ftS TffitW "E :. f 1 IV JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Comments on Various Events in Society Tivo Weddings Planned to Take Place in June She Regrets the Death of Miss Sinnott THK cnKupHiicnl of Mi;. Dil Wilille ninl Mr. John Herd, which wns ntimniiiml cm Moii(ny, whm ciiiitc n wirprtvp to iniiny of i. bpcniisp somehow mot of hh had Rot into the habit of thlnUnB Hint Mr. lUddlc was n confirmed bachelor. It N an aw fully nice eiiRnKcment, for Mr. Herd is n very lovely woman. Sim i the daughter of the late Adam llvcrl.v. and lives at 1.S14 De l.ancey street, with her mother mid sis ter, Mm. Talor AVnlthoiir, who-e win Tn.v lor died so valiantly in France on Sep tember "J7. Mr. Itlddlc is the son of the late Charles ,1. Uiddlc. His molher. who nni Miss JImnin Mather, died several nionllis nco. He is ti brother of Chailcs Uiddlc mid an uncle of Charlie Middle, our fnnioiH Philadelphia ncc. TIkiiikIi no date has been announced for the wedding, it is understood that nrrHII tnl;e place hooii, and very quietly, ns both Sirs, ltccd and Mr. l'.iddlc nic in mourning. TUST think of it! When jou hoar the ""' wcddiiiR dates jou venli.e that, the men Hj indeed coining back, do jou not "i'SIro nre Agnes l!rokie and Kclitli Smith, Jioth Koing to be June bridcK. Arhcs I'.rockie has been engaRcil to Jack Mason for nenrlv two crs. Of course, if it hud not been for the war and his ciifotcecl alienee they woulil hue been married before now. but ns he had to rci over jut about the time their eiignRrmeiit was unmanned it could not be then. Agnes is iivvfull.v cute looking, he i the daughter of the late AVilliain Hrockie, nnd her mother has since married Mr. Wil liam 'Waiden. .von know. They 1ic at Ited (late, the Waiden plate in C.erinantown. Agnes mid .lauk's wedding will take place on June 7 at St. Luke's Chinch, in Or innnlovvii. IMIth Smith and MiCluie l-'ahnclock au to be married, too, in June; in fact, their wedding will take place before 'Agnes and Jack's. II is scheduled for June 'J. This wedding will take plnce at St. l.uke and the Kpiphanj Chinch, on Thirteenth street near I'ine. In both cn-.es 1 hear there aie to be no bridesmaids, but each biidc h.is chosen her sister to be her maid of honor. In the cn-e of Agncn UroeMc, Klizubcth Urockie is to be her attendant, and Kelitli Smith will bine her sister, .Mary C. Smith, as maid of honor, ltut ns the tide conies nearer I'll tell jou mote about it. IT WAS with gient i egret that 1 learned of the death of Miss Mary Sinuott on Monday afternoon at her home. IMti Kit tenhouse Siiunie. She was a most lovable and loved woman. And it seem- to me that thcie bus scarcely ever been ti good w'oik undertaken in this city that I can remember in which she has not taken pint. She has nlwnjs given freely of her lime and monej , and that theie will be inimj to call her memory blessed thcie is little doubt. She was the daughter of the late Ml. and Mrs. Joseph V. Sinnott, the latter of whom died on Christmas Day after un illness of several months. MihS. Sinnott had been the victim of one sf.ero illness after another for n number of jenrs. but in -pite of her illness and suffering she insisted on keep ing up her good works, and on the ery dnj of her death refused to have put off n inert -ing Qf St. Vincent's Home committee that was to take place at her home. In fact, it made her happier to know that her colleagues In the work were keeping up what she was too weak to do. She was actiw- in war woik, n patron of art and music and was greatly interested in the School of Industrial Art. . Miss Sinnott was a sister of Mrs. Kjnn Devereux. whose husband was a nephew of the late Archbishop Hjan, and of Clinton, John and Clarence Sinnott. A, biothcr, the late Joseph Sinnott, was ut onetime a mem ber of the stafl of the old' l'liiladclphia Times, of which Colonel A. K. Mi-Chirr was editor. His father, the late Joseph l Sinnott, endowed a room at the rnivri'vitv Hospital for new -paper men and wonienjn memory of his son. Miss Sinnull was eu cntcd at the foment of the Sacred Heart, then at 1XU Walnut stieet, and was guiil uated ut Kden Hall. Two of her aunts, the lato Mothers Agnes and Anna Sinnott, were religious of that society of nuns. Her uncle wns Monsignur Jnmes 1'. Sinnott, ice tor of St. ClinilrVu Church, this city, and Ilishop Mctiiulej, of the I'hilippinc Islands, was a cousin, ' NAXCV WYXN'i;. