Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 01, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 21

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'"" IV
J -T
i .
Commanding General Expresses
Pride in Iron Division's
CONFERS AT DIX ON PARADE made to date, vvcto mailed todav bv the " ra'"' frm ' "' 'KU ")f"n,,n sml"
. in the armed foues of the I nited
' b"' ot wn " '"sin am e to lienell-Slats More than IKMH) foreign ,,e,ks
"Second to none in the A V. T ," i riarlos of men who died in the military nie bring held b. the buieaii bo
Is what Major General Charles II. Mn'irj01, "'""' soni"'' "'"' "ho "' l0 l"'"""011 t""'ir of """landed """ """i,, Anions
thinks of the Tvvrnt -dghth Division. '
General Muir vent to ("amp Div, to
Ha to confer with Major Gctior.il Much
L. Scott concerning the possiblltl of n
parade of the linn Illusion lure wilh
out hardships to the bos, bieiks
thiough his trudilioiinl Siolch irti
,'ence to pa tribute to his lighlois
A kindl. wrinkled f.ue, scunrd with
the bald dns of rxposiuc when he
violated nnn legulntioiis and wont up
iu tlie lines to help lus bos forvv.ud,
lircaks into smiles when lie y reminded
that he is "Imle Chiulio" tit the bow.
"Sure, I know it." he smile "lis
Kood enough for inc.
"But Ret this down nnd Ret il ugh
I'm partial . I know, but the l' iml
vantn Division th it I (ommiimlid left
Trance so, nnd to none in the Anion, .in
rxprditiomirv fortes
"Oiil throe divisions sustained
Rieat, r lows and thoi weie regulai
divisions that I, u, lied I'liinre long In
fore the Tvvontv oirIiIIi
"M bos were mil out of the IirIiI
Ing from .luh l Novcmboi toi tlnee
weeks, and that was when 1 licv weie
"hanging tin ii position'. 'I lie icl of
the lime thev were iiml, i lonstimt In,
nnd were ill the biltle of the Maine
the Oiire,. the A ose, the Aigonne .in, I
the Wiinic
"The weie lighlois second to nunc
In Tinu'oe, and I feel tli.it il is inv light
to tnj that."
Our 'lop in Argoimn
"Untie Charlie" winl ovci the top
In the Argonuc, braung ,ourt martini
mid oflieial displeasure, but lontlv to
show his lads that he was with tin in
to the end
"Sa.v." he expostulated, when this
Incident m bis eariei souiovvlioio in
Trance was icutod, "don't have nie
SHViiig too mix h of that kind of Mull
or' in friends will think thill I'm gt I i
ting bombastic." '
"Well," he adtltd. "if you must know
Til tell ou the truth. I was down
in the Aigonne tip m the front lines
whole there was some lighting, and
there was quite a little snapping ro
ing on nbout me If urn want to mi
that it was going our the top, win
that's up to vou "
"He did it. though," murium, ,1 n
staff officer wearing the silver leaves
of n lieutenant tolouel. "It .von siv
over tho top jou won't be jarnng the
facts nn." k
General Muir took a potshot, too, at
man u German aviatoi who Hew over
the Yankee lines, dropping bin Ikuning
death and explosive liimdei cm tin
lids from the Ke.vstono slate.
"Pretty Darn 'rough"
"Pretty dam tough, too," sighed the
wrinkled old tighter, "aimed at time
ot those Ileincs and never got one of
'em. Used to be a dandv shot, too, bill
never practiced on aviators. I w.iS
sorry I hadn't when I missed those fil i
Gcucinl Mini, in dealing with the
achievements of the Iron Division, mm lo
tho following tormul statement :
"Tho Tvvent -eighth Division was
under my command from the lime I as- i
sumed command at Camp Ilammk e.irlj
In December, lfllT. I went a, ross with
tbcm to Calais the following Ma.v. Thev
then had about three wicks" additional .
training behind the ItiitNIi lines i.ist
of Boulogne. Then the were out to
n point near Mcaux, and Riven addi
tional training with the Trem h until
the end of June, 1!)1S.
"We began bv putting small mills
into the front line, gradull in, reus
ing their si?c. I! the tune of the
last German drive in the middle of .luh . '
wc had seveial companies in the fi out
line and the leiniiindei, bss the ar
tiller, in the seiond lines of the lirst
position. The aitillerv joined the re '
maiuder of the, division .it the Vesle '
liver and remained vvjth it until it
tame out of the Argonne tight
"The artillery was then sent to the
Ninet -first Division for Us fi ii.il cam
paign with the Briti-.il m Tlnndeis, ie
joining the main division jusl before
It left Trance.
