IMPJIBflifll WTZEF fsr wa","rvfsS 3i--r v.r li;VTi,-'5ST-.'- 'T-?3r TW?.V' TCT . itp &, v . . ..I." --v ,'.r-Va "if . I r- & ' '!,B V TCV 1 PUBLIC Ll2DaBft ImiADBLPmiV,, trtTESBAX MA tf lOlp ? 4 '' ,i V ' ,' I, )-YV ' f .rH ..-yt" .il . ; Preserving meats in warm weather positions for women dainty boudoir pillows: ".I ."v&.v. nn it? . t".ij - ,w , H MZ?S. WILSON EXPLAINS HO W TO KEEP ME A TS LV7 is-'. ,!r Adventures With a Purse The Vogue of Beaded Chains A Daily Fashion Talk by Florence Rose OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN TO WORK AMONG INDIANS fcv 71- toiv That Warm Weather Is on the Way This Is Very f?p 'Necessary Information A Brine That Will Pre serve Mutton, Beef or Pork for a Week I 'V n- sins. JT. A. WILSON (tfoptirlohl. 1913, hu Mrs. I. A. Wilson. All nights Jittcntit.) "JE-AFEW simple precautions will 'tfO- hcln the housewife to keen n pleee of mcnl for scvcrnl days dur &". , ins the. warm weather. We all know i ' that during the hot season not only meats, but also many other foods, Will spoil in a few hours. The only "precaution we must take is to keep plenty of ice in the refrigerator and ' to have the icebox absolutely clean. Ash Mrs. Wilson If you liao any cookery prob lems, brine them to Mrs. Wilson. Pile will bo slacl to nnsvver ou tlnouRh these columns. No per sonal replies, however, ean ho Riven. Address questions to Mrs. M. A. Wilson, 1J i:ni.o Puni.ic Lkdcikr, Philadelphia. I.OVU boudoir pillows. The pres ence of n dainty., licrudled boudoir pillow on the bed lends nn nppcnlitiRly feminine (ouch that could be secured in no other way. Of course, the pillow irner mnt be fresh nnd clean, nnd by the same token jou'll need Severn I emeis so tlmt j on ran make frequent iliaiiRpM. AVIiile boudoir pillow c'nvers Kencially aie expensive, If jou look nllw j mi can frequently pick up one al i ,an ii tn iiti iikI.v vmall price. The ones 1 ' lime in mind aie tiinnnril with line nf ' tilet ileviRii and dnintv iiiseitlon. Tliej ' lni a spec iiil lot. specially priced al I ' SPllll J lle i imiIs t'llell. lower part of the icebox will he found , . 'I.'llf f"'"'" , "'V1"'' in .,",an . ( , i. j .. .. r a. i 1 imuiiim-'uh il il iiiiimi tin1 t MH Hill,' inow, merely to wasn out me ice- oy icsi xo no irom nve to ten ncKrces m,i;,nli(m Mnj. , ,,,, rn(,r box now and again docs little real colder than that part near the top. llRn t,ri. , ii(.rni,i,. n,.( nf ,js good. Foods not only spoil quickly Never place cooked meats in the I criminal ion. To explnin inyi.e1f linve in a box cleaned in this way, but they icebox until thorouchly cold, and '"' eet- liad jmir small son or dnucli will also develop the ptomaine germ, then put on a clean platter in thc,nr- "l"1''' ,l"' impression that lie or she Leftover foods that are permitted to lnwe.- .nninni-tmnnt Knnnn .m.l fcnm I ' ''""'"S helpful, blundlj pull up jour i iivii i-M .(linn. tflllll li'llliru'l !.irij;s OIIK beforo tlii'v nie to tlowcrliood crown' How to Cook Corned Heef lul (luldien do line to piny in n' Wash the beef in cold water and Burden and if tlie are wisely instructed then place m a saucepan and cover " "" '" "''" ll(,prui ns tiny Krow ' with cold water. Bring to a boil and turn into a colander, and let cold. water run decay or milk to hour wi'l develop may he placed on the higher shchc-!. -fungus growths, whicn spirnu lap idly to other foods. "The drain nnd the tiap which aie underneath the box aie paits that should be cleaned thoroughly. Don't bp afraid to pour scalding soda water llirougn tnese parts. inmpnes is most favorable to the development pf bacteria nnd for this reason the icebox must be kept in a dry place. yipc the box out daily with a dry