r-fP.W- EVENING PUBLIC LED0BR PmiADELPfilA, TUESDAY MATH 1019 Conveying Elevating Screening Crushing Washing Storage Power Transmission The Webster Mfg. Co.,Phila., Pa. NAGLE Steel Company Shipping Urgent Lots STEEL PLATES and SHEETS Within Two to Four Days Pottstown, Pa. S""ic-ia 14n Morris Bldg. rThose. Wolstenholme Sons & Co., Inc. French nnd English 'Spun Worsted and Merino Ynrns Ol'KIt li AND MILLS "Frankford Ave. & Wcalmorelnnd St. Philadelphia, Pa. KEYSTONE COAL & WOOD CO. PILING MINE PROPS CORDWOOD FRONT and BERKS STS. i'im,Ai)i:r.riii. O. W. KETCHAM Mnnnfarliirer nf Architectural Terra Cotta, Bricks i un,., t:u f AAUS1UVV .III.) ll. Standard Steel Works Co. Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Southwark Foundry & Machine Company MnnufHCturerR of Hydraulic and Power Tools 400 WASHINGTON .WHM I" l'lllliADCI.I'IIIX Metal Lockers and Steel Shelving High class. Prices reasonable Dexter Metal Mfg. Co. k Front & Arch Sts., Camden. N. J. X RFAITMONT 1 Coal and Ash Convcjors for Saving Labor at Iioiler Houses 370 Arch St., Phila. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS Royal Frantz Premier Eureka Walker & Kepler 53i Chestnut St. C. JESNSG Precision Machinist 716 Sansom Street Philadelphia The JOHN T. DYER QUARRY CO. Birdsboro Trappc Rock HARRISON BUILDING Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. J. Webb & Co. WOOL aiUl Cotton Yarns i 1G Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. N.Z.GRAVES e Incorporated 22 and 24 South Third Street I'llilililrllilliit The House of Piirilnltli's In I'nlnts nnd VnrnislieH Herbert W. Gcshwind Reinforced Cement anil Concrete Brick Paving jgphnlt Work and Damp Proofing 761.03-05 N. 20th 'Street rtuiaiiKLi'iiiA. i-.t. PHILADELPHIA CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. ' 1200 Stock Exchange Bldg. We will finance your project We will build your building 'Spruce 2686 Knee 3017 NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION hu tai1ir work, Koort iriiti and ncellfnt ttorklne conilltlom. Thr tro opening! In nearly all brinchea for (UIXl mc-chanlca. Apply Eraploypent Department at the- Yards Camden, N. J. Economic Bars if Germans Balk Cnntliiiitil From I'nte Ono inent nf her war debls through the hearty support given her by the) Amor- I lean delegates, was nnotlicr development , of an nuiplcious day. ' ,,,,., , llasls of tompinmlse The note m-nt li Pieinlcr Orlando tn Paris Sunday Imlicuted nn intention l tieiit with the other powers on the' banN of a letjer diiivvii up by Ailliur .1. ' Ilnlfour, the lttltMi foreign m-itiMiiij . , wlileha Premiers Cleiiieneenii and l.lnvil ' George handed him on the ee iif his, ilennrtnro from Pari, iii-i-in-dimr tn IVitinax" lu the Ki-ho de l.'mfs to- day. i interest in the details of the arinugc- encniirngement from Great ItHtain. We The Ilnllatis, sn.s the writer, will nicnt- for the ceremony. Miggestlng ' npply the same standard of judgment agree to maKe eei lain saerlluTi In linl- various changes aud ImiirovcinPiiN dur- 4mrrienii inlerfereiue in our af i mil tin. o as tn attain their project, the '"K the afternoon. i fairs." IniiliiisltiiMi nt riiune. "even shodl.l Ihcj , The German delegates In ch.it ge .if . -- I have reeouise to thus,, t.nnsilnr, for financial affair- walked over ft 0111 their Q r .to!n I i... ...1.1..1. ,i. i f i I hole In meet iulei-Allled lepieseutn- I OCCl ClUl II IailSlllfl iiii, ins it in, ii iiii- ii'iikiii- ,,i iniiiiiiis mis furnished to the peace treat. '' Gel mans Talh of ((iilltlng A German wlieless ilivpntch lt-i-rivi-il here last evening snys "If the delay continues at Versailles it is contemplated that Berlin will teeall the German delegates, in which ease they would onlj he sent tn Versailles again when the Allied governments nie ready In negotiate." A dispatch to (he London (Ynlnil News from Copenhagen ipioles n Iteilln newspniier as mi; lug Hint the German peine delegation 1ms sent an ultimatum to the I'uteute Allies, demanding n reply b ,"i o'clock Mondn afternoon, in which it was declaied that the Gcimnns would be obliged In return tn Hi-llln Hie event nf a fiiilher in the submission of tli A semiolliciiil iiiiiiouiii einent fiom Iteilln mijs the peace negotiations will 'be in no way nlTccJcd by the dcpartiiie of the German Minisicis Lnndsbeig and (iiesherls from VcrMiilles. No annoiincement has been ieieled 'beie that Heir Liinilsbeig and llerr '(ieisheits linu- lefl VcrMiilles or that it I was tluir intention to depart. J When the German delegates enter the dining room of the Hold Trianon on Weiliiesdaj afternoon to ri-nivi- the ' text nf the treaty they will find the iep- lesentntives nf the pnweis ariajed against Germany awaiting them nt one 'of the great tables which lime been placed in the loom. Premier Clemen- lieau. President Wilson and Premier Llojd Geoige will stand lit the bend of I the table. The Geininus will not join the Allied delegates! at this time, but will be con- I illicieil in 11 simmer uuiie siuuuiug ll.t ' :,. ir ... ,1 .....1 ..r .i. .