Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1919, Postscript, Page 11, Image 11

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MtWvSS "fKftT?" '"5 '"' 'KuT'r '.rvnfWWO&zfiF-'T-x-vv t - -t,ipT?fxr-u-rt;wrFs?. .7TSCWT'?',"!-.'yi'3Fl
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Fur Coats in Evidence During Cold If ace- Nancy Wynne Has
Something to Say About Pony Show New
Amateur Orchestra Started
Ft It conts riTlnlnlj ffll Rood on Knturtlii.v.
didn't thfjV I snvv n number of I hem
nrniinil town, nml the people who didn't
hate theirs on looked nv if they wMiftl they
hnd. IVbh Tlin or line hero on, nnd Mil
rprtnlnly looked t'oinfiirlitblr- nnd warm nnd
pleannn't nnd cheerful. .lint nn IVpg nlvvn.vs
looks. She hnd on n InrRe him k hnt lhe !s
In mourning, joii know, for her urnndmother.
Mrs. Thnycr. who died nliout n month
or k njieil nnd n Mnrk erepe de chine
tlresH with n linncl of emhroltlery mound the
hottont of the -Url. .Mildred .link 'Itlnck
had on n good-looking fur iont, too, the
other c!h. Her chess m blue seige with
n strnlght panel down the front, embroidered
nt the bottom, and haing n silk fringe, its
the ny in fnslilmi bonk. Her lint matched
her dress, only it wns llk, nnd it turned up
in a most nttiuilltr three cornel eel way. nnd
the top of the ciown wns n sort of innhognny
shade of silk ll was nn nwfull pretty
"costume" mill vri.v becoming. Mildred nl
vvn.vs dresses in tin h good lle, nnd .she
holds herself so well flint ovor.v tiling she puis
on looks grent.
HAVK jtni been tnking jour dull to the
liiiirilrescr'n so (hnt her urls will be
just right li Mny 117 If joii lmvon'l. jou'tl
lielter, beciiusc the'l'ony Show out nt Mis.
Itillie t'lolhier's will take plmo tluit ditr.
nnd besides (lie ponies there will be doll
nlinvvs nnd dog shows nnd oou n baby show.
Itlcss heir brails, those lambs of bullies
will nil be diessed up like "Caster Sunday."
and goo nnd gurgle, nud oor. onr will look
nl llifiii nud line them to piei es, and then
thej'll voir for the most beautiful nnd the
fattest nnil the uilet nnd nil the mothers
will be so cm Med: but thi'v won't show it,
oh no! but lliov will lie just the same, ou
know, nnd it'll he wonderful.
Then the dogs, nil brushed up. their curls
just wnshed ,11111! their ribbons tied nnd the
little sleek lo.iteil ones shining like satin,
t'nh't you hcur them barking now and tnis
ing (.'n'ui geneinll. pspei-inll the satin1 ones,
who never like the Huffy ruffled on.e7 I
wonder whj it is iluit sports dogs in plain
clothes null s'lifl huts iicv cr like the lui .
lingerie onesV Smnrhow the sn . "(tstnrli
feather effects me not the proper thing for
1 dogs." n in! I hnc seen with in vorj e.tes n
small, sntiii elm hshuncl cliuse n huge fluffy
dog for two blocks without -liiiiiii;, nnd
when I nskecl her wh. she sulci, "Iteenun
she's nil cliessecl up like ll cheese, iiticl I don't
see an rensou for it."
To go buck In the 1'iiiij Show. You know
what it's going to be, ns in .vr.is gone bj .
but nt the sunn1 lime, though histor ma
lepent itself, jnu know thill it ou sn,v honie
or chcicle to go scunewbei e else tluit lift el
noon oii tire sine to miss soniethiug ou
would not Iiiim' Jiiissed for vv'oilils, so jjo oti
must, unci joti nlvvn.vs bine a perfectly
good time.
DID joii know that the bo s of the llnver
ford (iramiuir School, tired b the suc
cess, of the Lot o' l'ep Drcbestrn. bine started
lip nil riicheslni ot their own? The mil it
the O-Kiij, which, being interpieted. leads
"all right": and it is, believe uie. .Matthew
Iliiltil, ,"d. is manager uiul Kied llnily is
lender. It has the inliiis', n bas violin,
comet, piiiuo. saxophone nnd iliiiius. The
Other bos in the Iiiiiii h are Hill Ashton,
I'i eel t'riiuip. Ncii i is Tutter. Itill Adclicks.
(liblioii Conwelcl, (ieoige Itarr, tleorge tres
soii nnd ,101111 lowing.
DID joii hear how the got their apart
ment 7 You know the rent was "laised
on them" in the house Ihej lived in, and
they just nnliirall couldn't ninke the guide.
And they hated to go liecnuse their neigh
bors weie best friends, nnd they'd been living
alongside of each other feu s(l long Unit they
didn't see how thev could get along without
each other. Iirinuse if somebody came in
unexpectedly for lunch with Anne and she
didn't linve anything but some toast and
ten to offer them, she wns perfre tlj sure
tluit I) would have something canned
that she could "licinovv ." So naturally
when both families stnrled house-hunting
the looked for soniethiug ns near as possible
to cai h other. Ami one Sunday Anne, nud
Husband vvcic taking n walk nud they passed
an iipiirtinrnt hoii-e, 1'ioni fence of habit
they went in to M'e if tlieie weje any acan-
cies. There were, unci they went thioiigbl
.c c r c :. i'..,l.. I... ..i. '
icce v.nillii.v nun cocccccc ic ii-im,ii nii-e,
nud Ibc rent even more lowly and that cer
tainly i ll large p.iif nT the. lovely ill these
days. Ami just as they were leaving they
discovered that I lie upartiucnt uuiler them
was also vainnt. So they fell on it with ti
low growl, lushed In a telephone, called up
D mid family, made them hustle out
there, look mer the apartment, sign up
ami ii boll I lite days later, behold Anne rush
lug upstiiiis to I) for just ii cupful of
toffee. ".My dear. I foigot to older it yes
terday ; isn't llinP awful?"
