"$V - H' ,-p. "T TsvExiser public ledger-Philadelphia, Tuesday, MAY "6,oia t , "V WASHINGTON CROSSED THE DOPE LIKE GEORGE CROSSED, THE DELAWARE IN SERIES WITH A'S sr y : ,4 'S SHOVED IN LAST WONDER WHAT THE EARLY WORM THINKS ABOUT AMES LONE SURVIVOR OF 1905 GIANTS tiOW IN THE BIG LEAGUES Leon Kalamily Reported to McGraw in 1903, Saio Dozens 'of Famous Stars Pass Out and Still is Twirl- ing Effective Ball for St. Louis Cards !'f?S. ri.r " IT 8eiKfl' Now' a Ntce sSPRirsis dav- I Thimk SHft.L TA,Ke A Look t Tne sSKY ArJD TnttOGS Tl-tftT ARC OUTsSIDe. ILL, Bet The sueJ aiili Be suRPRtseo 7b 6e me-' ,0H- ISj'T This Too pRovoKuJft!.' HEne'S PLACE AS SENATORS COP ALL FOUR GAMES Thisre. .Me'S' Got, ME RIGHT BYTne NECK1 -' OWCM '. ra'o FlErslT? '. I HOPE J IJorsi'T' Break' Irvf JyjJO -'I'M GeTTtrvfG,. TraRRIOUY vSTReTCHeD. REALLY THIS-IS' AM euTRACje,, OOF '.'.'-- I I'LL HM6 OrJ To vTHE' BlTTpR ErJD I 5HALL. GVe ' 7his Biroa CMS OP THOSE Fe?ESH ROBIMS LooK'ifslG Right At Me. He's probably about iSTARweD - we aOT ( vSlAJGLL. M .. At .- K.S -. ir..r. m .. c .. .. m..t . . r.v o :..;.. ." ijrrijjmen iuaiec isiean-up ii ocrtes, i atung rour oiuujini, CHArJCe I HVJC JUSTLg K in Weird and Woozy Baltics Final Game Is ' i Lost Between Rainstorms i' r m t. Tnii.'iit it nvn(i:! ? Erf "J ........... ... ......x.t ...... &f Mort. Kctltnr Kirntnir I'ccMIr I rclcc r jjfii t'ojicyriffit, 1I9. li fiiblle J.ntger Co. $$ TTtlE only tiling Mint moved siftl lit Slillio 1'nrk yrstciclnv nflm mmii .-i the dock. The ball game which n tippcvpil (o hr tlio iiinciiiil iiltuic- tton, bumped alone spasmodically liKf llic Rood ship Mrrtimnr in 11 hrnj .en -i- jr n bus of tlic 100S vintage? luoiilliing through one nnMiit. I'm- two Iiihii B nnu nfty-live minutes the boys plajed lnpp laiPhnll on a -"loppj Hold. imnnoM numerous and sundry sinms 10 iiiuk iinrn. min nope' i tuiifiuif in nun mlng races some time, and disported lliemsehes like nipmliiM of the .Mud lldi-,' union at the annual outing. It was more of n progressive bnpball pait. miiclnc'lcil along the same l inoo Mn a family euclire. They would play baseball a few inning until interrupted by a rainstorm, go iulo the clubhouse to em-ape another rainstin in and kept it up until Ilrii-k, the umpire, got hungry and inlieil the game at (:'J" p. m. with Washington in the lend, 10 to (!. It was good tiling he did it. liecaiise the Washington players were beginning to worry about missing the train for Itos ton, -which left at 10 : 1." p. m. i However, a legnl battle was staged, and. as my old friend Kinglet mij. tin i Delaware wasn't the only thing thnt Washington nosed. The basebnll dub benring that same idenlieal name i rossed all of the dope in the lust four days nnd copped four straight games from our noble A'. Thev made tin- home folks nssumc the leading role in Hint Stirling drunin entitled. "1'ioni :i Cnstie to the (Utter," for tnclu.i. May (!. HUH. Ciuiiiie's MnekereN are timih enliendied in the deep cellar of (lie Aiuei nan League The i based out the St l.nuts Itiouus after n long siege. The (jriffini'h iuue boosted llii'in-clic-i into the liist elm-emu mill now me roosting in fourth ldaee. The team i going good now nod -lioiild gie the lied Sox n hard battle in the seiic uhii-h opens lodiij. Yesterday's gaine was anntlier of those things. Hcri j1mhI was hitting the ball nml twentj -three bingh-s weie legistereil in the eight and two-thitds innings. Ir- 1ISI Hit AW niatn huh Ihe hem n hi n hr pulled fume mme n Hint in Ihe second net irini