- 1 l itself nt the open end of the gient horse shoe foimed bv the crecn -covered Inhlps arranged for the meeting. There they ''"he visit of President Wilson wa wjll lislen to M. Clemenceaii's opening inspired, it is undcislood. by the Pres addrcss nml leceive Ihe judgment nf the ident's dcsiie tn ndlnit the uevsinici .11 1 1 :ni...l .....: i ,.,,,, nuwo,r!ni! in flie I'H l-eninli V . r-b!s .till, II llllll lis-l'l III 11 II lltlllllLI" US Mir ...! 7 !.. .1 1 f it.- ... Ulllllllt:!! 111 IIIV tlllllllli; III V-OlllUilOnS drawn up dining the four mouths of deliberation bv the interallied lonfer- , Piit-cs. ' On M Cleiiieiu can's light will be 1 President Wilson and the othei Amen 01111 delegates, while oil his left Pieniicr ! LIomI George and the Ili-itii-h leprespn I latives will be giniipcd Klnuking the Aniciiiiiiis will ionic Hie Frcnih dele gation, willi Mnishal Tnch in the cen 1 1-1 Next In these will be the lepie 1 s-cnlalites nf Italy, Itelgium. ' Urnril. Greece. Poitugnl and Scibia. On the left hide and M-ilted below- the delc-gntes-nf Cleat Uiit.iin will be those nf the l.iitish dominions, .lapan. Poland. I.iiuiaiiia and Ceibo-Slovakia. Singe Set for 'I'realj Two tables have been placed for the gcnciul seel etui ips nf the inlcr-Allied Council diicitl.v behind President Wil 1 sun and Pieniicr Llo.vd Geoige. Set re -1 taijes nf individual delegations will I have scats' at Ihe hides of the. room bc ' hind their icsporHve delegations. Ti-.e 'four big cut-glass cluindclieis whiih lining from the idling of the ball will ' be scauely needed at the hour set lnr the ceremony at I 1 15 p. m. Only mv of the ptineipal German delegates, tlnee secretaries, ollidal in -tcrptetoiV nnd otlicial stenographer will bo admitted out of the large G-rmnn Mllllilnr Slioi. Irtl lie tludilnr Works, Kciullttc la. ixuctural Steel FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES Bethlehem Construction Company Engineers Fabricators Erectors BETHLEHEM, PA. "SlM-rl.il Illurk" William Etsweiler & Co. KstHl.llKlio.l 18SI1 Leather Belting Philadelphin, EUGENE VELLNER MiinirTnrturrr nnil linnnrler Aniline Colon, Dye Stuffi and Chemicals SOFTENERs. and SOLUBLE OILS 271 South 5th St., Philadelphia Build of Concrete ULttNITEMLANDlEMEHTga Philadelphia Iews)RK 0oston THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works BKVKRAb B-ton Used trucki for aale. The Baldwin Lcomotlve Works. 6U0 N. llrowd alrt. Steam and Gasoline LOCOMOTIVES Philadelphia, Pa. - - I , Waterproof delegation, nccordlne to present ar rangement The subordinates will have tables Immediately behind the delegation chief. The German units- will hmo only a few feet to walk to Its 1 place after cutevlug the room, ns the entrance door is located lu a tornf-r "car the designated position of the enemy rciucsemiittvoK. Premier Clcmcnccaii was the first ol the Allied chiefs to visit the -cene o( n,,, i,rc0ntutlou of the peace tcims vph- teidav. A, few mluiitru nfter Ids' nr- rival President Wilson and I'icmicr Lloyd ficorgc entered and wcic Intro- duccd by M. Cleraenccaii to Major IJirtiiin, the officer In charge for the French Government, who showed them over the rooms ifsigned for the prln- rlnnl session, and for siihseiiiieut dc- liberations. All three took a lively i . ......... tives to continue the discussion of mat ters which were taken mi last Friday. Still (Imisiliig Trent ' It developed till" afteriuniii Hint changes were still being made in the pence Irentj nnil tnar nie cnanging process piohnbly would be cnnliiined up tn the lat possible moment. It is mi- ilerslooil tlnil Hie niieraiionn an- inigeiy those of phrasenlogj I "Tim tiloiiu fjo mnl.ilir- Itip ll,Mll public teMimllj are still vague Seem'-1 business inteiests now In China finored Inglj the only plan perfn ted with re- China against .Inpnn. Theiefoie nn gnrd tn piihlicitj is n decision tn give, ncthi iiiopigiindn is tn be ex peeled in out n 10,000 -wind digest for puhlii ation Hie I 'idled Stales and Hie leeent uller nn Thuisdny morning. .mice of Senator Lodge win- to iodi ri. American .orrcspoudetiN will,,.-,,. , ,hp itrpublicans will Inke the ler postponement ',-""" :-;-"-.""- ----'. n,Ulr silH in this question, thus up le neace terms Gcnnaiiy. Liigliiud. 