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. William Douglas Mason, of Chestnut Hill, has issued invitations for the wedding of her daughter. Miss Katherine C. Mason, and Mr. Hairj M. Cliibaugli Hewson, oil Wednesday, June I. at 7 o'clock, in the chinch of St. Maitiu's-in-thc-Kiclds. .Miss Mnsou will be given in niHtriage by her brother, Mr. William Clark Mason, and will be attended by Mis. Kilvvin Warren Ucach ns inatton of honor, and by Miss Ellen Hewson Douglas, and Miss l'olly Mason ns flower girls. The best man will be the bridegroom's father. Dr. Adinell Hewson, mid the ushers will be Dr. AVilliain Hewson, Air. Adinell S. Hewson. Mr. AVill iain AV. Keen Freeman, Mr. Alfred (!, K, Jewis, Mr. Knusfotd Ilcach and Mr. Fred erick h. Moore, IT. S. A., of New York. The wedding will be followed by a reception at the. home of the bible's mother. Mr. ninl Mrs. John.K. Strublng, of Chest nut Hill, have Issued invitations for n din ner at the l'liiladclphia Country Club on Saturday evening. The wedding of Miss Frances D. T. Bent, daughter of the Rev. Itufus Howard Ilent, and Mrs. ISf-nt, of 1251(1 Dp l.ancey place, and Mr. Albert AVales Htiyvvtird, sou of Mrs. AVnlcs Hay ward, of llridgewnter, Muss., was solemnized at noon today in the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was per formed by the bride's fnther, assisted by the Tlev. Henry A, Mclvubbis, of (icrmantown. The bride woie her traveling suit of dm Is blue with a hat to uutch. Mr. Hnywurd is u graduate of Harvard, unit Mrs, llaywanl has recently returned from AA'ilson College, where she was n mem ber of the junior college. The marriage of Miss Katherine Cumnock Blodgett, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Jotau AVood Blodgett, of New York, and Major Morris Hadiey, son of President Hadley, of Ynle University, will be solemnized early in July at Pride's Crossing, Mass. Mrs. Morris Dallctt, of (ireystone Manor, AA'estowu, will give n dinner dance on July -, to introduce her daughter, Miss ' Margaret A, Dnljett, who will be anions next season's debutantes. Jt Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles M. I.eu nre speud T lug some time at the Waldorf-Astoria, New f V Voik, , lr" Mr. and Mrs. Itobert I. Montgomery, -r, bl iiuivBBun, viiiuuuvu, lc api-nmng BPV tl tiral tjays at the Traymore, in Atlantic City, hnte returiied fiom Illbernin. I-la., when they sient the greater part of the winter. nnd are at their home In Ucrwjii. Airs. A. I.luiolu Steelman. of 1!!'JI Spruce street, and her sister, Mrs. F.dwnul C. Leeds, of 12410 South' Twenty -first stieet. will en tertnln at cards and tea at tin l'liiladclphia Countrj I'ltib tomoriow. jlivltatlons were lei cited In this i-M.v jes terday for the mnrilngeof MIm Coin llriaiiti Hawkcs Wilson, (laughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph It. Wilson, formerly of ' Owibiook, and Mr. Horace' T. (Jieeiiwimd. Jr of I'rankford. which will lake place on Tues day. May lit), at o o'clock, in St. John's 1'iotestmit Episcopal Church, Albuipienpie, N. M. A reception will follow immcdiatelv nflcr the ceremony at the Alviirado Hotel. Miss AVilson will luite licr sister. Miss Sidney D. AA'ilson, as maid of honor, nnd Miss Nancy Sellers, of AVilmlnglon. Del., as bridesmaid, Mr. (ireenwood will hr.ve his brother. Air. AVcley (1. Greenwood, ns best man. nnd for ushers Air. Paul Greenwood, nlvo n brother, nnd Air. John 11. Wilson, the bride's brother. . After n wedding tlip the bride and bride groom wil be at home at the Toiiraine, t.VJU Spruce street. Aliss Dorotlij Painter, daughter of Air. and Alls. Ilonnul T. Painter, of Wat lie. will give a Ittnelicou at the Motion Cricket Club on Thursdaj in honor of Miss Isabel Ilrnce. of Annapolis. Aid., who is visiting Aliss Catherine Putnatii, of AVnj tie. The other guests will be Airs. De Witt Clement. Aliss Caroline Reed. Miss Esther Camp bell and Aliss Putnam. Alls. Andrew AVhecler hns been spending a week at the llrighton. Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Airs. Wheeler hate taken Air. Hubert C. James's; home for the summer mid will occupy it this week. Captain and Mis. Alb.i P. Johnson. Jr.. arc spending n few dnjs in Ossiniug, ,. V, On their return thej will visit Airs. .lohn i.on's parents. Mr and Airs. Alnhlon I',, I'ason, "iO.jO Orerbmok nveiiue, Oteibtook. Air. nnd Alls. Morton Alexander and their small son. Itnbeit Croer Alexander, have closed their home. 