,' vv a EVENING 'PUBLIC tEDfeER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY MAY G 1919. . V - ?5, L'f t-. FINDS BOMB DEADLY League Has Done Much Bring Parent and Teacher Together to One Received by "Frisco Attorney, Held High EfcpWslve San ifotndsco, May U. (By A. V Tin re fulinluutlug caps, u buttle of. ncld nud dyuauiito of .".. per tent I i Kticugtli weie found by A. H. Crane,, 'cxpinsho expert, when Lo opened the wlen, Women and Children Loup, UOUlll ICtcncu lUIUMhU " U1UU lUUL'llll.v 8 DEAD, DOZEN HURT, AS FIRE TRAPS THEM IN APARTMENT HOUSE! VICTORY SUPPER TONIGHT by District Attorney Cbnilcs M. Fick en. Explosion of the bomb would luii mused drntli, Crow sniil, to tiny prison within liftrou feel. Babies Caught in Nets at Columbus, 0. Il- nesults nrhieved by the woik of the Home nnd School I.ciikiip nf t'hllndel phln ire belnR set forth In comprclicn slve mnnm-r till nftr-rnoon nnd Vve nlnR, nt the nnniinl merlins nnd con ference nt the I'hllndelphln Normal School, Tliliteentli nnd Spring (innlen streets. The conference will he inn- tinned till' evening. Following (lie buslne '.elnn IhN nfternoon, n Victory supper will, lie , . t , ., - i .. i WKlVr-n. i-i niiiincm i-winyum- miu m-i-lMfnre workers, who are interested in the problems of chihlien nlid the m-IiooW. will deliver ntlilrr-ws in inc evening. The nftcnloon program is really an experience meet inc. in which tr-port finm , nil community centers were re- telved, nnd Home nnd opinions. Mrs. firnce V. I'ennypneker Fpoke on "What the Home and School I.cngun Has Aceomplislied," outlining briefly its leennl of neliievement. Kler tlon of offii'ers will then lake place Inte CHURCHMEN DISCUSS POST-WAR PROBLEMS Delegates Representing 35 U. S. and European Churches Con vene in Cleveland Cleeland. May 0.- dclcgalfx, iiu-ludiiig V 'finiii rrnnie, Belgium. Italy nnd Swil ! xerlmid, nttrndnd the opening scssimi 1 today of the tliice-ihi.v special conven I tlon of the Federal Cmincil nf tin I Chinches nf Christ in Ameiica. called a nt which members nf the.vear in nilMince of the regular lime In School League ouircsscil I , rnui,lci- rniei-irem-v iiinblenis iirMnz fiom the war mid the iecoii-.tnn tion pciiml. About tliiltj-livc ileiiniiiiliiitiinix with n lolill ineiiibeMiip nf l!ll,llm,l)Mll weie Coliiiuhiis, (),, May ft. I!. A Seen permns nie known to bine per Mieil mid n iliizrn weie injured. m-vitiiI probablj fntnllj. in fMe whiih de Mrojeil n ix.iir npnitmriit Imusn in I the downtown "ectlnn linill. aftei niiil nlglil this linn ning, I'iiemen iniitinunl dining the .h In "cinch the eluis fur other virliitH who aie helicu'il In ine prrMird when four 'llniiis nt the rear nt ihe building sunk In Hie Iiasement. -lnie limn :!lll . Tl"' """'"' ""Id to bine nrigimileil lllnm an open gas je, iiuitUi cmolnni-il I iniiin.niilntii no . . "' - me single st,iiiwa n I he , n,i, r FARE TESJSUIT ENTERED Newark Mayor Begins Action on' Seven-Cent Rate In Jersey Newnih, N. .).. Mny II. - Mayor Clmiles I'. (iillen tiled suit for one lent against Hie Public Service Hallway Companj, nlleging ho wns overrhnrged for n tiolley ride The 1'iiblle I'tilllies Coiiiiiiiinn Inst l'rhla authoried an Increase nf fau na the line finiii lx In seen cent", nnd Mn.vor (iillen Inimrdintely sought Rtityinds for n Milt lo test (be validity nf increase. The lirst two innilnclnrs tn whom the inn J or tendered a six cent fate merely grinned when he nked Jf they did not insist mi the extia lent. A (bird enn duclnr was nioie nbdurnte and furnished "grounds " Uniformed Men Loot Bank Chicago, Ma II Knur jouths In nun) imifnims brld up (lie Austin Sav