Social Activities
Among tlin-c who eutei tiiinecl nl the wed
ffiie dance at the Ititz-t 'iirltou on Satur
day evening weie Mrs. Tieiuhard !'. New -shold.
.Mrs, Hem Itriiilon t'oe, .Mis,
I talk lie Henry, .Mi. nnd .Mrs. ICdward I'.
Smith. .Ir.. .Mr. anil .Mi. W'nlter .lohuson.
Mis. IS. Dolisou Alleuius, Mr. nnd .Mrs.
I'lltll Spencer iiiiiI Miss Alix Dnliiu.
I.ieiiteilunt .lci-cih .l. Cii..uiii has ic
tiirued from a house pally at Hnwc de
(iiace, Aid., at the home of .Mr. Koiieit
Itogers, Aiming the other guests wile .Miss
Danirtisch, of New York, mid .Miss llubbiuil,
nt Hoston.
.Mr. mid Mrs. II. Asbtou Little, of the
Orchil rcl, Kttafloril, will give n tea on Octo
ber 4 nt their home to introduce their
dnughter, Miss Mary II. Little. ,
Mrs. Robcit I''. Whitmer, of -ITtKt King
sesslug iiveuue, will gie u luiicheou at the
Hellenic Stratfoid on Mny 1." In honor of
' her daughter. MisJ Rachel Willi mer.
There will be twelve guests of (he debu
tante set nt the I lira I re putty to he given
on Friday nfternouii lij Mr. mid Mrs. Kdgnr
P, Knrle in honor of their daughter, Miss
Margaret Knrle, who will make her debut
rext year,
MIm Fredericn Hiniiej. daughter of .Mr,
nnd Sirs, Hniohl Hliine.v, of New Yoik. barf
been vUlting her mint, .Mrs, d'eorge A. Dun
nlng. nt her home on Twenty-llrst utrett for
feveral ilnjs.
Mr. Andrew Jackson Sailer, formerly jipr
gennt of the ordnance department u't 'amp
l.-nnr linu lieAti illaoli n firn,l fi, im bmh..I
4swva .... ...... ....'. n, ., ,,,,,, ,,,,- nei vit't;
and bus returned to the borne of his pa rents,
.Mr. nnu irs. .eisou naucr, .his vinona
.avenue. Oermnntown,
TvIUn K. Dorothea Miller, of KSL'II l.li.cnl.,
trtn.l fr,tn I'd ml,n ,.,,. I ,.n u. ..' .. 1
kltfhen shower nn Saturday nfternonn for
St!.... I.lf.nt.A,l. 1 ..I .. .I..l...... C . .
.Hilts i-,ii.uuciil i.ccnci", uciciKiiici tu Jl. Hm!
Atl. -IjiiiIs Luke, of Lancaster, vvliosp en
Kngrmeiit to Mr. James Al, Jtouner, of this
"ty, was iOeiitly nniyoiinc'ed. -The. guests
jAquunci ;w n rtuuii joitioi iiiss Aide joa-
. ' ic
ner. Mls Alfredn Duncnil. Miss Heten
Y'nrke. Miss Kleandr Ituaue, Mis Helen Ki
gan. Miss Kilnn 1'nilerilnwn. Miss Dorothy
I'nilerdnwn. Miss Helen I'nderdovvn. Mis.
John Kllck, Airs. Jobu Kerrk-k. Airs Daniel
.1 Kennedy. .Mrs, (ieorge Neissen. Mis. W.
.1 AlcNhhol. Mrs, Oorge I'nbnt. Misf Kthel
Spohn. Allss Alary Mnrnn, Alios Sophie Hen
ileison. Mrs Yv Arnder, Mrs. II. T. Scott.
Miss Doiis Heiiiiuan, .Miss Helen Athciholl.
Miss Annn Dougherty. Airs, James Itradley,
of Athiiitic t'lty: Airs, tieorge Meis, of Alex
nndiin. La.: Allss Alice Hneket. Mis y.
Dribbleblss.- .Mrs. Willis II. Moyer, Allss
.Margaret Lukes nnd Airs. M. .Moore.
A ibiuce wns i! :: .u, Hdiuinn' evening at
the .Majestic Hotel in aid of St Luke's llns.
pltnl under the nuspioes of the Hunting I'm h
braneh of the Kmergency Aid. Mrs. Kred
click Mn.ver. of 4'M1I North Ninth lreel, is
captain of the organization.
The wedding of Miss Kleauol V. .Maris,
daughter of the late Dr. Kdvvaid Maris, ami
Mr. Sniniiel l.eiper Tnjlor. Jr.. son of Alls.
Samuel Lei per Tnjlor. of -tO"," Hazel nvr
line, will be solemnized bj Friends' ceremony
on Vednesdav afternoon nt the home of the
bride's brother mid lster-in law Mr. ami
Mis. Robert Maris, of J.iinsclovvnc
An interesting June wedding will be Hull
of Miss Madeline Slroiisse. daughter of .Mi.
nnd .Mis. Felix Stiousse. of Z'S27 West
Tioga sirecU, nnd Air. Arnold S Mnnn, of
Cincinnati, ti,. yvhich will take place at ii
o'clock Tuesday. June 111. at the Hellenic
Stratfoid. .Miss Rita Stiousse will be her
sister's only nttendntil. nnd .Mr Itertrnm
.Mann, of Kentucky, will be his biother's best
ma it.-
.Mr and .Mrs. Irving V. Illemker, whose
mairlage took- place lecentlv, are nt home nl
Kvnnsville. Inil. Alls, lilemker was Aliss
Alarjorie Daily, ilaughter of Mr. nud Alls,
tieoige II Daily, of I'arkesburg.
.Mis. .Margaret S. Walton, who bus opened
her summer home in Atlantic City, enter-,
tnined u house pnrlj over the week-end. Her
guests included .Air. nnd Airs. Oscar Noll.
