Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 06, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 2, Image 2

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lfl8WPWSIff',fl i WMirI i.w-rmf ;?lv
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iin Bi m : 9?SKivmFmMW,ikamm.w.wBLiHW r, i?ifto ..jimm- xrvvrrw(UtWMM!iew'iA"'CT'irHiv.effsil!uuuHe)
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life Two Destroyers Blown to Land '
..'. u.. Uahhu nn a rv
i ojr nouvjr uaio vn
n,v (lie Associated Tress
Trrpassey, N. F., May fl The de
stroyer Foote, one of the flotilla ni
ncmbled here in connection with the
American "Navy Department's transat
lantic fllslit, went Imr4l iicroiincj here
early today. Naval officers said the
ship was in no Immediate dancer and
that thev hoped to float her nl high
.i .i.. ...r..-,. .t,l
water as oon as the weather model nteii.
The Foote and two other dctrovrrs
drained thcii anchor" iluritiR a westerly
gale. The destroyer Mndilot nlvi tlrilt
ed ashore, but her plicht a- not mil
sidered serious nnd she was expei ted to
be floated soon. The timW Hiko
touched Krnunil but was -non blown
The Voote nud the Miuiuot nic
amonc the destroyers arnvins hen' from
Xew York, siv reacluiiK rIrep.i-e. e-
terdny on their wa to orR.imie tlief,m illllcall (i (0 . SKMl.OOl)
transoccanii eluin between Trepasey j frln ( ir-ehbauni.
and the Azores. The Nav H'Tiir'- ,, (lf ,,, I;ils.rn Voni,,.,,,,
ment plans to have tin- .barn .-tan- hnw Mb( ,,,,,, fn $)()(M, f(M. Vl(.(nn
.Hshed May 10 UlN ..,P , ,in(1 )lia,0 ,.lr
The storm whi.l. d Mided ...i lie ,,., nm ,h( ,.P01,, (lf ,
,ms,ey tin n..ri..ns ".n.h.d "-"':. -ale f -,,,..11 c- tliey a.e allowed
mum in.., . ",,.
namor was -mouuru m i-.,, i
After the 1'oole and the Madilov went
Bground oftii-eis on the mother -hips
Prairie nnd Aroo-took painl deiks until
dawn while -carchlisht- weie dueled
on the harbor to guide the other de
utrojeis should lliej bienU their iinelior
New Yoik. May li i l!i A P I
The iiroposijil start tod.n of the N.i
Department'- traii-atlantii Might bj w.ij
ot Halifav wa- postponed tlii mornins
because of adverse weathei The tiirrc
Dig seaplane remain in men '-
at Ttockawnj P.eaeh. I. 1.
. . .1 1 .. !
Ihe NC .1. damaged l liie ti-ler
day, has been repaned mill will Ih with
her sister planes ncloro 111 a in i.i,n, oii.KIl r ,i,n i;,s.LMI emnlou- ot
the first day that favorable weailiei i
reported, t'omniandir .lohn II Toweis
said, lie explained that u stall would
not be made after 10 a m bei mie it
would bring the planes to the terminus
of the tirt daj's tlight to Ilalifav afti r
dark. This lir-t leg of the cruise, he
' said, would require eight bonis or
, longer if the piano ejicounteied heail
The NC 1 shnitty before noon tnila)
made the mo-t suiies-ful trial llighl of
any of the seaplanes dining the te-ting
period, rising from the water in -7'j
, seconds with its weight of ".7.0011
pounds. Headed stiaigbt out to -ea.
' the NC-l look the north wind giaie-
" fully and gained in speed as she rlew
The 'spin'' lasted about twentt mill -
Observation- along the North Atlan
tic coast tin's morning indiiutrd a
" pvoballty that noitheast wind-, which
'"v prevented the flight today, would um
tlnue tomorrow.
si .ii,'s x I.- Mm i: c iii A
' 'fr,) Local weather tondition- weie fa- over all -ection- of I Inla.lelplna lo
rable today for a -tart on the trans- ' moitow and l'l hhu evening- in aid of
ntlnntir- Hiphl lull I'reileriek I. It.TMl- 'the ViltorV I.OIIII
ham and Harry C. Hawker. Ilriti-h Tlnoiighoiit the loan a detail of -ul-nviators,
decided to wait for icpi.tt- as iliei- fiom the Piflt --1Mb KiiBineei-ha-to
conditions over the Atlantie befotc been touting the nit in a uiotoitiuik
reaching a decision as to whether thej I and Mashing shafts of light fiom n
would attempt the big hop.'
Describes Her War Work in France
to Philomusian Club
Dr. Caroline M. Piirnell gave mi
Illustrated lecture on her war woik in
Amcricnn women's hospital -eiviie in
France, (his afternoon before the I'lnlo
mtisian Club,
A reception picccded the lei tine
nt which Mis. Walter (' llamoek.
president of the club, was a isleil in
receiving by Mrs. IMward C. Oiioii,
Mrs. Joseph ! Hnvvvard, Mis. Charles
LeMaislrc, Mrs. Walter i Peet and
Mrs John J. Ilohini-on
Assisting at the tea tabic were Mrs
John Smiley and Mrs. Walter Willnrd.
