nswrreFirYBJ s V. '" " 'jT - i." "imitoi' j v r. jl.-Vt-w v '.f'.Ti.H.- r-f ;.,(' -j." V -ti. ... - t. . E l UJ" . , i, - u ? , f r1 t .; & v M It B : F I s ft iv-ii i! I, ? IT?tf. . . fr I' VS. IS. W I ES l-S V e K &r I fe i - h ., W1- ' .Ws: iiW -? ytj , Frtp 'U,J ' W 1,1 EVENING "PUBLIC LEDGEKPHIL1ADEIiPHrA,r MONDAY, ' Mf 5, 1919 .H " ' S IklOUiEO MAN LIKE y - r.f . 'V V. t SECOND CHNUunSS JiMljtalian Hospital Patient Says tea,. it Ho Was Kidnapped From Ashley, Pa. 1MM, mi nrjrriii grimier is nllogril to Imto pnoonl through A1iIpv with u sirl of tlilrtorii jcurs old, nnd to hnvc slolcn tho boj, hoic ('(imininloiis loportcil to the parents Hint tin "numlf man Imil stolen lMtlic" Itoit'o Ilnllf ro was iiricstnl on him pioliin nt Si ronton it ml hrmiKht here foi tiiul. TIiimc ;u no pixltiM- ptrnhnii' to hnlil Hie music mini, nml ho niii f I PClI. , The Hrollirrtmi family is tint wraith) nml mi rpvwitil wns ripr asked fm Hie I bo. It wan t)elieeil tlint he wns stolen, for his homily The mother' of tlie ho) , rp she foiilil leengnle him although DISCOVERYl" Period of twenty the )enrs lnis elnpseil slme she iini him She hns nl " II II t n fl t... .. .1-. ..I.- ..Ill . .. ffc ii,i-i 1,111, inni .111111' nut mil' win M-f ,t' WIIhe.5-narre, Vn., Mav K.A sol- her bnj nml ham him bin K again She dler of the Italian army, now reeover- "".' """ " "" mioiis in wniu nei .. , , . . ,,.. .,. ..l, "on stood o(r lier nml -nld. "Do not fine from wounds reeelved 'while fight- Wf)1, ,,,. hIM spp pm h ()th(r 'ag under General Diaz's banner, is be- ,.,., It ull all turn nut all right ' JUved to be tidward IJrotherton. who, I Ahu Hn.tlierton iii)s a biithninrk on (.Jwenly-fhc years ago, wns Mrlnappnl I the baik of I.ddie's unk will be a Worn the street front of hl home in mentis of iilentitn iitinn If the lint in Ashley, n few miles from thl oih The i the Italian hos,,nl ,s her soil story he told hh liospltnl attendant j , reads like another Charlie ttoss inse. Poles to Feed Teutons ' Mnkinc her rounds of n hospital in j Danzig, Mm .1 - f M A I' i-On thcl which she was empod n n nui-e uiit nit i o of the Anient an mission, the' the attention of Mi-s Unmet Piuis wns i (!(,nin 1n, ,,,,s )mw, I,n,)(1(1 nn attrneted to n pnttenc w no mn " i nsretini nt wherein the 1'oles will ile Anche la Citta' di Zara Pro- clama Solennemonto la sua Annessiono al Regno d'ltalia NURSE MAKES Publlihcl nnd I)ltrlbutd Under PUUMIT NO 841 AtithorllM b the net ef OrtohT a, lniT on nie at the rostomco of Phlt ilMphlR, l'a 111 ordu of th rrnldfnt A S lluni.TON, roMmanter (Ifneral Uek the T.ntin ph)ienl nttnhutcs Mie , ald to him: ' r'Are you nn ltnlian, Although ou wear the uniform ( nn Itnlian snldiei -you do not look like tin Italian nn resemble nn Auieiiuin f He replied "No I hid not nn ltalinn. i am nnl Ameriian I do not know whnt mv, riRht name is now. for 1 wns stolen j by nn ltalinn orRnn grinflir nml brought oersens When ne .ve m "'age. M) home was near Wilkes Barre.'1 The nurse then embraced the soldier boy -II ml said: "Wli). I am from Rood, old Pennslnnin nnd AVilkcs-llirre. $rtoo. OoI bless ou." ' Now. in AVilkei Hnrre the name of j-Eddie Brotherton is at. familiar as the name of Charley Ross is to I'lnlndcl phia, and the nurse lost no time in hav ingthe soldier photographed andendinR