On 1'iout After .lul.v I
"from .lul.v 1 until the aimistite,
Novembei II. the Tvvenlv eighth was
in the front Inns, in whole oi in pail,'
except for about tlnee vveiks, when
it shifted from the Vesle to the Ar
Ronnc, then to a point opposite MeU.
Being iu the fiont line and being at i
hiich important jioints, its losses were
licccssyrily heiiv. I
"Only the Tirst, Setond, Third iiml
1'ourth Divisions sulTered lieaviei ,
losses, and the.v had gone to Ti.mee
much earliei than the Twentv -eightM I
"The division alvvus uc ,),i it t itself'
in n creditable manner, and 1 was im I
picssed witli it from the beginning to i
tho cud. I believe I have the right to I
say that when the aimistice was de-" i
rlared it was second to no division in,
General Muir declined to tnlk paiadc. I
"I am going to Camp Dix," said he,
"and I shall talk over the plans vvitbl
General Scott, lie iindoubtedl has I
made plans which ho will outline to m,'. '
Until I can talk witli him 1 can sa
General Muir was uted for throe
decorations, the Distinguished Sorvl, e1
Medal, the Croix de Gucrto and the i
British cross of St. Michael and St
George, I
Plunkett gets d. s. m.
Admiral Produced Naval Gun Bat
talion, Greatest of War
Washington, May 1. Avvaid of the
Distinguished Kcrvice Medal to Bear
Admiral ('. T. Tluukctt for his bcrviccs
in connection with tho production,
transportation to L'uropc uud nlaclnc
in action on the western front of thei
United States Naval Gun Battallom
was uunounced here by the AVnr De
partment. This battalion consisted of
the fourtccii-iuch guns on lailvvay
mounts, according to the citation "the
most povvciful arlilleiy weapons
brought Into action against Germany
nnd her allies during the war."
Tho medal also wus awarded to Colo
nels Alfred J. Booth, Trnncis W. Itals
ton, adjutant of the Torty-S"cond Divi
sion ; James A. Logan, Jr., nnd 13d
waid N. Bovvditch, and Captain John
(', Hughes. i
86.000 Checks Sent OutTorlav.
$38,900,000 Paid to De
pendents Last Month
Washington. May 1 (11 A I' i-I!irIiI-mIx
thousand t links, ieireseat
ins iia.unent for irt unit all aivaiilsl
r.Urii';yii-ii,''.'A , - . u . ' -....' jsftroK1 uk, sVMa,- . . imMmmk.1-- . .'. ':.- s.
The war is icon, but the
bills must be paid. The
success' of the Victory
Liberty Loan is our job.
We are only lending, not
giving, our money and
our Government guar
antees its return with
interest . Buy today !
under tho provisions of tho war risk
lumirnncc net, It v.ns nnnouhecd.
Approximately 1,OJ)7,0pO checks,
amounting to SltS ,1)00,000, were mailed
lasl month, ntiil slnco October 0, 1010
when the war risk a, t became effective,'
Hie lmrcnu 1ms sent out more than 1.".
nfifi linn . l.. 1... ... .1 ...... .
v"v,vim . ...-. .,., up ui-ii-iiiicius, lino inur.
than ..lt)(l.tl00.(M)O 'has been paid mil in
I allotments and allowum es, Insurance
ii winds and compensation awards.
'I hose diodes lia r Rone to eveiy tor
t.ei of the vvoild During March JJO.OOO
pseie mulled to foreisn omilrirs. the
srealcst niimbei of foreign dice 'is go
i"R to ltalv Kmli click tenrosontod
-v.'---..---,-.v.v,---.,.-.:..y )im .;, ;-;.msssa .-; assasaj i
y nJn r CfcvT vvu iJ 1 f"
them, nro thrro destined for Germany
for the dependents of men In tlio service
of the United Htntcs. 0er L'000 eliei ks
lire lieltiR In Id for persons In lliisslii,
I'olnnil, in Tiirkov. rinliuid mid llu
"hiiiIii. nnd ns son ns proper unjust
ments i an he made (he will be mailed
Captain Costello Returns,
Captain II G Cost, 1, . :,-,()() Disston
slr,et. son of Coiignssiniiu Totci II
Costello has r, tinned fiom ovois, as
IJe was in m lion with the Shlxnlli
Tiehl Artilhrv nnd wrnl llnniiHi ilm
batlbs at the Maine, the (lu., audi
at Tisines 1,. Nu,s gassed at Tismes
.,,,,1 ,t .i . ,
.. ,.i.M ii--iK,i.'ti ii, pi isnii tiiinp work
lit Tours lie ictiiiiied to a, live dutv
for the Argonne ouonsive ami at the
signing of the aiinistl, e was assigned
to the aitillcu !- hool at Siiniin
"No matter about
that we did our part, and
evidence to prove it."
