Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 09, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 14, Image 14

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SB "
o""Triple Alliance" Designed to'
lj Protect France Till League
Can Function
! in ill (ULiiiiiirii II nil i nir i jii',''
I (ipiirKe nml nioinrnreiiu. lm hern pu
ny (he Associated Trrss 'pikciI limine Hip l:it fp ilnjs On
Paris, Mny 0. Thp pnEaKdiimt fnrtlipni nlono iIpvuIvpi! xirttmll.x nil Hip
joint notion by thp t'nitr-d Stnlrs nnd xxork of complptiiic Hip ppnrp trpnly.
Orcat Britain to nsslst Frnnpp in case nnd nflpr turninc mrr to Hip fori-inn
of an unprovoked nttnek eciloil greater ininistrrs Hip piolilpin of tin1 nenx Aiis
Interest and satisfaction in French trinii territorial Ixiuiiilniii'. tlie Hirpp
official and military quarters than the lenders sppnt Hip afternoon in intirh
treaty. needed rei'iention
It Is understood to liavp been the i fi-, n, ltili piemler went Into Hie
culmination of conferences held by 1're- ' .,.,.., ... ..1.. cf. ilp l'irmier
mier Clcmcncpau and
Mnrshnl 1 ocli.
The latter took the advanced military
view for complete defensive protection.
and the premier sought to rpponcilp this
with the more moderate view held in
the conference, and emphasized Hip diffi
culties attendant upon joint notion by
the United States nnd Crent Ilritnin.
The announcement of the nrnpneil
ioint action bv those two countries luis
the effect of harmoninng the xiexxs of the beautiful giouniN. which bear few
M. Clempnceuu nnd Marshal Foeli on .cnr now of then- uiiigli wartime
the adequacy of Frpncli spouritj ugainst , uv.1Se, and thev wntibed with e blent
Germany. pleasure two Ameibnu owned home
Several plans for joint ini'itiiiy ne- i-niup home ahead of their Held- In
tlon by the I'nited State-. (Jieat ltritain the tii-t two raee
nnd France were considered befoie the One of tbe-e hoie-. W K. Vimder-
prcsent proposal wns adopted. The
first plan wns to secure joint m Hon
under the covenant of Hip league of na
tions, which proM'dcd Hint the league's
council will determine what milltnrj nnd
naval action should be taken against
stntcs breaking the covenant.
It was belieiccl that Hip council, under
this authority could decide upon joint
action by the 1'nitcd State--, limit
Britain unil France ns an nppinpiiate
form of defen-e against nn icsuinption
of warfare on the part of (icriiiaii.
This plan was abandoned for Hip
present engagement, xxhich is in Hip form
of a letter to be submitted to the I'nited '
States Senate nnd the British Parlia
ment. It is understood Hint flip Iptter
requires approval by the 1'uitPil Statps
Senate in order to make the pledge
effective, and if this approval is given,
by resolution or otherwise, the engage
ment w"ould then be submitted for ap
proval to the league of nations coun
cil. Those close to President Wil-nn
maintain the engagement is not nn
alliance nnd. therefore, not iinnnsi-tpiit
with the principles of the league of
nations. They inid it is a tempoiarr
means of assuring Fiemh -ernritv lm
til the league i- fully eslnblished nnd
able to make France secure.
It is expected the prnvi-ion that Hip
j, United States will "immediate!.!" mine
to the assistance of France in in-e of
unprovoked aggro ion will involve con
sideration by the I nited States Con
gress of a plan for a sufficient army to
permit "immediate" notion without
awaiting the creation of nn nnnj and
the forwaiding of large forces as an
expedition to France after such ag
gression occurs.
"''Sailor Who Killed Wife Is Acquitted
of Murder
Buffalo. N. Y.. May '!.( Itv A P. I
Frederick K. Minor, n petty ofliiei
in the nnvy. was acquitted of the i barge
of murdering his wife in the Supreme
Court yesterdaj . The iur! deliberated!
for six hours. Minor shot hi- wife1 on1
September 14 and nl-o shot hiniclf, but ,
The "unwritten law' figured in Hip
defense, it being contended that Minor
was a victim of emotional iu-nuity nt i
the time of the shooting.
Lets get
Down to
ARE STAR TIRES .is good as I say they are or
am I too enthusiastic?