Troops Bach From War
and Homeward Bound
l....,..i - tv... .. . . .
3S iP,f5n,trv "fTwpnts ninth fhlti nd (ir.iM
i)t lampion, j--ii orrir-rs and nifii t (tnpopi i
rttly of National iliiani.min I vMrii't "over the top" wnn nying colors
'- Jraey . llio oM Thlr.l InTanlrv of l'n,
a .-. v. . ..at.'MiMi .juttriiimen I roni .-.'aw
on, nrt llij olil urth Infanlr.v. al Nevurlt
r In the lltth
-,i,.hOU,"Si!!n1.'' ' '' York from Bor.l'Bux
with jatf) trooiu Inrlurtlnu iwelve nltlrrs
l'l 414 men comprising ihe Signal c'nrnn ..r
th. 113th PI.W Uattallon Thirty ilghihri
vision i (former Kntlonnl (luard or Ii,.na n.i
nd Kentnek)) flrat anil alrerafl m"!.hnt
Jtun uattalfnn rompfete, thren nfflrrK ,nH
mn. flflh air Krrvlci" cuauula lhre .iftlrrra
and 147 men, Sliteenth and 3Md Aero Sniud-
irona. '
Praaidrnt Jlrant al New York. from
Ureal, with tho lax units of th. svntv.
ffventh Division, drafted men miutlv or
New' Sork. Tho units aro the .nntn,
JUchlne Uun Oattullon eomplele fourteen
olflcra and .118 man. 30M ammunlilon train
i&XitX?; rmntnmxw, imu. j.yo neiacninenta IHlrt two
-ff5' ?tflcr and 17-14 men ,in-.'d train h.adouar-
tv jim'tiAf iaM ml- riff I farm nnd . I .. .
niiartara aiiv nfflfitrm ua, i. i..i
tsrmftBtur iuIUifr.. defnehnmnt 0C thren cif-
flfom infl "ft tnn rlatnehmanl . .
ify 2STTB "' ."! m"l of.th" Mtih Klld Ar
T tllLryi drtachment uf twelve olTlenrn of
,-ipi. jiosin inianiry au-jn aanllary train eoinnlete
. ' ,uan.V nffln... anil fiR't .,... a... . . .
train eompUta, nineteen off u era ami '!
men; a caaunl rompany of Heventy aeventh
troora. fourten officers and twenty tm, m.n
detachment of four officer, and L'.tn men or
th. 308th Field Artillery m K.ldlllon "o
that, approximately 470O troooa of the Seventy-seventh,
the President (Jrant urouaht
nine offlcera nnd 01(4 men .onvaleaeinu from
illneia or wounda, and a number of num.
f'F 'and nuraea on Ihe venae
'Yi K!0r,d' Th"? lr.00E" ?,f,'te niehtv-aeeond
!t . Dlvlaion romprlaed thn IIOTIh tanltjry train
noiiii'ioir, tin i if-iiu ci uun.ni I
j307th aupply train complete
trly-ttireo officers and 7'j tnn
'"'SMiaml 447 men, 31(ith machlno aun battalion
.V' -.complete, fifteen officer, and 414 men 3 'nth
j .'mathlne .un battalion complete twenty
I t .even offlcera and 800 men: 3-Jlt machine
, .aun tultallon'. Company II. one oft leer and
venly,nlnn meni ihe divlaion'a niedkal
aupply unit, one officer and eight men.
V t tilth mobile ordnance repair .hop complete
nrteen offleera
two onu-era ana miy-aix men, and the dlvN
; aMn'a hrat and aecond mobile demuatintr
' WPiB- on ltl.r and aeventeen men. The
xN'Qii muiuiii .iiiiimiiirr o.i.j iroopa. ln-
nudlnir isnih. 185th and :60th Aero Hquad-
iw.mii.i. iip.ru u.i. veto Ht.u taa men
icatterea caaiMie.
nectlcut .(baltleahlp), at Newport
aoauionai unit, or the Fifty.
rd Plpnr Infantry, alx ra.ual eompanlt.
marines and fourteen casual oMctra. a
al of 1203 offlcira and men.
tjn nalurohta. at New Tork from fr..ui.
nAell 2a. with 1098 men, Includlns a Naw
' casualty company.
L. at New York from Maraelllea. Anrll
with iCr men.
abater vcruistri, at isew xoric from ure.t.
!Ps. with 118 men. ' u
aaecasln. at New York from nordeanr
IsWlt 21. 'with thirty-two men.
tanturklan. at New Torkv rem Bordeaux.
District Total Reaches $129,-
vti nnn ....n..i ri..Ai
vi.vuu iuviuiu sxuvui.
of $375,000,000
fJnins in Victory Loan subscriptions
hoth in the city nnd the rhllsdelphiii
ditrict are announced today All
previous record" for last minute Iiiim
ness will linve to be broken, however
if the district hopes to reach its quota '
of s.n7.'.ooo.noo.