to the parents of the boy a detuiled nc count of her meetinR the soldier. The nurse feels nositive that nt Inst Kddie "Rrntherton hns been found. The bo)'s photo is on its n over seas to the mother who will exninme it with loving solicitude "If it should prove to be my Kddie " she snts, "I shall go oversens to see him nnd bring him back to this city to make his home with ine, his father nnd sisters." It wns bai k in January. ISfU, that Mr. and Sirs. Albert Brotheiton took up their residence in Ashlej. nenr. "Wilkes -Barr?, coming from Philndel I phia eight years previous. Their for mer home was in l'nglnnd. Their little son, Edward, whose golden curls weie . n striking feature of his boyish beautv, wns playing with little companions in , the, street. He was at the time hie 1IK 'nf flue On th 10h nf Innnni i , . w. -. .- - .--..,... rnrigi, 5 maRRlo La Delegazione Itnlianu per In Conferenra della Pace tornera' a Par'gi, secondo quanto ha oRgi annuniato l'Ambasciatorc Ita linno. iill'On. I'ichon, ministro per Kli Affnri Esteri del Gabincttn fran ccsc. L' inb.isciatore liu detto rlie il I President!1 del Consijjlio dci Atinistri -13 - '91". They Are Always Grateful For Cuticura Soap Because it means skin comfort and skin health. For sha tng.bath ing and shampooing it is wonderful. Assisted ty touches of Cuticura Ointment, it does much to clear the skin ot pimples, rashes, eczemas and irritations and the scalp of dandruff and itching. B tore and try Omtiesrt fllcm ao untiieptEc, cooling dostisr powrlrr of frnMinstinz fracran 3f ceau ef all dealarf . r SI f ' t "Wells Hats Wear Well" I mMiBI mm 1 liai.TIMOnE.MAnR STRAWS 'dEO. B. WELLS 1101 Market St. 1313 Market St. 15 S. 15th St. 2715 Germantown Ae. 2452 Kensington Ae. ' rui i im'm'iJl y '.y 3f mh tM ft. J if fe S i .4! mt our HONOR (medal '&Wi ' If n f Space Contributed br ';T IIImws Bf ether & Company m 1&& ... .... .- iiu ..jn..Lni ci. :s -Xi-it Ihir 'id (1(1(1 (oils ol poliiloi's to tier mnlir. tho lntt,r iiim mil I in tli.i M..ln to ship Riuuls tn (Veclm ShitTikiii The d'ltalia. On. Orlando, ed il Barone I'olis also ngrced to i ease disturbing mihn tr flii Sonnino, Ministrn degli Esteri, as- ceranno Roma questa sera c glum gcranno a Parlgi mercoldi' mattina. Un fonte nutorovole ai apprende che il Concilio dei Trc ha consldcrato un piano secondo il quale Flume dovra' esserc un porto llbfcro sotto la Lcga dcllc Nnjione per un perlodo di trc anni, mentre si complono i lavorl per la costruzione di un porto jugo slavo. (II teliRianunn di nil sopra e' stato trasmesto dalla United Pi ess Co., ma non e' stato conferniato dn nitre Com pagnie. Esso nonV ufliciale.) Itoma, 5 magglo, I.a poplazlone di urn, riunita in giandc cnmi7in, ha solennemente prnclamato l'nnnessfone della eittH all Italia, secondo un an- nunzio orrI qui' glunto. Pnrlgi, ." maRgio. 