1-ranee, llalv aud , , ,. ,. . ! ... ' " lM'tll Items .... . ' ltiililiin in tr.'iilitii. Mill llplltlblican llollCl .lapau win eacn nine ine --iime nuiuner. The icinaiiider of Hie iorrespiindeut will i ome from Hie llritisb (oloiiip- and limine powers. , The council of foreign minNlcis w-s i teiilm dei hied that lccognilion would be I'Mi'iiili'd the go eriimeiil of l"in i laud under icilaiu loiiditions wbiih have not bien disclosed. The' Pinnish mililnry uuweinent, whiih has been thiealening Pelroginil. and whiih has been shrouded with nis lerj. is now well defined. Geneial I'deiiili h aud 1000 Russians operntiug with him. lime Hie siippoil of the Kin liisli goM'iiiuipul iiud 1 1 oops, ami bine lecruileil large iiunibcrs of Itiissian nesisnuts who have bei nine Hied of Hoi sliet ik lequisilioiis. General l'denitz n,:s oiiupied Petios Atodisk. Olonetz. nnd D.iilicnn- Pole, east nf Lake L11 Idngn. ami ('bus iniitiols the soutliein end ol IIU' Kola IMllWll.t. Press to he Adiulllnl w,n"l'i'u"M,,' s, s.. s.. - --. ,WI,. I t , villi oiinnsitioo our. ,,f '-.--, IS. ,.V. ,U, S ...... s.,',.wu ... 'be giouiuN being hick nt loom. The Com il of Tlnee. therefnie, decided to look after the situation. It is possible Hint the tn-.ilv with Gerinain wil lie disposed of liefme .lime 1. 11 member of the Aineiiciir delegation said his( night Picsiilent Wilson vis ited the Hotel De Ci illnii vesteid.iv ilfteriioou and held coufeieui es willi the entile Ameiiian ilelegation. .Maisball Peliiln, i ommaniler nf the l'rcnch ii i m,. was picsent at a ion- fcreni e Monil.i.t between Piesident Wil- son mid Preinii-r Clem -eau. Afler- ward Pieniicr Clemeiu call ciinleried with spveial nipinbers ol the I'l-pin-h c.'iliinet (onceiiiing details of the pre liiiiiiiar.v peaie. Iliiiei- have been issued to speiiul- ists in Austio-llungiiiian subjeits to lush their lepnits so Hint the denty with Austria can lie lonsuleied during the liflecn dots that the Geimans will he discussing (he teuus of iieai e. At the plcu.it' session this nflei noon Captain Andre Tnidicii, of the I'lendi ilelegatioii. will lead an extended digest of the ticnt.v for the infm uiation of the minor potvi is. The dm anient itself is so voluminous Hint il is pioh.ihle that no delegate has rend nil its sri turns. The fm t that the iiedentials of the '.lilgii Slats and C.echn-Slnvals delega tinus were turned met to the Genitalis along with those nf oilier nations is m etui in confluence circles ns a leeog nit iiiii of those new stales, the im idem being oniniented upon b an iutcii epted Get iiiiiii wiicless dispaldi. Chinese Prolcslin? The Chinese delegation is displa.Miig gic.il dissatisfaction over the settlement of the Shantung piobleiu. While the Chinese probnbl will mil icfiisc to sign the ticnt). it appeals likel ihe will sign it vvitli le.servations. The Chinese delegation In Ihe Peine i CulifcieiKe has appealed tn President Wilson tu inierccde tn have China in- ' i 111. led mining the powers peiinitted to attend the pieseutatiuu nf Ihe tlc.lt tn the Germans nt Veisiiillcs tunuuinw. The inline of China is not on the list of thirteen states so pi i ilegeil. The nllicial list of the imintiies in be represented is : The I nited States. lireat Ilritiiin nml tier dumininiis, I'laucc, Itult. .lapan, llelgiiim. Itra.il. Sell. in. (iieere, Piilaud. Poitiigal, It ii ma n ia aim C.ocho-Slovakia. It will he noted that both China ami Siiini lire omitted fiom this list, ns i likewise me seven of the I. mill Anieri inn states which iu-tiiiill,v dedaied war' upon licimun.v. Till' list was drawn on the Ilieort that olll.v those of the poweis whidi had rendered etlieipiil aid in pinsecutiiig Hie iwai were to attend Hie ceienion.i. Tin- other Allies will be permitted a post- i Hun outside the linliice at the time the I'oreimui.v takes plnie. lint the I linu'si mid other pnitictpaiits in tins win- mi nut willing Io ntteuil unless thej an ll How il lepreseiitutiop within the hall. British in Charge ys . j . tSayOliet lriSlimen Conl innril rrum INur One IIip w-hole ulTuir. and it is unknown whether I'reniier -l.Io.v'd !eoige hits I heen in I'oininunicntloii with, the visiloi-K nt nil. There is one repoit thnt he ' promised to receive theln, hut ha clin i eled IiIh engngeiiient for the niter view. .V question wns nddi-CM-ed' to the government iiv the House of Coiiiiuniis yesterday with n view to eslahli-sliiug whether the envoys lire nct-iedited by the Ainerlenn (joverninent nnd nlso to cstnbliiih their exact status. It also wa( ashed if the premier had intended i to receive tliem. 'Jim nuention was met ' I evasively by the home secretary, whol l promised tn mnko inquiries nnd snid j that this would occupy n week. Ash 1'mnlfr to Ilxplaln AVhlle, nirordlnr; to some dispatches . from u'eland, tio hlnn l-einers are I croatly eneouiagpil nnd believe the creation of unIrlsh r?po,blIc Is wUhiu'8 T j . s ' sight, the rniotiNt press heie Is angrily I railing for an explanation from Premier Unyd Oeorge and critlci.ing President WINon's nllcgnl Inti-rii'iTm-i' in ItrltMi domi'Mtlc iiffnirH. "If il is true that Mr. Wilson W trliliul t hi- ititrictic nmWtM tin tinl'Hi ol tun i iiiti'ii uinpiKMiinnit imrr iim 11. MUI.lni.l' I...I. ....:.... ..... ....1 flute ntt t i"'iiilil n in inniui MMltlll ili, i',' I thine is eiedllile the Amerhnii am- imssador." Mihi the Post, "ought i" l. .l.l II...I !. I ..:,. !.'