 3s 111 l'l V S Govt. reB Si 101(1 1 H Oovl coupon 43 lO-.l . V v Uovt rsK Is. 102R DIh of Columbia 3-r,:.c 10JI si jin.hs ritoM hi: 660 ACRES .sewarK UlOr, WtTERFRONT ON 11 MN LINKS KRIK M l,.t'kA N K. U. SullaMe for Warrliou Terminal, nil DUIrlhutlnic l'lant. Aiitoiuiiblle Munufarturer. Aeroplane, or un.v other large IndiihlrleN. ' ' ' lll sell In lt ICnllretj or Part. Term l s,,. III.ST MTI IN "II NHR M,V KIRK C1T. , I'or I'lirtleulara Wrilr I.K INnLhTRIAI. RIIAI, 31 CLINTON ST. I el. Market 060-061 Buy Now! And insist that your Dealer give you All Sizes for Immediate Delivery Standard for Nearly 100 Years The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company MAY 1919 BUSINESS NOTES Steps will be taken to prosecute stores i that violate a provision of the luxury , tax law which states Hint the consumer and not the sto.e must pay the tax. , Production of steel In April by thirty companies tcpresenting S4.0.T per tenU of the output was J.L':ttJ,"ll tons. This compares with S.flO'.'.'JOTi tons in March : 2.704.0.S.T tons in February and 3.107, 778 tons in .January, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute. Home furnishing and redecorating, which was put off during the war period in the interest of economy, has been revived to such nn extent thnt the demand for upholstery and drapery fabrics now exceeds the supply. Kx port trade with South America, denlers say, is good, but sales to Kurope are small. Preparation of "n campaign of In tensive and intelligent advertising of the merits of reworked wool nnd woolen . . ... . ..-! rngs was ueicgaieu lo n specini com- mittee nt the annual meeting of the National Wool Stock (traders' Asso- elation. ingner proiiuriiiE cos,, mi r.ur.i,... countries than in the 1'nited States atjsimnk lepublic. the pi cent time nre iewed by (he Foil- ' cini liprnr ooiiro its n yei niiin iiiiiiuii iiji to the deelopment of their post-wnrl export trinle to tlie t niteu Mnies ns n menus of pn.iing off their indebtedness to this countiy nnd liquidating pur chases of raw material. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS riiUatn, Mhv 0 HOOS necelpte 40 0Ho head Openeil r.. lo 3(le lower but wea!. enlne and mostlv 3e lo fillc lower than ea terilav a aeraee One load 120 on onl of line be.t nnw selllnu at atwmt $'.'0 B't Hulk J'.'ll 1-,M JO il'i heaw J21I tTttrll n. meitluni 11 lofijn nn lighiwelKht l.-nd '.'11 nn IIrIii K 7V.MI .-. hea,paiUlnK na. Il'l 5019 kloc owe. Jis 71W 1" r,n plea jismiKi iiniii'iiiu oneien 1 f? 1H 1 r "i'H'laF. Him lpt 30110 hfld lUf "itrs and ftpfrri slow ("tpa'h hulls' ran- ..Ihrrs trni at9 I'MfflOr lowt Hef moniuni arm kooh, 1 . . ranimon i i i:t .V- IfRhtifUli1. Bond and cholrr IIS VI It (nmmnii and mpdlum tin 'J.iTf 13 ,1Uh(,r i,rifer. $; ;r,w 14 .in. row, t; r.oti ' - 'el 'filvrx. ita r.owi I .in Mli:Kl' llecelnl.. IIOIIO head. Slow bid din luwer nil all grades. rltlslinrsh. Mav B HOOS Uei elpls. J.100 lieail Market lower. Heavies SJ1 JMtf L'l 411 heavy jorkera $L'l ITiW-'l 2.1 light I oii,er 2ipjng).o r.ii pigs. $ii.i.i2" SlllJhP A.NU I.AMIIS Recelpls .100 head Market steady. Top sheep, JI3. top lambs "ru.Ks--!te,eip,s. 3.15 head M .rke, j steadv rop Jin . , Kast llutTiilo. N. 1.. Mav P. f A I rl.h Receipts 1110 head Steadv I'alve-. re.uaies. me icceipis were mull Dales. reipia. 300ii head Fifty tenia lower. tCcsi' I III HOOS Iteielnls. TiHIM head Twenlv live cents to 10 cent', lower lleaVT. .'! J.iW 2 1 .1.1 mixed anil vorkers. 