cloth. I need hardly tell you the danger from disease-breeding, death-dealing flies. The tiuth about these pests should ho imparted to every one. Sometimes familiarity biceds con tempt and the housewife is apt to think that a flv or two won't matter. Each fly liltle older. And. of couise. Muting out in the fiesh air is Rood for them. U.ll ...... . I.....1 :.. .,:... .i-. .. . ,. ,,iii' .mi h,'i' rr ii .ii ni 111 ,, on the meat. I'laco a L, f ..i..i. .... '.. ..i'.,:."R , , ,,., . , -.1 ' i iuiiiii'ii . iiiiirn linos ill II I lire .s.iuteiiiiu uii irnr siove and nil Willi ,.:, Irnwisiilile ucancics in Indian Agencies and Schools Positions of Matron, Seamstress, Field Matron, Etc., Open VTKI.Y in these column uc touched nl miehln: munt nuke Bumple nf mmilll. III ,111" f.-XHIIIIIIItllllllF, Jti Keeping necounts (a inemorflntlum nf ilo mfallo upplleii rrrelved and Issui-it Is Klvfn and the competitor rraulred to makn proper entries to atcount for name) 10 Tralnlnr and experience in work open to women tliiouch the civil service ennininntlons. Since then sev eral queries luie l cached lue n) to tlie Mirious tiiics. I hne nnswereil some of these personally, nut here Is a Total ion The figures in the rlght-linnd column I query the answer to wliith is no doubt intllcntu just liow iniieli each Mtbjcct ,"f Kcncrnl Intel est. A woman of thirty- ! counts. Statements about experience 'Inc. n widow, wants lo know if there "d training nre accepted subject to is imy position open lliat could affoid vcrificatiou. ilier n total change of surroundings. 1 j .Nv interested In this Inline upon ti blank m the lil service A Hint 1 should think might Intel est her. examination ought to send at ouce ln .lulv !l and September 10, I'.IIP, l0 1" secretary of the United States 'e,imhuitlou will be held to Mil various ,,i(" hnnrd in her own city or to the I position in Indian leservatlons. .civil service commissioner, AVnslilngton, in the words of Hie bulletin: i " ' f'"- form. 1104. In asking for this .... ...iio j i blank state the title of the examination Vacancies in the Indian service, In , . ' ,i . ... , , jou nre inletested hi. Illie positions of matron, senmstress, r ' liousekecper, lield nlatiou nnd female' industrial tem her at saliiiies iiuikIuk I Olt the Front Porch from ?."i()(l to S7i;o a )eni, and vacancies stuck boiling water, and add One carrot, rut in dice, i jfVo onions, with ojt- dorr , in cacli onion, One bay leaf and The meat. Hring to a boil and cook .slowly, allowing the meat to cook thirty ' minutes to start cooking and then twenty minutes to the pound, gross About the height of an iimluella. a lake, spado nnd a hoe foim this i nulling g.udening set, and the pric o is but ten icnts, which I think is remarkable. Iaco woman knows nf Hip popular!!) of the beaded 'ih.iln. has si, pit lied three api.x iitfrnilhc ones here The at list IT IS seldom (hut a fail i'l nocossoi ics , is so nnivei'snllj arc epled hv nil a III regaid to tin smaller bains il is almost itnperatie lo huc several strings, or, ns some of the women lire doing, n dilfcicnt neck otniiment for classes of women us that for long bead " liei'l. Dip. 1 list 1 fri ' l,i.ti tlw ftiil blntt ml The particular woman exercises .seemed that these, bended things weie i each dress. This ipiillv seems the most ' I'fnintion oC ."s'.'O ujuimlh allow line, not onh in the (boosing of her fjus-t nbout as gaj and fancj. to sin piaclical w:n. as oftentimes a ery I "K1'C'SS- clothes and their nccessoiies. but also I nothing of being ns huge, ns woman dull flock iua be livened up, or nn uu- In addition lo this fiiinishcil quni (pis her toilet aiticles nnd cosmetics. She I could citiv nnd not look