Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 08, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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Pe,pper?Sees"Cohlfr6miso and
Thinks U. S. Needs Skillful
Constitutional nmrnrlment may be
necessary, in tho opinion of (icorgc
TVhnrton I'pppcr. to provide h mrnn of
nelcctinc the right sort of roprprntativo
of this country on the executive ennnril
of the lenftue of nation-".
Sir. Pepper Rave this opinioti in ilta
eu,sinc published terms of tlie penre
treaty. Several otlier learlinR riiilmld
phiansi. in interview", expressed favor
nble opinions on the peace treaty pro
visions: "The treaty appear" to comprise two
claesci of provisions. " '-aid Mr. I'epper.
"Provisions of the fir-t ilnw Hie tlioe
whirli sulijert ficrmnm to .onie of the
consequence', of her crime. Tfiii must
have been In far the easier purl of the
peace problem to vohe. '
"!'. A ........ ,! .tiiss me Illume vvhlr-h
postpone for. fill lire decision till (lie incur-' apiiiM
difiicillt ijueMioiH vvnic-n I cm me prarc
of the world, ppnreiillv it is jiioposed
that these shall nt some tunc be decided
bv the cxci'iltivp council of the league of
nations if nnd when Ihat body comes
Into effective existence.
"The decisions reached l.v the I'eace
Conference are subject to intitii ntinii by
our Senate. The decisions reached by
the cabinet of the lensue of nations upou
the vital matters refened to il aie not
subject to rev ision b us or by any
"The wisdom of leavine great futuie nomic rebound
problems to tlie decision ot an interna
tional voting trust has been vtidclj dis
ruswil I'rotn 'now onward we must
consider also whether this would he a
cafe tribunal to intrust with the final
setllemeut of all the piesent difficulties
" which have pinwd ton great for the con
Need Shilled I'ilot
"If we asseni IO Mil II H pillll m rricr- 1 . - ..... , , . .1
,ncowp shall xviint the wisest nnd sjnrst I tl"l'"'' f,plnB r-ntot bj tin
rhllndolphia Chamber of Commerce:
"Such mi nEteeincnt between llreat
Britain nnd the United States, agreeing
to gic lnllilnry nnd naval protection to
rrnuce, should Ccrmnny ever e'oiiimil
nn unprovoked war upon her. Is. to in
niiud, good.
"I think wo owe it to l'rancc to nf
forrl ' her 'tha'l 'protection mkmiM she
over need it. to safeguard her security
us n nation."
llFiibrn 0. M0011. former Congiess
ninu. an authority on international law :
"It is impossible to give an intelligent
opinion off hand but it was my opinion
that the league of nntious was intend
ed to obviate (he necessity for just such
alliances. thought that under the
lengue uations, every country. in hiding
the United Slates nnd Creat Itrititin.
wiis to go In the uiil of France when
ever iittntkcil bv C.enniinv or imv one
Alba 1I0I111MHI, president "f the ltuld
win Locomotive Works: "This trent.v,
ni il bus been outlined in tlie piess,
seems to he entirely sntisfmiorv . It has
impressed me most fii'-orably in every
respect. There are reservations. of
course, but taken on the whole, from
the American point of view, the treaty
seems to have been admirably designed.
"(iermany is permitted to survive lis
nn economic factor. This is as it slmiftd
he. 1 nles (iermany remains nn eco
nomic fiutiir in the world s,e will be
subnieigcil 111 anarchy n ml ovcntiuillv
destrovnl 11s a civill.cd power. It seems
to me that the in dlitwing the terms of
peace the Allies have carefull.v guaided
i.....r....,. iv I' I infclli:ii II. ol the
liistoiv di'pailment of tlie Univeisitv of
IVniisvhaiim: The tieaty is libout
what 1 expected. The terms of peine
imposed on (ietrnnny aie seveie. but
Inking all things into loiiMiIrrnticm. 1
doubt whether thev arc moi e severe
tbun !iN,se imposed by Ihe victorious
licimnns on tUu I'mnli in 1MI.
'The one imiortant thing glial ded
nfninst is tlie dancer of n (ierninu eco-
liv taking over tlie com
and iron fields of tieimauy the Allies
have effectively crippled her in world
competition for :i decade. This does
not menu they have destio.ved her."
"If the blockade is lifted she should
be able to loiitinue her national eist -enco
jilons peaieful lines. If thnie is
nn anarchistic utilising in (iermnuv it
will be the lcsiilt of nn inteuselv nn
fldciits of our participation in tills
.'!. To rer ent the ties of comrade
ship formed in net-vice.