11 Piesidente Wilson, Clemencenu e Lloyd (Jeorge, eompopentl il Concilio del Tie, hnnno mandato una comniilca.loiie nl goierno itnlinno lnltundolo n rlprendere il suo posto alia Conferenrn deiln I'nee. L'invlto del Concilio c' di tnle nsturn ehe si dede iossn essore uiiettnto dal I'ltnlia e i he le relnziiuil tenipornne ninente rotte per la rec elite partenrn del President!1 del (inslglln dei Mini tri rtnlinni. On. Orlando, e del Barone Sonnino, Ministro per gli nfTnri estei snrnnno ristorute ( on In presenzn del delegnti italinni. primn t lie il trnttnlo di pace sin Invinto nl dclegatl dcllit Gcrmanin, I.'Itnlin e' stata anche notlficata che e' inteniione degll Allcatl di chlnmarc i delegatt nustrlacl cd unghcresl alia Confcrenza della pace. Jl concilio i el trc discus negll tiltlml tro glornt la sltiinzinnc creata dal ritlro della DeleRnzlone It'nlinnn e finalmentc dellbero' per unn inlzintlva dl nmlchevole liiTtmn. 1 termini del comunicnto nl (ioverno Itnlinno non sono stati fnttl notl, mn si trede che ccrchlno di ellmiunre 1 personall t;lc mentl delta controversin o tnlrino a tro vare una ia per un aRgiiintnmento sullc nspirn.ionl territorial! qunndo lc rela alonl snrnnno rlpresc. II Mnggiore Kiorello II. Ln Ounrdln, un niembro drlla Camera Itnppresenta tiva degll Stnli I'nlti per ln i'ittn' di New York, di nuscitn itnlinnn, dopo, unu confcrenza mtlto ieri ion il Colonnello House, illsse di tredere che la Intern ipiestlone itnlinnn snrebbe stntn sistenuitn in ipimnnt'otto ore. Egll nggiunse ihe necessitnn i he I'ltnlia aecettasse l'invlto dii Pnrlgi, V lonllltto di opiniQni npparc sulln stnmpa itallnna riguardo ad una pos slbilc sistemazionc delta qucstionc ndrlatica. Un dispncclo da Itoma dice che 11 glornnlc "IEpoed" ha npprcso ehe una soluziono sulln dlaputa ill Flume sara' ragglunta mcdlante l'intcr vchto della rranola como intermcdlnria Un nltro telegram-ma nl fllornalc d'lta lia. dice che talc notlzia c' priva dl ton-damento. II coirlspoudente da Parigt del Olor nalc il'Itnlla telegrnfa che ln Delegn zlone Itnlinnn non dovra' tornnre alia Conferen7ii di Parigi perehc corre il ris chlo il'incontrnre una ntiota opposi zio'ne dn parte del Trcsidcntc Wilson p sarebbe costrctta ad una finale rltl rata. II rltorno ora potrebbc Infllggcrc . . ,,, i v i xfd.i-HA una gruuac umiuniione per ib itiuun , Ilnliana, dice II corrlspandcnte. Immediate Deliveries VW fMilI!14MVIN!liiL III tM 1 1 1 1 1 i3,S Wlll 1 1 1 II I lln MlPw Cars -m.-'i i mr Motor ,. . The. instanl popularity of the new dc luxo S-passenRer Moline Knight is reflected in its increasing sales. The engine is a revelation nf silent power. MOLINE-KNIGHT MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. TeL Spruce 2745. 1821 Chestnut Street ' - ' H. D. PFEIFFER. Pre. p. M. SATTE31THWAIT. TMM. y BUY VICTORY BONDS Jw? BUY VICTORY BONDS Whatever You Want in Summer Furniture or Furnishings is Here HERE, awaiting you, in widest selection, most charming, inter esting, complete and comprehensive variety. A visit to the Van Sciver Store reveals as much or more in an hour or two than could be seen in a tiresome, costly pilgrimage to perhaps a dozen other stores scattered through a score of cities. For this is America's Largest Furniture Store and whatever is good, artistic and pleasing in furniture, summer furniture or all-the-year-round furniture, is here for your in spection or selection. Year by year, season by season, styles change, and we are always in the vanguard of progress. But in one respect this 'Store is changeless that is, in its up holding of a definite quality standard and its "down-holding" of prices through a liberal sharing of its many economic advantages. Furniture has not advanced proportionately with other commodities, and no early or spectacular recession can be anticipated. Buy now is a sensible slogan, for furniture is far from plentiful in supply throughout the country. Buy here transforms the slogan into a piece of sage advice, for here you are protected absolutely both as to quality and cost. fr0 I Rli Vis J7r'-ii "' VnTZfr --"- -u'i KMJ15 L "ft 1&agv? " Iw"'-' A a IT --. i fJBm ffiw.ir.ji-j . w.r. i i uiujuir.