!... I..... .Inns' in- nun nun in,- iiiiiii imiimwih ...,. - not tolernle interfeienie its domes-I tie nlTnlis. Tbej aie our business, and the business of uobodv else." The Graphic sajs: "If nn of the states of America were again to de- Hie right to sei ede fiom I he I it Is icilniii the American people he lulterl Indignant if such n ' urn lul union, would ,!,., n, re.rived nny kind of otliclnl ' "- May Resign, Rumor Cnnllnnril Frmn yAK Oilf ),,.,, political sue lu the Cnited i4tllp, Many l-'awir China . ,,, ,... ..,., ,,,. ,, ,i. i-.ir 111! Ill' nun I I 41 II l ' !..!,. ...- - ... Last sympathize ith China nnd the " ' established b Hn. Colonel House seems to have been ihioughnul Hie friend of .Inpnn. Il is , ....iii,,!, ,lin, rolmiel llou-e's sole int st was the ertrenieh prnelicnl one of leaching a settlement of Hie eoutio- tersj On all Hie questions liere. House lui bee., in favor ot ( ompromise in older tn reach a decision ns soon as possible. This disposition led to his Klienish lepiiblic. Same valley and other spttleinenls which weie made dur ing Piesidetit Wilson's absence, nnlj In be upset on the President's letnrn. At tlial time it seemed likelj that l.ansitjg. ij leasou of the 1 eject 11 11 of these comptomiscs, might gain a po sitimi of lending influence with the President. Itul Colonel House's pies lige and iiitliience was not at nil di miiisii'il hj the upsetting of his wink, ami Hie lemhing of a practiinble con clusion mi Kinii-cliau whiih was neces- ,,, i- , I l-H I ,V tn s, V I- till' Icilglle of Illlt lolls Ihe l,i I est evidence of Colonel House's powei and iinpni tunic in Hie delegation. Senate Committee for New Charter 4 CrnitiniiiMl lrmii Puce Otu ineasuies nffci ting Phil.idelphl.i sm i as the I.ii Uiadv ami Woodwind liilN. bus i ollapsed. Those bills should et llitmigh Hip Legislatme next week and lie submitted tn tin- lluvei nor." Aclloii in I louse The senutur was asked wlint iriib,-ilip act inn Ihe House elei lions i omiuiltee '" "lli,h "l" ''"ix lulls have been n teriiil would Ink "Tills inuiiiiitti'i.." he explained, "f.ivoiiihlv leimileil the Iliad bills nut. whidi nie iiliiiusi ideuiieiil vtith the Daix lulls. expeit pi p, favninble iiciiim ii iiiii iiio ineasuies lii the (mu mill I do not believe Hie hills tt ill be mutilated The Itrndy bills wen- ippmli'd out lit Hip house I'li-i-t inn i iniiinit toi- soon after (heir adjournment. I'ennise nieni beis of Hie loiuinitlic pul the bills out over ii viguiuiis piolcst iv the Vine members. I.utei on ouleis of legislative leaders, the bills weie sent liai Is to lommittee. Tin- Daix hills weie lefened Io bv Speaker Spangler in Hie House to the House elections comiiiitlee. nf which Itcpicscutntivc Huldcmnii, of Moutgom ert , is chairiniiii. Six ol (he tweutv-hve uiemlieis ,.f the iitllimittee are Yntr nicu Messi s Cox. Glass. Piitleison, Si nt I , Mi hung and Sow cis Pour Pentose men fiom Philadelphia nie on the coiiu.iittee Messis Heflei nun, l.ii Ho 1 1 . Ciiuiphell nml J'nlln. e. It had been untie iputcil Hull Hie I il.ll.nlnliili til bills stonlil ,i I.. 1 1... I I.....,, i . ,,. lf. w , whidi Kladtlaiiilei-, Allegheii, is diair- man. Calm Disappointing The cnlni which mnikeil Ihe passage of Hie I)ni Itriuly bills win- disappoint ing Io Ihe big gioup of spei tutors who ciowded the Semite elnmiliiT in Hie liope of seeing some xeibnl fiiewmks sp( nfl" bv Hie lival Pliiladelihi,i fm tinus The three registration hills mine up in llieir regular order on Ihe Senate third reading cnlendai Then- was n sileme, sudi as precedes a stoun. when 'he deik finished leading ihe title of Ihe liM hill Hint pieteuliiig iniintv oinniissinnei-R Tinm m ling as letiiui lodges when they are iiiudul.iles for le- election A" oou ns William II. liiilbigher, fhlef i leik- of the Sennte. nniheil lead- ing the title of the bill the mil ..ill was HIKen. An one tioin eiiner laerioii got up to speak. The only vote ins! 'iguiusi the meuiiiiie was by Senator Scott I.elhy, Di'inocint from Peri.v iniintv When the second bill, lu leinove the board of registration imninissioners in i I'lliiaiieipillll won I'ciii'iieii, rteiiiiior t lire him ami tnhl of Hie ngieement plan 8 SUNDAY EXCURSION $2.50 Uiir lux .'lie ililllliuial Tfl NEW YORK und return SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1919 Mifdrtl train leaTea Ifcadlnc Trrmlnal Ht H:00 A, M., htonphiK at C'oliim- lIu Hrmif. lluntlnj;Uon ttret, Whsii Junction, Lucttti. JcnWIntuwn nml Noblf, Hrturnlnic !fae New AorU. Wet 23d M.. 7ift0 V, .la Utterly Jt,, B V, M. Htntltar Krurilnn .Sunda), May S5 ij Philadelphia & Reading- Railroad nniiltlowt'o Tltivrl wumueit 6 I till U lietiirns Smiling I nntlnnril From I'ngfi On jthun m1 nn thr pin, nil Int I mi It nlhet names and joined in with the lllllsil . - "' hands. Philadelphia men wne . ntti'ini .1 .......... inrniiKiioin llleieglmenl Ininileii men ,, h. ( ,.,, ,..,. '" "" "IP ",,IK- 1"1 l""1"1 "r ' 'Sure, we had n tough time of It." I'is Seigenut llmrj II, Slanlei, 'JL'O Friend, avenue. Camden. snj,. 