ings Hunks eserila. and tied with STilS The iieiloiiked StOOO in insli ami an cqunl nninmit in I.ilicrl notes. I lepresented. Tnilnv s session was dewitcil In ie pints nf geneiiil nffiieis. Tim general wniliiiie cnnimissinu repui t ou the ie ligious war activities nf the I'lntestnul cliuri lies wns iiesenleil b Ihe Itev. )i. AVilliam Adams Hinwn, nf New Vmk this nfternoon. The Victory supper will be served in the gymnasium of the normal school. The evening's program will brain nt 7:30 p. in. with community singing, followed by n welcoming address fiom .1. Hnirrne Hnker. nrincinnl of the Phil- J.1.1.1H X..nl UnlmnI f1n..ln. I'uh. mii-iimm ,iini iiuimri. i'"Mi ...i. ber will deliver the principnl nddress. Sliss Helen Flelsher, chnirmnn of the committee on Trades School for (iirls, will speak on "Trade Education for Regolll,on pendng Woud md 0r fJirls," to be followed by Henry V. I J Glimmers, nssneiale leprcsrntntivc roue , ganlzatlon of Haywood and Others mission on llvinc conditions, whose sub- I Chicago. May (!. - ( Ii A P. I When W. W. MAY DROP FELONS mo Illuming ii nil ml nil Ihe escape nl Ihe sixty nr mine pet suits in H,;. ,in I1 iug. .Men. wiuiien ami chiblieii uiiiipeil finm windows and several iliililieu weie llnnwii from upper llniiis inluliic nets Hemic lescues were input I oil In Ihe police. Si'cuil men and wnmeii hung . finm window- ledges fnr minutes H. fine lhe. weie ics'eued Mis Spmk man leaped head liisl In (be inneiuenl land was killed insiiinth. Mis Sieig 'wnld leaped, was iuiuied smeielv iiml died while being laken In u hopii,i Pour (hililren. at tiist belnved i lime polished, wete lesriied finiii Ihe limning innf nf Ihe, building The ,ws was estiitmtril at !s."iO,ll(MI. Cleveland to Turn Back Clocks Clexrlanil, Mny Ii ( tj A P i I'levelnnil again gnes i n I , Ihe iciilial time one as a icsull of action taken In Cit Council last night. An ordi iiamo, almost iinauimnuslv adopled. priiiih for the mining back of In, ks one hour, effeitive Sunday. M-iy II Vnmm it W ftkl U k iTl I ha jeet ns antiounced is "Community Service Alliance." The subject of progressive education in community nnd nation will be treated by Kugene H. Smith, bend master. Park School, Haltimoie; F. X. Graver, bend master, Onk I.ane, riay school, Philadel phia, and Slanwood Cobb. ADMIT WILL OVERPROTEST Mary H. Hirst Bequeathed $60,000 Estate to Church Institutions The will of Mnjy II. Hirst, which divided nearly nil of her SIM1.000 estate between old Christ Church and the Christ Church Neighborhood House, has been .admitted to probate own- the ob jections of relntivcs. Mrs. Hirst died April 'J, IMS. nt her home on Wallnce street above Nine teentK. She w-ijs eighty-two jears old. The will making the church and the church institution the chief benoliciaries was executed October 'JS, lDKi. Relntivcs who fought the piobating of the will asserted the aged womun did not possess sufficienr Testamentary ca pacity to dispose of her property by will. WINS CROSS AS LEADER Uig liill llnjwooil anil other mem hers nf the I. XV. XV. tiunll aie to leased fiom Leavenworth prison nn bonds they will Iiml lhcmehes nn longer officers nf the I. V. YV . if the leeomniendatlons of the piesent execu live bonrd are "idopted todn. Haywood and the other lendets an evidently inrnnl in the leporl submitted lo the liotiid nt the cnineiilinu jesiei day. "Thai no paid nllinal shall buhl office in the I. XV. XV. ninto than two consecutive xenrs ' Hajwnod has been secretnrj -trensutcr five jeins This resolution was snid lo indicnle that a split in Ihe ranks of the I XV. XV. wns probable. Buy Culicura Soap When You