I have been asking some of the best known men in
Philadelphia what THEY think about STAR TIRES '
and I haven't found any one yet who has used them
who wants to go back to any other kind.
Here's a letter from Mr. J. II. WEEKS, President
of the Keystone Automobile Club the largest of its
kind east of the Mississippi. He writes: ,
I suppose that on some rir occasions vciur mail brings
you some pleasant surprise In the form of an acknowledgment
of the uoodness of Star Tires
Not but that your product deserves that kindly recogni
tion from many users, but becauso xve are all mi stingy with
xxorcla of praise
1 outfitted my Cadillac with a set of sit 3fil'-; Star Tires,
In June. 1317. and they apparently will be stilt going Mrong
a. lone time hence for their life la certainly blest with endur
ance. I first bought your tires because your representative,
Mr. Ii. B. Walters, talked me Into them. But now I couldn't
be talked out of them.
(Signed) J II WI3CKS.
The Product of
BKk."-'.: :
Lloyd George Plays Golf, While '
Premier Clemenceau Takes I
Motor Jaunt
I'mls. Mny !). fHy A. 1M l'rrl
(lont Wilson's vllt l the LniiRchninp't
linccs .vcstenlny xvns I'.v way or rc
CHECK ' 'nxn,'n" 'rom '''0 '""'' ,u"'c '" "I1'1''1
. It n in rut tn inin ti ttli I'l-niii! rwa I .litl 1 1
(i,,mf,m.pnu took a Ions niolor tide on
the brightest. rloniiM day of the sen win.
Mis. Wil-on ni'fiinipnnied the l'iei
dent to the Hire remises, as did Hear
Admlinl (irnunn, the pintj witne-sinc
the reopeniiiR of the Mipeib tnuk. xxhcie
cms had been piistmed .inri the lust
grand fix- :i run
took grp.it interest
ill I'.ll I. 'I hey
n looking over
hilt'- MiKinlev. nnfirmed in da-lung
-tj.. the opinion foiinod of him hpn"
last war (hat he wn- one of Hie crack
racers of his gei, .-ration, and caused
him to be ?el down lis the prolialilr
fnv-orite for tlie forthcoming 1 rem h ii liinrn i lie cnnosi eniio perioitninontP II
DpiIiv and the tlrand Priv. noiitlitto italo jugoslavo ed avendo
Although the public was not iu-lnwito piu' volte 1'occnsione di oserci
foriueil that Pie-idetit Wilson was c- taie la -ua funlone di tnedintnre tra i
peeled nt the ttai'k. hi- pre-citce in due partiti. vttnle e-primore In sun con
the pnvntc box of the lining commit- lin.ione i be una grave ingiustizin stn
lee wn- -noli iliscoveind mid he be- per e etc fatta nll'ltalia e che 1 pnpoli
mine an nhcot of the gienle-t interest
I nn the part of the In illiant fashionable
. . ,i . i i I :.. .1...
ClIIVVll III tlie ginilll -lllll'l unci III II"'
paddock cuclo-iiro.
Suspected Murderer of Women Be
lieved to Have "Death Furnace"
Patis. Max ! - ( 15.x A. P I Cnl
I'ined human bones have heen ili-cnvoicd
bv the police in Hie villa at liumbas-
owned bv Menu Lnndru. who is nuclei
an est on -u-pic imi of having murdered
-eveial women will' hiiio di-appeaicil
leieutlv Aiioiiling lo the poliie, lain
dm useil a furniiip hcaleil bv -onie nil
deteimiiipil niethoil lo biitn the Hunks
of his victims, mid de-tro.ved their
limlis in lii- htopl.no-.
One of the most important discoveries
has been a urns- of -tones piled against
a wall if Hie villa. The-e evidentl.v he
long to a lui n. no. and clinging to them,
it i- said, weie found lilts of molted
gins- in which weie piece- of bones
phj-ici in- decline to bo human. Those
nie alleged to include thieo fragments
of hum. ill skulls. The llooi- show -tains
of blood, a- -oino of the furnilulo does
Intoxicated Mexicans Seize Sergeant, i
but He Is Later Released i
Nugilles. rl.. Mnv '.I Mexican"!
i nvali vinon. -aid to have hoe nxi-
c-ateil following Hi" Ciincide Mnvnicle
bintion. lo'h' acios- the iulei national
lioundaiv .it I.ocliiel. fnitj luile- west
of hero Tuc-daj night and kidnaped a
-oigeiint of the Tenth 1 nited States
i avail! Iiolniedl I
The tioop mminander immediatelv
made a deiniind on Mexican oflicor- for
tu. iriuin of the -nldier which vva-
brA 4
p -
IThrn In Ura doubt let this
sruldn .toil
are the kind of tire that you can put on
your car with every assurance that they
will give complete satisfaction. Star Hand
Made Tires (Cord and Fabric) have an
Extra Ply of Fabric; Extra Wide Breaker
Strip; Thick Cushion of pure, live Rubber;
thick side strips and an extra heavy tough
tread acurately compounded to resist wear.