overdressed, tiimuicd diess deioiated bj n well se-ilh heat nnd light will be allowed tip soon learns which powder clings best but of the sie of the heads di- t,.i...l sii !.. .,r l,.,i,ls ' ! pointccs without cost. Those who lake lequlring similnr ipialilications at these or higher or lower entrance salaries will be filled from this examination unless it is found In (ln inteiest of the service lo lill any vnenni by lcinslnlonieut, tinnsfcr or promotion. "Appointees wl)(e woik is sutisfne tory will icccive, in nddition to regular salaries as stated above, increased compensation of 510 a month allowed by Congress during the liscal .vcar ending June HO, 101!) I'lom duly 1, 101!), to .lime :,0, W20, Inclusive, appointees will icccive in addition to the regular salaries the increased corn ed by If your piazza chairs nrp showing signs of wear it is a good idea to repair them nt odd jobs in the spring mouths. Provided tins seats and perhaps some of the backs are of rattan, wicker or enne nnd you do not want to go to the ex pense of having them done over, try tacking a piece of canvas securely the 'around the edge of hack or sent, turn- tlie ing in the edges carefully and using brass-headed tacks, q hen paint the whole chair, canvas and nil, nnd you will be surprised nt the result nnd trilling expense. Yeowoman to Become Citizen Miss Helen Ilnpper, a yrowoniaii In the lnltpd Slntes Nnvnl Hospital, Washington, V. ('., n native ot Alrin ston. Ontario, has decided to heroine a ritlzeii of the I'tilted Htntes. Mist Hopper is the (list woman to npply for citizenship from the rnnks of the navy. She wns edurnted in Detroit, nnd her work ns secretary to a well known manufacturer ot Hint city had nuide most of her interests American. She had two brothers enlist from the Canadian side, one of. wdiom, Alex ander, wns killed In the spring drive Inst vcar. the other being still In France. Her parents nre living In the little town of Alvinston nnd fly n Ca nadian service Hag with three stnrs a gold one for the boy who gnve his lifer, n blue one for the boy who Is still ovj there, nnd another for their dauzhtr' In the United States navy. The Spring That Comes to Flanders The spring that comes to Klnnders (Joes by on sllpiit feet. Lest they should wake, remembering How once Hie spring wns sweet. And streams that flow in Flanders I'ast poppy field nnd hill Are silver strenms nnd shining, Hut thoughtful streams nnd still. The wind that blows in Flanders Across the listening nir Is gentle with the grasses Thnt bend above them there, And rain Hint falls in Flanders Is tender ns n prayer. Ry David Morton, in Good Housekeeping. TT..H il.!. m1. in mini i-s JVtUIJ I4U3 IUIUI ill lumu. 1... !... . n wiillin,. .frc nnpli Con. itijra auuuL i minim. "-,H s.,-n .-.-.. son and the piotein in the meat at tracts them. So it is reasonable to assume that meat left where these dangerous posts aio permitted to roam contaminate it nnd make the meat unfit for food. Much sickness that is descubed as to her face and vvliuli rouge gives just niinishing. or the colors heioming less 'pile artist has made jou several the riirht color lo her soft cheeks, q'hesn i , !,,li,f ti.: , i,.' ,., it,..u .,. I.,,,,.. ;.. . i . . . ,.... e it i r ... .. , ' .. ' - ' ''"' -,..... ' ..,,,, ., .-,,,. . niihv ill .SKCICOCS Ol IICI ll.ll''-s, iiou ,11111 Cllll, I vveiglit. llicn lemove the saucepan j little details distinguish the well- size and loud in coloring. About the m sure, judge the length now In fnsh from fire when meat is cooked and I groomed woman from one who is not onlj women that one sees these dajslj,,,, if ou have pcichnniu not oh- auow tlie meat to cool in the liquid, Is-" pnmciiiar. .now a pailiculnrly not wcinng some soil of beaded neck' ci veil it before in the with the lid removed. When cool B. "m''- "" i- J't about the ornament are those who wear the di.i- ' r r i rit or n r inr At i u n .