Mrs. Hotthn Keen. Dr. and Airs. Christ,
.Mr. and Airs. I. II. Pniget, of Flushing.
1 1. I . and Airs. K. (iehring Hnrkness. ir
ami .Mis. I'niget will spend the earlv p.ut of
Aluj as the guests of Air. and Mrs Hnrkness
at their home on tjueen lane.
.Mis Ralph Cibboii. of Kiveiloii. N .1..
will give a .May luncheon on Thuisdny it t her
home. Her guests will iuclucle Airs. Frcd
eiick .leiiuiligs, Airs. A. Ileit (iniiilile, Mrs
tieoige White. Aliss Ouol'me Cnlhihi.n. Mrs
llerbeit Agate. Airs. Wllliiini tirimni. Mrs.
Wifllnm France and .Mr. William Iturhoiise,
of this city.
Dr. Henry Fischer, of Wissnhickon. en
teitained the members of the Fomsb) Ucise
Club on Saturday evening nt his home.
Air. and .Mfs. Al. J. Noonnn. of Woodlnwn
nveinie and Alusgrave stieel. (Jerniantown.
nnnounce the engagement of their daughter.
.Miss Helen R. Nooiiau. to .Mr. Frank .1.
tl'Neil, also of (terinantown.
.Mr. and .Mis. Rudolph Cinncalin. of ll-i:t
South Seventeenth street, celebrated their
wedding nunive.rsary on Fridn.v. Among the
guests were Air. nud .Mrs. Chnrles Candid,
Alls, Ra.v Alnrinelli, Air. Constance On ii
nelli. .Mr. and Airs. Daniel Tumolo, Mi
Thomas (iunilno. Aliss Jean Cinngulio and
Air. Viueeul I'olito.
Alls. .M. Allen, of (iei niantowii. nuuuiiuees
the engugement of her daughter. Aliss Janet
Ileugli Allen, to Air. Jonathan Wi ight
Heir, of Northampton. Kuglnnil
Bacteriologist Tells Consumers
Low Content Means Poorer
, Milk for Them
"If milk (oiisumeis don't want to be
forced to use a pooler grade of milk than the
nre using now they had better do all they can
in opposition to the pending bill for the le
iluction of butter fats," says Dr. L. II. Mny -nnid,
chemist mid bacteriologist. IHS7 Mai
ket street.
House bill (B',.-. now before the Legisla
ting would make lawful the sale of whole
milk with n butter-fat content of It per cent
and with solids of 1 1 ..10. The minimum butter-fat
content is nt present Il.'-'o per cent,
and the solids, which constitute casein, albu
men, sugar, fats and mineral matter, at 1L
per cent.
"The milk dealers," continued Doctor
Alayunid, "do not care one wn.v or the oilier
whnt the percentage of fills and solids thi-ie
must be in whole milk. The consumers do,
because they must use the milk. And the
cattle-breeders do because their stock gives
the milk which must be sold law full or
they cannot sell It nt all.
"Theie nre five principal types of cows
which ure hied for the milk they give. These
ale the Ayreshires, the (iernseys. the ,ler
seys, the Short Horns nnd the llolsteins
Anil of these live only the llolsteins give mill,
that contains fats below "i.l." per cent And
yet the number of Holsteius raied in our
milk distiictB far outnumber the other types
chiefly because they give twice as much milk
ns the other breeds.
"Consequently the breeders waul to sell
the get quantity of milk nn their hands.
Anil they cannot lawfully sell it if the milk
contains less fatu than the law lequires.
And it doe contain less fats, ns I said. The
result is that the breeders want n i eduction
in the percentage of the necessary fats. They
waut a reduction in the solids, too. because
the amount of solids inci eases or deci eases
with the iuciense or decrease of the peicent-j
age of fats." '
Doctor Alaj'uard believes milk with less
fats will have much influence on the health
of chlldien.
Radnor Townthlp Citizens Refute to In
dorse $300,000 Loan by Cl-to-1 Vote
At a special election .Saturday the citi
zens of Rudnor township voted nenrlv three
to one against allowing the Radnor Town
Hhlp Hoard of Kducatlou to borrow 100,000
for a new high school and other improve
ments. The total vote of all districts, computed,
yesterday, showed 480 against the loan and
372 for it. hven the towns of Wayne und
St. Davids, which would have obtained the
chief benefits from the loan, voted against it.
Daurjhter to Mm. D. C. Murray
Air. nud Air's. David (.'olden .Murray, of
;il7 DavUs road. Maiierch, announce the birth
of n dituxbter last evening. Mis. .Murray was
.Miss lllolse Ileebe, of UliUudclphlu. Air.
Murray, n graduate of Itarcrforil College lu
HIM. In coutioeJed with the Curtis l'ublish-
to uotnnnny
"" 4-M. .-il. ..-c.I.Sbi
s ,i.v-
isj( - ..- l sJKifa' itft. .afcte?.
,ia .. fjj-wt 'w a a jr t
Miss Clare Randolph Coode Is Bride
at Wedding Today in
Emmanuel Church
A wedding of Interest In this illy took
place (his afternoon In ltnltlmoie. when Miss
Chi re Randolph tiocicle. daughter of Mrs.
I.eila Symington tioocle. of Itnltiniore. be
came the bride or Major llobeil McLean,
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William I.. McLenn.
of lndinu IJiieen bine, tlei ninntovt n, nl I
o'clock, nl the F.mmniiuel I'rotestnut Lpisco
pal Chinch, llaltimore.
The In hie was nltencleil by her lter. Mrs
U I', Lee Tnjlor, as minion of honor, nnd
the bridesmaids u-ere Miss Kiilberine Law
rence Lee, Aliss' Helen H. Wbltiidge. Aliss
Sophie Mcllenrj Stewait. Miss IViscilln.
Ifulgelj D.iwsnn. Mis Jessie Van Rensselaer
Itond. Miss Anne Smart Randolph and Miss
Sarah Mc Lean, sister of the bridegroom
The twin sons of Mrs. Taylor. Mnster W.