tin Imiri ircic tilled In inpniili. also colli) Willed n Iioiiici nil" Ihi tuine Iriiitnry. Sltlll Hue Athletics Wallop the Hall When It Doesn't Count AlniOUltll the A's outlut the Msitois yesterday, they didn't have a t'hin.i- mans chune- to gain cten a newspain-r derision. They en-pt up mi Hie Senators in the fourth when tluee run- were legisteied. but the enemy got husv again in their half of the hfth and made tlitee more Two otheis weie added In the sixth for good measure. .loe-Diigiin tilpled in the eighth, scoring Shan non, and came in himself when 1'eikins slummed a single to i enter. Those hits were timely, but the majority of the others weie thrown nwn by eeij one .except the official scorer. It's funny how bard the A s can hit the ball when it di i t niiint. It lsn is ludicrous, to say nothing of facetiuus, to note how main men ,-ue in.i- -rooncd on the footpaths when a good whack will send them home. The onlv 'dope we have to offer is that the home-town boys hnve not yet ili-ioiered their wallop nnd do not know the meaning of a linal punch. In this series which was lost, foiir-loie. the A's hammered out t.i liiw, xcored 18 ruus nnd left -4." men on the bases. Ordinarily, this would hac been t?j34 enough to win a couple of series, but something was wrong. On tin- other hand, st'1', Washington connected with 4!) Iiingles. s, ored IIS runs and had '-".I embryonic r - is . . . . . K, W s '& To assist the figger filberts, here are the fads and figgeis peitaining to the SSJ runs perish on the sacks tv V Sivo6zXfour-gamc set which knocked our athletes stiff, 'total hits, ill, of whidi '... V -,. O .J l.l. -. ...!..!,. .....I I !.... ...... 'n....., .. ... .. -.it jpp IVere I i Slllglvs, O IIIIIIUHS ' t I J i - linn i imun- mil-. i, v , ii i- ... , iiim M-orcd by both teams ami 71 runnels were left on bases. Look those liggeis oer and see if they have been beaten in any major league series. We don't know and are not going to take the trouble t" tmil out. Krnie Lannigan and Al Munio Kilns, please write. .Jim Shaw knocked three limners in four trips to the plate, which should he a record if it isn't. However, this same feat was accomplished by Ceoige P.urns when he played with Detroit, but not on suit ceiling days. Our (ieorge got three circuit smashes in the series with the A's, two loming on the hrt d.iy and the third in the last game. JIM H iciul is Unoun in n imyrhological htllrr. Ileirlufme he lie licvcil it teas liis duly In ir n; In the platr mid vine hit hut liner ll'mM, tut some one told him hf cnnld miodtr the hull if he nnly hit it. (fn Friday he connected with n hnmer. nnd ichen he tleiifml iii In the plate the licit time he said hr Ineie iriliunl qucihnii uf n dnnlil Hint ..... n.. r .- tl ,.. I. ... I il hC tCOtlld WHitl'l minuter, .inn nut y w'u mini j rtirti mil iifiifiH. Has Sonic One Stvipnl the Signals of the A's? T AST Sunday when the A's weie leturning from the defeat in Washington --' one of the players said it was strange how the Washington club could make so inanv hits against the Athletic. "It seems funny to me," he said, tSv 'jY,r they seem to know what our pitcheis are throwing nnd knod; the nines at anil last UailS II Jlllie. i million l e.- .-.,. i"'--, " ,..-. .-i.