'J2L'.", Spruce street, and hate taken a (ottage nt ".I South Ver mont avenue. Atlantic City, which they will occupy until July 1. when they will vlvit Airs. Alexander's patents. Air. and Alls, (iustntus Knowlcs. at their cottage nt Cape Alaj, for the remainder of the summer. Dr. and Alls. Edwin Eldnu Graham and their fmnilj, of 171I! Spruce street, have gone out to their country plnce at Detou for the summer. Alls. Nfirnlau Cniitiell. of Wyunewood. and her children and sister. Aliss Marion Haines, are spending some time at the Marlborough-nirnliPim, Atlantic Cil. Dr. and Alls. John II. AV. Ilhelii and their family, of 17.".- Pine street, will siteml the suniiner in Snuuderslown.. It. 1. Airs. Hhein mid the fmnilj will leate the city firly in June nud will be joined Inter by Doctor Hhein. 'J'he marriage of Ais Marguerite 'nn Areter, of Alooiestown. N. J., and Air. I'led erick A. A'nn A'nlkcnburg, of this citj, w.is iliietlj solemnized on Saturdn.v nt noon at the home of Aliss A'nn Aieter's sister. Mrs. I'lank W. Stnulon. Tlie icrcnionj was per foimed by the Ucv. I'lank D. I.awreine, of Camden, and was followed by u dinner for the families mid a few intimate fiicnds. Air. and Airs. Vim A'aH.enburg nre spending their honeymoon ill the scnhoic, mid upon their return will lite nt the St. Jumps. Aliss G. A. Snyder, of Athens incline, Aidmore, returned fiom AVi ightstown the beginning of the week and will leate shmtlj for her summer home in Wildwood, N. .1. All's. Keith Trust,, who has been tisiting Airs, l.co Alud'ailand. l(!'J(i N'oith Six teenth street, has letuiueil to her home in Garden City, ,. I. Aliss Jane C. AlcCaity and Aliss Kegina J". Iiurrichtcr, of AA'cst Philadelphia, hate just returned fiom AVasliingtou. wheie they attended the Georgetown senior piom, on Alay 'J. The wedding of Aliss Hazel liirkmire, daughter of Ali nnd Airs. George AV. P.irk mirc, of 0HJ5 Nnssau load, Overbrook, and Air. Johu Eatvson, Jr., son of Airs. John l.awson, of Itoxborough. will take place on AVedncsdiiy afternoon, June (. in the 1'iist Ilaptist Clitirch, Alauujunk. The bride will be attended by her sister, Aliss Marian Hirk miie, nnd the best man will be Air. Donald Danenhower. Aliother June wedding will be thnt of Aliss Alida J. Coudriet, of Alden, Pn., and Air. AV. ltyron Ttiley, son of Air. and Airs. J. Tnilton Itiley, of O'JtO Carpcnler street. REAL CAMP FOR GIRL SCOUTS Will Occupy Part of Marines' Paoll Stamping Grounds Purt of the encampment occupied by the marines .last summer nt Paoll bus been lented for the Gill Scouts' tamp to be held during the latter part of June and during July mid August. This announcement was nude today by Aliss Elisabeth N. Fox, of Torresdule, who is director of camp activities for the Girl Scouts. ' Three barracks buildings have been pur chased, which will be used for incss hull, goneral'assenibly room nnd office. The girls will sleep in tents, which will be pitched upon the hill overlooking the beautiful Chester valley. The camp is planned to accommodate 100 girls per week. Aliss I.conn Alnxiin, assist ant director of the Girl Scouts, will be in charge mid Aliss Elisabeth N. Fox will nt t as advisor, GlrK Scouts will (ompete iu naming the camp. A prize will be given to the scout who submits the most nppropiiutc name. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Girl Scouts this morning Aliss E. Gwen Martin, the acting commissioner, Mated that $775 had been cleared nt the recent rummage sale held at 7-4 Chestnut street for the benefit of the camp. All of this money will'be used to buy equipment. "POISON GAS" LEAGUE TOPIC Loyal Legion Will Learn of Its Horrors i at Republican "Castle" "Poison Gas .in Alodcrn AVarfurc" will be the subject of nn uddress to be delivered by Alajor Joseph l.eldy ot u meeting toulght of the headquarters comniundcry of tlm state of Pennsylvania, Alilitary Order of the I.o.vnl Legion, The jticeting will be held nt the Union League, The lectfire will be illustrated, and at its conclusion there will be an elcctioa 6 qU UVUmSG PUBLIC LEDGEK PH1LADJ3LVH1. WEDNESDAY, LOCAL CAST TO APPEAR IN ORIENTAL FANTASY Players Ready for Curtain's Rise on "Farrakruz," to