That means extra long wear and increased
Distributed in Philadelphia by
1536 Sansom St.
I Termini Navali del Trattato di
Pace Sono Stati Completati
in Tale Senso
PubllshM nnd Dlnlrlbuti-rt Under
TERMtT NO. 3tl
AnthorlrM hy tho net of October a.
1017, on ni at the Tostofnce of rhll
d'lnhta Tfl
riv order of the President
a. s iwni.nsoN
rostmaster General.
... , . I.onura, non e che una plccolissimn
Pangi. n magglo. I termini navnHipnrte ,icIla nnmnzin L.,e spettcrebbe
del tinttalo di pace die dovin essere nll'Itnlin. poicbe' i nove port! che sn-
pre-entato all Austria souo sum com-
' - i icuuoro possiuiu oi grancie wvuiippo
K-i elimiunno complotampntc snrebbero lasclatl alia Jugoslavia; Inol
navnli dcll'Austria. Tuttl lc tie 1'Italla non nvrebbe inslstito sul
1p furze
nnvi. ginndl e piccolo, dovrnnno e-sere , pntto di I.ondrn sc le cnttivc influenze
c-onsegnate I,e disposizloni per la cjlc sospingono la dclegazionc jdgo
lipartizione di dotte unvi tra gli Alloati vurn Pnrigi non avessero Htlmolnta In
snrnnno date In segulto. I H)ia intrnnsigenzn ; invoonre II princi-
l.'intoio problema doll'Adriatico tro-,,j0 doirautodecisione soltanto contro le
vera una soluzione nolle discussinni ohc
sono orn in enr-o noi i.oncino uoi evidente se si tien conto doi gundagni
Miuistii jier gli Affnri Ksteri per la territorial! dollo nitre nnzioni rnpprc
delimitazione delle frontiere Anstro- sontnte alia Confcrenzn.
fnglieresi. In Parigi si osprime la ( lIngbilterra avra" sotto la sua do
sperana he tuttn sara' acoommodatci( minazionp tin vnsto fmpero chee vn
ion soddisfn.ione per l'ltnlia. ,dall'India ali'Kgitto; la Fraucia vedra'
, , ronlizzato quasi complotnmonte le sue
Parigi. ninggic I. Agonzia Hiivnit n,ntra.iolli riciiardant! In rivn sinistra
ha liicviito nntiin dn Ilomit clip il
glomnle I.'Kpocn ha pubblicato
quiinto segue:
(iiorgia Henon. nmieo del Presldentc
Wil-on e cotisidpinto In America pel In
I'uropa come ''interprete fodele del
pensieio wiisoninno, invio' dnlla Sviz
ora una lettein nll'IIpoca lit cui ili-
, jgnnmun ciuale
ignnriiuo ciuale dietroscenii si nn-conda
letio hi pie-ente crisi. Hen on dice di
potor nfforniarc con sicurezza che due
volte -i pie-ento' I'occasione di nn nc
coiclo. ma che esso fall!' per gll intrighi
di nlciiui hiianiori intornnzionali di-
plninntii nmente privileginti e cho -nno
la vein causa delln crisi nttuale o di
Introductory Price
Regular Price $4
For 10 Days Only
No "pulling and dragging" to get
In, or out. of a "Colvln One-Flees
Work Suit!"
The "Slip-Oft" feature means con
xenlence. Just pull on the Tapes
the g-arment slides smoothly off both
shoulders, xvithout twisting, turning
and working at it. It's off, "ln-a-jiffy!"