- nuinn oiu- ' signals." It surely looked that way to the gang in the press Lot, for the Senators luitl back for the fast ones and stepped into the curves with amazing consistency i . . , . r.:,i... ,...,.., , ... &t and regularity. Itll inree Clever men ine urumu, .ncmnie ami auioci; on t tlio poaching lines, little or notliing escapes mem. iney pronauty got tlie dope -"). tlie first day and worked it from then on. i'f- In' order to avoid n misunderstanding or lene a false impression, allow R.1 .u i.. olnio Hint Hio nrnetiep of signal swininc is nerfectlv legitimate. It isn't jtfi p I" "i"v ' fc -' " ... . . .. - s- the same ns swiping n wntch or pocketbook. but a science carefully studied liy fc-r-.V 11 l.t lnn..n .MnnnnAfU If ttlPV Cll O Sol VP tllC RlirnS Used llV tllO eilli-hei' tl.r... . Ull UIS IVUftU- lliuuui," ' - - J r. ...... can tip off the batter nnd the rest, is easy. Ihe man nt tlie plate who knows -u'bnt.ig coming can bat a million. ?& (rnnnie'M nitchers. howeyer, aie the chief offenders. They seeni to tin off thR enemy every time they throw the ball. They stand facing the batter, with the throwing arm in full view and the ball held in such a manner that eery htf' one ran see 'l- iow a I1110'"'1" bns' different ways of holding the ball for curves jknd fast ones, and as soon as Ins style tieeomes known tlie rest is easy nr teJiv-mnle. be sometimes shows more of tlie ball for a fast one than a curve, ami lfet&8wllh three men vaU-lilng hhn i lonely there is little ihnnre to got auny with ma VfW r" ... . . . . . . it fr IW DTtlling. If yon will notice the next time you arc nt the game, the opposing " pitchers always hide the ball with their glove before throwiug it. ".el. nERHAPS Hit h not Hie proper hunch, hut it imely did look like it in Hit .i ,,f. vCSft I rrs& v w. $ I'l xxa J& ' v - w&i fiidiuLilen V l w"tMwa I 5,..?S8a& ...i&i ..... - i liifiMgiiilt ''mu:-:UMu cJt out op This 3"RaUeJD. Ue'6 ALMOST TJir ilV HEAD OFF '. '. I'M HAVleJG A SWJgLl. OUTDO G. Ql WHY Dlt t LCAse (sn-r- HPPY HOMf (ill .--2 MY ' rJCCtt WILL" BE A .SIGHT . To BenouU. You u-u-j VJRETCw! I TritMK HE'S GEJTttJ YRev ovt i Thought so) HAD To CALL FOR HELP - AtslO SrJAP RlSHT Bs:K IrJ The holg 3ooDY' -rsv HA -HA-HA Ha -ha-ha;. HA-HA HaHa IN TUB srORTLIGIIT BY GUANTLAND ItlCR Copyright. 1010, ill rights reerM. Elegy in a Country Ball Yard (If Mr. Gray Had Been a fan) Perhaps in this neglected tpot once played .S'omc star once pregnant tcith Ihe speed of Cob.b; Hands that the bat of Wagner might have steayed i Or leaked to ecstasy the mighty mob. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The unknotcn, unsung Bush Leagues bear; Full many a lluth is born to bat unseen And tcastcjiis homers on the country air. Into Ihe Major League's terrific strife . Their humble wishes never learned to stmy; Along the dull and Hush League road of life 7'hcy kept the noiseless tenor of their play. Former Singles Champion Re I quested to Play in Foreign Countries IWILL MISS NATIONALS T, I'Al I. :. of this city. it itoisKin TH'K WILLIAM L fm an gles title ami now a i aptain with the Latso Holds Tillman Even in Six Rounds Slugging W'eltcrweights Engage in Hard Battle Olympia Wind-Up Trembly Stopg Kramer. Friedman Outfights Battling Mack in V Hy JAMKS S. C'AKOI-AN Wl) ruggeil iniliucluals, 1 epiesenting i beat I'rnnlsie Dailey the welterweight section, sloughed anil slugged, wrestled ami bounced over the Oljmpia ring last night for m tough rounds witli honors even nt the finish. Heferce Lew llrimsou took more (hiinces than tlie battlers, Johnny Till .. , ,. ........ .... .in,. .,, i line i mi mil lie I,,,,,,".. 