Bo Shown Friday at the Broad Finishing touches ,, u,,, (mining f lnt nnd ihorus fr Fiidnj nftcnioon's pioduc ti(iii of "Fiirinkrii." weie put on at the Ethical Ciilline Sniiety's clllbl'onms last night, mid the colorful Oriental spectacle waits now onlj for the scene shifteis and a pieliminiirj tiy-out on Friday morning to make its apppaiaine nt the South Email Street Theatre "Fuinikmz." is ,. f n, ( amhi tious iiaiitoniinics e(1T iMtempted by a com billed cast of piofessionals mid ainaleiiis. Its pioduclion will be assisted lit main of the stage (let ices Imn-owcd from the Russian ballet. In the niiuie pail will appear Men jam in Lisker. ttell kuottn in Philadelphia's local (hentiical enterprises. Aliss Agues AIcGonigal. who leates for Chicago soon to join the Chicago Opera Compant's biilbi. will appear in solo and other dancing loles with Alis Esther Phillips, ttho has hail chnrge of the tiaiuiiig of the dancers. Nominally the production is to lm ghen by the Southnnik Phtjers, n guild of toung people leciuited at tlm Soiithtvnik Neigh -lioiliood House. Pi out and Ellsworth streets, for which institution funds nre to be raised as n part of the summer's campaign for I t million camp ctpciiscs for working girls. As a matter r f.n i . the talent of thp-c ' .toung artist!, has 1,p,. hugely augmented . fu.ui the iiiiiKs of fi lends mid p.Uions of 1 the Xi-ighboihood Ilcuisc and fiom talented ' semipiofessional iiusmv x t'll knottii to I'liiladelphiaus. j Alls. Edward Fni liiiui l.at ell has designed the tniious costumes i strict accoi'dame with the dies of the ti,j,.lltt 11U, in v0 doing. ' b.i adapting .heii looms of silk and limeades contributed b socielj maids and niatioiis. i she hns aihieted a cosinmhig that will ccdoi the lift forma ncc (hioiighout. lm iileutnllt . ' she has offered for n-,. Ms tlm talisiuan in I the pioduclion a huge while tnp.i, long a family trcasuie. Ii plajs a pinininein pail i in the plot of Par Eiimciii inliigui- and ' love, about which stoi.t and mils ,. , wot en. Other luincip.ils in the cast aie lleiirj I Shepherd, who plaj , ,i the heiinit and i tl... 1. !m.. xr:. . ,..i... ,. ... .. I .... -..., ..ui-s ,,si .iinis, as .Malis.i, the sou cress; M,vS Vhgini.i .Maell. as llniiii. the f a voi ed piinccss; Alastc-r Jack Dougherty, as the mad pi nice. The committee h, ,hnigc ii.,j0s j1.4 Snmiiel 15. Jnrden. chnirnian; Alls 1M wanl Fmnuiii I.avcll. chaii'mau of limduc tion: Airs. J. Cutler Fuller, tieasiirer: Airs .1. Howard Iteher. secieUir.i ; Alls. Wiljiam llurnhniii. Mrs. C. .im.0 Furhush, .Mrs M. II. lleuliiigs, .1,.. Jliss .Mm It- Ernst Kennedy. Alls, .lames F. Lea. Mis, -, P, . crick A. Shelton. Miss .luaniia Smitli Alls. Henry Vn t Tcttt'ilcr, Mis ,njs liaiclaj Itohinson. GEOGRAPHICAL TO ELECT Nominees Unopposed Le Roy Jeffers to Lecture The annual election of ofhceis ol Hie Geo gifiphicnl Socielt f Philadelphia j (P held tonight in AVithoispoon llnll at .S-ir, o clock, followed h mi ill ijvti iitf-il lecture to be delnprc'd h.t Le Hoy JelTei s, - G. S.. secielarj of the P.uieau of Associatec'l Aloiintmneeiiiig Clubs of North Ainciini He will talk on the "Xational AVondei-s of the I'nitcd States and Canada." The nominees for olhce tonight aie un opposed. Tliey are Prof. AVilliain E. Lingel-bac-h. president; Ileni.t (!. ISrjant. tice pi ev ident ; Pi of. Leslie V. Miller, second tice picsident; Dr. J. I.'. Itmnett Iliickenham. lecordiiig secretin y: Dr. Paul J. Sartuin, corresponding secictaij, and AVilliain K. Ilniipt. treasiner. Directois 1). Aloidcnii liai linger, ISenja inin It. Hoffman. Stiickhind L. Knenss. Wal ter Leffeits, JIis. .), liertinm Lippincott ami Airs. Chillies Kobeits. The CAcenrsion coinniiltcc nominees aie .Miss Lillian C. Jones. Mis. I. Kobeits Nct -kiik. Snmiii-1 ScovilTe, Ji . mid William Pn son String. lteception c oininiltee Mrs Julm C.icl walader. Mrs. .la'nies Miflliu, Mrs, William liionks Unttlf-and Mis. P. F. Itotheniii-l, Jr. COLLEGIANS TO GIVE PLAY St. Joseph's High School Student-Actors Will Appear Tonight "A Celehiated Case" will be presented to night and tomurrntv night bv the students of the St. Joseph's College High School. The play will be giteii nuclei' the auspices of the St.l Joseph's Dramatic- Association in the auditorium of the school. A wcll-balauced cast has been chosen After si-; weeks of lehenrsals the amateur pluj'is pinmisp to uphold the tiaclitions of tlm association. The piny deals with a, series of events arising fiom the pei formance of a brate deed, on the etc of the battle of I'ontenoy in" the -war of the Austrian suc cession. 