5ni who didii'l V" "You hel we'le L-ln il tn rel li e: 'jnu can tell the win Id' thnl." This was I the llllili'lsal s,. Mih ,,.,,! ,,f , men. Walter C. Kniiiss. )".hi P.altiiuoip Henue. Philadilplna. vhiflnl his pai k on his shoiihleis, ciaiiuucil uiml Im-i piece of Itcd Cioss ilioiiilale in his ulh. nnil leaned fnrwaiil. Hull.' I iiiiinl. when nsUcd it ho was ft urn Philadelphia Sure, nnil helicie me. builili . if I in it :,. Lul. hheie -well. .miii'II know when I.. Imil mi in tin' uevt win A dnti nils MupiNi' Seigenut limit lltlliliclilllli. ."Ci Miikb- stiict. Caiiulcn. -iiiil the II 111. Iiiii) the best iiiiiii,, il i inn, i m tin. A II. P "Ilelln P.iiildie..;' is Hi,- title ii fit. anil tlici bad nisi begun u tour (hut had hein niosi sunpssful when ihct gol unlets to mine home "III lie's took us off mil feel," Seigeiinl Itilllnghiim snid "We had no idea we weie going In get nw.lt so soon I ,, .,,',. , , , , lie tnlil 11 In iff stnrj of Hie iidten- .Jnres of Hie ii.,.iiiu.i,i ,,,.., il,,.,,. 'IM...t I started in the lines 1 1 1 . - Seigenut said. .Illlt -' mul weie uuilel tile Until Sep telnliel J.'i in the s,ue sulnr ill de feilse ill ll.iillo. IIiIiiIhi s, tliet went In Miilliimuk Hill I! a Aiiu-t I Ihi ir In -t iiiiiii w.is killed. MeriiM ' k- of Aniiistoii. Ala lie loiueil Ine "-'"" "'ine inei tteie in caiiip. mul nfler lu leu 111 li.ittle t In' leglllli'lll I. , , , , Hilled II I 111 with llttimr hlllims. I.lllel. I lOllL'l. lllllllll Kits' III' i'lw f... ,.,..,. lml.s ,, j(,( n v,mi(i nji Jmi j Hip honor of x inK hen- lives for their cnutiht's s.il.p. iiitoiiei in, d gimuil fmigbl L'linuil foil-: it at Mullet die Iiiiiii. anil 111.1 n of Hipii iinnihei saw no 1 'iiiiimi 'I'lic lol- Inwiiig dm Ihet liiught at I'.ois u n t.. and Uetobcr Hi Ihet went to III le Miiul.igue Illlt The TiniU II llilnbel U'.'i Illlt ii oldels In tuke Llni.ve liidui. --It was ,i nnstt jnii." thc.v snid. but we went ." itu'd the iiipluieil il. paving Im tlieii vicliuv Willi IIUIIIV pieiimis lives llitnbcl -JO. Ibev took p.ut in the famous tight in Hellenn Wood, when- thev innile n umue for Ibeiuselves with their i omiiuiiiiling geueiiil. In the Mi us,. ,t . (,!,(. ini bid ing Mnlet ille and niiin.t other iibiei-tives. li giincnt lost mu, it men. Some of the men loda.t suul live liiimli e.K weie killed Iheie. Inn the did not know the eiii t hgures. 1'iltepn liuiulrcil wc'ie snid to Im e ;oue bin k as casuiilties. bill IIIIIII of these wile able to t ft lit ll to illlt It leipiited but a few minutes Ibis :.... ..,, , e""ui- .ii"" .-s,,. ,,. .,,- ...... luolllltlg to i;el the ineti in shape oul;ktit . Ism, Muiluil ll.it.l. muss n i'IihI.i the nii'l 'l'het did not cum nnsl i un ' ,tu '' "'" ' "IliiikmsiMiil I'mnii Jlmii" llui in pin. no iiiii mu Hill iiiisiuip lllhll)11 j, j. hum. rw.ii Miiel.iiiil.Willi.iin llli'll pinks, bill soon iiiouil off In the l-:i.l. r IMs.in lisstti llu.l.l HiiIii.m llussli.l stieel while liiniilii'ils ,,r ull,,,,. .,.,.. Mill. I Hiirlnikt.ui li inke Wliillliifl l-.lkrfl sum. vviiiie iiiiuiiieiis ol wailing pen- nkllt tn,.rt jiln ,'r,.s mi liens. pleglceleil t Ill-Ill lit Ihe glltes. Willi iiii i-ihii, Hill lllik Wllll.llll llitinil ,-, ,, , , ., . 'til Hells .Instill .sin.iiliks I'.n. llllll. Iiiiiii I i tin- river loud tin- teleians ru n, iki,ni .Vl,,nu I iiks,,,i i ,p,. IIUIIl'ICI. Inn- lllellis fnim luouo l',.l- lowing t Iii-iii Thiougli the mch of (l'i uuipli thej imide their was Imnl In the iiisi i iption. "tin i tings, vvitli Im,. In those who leiurii, a Hiiiinpli with I. Mis to those tt hu si ep When- the arch meels Hie stiect tour poll. I'llirn well' slHtioued, evening nil their eniig.v to keep the stn-pts oieued The tclei.nis piissid on. Hands pl.lt I'll . hundirds ilueii'd and. Ilinir'li (he bo.vs vvete fill limn Inline, the sii -walks weie lined wtlh lotnl web nuieis. st ho made the boys fei I tli.it tint wcic mil fm gotten bv those Htev bad dm id ib nth Ioi. Plcnl.t uf Cluiiv At I'iimp Sliiart. wnen- Colonel Aim i mniuauilcr. told the wihoiniug ...in inillee tluj had the kc.ts to the ininp. the men toiiml good iU.nHs. nml then delegation fiom home li.nl lieiid.U.ii Ids siippl with them with evi r.v thing pus sthle good to i-.it. The.v nie now nt home, in (he camp wheie a jclir ago Hlev htvolllli ked sp leH.v'heieon Ihe vvnler s edge nnd wait ed for the i losel s gun i did nrdei Hi.it sent Hipiii one dii ill dawn mil In Hu great adventure. This afternoon thev