Stunit Svmington Tnjlor nnd Master R, '
Lee Tnjloi. Jr.. weie ribbon bovs Mr
William L. McLean wns his lumber' best
num. and the uslins weie Mr John oiih.
Mr. Joseph . Diiltnrij. "cl. Mr Andrew
I'orler. Mr. Filvvnrd Page and Mr Josrph
Nefl Kwlng, of this ,.jtj : h- l'iniik C
I'age. c,f ew m k : .Mr. Douglas C. Ciock
er. of Itoston: Mr. .1. Ciaig Mi l.iinahaii and
Mr Slunrl Sjminglou tioocle. of Itnltiniore.
brother of the bride
The wedding was followed bv a inept ion
al Tullwoocl. the estate of Mr, unci Mrs.
.luck Siiiiingtnn. uncle ami mini of the
hi hie.
A veYv pretly wedding was sole niniecl in
the Protestant Kpisrnpnl Chinch of SI
Jnnies the Less, rs of Sc-hiiv Ikill. on Sat
urdiij morning, when Miss Rc.ssie M. Wyntt,
daughter of Mr. Samuel J. Wvatt. of "l!i:i'l
Mollis stieel, was man led lo .Mr. Chillies C
Wilson, of Rising Sun bine, In the Rev
Kdward Ritchie, lector. 'I he blides father
gnvo her in uiariinte. Miss Lama Wjnll.
the bride's slstei, was nuiiil of honor. Miss
Kilnn McLaughlin was biidesninld ami AINs
Muriel iegler was the little llovver girl.
Air. Walter Reeves was the bi iilegroom's
best ui.iii The ccifinony was followed by a
brenkfjist nt the home of the hi ide's f.itliei
.Mr. Wilson and his bible left on an evtcndcil
Hip. They will be nt home after June 1 nt
4!).",!1 .Mortis stieel.
The wedding of Aliss IMun Louise Lip
pincolt. daughter of Air. nnd Mrs. .1 l.ippiu
coll. of .Merchant ville. and Mi C. Rnvinoiid
Wickes took place on Saliiiilav evening at
N o'clock in tiracc Church. Meic-banlv ille.
The ceiemoiiv was iierformed by the Rev.
Haiold Aloise
The bride woie a gown ol while crepe de
chine, trimmed with penil clot lace and n
channelise train. Her tulle veil was nr
langed willl lilies of the valley nucl she cm -ried
roses and sweet peas. The uiiiid of honor.
Aliss Harriet Josephine Lippiucotl. woie
yellow taffeta trimmed with lace and orchid
velvet nnd a leghoin bat tiimmed with or
chids. She carried oichid sweet peas. The
biidesinniils, Miss Mildred Thomas and Aliss
Dorothy Wickes, sister of the bridegroom,
woie oichid tulle over metal cloth and leg
horn hats tiimmed with spiing lloweis. They
carried daisies. The llovver girl, .Miss Helen
Ilolloway, wore a white tulle dress tiiiumecl
with yellow and leghorn hnt. She cat ried n
basket of daisies.
The best man was Mr. Clin lies Stupp. of
New York, and Ihe ushers were Ml II Men
toll Alolonv, Mr A. Miuoml 'iiccuc. .Mi.
Lilgnr AVatson. Mr. Albert Weslover nud
Mr. William Hiibj
The wedding was I'oljowccl bv a leception
at the home of the bride.
A quiet weihliug took place al noon on
Satiirdav at the home of Air. and Mrs. John
M. Il.ickinaii. -Hi RichariNou avenue, l.nus
dale. when their dnughter. Miss Lillie
I Hunsbeigei- Ilaikmnii. bee nine the bride of
Mr. Paul Frcdeink nce. of Souclerton. I he
(Cicmouj wns pel foi med bj tlje Rev. William
AL Si'hnll, D. D., of I'liilndelphia, an uncle
of the bride.
Samaroff and Thibaud the Soloists for
French Relief Fund
line of Ihe outstanding musical events of
the season will be the conceit which the
Philadelphia Ouhestrii. a'nleil 1 Mine.
Snniaroff and .laiques Thibaud, will give
tonioriovv evening, at the Ac adeiuv of .Music,
for the benefit of the women of France.
Aline. Suuinrnff and All. Thibaud have gen
erously i ontrihiiled their services for the
The on-bestial poitioii of the piogram will
include the "L'Ailenieiuie" suite of Itizet.
"L'Apres niiili d'un Faiine" of Debussy and
Tschaikowskv's "Murcbe Slave." Mine.
Samaroff will pla.v the l.is.t K Hat conoeilo,
and Air Thibaud, the It minor concerto of
Saint Saens,
r-iiiilo by I'holo (.rsflers
Aliss Straw bridge Is h daujlilrr v! .Mr,
anil Airs, (irorjo Holt Stravvbrldge.
Hhe will make her debut next winter
, f . i- ' ''"X IS l ' '
, --feavf--.. -.. A?iiK., & j&
IT" . " ri-UTi;sHGJ1.i-jirj, wsb. JulHi.'Vmii"UHiu, i i
rt .y- -- .-f i - , . J -- .-..-., - -..j-r
Mrs. t. onion, befmp lier nnu i i.n;e on Sa
Seventeentli and .pruie sheets, was M
Mis. Joseph S. Keller, of !
Reader's Viewpoint
Letters to the Editor on Topics
of General Interest j
T'nr Mcceptsnc- nml pulillc allon Ii Ihl tnliimn
IiUik must be, wrltt-ie nn on- nM- of ihf pdper.
rtiMil with lopus of RPiifinI tnrreni lnt-i-nt anJ
Iia slKne.l weth lh UMlilrt stl.l Hddiess of tin
writer sillies will l.c withliplcl mi t-eitict and
tie in,- te-iect-d No nitnuscrlols will lie .
urnted unless u oomD.iiuec! hv mifflclftu rfistage,
ii rid n p- nl reciuRt lo this -n-e PiiliUeill '
involves nu Iniloineiilent l mis n-cpdii-i of lh
semliiitit etirciti.il No cupviislit limtt-r will
ie u u-il not will religious diKcussioi.a ..- .