- 10m nn.i ....... - 1...1 .. 1 . 1. it - i" ! iuiii lino uiiiiiu in I'liaiiicirii iiicii upriuiiMi brunolli lomploMon. r.ui bo M-runul Iho ihainoiiil mountnl libbnn or coimilt'tc uitfi titi imuilpp nnfr ffit ilftv .,.- 1 ..1, .... .....1 r .... it i.: s , , . - , ' - - - - , i,i in v iw nil ill 11 uu, in iiilli"-, l in- iMIl I ( - .Mutton may be coined like beef. I cuts. It is pure, haunless and a par- nution of the watch chain nnd the i ne siiouioer a delicious, c;o-1 iiciiini ij good color And. oh, jes, I headed chain would never do nt all nomicnl cut. Have the butcher bone "elieve jou 11 pnv two icnts extra remove and place box. Serve cold. it once in the icc- the meat, hut do not roll. Put in ptomaine poisoning is usually caused . pickle for Bjx (iayi. Reni0Ve and wash and then tie securely, and cook in the same manner as for corned beef. How to Prepare Chicken for Chicken Salad or Cold Cuts Singe and draw the chicken and; then cut as for f ricasseeing. Now Three and one-half cups of uatcr, place the back of the c rcass, giblets Une bay leaf, . arm me inigns anil legs in a sauce- Onc-half ten&jiooii of saltfieter. , pan and cover with cold water. nnd cool. Place "rln l0 a u" anu tnen turn into a coianacr unci place under cold run ning water. Then drop into a sauce- war tax. ,MtJ As if louge were not a nei es bv carelessness. If for any leason meat must be kept several days after it is purchaEed, it may be cared for in the following manner: Place Three-quart cm rut of salt in a saucepan nnd add For the names of shops where ar ticles mentioned in "Adventures With n Purse" can be purchased, address Editor of Woman's Page, IIvlmmi I'tniLic Luigui, or phone the Woman's Department, Walnut ::ooo. I Some of the newest necklaces sent over fiom Paris have cxllemclj large plaques atlached. whiih add to (he weight of the heads, making nt limes a combined weight of nbout sixteen ounces, or about a pound. Imp Many women aie finding il inlher inteiesling to make the,, sliings of beads for themselves nnd in this vvny it is possible In have something moic individual. Quito Hip bile-l fancy is to have a giidl" of beads whiih matches the beud- 1(1 IIC( kl.KC. lluiiiuies aie sohcitid and may nthhesspil cine of llns newspaper.) It uvvilfjltt. 1111 hit I loinicr ,'orj positions nre allowed to bring other; members of the family to live in the Indian school or agency. QO MI 'CI I for the conipensir for the qualifications. In THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE j-.-i mr Bring to a boil the meat in a china bowl or a wooden bucket and pour the brine over it. Now place a plate on top of the meat and weigh down with an old llatiron or heavy stone. 1 urn the meat every other day. This meat will keep for one week. This method is suitable for mutton. pan containing boiling xvatcr and cook for ten minutes. Blanch in the I colander under cold running water. j Repeat tin's three times and then add the balance of the chicken and 1 cook slowly until tender. Cool in beef or nork. For lamb and chicken place in a saucepan and add One-half carrot, One onion, Sufficient boiling water to par tially cover. Cook, keeping pan closely covered, f.. .. mlnntno trt dip nnnrul rnnl before placing in the icebox. If it is "'" """' ""-' --"".ass, necessary to keep the meat only until I One and one-half cups the next day mince line two onions cooked oatmeal, Wax on Hanhvood Floors If varnished haidwood lloors are rubbed with prepared wa it will pre