The rit.v's increase todav over .tester
'day'x subscriptions whs .yj.fK'J.O.'n. and
'the cnin in the Philadelphia distuct
'nier the precedlnR dnj was SS.2T.S. 10(1 i
Siilisi-iiption for the Philadelphia
,,iutro ,,. ,,n SI -l.T.ll .100. This
i miiile up as follow-' :
S.Vl.T.M ,(l."i0 . eastern
otilMile of Philadelphia .
southern ev. .li-rev .
Pelawnre. 5. 7. -II. ".'.'(Id
I-irje .Subscriptions
Amnui; the Im-g miIim riptions ic
porteil tod.u ale
SltO.'.'.'.O from Cioft
,. Allen. Sill,
l.'iO adilitional finm
n,.Hcviie Slinlfuid; S70.000 ndditional
to ,.,!., H,M,r..lN Till-
money tisti -
fin little
i olllfol t- to ell-e
lewish instHutioiit C the i it . under
the diti'ition of Itnbbi .lo-eoh Kiau-
lopf. me working enthusiastii alh for
the loan Among the notable -ub-ei ip-
lion- the haie tinned in is that of the
Sisterhood of ( 'ougicgation Kene-eth
I-inel of whiih Doitor Kiau-Kopl is
liihlii .Mis ,iuinel Stei n. of Ceriniiii
low ii, i- t-liii ii inn ii . and .Ml- l.oui
Sulka. assistant ih.iuuian of tin- loan
'innimittee if the sisteihood. whiih ha-
,MI1I., , si.-.hjmmi to
.,,, )ns u.t,u,.ll ,,.
Lite. The sistei
exieed y.'.'O.IHKI
,j Salilida night
Avoiding to ligmes ,pil,d estei
the I'ennsj Uania Itailioad eastern lines
bad -iib-iiibeil tn the Votorj loan for
a tot.il ot S7.:t'H 1.V1 This -Imns, lid. 7
per i cut of the i iiiplnes hne -iiIim-i ibed
for an axeragi of N70.0-.
"nflpnl,ii-j I 'login in
A Milled piogiam of Mnal ami in
stiuniental entertiiiiiuieur will be pio
ided Ji emploxes of the Snelleiilniig
stoic tonight in t'ainae sheet. Theie
will be juggling and magical feat-, a
baiio i iiiih ilmii ami a savaphone iiiar
tet 'I'lie Snellenbuig band will be a
feature Miss Maiy tii-iin, -oprauo:
Mis- .Mm Newkiik, loutralto. and
Mi Margaiet Mi Conaghy. -oiuano.
will -nig. .1. Mnsino. N de Stiisano
and D. Vai.illo lotitpii-e the huip. vio
lin and tlute tlio Albert ltain-lein is
the maguian of the gimi . and Tied
Albeit the banjo eoniediuu. Airnngc
I incuts for Ihe piogrntii me ill i barge ot
Mrs. .lo-eph Snellenbuig
i:ery battleship at the Philadelphia
'm Vind, will. ,pJ'i it- -eau blights
poweiful senn-nngiit in mi msiihiih.
This stunt ha- pnucij, -m h an aid to
the iiinipaign that it was decided In
suppleineiil tlie'u woik with the battle
ship lights.
The light- fiom the Navy Yard will
-em ib the skies fm the Fifty-sixth Kn
giueers light shafts, and intei mingle
with t Ik hi thioughoiit the evenings.
Nrrd Million An Hour
II,,,,, ,,., Al.tKMl.OOO weie added to
i, a, sidise.ip.ions through the
iielof Cailer Class, sceictniy of the
r in a "living ult" . thN,
i itv vest ei da v
The Mniiiifiiitiirer-' Cluli
whieh had
rai-ed bill SI.1O.IH10. lcnlied its (inula
or S''.f00.000 it was -aid toda.v and sub
scriptions totaling more than SI, 100.
00(1 weie obtained from two meetings
i he nihlie.ssed nt the Stetson plant. Fifth
I i-ncei and Montgomery nvenue.
The honor of the nation is at
stake ' he deilared to more than OOOO
prisons "Ii is not conceivable the
1 people will see it fail."
Inspired by Ins wonts, workers nre
triving today to lurry the cit.v and dis-
before tlie mini curium drops mi ,-suiui-
Wednesday's Pimllco Entries
I iral rate for maiden three year olda and
upward I mil
Brldeeiniin (Imp)
Alora (Imp)
Taraaeon (Imp)
Carpet Sweepei
IIS l.mlv Var 110
II.. SaddlerinK
11". Jos P Murphy
1 1 r. (Imp) . . .
102 Hlatrrora (Imp!
10.J Ilealll'Hlre
107 fibroin llmpl ..
Se.ond ra.e purbe
for l wo-ear olds.
M Dear
Who Cares
(llorla Kranee
112 (airtouea ftud
s100 l' H draaon
tl2 Ijeuat Leaves
..IIS Super . .
