HVWC rV l . r ?ii . . ', ? y t - . ,,- -?r ' r '. ? -. Ip EVIiMNTtJBLIC LEDGEK- PHJL'AlifiLPHIAV WESDAY, 'llAS Opioid i..ti JF f- .,' ' V '"fK M ; .A J ? w W rt (fflflEE HEW FREIGHT STEAKISHIP LINES r: . A ,f t&A ACES OF HEROIC FIREMEN I PARADE FOR HEROES BURNED INTO PANEL DESIGN DESPITE UNION BAN! Charles Dttgdah; Dorp-Sat Fisherman. Dovolcs Sparc Time to Reading's Rocoption Committee j Unique Memotial to 111 Men W ho Died in 1910 Holocaust 'V (ring of Service to Scandi ivian Ports and Increased J Sailings Announcod JV " cfeOBTAIN PIERS IN DELAWARE lJ' ' ' fe5MJ5;Hubstantial nddition to the commerce tjftiit tho port of Phllodtlphltt wns imll- iffd In the Announcement of the 1'nrnt v Wirnthp'p Corporations of tlie ctnb ltKtnt of n freight service from tlil fjNJrt to Copenhagen, tlic openinK of a t irfjght service from riillndolnhin to 'irtSwMAn flnrl Vfnlnnrt Kw 4 1, a G..a,1!c., XsAerlean and Trnnnntlcinlic T.inp. nml Wincrcascd sailings from riillnclclplih to 3 Kergen, Stavanger and Chritlnnia bv itne Norway, Sweden and Gulf Tiine now located here. Blmonthlv snillngq will be maintained nr thfl Pacat Company in it se.vioe to Copenhagen. This corporation, which IK IOC A FTI3II tin cc venri of cffoit between his flxhiiic trins nml work nt ling Island. Charles niicdnle. 'JOU I'ront street, Dnrby. lins completed a Inuuril vooil relief of the tliirtecn firemen wlin died as n result of the llodlnc Mi cot fire of December "Jl, 1010 Pictllles of the firemen, set in line in the wooden panel, weie made fiom newspaper photographs of the men pub llshed nt the time of the lue, nnd bc.ir striking resemblance. The work is nil the mote uinuk.ihle because Dugdnlc neri I1.11I the mlu.ii tages of ccn a (ommnn sihonl echini tion, but det eloped skelching nml wood burning between fishing sensnns, having followed deep-sen fishing f"i fcnt tin cc .years I'or tlie last ie.ii, linnrwi lie has been "doing bis bit ut Ilg Island The relief, or "picture, ' as be c .IN it, measures tin en feet 1 tent thiee ineliis In the tenter is n lue engine nnd mi cm h of the low which is t lie figuie of a hie ilnim tinrnl Iiaidh '1'Vi ji 11 linlii tiioi n linni u (tin ill ocated in New York, will route two .'. .. ...... -, ,..i i....,i . ., ,, . ,. : . . ,. ,. MTllllinii. win j'luiiiu-u imimhii- nieanuoips on inis line, expnnn ng u i ,, . , .,.. r n,n ..,.,. a diversions of freight warrant Above- I'ures f seven nf the 11 i. Tho first vessel in the Copenhagen 'arc set in raised wonder. ...les I he aervlce'will be the Japanese Btcnmshin 'other three on rail, tide me s. i i.wi JKikl Maru. 5."00 tons, which is sclied- (then one, in peifpit nlignn.ent ln fv.mca to salt ilny -O Trom the Jnde- each of the lowrr enineis oi me p.1111 1 tv,,' pttouenc i'ler company s pier, o-i souin the dates, ueiemner i-. r.rin, np K.t r?rT?s" pear. A decorated boide. mi loses .he f,, uraciaia ot tne corporation say mere 'wh0P pi IS" lirBffl irm Ft ''fif Ma nlM h u.aM..n(!.n t I. n netnK Kp'Hshraent of n French service out of ?fe? -Philadelphia v.hich will make Bordeaux K?i-yndXchavre. The Pacat Coninnnv now , ins it similnr service out of Xew York I " Among the services now operated bv thin company are lines from Vow Yoiki to Copenhagen. Christinnin. Kotfcnhm. Antwerp nnd Helsingfors. Finland The ''company announces that it hopes to biiild up all of these lines from the port ol I'biladclphia. The Swedish-American Line will be f;In its service from Philadelphia eaily n June. As planned bv the projectors. the line iriU have fortnightiv sailings between Philadelphia, Gothenburg. Sweden and HelsingfcO. Finland. L Freight will also he received for othei TV ports in Sweden nnd Finlnnd the ..aritb1.lna nkn n .11 ha l.lnnn.l All .tie rtciDil'.3 m.. it... " ,.. ..... .. .