1 tnne't. nnete in tlie' national . ". f Minneapolis-, and Stow- Latso singles and doubles luiuipiniiliip I'm rest Hills, in August I'lilonel Waite ('. Johnson, athletic ilirritor of the American expeditionary foti-e. has teiiiiesteil ( aptain Williams the veteran La- tiobe, I'n., boj. In the opener Joe Mendell trounced .Inch Courtney, popping his man in the second round for nine. Courtney fought a game up-hill fight. Scraps About Scrappers M n , iniiii, oi .tiinucapoiis, nnu ,mcc i.aiso, , lit of Ilnzleton, for they weie prepared to R' ' 'r'''l-N,(! s . I stop the slashing driies- luch (.line all Kinds of 1 .,!.,.. ,i ;il, Ciiiiinin Wiilsnu M Wash MI'URAY seems to have trouble in landing work their wsy, while the roaming oll'n int in this cit The challenger (vf Jiininy was olT guard most of tlie time. Wilde will be one of the entertainers It was u hard but not a sensational al the National on Saturday night, when Ihii-ii Mini Lieutenant ic California, to remain ahionil until lat i in the summer I Williams is a gieal tennis nitu and it is helieved that his piesenie in tour I m-iM in Lnglaml. I'i-uih e and Belgium i will niomole better interualinnul in;. In addition. Williams, I horn and Breck are H-lu-il upon the I'niled Stales win the ' tennis mat lies. i Johnson's Letter " -- n.t..i.:.: v.1 ..i..- .. V ltieck. of I """"" oiiiKKiog "i "lose ihiiki- nniiiineii wiiu wiui swings siasuing uie nir when the boys were updating nt a distance, did not tend to make a thrill ing bout. But the buys were in earnest anil were out there to annihilate eai h other if possible. Taylor Coaches lleininii Taylor, diieitor of opei.i tious who laboted fioni a booth In tlie northwest coiner of the ring, worked hard to tell Johnny just how to hit feel - Wnsli- tfi help inter Allieil Colonel Johnson, in n I'Uci to Cicorgc Stew, hut Sloe usually heaid the di Tounseml Aib-. piesiilent of tlie l.nitedl lections before they le.uhed Johnny and States National Lawn Tennis Assocm linn, w I it ing about the ill gem y of hav in" Williiiins lemniii alno.id say-H v.. liene lo neisiiaii Williams to leiiinin out lien- for our liuiil tourna nienls. Willi him. Wnshliurn and a young player fioni the I'.n ilic coast liy the name of Itieik. who pl.iuil lemark ahle tennis at Cannes, and gave Wil li , i,;.. inr,l,.i m.-iiili iiinuinir him to two deuie sets, in eu.-Ii one of which l.e 1-Uso Worlis ,is sewrnl times holding the mntfli ,,,(,. liae a good i liamo to win the' person ....... ii:... i .. ...in... ni inunh llliei-.iinii i-'hi "- , . ..if : lo I., wiiu. ii.iml In virile lo am i NUIIC so llllfll of our popular tennis players t the he engages Itnhby Doy le Murray oiiginnlly was silieiluled to lake on Johnny Bun", of Tienton. but Bun" is said to lie a full -Hedged feather weight null the match was canceled. K. O Joe O'DoiihpII and Johnny Muriny will come together in the main bout. Imk WetiiNtrln Iihs AIpiI p nrotcsl H Is much annofi lipeans Ihp promoters refuse lo pIhip KiMIe O'Keefe. the nucressfut tiime ImtK. In their line-ups O'Keefe han listeu In h number of ihe phows, tmt fit Ihe Int minute the malch failed to po through He expecta to be seen here ahorlls OF Boston Star First in Distance Event of Meet in France Sometimes You Can't Tell BACK in ths spring of 1001 a young fellow named Christy Mnthcwson began Blurring and winning for the Ginnts. Just two years later nnother young fellow named Leon K. Aniei r (ported, to be christened Leon Kalamity Ames n short while afterward, for the better he pitched the harder he found it to go out and win. If any one had suggested ten or fifteen years ago that Leon Kalamity would still be toiling In