1'holo by I'hoto-C'ratter AIHS. CIIAKLES HAHRIS Who before her recent marriage) wa$ 'Miss Krma Clbo Jlrlll, ilaughter of Air. ana airs. I'onract j!niit or !5ll(j orih WmmMU&3wmMWmmKESBlmWtt tfmK jmW- 'iMmt' MISS THEODORA Aliss Lillic. who is the daughter of Air. ami Mis. Lewis l.illic. of Itiiarwood, Hat -cifnul, was one of (he exhibition d.inccis at the welfare il.iiue at the i(M-t'aii- Ion this week THE READER'S VIEWPOINT Letters to the Editor on Topics of General Interest for accent erne ninl public atlon hi ItiU roluinn li-ttrrs mut ho crlltoo on one si,!, or 111 ii.ci-r iImI wllli lopicrt nf pcncTHl current Interr"! nnl be slKnfl with the name mill .'ol.lless nf thp wiltcr Sanies s II I ! nltlili'lil on renimst anil i'onnl.n. reecpe. teil No linitiusrnnti 1II hp e luincil unless u.', omnanleel by nurfUlent pcntaic, .mil a ppiMiil r. nu"st to till" effect riiblliiitl.in Cnohes no linloi semi iii in 1 1 1 1 newsptpor ot the (.entlment pxpre..se.l o copvrUlit matter will li- Inc luJi..1 i.oi lll icllsloua eliscublolis bo per muted A Little Girl's Speech Tn llic I rlttoi uf the l.iimmi I'ttblu l.ciliici Sil I :i in sending jou this speech which I made up. I wonder if this can be pub lishpel in tour newspaper. I inn eleven tcnis old and I am in the sixth 15 gi.ide. LDITll F.mtKOWITZ. .'51(1 South Thiiel stieet. Philadelphia. P.i. It 'can. Fdith : and is below . America's Call Now. ladies and gentlemen. I have- just n few woi (Is to saj about the Vutoij Loan. A on know how our hots suffnied over thcie. Now lei's Iniiig I hem home lit bu.viiis bonds A'ie toi IhuicIs. Now let us give our monej e hee-lullj and say I did my dutv bv biijuig a A'ictot.v bond "Urn don't Know mat be with that bond jou inn bling buck join son. brother, uncle or evi'ii a fiii-nd. Now, te'M nic' AVhat is a dollar a week to j on 7 And don't foi gel. jou me only lending the monej, not giving H away: and jou get 1:1 per i cut interest. In four-years you get jour monev back. Friends. Iirothris, nudes, sons will be i oniing home in the meantime. Now buj ami buj . not onlj been use jou are afiaid somebodj will call jou it sine ker and disgrace jou. but because jou me a tine Amciicau and of American blood. Now. ionic mi. step up. and buj. Inn. lm : ... If jou don t i'UV A iclorj bonds ve li.u c- a ligiit to call jou a slat ker. You iniij have bought one. but but an other: it won't hurt jou. Now. mj friends, who is going to buv the first bond? The kaiser thought he was going to will, but we 'won; our liojs won. -mv. let us sliow Hie hiliser we tvin nrin them home- tietonoiis by bujing lioncli!- A'ictory bond The llud. FDITH niMlKdWIT 'Suggestion for Poster To Ihc Htlilortif llir r.i'cniiuj Piiblli l.nliir, Sir I hate thought of a good idea or pictliie foi the s.llc of the Fifth l.ibcilj Loan bonds. A teij tail picture of General Periling with hand uplifted holding n large A', in the act of making mi appeal to our coiintij. "Give a stiung pull nnd n lust and I'll bling jour doiighbotH nil home." He should be surrounded bj some of his soldiers with linked hands icndj to swing tip and down. And outside of tlipm nn im mense ciowd holding up their bonds and a banner icpljing, "AA'e hate and will inve-t." GFS AV. MLNNIG Alleiilnwn, Alaj 1. Hun Treatment for Shell Shock 7 Ihc I'.dilor ol the lliriiiinj I'ublr l.uhjcv: Sir -A recent newspaper in tide repents "war jisjc honeuiosis" us Hie medical teiins supeispcling "shell-shock" ut the war lisk bureau. Medical literatuie adopted this term long since, and some authorities held that the condition developing under the stress of the battlefront argued n "pre-war psy cbonqurosis," tlm patient assumed to have collapsed because of an itiuntc or pre-existing neurosis. In this altruistic day it is not surprising to rend in the article referred to that the German "ifuthority," Kaufman, whose "brutality treatment" had a lamentable xogtie, is'dlscrcditcd, and that our war risv btueuii's experts have found sanitarium treatment In comfortable anil attractive sur lounilings the benellciul method. And it Is also refreshing to