I. To protect, assist and promote the
general welfnrc of alt holdiers, sailors
and marines.
. To ciicouragc the maintenance of
individual nud national efficiency to
the end that the American people shall
Opposition to "Regulars" aildl never fnll hi their obligation to
., . . ( iiiiiiiuuiri
Negroes urops up wnen
; Session Opens
liy the Associated Pi ess
M. I.011I1. .Mo.. Mny S. The Ameri
I tan Legion, composed of men in the
i military or nnval service of tlie gov-
ernnieiil dining the war. opened n
llnee din- session heic today wilh moie
than a thousand delegates, icprcscnting
Iviiluallv every smte in the niiloii. pies-
eni. Lieutenant rolonel Theodore
ttnn-eielt. of New Voik. presided.
The sessions of the various temporary
committees during the past two days
have brought to light many differences
nf opinion ' foremost among these is
the dissension between the National
(iiiaid and the icgular aiiny.
An effort is being made on the pa it
of national giiaidsmeu to exclude regu-
C. To maintain the sacred doctrine
ot undivided nud uncompromising, lo.v-nlty.
Some Think Conditions Too Se
vere, Others Too
force nnd must take the consequence." nbly resign ns governor nt tho end of
The heaviest part of tho sentence, the next week, nnd this will make Senates
News niltlR, is cotitniueil in the economic I irc!I1oiit William N. ltunyou, ot Union
and linnnelnl terms. "We demnnd," ltjcounty) nr(s governor.
continues, "both the golden eggs nnd uovernor i:dge said he regretted lcav-
the corpse of the ghost that would lay . g the state as its chief, especially be-
tenresentative ill the voting tiut that
this nation can pioduce. Ho must nof
be hastily chosen Legislative action
nnd perhaps onstitutional amendment
will be necessary to determine the man
ner of his choiie. It mav he that the
league of nations is a larefullv con
structed airplane, but it will surely
..nmn in ertcf even tinder favorable
weather conditions unless it is handled
by a pilot vvtio preters plain sailing 10
tiealv .
ilar nimv men from the legion, al
though tlie temporary exeuitive com
miltee has voted tn open the meiii
Ibership to all mm and women who
'saw serine in the war. Lieutenant
( olonel Itennet Clink, sou of Chump
Clark, of Missouri, and who a few
days ago told the National (iuntd i (in
vention here that "the tegular nrin.v
, must be smashed" now is the lender
of the foi res fighting for
I of the legular nriuv in the legion.
Aniilliir iiiestion brought up todav
vas that of admitting negioes to niem
beiship A group of southern dele
gates proposes that they should fotni
I an auxili.n.v oigiiuiatiiui.
The repoif of the coniniittee on ciecil.
vhiili has been adopted bv the teni
poiaiv exeiutive rommiltee and plni'cd
'liifoie the louveiition. states that the
lAineihan Legion has the following deti-
I uile purposes
i I To inculcate the duty and obli
gation of i iticiiship.
'J To preserve the liistoiv and in
WILSON'S OHIMISM, INorthcliffe- is critical
Dealers Think Treaty Will Put
Him in Mood for Revoking
Dry Order
Atlantic City. Mny S.- Prophesies
that when President Wilson returns from
fiance with the pence treaty in his
porket he will be in n mood so cheerful
thai he will wipe nil war legislation, in
eluding war prohibition, off the slate,
turned the rinsing session of the Na
tional Association of Itetail Liquor
Deah'is into a joy celebration nt the
Hotel Tin j more today.
State associations today weie enipovr
eied to take nil proper measures to send
baik home as soon ns possible nil stale
legisiatois who, despite the aid long ac
corded them by snlnouists, voted to nf
li i in the bone-dry amendment. Neil
lionnri is to arrange the "down nud
out" club progiam in the Keystone
Slate. Attention wns called to the fail
thill si supporters of the ninendmeiit
lecoguitioti ! in .viiissacnusetis already nave nceii put
upon I Ik' tolioggnn.
.1. .1. Uoheity, of Huston, and (.ieorge
T. Can nil. of Jersey City, lire lival
candidate, for tlie association piesi
dciicj .