Buy A Safety Razor And double lazor rlliciency. No mug. no shiny soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shdied twice dmlv. Alter shaving touch spots of dandrulf or irritation, if any, with Cuticura Ointmcnl. Then bathe and shampoo with same cake of soap. One soap for all uses. Rinsr with tepid or cold water, dry gently and dust on a few grains of Cuticura Talcum and note bow soft and velvetv your skin. Absolutely nothing like the Cuticura Trio for every-dav toilet uses. Soap to cleanse and purify. Ointment to snothc and heal. Talcum to poder and perfume. 25c each. Sample each free by mail. Address: "Cuti cura, Dept. 6M, Boiton." MkIiI (il)Wlls, 98c I.acc nnd ICm broidery Trimmed J , (iiMtiii: Minixrs jar iff 923 MARKET STREET .;'r-TV' S't TSSZfc Featured Special! Michelle PotGrown VEGnts 14 ' lsM 2 SMART DRESSES C .75 C of Embroidered Gcorpeltc Crepes in Hint ,-ialins t. of Tnfrctas Jk. fj ii ' lj iSI,leh th.it ate pleasingly f fl)Bp.J .llffeienl. as jou can well 4.krrillk"'? i'"lc'' f'"'" ,h" '"" "' JrUJ,rl lllu-iraleil Popular n,y CErtS ' """"' ""'""y Private Thomas J. McHale, Cited Overseas, Mother Here Informed Private Thomas J. McIInlc, Com pany D, 110th Infantry, has been rec ommended for the Distinguished Serv ice Cross for the "greatest personal courage, judgment and leadership." Word of the citation was received bv his sister, Mrs. Mary Fisher, MPJll Stcuton avenue, yesterday. "After lo cating the enemy position," the cita tion states, "he returned, brought up ft platoon, cleared the nests of the en emy, returned his platoou safely to the outer edge of the woods, then returned with other units, with the result thut the Germans were repulsed." Mcllulc wns gnssed and wounded luter. &&m Fresh every day from our nurseries. Set them out nOW. Each Doz. Parsley 7c 70c Cauliflower 7c 70c Pepper 7c 70c Tomatoes 7c 70c Egg Plant 7c 70c Rhubarb Roots, 15c and 25c each Cabbage Plants, 60c hundred Lettuce Plants, 60c hundred Asparagus Roots, $1.25 hundred CATALOG FREE I I IF IIIJILTslJLtWlil l II, I',KJHM J -J, A Clearance of Our NEW SUITS & DOLMANS I'nrmpr price rrt wy In 9t.i.00 Lovely Cotton WAISTS QOc Kin wimp oMp "'"'Cj inlored rmbtnulet inil lmvrlty stuped crm ip rIn nf fult lio fctylfH nu UIU"tiitptl Mrrfl I'Iihip I" lv Economy & Style Combine in JJctMar Women of Philadelphia will find it very profitable to visit this new Second Floor Shbe Shop. Styles that reflect every new fashion are here yet moderate in price as our method of merchandising enables us to offer wonderfu values at Jt&lTfixir&Companv 1211CliesltiuV Siveok SECOND FLOOR A Feature Number is this new Colonette in patent or dull calf, also French tan calf. $6.00 I I I &, New Summer Leghorn HATS $E.98 hose nopul.ir floiipy laige ilreHS Hlmdey, tiliunied with i ihboun anil neat hinall flowers One us plcturtd. Mreet Hnr iff vtr I $4A-75&AO-50 IV L If ,l1'' XS3ts7 Ml 71 lor 1 $ L n;MiiMWBH Women's & Misses' Susquehanna Silk Poplin $fi 75 DRESSES O Settal M'ry mnart st lea tailoiril or ncstly tl limned. All the new ioIorItu;s. All slzea. A Clearance! NEW SUITS $ & DOLMANS Wp kioiiii rcKular $IL'.n8 anil $1118 ganuciits for tills one da special selling Girls' Neat Check$ Mixture COATS Ideal for Miring ami Rummer woai M K collar attaineu aizes z to H jears Cd 300 k 9 HOME OF STYLE & ECONOMY C4 A zr- -VJ N I'JT ytsBMW'ww'"'M3i i. v "mm mv f Monster Mass-Meeting METROPOLITAN OPFTRA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 7TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP OLE HANSON 100 AMERICAN Seattle's Courageous Mayor Talks as He'Fighls Straight From the Shoulder. CHAPLAIN ROBERT J. McFETRIDGE Will Describe HELL in the Argonne. GENERAL HERBERT M. LORD, U. S. A. Greatest Spendthrift in the World Will Tell What It Cost Us to CAN the KAISER. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER .Av. iV' liar Mai 2 to $411 $1 a wu 2. a,y r In the Summer Display COPIES of French hats and others showing the latest ideas developed by the best New York mil liners. New colored Leghorns, white and colored Milan-hemp, real Hair Hats, Lisere Hats and charming Fabric Hats, trimmed with French (lowers, feather fancies, ostrich feathers, ribbons and ornaments. The Hat sketched is a picturesque, soft, undulating all'air of pale pink taffeta, trimmed with flowers and ribbons, and is one ol many suitable for bridesmaids and graduates, or for springtime out-door fetes. Many quaint pokes with streamers and tulle scarfs are being shown $10.00 to $25.00. We are also showing the latest whim of fashion, in the Hnir Cloth Moorish Turbans, in black, brown, navy blue, light green, henna and sand $12.00 and $15.00. New Sports Hats, $2.95 to $15.00 In a special .section, the snmit diitmctivc Sports lints for all occasions,. Fine anil coarse1 stiaws. in all llic latest .-liapcs and colors. Tho Two-tonod MnnnUh Sailor-. $1.),-, to $1(1.00. Fine Milan Ilra'id lints, $8.00 to iflo.OO. Hnin-proofcd Fabric Hats ?2.0."i lo 5-3.95. iWlun llic price nf n Hat ceef1 H "i nn, Hipip 1 ,i inri ninnni l.i nf in per i put cm the pcr Km Instance-, tho Mat .vkelcheil, $3i in-, would ho :i! Tilt . -V Hlraw hrldj:" A ClolhlT- .-" unit floor Mnrki-1 Strroi rsl A Fine Showing of" Raincoats t Beauty "Tho best assoitmrnt in town," people w ho shop about toll us. Little wonder, for jou'll find lust! ous .Inpanese silks and plain satin and beautiful striped and plaided silks, some nuietly lich, othcts a bit gayer with flashing ,Jmes of blight colors. Some are irp;iiiii- coal styles, others are in the swagger Raglan, rnsy-to--lip-oii style. High and open collars. So light in weight, they do not Inn, and .-o brightly, mnrtly piettv, tbe take the drabness out of gloom weather $16.rf), S'JO.lin to $:',n.(iii. VI..H nridlff A l'lnllili-i -. i .mil Horn rillicil ir. i Pretty Sweaters They are full of chatm in the giaceful collar elTccls oi in tbe combinations of plain and fancy -titt-hing. At S.'.7."i A -Iceveles-. V neck, pull-over model, purled at the waist-line. Deiiable colors, and better than is usually found at this pi ice. At S.'i.flO Of zephyr wool, a pull-over style, pulled at the waist line and with stripes in effective contrasting coloi.- on collai am! cufT.s. At ST.OOand SI 0.00-or Shet land wool, a pull-over style, with the small new Tuxedo oi iiiunil col la i. sii (u krl lo i L.tiit i p O, l(1il,. I si,, i . Nemo Corsets Have Points Worth Knowing When we tell you there are al most half n hundred different models of Nemo Corsets, you realize how thoroughly the figure need" of women have been met. It is well worth while to see these varying models, for it may mean you will find the very featuie you have long wanted in a Coi-sct. This Store is headquarters for Nemo Corsets in Philadelphia and this is Nemo Week, in stituted by the manufacturers to specially display ud explain their product. Come in and let our skilled corsetieies show you the Nemo models and explain their many helpful points. Seir-IU-ducing $:t.o0 to S7.00 Wonderlift S6.0I) tn S13..'