Capital Needed
V'o Ihr lulilm l the Kit mini I'uhlir l.nliin
Sir lie mil hnsl.v in judgment, is an old
maxim. Let ns nppl ll to ll al estate
men. and ut the same time c-ieeln Ihein wih
having public sjiiiit, a desire to beiieht llicir
fellow lonnsineu. The realie Ihnt
houses ate needed, inaiiv Ihoiisnnds must be
built on hitherto unoccupied bis. The ale
the ones lo ptoinote sue It building operations
Such opeiaticnis-gieal enlerpi ises indeed
lecpiiie large capital. To get this capital,
thej find it neec-ssai) to ell the houses thai
thej now hnve; Ihej hale to icsoit to eliaste
measures, but duty lo the public as well
as to themselves fences ihein lo sav "I'lij
the house that jmi hitherto hnve Killed, or
move out " Isn't the thing as pin i n as nuv
thing can be' liuj join house, dwell tin
der vour own vine or tig tiee. with mute to
disti'nb oii. AltTlll I! A DKUMItlTZ
Phil.lcielpliia. Apiil "I.
to the t''itltoi nf Hit Ki ruin'ij fiibtit l.dtii
Long shadows siielch over a held in I'l.lnir.
Shadows of sonow ami loss
For a nation's slain that once again
tiuve its jonth for fieeelom's cause
(iav joiillts who left with n jeSI ami smile.
Lithe bodies, strong and fine,
'.Mid resounding cheets and hidden teais
From Huongs who stood in line.
(lav voilths who swept tltioiigh ihe ItelcU nf
Till darkness closed their purl :
Now a plain, "white news tells of then In-..
And the ache in some one's heail
And -onic came b.uk. lliiiuk lind. all whole:
Hut the olheis. what of them 7
With faces marled anil their bodies chiiriccl.
These bioken ami blinded melt.
Do joii think of Ihein when Jim huj a hniul,
Of what the bled to do 7
Do von stop to Ihiuk of Ihe pi ie-e thev puiil''
Thev paiel in full. Have joii"'
A. 'U. TIUMP.I.I-:
Objects to Taft's Views
'In Ihr Hilitoi nf tin' Hirniiiii 1'nlilu l.nluii:
Sir -What does Air. Tal't uic.ln bv sav
ing that ltnlj went inlcj the war I'm- greeel
of Inncl7 ltnlj went into Ihe war when
I ranee wits almost beaten. Hut tor ltnlj
the war would have been won b.v (ler
ninn.v. If Itnl hnd gieed of bind she
would hnve sided with (iei iiiauj , because
Fiance would have been destro.vecl anil Italv
woiiihl have gotten her slinie.
The leason Knglancl siippeiits Wilson is
that she is jealous of ltnlj Kughiud wauls
to rule the sea. If llnl.v had Flume she
would be n close thiid as a sea ptivver. Hut
Italy does not want to rule the seas, and
never did. and never will as long as the
beautiful Keel, White and (Jreen Dies for
libel tr.
Wilson snvs he dors mil iis-ngnlp the
lecent treaties which Itnl. France and
Fuglniid signed in London, anil thill's vvhj
Fiiinie does not go to Italy. Seciet lienties
or not Fiuine is Italian by history and not b,
treaties, so w lint's the grudge tluit he has
against Italy V
The Jtigo-Slavs, a nation that was re
sponsible for hundreds of thousands of lives
of Italy, is now being supported bv Wil
son; .lugo-Slavs, who weie responsible for
the torture of many heroic Italians, now
being aided b.v America ! F. It.
Alore thah ."000 enlisted men have been
entertained during t.he winter, I be Hev. Wil
liam V. Ilerg announced at the concluding
social for sailors and soldiers last evening
in Central Congregational Church. A iccog
nition service was held for the men and
women who have assisted in the work, Mr
Ilerg said that 1100 enlis(ed men have signed
'afhlinted membership curds" an pledges to
make Ctntral Church their "home church"
while ty the cltr.
'H . . "
j . -
Ph.. ii. I. I'liolo i r.ili.
lurd.-i) hi the Tenth Presb.vteri.iii Cliuiili.
iss I'Ji.ibelb Keller, el.uiqhler nf Mr. and
:ta:'. Snulli Kigbteenlb stieet
One Gives Weekly Mite, the Other
$750,000; Woman Sac
rifices Auto
John' D Itoi-krfclli-r America's richest
It.iptist, nml a little Philadelphia newsbov,
Aniet ten's pom est liiiptisl hnve each icui
tiibuleil to (he It.iplisl Vntorv campaign.
.Mr Hoi kefeller is giving XToO.OPtl to the
hi'.: movcineut for Amerii aui-ition ami ev.in
gelilllion. The iicwsImiv has seul in n
peclg( fnr seven cents a week.
The liVv Di . J I'nster Wilcox, eliieetor
of the li tot laiup.llgll III the eastern
1'eniisv Ivaiiia distiiit. s.ns bolh coutiibii
tions nie appiei lated.
"Itieh liiptisls ami r 1 '. c 1 1 1 1 - I - aie eon-
tribuling. ,ic i eiiilnig to their nicaiis." D
tor Wih o s.ibl jesteicl.iv. " wealth l!ap
lisi woman has j;iven lll(in which she in
tended to invest in a new auloitiobile She
said she iltd not like the idea of iiili,i in
Iiimiij when mi in. tin woiiieii i annul nltoicl
caifaie A voung woiiinii up Mate sint MMI
whiih she was saving lur Faster i.-iinu-iit.