-- line and whose names will be given out later1, will all be modern -vessels and will mate the run iu from twelve to fifteen days. Through arrangements made bv I A McCarthy, general freight agent, the new line, for the present, -vt ill use as terminals at this port. Pier 17. north "wharves and Pier ('. Port llnhmoud two of the Philadelphia nnd Itending Tlailway Company's piers in the Dela ware river. The latter pier w ill be used for loading o outwaru cargoes nnu me Will lie (I. ...red OIT "The pntinc was siirri strd In Haxter about thiee ve.ns ago, dale said tndnv "I bnve n lot of friend in Knglne Cimipiinv No. 10, nt Sivtv fifth street unci Woodland nve- nue, nnd 1 wnuled to try making n giniiii pi. tun' nf the oldest men iu the1 seiviie The (hief thought the Undine I sticct Hie hemes would make n belte. j pii tun sn I stnitnl it in uiv spine time I 1 used onlv the usual platinum point I and benntie after sUetdiing iu the ' whole in lead pen. il " I 'I he puture is to be dinnced off .iiniuig the tin mbers nf the Fire I)c piiitinent mi Mnv "1 nt Fngine Com ' lunv Nil 1(1, and the proieeds tv ill go to the Fu cmcn'n Pension Fund. 'I lie name, pnsitlnn nnd company to i vvliuli be belonged is burned around the I puture of enc li mini ns it bolder. The mi n nKiudeil nie Frede.ick Kolberct.i .Inlin Collins Ilnrrv lleitolet, (leorge Mati limskv. ( ha.les V. Hdlemnn, Willinni MiConnill. (lustnve Wittig. 'I'liittiiii I'nk .Inliti 1 f'.Di.tll Slniimitl lOltKIs nl ' ',' i nih inniuns i niwisue iiom r. nicw iii' siud Willi im Hi lilinmei Diiil.ib in addition to vketrhil.g .mil wonilhui lung, this eiu made thnu sntulM of ' tin soldieis" for net r'lii.st.n . lie is liftj-nine je.irs old, .mil lmiists Mint lie lins n Public l.edgei nf IMi", giving in iciount nf Lincoln's usv.ssin.itiDii Last jrnr, while t oi.i -lug t.) Ibis nlv fiom Angelse.i ill Ins 'JJ foot lunk sKifl he nnuih lost Ins life when fnur bullc N pieiccd tlie boat as he piscd Cape Miv lie had come within lange nf lln gnlis ' piattiiiiig at tin n iv il M,itM,n Chief I.ug- BONDS STOLEN IN BANK DEATH OF DR. B. B. REATH Decides to Have March, Ignoring tho Boycott Itending, Pa., May 0. The Carpen ter Steel Works strike, as a sequel to the discharge of 000 emploves for par ticipating in the May Day parade of union labor here, is taking a serious turn In its effect on the teception lo the former Company I, of the National tJunid, on its return home from ovci seas this week. Il .1 Poole, superintendent of the woiks will remain on the reception iciinmlttee nnd there i he n parade, even if union bands refuse to furnish the music This decision wns made by the iit.7ens' patriotic committee last night A heated discussion ensued after George AV. Snyder, president of the musicians' union, rend tlie communiui tinn from the union to SInyor Fllbcit saving union bands would not paitici pnte in the parade if Poole was on the reception committee. Mn.vor Filbeit ended the mntter by sajing there would be u parade nnd a welcome to the sol ciiors witli some kind of music The would pniadn even if there were no bands, he said. Mr Poole will not resign from the c ommitlec. "Llimiunte Poole or wn take no part in the demonstration," was the unani mous sentiment of four local fire com panies last evening Kmplojes of the Iteadiug Itnilvviij, who suggested send ing a spec ml train to Camp Dix to bring home the soldieis, will not parade or take part in tlie demonstration if Poole is on the committee. This action was taken at last night's meeting ot the Heading Hallway patriotic commit tee. The cigarmakers' union last evening imposed it tine of .$100 for nny member who participates in n purnde Poole is connected with nnd one of $," for nny member attending a ball game ot the Internntlonnl Lengue as long as Poole or .1 Tinner Mooie is connected with the local organUntron. Maurice F. Egan at Houston Club .Maurice Francis Lgnn, former United States minister to Denmark, will speak iu tho Houston Club of the Ilnhersitj ot Pennsylvania Friday nt I o'clotk, under the auspices of tho Arts Assoc in tion lie will relate bis "diplomatic cxpciicnocs in neutral lands " Mr. Fngan is u Philadelphia!, who was np pointed minister to Denmark by Presi dent Itoosevelt in 1!)07 PORT FACILITIES