121 2.1 Harm ' vorkers and pigs I20..1H. lougha lis 2M is .in. slags. 9l-tU'lt. siaie. i, ,u v -I -" siicki ami i.amiis Receipts soiio head Twcntv the (enm to .10 iit loner I.ntnb". llllfl IT earllllgs. 110911.10 vvelhcrs S13V13 oO. ewes j 12 50. mixed shiep, 12.riO13 Ivuiimih Clt. Mav n HOOS Receipts il.VHl harl llenerally -."i fenta lower than , vosterilHv'B average, packer lop $20 tl., iltwlltv btohI lfillk of unlea, till 110 20 ll heavloi, $-0 4,ri1i-0 .",. medium weigh'!, , nchts. siotrin no. packinc ot. siu&so.o.i ,'lf?T'4pJiil'jp Pi iUlv'es. au' lasses st 40O head, and 25 Hteadv. Hpbv b--f ntferF 1V ." IN .10. Ilsht beef sierra. 110917 1A butthr row 8 Rtnl lielfern JO (WltSC 15 'J.-., can npr Hnd tutters, Vt.iTtQn 00; venl ca Hen ;)t4Xi:; Ktofkprn and feeders SH AO-fplA IS MIKKP Receipts. 1f0f) bead. Nominal, all HrrHala dlr-(t to parVerP l.ambo HI pounds nr 1-Rs, $17 'J5G li 8Ti r pounds or more $1(1 "rili 11 - ( ult! and common $1175f? It;, pwp medium lo tholce. $11 2.ilffl i .i0, bp-edlns ewea, $0 M)(r?17 t. Inn.. Mv 9 HOOS Receipt U ikui hPid. .Mnrki-t low-r T.lnhta $11' HTtty piss, tial' " .in. Bnuicni?r- jn N-di jo.hj-av jiottJO.M. steBdv ,Ntivn teer. n head Mnrkpt WIN .) hfilT- tr XW l l 'i , rows iiuiiuui.i.iiii,! and feder! $I0-Jfl3.V tahea $7 75 l ." n SHKCJ RfelPt 1000 head Markpf .from? lawnih l.-glH wi S13-ifl4 50 BUY NOW We handle only the very Best Coal Satisfied Customers 30 years. 2240 lbs. to every ton for 30 years. Our business has increased from 3000 tons a year to 150,000 tons We Serve You Right Owen Letter's Sons Largctt Coal Yard in PhilaJa. Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland Hell. Fkd. 2150 Key,, Kant 933 a in of nkw mirk FACTORY SITE AT RUTHERFORD, N.'J. Midway between New ork and AIIKNTS KSTTK fil'ECI I,1STS NEWARK, N. J. Broker Tully rrotrcttd i.SSB?, ,, 'FFim BUYING OF NEW CROP FEATURE IN COTTON . .. . Covering Movement and Sup. , port From Foreign Interests Load to Further Cains New YnrU. Mar n.TI,i. nn mnr. ' - ...... ... . ..,...,... nnvi,i . til, ,lll,(lilc in ... spoinis. due to nrm cables nnii wet weather in the south, In addition to local coverinp. biivlnff of new crop months by Liverpool una n feature. There also was support from other foreign Intnr.te ,, l,ll, ' eventuallv led to further gains. The early advance met a good deal of realizing and AYall street selline. which caused reaction, of some 10 or IS points from the best. Trading became more quiet on the de i ii i ., in , . i cline. liinpipr. ns the o1llnp snetiie.! tn . - ... be heckeil by nervousness over wea 1,1. - .!!.: .. i... 11:1. ,- hm-i ,-imhuiihiis r nuiusii rrpons noni the goods trade, nnd prices held steady during the middle of the morning, Theie were leports that the supreme economic louncil at Paris hnd nrrnnged r,. ,,,,. ,,,, nf ,,nt,on . .i... fVP(.10. "30 ! P 111 ! i'S in :n si LTi 10 I '.'I ll.t H4 in n .is J4 ir. 1 J4 no ' 11 no i so i lo.r open am p m Mav j7 pa -jR vn l's in 2s in .iui ;n 4T. L'fi .-. . n-. in nn ep .'1 n ;;.', 10 ?! 10 LTi Ill 'let il .-.7 24 SO J4 SO L'4 0.1 N'o -J4'n 'J4 ".'H L'4 L'll ;4 in Dei 24IO -Jl 40 1'4 411 L'l 411 .Ian 'J 77 1'4 IS i'4 ll'i 'J4 March .. LM.M M .11 i.1 M 1'3 Oil s.pi Cotton Buyers and Sellers I New York. Mnx ll. Mtu Cone, j Itnnnemnii and Ilnitcom bid: Weld nnd Young offered, .lull Mitdiell, Hiooks, McIInntn, llnitconi, I'leiinnnn nud l(:0,,r 1.1,1 Kieffei' V "" "'" n'"'J ", ' ' r li'liri n i 11 - ( K.pffpr. Hmnks, Flft.xrp. HtiMmrH, .li Sellnr nnd Stcinhauser hid: Il.vmnii. n'-'1K Clenininn nnd (leer and Munds .liiniini.v Sizel bid; (! (Iiimoen and MontRomeiy offered Iteccniber- Sellar, Steinlinuser, Mont Komer.v and Mcl'adden bid, .1. Ilnpkii HoseiiberR. llartcorn and It. Ilubbaid offered. ... Liverpool Cotton ,. , ,, ., ,, . I.Ueipnol, .liny !l .piit ulltoll wns, 'I1'1? ,n'1','V '"' l'H"' tend on thr, basis of mi ndvnnie of ".'