112 Driftwood
inn Hea ferpeant
l l.i
(a)lt P. Whitney entry
Third r.ee, tile Klkridse Club steeplechase,
four-year olds 2 miles
Shade . HA Corps a Corps
HUB House 142 (Imp) . ...142
Fourth rare the PrlvlmT Park purse, for
tv.o-ear-old Allies. I furlongs:
(ti)t'anoply . .. .110 (hKluesa Again . 110
(elTltanla 110 (eirted Olrl ...lin
Virginia I. . .tl" Waking Dream ..110
My Dear . 110 Lneust Taves . 110
Klrah . im Flylna Flower . ltn
I.urle May 110 Feather .... 110
(h)H. P Whitney entry.
(e)fsamuel Hoss entry
Fifth race, the Plmllen Nprlng handicap,
for tnree-vear-oias anu up. 11 l-lll mllei
idivvesty iiogan .i..f nmpi ..
(ek'udgsl 1.13 (e)Foregrnund
(e)nomface 112 (Imp) 108
Royee Itools . 103 Straight Forward 103
Papp . . . 108 Pondage , ... 1 0,1
(f)Franklln 104 Jtoutledge . . . ma
(dK)mar Khayam (f)Oouglass 8. . 100
(d)V. Vlau entry
lull K. I, Ross entry.
(fill B. Koppln entry.
Kisth rare, the Pikrsvllle handicap, three-year-o'.d.
and up. 6 furlongs:
Crimper 10(1 'Hauberk 108
Motor Cop . .183 Panama (Imp) . 104
htartllng , ... 11 Andrew ion
i-amouneur .....im jyuiss v lot
Merry Princess Quietude 104
(lrop .....in Heaver Kill 110
Corn Tassel (Imp).llcl Papn 110
I.ucllllte 121 Uncle John 90
Dr Johnson ....105
HeYerrth rare, rlalrqlnr. thrte-ysar-old.
and up, a furlongs:
Th. Decision ...117 Ko.lus It7
Clark M 117 Irish Maid . ... 112
Ttravado 115 Gterm (imp) ,.,,108
llaano ,..., ,117 Murphy ., ,. , 117
Celtabel . ...l)7 K.t.ah ,1)2
Thorn Hloom euetween U. -.,112
limp) .. ......117 Zouav. 112
M.rco Polo (imp).llrt Trophy . lis
Dellrlnger ,.,..,117 Hlster Emblem ..112
Apprentice allewane. claimed
VltiflJkt elaunyj Track, iced,
Pallium Is Placed , wK&wm 'UmJkM
on Archbishop .Here iwBrZ rMum- i - 4W I
millmietl I rum I'UBe Onp
lolies nf In- nfiii i . with i riiiisou i.ipi
and piiliiial moss James ,1 Uati
Knight "f the Older of St. Ctcgon
"d II .1 liiiMec. pupal chivuliei lain
i ii i foi in
I their honoiarv nth
with Mattiti Malouev. inioal
Pelei I' K 'Milan, and Ir P
.Movl.lli. esiolteil the papal llllegllte
as a spei in I guard of honor.
.Sealed In Speii.tl 'I hrone
filtering the Cathednil l the iiiiiiii
door the pielate- took their plm i
within the all.n im lo-ure. Tin
an hiepisi opal lliioue at the left o
gospel side of the iilt.ir, was on-iipiid
bv An libislnip lioiiano Aii'bbisho(:
Houglieitv was -cited ill n spei nil
thione. i hi lid mi the opposite side
The entiv of the leigv to the cliiiirh
was hei.ihhil b I lie outbui.-t of a
Hood of light ft inn iniiuiiieialile elee
lrn iMuilcl.ihiii and the blniiig foith of
the motto ''In Him- Signo Vinci
in eleitne lighls suiiiioiintiiig n nw
aliove the main altar. As the proees
-ion iidiameil the i hoir of piie-t- and
-eminaiiatis. led by the Uev. Dr. .Iiiiue
A. liovlnn and the Itev. William Kane,
sung the h.viiin "laic Saicidos Mag
ins" (liehold. the liieal Piie-tl.
(Vlibtatioti of the mass began iui
meililltelj .iflel t he seating of the del gv
bud been i oiupleteil.
Olliceis of the Ma
With Aiehbishop Uon.ano ponlili
i ntiiig at the solemn mas-, the othei
olhieis of the ma were Moiisigunr
M. .1. t'iniie. tei lor of the Chun Ii of St.
Kiaiieis de Sale-, assistant st ;
Monsignor II. T. Drumgoole. tec lor of
the Seminal. v of St Chaile- P.oi toiiieo.
flnni-mi MllllslCllllt' IMlllOllll .1 . I'll.
,. , haniellor of tl
an tt 1 1 1 04 e-e.