PROVED Is Director Webster Says Record Made In Debarking Troops "Thnt we have unsurpassed Iiort fa cilities here was exhibited Snturdnj, when tho troopship, with .",000 men, docked nl Pier 7R, South Wharves', nt the foot of Snyder nvci.uc, and the sol I diers wc.c disembarked In one hour nnd ten minutes," declared George S. Web ster, director of tlie Department of Inres, Docks nnd Ferries, today. "I believe this is n rrcord. We have tlie facilities unci every natural advan tage. It tho business men, nnd par ticularly the manufacturer, will nnh bark up the port workers by importing nnd exporting their goods through Phil iidelphia, the development of our ship ping inteusts will be mnrvelous," Let Us Remake Your Hair Mattresses Now Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Most Important and Economical This is our great specialty. Our completely equipped fac tory, with its wonderful ster ilizing plant, trained bedding makers, enable us to renovate and remake your Matti esses, I3ox Springs, Bolsters and Pil lows, and return them to you with tho tickings cxpeitly filled, the hair and fcatheis antiscptically clean, sweet and lesilient, almost like new. No one clso does this work so well, nnd it is a most hygienic and economical proccduie. Luxurious lnx Spring, Itellnble llnlr .M!ltlrpHefl, Unnilin Heel slencls, )nv Ileils, I.iikIIhIi Down I urnlliire, Dnlnt Itliinkets nnd C nlnffirls. Artistic 7 ninps, Vililtn l.linmel Jvuraery Af c cuMorles, Iluby HrihlcA, Mav?5on & DeMaivp 12 15 Chestnut Street Important Tomorrow ! A Decided Reduction On a Large Groupof the Newest SUMMER SCARFS Seal Stoles with pockets and squirrel shawl collars. 72 inches long 12 inches wide. 48-00 Fox and Wolf SCARFS Wide animal effects of rich silky, full furied skins. Choice of taupe or brown. 28 .00 Squirrel Stoles of clear gray skins, carefully matched. 10 inches wide and 70 inches long. 78-00 Also Below Regular Price Hudion Bay Sable S8.00 Moleskin Stoles .'. 74.00 Natural Fither 88.00 Ruruian Sable 144.00 Natural Blue Fox 164.00 Silver Fox Scarfi 244.00 PURCHASING AGENTS' ORDERS ACCEPTEDS Hudion Seal Scarfs 24.00 Russian Kolinsky 24.00 Mink Scarfs 28.00 Natural Squirrel 38.00 Stone Marten Scarfs. ... 48 00 White Fox Scarfs 58.00 hs ii m Union National Reports Theft Said to Total $2500 The Union Nnlionil II. ink. 'I hud nnd Arch streets', reported nt filv 1 lull to day a theft of I.ibertv loin bonds from 1 the institution vcsfenlnv nftei nciciii According to tlie police went into the hunk nnd VMtlkccl nut nRaiu with n handful of bonds which hi took while the cleik walked over to .1 safe iu the bink nf the oftic e It is nlleced that the amount of ImncN stolen totals SJ."(M) 'I he lunk 11IT11 1 lis would iniikc no Mali men) Mi.ucei 1 "nr" lie it li ft if .ilf' m 1 Woman Sues Hotel for Gem Theft I Mis Mnrv V S ll.iuiltnn has 'hinught sun ng 1111st 11 Iici-Iciii ri put 1 men! lintel to leeovci fm the less of I SOTiOO 111 jewels, which. Mie v.ns, weie .. r 1,p disehnrue nf nil inbound stolen from hei suite on pi il , Mi v caroe. . So encouraging has been the support firen by the merchantR ot this c itv unci ricinitv. that the direetors of the Nor way, Mexico and Gulf Steamship Com pany, of which Y. A. McCarthy is also the agent, have decided to increase the service by putting on several more steamships. Hamilton foimrrlv lived .11 "JOJI Spimc street Retired Physician Succumbs to PneumonU at Home Here In I'c 111 mini I, Itentli died nt hi. 11 Mcli-iic e, 1011 V. limit street, enrl.v this rnornmj fiom pneumonia, lie wns 1 1m',j in I'liilndelphin. l)i 11I1111I fi"in ,ntive pnutice of iiieclicine nbciiit Ivventv veus ngn. niiiing the w.u lie wns engaged in i pcuting ui ivulioii In Id s(p for the govei nineiil He leciived hi- eilm nticui under pri vate tu I ins 1111I1I he went to the I mvei -Mtv of I'c nuvlviiliin. 