"Colvin One-Piece
Work Suit"
With Patent "SLIP-OFF"
Provided with eight pockets placed
rlKht Sewn with tested thread thr
times, for security Cut full for
comfort, yet fitting snucly, because
they're cut right Rlvetted buttons,
bar - tacked where the strain Is
Th extension neck-band and cuff
adlustment helps make them prefer
able, too In short, they're the last
xxord in Work Suits, providing Just
the features you need most, only had
tiover thoucht of Made by The
Motor Clothing Mfg. Co.. of Baltl
more, Md., and specially priced as an
Introductory preposition at $2.50.
Made of Olive-Drab
Denim, Blue Stifel Stripe and Un
Tv. hlaiihiiif Hani V lirill. r-r
. .By Parcel Post ten niir
'cents additional. State
i ' chest measurement. r
Shake it
in your
Use it
in your
Use it in the Morning
-And walk all day in comfort. At night, sprinkle it in the
3foot bath, and boak and rub the feet. It freshens the feet,
stakes the Friction from the Shoe, and by protecting your
liose and stockings from this friction, saves ten times its
cost each year on your stockingbill.
For over 25 years Allen's Foot Ease has been the
STANDARD REMEDY for hot, swollen, bmartinp,
tender, tired, perspiring aching feet, corns, bunions,
blisters and callouses. It acts like magic No plasters or
grease, clean, sanitary and cooling.
You will never know what real foot comfort is until
you have used Allen's Foot-Ease. What better proof
than that the Plattsburg Camp Mauual 'advises men in
trainiugxto shake Foot-Base in their shoes eachmoruing.
I I You should have the same cOmfort for.yo'ur feet. ,,,
Soldiby Orugand.Departmgntstprqa everywhere, ,v
tuttl gll lnsucccssl polltlcl e raornli dclla
Confcrcnza, c sul quail deve cadcre la
i rcsponsabllita' delln rovlna mlnaccl-
ante 11 mondo; dctto cruppo finnnzlnrlo
corca nvcrc concesslonl per lo nviluppo
dl Flume c del portl Dalmntl c per
I'acqulsto dclla linen dl nnvlgazlotic del
Detto progctto sfrutterebbe 11 popolo
serbo c provochcrebbo la rovlna com-
Imcrciale dcll'Italln, fncendo seompnrlre
la sun bandlcrn mercantile, lnoltrc le
jrelnzionl politlco-rommercinH dcll'ltn-
,lin con In ltomauln c con 1 Unlrnnl
i rchucro complctnmentc troncatc
uiiiuuni in ccucrc in sua portn nricninie
I'ltalin lottn per la sua cslstcuza con
tro concesslonnrl Intcrnazlonnli : cssa
.,,, . . , ..I
non ha minlcrc o risorse dn offrlrc a I
OOOSli Nllll.lUlulnnni.1 mnntvn lt.4.. mnn '
-, ... .-v. . ei7..f..u. i, j, Jul, I.." 1.U1UJIC
sud-orientnle c' raatura per lo sfrutta
mento; del resto, sccondo II pntto dl
, rebbero possibill di grande svlluppo
rlvemllcazloni itnliane dlviene ipocrisia
i (ii i.,.. nvra' la Sirin e nuovc!
,lonip africane. Nessuno trnv a che In
! Frniiciii alibia avuto troppn: Sarre
j nverebbp ilovulo. spcondo molti. essere
rpduto con pipno dliltto nlln Finncia
ed il pnteip frnncn-bplgn avrebbp do
vuto ostendorsi nl Bono senra enmpro
mossi imprnticabill. 1. Polonia avra'
una nonolnzione di cui nppenn nnn
metn' sara polncco : la ' '(,,' -
Slovaeohia includera' giustamenle una
pnpolnzione tedesca di tre milioni ; In
Jugoslavia avra' unn forte porcontunle
di popolnzione non jugoslnvn e non do
sidoro-a di passare sotto la dominazione
delta Serbia. Soltanto nll'ltalia e per
ragioni eomprese esclusivamente da '
coloro c lip sono n conoscenzn degli oc
culti moz.i di cui si serve la finnnzn
intornazionnlo, si rifiutano i territori
olio se lo fnssero concossi contorrebboro
j solo il tie per conto di popolaziono non
i itnliaun.
Get the "Coltin One-Pi
Suit" in the following
812 Vine St.
631 Market St.
505 Market St.
533 Market St.
70S Market St.
Khaki, Indigo Blue
Heavy Drill.
French Court Finds Ladoux Not
Guilty and Convicts
By the Associated Press
Paris, May 0. Senator Humbert,
who hns been on trial by court-martini
on n charge of having had dealings with
the enemy, was acquitted, yesterday.