the major league sun after Matty had' ceased firing, mental inspectors would hnve been upqn the suggester's trail inside of nn hour. Yet Matty censed n u Giant regular bae,k in 1015, working only a few games the following yeur. And here wo hnve Jild man Leon Kalamily stilt breezing nlong three Or four years after Mathewson has retired from active service! No, jou can't always tell. Not always. AMES is the sole member still iccariny harness tcho served tcith McGraw in the campaign of JDOo. The others havclong since lanishcd through the mists. Ames is tcith the St. Louis Cards. Out at Last VEIt since Conuie .Mack dismembered his great machine in 1011 he has been dwelling moodily in the cellar, trying to build u stairway out. Each year word has come that Connie hail u new machine of merit under way, hut j after making u few threatening gestures his people soon dropped back into I the muck. I But this season is another affair. .Mr. Mack will spend no great amount of time in the cellar from now on, for he has u machine that will annoy more than a few df the hitherto elite, as jou might say.' He has a regular bull club at last, a hustling, huid-hitting array that is a' better lighting club than his old line-up. ( E SUPPLY DEPL, ON TOP .liihnnj Meab". the nriile of Ihe Hobby fiunnls stable will perform before Ihe At lantic City Sporllncr Club patrons on Thurs day nliiht. vhen he takes on .lai U Rusao In the elisht-round feall'rp TIip olher noma hrlnq: tnsether Tlurt Kennv mi .Hip ltople. WUIle Hpenrer m. .Ine t)orie and 1 rHll'ie Klein h JobnnV AVelsh i was ready to combat anything that I cunio his way j Tillman did some ery fine jabbing during the early touiiils. hut Johnny ' believes lie is the greatest hitler in the game, though he knocks few of them . colli Ilesnitc this Inlimiv tired rirh ' HnllllnB. Leonard and M Williamson jMiiu. iMspttc iihs, .lonnny nnu eanj Inelt ln ,)1P mnln h,on H, ,,P National of iahbing nnd staited to.thiovv hisiA ' on Thursdas nlBhi l.litle near and ' . i . , i t. i i . i , .llnimy Maon dash ln the spinhv nil-up The .light carelessly. It was his light, hut . h"i, ,1 i,V.ent tv friend m Mlikv I llrllt. .luck Perrv a Hlllv iwlne and l-.ddle IJaikaon Terr Ketchell t was all wrong I so The Ilnzleton and was harm us hoy is a dctci mined in tlie fray to do as possible. Tw-i e he and niisseil that the Paris, May 0. The track meet held bj the American soldiers in the serv ice of supply department at Lc Mans closed yesterday with the intermediate section winning the championship. The eight-mile marathon was won by Kred Knller of the Boston Athletic Association, his time being -II minutes .":? seconds. 1. C. Thompson threw the jaelin 1(14 feet S inches. Place winners in this meet will com pete in the games to he held by the American expeditionary forces to select etitries for the inter-Allied games to be held soon. The divisions of tlie American army of occupation have formed u bnsebnll leugue, professional and semi-professional players being on the losters of the different teams, which will tour through out the Coblenz bridgehead. An American rugby football team with stars from California has been formed from the army of occupation nnd will meet a team selected from men in the Tenth French Army. Lieutenant Paul Trennor, of Boston, won the tennis championship of the army of occupation today and has be come an entry in the tennis tournament which will be held by the A. K. I-'. Cosgan Stops Carter Jersey i'tts. Mav fl .Mel Coogan. of TrrookUn stopped