1 1 n rti which be gi.ieliMtcil in ISI Thiee veins larer he gi.ituiinil tincii the nieiliciil depnrtinent ul the I niveiMtv He is -invived Itv 11 vv icinw nnd tvvo rli. Id. en All l)ieit,i nnd Joseph I I!c uh Hi- lirothe.s are Theodore V. incl '1 honi 1- lie itti WHISKY SAVED MANY , LIVES, DEALERS HEAR gl,'nfliiienza Ravages Discussed at Annual Conference of i Liquor Men Atlantic Cjtv. Mny . Confidence that with peace at hand President Wil pon will issue an order abrogating war prohibition vcas the kevnnte of the tweflty-aixth annual conference nf the National Retail Liquor Dealer-' A sociation at the Trnymore today Xeil Bonner iq here with the Tennsvlvania delegation. President William Seekel of Cleve vTo)v.nlc NoIkImj Vv Wk Lt yovi - TP'ciBrVrJrrBllllBjljV land, in his annual address, rebuked the retailers at large because the first 1 call to "man the pumps to save the Jbooze ship" was "responded 10 with rrluctance." Overconfidenee on the 1 part of saloon men. he maintained. Save the prohibitionists an advantage jt will be difficult to overcome Delegate cheered the declaration nf Vresident Seekel thnt the inortulitv of Influenza would have been infinitelv ' grcatfr if it IibcI not been for wluskv the target of the anti-saloon league I "This life-saving fluid," he said. "i ' rislmed bv nhvsicianR to bnve been the Stoon of humanity during this epidemic is- . T aba tint linna nalnnninoiri S, HPUf ramij rir- im- inrn "n""'"""" f .1 1 u!.Ut . Yon sen llO dCOAClf li, RslTCtJ WOO IUJKUI "v i- iu in- f.i-"- ' LkAnl TCrirtliplpR. in mnnv rnps I )y Mlooni ivere forrod to pIokp nnd 'v-i- m. catinK that rlnntlie in xm 'pons nt "" iJ communities greatly excpprfod mortality i:r - . . i -wJjt in wet territory. ! re- drv There is a Larger Pay Envelope here for Someone Business men appreciate the quiet of the Noiseless Typewriter. Its advantages extend also to the stenographer. The Noiseless Typewriter spares your nerves increases your efficiency and permits you to work in the same office with tlie men who do things. "Miss Typist Becomes Miss Private Secretary" is the title of many a Noiseless story. Ask for Booklet and Impressie List of Users 77ie NOISELESS TYPE-WRITER The Noiscs Typewriter Company, 835 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. 'Phone Walnut 3091 V I XO BE SOLID BYTHE ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN 5000 Shares of the Capital Stock of KAFFEE-HAG CORPORATION (Manufacturers of Decaffeinated Coffee) and other property. NEW YORK. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Francis P. Garvan, Alien S, 'Property Custodian, will offer for sale at public sale to the highest bidder, at the office t& of the Company, No. 225 Fifth Ave., New York City, at 11 o'Clock A. M.. on the 20th Vt-. 33p of Mn. 1Q1Q. SOnfl RViaric nf thi ranital etnrb- njr vnlno nt Sinn oar-Vi rif nf ,.. ;igsue of 10,000 shares of Kaffce-Hag Corporation, a corporation created and existing unaer ana oy virtue 01 ine taws 01 tne oiate ot wew xotk. And -other property as shown and incorporated in the Order of Sale. '" Full information and description concerning the property to be lold, the term and condition of Itupection and tale, and the Order thereof, may be obtained by application to Joseph F. Guffey, Director, Bureau of Sale, 110 Weat 42nd Street, New YorkCity, sT.. ii"- ;r W '- FRANCIS P. GARVAN, Alien Property Custodian A cigarette of the finest TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos-blended. And the blend cant be copied. I nl h I No matter where you buy your Chesterfields you can always be sure of the same unvarying freshness and quality. The moisture-proof jacket keeps that "satisfy"-taste intact. QJffjCtt2M4vtt Ct SSSSk I -rfB aPiS 4 of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos - blended 1 - i smxzmM ggBtBgaaasaa Jr y " iU '. .T. ,. .J&J&l' .-,'" v.i iiv'L ."i-, ,4 ssmsisfmfm i l "' V4 j, i i nM si 1 '1! . . -1Y;v, .. t .? -r' i ma.---wM ',, ."'vv r'v z'? r Cte.4! -M..I 1 iu 1 in ipi il i. 1 mmmmmmmwmsmKKK It inlifc iiitir.iMittiiii-rifiiifi 1 Mil 1"CU - ' . .rif ri !- I I HI 1 III il Tt- Tfl-Wrj . , . , i 7 I 4 fPf.'l 'n ..J-H-LJ kl'.'B ' ' L T. --JTJi