.0 Marclaci- Sfi.00 to S12.00 Kopscrvice S3.00 to slO.flO THI-! JL'SPL'L BKASSIKIIE Several models with adjustable laving device to lit as you fasten -$1.00, $l.r.O and $12.00. tthrl'lKi- A lnt.HT Mink i "ir, Wt HucicTowels Four Odd Lois From Wholesale Stock at Wholesale Prices At $1.50 a dozen I-'nto Towels of finely woven cotton huckaback, with hemmed ends and damask bordeis At $1.50 a (lo.en -Face Towels of heavy half-linen huckaback, w ilh hemmed ends and damask boi dels in striped or legular pat terns. At $(i.0() a dozen Fate Towels of heavy all-linen Scotch hucka back, with hemmed ends. At $7.00 a dozen Imported Face Towels of half-linen hucka back, vvitli deep damask holders and hemstitched ends. SluinlMnlKi I liillui-r Ail 12 ( nnlr. Night Clothes for Little Folks I We'ic icady with kinds for 'the j coolish nights of between-seasons and the vvium nights that willicome later. tk NKiHT DUAAVEUS of sturdy cambric; open in the front; drop seat; high neck; long sleeves; i2 to 1(1 years $1.00 to $1.3fi. I'AJAMKTTES One-piece suits, opening in the back; of barred muslin; snuaie neck and short sleeves; Ii to 10 years $1.35. siuihri'la K I'lcithler Ihlnl fleor w st The Iirifle and Her Attendants Are the Guests of Honor These Man W" in the i Silk Store There's a fairy flutter of Bridal Silks, and all the gracious atten tion that the prospective Bride, busy w ith prcpai ation?, appi cciates so much. Beautiful White Silks for the Trosscau That Are Well Worthy of Their Place Bridal Satin, Satin Radium, Chiffon Taffeta, Satin Imperial, Ciepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine, Ciepe Georgette, Silk Voile, Satin de Luxe, Moiie Antique, Satin Charmeuse, Messaline, Washable Satin, Pussy Willow Taffeta nail Gi-os de Ixindics. All in a complete line nf Street and Evening Shades, for Wedding Attendants. The variety in ex cellent. Straw hrlilKi- riothlcr Alil I.. fpnlrc Now Silk Suits Come Forward One model at $33.00 is a very wearable, good-looking Black Taffeta Suit, with a quaintly ruffled coat, fitted with a vest embioidered in gold thread. Otheis are straight and loose and easy, with soft fringed tie at neck and waist. Some are beautifully embroidered. A num ber are in the new blouse effect. In fact, there are hosts of styles, including many single exclusive models with highly novel touches. Of tricolctte, rayette, faille, taffeta, moiie, poulette and Kumsi-Kumsa. Black, navy blue and nil fashionable spring shades in the collection. Prices $47.50 to $195.00. Sports Suits of Jersey In plain colors and heather mixture, made - in all the favored sports styles of the sea son, including the inverted centre-scam style. Rose, henna, wistaria, green, tans, olivet brown, navy blue and black. Also within this price range are fine ENGLISH TWKEDS AND IRISH DENT TWEEDS. Slrawhrldtf L'lolhUr Hecond Floor, Market Stren Several Hundred of the Smartest House Dresses-Special Pietty, dainty Frocks that a woman can feel ically "diessed" in, and not hesitate to wear in leisuie hours on the porch. Special at $2.65 Voile House Dresses, in blue-and-white striped effects, with vest and collar of white oigandic. Special at $3.95 Of striped tissue, gingham, voile and dotted lawn, in piet ty colois, also some in com bination effects. Made in vest stjle, with white oigandic ' collar. i tie iriuui-i skcicik-u Qj. at the left is from this- col P lection. Special at $5.75 Of black or blue voile with w bite dots, made with tie belt and long .sleeves; collar and ruffh of white organdie. See sketch at the right. Special at $6.75 V3.' I iliJi (Oil , Of line barred voiles, with hemstitched collar and cuffs; wide belt finished vvitli cio cheted buttons; full gathcied skirt with two wide tucks. V striwlirl'li;' & Clnlhi. i Ihinl I'loot W! ;, .J;- Table Glasses Gain Importance as Warm Weather Draws Near Thin-blown