Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1919, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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11 .
Please note that our adver
tised prices do not include thc
Luxury Tax.
wi '.
Monday Will Be a Great Day to Buy Good Rtu
"Deadlock" at Harrisburg Not
So Fierce but That Harmony
May Be Achieved .
pecial Fences lira Wanamaker s Down Stairs
Ttcsiiit-pHon of the factional hostili
ties otcr the Philadelphia reform leuii
.Intlfin will brgin when the Legis
lature reconvenes Mondnv night.
Senator Penrose will return to
llnrrlshiirg again next week to force
action on measures which were delayed
final passage in tho Senate this week
becUf-G of the illness of Senator Kdwlu
II. A'are. The Senate did not act on
the Woodward charter bills and the
, Dal registration measures out of
coiutctj- to the Philadelphia Senator.
The Woodward bills, which arc in
""the Senate municipal affairs committee,
qf whlih Senator Varc is chairman, are
expected to be reported to the Senate
Moplay night or ea'ty Tuesday nud
llloced on flip fhirrl rnrwlittt nnlAn.lnM
They were read twice before they were
.Bent oacK 10 ine committee.
The Daix bifls are now on the Senate
third reading calendar. At the request
of the sponsor of the bills they went
over in order to appear in their regular
place on the calendar next week.
It is anticipated that the Senate will
pass finally both the "Woodward and
Daix bills in their present shape next
week. The Varc forces may make some
opposition, but the main fight Mill proh
nbly be staged in the House" committee,
to Uiich the measures are referred
when an'attcmpt is made to amend the
Ilrady Dills Troublesome
Action may be started on the floor
1 bf the House Monday night over the
Brady registration bills, which are sim
ilar to the Daix Senate bills. Trouble
way develop from two sources.
Representative Brady, sponsor of the
bills, backed by the Penrose forces, may
call them up for third reading from the
postponed calendar where they were
placed two weeks ago. On the other
band the Vare forces mny call up the
lesolutlon offered by Representative
' Clinton A. Sowers to withhold action
on the bills until a hearing has been
held in Philadelphia.
In either event Micro should be n
line-up between the rival factions which
would in a way be n test of strength.
?' "While on the surface there annon tn
be much hostility between the rival
factions and plenty of "no-compromise
talk," there is a feeling about the Capi
tol that when the bills come out of
committee in the House thy will be
in such shape as to meet with little real
Sproul for Harmony
Governor Sproul has set himself
ugmnsi any laccionai features in the
charter hills and 'has expressed the
wish that a charter flint- n-n,,u I,-
drafted meet with the approval of all
elements. As the Governor will have
the final say on whnt kind of a charter
measure goes through the House, if is
nlmost safe to predict that what he
Avauts will be done.
Considerable progress along those
lines were made this weekVhen it was
pretty definitely established that the po
lice commissioner bill would be dropped
niid the contract clause in tho charter
bill amended so as to permit the city to
award to private contractors street
cleaning and garbage collection work on
n. -majority vote of the proposed single
chamber council, together with the ap
proval of the Mayor.
Contracts Vare Sore Spot
These, two features of the reform
legislation novo htpn fmifritf ,.. .-
uously by the A are forces, and the pro
posed changes are expected to mollify
their opposition to some extent.
,8? far thc Vare3 hnve indicated a
willingness to bo for whatever the Gov
ernor wants. They virtually dropped
the light on the Ilotan bills in the Sen
ate nfter the Governor expressed his
approval of those measures and littki
opposition is counted on from their
.followers in thc House when the meas
ures come before that body next week.
Thc passage of n resolution l&, tho
House this week setting May 7 as the
final date for the introduction of bills
and the prediction by Senator Peurose
tliit thc Legislature will adjourn finally
either the last week of this month or
the first week in June, indicates that
the legislators are npfiroachiug the end
of their labors.
jPIenty of Work Ahead
Considerable important legislation
must be considered before adjournment.
The scditio bill and the bill to In
crease thc tate constabulary, both ad
ministration bills, will, probably come
before thc House next week. The state
police measure was defeated when it
came up for final passage this week, but
administration leaders will make an ef
fort to have It reconsidered.