P. Tin HIT
L.,,!,,!-.,..,,, Mon-igimr .1
fi.l Mnnsimioi' .lames P. Snniott. ih-a
iionsof honor: Monsignor V I'. I'j-hfi
, nod the Itev. James, Timmins. of Ches
ter, ihaplain- t n liln-Ii"
eitv : the Uev Thoiu.1
C MiNallv.
master of i eiemoiiie- :
P MiNallv. the Kev
the Uev William
Lllgene A Kellj
i and Joseph
Mi-Miihou. the latter a
i-tant iiuistcis nf icre-
Xiibbisliiip Malies ddre
Anhbi-hop Dongheiiv made an ad
dress following the lending of the go-pel
I of the mass Hi- riiu.itk- weie not in
'the niitine of a -ei moil but a hi-toiiial
explanation f the pallium, .fl nni n
nrigin and e.nlie-t n-ionleil loiiTcnal bv
Pope St. Maic.s. who dud it. tin-
."KU; lie then ... redid I" '
course ot the papa, v llnough
- until the pie-eu, , e,, v
iveieiiing im no- li.ui-.-
enl pope in the wat just indeil be -aid:
,. . . ,l... . r .1... m n..
",s (lining inc win nisi e.iii.-.i. i .
tlnouglioiii llie .enuuies. even n ..
the win Id wa- in
illagiation. the
pope ha- i cin.i nud iiiuiincjiieicil and
unshaken: he has i.ilmlv tilled the -c
of Chiistendoni with tlieir ruler.-, he
has -enl the pallium to pntrnili M-, pi i
mates nnd tiHlinpnlilans . he ha- .on
demneil enor-: he has d lined doctrine:
he has sent miiniiai ies to the end- of
Ihe earth: he ha- proiuotc.l- the line
aits: he hn- c-ivlie.l llie very people
whii. leel "i foi ccd In civil Hlleis. have
for-nken him Hi- calmness anil tiuM
have not sprung from human nhsiirinice,
but aie based on the promises of Christ
and based on the oiisciousnc-s that,
ionic whnt may. his -re will never per
ish off the earth."
Tribute Delegate
. i , . .i ..i ... . i.. ......c
0 I la.ving icrsiuini i n- n. .m .m"-
tolie delegntc. tlie an liliisnup voici;.i
his thanks to the mcmbeis of the bier
nrchy nnd clergy for then pie-ence. He
closed by turning to the iiNt-omliled
Init.v, expressing his gratitude to all
present, both Catholic and non-Ciitholic,
for their goodwill and kind henrtcdiiess
"In accompanying us this day in our!
joy and in lending splendor to the occa
sion." At Ihe .oiicliiMon of the muss the
pallium, which was brought from Itoine '
by the Hev. Charles .1. O'Hern, rector
of the American College, was placed'
about the shoulders of the recipient.
Archbishop Dougherty first subscribed
to the oatli ot allegiance to (be Holy
See, which was taken upon the opened
Hook of (Jospels.
This closed the formal ceremonies.
During the mass the Bcininiirinns
Fang Ihe Kjric, Credo, SnnotuK and
Henedicttis, the priests' chqir inter
spersing the musical program by sing
lug Ihe Gloria, the Agnus Dei and the
hymn "0 Snrrtim Convivium." The
music was atrictly liturgical. The Hey.
William R. Kane led the priests' choir,
A Bmart-looking; car in the
best company; adequate to any
test, satisfactory to the most
Pictorial flection. """r
V. CMttKK GKIKB. SOS N. nroad
bath, furn.. atate psrfrs, c in, lrt(j, off,
hoe, .it Hie light, arc the Itev. James Timiiiins. Anhbishup
Douglicil.v and Mgr. Nevin I'. Fisher. Ilrlnu are Archbishop John
lionaiio, p.ip.il delegate In Hie I nltcd States, and Mgr. James I.
Tin ner
with the Uev. William Muiphv at the
Piillovviiig tl leinoiiie- iii the
Catheilial the pnesis and othei iicle-i-
a-tii -wen guests at .1 linn loon in the
t'.ithedial mIiooI, llighticnth and Wood
stieet- The -pe.iKeis at this film Hon
iinlndiil An liliishoiis P.ouy.iini and
lloiighi itv and the Uev. M. C Dono
van, in lor ot St. Agatha's Chunli.
Thn i.v -eiglnli and Spimg ll.iideii
slllets. ) 1,-lttet II presenting the
pi lest- ol Ibis dloeese.
Pioiiiiuent I ..iv men Pic-eut
Among the iiiembei- of the l.nt.v as-
semliliil at the Catheilial weie two
sistiis of Anhbi-hop Doiigheil.v . Mrs.
Mi Cm inn k and Mi- Moiiiighan. Prom
inent l.mncn in e-t nl weie Judge John
Monachiiii. of Comiiinii Plea-Com t No.
-. . i..,,...- v I't.ii.mi, siiiiieme l.niirbt
of .'he Knight- of Coliuiihu-. the Uev. '.icr-arj a- a piie-t and bis twenty-fifth ; J e.YrillladelphlH'a"!
P. i:. Doiiabiie. i luiplain of the I'tiiteil jcar in the cpiscojiate does not tcrmi- Adv.
States iMttle-bip I'loiida. and the Uev. nute until IMS. ,
,loeih L. N Wolf, i li.ipl.ini of thCj
lll'.llh liifanli.v. just letuincd finm i
. , e . .....! i.l In
. nun ii in i.iu ion-Hi "..