The convention today "appealed to
all fair-minded iiti.ens to lend their
moral assistance in helping to offset the
i ufoii eiiienl of an unfair and lin-Amer-ir
an attempt to deprive a vast nuijorilv
of the people of the nation of tlie funda
mental privilege giniitei! through tho
idoptiou of the original constitution bv
London. May S. (Ily A. I.) -The
peace terms, while receiving consider
able npprovnl from almost the entire
London press, do not osenpo from sharp
criticism on certain points. The objec
tions center mainly on tlie question of
financial compensation from Germany.
Some newspapers ate dissatisfied be
cause thev consider the terms too se
vere. Others think they nre not severe
Tlie Morning Post thinks (ici ninny
will not nooopt unless under ilures, and
sas "the indemnity conditions are un
satisfactory nnd do not fulfill Uie elec
tion promises of the Itritisli govern
ment." The Daily Mail (owned bv Lord
Northclifloi fears Great Itritnin will
find the terms veiy far short of the
pledges made by Pieniler Llojd Cieorge.
It adds:
"If the summary actually represents
the text, the provisions nre good on
the military and naval side, hut dan
gerously full of loopholes on the linnn
r inl sjile,"
The tiealv is described by the Daily
Telegraph as stern and stringent
Ihrnughoul. although without u trade
of the brutal eenise of nieie vie
loiious folic. "It is rigidly a peace of
justice." the Telegraph adds.
The Hailj Chinniele thinks (lie con
ference missed an opportunity ns re
gards Poland.
The liealj embodies the most se
vere sentence ever passed upon a great
nation, the Daily News (n Northclifl'e
organ), snvs, ami continues:
"Gerninn.v is handcuffed and in
irons from top "to toe. She appealed to
them It is hnrdly nn exag
geration to say thnt (iermany is first
stripped naked and is then told to turn
out her pockets." v
The News argues thnt but for the
covenant of the league of nntlons the
treaty would not be a pence, bill n
Tho Herald, the labor organ, roundly
denounces the whole treaty, saying:
"There is no honor left for any of
us. The league of nntlons Is n body
without soul. President ilson lias
been beaten. lie conipioiuised on essen
tials, nnd, therefore, the details have
gone nstrny.'
fore nil the New .lersey boyH in the
lighting forces may hnve returned from
France. Mr. ltunyou will serve until
January, HI1M, when the newly elected
governor is inaugurated.
Discussion of Nursery Needs
The Philadelphia Association of lis'yy
Vunanflnu t-Mt lintil fl ttmotlnff fit 111 R.I
College Club. 1300 Spruce street, this. J
nfternoou, to discuss the need for day
nurseries for negro children In speclfiq
districts of Philadelphia nnd tho typiV
ot nursery most desirable. Tho speakers "i
will bo John Ktnlcn, Clarence Whiter'
Miss Julia Jones nnd others. An open
discussion v ill follow.
Will Take Seat as Jersey Senator at
Extra Session
Trenton, May S. When the special
session of Congress, called by President
Wilson to convene on Mny 10, is called
to order, Governor fdge will take his
scat as the new United States Sesator
from this state, he says. lie will prob-
.mivin t v ". '. '-m,4
Convert your superfluous
Jewelry, Silver, etc.
into cash and your cash
Highest Cash Prices
paid for old and modern jewel
ry, diamonds, pearls and other
precious stones. Silver, Tupcs
tries, Oriental Porcelains and
402 Madison Arc, at 47th St.,
New York City
' - - -w-fc - ...
Fire Protection!
A fire, or water from a fire, coming
into contact with our wires or fire
men attempting to break into your
store, for the purpose of running
hose lines or performing other
necessary work, causes an alarm
to sound in the Holmes Central
Our men investigate. You are noti
fied and we safeguard your prop
erty until you arrive.
Fire protection is one of the func
tions of Holmes Service.
the founders of the gieatest lint ion on
Ihe f.u e of the earth "
Crew Saved When 343 Is Destroyed
in Bermuda
Iloniewatd bound, after months of
I oviting scrvh in the war ?one, tin
lAnnir, thr. Inoii." American submarine ebaser o. .,).!
Judge . I. Willis Martin "It appears, horned late Wednesday while at
to be a very scientific document. It lias
nren prepared bv a thousand experts
nud I should rail it nu admirable piice
of work. Possiblv it would have been
better to leave the league of nations
agreement for n separate document as it
might run the risk of involving mutters
that would better be deteruiiued
ICrnest T. Trigg, piesident of the
was burned late Wednesday while
Hamilton, Uerinuda. Several Pluln
delphians weie in the twenty-five man
crew, among them John A. Whiterafl.
iiuarteriniislcr. and Alden Johnson, of
Hnverford. Uoth were reported safe.