Kor some reason or other the Ite-
5 -.'
publican majoiity in the House has.hrcn
poorly organized this session ami n
group of independent members from
rural sections of the state have shown
r tendency to bolt mensures wlioac pas
sage is wanted by the leaders. These
rirnl legislators hold tho balance of
power and have managed to defeat
every, measure which they havedpposod,
Another important piece of work cut
out" for thc House within, the next two
weeks will be (bat of finding additional
revenues. '
If the Woodruff bill to increase teach
ers' salaries is to.be put through some
means of findlug the additional 'ap
liroprintlun needed to carry put the pro
visions of the measure .must be found.
So far oiily one new revenue raiser
hnn been introduced.
It is o measure to increase the pros
' cut tax of - per cent on stock transfers
to three. Representative Duiicau. Sin
clair, of rtyrttc, introduced the bill.
jailejwcaTser's friend
... I 1 1 '
Belgians Punish Man Who Sent Him
Birthday Greeting
Dusseldorf, Ap'ill 23. (Correspond
envo of Associated Press) Commercial
Councilor Umlorlertff. of Moers, Hoi-
gium. who(e estatr ibuts the Dutch
froutier, Instructed hi gardener to
cross the border ami dispatch a message
of birthday greeting to tho former Ger
man' emperor,
The latter acknowledged the cpuipti-
' went, on a postcard, whlcV fill into
,:" theiiands of Belgian authorities, xjn.
'det-bcrg,,wnN)iwutfd and sentenced
Vesta ing
Lacy, crisp new things as
dainty as could be found.
Women are fixing up old
frocks or making new ones
prettier with these, sheer,
pretty vestings (they are also
used for half sleeves in waists
and Summer frocks).
Of white or ecru net or or
gandie, tucked, hemstitched or
with row after row of pretty
laces they are $2.50 to $5.25 a
Sheer and pretty and dainty
aie these for suits or white skirts.
' Some are plain white voile,
others novelty voile and others
striped or checked in pink or blue.
There are loll collars, round
collars and no collars, and many
pietty rufllings, tuckings and
hemstitching3 trim them. Some
attractive slip-over models are to
be seen.
$1.25 to $2.25.
Cotton Stockings
.25c a
Light-weight, seamless stock
ings with well re-enforced feet
and tops.
(Central) '
500 Cotton
Combination Suits
Fine ribhed cotton suits are in
regular and extra sizes for women
and have tho narrow shoulder
straps that women like and lace
trimmed knees.
115 Styles in Dresses of Silk or
Georgette Crepe at $16o5
In A A TO 11 IB, WlM
tP4 vLi j fcif
$16.50 $7.50 ' $16.50 $16.50
Tricolette Dresses, $25
These are in navy, browns and henna in two
Styles. One is embroidered about the belt and
bodice with heavy silk and colored beads. The
other has broad tucks on the skirt and is trimmed
with ball buttons. Regularly these dresses woUld
sell for $4.75 to $10 more. I
New Taffeta Dresses,
$15 and $16.50
Most of these are trimmed with beads or braid
and have Georgette crepe sleeves. One model has
a tan tucked vestee of Georgette and plaited frill.
They are in tan and navy blue.
Embroidered Georgette
v Dresses, $25
Both the bodice and skirt of this model are
trimmed with taffeta bands. The underskirt is of
taffeta and the overdress of Georgette. In navy,
black, taupe and beige. (Market)
All Are Munch Underprice
The charming Georgette frocks are in fig
uicd designs combined with plain Georgette
or combined with taffeta, and are in a great
variety of patterns in light and dark colorings.
Some ard trimmed with silk tassels and some
with uncut fringe. All show interesting
Beaded Georgette crepe dresses are in navy,
henna, Copenhagen and rose.
Dresses of ciepo meteor are to be had in
Copenhagen, gray and black, and are made
with tucked overskirts and bodices and trimmed
with self-covered buttons.
7 Styles in Crepe de Chine,
Georgette and Crepe
Meteor at $15
A great many of these cool, light dresses
are in white and flesh pink and some are to be
had in. Copenhagen and turquoise blue, iney
aie made in simple, Summery styles, with
beads or hand embroidery done in heavy silk
or with tucks and hemstitching for trimming.
Some have square necks.