will p.iss I !i i u Ii (he delousiiig phiul .' iln.l Himmiow ijiet wilt i ome Io the town Their iioine folks will st Willi I Ill-Ill lllllll Hll'V get olllel's to go home to be lll'llll.lillizeil Hovel nor Kdgc, of New Jei'sp linil mil ill lived todii. lis he expected, licolgc W. Whvte joined tientge ('nil for (lie Caiudeii Itcd ('loss ami Mi-h. William P.illecll li lid .Mis Kino Collins, of Cnmdcu. H'presented the tvoinen's side nf the Ited Cioss. The men will be sent homo within a wick, it is said. - Tin- intrude of the llllh in ( niiiilen. befme the leginient goes l.i Cnmpliv for ileniobili.ilion. iiiiiiul. in-iordii to Major Mills. THE ORCHARD HOTEL ADELPHIA ROOF QARDEN PHILADELPHIA We feel verj proud of our new and unusual roof garden and if you will step aside from the busy ihrons and see what has been done we are sure that you will appreciate it also. WEDNESDAY MAY SEVENTH IS THE OPENING DAY AND EVERY DAY AFTER IF YOU LIKE IT i ALL JERSEY CU1WIS Every Community Represented. J J ' Some From Philadel phia, Too IWILL SOON BE HOME Sti'iml nitnti I I , I i ,, tt luhh I 'ilfirt Nenpnil News. :i Mn li. -lHi iirs on Hie .Miiiliiwakii fiom the 1 1 1 1 It lteginient included Cupid in Wiiii. i II I.- -I i Iimri I'lrOt I.H'llI'Ml llllx Wllll.llll M MlOrillltll I'lol. to , Iril.-il.k i iml'l'ell MHBmilln i mi on I.MiHih.in u Mi lilinff .sw,.i,'-lt,in l no I nn M v ,11,1 i I 111. in. Ii Wimlliiirt S. ,,n, I i.Ml n no Hn S I 111, ill Hi 1'milnlii Mfml II siniih it, nn Cllv The following Phllildclphilllls weie llllioug Hie eullsleil null of III"' New ,lele.i leulliicul Chill I, M.l In -,-, "llnil WllMiilM h Ii,mI ik, s. in nn i iii.no r hi ,m,i, i.vi; .Irnil .ln.ih,,iii llUKiit,! ,rl li I..," itnf 'In est i le tt in, ii in sir,-' t s,,iiih 'rhlrt, --iith l.-,."J i:nl MutB. iipmiuiiik m mi. i liri Il'iii- n.'iiii niHniiMtn hmiiii, WUIUtii Antile loot tttws Fit., 1 lnliM W mi.. 111, 111 '.MM llintiirlh tl"l Inllll S Tin,,,, ,IS I ,, ust .t,,1 nll,r 1 Imhii-k Uml UiUiiM',1.' Hviiie illUiiu I J..fl iiiiiii I I.'!, s,,,,,. ir,.. 1 llni'p. 1'nt it." ii .sientiin ntrinii' Mir.illttm Cm tn lll'O 1nh.1 sirel t ill In 111 J 'l kfnti tnsinuh lli.,n tripl K1111--I H-'iuiru ...'it spnpi' lll 1 ,et .lei set solilipi 'lllileil ill I It 111); Ill ,. ri? ""' "n1'-1"! .1 tt 11.111 1 ' ""I Hi I'll., 1 Ihiiis I, llnrrl. tri,.t iiuv 1; Miipp, i.-u ioi s. uth , I tell IstllllB !"" "i-'i ttHlln CrjlB ln'.'l ttullB, I'rjlir -'.. IllllllUlll LihtHfl s ilii,,r, js-ji H, itt.il st,, l,ie,h Kiiiim.Ui ll-is ", In, 11I1 nil, ' l irtl siiii.Ht.i VII. i I Mm., I inllll limit s. nnil st,.i i,,,K,. liilinsiiii ij mr neiii ' - I Cuil II I i. l in k -'" W llillil ul. n si,,.! CImiI.s s ui .111 S,,U, I "inlli si,, 1 , mil- I unit Is s.ll l.m I'll" si .1 iliiiv It st.inlMt .'jo ill. 11. Is it ml' l.'lu.il.l II inn, M l.'l Itnlsiilis h ,- '"I II, 111. iiiiiii Willi, iiiismi I. 'I I 1 lu' li"i Hint I! .Iiim.s Ills S.Mlli I 1 1- It I - ulh ilri.'l Ciil sip, , in', MHlk"l sii.pi ti'lm 1 IrfrU lolJ S.1111II1 Clunlii I nrl, l"li I I Ml 1 It ,1,1 lul.' 1. 111. Mi..! Hull. I I' n.i.n.. ..,., , ... .. . ,....., , ..i...n '. I.S ..,,,,'- ".., inn ir,'ii , ', 1 .', , .u Until 1 -11 .1 .liilni Hiliiie.t I'ja.l Who niHM Ht.iiie Wnli, 1 'Iriiliinil -11, 11 t. .iv. nil. ,l.,l,i, .1 K.-. f. III.' M11I1111 s llilph 1 Mill. 1 .-..'II l.iii'li-i si,. . I .1 I, 1 1 llltii.li t i, n 11J K.INI .Sliile Iltl.,1 ii Miulh a.ll Mi-.hniil. I I1..I.11.K 1. l'arl .III". Wllsnii ylr. ,1 WIIILim I sinui it .-,i ili-iini iir.il ill. M t s'lniih l.'U Mmlili.ii nt, mi. VuBUHli-i Lurkili ii II Neilli I iflh sue, 1 NiIIiiii 1 I', rim, '117 siniih llilnlsii.il In., ih (julKli t ,.'o 1 lie Ion nil" I Mli, 11 II IziUKll'id -"' Isilulm it. mi' l-'i tun South Jrisej tl mil South .ll'lsej towns III Snliliei .In. lul: Ntlsnii M Neil, til II, .lit -, i s, I nriili ll..l.,nH"l.l lb--ll S .Murplit ,l inttM l.ins li Mii.li.-ll s.i. in Williiini I- UiUlions i,l,,iii sin lfi,.l N i. lie" linn. in i-liir.iiil MiMi.r llii.lkii.ii Vt iliiiei II. 1 nrll llri.lk" I. in Cluiil.l I' Mill-I Ml Unlit IhHIlis lliiMllll s1, ,n l.tlls Itul I, II l.mt ll. t. lit inlii I.I I-, .tl Minim, i .tt I lull. M. lull l'i lisillkill llll-s. II Weill H"ll tl'iet, sImwu, .N.itniiii I li).lii"lt ItUI- liiiU'.ti lliili.rl l' t.rmin IiiiiIiiii I hurt Mm, i lliiilmcien Junes W..I.I- l,llui0a "." .Lines I ui n t Iiiiiii. mu WiliMin Huh nt illnii, sier. i:.linl IM'-' Hiiiluu. lull till, il C. ikliiK ..h.n ttill. Ilulinl ii...iri.t vtiiitiii. iiiiv.i iiiiiitiiniiiiii .sol. in- I'lill ll.illrf. Ilurllniituii tll.le. I II, ..I Ml Unlit I'nml. It. '.il. Ilri.lu.lnii .limes I tun lion Mills ill. Inllll Hullnm s,, ni Ins, .n ll, on. I Mil Is ill. I i.l II in. I Mills ill. Jiim-I.Ii CinllHik .su.iI.sIh.i.i Llllll. t He .. ulh Hit. Ik', mo I'r.niL II.M011. s. r i. lull ..