.! points for iniddlinR ill 17. 1 Oil. The snles were ."000 , , ,, .. . ...... . . int-Hldiiis '.HID linles Ainericin. rtitiire; weie steadv ill tlie enily denlings. Spot r .... t i ; , ,i. r. . nrices weie- A merli'n n miil.Mln f.,n. i,. ., . , , ,,. ..,,, . .. lil.i.d: Rimd niiddlitiK. l.S.Jild ; fully i niii illitic 1 7 T'lil nilfl.llini- 17111,1. In,. uiuKiiniR. 1 1 . i ,'u , niiiniiiiiK. iii'.Ki:iow i middling, l.i.dld: Rood oiilmnrv, 1," KOd .,ll,, 1" li'.i "l"1 "IdinillJ. l.i.'llill I i Lloyd PortuguezW Lisbon and Oporto And (or) Valencia Barcelona American Steel Steamer 61 Melrose" 8300 Tons Loading May 15th Full Brokerage Paid For rates and other particulars apply to kv F. D. Dirumick & Co., Inc. "7 Phone Land Title Building, Spruce 5515, 551G Phila., Pa. or Roderick & Rumsey, 10 Bridge St., New York. 1 Victory Liberty Loan Mass-Meeting ACADEMY OF MUSIC I Tonight, May 9th, 8 o'CIock Sharp 1 Hon. Wm. Howard Taft True American, Beloved Fellow Citizen I Maj. Gen. Charles H.Muir M "Uncle Charley ".of the Iron Division I Lieut. Vincent de Wierzbicki Member of French High Commission 1 Music by MASSED NAVY BAND3 of H the U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. S. Illinois, U. S. S. Ohio, U. S. S. Maine ADMISSION FREE ll!!!!!!ll!!!IIJIIUlllJIJ!!P!tUliJ)milll!iUUl i" - in JiU LOCAL MEAT MARKETS ! The Imli vveatern drenaeil men irLtk.-'id1 PhllMtfelplil la reported by tha Iwal (; ! HTKKliM Merelpta light' market iripytA4 at K'',o 125. demand onlv flr, .Iwfc-;piJJ.hih) m.ri..i .t.A ..W'VW1 """" " KTitSl VKAIj ftff Int mnriatral ...!.. ..I. .xW&M rOUK SUDDlv rnnrierat Mn ,k.J 4 ."jj mNrktM al "ll tn !. .. ,,-J , i " .1 ..AMh-Supply ,iber..', marke,' I && Viii "" """-'s-nur iupr prices, mi 6 .M.a. --.. : "" w i v oe I ..,: V,' "IU sencrauy gnoat i 'i. .J V.";,'1?' .?"??.nl- ""- , -Pi- - .(.;. .. ,o lu ..i, uemana quiet; V ,m - . vW . . Graphophone Co. 8tock Dividend k '' f i New orli, Mnr It Tli rlUi. Si;. Oraphoplione Company has declarer! ,f j3 'hvdentl of 1-20 of a share of common,,!? tOCK On the Common Stock In fliMfflnn & 0he usunl quarterly cash dividends of m , n , on, ,hc omnlon Bn1 of ' Wl M P'-r cent on the preferred, all pay., ,""'& ablp '""y lo hol,"rs r record June 0. ' M ru.. , r,.i j , " Cnange In Refined Suaara " wusp x... V..-I, At.. n t , ..., -vii,, ...,, ,,. ihtiaeci sugars: are unchnnged with demand fair at 0c, less '2 per cent for cash. Haws are unchnnged nt ?7.28c, delivered. DODGE pa. enter Tourlner .splendid median- leal fnnillllon $4.10 .XNMWI. MAI CI.E.RANCK RAT. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. 851 NORTH nilOU) STREET Poplar 7650 VWUWWUWUU1UVVWM ; . r S bO Prices AreRight Union Metal Columns Last a Lifetime t Metal Latti Because Mttal Lattt For all purposes PEARCE CO. 1345 Arch St. Phila. Both Telephones I J VVVVVVVmSVVVVeV? 100 A 1 British Lloyds Kf.'.JS I III 111 II I III I J lllll lllll Mill lllll nnii Mill iiiiii I.JUL &.1 Svi : m m ?si J.I&SI '.' yv ' t$l n A "fj M " 3 a I S I ',i M ? m S?1 , A 4' ' ir !S ' h. ; &. r t r . WT i t ' B f' .',". a h.-f - ! : n -'H v"'i ' Via a f V-U