Specials Sim Wool Frocks
Jersey Dresses, $15
These are in Pckin, tan and navy blue in a
number of different models, tucked, braided or
trimmed with contrasting colored jersey. $7.50
to fyo is to be saved on these,
85 Serge Frocks, $7.50
Most of these are in navy J)lue, but there are
some in black or tan. They have broad belt3 and
many are braided. Usually there are two, three or
four of a kind. Ordinarily these dresses would be
$4.50 to $6 more.
A Salle of Many Kinds of Seasonable Floor-
covenmgs at Savninigs of 20 to 507
For a long time we have been gathering together the merchandise for
this sale, planning to have a worthy collection of dependable floor coverings at
special prices at the time when people need such things. May is the month of
housecleaning, the month when the house gets a new dress. When many rugs
are hung upon the line ready for beating, it will be found that they aren't
worth putting down again and new things are needed.
To meet this need we have assembled a fine assortment of moderately
priced rugs of many sorts all good rugs, all in perfect condition and all
' marked at savings. Almost the ENTIRE WEST AISLE has been given over
to this sale and there will be plenty of extra salespeople to help you. Wise
householders will look around, see what they need and then make their pur
chases here in the Down Stairs Store, where worth-while sums can be saved.
Seven OroMps Are on the AasBe
Group 1
of course.
The May Sale of Lovely
just as many pretty things as it did the first day. Not the same things,
jurse, but new things are being Drougnt in daily.
silk is unusually good,
There are plenty of plain or lacy envelope chemises, 'nightgowns, combina-
" tions. coiset covers and drawers and the selection of
beginning at ?Z for envelope cnemises.
Some of the things worth special mention are
Envelope Chemises at 75c
Soft white nainsook trimmed at the
top and hem with neat lace has a ribbon-run
casihg at the top.
A' soft' white batiste chemise hem
stitched in pink has ribbon shoulder
straps, shirring and rosebuds for trim
ming. $1.25.
Scores of others are priced low.
Knicker Chemises
Two styles of pink br white batiste,
very dainty, are $2.
Nightgowns at 85s
White nainsook or crepe-likc night
gowns, simply made, have colored
stitching or neat embroidery. Other
styles go up to $3.75.
of all kinds, circular or straight, arc
fiOc to $1.50.
Wee Olds' White Dresses
Small girls from two to six years, as well as
their mothers, will welcome these newly arrived
soft nainsook dresses at $2 and $2.25. They have
embroidery yokes or yokes trimmed with lace. The
$2.25 dresses are lace edged and have ribbon-run
beading at the waist, giving a touch of color.
For Hie baby there are some dear little caps
marked-Sic. They are made of embroidery or
plain organdie in simple attractive ways. They
will do up beautifully and make splendid little caps
for baby to take his daily airing in.
Axminster l'Ugs in mottled design
measure 27x54 inches and are $2.50 each,
which is $1.25 less than usual.
Chenille washable bath rugs with chintz
borders, 27x54 inches, are $2.50 $1 less
than usual.
Oval rag rugs, plaited, are 30x36 inches,
at $2 which is half price.
Willow grass rugs are half price 36x72
inches, $1.50; 4.6x7.6 feet, $3.25.
Group 2
Group 5
Seamless tapestry Brussels rugs, 7.6X91"
feet, $18.50. Savings of $4 to $6.
Seamless Axminster rugs, 7.6x9 feet,
$25. These are just a shade above present
wholesale prices.
Group 6
Japanese matting rugs in brown, green,
red and blue woven' patterns, 9x11 feet,
are $4.50.
Group 3
Japanese straw rugs in three sizes:
9x12 feet, $9.75 ; 8x10 feet, $8.50, and 6x9
feet, $5.25. Savings of $1.50 to $2.75.
Group 4
Wool-and-fiber rugs of durable quality
in good patterns and colorings. Rugs like
these were marked a third higher in our
owri stock. 9x12 feet, $11.50 ; 8.3x10.6 feet,
$10.50 ; 6x9 feet, $7.50.
Seamless tapestry Brussels rugs, 9x12
feet, $25.
Seamless velvet rugs, very durable, 9x12
feet, $25.
Axminster rugs in several Oriental pat
terns, 9x12 feet, $31.50.
Seamless tapestry Brussels, 8.3x10.6
feet, $22.50.
Seamless wool velvet rugs, 8.3x10.6
feet, $27.50.
Axminster rugs in Oriental pattern;
8.3x10.6 feet, $29.50.