Man aie making suit tines, ami this spun
W ill semi ns over he top "
Dr Fled It llnggaiil. nattoiial leader of
lite ie torv e aillp.ligll. will lie llie 1 11 i lit' I ) 1.1 1
speuket al a iliimer nl Inn liait iM hn men
tolllnllow evening at the FllKlileels' Club
"Test of Effective School System" Topic
at Meeting Tonight
Tin- Public I Mm lit urn nml Child l.aboi
Assoi i iiion will In. Id its .innu.il uueiing to
night nl Ihe Ciiv Club. .",!:: Smiih I'.tnail
Alter a hi iet business sessnin 1 t . Ileorge
D. Stin.ver. piofessot of ecltii ,ii tonal ailiti'tu
istriitinii at Columbia Fniveisii.v. will spe.ik
on "The Test of an Ffleilive School Ss
teni." Doc ten Si raj or is piesieleiu of ihe
National Kilmaiiou Assni-iatiun.
"Whj Slav Thirl.v eigltt Ye.ns';" W(1 ,
theme of the Itev Dr. Willis li Skilhuaii
nl th lebiatinn of the thiilv eighth aiiui
viM-sin- of his inistotale esei,,iv ; Tabm
Preslijic i ian Chinch. 'I he. niugiegatioii
lelebiatnl ii eleiitble iiitniv el sai v . lor Ihe clav
also maiked the hllv sixth iliiniv-i sai v of
the i bun h. The licv Hi l.'elwaicl Yates
1 till, pastor nl the I'itst Picsbueiian
Chlllill, plcai heel nt the evening sei'ii, e
To Show War Picture "Fit tu Fight"
At the 'mini Uuinclt Y l C A this
evening Alnim F. S. Mmwii will speak mid
show the " W C. win piiture, 'Kit
lo Fight." which has been show it define
llioiisamls of enlisted nun in ihe lamps ami
i.intoiinieiits Miiinr liinwu is ilisiii, i ,r,
lesenhitive ot the I'liited Stales Itiiieni f
Health. Tln-ie is i barge lor admission
I.KOIMI.I) STllKOvVSM I'linluitui ,,
"''" SAMAROFF '"""
jv-vji t THIBAUD v"'""'-
Ki!i:vvii v vii ni;i.iri c uNi-Kirr
ACADEMY .X?:?,'r", APRIL 29
KH- ML 1.1 IJ.Ml. in .,,, ,,., ,
Louise Dresser & Gardner Jack
I'n-s-iiitns "rm: kki .ici
Kiuncra Scirilstioni William I'inkhan,
i:nvll Urrell, .Nelou v I'haln Wrlihi .t
Oletijchand Other Bis reMiureii
"""" Satltrctjy l;iiilti(i j: mil 511
Return of Ihe i'j clonk I'.iiiic.li nh
The (ils nidi's roUne Hie loumri ivuh luuclutr
iliml JVIanhallaii Cant
l infer turn lion of Coiiiwri
.seals ROc. ..', l. l r.O, . nii J r.o al lionn
lown iifflie. Ito Chestnut Ht. liemfli of Teniiila
I nlveriiH ci.i,ib
DANCING Cortissoz
IvTAI 15M Cheamut St. Offli-e .'IcilJ laker UIUk.
VjJJ A ri-Acm:i. KOIt I.'ACH pi-mi. c
W f, 1.KHHOX8 J
ORPHEUM "r.!!."-;
DUMONT'S MiNBTnuus. ,nii i oih"st.
UWlVlvsiiii -1 Harealn Mat Today, 10. 2. 35c.
Miss Rose Schneiderman. Who
Went to Peace Conference.
Speaker at Meeting
Miss Ito t Sc hneiclerman. who went to the
Paris Peru Conference lo u present the
ineriiiiu win kiiigvviimiiu. will lecouiit her
evperieiii is abioail at a m.iss meeting In
lersiooii llnll the evening of June 'J
The meeting will be umfer Ihe auspices of
the Woman s Trnlc I ninn League of this
iilv. anil pail of n full week's piiijinni of
I. .mil, l.i, u .....I .1... . .1...
..i.,..,! Ill- 1..ll, I IMCI-'-l lllliy CMC
1 An...!,,,.., .. 1...1 i
The .,.. nven.icn , n. ,l
Woman s Tinde I nb... I.c-iuue will be held
in Phil.i.lelpl,,,, beginning .lone L' 'I he , ,
brn.c, h f He leiie,,,. ,ll ,. f..
for the
,r,l..pi 1 .... .. I... .. .11 , 11 ..e
h""-. n" ., lie- iiiiiii en I'nii- in
I... I ..:....! .....
1111' I linen roiiies
tllher sneakers , ,1,,. lw,i ,11 t.
Man McAilbin. cci-ciin v of the P.niish ,
National Wo, r- T.nelc I mole League, .iiccl
.lames Mnuiei. preside m of 1 1 -- I'eutisvl
viinin State l'edral f l.ahoi
1 D.nlv sessions of ib,. lni n tiinveuiion
will be held III the Fi li.ipl.st Chun Ii.
Si veniceiilb and Sun-om ,m-ts The meet
ing. will be in session finiii !i a m until ."
J ii'iloik in lie alterii ami to the
public. The deb gales in ihi' 1 miv eul 1011 will
sia. al Ihe Lincoln "1 hn t mil .mil 1 ul
1 t reels
1'he heiil oi gainat iimi I bu-. phmuiiig
d'lails of ihe i nnventioii and ai'iiiigiug m
lf in nun) lit l.c- ililegatis line dav ill he
ib'V ot'i I,, ait IllltOlniihlll II I
I'ol'Ki Cliibuiuueii o I'hil.uleli Inn vvhoiKvii
lliolon ills I,.
been asked In lend them fir 1
lite 01 1 .ision
Demonstration Tonight at Meeting of
Philadelphia Music Teachers
A ilciiicuisiiiiiinii ,, miisi, in , onuei lion
with ihvilim mill the cl.-i 11, will be siven
loniilit m the imbli,- nii-eliiis of the I'ltila
ilelphia Musi, Ti in In is' A. .01 union in ihe
I'le-sei AtiililoMiim. 171 I Chestnut sti 1.