Seven men from the entire crew were
injured ill tlie bbre. one of them seriously.
The silhouette of a Pump is best
expressed in its vamp, as in this
model, so perfectly constructed.
Buckles, priced separately, 3.00 up.
930 Chestnut Street and Branchei
aaie st Men s
Silk-lined Suits
at $1
An Extraordinary Event Not Like
ly to Happen Again Until After
"the Fourth"
J Why wait a couple of the best
dressed months in the year to buy a Suit at
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and tomorrow? It's all-inclusive enough for
everybody. J Several hundred Suits, skeleton-lined
with iridescent silks. CJ Nine out
of every ten the waist-scant model in
browns, greens and other colors. Values
level up at $30 a value that justifies inspection.
Quality Clothes
1514-16 Market St.
Open Evenings Opposite Broad Street Station
nmlrrjplpll brand of cigars you smoke bHmIH)
HI) fiila J'011'11 "ever change. Thai fe
III) lpplaS result of perfect blending. Bg2S&
lilfiiPiPiiiJn Classic and Victor 10c mMi$$&"
llll retiB Liter ary and Blunt-11 c $Stf 1)111
Ulll Corona and Senator 13c wV
1111 r or Two for a Quartcr MWS Hill
linSH BobrowBros.Mfr's, m
III) l -Makers of the Famous WMWWl
Introductory Price
Regular Price $4
For 10 Days Only
No "pulllnp and draRKlng" to cet
In, or out, of a "Colvln One-riece
Work Suit!"
The "Slip-Off" feature means con
venience. Just null on the Tapes -the
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shoulders, without tvvHtliiB. UirnlnK
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"Colvin One-Piece
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With Patent "SLIP-OFF"
Provided with eight rochets placed
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they're rut rlclit . Tttvetted button";
bar-tacked -nhere the strain Is
The extension neclr-banrl and cuff,
adlustment helps make thenj nrefei
able. too. In short, they're the Hst
uord in Work Suit", prosldlne .Vusr
ihe features you need 'most, only had
neer thoueht of. Mafle by The
Motor Otothlup Mfflf. Co., of saltl
more, HI, nnd specially pi Iced as an
Introductory proposition at j:.50.
net the "Coltln One-Wee
Suit" In the (ollowtnc
812 Vine St.
631 Market St.
505 Market St.
533 Market St.
708 Market St.
Made of Olive-Drab Khaki, Indi&o Blue
Denim, Blue Stifel Stripe and Un
bleached Heavy Drill.
By Parcel Post ten
cents additional. State
chest measurement.
Standard Eight
A Powerful Car
YOU don't need to take all the
steep hills in high gear but
you want to.
You don't need to pick your way
through crowded traffic in high gear
but it is very convenient.
Great power means easy driving
and motoring comfort.
The Standard Eight has more
power than you need so great is the
power that to realize it you must
drive the car yourself. i
We invite you to put your foot on
the throttle and put this powerful
car through its paces.
Eastern Motors Corporation
N. E. Cor. Broad & Wallace St., Distributor!
Made by tlie Standard Steel Car Co, Pittsburg, Pm.
One f tht ttnrlJ't larwl InJailHal IntHtutlmm
m 'l '' s X
iur- T zKriv
Hrtl &XL-
ml "
HliL k-ii ' '"-'., P-. : fa:
The difference in the way
the Liberty rides and drives
is more than a pleasing
It is the basis of an admir
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Getting you to ride in the
Liberty is simply getting
you to share, that admir
ation. "We believe that in becom
ing the owner of a Liberty
you will simply confirm
your own impressions and
the 'kind words you have
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245-247 North Broad Street
Open (rrritorjr for Jealtrt in Easttrn Fenmylvania, Soathtm
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Tho attyapfyund soft drink.
LeadoEsMfnce established,
is strengthened and confirmed
by its MlWe$s and imitators
Bevo's leadership is proclaimed
by the largest rear nard that
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Sold evwfyvvfcex'e -"Families supplied hy
grocer, dtru&gisi and dealer.-Visiio5
are cordially invited to inspect our planf .
Wholesale Distributors
1617 Moravian Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bell Spruce 4232 Keyito'ne Raca 786
-. 41 fc f ,
i T rt A (
Kj&tJV&AxLi.. sL.
? 'i
i, ': j