-n . u i bx t jsl- rtiJ ' ti" W K a fjuffc-w?. - ' B r,s Baflui&flaMsw, ri'Tias - mm rr'L tr i i sit --1 l i!' i' '. 'i"il M.1 ' - m. i . T. J f '';4 t 3 ?Jm , ,', iT d'lllllllllllb ' r 'K Z.S liaj " .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii H i till i- m w m .,. -mmmWmWW9km h I mi3mmW9SukiMmmmmmWy 1 (I I I I II m iWilflf "Vll'lUll ' Jl ,'.iJ SKft.."fe'i( f'V Kttl SSSSSP' ,V5fi?.fc M.fsasajv. ---if iss.iL--.v: m '. ' vmw i.-.: ". J-Alv .- I "! W I t l"I m m Ki'flW fciifli8iacv j..- " Hs5S -9 s'kCSiK3.iS,.'Svy.ii - -i. An Attractive Summer Porch Suite, Sketched From a Recent Setting on Our Floori Summer furniture this; season is essentially and, we may say, beautifully, colorful. We find Reed suites, enameled in blue, ecru, white, lavender, frosted grray and ivory, striped and plain; and with upholstery harmonizinp perfectly in fabric an d design. Natural willow also fibre rush in the pop ular Baronial finish, are, of course, much in evidence and, supplementing our unusual stock of simple and ornate pieces, is u complete showing of Porch Rockers with matched Arm Chairs: Settees, Hickory and Cedar pieces, Lawn Swings, etc. SummerFloorCoveringsatSpecialPrices A complete line of everything you could poss lbly need in the way of Floor Coverings for summer usage, either at home, at the shore or in the country. We present a few representative values in Olatha Grass Rugs, the most attractne, durable and prettily designed Grass rugs made: Olatha Grass Rugs 12x15 ft $28.50 10.6x13 ft. 6 $26.50 9x15 ft $21.50 9x12 ft $16.50 Olatha Grass Rugs 8x10 ft $14.50 6x 9 ft $11.00 4.6x 7 ft. 6 $7.95 3x 6 ft $3.15 This H th limp lt la ntw ItBf. leums, tor in the warm dan to come the a quire pliability anil ail lust themselves to jour tloom And tnl att8urs lon wear and satisfaction LINOLEUMS A B . va o S civer Co Manufacturers, Importers and Retailers Market Street Ferry, Camden, New Jersey , Store Opens Dally ai 8.30 A. M. Closes at 540 P,'M. 4wi '" ii i l i. r ,.'...,.. ., ', Market Street Ferry Usnd Opposite StOi 5rte You will And our Mock suited to every requlrrmint and especially com plete In the much-wanted tllo anl parquetry devlgns and our prices quality considered, speak tor ihem- seiea $2.65 and $2.25 Straight Line Inlaid Linoleum, $1.65 sq. yd. Pel feet goods; wide selection; full rolls of some patterns. Careful Householders Come Here for Refrigerators Because they know that we give them the best values and that n carry only reliable, guaranteed makes. We are agents for the famous Leonard, Eddy anH other standard refrigerators and ice chests and our prices range as follows: Refrigerators, JX8.00, $20.00, $23.26, S26.50, $29 50, $30.00 up to $137.50. Ice Chests, $8.00, $10.00, $11.00, $12.75, $13 75, $15.25 up to $38.00. ORDER YOUR AWNINGS NOW Yes, order now, before the torrid rays of the Summer sun occasions, as it so generally does, a flood of rush orders