Mile Louise .e 1,'ni. win. is with the
Itussian ballet of tin liosiou (iiauil Opel 11
Compani. Will Bive II Idles, on 'Ull.vlhnil,
Ait in Musi, ami , iM1,e" She will
Si vi' seiei.il ili'iiiiiiisiiatiniis illusii-iiiiin; ,.n,
liilion of ihvihin unci Us in 1 ,-i i,..itic,n to all
iiiusic Musi, i t. violin and piano will
be tilaveil bv Liu ins Cole, violinist, and
Miss Ajjnes Chine l.linnlaii. pnilii-l
E. S. Gardner Nominated for Walnut
Street Association President
Mrnibcis ,,r th,, Wnliiut Sin-t A 1
linn me 111 coil to he piescjtt lonixht ,u s
clock al Ine Melleiue Stintloiil for the an
uiiul election of ofheeis nml clireeleus
Those iniuiiiiateil Inllo'v ; I'lesideiii. V.
S. liiiiiliier: vice ii esidenis, i:,, Slew
nil. -Ir . ami Cjru. II K Cuitis; n.'.-is
1 ' Theodore F Seifm. sei letni v . C
Williaiu Spie-s line, nu- I. M ,m,K
Fdwaiil V llok.ls Wniiilw.iiil. ChHih s V
.isse. .1. I' Simpson. L. '. Cailtou. V.
II. Iiimiii, Fi'i'iliiiaiiil Ki'lln- Thomas I'ei,,.
.1. Millel I'l.iier. , i; Mil'le.s. i, 1: (
liell nnd Luiiti l!ietii
Philemon Club Entertainment
The I'liileiuiin n I li 11 inn 1 1. rind will j;ivi
"All Fveiiiinc's FiiteitHiiiineiii" tnui;hl at
I Ihe 1 lubhnuse. lulu Chistnui sun I. In
I nddiliiiii I niriduliiius d. , h,b luleut Miss
I'.illv lloiiser. who iliil iioialih' wmk for K,.,
I ("loss. Lib,. m 1.0,111 ami oihei war tnlivi
ties, will be leatulecl III lu-i s , a ies.
j- i iu:ki
' i'civ r
li.l H
11 V M
II I.',
vnsiv Mt vliv Pitoc ii vvivii:
l ijcii.nvv v i-ie
In I i st Mm, tiljj uf
j i-m: Mui vi i civil. nv
viii v in vi, .s. m iii,v iii:i:vv
I i.
Will. 1. 1) OV l.l.'l V
llll '.llnsl i, m. vii, i. ii AIOI ,' VIN
. .s. in. til Hi, .V v ' s, nielli. iu lllnei,'. I
ill 1 1 . .. ... I ,1 I s
l V I IllSY s m:im.i.
-I J I H ll.l I'I 111 s
:. - iiicii ,i u,., 1 1 : w
i i.nvi i:i.m.ii.s nr vvn:i!ie v
-llelVVs llll. l,i s I.l , I I.l. .s I III- I.l
. nn: vvoiii.ii
I. CIV I.I.I I 111.
VImIhuiU .Nun i Hlil lill I s, ,, ,
.-IVM.I.V l'ti.M'1.111 CM. rill..- I K V
vi ill. Ill i vv vi M.. tin-am
elite. VS lll.e I'I VI. li VII.V Vl II
4 l-'H MMIKC'I .-. I ; I : l I Lj
II V VI -III 11 "ie T VI
I I si I'lnif HI c lie I'i. l.i i i I, ..
"The Heart of Humanity"
111 l Ullll l. I'HIl l.ll's
111" sl.m I li.H VV I.iih I i. v..,
:A R C A D I Ai
! p. v u'V.'-VVVr ''i','u7 ;-.",',' .., ,. v, !
III I 1st s, , t ,,f
"Eyes of the Soul"
V VII II ll VI I I'll I I Ml.
V TC" T 0 R I A
M VT'i l"l MUll I M'uV I' MM H
vii. vv i.i:i n n vi -in ii i-, I- vi
VI Ills !.' in
Mil Is IIV I II V I I Is 'iiim w.
I'll I I I.l'-- II VV 1. III.1.S VV Itlltl
I 111 M Ml . II VI! I' V'sU, sm
s ll'l'l MM, ll VIII' lll.V II I'.I-J'K
I KsSM'ss in -i mi vv II I ii
ii vv r .-i i mis si Mt vr iiis
iii. vi in'-, i r i ii vnr ii vv !
s,1-T' 'I Ill's I lU'ln c'TliiN
CROSSKEYS "' M ."SriT".,!. M
"Dangerous Dan McGrew"
BROADWAY ,,r""J 'fj,, ..
sui: it i. ro'i in.
71 II
'IciVs iil-
kvii: i
, ,. i ,i
Campaign on Here for Pay Equal
to That Paid Men for
Same Work
All oigiiiiiiitinn of wonien workers of the
Si huj Ikill Aisennl and the Phlladelpbln N'ary
nrd at League Island is conducting n cam fffl
p.ngn rot- higher wages under the direction
of Sei-ieinrj John D. Cloud and Mis ICmily
l.eonlinnll.' the local chnpter of the Nn-
lloll'll I ecletatlon of Fedeml l.inplojes. jg
SII....I... ,
Mmilni i-nitipaigns for women workers are
' ' ' "f !"'" ''i"' ," , ' vr"n",U ""'' ""
, , J1'""'-''';"" be "Ulilrj a n result of
I ' ""'fereiice 1 Wn.hington last week lie-.
'""" ,IIH """"' t the Ii ti t loll ll I reclcratloil
Iween the oth, ,. f (,e
end piesiilents of the local unions
'.'i'i t t i
! I lie IM'cssin? neeil rut in 1711 iit'n I inn nf flic
1 --- n- -
I """"l1 'keis. .aid Mis. (ierlrude Ale-
Nalh. who i general orgaiiier for the ia-
'I'."'",1 r"I""thn and who dices nre lif
W ashiualon. "is ev ideni eel In the fnot tlinf-
nl Ihe n.ivv .Minis nud iii-eiins woinpii mo
nut paid at ihe s ,. rale thai men nre paid
fill VVCIlk l.ll. 1111; i-ell-lespnnilillK skill.