Table Tumblers 5c. Needle-etched T h i n - b 1 o vv n Tumblers- 10c. Light-cut Thin-blown Tumblers 10c and 15c. Light-cut Sherbets "JOc, '25c. Light-cut Vases 50c to $3.00. Light-cut Candlesticks 35c. Light-cut Sugar-and-Cicam Sets 35c. Light-cut Lemonade Sets $2.00 lo $4.00. Light-cut Candy Juts, half-pound fi5c. Light-cut Flower Baskets, $2.50. SlrawhrnU" K. I lo'hier- Basement Worth-While Books I A dip into the pages of any of the following will stir to helpful j thinking: ,-lhf Hulk Willi Coil, In .lull Ward 1 llnnr l.."ll. I llrnillni: llir llililr. ! William l.j on I'llrlps I.SV Hum I lie llililr lirfii, hj Trailli O. Inl XI.3H. Iliiliaril t nliilrii, 'llir International Vlilll. h .1. . HnliMlll X3.0. I llir llllnil. Ilii-lr Conilltlon ami tlir 1 Worl. llelllB IHi-ni- for 1 hem In the I I nitril "stiiCf". Ii) llarrj llest XI. (HI. , liilrrniillnn.il War. Il ( n liven unit , lis ( lire. In Osi-ar T. I'riiln .1. I'rnlnliiK f Hi- saleinian hj William I Mawtell Sl..in. rlie Neu "Vliirninir, l Alfreil N.ven ! s i .as. I i-nirlulli- llliixIralliMK for I'ulille. speakers, hj Will II. Ilrown XI. .111. Ask foi a copy of The Woild of Books for May. Mr liridci- It Clothier s.tnncl Klnnr Kllhert Street VVert Men's Shirts of Plain or Silk-stripe Madras at $2.50 ; A pi ice fully 20 per cent, le.ss i than present market value. They are of fine woven-'tiipe madras, i in flat weave or silk stripes. Many of them weie made in our own fac toiy. Men must see them to ap preciate their high quality and ic markablo value at this price. Slraw hri'ltie & I'lnllil.-t -l.j-i Mon lllshth Street A Collection of Unusually Fine Neckwear for Men $1.00 Cleaned fiom the choicest stocks of America's best-known manufac turers. Innumerable tasteful de signs and handsome colorings' all chosen with the tastes of critical men in mi..!. Many distinctive new effects in foulard silks aie included. Mrnwhriilse A I lolhlei -Alile 1 Mnrkel Stre'-t Boys' Shirts and Blouses ' Just from the manufacturei is an attractive assortment of Shirts anil Blouses for boys, ,good in col orings and patterns, well cut, care fully made, serviceable fabrics. BloilSCS, $1.00 Fancy madras and percale; attached collar. SHIRTS, $1.15 Of fancy per cale, with neckband and turnback cuffs. StrhrMe I'lothler Second Floor, Kait SO MANY YOUNG MEN ARE ASKING TO BE SHOWN OUR NEW WAIST-SEAM SUITS We feel well rewarded for the extra care we took in selecting the many different interpretations of this popular style to present to our customers. Not a hit-and-miss collection of ordinary Suits whose sole claim to "style" is a seam at the waist but styles in which every line and curve has been carefully studied out by master designers, in order to con form precisely to the trim, clean cut youthful figure. They're trite young mer's styles and t yi i g men's prices. Waist-Seam Suits at $25.00, $27.50, $32.50, $35.00 Single-breasted styles of blue serge, at $25.00. Of neat gray, green and brown mixtures, at $32.50. Double - breasted Waist-seam Suits, including silk-lined styles, at $32.50 and $35.00. A Special Clearance of Men's and Young Men's Suits The clearing away of discontinued lines from .stock and the odd lots- closed out to us by several good manufacturers, contin ues with ample assortments for satisfactory selection,' The clearance prices are $18.00, $22.00, $25.00 and $32.0025 to 50 per cent, less than former selling figures. Htri'vuriiUe i (.'inthler Feeon4 Floor, Kait Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET ST. EIGHTH ST, FILBERT ST. 4L re "jji i no' I CjiMir'ii'Ui1hVVI'lViM'1fTii'lVV Aif""WlVf J I 5ssr t. . Jf V r - p