learn that these experts arc lindlng the coutrost in tension nnd con ditions of living a sufficient cause for the Illness, without imputing to the patient boine pre-existing dlsense not disclosed by the physical t1"! psjchologicnl examinations at ' mm, -it ithn nublic inar better undi MAY t 7, KEITH LILLIE l-hui i 1j I'll, ru i ufl what is meant lit "isvihoni'iirosis," and in the luti-M-st of tho-e ol inn soldiers who be.ll- these "uivisible- wounds." it -tit 11 lie said: First Thin tin- neivc 11 1 im Ineuio- sis is iibjsic.nl. Iieciuse it is a condition of the phjsieul iiiMis. (Thcie in e no other Kind. I Second. That Ihc- nunc plausible mining the imiiit causes alleged for the appearuiu e; of tmuiosis aie: fa I Phvsie al shoe I (bl Lack of nutrition of nerve epK, ie c.iiisc ol distill bed cili illation of ihc- blood lei Irt nation In impinge incul of bones on nerve's (ell Irritation li .oisons fiom diseases, abscesses, glandiikir infections and intes tinal stasis. lei Aleutnl slunk. .Mental shock niaj iciiiccit.ihlt cause iinv ilegiec f iiril.ibiluj f ncivcs. ,aialvsis and (ten death, but tlx x aie all phvsioal con ditions. ,,ii, n is Mm phjsi, ,,1 nerves which billed to stand the sho, k not the sn ,,f the man. Fvcn tvlu-ii- mental clopi essum oc--c urs it is einh ,i eneit of t. p, imarv tihvs mil disability, anil u :lu oIIimi be. over come bv nieiilnl li c.itini-iit (of tvh.ilete ll.lllie in sljlcl vtilhout leaching Hi,, pht'siial condition except in .,, f,,,- ,,s .,,, in,pi,n',.d or htippifi- menial aliiiuili- umj liappon to fntornhlj allcct the c nciilntion of the blood. TlK-jio.nl is that those who bear these "invisible- wounds" should not he con sieleicel mental" eases, even if mental shock is believed to le the cause, because n man is nope the le.s phjsicallj ill if Injured by iiipiitnl shock than a man is phtshally dead if killed bj mental shock. The ie, i "iisje houeuiosis" pi-cilMhlt iiip.iiis (the hc-st uipilic.il men would teil Us) a condition ol the ncivcs, which are plivsieal. bioughl abniit bv mental shock: but the sad f.ni ilut sun,,. Gemnm -',ni then hies" have bei u hugi-ij followed iu -signing to out. .mui.isis a psjehngenic oiigin and a "biutalitv Ireiitinent" as well I often aelniiiiistcied tlnoiigh the- p.t firm's own 'flimilj ami friends) makes ft aiipuipriiitc (hat w id foruintiou should be given of tl lllllpse. of this IIllll lltpntlie- sis anil nialtieatmeul A P. It. Philadelphij, April 2S. GIRLS GOING TO CAPITAL High School Students to Have Rousing Three-Day Outing Student- of the Philadelphia High School leu Girls will have hen- toilinnow inclining for n three chit dip to AVusliingion. 'j,',,,, gills will call at ihe White House, and visit all the institutions of national inipoitaiiic. Fvery hour of their visit will he crowded with interest. Automobile touts and a side trip to the home of George Washington, at .Mount A'ei'uon, will be uniting other features of the outing. Tin- girls will leluin on S,itii,,aj. njgj, B F. KEITH'S THEATRE B. Maclilocs'n Mammoth Musical Comply "NOT YET MARIE" rrcst'Mctl With a Company of 13 STUART BARNES Will .1 U'anl and bjmphnny Cilrla. Mack i X'lucont. Claudia Cole-nun. ,i othors, "metuopolitan opkua house" Saturday Evening, Jlay 10 ONLY JOINT 11UCITAI, OK A I.I. TJMU3 YSAYE and ELMAN Tlrket 7.V to JtfO. Ito-t Sfat. J3 00; at Wey. mann's, H08 Chestnut Htreet ve METKOPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE NEXT FRIDAY EVENING, JblAY & CO.NCKIVr BV AMHLITA Galli-Curci j,iHchtnutM i$i. no. a ,n,i ta.so TO.NIGHT TONIGHT Welcome Home DANCE uxDunoAusricEs 7.poiN,T CLUB AT MAIITRT8 ACADUMV. JT10 N. TtHOAD . Tilll)nnilH emnnl-a rv, V" V .,... w W.M.A4 ww i 1910 JOBS FOR MOTHERS, AIM OF SPECIAL U. S. PLAN May 11 Sot Apart for Plea on Be half of Women Whoso Men Paid "Great Price" letting n joli foi iiiother i tl i t im iiii I ) M 111 1 1 1 a I in i ( iii solving 111" einilo.ttiKiil liiiihleiii n-c tiiiiling vvcul; for fnther, nud the wciiiipii clh'ivion of the I'nilecl Sltlte-c ein plo.vrnent ertli-e hn n--Kpil Ihe cleigy iu t Iii" lull I of l'eniioylvanin to nientinii thit fad on Suiiilay iipm. Thp i'nitecl Stales riuplci.v ninnt -pi'vicp is making ii chive thi week lo xei-uie juhs fur rpluiiilng veilclirm nuil -.niloi-c. The chive he gnn Alaj I. tvliieh, nt the ieiiiesl of the -.n lelnrj of