Captain Oeorges Jllo T.ndoux. former
chief of the intelligence burenu of the
Ministry of War, a cn-defendnnt with
Humbert, wns ncqultted.
Pierre T.enoir, still another of the
co-defendants, was sentenced to death,
while William DfHoiichcs was convicted
nnd sentenced to five years in prison.
Charles Humbert, senator and for
mer editor of I,e Journal, wns nrrcstcd
in February, 11118. during the trial of
Bolo Pasha, who was put lo death for
treason. Bolo. it was brought out, had
bought nn interest in T.e Journal with
money Hint came from the German For
eign Office through banking bouses in
New York. latter, alleged fresh evi
dence (barging Humbert with coin-
with Hie enemy wns dis-
i covered. ,
Proceedings were begun Inst March
against Captain Ladoux in connection
with the Bolo Pasha and Bonnet Rouge
cases, and he wns arrested, charged
with the loss of a document relating to
persons likolv to be implicated in a case
alleging trading with the cneniv.
1 anni, una nwnufrl ef tl-fwlinf n'lln
i the enemy. When arrested bis case was
, plnced in importancp to the government
higher than Hint ngainst Bolo Pasha. He
wns n Parisian capitalist nnd with
I Uesouchcs bought Le Journal in BHii
h lv.
for 10,000,000 francs ($2,000,000) and
later sold It to Humbert. The money
was dcclnrcd to hnvo come from n Ucr
mnn source. Lenoir testified nt the
preliminary bearing he had received the
inoupy for tbo purchase of tho paper
from Swiss merchants, who desired to
control it large French newspaper.
Commission, Discussing the Peace
Treaty, Sees Fifth European Nation
Washington, Mny !). (By A. P.)
Provisions In the pence trenty making
Danzig u free city, establishing certnln
boundaries for Poland nnd cnlllng for
a plebiscite In the southern portion of
eastern Prussia in the Allcnstcin nnd
Maricnwcrder circles xvcre commended
In n statement last night by John F.
Shulskl, Polish commissioner In the
United Stntcs.
"The formnl rebirth of the Polish
nation through the pence treaty Is so
thrilling, so momentous nn event," Mr.
Shulskl snid, "that It is impossible nt
this time to sit in purely critlcnl judg
ment over the frontiers ns already an
nounced. The Poland outlined xvlll
have in excess of .10,000,000 population.
It xvlll be the fifth nation in continental
Europe. It will be a land of com
pulsory education and of equal rights
for all peoples and nil creeds."
Two Members of French Cabinet In
tervene In Walkout
Tarls, May !). fl?y A. P.) Louis
Klotz, minister of finance, nnd M. Col
Hard, minister of Jabor, hnvo inter
vened in Hie bnuk sffikc nnd nrc hoping
to find n monns to settle the troublp.
The strikrrs' committee, hns printed
n poster giving tlie profits of the bnnks
in 101R. Thnt of the Credit Lyon
nnisc is given ns nenrly .'10,000,000
frnnes; Comptoir D'Kseomte more than
15.000.0011: Hip Societe (.lonernlo 1.",
000,000; the Union Parisionne Ui.OOO,
000 and the Hanque D'Paris Jl.000,000.
The cen-ors have refused to pass tho
'Tis done. We have fought the good
fight. We have Avon. So, let us rejoice
as becomes the Victors.
Put the Victory Loan over with a
smash. Pay our debt of gratitude right
royally. Come across like Men.
Then face the future unflinchingly.
Readjust ourselves put our houses in
order get down to Business
It is the pleasure and privilege of all,
motorists to get behind and push. As a
matter of Loyalty and Judgment.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
British Find Conspiracy for Troops
to Demobilize Themselves
London, May 0. -(Uy A. 1'.) A
": wifek SHAPE . : "
THE choicest of
X Havana tobac
co is blended to pro
duce the distinctive
character that makes
so widely known as
a smooth, mild, en
joyable cicar.
Atk the tobacconist
:glLJlUl nr.ni ill lll-UHfe:
PrHiHrtit : mMf&mmmE--
conspiracy to induce British sailors Wis1
mutiny nud soldiers to demobilize by si
marching out of their barracks, has been 1
discovered, according to the Dnlly Mall.
The premises of various persons have
been searched and documents seized.
Si XH'ffiSK EI Z 1
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