,. sctvi.e- bv the pics.. f two
Aiaeii.an nags pu m ei.ei -i.o- ...
n,,. nllar i ailing l ue-c -i ma
a wealth of Ih.ral d ration Hint .oiii-
pletclj hid the it i portion of thn
..i. .,.! il. ill ii mill
,ankcd the pulpit. Helioses n.alcas,
mam iiiuir. .iM.i... ....
anil oilier innoius oi i m-m- .... ,. m
. r . .1 ;.
iiiofiihinii. with ferns, palms, uav iicckj
and Ii biilliiinl -I i''"- '"id wile ar-
iiiiiged in bn-kelf. as well us banks that
tan high above the altar, fm tiling an
effe.live backgioiind to the ciiially clali-
(1110 oloi tiUnl di conitlon-
M.msiL-nor O'llcin niiived in this
lonntry es1crday on the l'rciK h steam
ship l.n Suvoie. lie In ought with him
not only the pallium for Archbishop
Dougherty, but Himilnr insignia for
(A.chblshoii Haves, of New oik;
Don Hug. of St. 1 Mill . unci meger, ot
s;1T)11 iv.
An hbisliop Iln.vcs. who sun ceded the
late Cardinal Karley. Is in rhilailelphia
lie l- the guest of .Monsignor Ciune at
the rectory of St. Kraneis de Sales,
I'm Iv seventh sheet and Springfield
avenue Archbishop I In) ( w ill receive
.. . ...
the pallium next 'I hursilay in St. rat
riik's Cathednil, .New Yoik. Aieh
bishop Doughcity will attend the iuves
t tt in
Arclibi-hops Shaw, of New Orleans,
Novelties Tonight
Tomorrow Night
Amateur Nifiht
Don't Miss These Ilia
Event n
Until 12:30
by Appoint
ment Walnut
and .Miindelein, of Chii ago, were pres-
enl al the Cutlieilral tnililv. AlnoTifr the
I bishops prc-eut weie Bishop William
D. Tinner, Mio -unreeled An hbi-hop
Doiighertj in the s-c ot Buflnlo. and
ISi-hop Thoiuas .1 Wal-h, of Tienton,
, w ho was Aiehbishop Dougliet ty's chnn-
icllor at BulTiilo. 'asking Councils for more inspectors, nnd,
,..,., ..1,, , ii.i is said to be planning changes in the
t animals l nalile (o Alienil ,, , ., ,., ,,v, , , . i
Bureau of Health, 'these plans he is
Neither Cuidinal (libbons. of Haiti- preparing to lay before the Major for
moie. nor Cardinal O'Cnunell, of , his approval. '
Boston, dime to tbi- city for the ceie- i rollowiug the conferente of depart-1
monies. I'leuie of engagements in,inent heads. Mayor Smith plans return-!
their own diocese- tnaiL- their prcseuLe
heie impo-sible.
The solemn lonferring of the pallium
toda.v piohably is the last great ccie
iiinny in the Cathedral heie for sev-
Jcral rars. Aiehbishop Dougherty
, already has i-clcbralcd bis silver anni-
y,, 0lt,r ccicinoiiials lemain as a
,.csuit f ,is appointment as anhhishop ,
f Philadelnhin. He wax instnlled uc. ,
. .. .. '
erai ninntiis ago witn ciahorale lere-
i numj0. The head of the Philadelphia
,,.rM. us bishop of Bulfnlo when
l'o,,c Benedict NV. appointed him the
sll, ,.0s0. ,)f .rrnuisnop prcmlcrgat. I
i.rior ,0 ,lN nfrnlo liarKo. A I ilihisl oil
.. . ... 'I
IJoughertj picsuird ovci two dioceses I
I Jn ,lp ihi!liiino Islands.
The prelates here include Bishop
Joseph It. Crimont, S. .1., nf Juneau,
Alaska; Uishop I'dwnrd l Allen, Mo
bile, Ala.; Ilishnp ,1. I" Kegis Canevin,
I'itteburgh ; Itishop .lohh 1'. Cunning
bam, Concordia, Kan ; Bishop .lohn
!'. Cautvvcll; I ,os Angeles; Ilishop
.1. II. Conro.v, Ogdensbuig, N. Y. ;
Ilishop IMmund M. Dunne, I'corla,
111.; Itishop Dugene A. (Inrvey, Al
tonna, l'a, ; -Itishop John II. Grimes,
Syracuse, . i.; Itishop Henry Ua-
.i.... f , I -V X- . ....... a.
, nriris, ugucm-uiui;, - ; insuop ai.
.l. Iloban, Scranlon; Bishop John J.
Monnghan. Wilmington, Del,; Itishop
1 1. II. SIcDevitt. Ilnrrisbuig; Bishop D.
J. O'Connell, Iticlunnnd, Vn. ; Bishop
'Joseph Itice, Burlington, Vt.j Iliahop
, William T. Ihibsell, Charlchton, S. C. J
i Bisjiop Thomaa J. Sliahan, Catholic
University, Washington, D. C. ; Abbot
''rnest Hilmstetter, evvllrk, N, J. j
Abbot Charlea II. Mohr. St. Io. Kla. ;
Abbot K. M. Obrecht, Gethscmane, Ky.