Inhor, vvn ele-cignntecl ns "1'ini'lov infill Suiuhi.v," unci will etui cm May 11. Motllel's ll.n l'.rcnup cef the iintieiiul nhertunie of MolliPt's Il.ij ir vvoniPti'" cliv i--iini lui-f nkeil thnt n -.pee nil nppeal he inacle for the cm plo.vinenl work for women. "Therp is one- side of the employment prohlcm whii'h inn.l not he overlooked," says Aliss .lulicu . Slackhniise, assistant to thp feeleiul cliteetor for l'ennsj lviinin. "women's woik. Mnnv of the nicn who went meiM-ns will not e nine linck. ninl the l'utuie hunleii leu Ihe siii(iit (if the- f.iuillv rests oil llir wile oi siste-r nr iiiiillin M.'iu.v men have h""ll so lllcl'iilc itilticl tll.lt tlie.V will he llll ahle Iii iciiiin to llie'ii Iii, ini-r I'mplo.vnii'iit Women in c- lent nig vt.n wml, elnilj ninl an living to see ill e eiaplotllli'llt ill pc-Ilielillli W Ill'l, "In the ii'ihIjusIiihui the wonii'ii's elivi sinn is cluing its shine to volte the einplov -nipiil piohleni li,v iieiviiling tor the- fitniiliov of the vohliei-s ninl .,iilms " During the mniilli ending Apt il -" the women'v division pine eel luoic than rilMI women ilueill.v in insitiuiis SiMci-ii hull cli eel pi'is.uis vivitnl the nllu e nl l'."S South Twelfth vtieit in se-c iiIumi! gelling help. A l.nge nilinliPi of thi'e kisUus I, led tecpiisi lions for coinevev In the s, me' monlh the division hue! nlinosi IIllll) ,ipil,.'ni.' - fur woik of nil suits. M.ma:r STitur.r novi; unii it A M 'ICJ ti !.- V. JI CECIL-B. De-MILLE'S Lat"st rurdft I'ttratucunt 1'roOin Hon "For Better, For Worse" cast Include UU.IUII' l)i:.Ti:it. CII.OHIA swan.vos M 'iiiroDOitK noni.riTH AUUKIJ lrilltts .lcc,IM.i:t . Mijirana PALACR il-14 MuiKi:r STitKr.T n m to n no I M nriucjcii) rit..i covii-anv riu -iais LOUIS BENNISON In I !r,t Shocvlng of "The Road Called Straight" Added -Mil. " 1 IR SlD.N'IIY Ultr.tV lo "Ilarcdd (he Last of Hie Sfi3.ons" Thuia Vr Sat KI.SIIJ I'llntlL'SOS in "i:vi:s or Tin: pom." A R C A D I i. OHIOSTNUT IIC LOW 10TII lit A M. IL". 2. II .r' V4-. T:4r.. U 80 I' A M PAItAMOU.NT rresents ERNEST TREUX & LOUISE HUFF In the UMEItfON-LOOS 1'ioductlon "Oh, You Women!" IT'b A CO.MEDV 10L LL I.'.N.IOV IT VICTORIA UMU lIAIlICKT Al,ae !lth ALL THIS tVHLK MIITIIO Presents HAROLD LOCK.WOOD In -SHADOW'S OV SUSPICION" REGENT MAItKin- hT Ilelon 171 H VIOLA DAN A I'alsa lyvlilence" 5! MIKLT bllUJKT AT .11 Mi-en CONTINUOUS ArAirtn.-vn i v 'lilKfiJ 11 t M Iii II I' m' TEMPTATION" HOL .t. 1 1 I OI'IICIIS CROSS KEYS " ct -i liplow c.nth -' :iu 7 i u p si. REVIEW COMIQUES BROADWAY 1'r"-"1 ""J hv,,71 ,, v RIGOLETTO BROS. a,"'J" s,v ,ts "The Heart of Humanity" OROJSiNOW hnu.i.i' i i: m m i lie- - i. , v UIIILc. , ICJ inTTrino: "RINGLING jp barnum v. BROS. ygBMtEY. OLA'LVCLZ-JL Cs KU LBLT Da QLb) fflB ILSS(g&AIU!i yMJDMBD KlvJJSlSlMllSlJfl'irSo P13D3ES SB3TOaM5iii7v Biaiaa ismm MMlti35nxi StypGS-ginseas mv TOIlWSSC.ESISIlSeHSIiJMSE' BAiriag tFOKUKTaMEuegaavaviK tLcasaBsi; Uunrs Often til i & t i'prfonn.iru'eB lutein ut K M ONJ TICKK'i AD MITS TO A! 1, fhiliir. i 1 tulei IJ ears at UttluitU i'ricps BQSGaAT mnaami UnrtliloAMi 'I i K- i SH NOW m KIM I IHtOS anip Irlf pi p nf d'-oiii''- Walnut Last C Til MHiinp loiTinrinH J"i ro. 7',c Nthis hat Mat, JT' to $i mo ,SHturrll UPliin" L'"-tn si r,o Last (i Tliup nf uit- i lonii ."o!neu Hit "TWIN BEDS" Tlay that s rofking ine countr with laughter Da v nl Belasco s Original N V Protlurtlon LIEUT. "JIM" EUROPE A5y "' 369th U. S. INFANTRY BAND Till: MIMICAL Si:XSAT10 111' FIlNCH anil Knovca In the War Zone an --IIULI riliHTCKS" will render tho Musical b.icilianels thnt caU. vatfd l''rance and Lnuland and has rt Xew York Boston and Philadelphia, upon Iti- previous visit.' Bblaio with JAZZ enthusiasm MATINI-.II COc to tl.OQ. NIGHT 50c to tlM. JOINT RECITXE this u.NTini: m.hk Gy mmm VI If Mv-Si.M 11 vuii fm Next 2k "The Boomerang" on .aic O ACADEMY OF MUSIC One Day Only Thurb., Mny 8 Mat. 2:lj & Night 8:10 SKAT.S .NOV AT IIKPPIVS ALSO DAVIS- Dlllcj Mom: ir.'IT Pocilh Ssl. KI.MA.N- I Itusslan h Violinist r Metropolitan Opera House Saturday Evening. May 10. 1919 Tickets on sale nt Vemann's. lllis Chestnut HI Prices ?r.c lu ta 50 Hux HtHten. J-J. " DANCING m CorSssoz IIJTNJ lSV" lhtnut PI. OBlce ,-leiU linker lildit vXlJ A TIJAPIIKIl FOIt UACII PLPIL r yv-j! r i r:ssoN , . , 3 3 hnPHFUM ilA'r- Toioitnov. inc. 25c UUrmcwiYi Kvenlnn. 