Kid Carter In Ihe. sixth round of their eijeht-round bout at the fllL ajiticnt Soft Kpol has been eliminated to a finish. The Ultimate My soul is seldom full of icrath, Hut seize it from me, ptcaic. The bloke I hate tcith a deadly hate llir one icio draws to an inside straight And beats my set of threes. By Way of Golf Advice ONE main trouble assailing the average golfer is an ovenaulting ambition. Which is to say that he insists on doing nil the work, leaving the club nothing iu the way of a job. The club is u deserving specimen nnd shjyld be gitcu a iliuuce. By merely guiding the cliibhead into the ball, controllidg its impetus without effort, sur prising distance can oe obtaitied. Wheu in troubli let the club do more work, without attempting to overwork arms, wrists and body. 5 I TI...I (tivliltsiir munlns L'ati nla I a I Alit In t" will nnear in tho main bout t thf Cambria t Armory A, A., last night Inn Friday night, opposed to Andv Hums I n.inm Hucheit and .loe PorHov are ln the Hpmlflnal. 1h other bout a follow Hay Knnifl vh, i errv n tnion jiiiuhij AiurxHii i. nropcily, Othawise it's fatal fault ttap on the course. The Better Way I've never yearned lo put on gloves .At any sort of tceight, A'o matter tchat the purses tccre That helped to compensate. I'd rather be a manager, Behind the post tecll hid. And yell to viy man in the ring "iStcap punches tcith him, kid!" are timing your shot nc that tcill find every i THE governor of Maryland insists that he can't tolerate a prize fight, whcr he might stand for a boxing match. Wc don't know what the Willard Dempsey melee will be. But the Willard-Moran uffnir was neither. rm vl fort They trcrl ten rfoicii and eight to play before Ihe match 'A'f.lf.l .V peace delegates briny their golf clubs to France." What opened around Versailles. I I- I.!.. I. ..I . .... . 1 1.1... I ..II.. 1i...ll 1 .....I 'I'. .mm.. i. ........ Iirp-illf IIIIIH-IUS III Ills I III lll'll UIIIIUSL lllS-M-ll HUH ,IJK rniiuniinn ..in. . ui t ...uiia.. lll).in) . ' ... ...' . , ..., Vnunir Daniels e lust four games. Only eleven stiuck out, seicn of ichnm were battery men, tchile the A's had ttccnty, nineteen coming in the first three games. It might be a good stunt to change the style in the series tcith Xew Yoifc tchich opens today. ISo-Decision Bout in Toledo IF Be Unsatisfactory tjff A IL'IIOUGII it baa been announced that the Willard-Dempsey champion -' irXgUin affnlr will be staged in Toledo, wc still have our doubts about it eer 3 WBg pulled off in that Ohio city. The governor hns passed the buck to the 'aggp-officinU and they say a decision will be given. Perhaps this will be O. IC. AwTperhnps agSSTi the decision thing will be killed. wW.jlut the Law Terrible is likely to step in at any moment nnd what will iMMPen to the big fracas'' It seems strange that Ilk-Lard would select that spot SSWth all due respect to the city of Toledo when Nevada and Idaho have per- good, iron-bound, topper-riveted boxing laws which allow twenty-round "to a decision. That light will draw if it were held on the summit of fit McKInley-. so why wnsu't Nevada or Idaho given a look-in? jS",J'r- trill be more satisfactory to all concerneii especially thine yuys "t" spending $50 for ringside seats if the bout is long enough In gite .rwv' ;ii. -' ... .. ..;.. ..., 7.' MMXX My Pete Herman tried hard to knocL out Patsy Wallace last Satur- :4.r night and put up his best uranci ot ngnting. it uiun t iook mat way .tMtfbut If Buck were the case, Tcte certainly is a ham