Hf HOUSE of Wenger!1
Im mi walnut sr. .
1 T''ls 3 an lnvitat,on ca &nd IM I
lO inspect our Dry Cold Air Fur I Raj
lira Vaults, and then we ask you to v$it fcf I
wk otlicr storage premises. The out- jfjil
V$& come of your investigation, we feel jMm
Vflk sure, will be manifested in your IMb
L promptly asking the telephone Mm
Renewal of Sewage Disposal
and Other Uncompleted Con
tracts Taken Up
Suspended city contracts and new
work were the mibjeetB discussed today
by Mayor Smith with his department
heads. Many contracts hnve been let
during the three months that have
elapsed since the Mayor last met his
directors hut a number of long-stand
'ing undertakings have been allowed
I to lag behind.
Municipal undertakings started dur
ling the war, and before the United
.Slates entered the contest, ha-e gone
'uncompleted. Thee include sewage ills-
tposal contracts, a number ot bridge un-
dertakiugs nnd work incident to the
Hureatis of Ilighwnjs and Surveys. It
I the Mayor's desires are" carried out all
of this work will be pushed to comple
tion before the end of bis official term.
I Director Dntesmati, of the Depart
ment of Public Works, in whoso depart
jment most of the suspended and uncom
pleted contracts nre loented, wiU report
' to the Mayor that new contracts involv
ing about $l,ri00,000 have been let and
work statted on most if not nil of them.
In a general way the Major has knowl
edge of the work being done by the de
partment, as during bis illness he np
i proved the mea-iuci.
Street and Koad Jobs
The head of public works will also
teport on sttcet nnd highway improve
ment ligures tesultiug from the recent
opening of bids (or street construction
.and repairs to various classes of thor
oughfares. Two important contracts
just awarded will be gone over. They
provide for the completion of the grade
crossing removal program started back!
in the Weaver ndministrntioii in Port :
Iilrhninntl, .1. .Joseph Mcllugh lias just i
been n winded the work of opening Km-
erahl street, under the tracks of the
Itichmoud branch of tho Heading Hail-1
way. at $!)S.O0(l. nnd John McMenamy after arriving nt the station. He was
has been awarded the contract for open- about -event) jenrs of age.
ing Tulip street at ?7.",700 .
Director Web-ter, or the Department Man Held for Clothing Theft
of Wharves. Docks and Ferries' will .!, :ii.on. who gave his nddie-s
teport on the program of work on thei, iviliiun Court. Mt Ahv. was ar
eity piers now in course of construction, Ic.s,rn ,,av 1)v at i-nluuin Stein of
and on plans for the letting of fin thrr, the -ticininntnwn station, on a ihiirge
' work during the sumqyr. f having Molen S100 worth of clothing
Director Twining's report will include; belonging to J. II. Ilcnt., who lives in
an n.ccouut of the reecjit bidding for the apartment. Illlison was held in
"I." construction work, and other con- SS00 bail,
("acts, jut let by tho deportment. He ;
will tell the Mnjor that the North
American Hailvva.v Construction Com-
pan.v, of Chicago, began work jesterda.v J
on the construction of the It) berry line
for the section between Orford avenue.
1'rankford, and Itustletnn, This woik
will cost the city ?.'!70.S0::. and is to be
completed within six month-.
Complaints Are Probed
Director Kruscn, of the Department
of Health and Cbnrities, is expected to I
' bring before the conference (pic,stions
' relative to insanitary housing conditions i
complained of reiently by differenti
bodies of churchwonieii. lie intends
ing to Atlantic City and coming back to
! Philadelphia on Thursday to take up
with the home reception committer the
l plans for the paiade and cutcrtaiunicnt
of leturniug soldiers.
f23 Italtlmore; S'.M.'V Maslilnston
Htviaay Kxrurftlon, I'eiinnlvMnlu HallrpAd.
i f f mi t iv
From Mahket SrREET Wharf
$mm np Atlantic City
.i Wildwood
VIMS1 .. -..
(Mil c i.i- r-;..
ni sr u :
2t-Ski Bh U r adlW a
Sunn Avalon
WarTai 10 cents additional
Atlantie cj.ly, buii.o itaiuui
Hea Isle - -7 30',
Anilesea and Wildwood 7.:ovi
tf0 OC Baltimore
psaaJ v n, ,,
tfjO 7C Washington
sfas s 2t,f A'atlonat Capital
War Tal
Jaltlmorelticu. WashlnsionKcu.
iundivs, May 11, 2S; June S, 22
nroad at. 7 ,50 v, West rolls, 7.55
Beiaj Im
vvr t'as .'Uccnt. unditiona
Sundijj, May 18, tad June I
liroaa bu 7.40i,: West I'ulU, 7.44 ,
vania R. R.