-I.l Mlii i l Unfile l llri.lk i VVillooii llsun Mills, ill. tt Hutu MiliuiiHl.l llri.ls lull llussiil.l It.iriHi-lullkll. I'ml Nut t is lttll.lt llt.rls Mills ill.- IMss ini Millnss Milliilli Willi, r llelslir IiiiiIiiii iImiIis .sun hi -isllliikssso.iil JiisiiiIi Minn ii .Mi n luinlsilli ll.nlkl- ll'IIZ Mi-llll.llllVllli IMklll s,ls 111 1,1k, IOTI i:iss...t.l Illllkl'S M li ll.illlslll. Hum il.l llliins Mnillil Hulls It. n Li mill Ml tins lissm Isi-ll Ii Hut llllk el sipii tun I 'I" Kric.i sitiiiit VV ll.lss.'i.tj I'ul Hells Mllli.il I . ssis til Hull "H I ui llurlllll.li. I le ills II in s Vi on .1.1 I.ISSI. II. H"! I lll'l'll llui in Pleads for Unity Among Churches ( niiltlitn-il I'rnlil PilBe On lldtoi.lled gl.'llltlllg Kplsiup.il nub l lllllllstl'ls lint nf Hie fllllll "Again I inn duiigid with I lu lu lietinx the sncied tlu-l nf Hu I will nil & 0, STEAM HEATING 187S MKAWY 19 W f ENGINEERS JOBBERS CONTRACTORS HEATING PLUMBING VENTILATING PIPING WORK POWER PLANTS SHEET METAL WORK DAY AN& NtGttT TELEPHONES 1 1 IflK rupouv- CT & aw bw m swmimi. mtmmMamMMituftr Jl I olle fnlth am) order of the jjhmcb," eont'iiueil (lie btho 'It Is iiiile true Mint I haw- signed mi name In n pinpnsnl under Hie terms I of which irdinntiiin to the in teslhood I ma be gnen b. oui bishops In men wlio. will tbeieafter mil be bound by our Minims nnil the luluiis of our prawr I book I do no! think Hint in doiiu: si I bate lieiiineil nn linl. 1 "Smelt a trusi. however nacieil. is held fur Hie lieni'lil. not of Hie lrisee. but of Hie beiiptn mi les ,nd I snli'iiinl) believe the time has 1 ome when leallv faithful sPwnid of (iod s invstpries will sbovt their fiiiihfiiluess, not bv ' their tiiniditv lull bv their boldness, bv their willitiguiss io lake somV 1 1, f,,, the Idessiiig and guidance of Hie multi tudes, (listless,., I nnd semineil n thel are " I'.ishop Ithiiiplmuler mgeil Hull the ' Iiiii. 1 1 iciiih mil and uiibriue its ne lei lul oppmiiiiiiiies . (but tiik. Ilium In itseli 1 1,,, neuls of Hie inn nt and populous 1 hies of men uud women who 1111I111111 ill nn- not readied bv or C:i 1119-l.fl "111 Is, inn IlltlllPtlies. 1, sun1,. ot st mli ills 1 mtiiueii ml trim-lets nml Ilie people oT the stotn us sonic ol tin si III glei (eil 1 hisses "And Hun the aliens : aliens in I bingiiiiEP. raie 11 nil ciiliure: aliens even though iiuiiiv of Hieiu nie fellotv iilizeiis nml Jiav,. t h . .- vole We have 1 " leninitig leiei.Hv what a seiinus llienacc Hli-V inn-, lie We s, e l)uv tieiessnrv 11 i. to Ann liiiinize them ami m.iki- llieiu Imnl We attend mu lings nd puss t luiimis I lu 1 we do uollnng and vtc le.illj nnss the point IVir we fm gel that then is ,,nlv one ngciu m all the world whuh iiiii assiniiliite ns all mill 'ili'iilii. Hilue' us .ill Hint 111. ike ns liiiihern. nam, It. the ratlmlu Clniri b of mir Lord " (If the restoniti,,,, ,,f ,,, ,,, wolhl I'.lslmp Iilniielilii. s,nd The whole Win Id is looking liiivtind This is i,,si .iKiiiliiuiit Aliei iiime th.lll f. nil ti lis o aj-oll.t . iittei 11 ie- ' i-i" liiouipli mu- Hie niost stulil toe Hull ev,. line ii,-, I ih, ,,,!, 1 salon, an..,- s,i,i, f ,i, ilM lie.-isin,. ,,-st n inmiiiiii Iiiunil nil I liowhele .1 sense o p, , in.llieul 1, -lief , ,, ,,,, j, ,, f , ,H lullv an mnplis hed." Another Troopship Here Tomorraic I i.nlliil ill I rent P.irr finis Hn-ii bonus st In, wish l'i b- W ill h.lte Ih, ' ,.' the situ,., a ine.s;iSe fi Ibdav stivs to intend till petlses i,i In nil lllll-l isbuik Ml Hu- Itrinpslijps, i,,.,,,, of the Twoiil.l ele'blb Il,v .'Hi: lueiiili, isuin iiii ," pi i n-il Io Ho, t, .it e,st siheilitle lie dnt .iliriul I mli. I In l.iisiu,.ss men's ill-ail,,, tioiis nnd Usui, nts r South I'liihulel plll.-l llg.lllist the (imposed ,(,. ,,, pninde of Hi,. Tticnts niuhlli liivis,,,,, "II M.IV I.-, will H,, I, Ml, Is I, ,, I,, , i hnugc nt plans. it wns i,, Int,., ,,) j ,1(, p,,ltl.vN r the iliiwiitiivvil icsiileitts Hi.. I ., I pcm-iiliigp of Hi,- If I'll nml I llllh In f.'iulit. ns well ns th,. Ilisib r,e, ., ,lillei. is , limp,, s, , I f men living in the southern s,.i iim, f the dtv .im tluil the pin li Io st.ui (he p- e fimn Wnsl, illgtnii ,ivei would be llllf.lir In elu tites ,'inil fluuil of bovs in Hie sen ,.p 1 When nskid what steps would be taken lis u lesull ," the ill t lull of the downtown icsiili'iiis I .Ini, I, ii (,uen tlu-l . seillt.llt of lb" Pllllllllelplll.l Wei I oluc lioltie I ollllllll lee. s.lul toil.lv till ieiiies to h-ive Hit- parade stun fiom n iiiiiii- soutliiin point so, ins von leusoii.ilile "TIicip will he il vol v I Hire liuilihel ot dotvillotvu iiii-ii in Hie in i ,1,),' ' he s.i id. ".i ml lh.it si i nun ot Hu- i nt slum I, i llol be Iglliileil ll would ll"l In llllll h ''" ulili' l.i si, ii l the p.u.nlf ti.i III, i 111 possilih Iii. iii ( Iregon aseiiui I Will ,il.. e the lll.lllel In-line All ll I II III I PORTABLE ELEQRIC ths test J , ewes w stcre ! made by y ty MESSiMakes Repairs Right in Your Own Shop5 TZLCP the tt, tirks run 11 1 11 in pite jilaiit and wclrl tluit hroke or met..l plate Without Removal From Place R Ih Ql' S R( prncen tin nm )h hi I mm hiii' i u nci'ffd. so rr pcu r iiMrlr on thr spot pr (t-i t priniaiienl joint i formed prrtLtn-atly eorrosion proof- and free fiom contortion lo ,ui rouncliin; meUl Reid Avery Co. 1438 BRANDYWINE ST. RCH pi .iri'.ti.'