to this useful de partment. Phone or write at once for estimate. You will find our prices moderate and our ma terials and workmanship of the best. a tour-Minute Trip across tlie Ferry May Save You From Four to Four Hundred Dollars As It Has Thousands of Other Thoughtful People T Purchasing Agents should know The Fairbanks Company O.K. MILL, MINE and RAILWAY SUPPLIES Tie your confidence to our line of rnill, mine and railway supplies and your shop will be satisfied. Every drill every up- everything in mill, mine and railway supplies it guaranteed by 'jThe Fairbanks Company O.K." TRUCKS and WHEELBARROWS Ask the gang boss. He knows ft takes work to push a wheelbarrow or a truck that isn't right. All our trucks and wheelbarrows are backed up by "The Fairbanks Company O.K." MACHINE TOOLS "The Fairbanks Com pany O.K." should mean much to you when you are in the market for machine tools. Turtet and engine lathes, screw machines, drill presses, millers, planers, shapers, grinders, hack saws, and many other tools. Everyone guaranteed by "The Fairbanks Company O.K." VALVES Steam fitters like good valves valve" that make a finished job. That is'why it pa)S to buy ahes backed up by "The Fairbanks Company O.K." Be sure to have our salesman tell you about Faitbanks Valves. POWER TRANSMISSION A broken pullev, a v,orn-out beanng both hold Up production. Quality and price are tight, because they're backed upby "The Fairbanks Ceoipany O.K." ENGINES and PUMPS You know that the perform ance and price are right, be cause every gasoline, kerosene and oil engine sold by us comes with "The Fairbanks Company O K." It's your guarantee and ours. scale's Fairbanks Scales are famous la all parts of the world and ln every industry. Every Fairbanks scale is backed up by "The Fairbanks Company O.K." Nothing mote ' ll necessary to assure you that they are the best Every Fairbanks O.K.'d Salesman is ready to help you. Get the benefit of their experience. JtL J Untangle your Buying -TODAY! YOU can buy valves from A, engines from B, trucks from C and transmission from D but -why? Scattered orders mean scattered shipments, scattered book-keeping, scattered dealings in general. Progressive purchasing agents are learning the wisdom of dealing with us. As a Branch House of The Fairbanks Company we run what might be called a Mechanical Supplies Department Store. We maintain complete stocks of Trucks and "Wheelbarrows, Valves, Machine Tools, Power Transmission, Engines and Pumps, Mill, Mine and Railway Supplies and the world-famous Fairbanks Scales. All bear The Fairbanks Company O.K.T the mark that removes all doubts as to quality. Untangle your buying today! Dealing with us will save you time, motion, bother, doubt money. Telephone to THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY ' ', Arch and Seventh Streets Philadelpriia, Pa. Bell, Market 2210 Keystone, Main 1715 ' ' DISTRICT OFFICES "J WILMINGTON, DEL. Ford Building TRENTvON, N. J BETHLEHEM,' PA. Bethlehem Tru3t Co. Bldg. HARRISBURG, PA. ' 27 South Third Street American Mechanics Bldg. ' Branches in 22 Principal Eastern Cities 7t, FAIRBANKS CorriL w "-Vi. r & i 'b ,&?'. am i ? .L AtJ?,"r , J X J"' 1 S i9 JyiffNWPWl"MII a1 ; ; , WJii- . r kji&L: BAft.i. SfVCJ j&UXei&i , J, iin m 'Ktrty'J!L&-Agi ' i iiiiiiii iiriiiMiriii i