champion. lie WM Wallace to DacK mm againsi uie ropes, uronc gruiinu lime nnu ngain 'acted anything but like a tltlcholder. He put up n terrible exhibition and 'oalif excuse, he can possibly offer is that he had nn olT night. tfHRHAI'N trjien Ihe. bating bill )' inaiiiptoxj icill ic forced to r i- e ..I .. I... 1 n... Iii'inli imiv-llieeil tllllti llOVs 1(11 LM-II urn ......... - . t ii .i ,1,. i.i. wwl In the llieill an mis,- iii.i. .uii .... ...v. ".... . .... I tennis game during the next two or 'tluee months ner here in I'uinpe, from Inn intei national icwpoint. than they 'could for 'he game baik home. They all will he kill for net year's program land I think if tlicv ate willing to stay Aineriiaii tennis inn spaie them for this ' season on I lieie " Veterans Pl.iy Well Colonel .lohiisoii. who i a tennis nliner ot decided ability himself, makes sonic inteiesting comments, upon the appc-.iiancc ill the lecent (.'amies ' tourniiinent of sonic of the old American lc haiupioiis of tin- com t. "It certainly would haie wanned the I cockles of oiir beait," he writes, "to I lime seen such men as Lai lied, (ieorge 'wrenn and Dtiight P. Davis going i through the tournnmeut. The latter, who, by the win, is a lieutenant colonel I now, as iiNo is I.arncd. played most re 'mnikable tennis, going through to the .seiuifinals in singles and to the finals in doubles." I As Indicating tlie gient importance lawn tennis has gained in A. K. Y. I athletics, Colonel Johnson states that, in addition to the inter-AI'ied games, the American forces are sending ath letic teams to most of the Allied coun tries, rowing mid tennis especially re ceiving major consideration. j Tennis teams will be sent to Prance, Belgium. Italy, Portugal ami London, j and Colonel Johnsoii believes the im petus which these tournaments will give I to' the game in the eastern hemisphere i will do much for its international standing. net bnck to into lonimy hlierninn s lap. I lie ropes lec-eiveu continually were bouncing ., .1 .. .... ..IT.., c llieill en ni""' "" i- , ..:...! . i,. ,i, :.i .... I,.- T-iwller Iiiih drawn no pasv aaslccn I'nited States cluiing .nine, please .. .'"" " " , ; I- ' ment for iieil Mon.ku nlc-ht hen lie tnkra off on hI Dclanej In the Olympic fpature De- lanev 1b one of the hardt-hittlnir llKht- welRhts ln the (tame Joe Tiplit7 and Packey in me semiwind-up. Tilluiaii lec-ived a number of vicious llommey Llash punches to the body. Latso took most nf l.;u ...ilwliiiinn iit.iin.l elm ,.;.r!.t Tlie liiontlitl nifetlnic of th Pine Street ot Ins punishment aiouncl tlie light . riebatlng Hocieij was held at lilannlnl'a last side of his head as Tillman's left swing nlBht More than foru were present. . ., tl'nrnest .T.imbor was elerled v. inpmbpr got the range. : In tlie seconil inunil I. also unin tentionnlly caught Tillman foul with a left hook and this weakened the west erner for the leinninder of the round I Iteferee (Irinison failed to notice this1 and Tillman refused to make any pro test. Kramer Mnks One pi utilising welterweight has gone the unite. Willie Kramer, the Milwaukee entry, lingered for two com plete louuds with Sailor Ed Trembly, but in tlie t h ii it round he walked into a storm of punches and went out early. AVillie was knocked helpless and had to "be helped to his corner. This looked like his farewell showing. Abe Friedman continues to improve. He dazzled Battling Mack with his Lconardesque style and danced rings around his foe, planting left jabs und right smashes to the