.'.'J Phone Poplar SffS IVIJCy If j on lire a grocer, druggist, hardware dealer, tobacconiit, clothier, furnish", jeweler any kind of a ttorekecper you shouldn't wit another day before subscribing to the Retail Public Ledger the new ....: mnntli ncriodical for merchants only. Subscribers say they have been waiting for it for years. Not a trade-paper, but an impir j ins news-magazine that Interestingly tells all torts of things that j merchants want to know, business problems salesmanship, buy ing, accounting, the handling and training of help, credits, delivering, -j.,. rii.inir. collections the Retail Public Ledger tells how they ar- all being solved in successful with the sentiment and drama of storekeeping, anecdotes, yens, pho-. : iiK-rmtlii, new of bie movements for merchants' benefit threaT? pleasant hours of entertaining, helpful reading in every Issue. Sutv scription price, 10 cents a copy, ONE DOLLAR a year (24 issue). ' Just islio a dollar into an envelope, with your letterhead or name and addrtss plainly written, and it Tuesdays ot every month tor a year. Address Ketail runiic Lugrf;' 220 Public Ledgr Buildingr Philadelphia, Pa. Do il new " General Frank I). Ileary, chnlrniHa yitt 'i ., . i t,. l,i ( , ! nie paiinie I'iMiiiiiiiice , i t t ireiicl'illlr believed it etinni-i. ttis. . ' . . , i lJ II1P r""" "'" "' """" """"1 "C'"J' The Pauink .emie Muslii Men's Assm intlnii met lust night and inlniiled n lesoliition liiolestluc the mul. ns now .irniiigeil and asking that the piognini In- 1 eiiriniiged mi Hint till! pninile will begin far down In South Philadelphia and move nnnli nn Hrnild slieet instead of beginning nt ilrond street ami Washington nw-uiic "Why, that plan leaves the greater pint of South Philadelphia out in ihe inld." Thendoie Conk, n member of the assm iiition. whose son, .loseph. Is spiting Willi the I loth said today. 1 The old Tliinl is n South Phllnde). pbin oignniiition. and we certnlnly wiiot the hots to parade through their home spptinii and iimrih tmss their own aiinory A lettrr asking Hint the chnnge be innde will he sent in .1 .Inrrleu Guen Hier. seneliiM of Hie Philadelphia wcl- ome lioinc 1 mutiiiltee. Oli-CUll tlllllP l'alueil .lames A llnniillon. president nf the South Pliil.idelpliui I'.usliiess Men's As socialiiin, said todnv that his oignniza lion i not sibidulcd In meet until next Mond.n, but the piotest ngniiis, (ho ei liision . of South Philadelphia' Is leaching sui li In igbts in (hat. spCjon that a spednl lonuuittee probably will be appointed Io take up the matter at nine nml lepoil tn the meeting The 111 Hon will be tiiken to Ihe wt-lcoinlhg committee. aKo Olegon nveiiile is pointed to ns a logl 111I film e at which to start Ihe parade, as the tiains In ingin-; the Hoops can be shifted 111 nn Ihe tiacks here nnd the men begin their imiiih unmedintely on icni lung Hie 1 ilv Then- tiacks have nlicidt been used in the iciciit nrrivnl heie of Hie t-.'inspotls M.1111 Mercury nnd I'm nlioiitiis. All the nun sdieduled In parade In I'll i Iii il.-ljili i.t 111 Ihe gieal wejenme to the 'I'ttent l-:litll Ilttwioll are ot peeled to be siif. It 111 Camp Piv at least tvtenlv fmii bonis lufore Ihe big ilem- instiiiiiiiii planned for Thnr.sdny n w eek PACO Cement and Brick Coating Koi I-'loor.s and Walls Interior aryl,Kxterior Will RcsUt Water, Oils and Grcaso Imperial Paint Company 1518 Sansom Street, Philadelphia Drawing Materials Blue Printing CHARLES H. U0BB1NS P.09 Arch St. lelrliliniies: Stpruie I'i50. Knee C14 . RAILS-FROGS & SWITCHES BOLtS SPLICE BARS SPIKES-BRACES, tie. Carried in stock in Cortlcr Yard. Locomotives, Cars and Railtoad Conhxe. tors.' and Mining Equipment HENRY LEVIS fi CO. Commercial Trust Bldg. .S WELDING PROCESS of breakdowns We'll go to your boiler, tank, crankshaft or an joint IIV arc electric Metallurgists nml I'liilructorx. Our erpcrts in ti i-iile nml pupa maclttn iii, liiyii-pie-. tire piping, rli., mr nt ioar service. of Electric Elding 1 ' for IRON and STEEL" ANTS : stores. Entertaining fiction dealing j will be sent on the first and third.. w mm iimhim mm m i'4 fi 7THE WH,TE J9 FORWOOD-METALORPLASTER At AW Stores or & i ThomsonWrod Finishing Co. 629N.Thii-d St. t S&JPtf5 I if s-l M M 'tl &? -f"X' -i fc: v f 1 m K ,' y-j ii- I $, rv I tt "t' , if ? -v, .... sf Itt-'K . , ri' .'.., :M mmsamm