"A'lbotiBli the War, nud Siivv Depart
ineiils have aiimiumeil n polic-j of ecpinl pa)'
for e.iiHl vvoik. the women euiploved in (laK
nud anil lofts ami in vaiious simps at thpT
,,,t1 t niseimls. aie title, I at n scale which
is lovvei for (heir skilled work than i the
wiiv'f paid to unskilled labor dime bv men."
Miss McN'niii is now ; ,, ri to joiu'
foiies with .lohii Fltrxpiahl president ot tin?
lecleial einplo.ves' liiliini Uieie. tosm a cnni
Itnicn iiiiiiiiiS ib.. lla'-makeis. sailm.il.eea nml
',' I'loervei tuarkiis m Ihe Mi-nnklju Vavy
mid I taiicis .Mi Cm mn-k. piesident of the
In Jin h of tin tinioti at the Naval Amnm-
intiiin 1 01 at Itingham. Mass vvho nuc-
lull.' duelled a bundled percent orgnn-
I'litioti theie. is neiw siiiieiiutendinj; the s
anipnlKiiiii;; at tit- Watertovv 11 Arsenal and
Ihe lb. -inn avv arcl.
The aiseimi al l: 1. k Is'and. Ill , the navy
Mini nl Chin hstnvMi. S C.. the Wiitervlip't
Atsetia'. Vevv .it-k. anil lite Annapolis yard
ille belli!; sjmilaili oiK.-llliecl ' "
''"!! At" l',UK l-KMIMt 'IHEATRISS !
" i:Kriiiv i.ki; a 1 .1 sitfnKnT
AHPI PHI '"uh.I l!-lcw lla.- SI
. r- iH"" ."!ur" ' S"'. Sl -11-hirst
Time Tonight at 8:15
mo summottimf
& OfiiGtNHl COMfiftNX
80S.lnN.y. 3M0iiCHIQI6O
First $1.00 Matinee Thursday
SVDIP l,""tl -1 Abo n1 -
S I FvlL 'luvimrr vr s ir.
Ill Mill" WVel l sit, -...13.
m $1.00 MAT. WED. Knil-e I.ow '
S llt:n MORO.M'O PrpntF
jgjz- In ihf .Soiu-atiuriH. i'u.i
st1 ml rhlon .SiKpn
W Iih 1,11 Vl'i: XI.CM'I.NK
yy v
nc iw
V J I 3 1 w-
.111.I OrncliiHl V C'Jltt. ,it ;,
III IH ll''1 '
C-. Hi S I." .HtS. I JJ
Pel K sHi - 1,,
f MAT. WED. .;;; $1.50 ,
Hi- nijv ' .viuiiHi
i.f ihe V ihi
l"irv .MHijnetle .MelodlM
I "li fmh l.'Irln,
a.oetrst.t- 5t s'l'KI'A I h. stllllt Kulow
teSinUt Ot. nut M-; 11th St.
Prices ,)l-;l Nights 50c to $1.50
lll(fpl .Nrfls A. HoliiuMi
V II WtKjD-s (i.lnntt luilbuti'i i.f Iftttirity.
1 .00-
-L I.
Entire Lower
Veil II I.HUKh Till Von fiet til" Colic
:svyscw "
rim vin-.t rm v s forti:Mos7 tiik vtres f'gl
rUKKtbl TONIGHT at 8:15
M1ll,K.s VV Mil el MAT 'U 2 1,1
CllVItll'.s llll.l IMIH VV1 Plenums
l'"1'1 '" Ul1' 'v in.i-r .i:ts oo. 1
Hi Ml 1 1 "-f
TONIGHT at 8:20
vv i- n iii ii si vi' V'r - jei
. onii'ih nl i h 1 heatri
"The Matinee Flero"
M l VV rri.K KT. 'IHI FiMJAY
ll V III IIKI AM'll rrcKenti
nl Oi UIiihI i'afl
GARRICK ' " MD..r,rI -
VJ"X1Y1V1' Mxii- WiJ i h-t at -J; SO. f
'llll VN i II Mlltl.s!' Present .
v s I-VV (I'VII-liV Iv cltn -MHIIJI.GTON
t;.k I Ct A FISHPR an'ii A liJ!
.... , I.KniljJAST,, ja
1 he Scotti Lirand Upera Co. i
in ns IiuiihI NiiuKririni. In PhllandlDhlii. l
niRi:i'T PltOM-TIIK
Mtfirnppl 'tn OplH Hfiusf. N T
I'loseiittne h Dcuble fllll
i ortAtoio ntSTic.VNA
SATURDAY EVG.. MAY 17. 1919 9
mmi: i:stu- jim v.vro.vu fixrni$ttwJa
M?ati mi i.i.l- nt I10S Clieslnut 5t, .rtl-iM
VValnuHI-.l. nacU7 '
VISAU I'O.Nt'CftTS 'S&S'f'l
KltlOAV KVI'.MNd MAY S, AT 15, '$.
KvniiliiK iiliirl1'fri ui Uckelr eluitj Oct. "R. .tJmVI
H.VlL'llDAY AFTIf.H.NOOX. .MAY a. AT AW - $e J J
Aftrnnnn ubcrtbfri" UK lll'kttl dulptl Ct. Wuti , ,
KOHUnmtT , , .Eicrpt from ,nonmuntf,iiSr,,,.
WAll.NK" .,'., sivertun. "ntiinlHKiiMf'Sirti.
TbCItAIHOlVSWY ... . , H)n1plmvj' MhA'I-'
H)niplon' .Wrtl
Html .Now on Butt Hit lltuim'ii. 1)19 ClnitnuLSfAtt f
t 1.. liliu k An.lv tu- r liiJiT
i ... rr (
woi-ttuciw UAT,OAll.K "c vyc,?l"? . ft
A '
,.. , j .,