.W .r- ,
Returns Today of JFonicn's
Victory Loan Committee
Kurata unit ltonnltnli Miss
UnWU Went, ehnlrmnn I1.8VI
Chtnut r lit Mrs Lincoln
Feruunon. rhllrmnn . . 88.800
Ocrmantnwn Mrs. W I) flur-
. .lev. tlmlrmsn 1.2nMno
North numl Mrs. f fl
Vvurts rhalrnun ... 82.830
North PhllndVlphls Mrs
t hemnn Herrlrk, chstr-
mn 270.050
Jsoi-I heart Mrs John V.
., Mover, chairman 83.400
Kenslniton Mla Iloutah Ten-
tmore, rhalrmsn , 130.330
Central City Mrs. W. Hark-
lle llfnry, chairman 1,301,100
South Phllailelphki -Mr. W
, J ir;man. chairman .. . 331,150
Vet Phlladdnhla Mrs. II.
r. Richardson, rhslrman.. 308,130
Falla of Srhuvlktll Mrs.
Uobson Altemus. chairman. 43,000
Today's total J.1,!M.-,,r,0i
Grand total $33,002,052
Henrietta Rlslln Leaves $7500,
Largely to Catholic Charities
The will of Henrietta Itislln, of this
city, who died, nt Atlantic City, was
probited here today. The estate, val
ued at $7"00. is to bo distributed
among a number of Catholic institu
tious of this city, a small portion going
to the Itev. James C, Monnhati and
several relatives of the decedent.
An Inventory of the estate of Wil
liam K. Hamberger, former vice presi
dent of the Vcstem Savings Fund So-1-ietv.
showed n vnlue of $341,483.7:!,
mostly in stocks nnd bonds ot public
service corporations.
J. L. O'Brien Appointed Tipstaff
.John Lawrence O'llrien, 'SSI North
Third stieet, was appointed a tipstaff
in Quarter Sessions Court. President
Judge Xnrris S. Ilarrntt, of Common
Pleas Com t No. 1!, made the appoint
ment today. Mr. O'Pileii will be
sworn in as soon as his appointment is
latlhcd by the boanl of judges. The
new tipstaff tills the vacancy caused
by the death of William Blair. Mr.
O'Brien is fifty years old. and has been
active in Itepiiblicaii politics in the
Nineteenth ward for twenty-live years.
Falls Dead In Railroad Station
Dover, Del.. May I!. Alfied H. Cn
fiunier iletk of peace of Kent '
county, v.ho had been in Dover today
in niienuance nt the Kent county court
w-ith his son, and who hail gone to the
railroad station to tnke the Main for
his home in (iicewnod. fell dead shortly
J- E- Caldwell fr (5.
Convenient Acquirement
Of Fine Silverware ,f
J. E. Caldwell & Co:s
Individual Designs, Are
Always Ready For De.
livery; Or Sets, uniform
In Pattern, May Be Ac
quired Gradually As
Wottfell Mm
These Sports Suits
and Wraps are not
able not only for their
fine tailoring but also
for the excellence of
their fabr;c. "Bon
tell" Jersey may be
had in heavy, medium
or light weight; and
in plain- colors or
heather mixtures.
SUITS, 29.50 to 45.00
Goats, Gapes and Jackets
19.50 to 37.50
Fifty Nationalities From' City1
"Molting Pot" Parado Up 5th
-Avenue in Returned 77th
Ity ihe Associated Tress
New York, May fl. Twenty-flyd
thousand men drawn from tifty nation
alltles among the polygot population of
New York who less- than two years ago
were engaged In humble pursuits, andj
unknown to fame, returned to tha
metropolis today ns heroes of the bloody
battles ot the Argonne forest, and
million or more fellow citizens fran-
tlcnlly cheered them as they marcheJ
triumphantly up Fifth avenue as ma
Seventy-seventh, or Liberty Division
It was the only division in the Ameri
can army recruited entirely from ona
rity and it Included n greater niimbei
than any other division of men ot for
eign birth. Secretary Baker, Just re
turned from France, reviewed th
The division marched through soil
Innes of humanity in battalion forma
tion, sixteen abreast, with only fou
feet between the companies. It was i
style of marching new to New York
The division fittingly remembered it
fallen heroes.
The finest of glistening bayonet'
moving rytlnnlcnlly up the Hag-bedecked
avenue presented a stirring panorama
The doughbos were in light marchln
order and wore their jaunty oversea
caps with ca.mpaign "tin hats slun
from the back.
Originally it was planned to hav
".0,000 in the line of march, but 3001
of the division were on the transpor
fieneral Grant, which did not arrive t
time for parade. In addition more thai
L'000 replacement troopa from othei?
states bnd asked for and received dis
charges. About 5000 wounded soldiers.
mostly casuals and former members o(
the division, rode in automobiles at the
end of the procession and they received
the same warm-hearted cheers from thai
crowd that were accorded to their more)
fortunate brothers in khaki.
Ahead of the column was a solemn
gripping procession of "companies oV
the dead, carrying ten red-bordered
white flags, each bearing about 2."0 cold
stars for the l!3.ifl men who gave their
lives for their country. Represent
tives of the 18!) draft boards deposited
wreaths of honor at the foot of tha
roll of the divisions in front of the
public library. A bush fell over the
vast crowds as the reminders of supreme
I sacrifice passed by.
a m
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