vent the xarnish from wearing off. Hub the wax on with the balls of the fingcis. ns if takes less wax Hint waj. I i :, .1... f.. r.r , i.'i il ,11.. no 1111, -co in- iwt'illj minuics, 1 , ., , then polish with a heavy Manuel dolh. This need be done only once in (ho or six weeks excent in titnces wheie tlime Is 1110 liquid. i'lCK tne meat Irom the n great deal of wear. In those phues neck nnd back of carcass and mince lul ! "n rwry wiek the giblets fine. Put the skin 1 A" craftsman hand-polished furni through the food chopper. Use this!'""' is Kc'u '" 1," ""'dition by the use for chicken loaf. Dainty Child Wants Hair Blocked To Ihr j-'thtot nf Woman's I'urjf Daintj Child Of i nurse, it would not be ridiculous for n child ot jour age to have her hair blocked if she wains 10 no it ami icpis mni ic will pleasuic make her hair grow. There arc differ ent ideals of bcnulj. nnd no one can intetcslcd in leading the letters jou have published about the league for thing-out girls and am suie lots of others feel the same waj. The one who brought this up knows just what it means to be ilepi ived of each little jou hear other girls speak of. it ion. Now The npplicnnls must be in perfect phjsiial health and must have l cached their twcnlj -lirst biilhdaj by the dale of the examination and not have cele brated their foitj -eighth birthday. Those who take (lie examinations rtre I examined 011 the following subjects: IVnnianslilp ... 5 J spfllltiK ami npliiK t.ilmut urn en tinea of prose com tinlriff snen or mine mls- HlipUcd wonls) Ilomesth rrnnomv Hovera practical een housekeeping nnd the training uf puplta In (lonicwtu s, ieme cooker, liolisfhold nmnnBnient etc 1 . . : Nuismi-j m.iTiHKeliH nl lioierH a Knout PilllP nf Iho dlse.iaiK of 1 lulilreii anil llielr trilitlnent In t!i nurae the ven tilation and illHlnfei tinn of the lcK rooni nnd what to do unlil tho doctor mined In emeiKPiu isia et( 1 : I'llttllilf, fltthitf nnd hpw.iik (b both hand Winkelmait Hlr $6.00 38-40 So. 52nd Street 2961-63 Frankford Avenue Low Hcd Sporl Oxford An ultra modish model in cordovan tan; either straight or wing tip. Very Unusual Value at ' 'I'lin ..let llcim ..lit Is iml linrn tn In, " " leady when iieoplc want her, at an.v I of wax. Chicken Loaf use two cups of the mince pre pared from the skin, giblets and of cold W and add Four tablespoons of salt, One tablespoon of pepper. Mix thoroughly nnd then mb the meat thoroughly with this mixture. Meat may be kept in the ordinary icebox that holds seventy-fix'e pounds of ice for two days in the hottest weather in the following manner. Wipe the meat with a dry cloth and civer with 'a wax or parchment .paper, and then hang from a hook in he lower part of the refrigerator, directly under the ice chamber if possible. The hooks are shaped like I the letter S, sharply pointed at both J" ends, and they may be purchased or . 1 !. 4.1. A I. . 7..,n a ftonlaT C ! inane oy iuu iwiunun. .... iSi" if ',. . ,, . , . 1... !,. , '' Jueut allowed 10 111; uu ' !" One onion, grated, I One-half teaspoon of powdricd thyme, ' One-half teaspoon of mustard, 7'uo teaspoons of salt, One and one-half teaspoons of paprika, Two green peppers chopped fine, ' Four tablespoons of chicken fat, One egg. One-half cup of rhidxn stock. Mix thoroughly and then pour into a well-greased and floured loaf shaped pan. Sefthis pan in a larger one containing hot water. Bake in a moderate oven for one and one quarter hours. Serve hot with a cream, tomato or brown sauce. Or serve cold with a garnish or aspara- iMl' soon loses its nutritious qualities gus and with hollandaise, muyon ",5vith the escaping of the juices, lne'naise or cream horseradish sauce. The Question Box Toda) 's Inquiries r&V Mrs. Wilson Answers Questions " .. TIT- Ann Afro Wilsntl I have "" 4'IJ WW" .