"This Honor Flag's the proudest bit o' bunt
ing that this shop ever flew, boys. It shows
that we finished the job, and did it right. It
wasn't easy, but we've got our Flag and our
knowledge that we helped finish the war."
"They can't say we quit."
Space Contributed by INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, 232 Walnut Street
No Major Casualties Are Listed
Today From Either of
These States
Washington. Mil I Tin following
ate in, luthd on todtiv ov,is,tis ,as
',,' "
isstml iv the Win Depnit-
WntOitlrd, Drerre t titlrlrrinitird
, OKI Oil Vl.s Iihsp 1 r. In I'litrlurhli
siHul, Kuwfll.' ! in. kinson ti
Woilli.lril sli,l
M V lull W I n l'ol r t Ii i it Hill
1 h.lHflrlpI iu
, finnanANTS Danlfl J tmtey Pill";
burithi fimup J Jialston 238 fcunlwri
ulrrt Philadelphia -
PIIVAT1..S In. ,i .. . " .. .ll.'Ii.ii.rre
I MirhHFl rprrimi ill m n nur. I'hllH-
ileliihin Hiai. 1 " f-Vink nteh-
lor Soulli II. lueli ti n n Hchwarti
IliadliiB 1 1 rn cllrard
i Wllllaui "Iiiimi l i v i rn
Uiitunlril Mlihllt ,1 rrmii,ir Iteportrd
Klnl (rmn Wnunil.)
I'lltV Ml it ir i n i iMttaburEli
M." II llsn
Uiiilmliil slljlm,
i (Ull'tll. VI I i ., i i ., . 135 Norll,
I Vt CUM . ,1,11 I .t M I
Government Still Needs Typists
'I hoie is sun , ,, ,, imiidnds ot
stonographois n H.t. Il( the gov -pininent
siMii, it ,i iiigton. nuord
ing to .ilium in 1 1 ii , i , , the Civil
Sei v n i oi ii .i
the rest of 'em, we
f 3 -J32$w$,-
MflRP ARMY nCCIPCDO DAnlc'I.Tern Bl. '.)... iW.
...w.ix 1. 1, iii i uniukiiu ununi
Three Whose Homes Are Near City
nciurn rrom r-rance
J liter nimv olluers whose homei are
run mi w i- i nv nrriru on hip imm
,1.1.. t ti ..i .
l.iei.t..,i...t .1 ti..,...,.. i. f
Bcrkbv load. Ilavorfoni i- one of ,& I
relnrind olh, i- lie wont ovn with1
the 'luentv pighth Division Inn foui
motillis ago nnd was iisKn,,l to the
prnu.st maishul s oflnc in London
Anotlu. a.i.vnl Ln ,. Ilarrv
t s.ii. ii . ,, . .
""Jrt" I- ':"'-
u.ii i -. nil. I ,i- it in, irnlir sp
,1111 t ,111, -
I. u ill, innt Wnli. i
M linn
.,.,vi,.., lYim uuuwj (- v-i5l-.X
loniccrs on the Louisville. iIli'Hfenl
abroad Iu August, llilT, with the Nl-A
u-i-iuii iinginecrs and worked with tbas
unit In St Xnzalre. where It assemble. .
frn' 'I(N) to l.'OO Baldwin locomo-aH
. ., ,, . . . . i
llPH Iii oiilkfpfl n n nrlvfttrt fimT r.
'"'V'l 'i"'mm.ssion as lieutenant J,. -J
' t .. t y.a.
' "' '-"gllsli bride of a nav.v petty of
b, r nine ovoi on the Louisville Sh
'"I''" ife of George II Lower, JBlt
N,,rn louith strict, a boatgwain'x
I"",", IZD "' ST?"', ,N "T1
" "ir battles up I (ah, Irlng In the
i'ST.TS .": "' M " -
I The couple met in London about n
mil ago 'I hov weie married December
l! in All Saints ("hutch, AVantBvvorth,
,r -9f W
l V
n j
ft .X k&Sa3$J3lateA &