face freely. Fried man looked very good. Young .luck Tblaud, after a two years' Inyoff, tried to come back, He fought well, but not good enough to WA.LTER'1 LOAN OFFICK um Terry Martin Wins onduti. Ma tl Trrj Martin if the I'lilled. Htatea navy defeated i'hrls I ang dnn, of Swansea. Wales, on points ln a fifteen-round contest ftt the National Sporl tnif Club last nlaht Valger Defeats Artie Root 'lerlaml, Ma rt Kenny Valger, of New York was awarded th newspaper decision oer A rue uooi. 01 Lieeiann in a len rnund tioxine bout here last night I Dartmouth Golfers Triumph i CumlirlJcr. Mnfclt.. Mav (I. Th l).irl ljnouth,Cplen olf team defeated Harvard' jeaiercw. i- u , POINT BREEZE PARK rhlla.'o Wonderland. John Komlc, JItr. LEW . l'HIL 1IOII Exclusive Haberdashers Silk Shirts With $ Collars to Match.. Silk Fiber Union S'liifs Jersey Silk Shirts ut-color Hlilrtc with roller to match.. . Alio a tarn sortnifnt of lanry SHU Hhlrti In Tarlous color and clrcclnjiis In Jrmey, Crrpe de Clilnf, Hint llroaclrlothci $6.50 to $10.00 Let's (let Acquainted 818 Chestnut Street ci; oun windows TIIK i.V-aVK OV TUB NATION' rUYS AT SHIBE PARK TODAY Athletics v. New York rir.t ilalt thl jc-ar of famoui Yank. s. P.4 nn.n;n Sf'J',. M in l them battle wlth'Slark-c. new .tar. and old fiiTTf AND HIS RAlSJn i ..TLr'"0't-f.c'.?Srsti'''.0' '" GATTI AND HIS BAND Ainciii-mc-ntu In Grrattr Vorlttr Tlian Ker HooUc oll Onfn for I'lc-nlr.. and tlicnw ' - . ', ' " cPomVirin A f "urn Feenej, SUnc. Cambria . i-. ,,,.,. A, 4 Nimi.;,e, l-lllll KVI'.NIMI. MV OT II AMI1IIK.K (HACK Kit JACK MIOV a i ST.1H 110 Wb 5 1 jance at 'cilmttU' and HpaldlnV. A.. fAi'irts2C!t'M j r r ""it i ''il" ll f ifliSliMBiicft' ' FMPIRF A C ,4I "alabrWio ht. TIIIIU'IV KVKMMS. MAY 8YII I.I1T1.K IIKAIl'.. JIJIJH M(I.N I Bat Leonard vs. Max WilliamioH THREE OTUHH STAR BQUIS I .'-.'. a ' j A-liWJC 'f ' IllllHlllUilUitillHlIillulU!; Hiliilll 11 1! II m lllllllllllllllllllllilllll1 -. 'lllllllllllllllluSBF n. - . - DIIHIIIIIItKcy . VllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIN -s-.l ilPlii llir vy.D. QuaLiiy cart ym mm 'Sll llf A w vlli only be had in KiM I v W bvd. Jill km : yaiiterSBlS i JV( Underwear. 4B& , jHII WJntaMlW 11 f Ifithzmt this Rod Woven Label mVTjnHBI icEAmSBBwycsy IKIiilillUKll IE I hade orthe ( f IssB 1111 Mrl&y WKml ft I IIHOTl m I Hllll llli! H 1 bestretailtraoc I ' M f jssssViil I Jlllliltlylllllll1 V L II 1 lt$lXf&rrV(mmir ftu UJ SB9sHt1l!ttil : en BIBB rniyrr it isnt a.y.u. undar-woar mr .blimh 3.50 11H 1 1 I! I B V. D. Coat Cut B. V. D. SIcA-eless Df3 BBBBBBBBhII tr ma I lllnllwl llllllll If I Undershirts -and Closed Crotch Union BEhI SBBBBBBnMH Ml O.50 I lllllHllllllwrt'BTar Knee Length Drancrs. Suits (Pat. U. S. A.) Br'.AsSSSBSSliilllllll 2.so m .iV- Jl- . Bv BTf! SSW frnnlH ineuarmem I he Suit " UYt ., W-HHRNIBU U iH llr r'llR Ht MWrniBI I lllisBlllr i ism Remember. flk KBBBIIffil I HRH i 8 i!m all Athletic Underwear Rii f 1 IsbbbHII I HIH It 1 1 1 PUskn. isnotfty.D. illli ulllHBffll ' HHK v. U. 'iJIIIIIIIII'llllllllllP si .1 oJMlllillllfflMfllll IHK-311 THE B-V-D- COMPANY, jBlyiM i iiiiitir1 WiiM ew york. Bl Iii I llllll " 1'illBaHuMW' lm. -W:;'!;;";!:1!'!1;':;! ; ' . ' w .-V-. i I i . ft . ,r I m1' I 1 " a tj - ' .'.')' k tt ""- ' - J 1 JiL If- "' .. nMJtkv .i.tx.d.n. i-...-., . ril.ciMai ,- ' .feicrVirclMldfahiAti-i l.tt Jtt-.,'! Timya,.,,l,t'i'avu-,rn 1 , ,, ,,'r ullfi ii l' I iiiMiiitZjZSs .J5' . .ck-. IJ.ji - ."' j"1 ? tSSSSHA . fcjiA h J JcW ' TJBtfii, fisitiiHvtiA M III! I Ull II MB