1.1c. 23c... 35o 60o viiiiM."ND "WAY DOWN EAST" MAY 12-rOTASII AND TKniJUUTTKn- 'r'AYPTY JW ynoues and qambols"" Li ltl,, S3 UJUILLNG IlAiliT DOLL41 ? SAYl". cj HelKlan V, lollnlst N K if c feti-y TO CHOOSE VICTIMS FOR 'SOPH CREMATIONS": i Burning of Unpopular "Profs" in Effigy One of University Week Joys Voting will lake plnee tod.i.t nt the I'nl tei'sil.v of l'eiiiiltiiinu lo ilelei'inilie the lnoSt mipopiilni- piofessors. i, ,4111 i,n burticcl in efhg.v nt On- sophomore i-t ema t Inns to bo '"Id on l'lunklin I'iehl u "Heyday .MuyUI ' N'oniiuiitiun, hiue iilreudy heeen made, but the lesulN m ,,, l)P ofHt-inlly published 'I'Iip.v ran he oblniin-d from the tellers nt tho voting hooth tomoriow. The number choaert i Ulideeidpcl, though .,,. ,nvo Ke,om c, moie than Ivvo niPii e hc.spn for thic doubtful distinelioti "Ile.vclnt" is one of the lime honored in sitiitions ut ti,p t niversit.t. mid nlvvnts oc in-in I nhersitv Week, vv hleh comet durlnjf the Intlei pan f Mn. , in the unite night that the iTcniHllons nre held the moving up of chi-cn-i. will he vigunlized nnd hordes of happj fie.slnupn will dnnee around n hugo honlire and toss their despivcd dluky caps into the bln7e. .Alnny (if Hip I.evt-kuown teachers nt tho I tnversitj havp ,PPI, ciiosp,, for "crema tion." The doiec. geneiullj fnlh on n man teaching fieshnmn or sophomore elnsses, since he receives a linger proportion ot Tote. The entire, piogtuin f0r 1'uiremity AVeek this vein- has Iht-m announced. On Moudaj, Mm l!l. there, -will he the fiehiiinii--copho-lnoi-i- piinls' rush em I'liiuMin Kield, in which the ohiect is to lemove Hint purtieuiar jiln-le of appaiel fioui ev erj hocl.v possible. tin Tuesduv the- voiihouiore - freshman linn heoii will he In-lil for nil those who arc Iihvsieall.v aide to tillenil. Iu the afternoon, huvph.ill teninv of the. iiinim and senior classes vv ill meet on I'miiklm I'iehl. (In Weilnpsilnj will lie the "eieinntionx," nuil conlevtv for the I lean" Tinphy between niemlieis of the two lower c liiwe". These aro filwatv held iu the evening. In the afternoon (he vtnsitv teniii will phiy Columbin nt b.t.o hull. Olhpr events will conclude the eventful week I'lllt.Utl.l.l'IlM S I.nADING TIIHATItES uiiu:i-Tio 1.1:1. . j .i. siiuncnT TOE PLAYS AND YOeu. FIND THT WWI l)3S;c,'St''t xm Ilroad lielow ij H U D t f 1 Locust St. SAM K riivrr-i-r nr Tlll'lTma r:irs ut jc.ir.. Mats. V eel & Sat . I:in. Mat. TodayvVn, $1.50 Uit of the Year. H-lfK S WA ! ftf nlaian anil Vin-ri contingent of crace htk! beauty. Chestnut St. ?SLnBAn Chestnut Below 11th St. .00 Mat. Today I.'vc-nlmM at 8.15 .Mats tt'pd & Pat. at 2 IS With FLORENCE MOORE $1.50 Lx.rpl Sat. & Iluliilajs ADELPHI "VsiT K PMN'C.S T S.13 Chestnut and Juniper,. LlAKKlt.tV Mnt.Todav1-?'? .Mm iat, A LAUGHING TRIUMPH! I'OIIVV H HMiniH Prenent v mv comi:dy uy auo miduluton nC ave Girl With LOLA FISHER AND A SUPERB CAST l.t vi.i;k mlath iomoiirow TME W0HDER SHOW OF THE UNIVERSE! fruTlii!SMi U THE GREAT MAGICIAN UJl!lSia PRIPPS MKliti' -"" M 51) I Iv-wJ NWr ln, Sa Mhi .n (o j; oB r-p.v Y Ulad unit Lu us. DKUAU Mat. Today fr ACAl.N Tlllt MPIIANTLY ACCLAIMED I ' DAVID IILLASCO Presents TIGER ROSE WITH I LENORE ULRIC And Original Cast. r"'vT")T"j'r,Orr llroad and Sansom V UKKhb I STt,?.,? Todayv ril ART.ES DIMJ.ViiHAM PreaenU 1 he World's Greatest Kntertalner! FRED STONE in ihf orlil n OiHwtci't Untfrtnlnment JACK o' LANTERN mail onnrHs Rr.cKivnn ' BENEFIT DANCES'i SlKAIhOKU ROOM p EVENINGS 9:30 TO 1 METKR DAVIS ORCHESTRA Conducted In tho Interest and under tho auspice of Reconstruction and Itallef Work: Commutes of Philadelphia. ' . THIS WKUK-H HBNErtlCIARV RUSH HOS PITAL VOH CON8IMPTlVi:8. NKXT WCCn I'iJIL.AUl-I.r'JIIA 1IU31U ifUl l.""' .... .'. Admission Jl.cn) HA1.U. Manaslns; Hottest. Jin. JI c . iiuTDnPfiMTSV nnpni trrvironi ml on at n is vani e EOSOTllWla firj w k. 1 1 is f 1 Dty 0 J (fQi lX 50c to yjI-Zk V) VT M T.vi Till UH & SVT. V STUAQrWtLKEtl. dj IMIIKAliULI'lllTb KUHUMObT rHUATItb'3 The Scotti Grand Orara-Wfc In its Initial appearance in rulltdelphta : ' W DIRI-.CT FROM T! 'V VW ji Metrnriolltan Opera House, . yi i!' i.t,vitii nnri v.v j UJVCSS4I. KOKACOU) aua nUBTICAS' SAT. EVG.. MAY 17. iniO 'N 1 Htits on ! iNtllk;hMliiir VM B i SWli M M rj i4 t t 4 4- .1 'M M TMI ,. !gj 1&M Ji 'CS3 .. J. . " ' ----I -r -. ..,-' 1 7 . "J t V. ' tiUtK X.