Group 7
Plain blue rag rugs, 27x54 inches, $1.50.
Gingham rag rugs, 25x50 inches, $1,
And In the Department
Some of these rugs bear less than regular prices, others were purchased at the lowest market prices
within the past year and are priced accordingly. All are of standard quality, and patterns and colors
The fresh, fragrant odor of cedar comes to you
as you get near the Upholstery Store, "and then
you come upon this gathering of shining, interest
ing looking chests. Brides-to-be never pass them.
There, are many sizes, plain, trimmed with brass or
copper, with or without trays, at $13.50.to $27.50.
were selected with a view to modern furnishings.
Willow Grass Rugs
18x36 inches 75c
27x54 inches $ 1.60
36x72 inches . . . 2.75
4.6x7.6 feet 6.25
6x 9 feet 8.50
6x12 feet
8x10 feet 12.50
9x12 feet....'. 14.
9x15 feet
$ 1.75
Seamless Velvet Rugs
6x9 feet, $22.50 and $25.
8.3x10.6 feet, $37.50 and $42.50.
9x12 feet, $42.50 and $47.50.
11.3x12 feet, $57.50 and $67.50.
Wilton Rugs '
8.3x10.6 feet, $57.50 and $72.50.
9x12 feet, $59.50 and $75.
Other sizes are priced proportionately.
96 Sample Tailored Smite for
Women, Special at $25
Savinugs run from $7.50 to $14.50
Almost all of these are of navy blue serge
o'f the fine, firmly woven quality that holds its
shape and wears and wears. A few in lighter
blue are of tricotine and gabardine and other fine
suiting materials. The tailoring is of high grade
throughout and the linings are of pretty silks.
Some jackets' follow the blouse mode, some are
belted and some have box lines. A number'are
trimmed with braid.
Blouse Suits, Special at $19.50
Attractive serge or poplin suits in tin, Pekin
and navy blue cut on blouse lines with a scalloped
peplum extending over the skirt of the coat.
Silk Poplin Suits $32 50
So light in weight that they can be worn all
Summer, these are to be had in navy, and Belgian
blues. The only trimming is ball buttons covered
with silk.
Hundreds of Spring Suits Are Now,
Marked at Reduced! Prices $14 25,
$16.50, $19.50, $22 50, $25 and up
to $50.
Mm i L I
Pi 1
New Tricoflette Skirts -
They are most graceful and charming and for
women who want unusual skirts these are the thing.
At $12.50
These skirts are in overseas blue, rookie and black.
There are two styles; one with a self-colored block is
sketched; the other is plain.
QflistetMirag White Wash Satin
Skirts $11.50
They are made rather plain with two slash pockets
and arc softly gathered all around under a belt.
Women's Fabric Gloves
This is a shipment f,rom oneof the best
glove makers, and the fabric is of an un
usually heavy quality. '
They are in wh,itc or gray with self-"
embroidered backs and two clasps at the
wrist, and, of course, are washable. $1 a
Pair . C.nt,l).
Girls' Silk Frocks
Just 55 taffeta frocks in youthful models
that come in rose, navy, Belgian blue,
green and tan, and prices are lowered
because sizes are broken Some have hand
embroidery or smocking. $9,75, $12.50
and $15. ....
56 froeks in this group are of checked
or plain taffeta in navy, brown, rookie,
Belgian blue at $10.50, $18, $19.50 and
$23.50. t ' " .
y ..i'Thev.are.in.l4.to 17 Voar dim, a , a .. .
2500 Yards of
Splendid Cretonnes
,30c a Yard
An opportunity for women to get
enough to flx-up the home this 'Summer.
And it is unusual at the beginning of the
season. It is a sturdily woven cretonne
in many n'eat, ttractiv patterns, 30
inches wide.
Marquisette, 30c a Yard
There is still plenty of the pretty mar
quisette in white or ecru with imitation
drawn 'work borders.
Sumratttery Curtains '
for' doors nnd windows are the cross-bar
Kind in rose, green, Drown and blue tones.
.UT'"".T.r:" ".'" .'ft . v i . v
S mi m mer weigh t
Marseilles Spreads
Hemmed spreads for double beds arc $3.50 to $7; for single
beds, $4 and $4.50. .