- "'"" K", .been reading tonic ot your lccipcs foy.L u nnnoc nnfl fincl them verv K4" '6Cf f fcs" i'i'' - - ttT?i.iJLr,i il nnw nsW vnn n. S'favor or two. Will you be kind EvCanoueh to pubiisn ino iouowing ropInes: Gincrer bri KK Gincrer bread, cinnamon Mfcuns, candied oranges and lemon? kThanking you for your trouble, I HI, Mrs. H. Ginger Cake & cup molasses, t5Jfj5iz tablespoons brown sugar, i, x taotespoons snorivmny, T5t One eag. m mr 1 j ream xveu iikcuici. nu uu riuve r,f.i ?? Two and three-quarter cups flour, V"f'STioo level teaspoons baking toda, iL-MMolvtd in &Wk.,, 1 . .-.. ,..;. prp'.M pj lTC e-c;curirri en' "' ri.i.r,, Ei '.Qne tablespoon cocoa, VAT ,.'!n... jAM-.An..a kTmiIH 1HID) ir Ijbne teaspoon ginger, n'&M-half teaspoon cloves. at to mix, pour in well pleased floured pan nnd bake in mod 1" oven forty minutes. n on cinnamon buns will ap- very shortly. died oranges and lemon peels part of tho canning and pre-articles. fly dear Mrs. Wilson Will you M K1VC u Kuun iwil" iu -lmallow lining to use between rako? A nice thick filling. , t?Vd ssveral recipes, but ', Rri; nou Biinemiiwij'. " ' fiv;u so man? fltjcanea in the paper for many things. Some I have tried and they aie verv good. Respectfully yours, K. K. M. Mnrshmalloir Filling for Cake J'lace in saucepan One cup of sugar, One-half cup of com sirup. Three tablespoons of boiling uater. Stir to blend. Bring to a boil and cook until mixture forms soft ball when tried in cold water. Remove from fire and add two tablespoons gelatin which has been soaked in cold water for ten minutes. Beat mixture until white then add stiffly beaten white of egg and one teaspoon vanilla. Spread on cake as it cools. 1. Suggest a verv prettv centerpiece for the luncheon or children's party given in May? 2. Who was one of the earliest wom en wiiteis of whom we have rec ord '! ?. What is the Cieel; mmlp of fix ing the h.iir a vvav popular In I'm is now '.' I. How ',111 the liiiltouholes on bojs' clothes ho st lengthened so they won't out? 0. What aie the voir newest (sort of spals lo he worn with the w lute sports otume? II. How are cartings being novelly used as nut ttiniming? Yes(i'id.i)'s nswris 1. The lentenary of lliieen Vh tenia will be observed next month. ". When n wedding invitation in cludes an' invitation to the re ception at the housp or hotel iifterwiid it requires nn answer, but when it simply indicates com ing to 1 liitrch it does not. ". Itlue and otchid are being exten sivelj used as n color combina tiou for the new evening dress. 1. The best time to b.lthe the npw baby is in the- morning ns n rule, nbout a half an hour before n nunl. ISjbv should never be bath ed jlist after a meal. .". A prettv and nttrnclivo way tn tient plain willow furniture is, to enamel it in some bright color. A king's hi, le willow piece adds 1 lieer to ,1 loom. (i. To icinove haul drj paint from woolen goods saturate the stain with a solution of equal pints of ammonia and tutpentine. He peat the don- two or three times and then wash out with soap and vvatpr. limn lint "In. 10 ilnci Clin limn 1 film definitely define beaut) in 11 girl or " hti xxlien s-lu- is ic-nllx free? Tour after- Iteal bcanl) is beauty and tegu- 1 noons 11 mouth she hns to laj out the l.iritj of features, but lnany times n , things to be handy or help took the pes,,,, who has no legularitv of fe.t - dinner for the other lo get a few hours ., , , ... I to buy some thing she needs and mm - lines is consuleied beautiful nn account ,)(1 ..,. M1(1 ,, ,,,,.. , ,,, ,. ,,,,, of a smile, or nil expiessioti of the store ibises. I'.ut after that, jou ojes, or 11 (ci tain ilinim that lies be- know il doesn't look right to come nenth the fentuies. A little ghl of!'" much litter ten. So owing to tne long ri ic 111 mo enr iiiki ine wan; mWMFY mis ' jour age is ptettiest when she is think ing the least of heis"!f and is not making any effort to be beautiful. A Word From "Smiles" To the Keillor ot Woman's I'aaf Dear .Madam I have necn gicatly from tlieie to the house she works m, she has to start off for her letutn nt !) Hip latpst. Slip must be home be- , fore the linne is closed. 1 I mil sure every one wants a little more out of life than that. s.mii,i:s. YOU are extremely careful about the re sponsibility of the house where your furs are purchased. Should you be less so about where your repairing should be done? Work done now at a third off regular prices. "Pay thecost in the Fall." Mavfeon & DeMair? 12 15 Chestnut Street iB tidyH a a h Kin 111 sjmssnii in Tn 1 irriMiiB EVERY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE WHO TAKES OUR COURSE IS AS- SURED A POSITION PAYING $12 to $25 Per Week Bptclal Eitnlor L'laiMi for Olrlf and Women Who Are Emptar4 Call or Writ for Partlcutiri. Philadelphia School of Filing V1U C'llKSTNUT HTRrJtT j'nunt riiofri ian Nw T Jork. floiton, Chlcaxo fjc Jfuv Sc arnc. 1423 Walnut Street A SPLENDID SHOWING OF VERY FINE SOFT DARK FISHER 1 ALSO RUSSIAN AND HUDSON v FISHER I 1 ALSO i RUSSIAN ANn HUDSON BAY 11 SABLES M fvv ! Small Novelty yvS' jseckpiecc0vn' j 'Tgpii sLvLm US J WW x 1 1 1, j n ( il J II 9i. (VlANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STHEET Tyrol Wool Suits are here in the fashionable light and dark colors; also ivhite and black. Ladies' and Misses' Plain Tailored Suits 26.75 29.75 37.75 a Also Top, Street and Motor Coats 24.75 29.75 37.75 Girls' and Juniors' Suits and ' Top CoaU, 24.76 New Spring Hats MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET 'K5tOeo.ii,- ImtvladU C-d , m ?5s?S in met Deffin merits where NEMO WEEK is the best time to buy your Nemo Corsets and Brassieres. Stoqks are complete and you are sure to get your particular model and size. The Nemo United Service of Corsets and Brassieres is Divided as Follows: SELF-REDUCING CORSETS are made in twenty-one styles for the various types of the stout figure. They control, reshape and permanently reduce the abdomen, making the figure smaller and lighter in weight, thereby improving the looks and health $3.50 to $7.00 WONDERLIFT CORSETS come in nine styles. They are designed for women of all types, from slender to stout. They prevent; and cure certain physical weakness and give graceful and symmetrical lines. The Wonderlift invention is one of the contributions to the world's happiness. $6.00 to $13.50 MARVELACE CORSETS are made in four styles and are a variation of the Wonderlift Service having a short lacing device at the side front. They have all the advantages of a corset with a closed back; at the same time retaining the correct abdominal support furnished by the front steels. $6.00 to $12.G0 KOPSERVICE CORSETS represent the general service of the Nemo line. It is represented by eleven models in which a number of hygienic features are incorporated. Each idea is embodied in but one model, however, as each has some .individual function to 'perform. $3.00 to $10.00 BRASSIERE SERVICE-The Nemo, "JUS FU1" Brassiere completes the hygienic-style service of the corset. It is stlf-adjustable to the individual figure. It "Fits as you Fasten" and fits all the time. The adjustable lacing device insures that. Prices $1.00, $1.50 end $2.00 NEMO HYGIENIC FASHION INSTITUTE 8B&5 A M ,! A '."?, p " m. ;' :rw-,;.V sk H . " K', V; '&. , Bv r Cr' .-1 r. u i