Spreads with scalloped edges and cuticonlers are in double
bed size at $5.50 to $7.50; for twin beds, $4.50 and $5; for single
beds. $3.50. , . , . ,
White bed sets are $7 and $8; pink, blue or yellow, $10 and
Dimity Spreads
Hemmed, they are in three sizes for double beds at $2.50,
$2.75 and $3. With cut corners, for double beds, $3 and $3.25.
Bed sets, a spread-and bolster, are $4.50 for single beds, and
$5 for double beds. Printed sets, in pink or blue, are $8.50 for
twin beds and $10 for double beds.
Grav all-wool blankets for double beds are $10; white or
plaid, $15. Single-bed size, in plaid, $12.50 ...
White wool mixed blankets, in an oxtra Mze, 70x84 inches,
ara $9. , ,
White cotton blankets $3; gray or plaid blankets, $o.
Wo'ol-fllled quilts (mixed with a little cotton) are $6 to $10.
Cotton-filled quilts are $3.50 to $5.
Cotton-filled quilts covered with silk-dotted mull and plain
holders arc $6.50; with silk tops and plain silk-and-cotton backs
and borders, $8.50.
Sheets . , J , L
Here are some fine values in seamless bleached sheets
54x90 inches, $1.16. , 81x90 Inches, $1.45
63x90 inches, $1.38. Pillow cases, 45x36 inches, 35c.
Scalloped sjieets are $1.76; pillow cases, 45c.
Mattress Pads
Small, almost unnoticeable irregularities in the quilting of
these pads have brought tho prices down a third,though they will
not lessen the service by a whit. .,. c.
A 9x18 inches, 20c 17x30 inches, 60c
12x15 inches, 20c 18x34 inches, 55c
17x18 inches, 28c 34x45 inches, $1.25.
. -17x22 inches, 38c 36x76 inches, $2
17x24 inches. 40c 48x76 inches, $2.45
Unbleached pads, in five sizes at slightly lower prices.
(Chctlttut nil Cn(rl)
Navy BI one Serge Gapes Mainitaiin
First Place Amoeg
The two capes that are pictured are exception
ally smart and will appeal to the woman who likes
good quality and good, though quiet, style.
The- one at $32.50 has long coat front, a collar
that buttons high and rows of bone buttons down
the back. It is lined with figured silk.
The other has a coat front, is tiimmed with
rows of buttons down each side, and may be had
at $25 unlined or at $2975 lined with silk. It
comes in black as well as blue.
Many of the capes and dolmans of bolivia cloth,
duvet de laine, crystal cords and cvora are very
much reduced, and women will find that this is a
good time to buy a good wrap at a low price.
New arrivals include Polo cloth coats at $57.50
and $65, and sports capes and coals of silk poplin
and Pauletfe at $25 to $85.
3 TV Ftv BsaaajlX
rS A V" I T 111
They are of black calfskin, long and
narrow "as to line, with buckles, welted
soles and high curved heels. $5.90 a pair.
, Menu's Good Looking
Oxford Ties $5.50 a Pair
Dark tan or black dull leather in Eng
lish last for young men or of black kid
skin on a wide-toe last for older men. The
former is sketched.
Chttnt , u
Jul May-Time
In mess
Theie is nothing prettier or cooler for
Summer frocks than voile or organdie, for
they lend themselves so well to soft and ;
graceful drapings.
Organdies in soft Spring colors rose,
flesh, green, yellow, pink, light blue, tan
and Copenhagen blue are sheer and crisp.
They are 40 inches wide and 39c and 55c
a yard. Plain white is to be had In the
55c quality. iXlXHH '
Voiles are here in almost an endless
variety; there are plain colors and a find i
selection of figured patterns in new and
pleasing colors. Plain colored voiles, 40cf
inches wide, are 29c: 44-inch 48c a -vard. ft
Fancy voiles in 88-inch width are 38c, 45cJ' fs
68c, $1 and $1.25 n yard. PUin white,!
voiles 40' inches wide are 29c and 44
inch, 40c.
s ;
9 J ?
A beautiful imported chiffon voiltj iai
wdA 85c a yowl. tv
J, white only, 40 inchete, i 85c
, . fijiasJasB
mi aa ws .i' i II j
with tfct lwlf)r- mfww,
II. HIM tammusmmm.! mil iwJMaswnjnpKiBHMM