P"T. .': BTV T'"H( .iU V yt ,.r EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1919 5 fcywi; E SOSTIENE ORLftNDO Seimila Municipalita' Approvano I'Oporato delta Delegazione Italiana a Parigi Ri- guardo a Fiume ANCHE S0NNINO RITORNA Allied Heads Didn't Approve j Wilson's Stand on Fiume PubllKhnt nn.l niatrlbuled fnilT Pt'H.MIT NO. 3lt AlltlloHrM liy the net nf OttoW 1017. on filo at the l'otttofflco nt clplnhin Pa My ord.r of V S.' nHM'SON. Postmaster (icnt-riil n. I'hlla- I'nntlnuril from I'ukp One people mill It l my iluty In K" before the icprc-tentntlvcs of life ltiilluti people ntiil sny to (In-ill. 'Decide between Mr. WUmiii fltnl I"''.' " 'I'd (Ii! l'lcsldcnt WlNnn i reported to linve replied : "That U rertnlnly your rlnlit." Tn Amerlenn ii:irters. II i s-nid tlint Hie fcire;;nliiK version of Hie incident Is lirobnldy 11 vcllcx nf I'rcmler Orlando's public vtntetnent. in which lie referred to I ho President nppi'-ilitij,' directly to tbe people. Were Close to Agreement . It iM mid Hint tin- chnticc-t of rcnihliiK tin nmivd lit tbe tinnl meetliiB were Rood, if rreinler Orlimiln had remnlneil .. i,..tf I, mil' Ii.iil'imv ltnt the niitiroiieli ol Ih tin i n time for tin finally cnti-cd ilepnrliire of lil li iiii to withdraw Hilly would be iin.Hi'-t to Hie republics enst of the Adi-hitlr. lis riiline is the only pml on the eastern Mile of Hie Adriatic which rim lie m-i-. ii-cnldc n 11 wen entrance to .tnpi-Slnvi:i and nil joining t'ounti le. "The 1 1 ii 1 in it claim is bawd on llalinn ilc-ii-i-. not on nn iii;lit other than the claim thai as ils people arc Italians they shonhl become a part of Italy as they ueie liunilred jeins npi. Mat to Ki-ntif litis desire now would he liiiinlfcMlv. to w wiiR others and thus maiiitnin a sore spot on Hie Adriatic which would cans instant irritation. !tnl. with Venice and Trieste, can lie liapiil and independ entl wilhont riuine. while tin- .miuiik repulilics onjhi- i-iisi of tin- A.irialic could nut haw- a free life without access dlrcetlj to the world b water." mwum Two Destroyers Leave Ways at Cramp's, Merchantman at Hog Island ' Governor Is Asked ; to Oppose Charter I mitlmtt-tl frnm I'lllle line islnture which will ret cue our sup. port, and which will render it vlrtmllj 'impossible for mi) member of the police or 'lire tlepailmenl or mi) cniplo)t- of ONE NAMED FOR DEAD HERO 'il in the tli-st inter" while the plan that iiiisht have l.rmiBlir j -,,,. ,. nhiiainn till inner ifiseii- i - " " iiiunsn tft IP....... -ti! ......ii.. Sti.itntt'l I'fllWI-'l .......... ... ...... . iiBreeiiient was uiunicliali tlelle vnne citta tl Itnlin . ,... imsjM ,,f tbis piesimiptivi linnuii Mietlito messnirci tl l'On. Orlando ,.,.,., u siiitt to linve been Hie partial isiii.;ni..ti.l.. il Inm tilniiso i- lii ili-ter- interiiatiomili.ntioii of riuine. HUr ... . . ..- .:... n.,-,i,r will, il... .Inn... Slavs nei-illi) llIK I "ntlniifil iiiinazione a sosiencr o oei: .iiu-uki..- ' - . ., ana.. ... .... i i: .il d.o T i.iliiiiit inn itiii in .iiii anil in l-'iiimc e della ne-tit ndriatica. Italians the null.wnK Ma-id-. liidcsi-rivihili sunn le dlmostiiizioni i Tin- territorial isKtie now Is fell I to lie Verlfi.illesi per il ritnr lei I'On. Or-j less important than the personal issue Iniitlo. (jiiimdii cf-ll c' uiunto a Torino, which the Italian premier luls.raiseil by five si fi-inmlo brcvemente per far Lis plan fur ro'iiir before parliament sunt ritorno In Ilntiin: null iniineiia folia I iisUiir a vote or-conlulence Should tin i.. ii.. ...,:.... r .:.;., i.'ftn I be siveii. il Is thnucht probable in sonic in itiitr-i .iiiii - .iiiiii- i i i ui in in. .---- p-.-- Orlundo fu i-nstrettii it parlare ilal sun niitoinobilc e pnscia ilnl balcoae Palazzo dclla I'lcfctturn. I'jili diss: Three sbips were 1.-1 , Helawaie Ithei- todii) . Two b fi the wa.s at l Vnnip's a inei-clnini essel wits llic: Island Mini. Tbe di-trn)ers were the l.oni; anil Hie Him-), both ships of tin-latesl l.ipc. Tin- iiiercliant ship biiinclied was tin- 'Scanlte. a T.'lHI-loil onifcn sd .three llllllli llltl'w were iniide - to Parade. Demand' '" ; 'I'll'' HP.! im fu li-ilVc til"' C.t W.T- till l.lttl" wllli-ll ttilkt ti ii in 1ni1 nl 11 ". frnm Vavr On ,ilik ,.,., -,,, .' ' " . in. i u- n'"n i- tin hi '-il I he ilale of Hie parade will nut he after Conner SccrWnr of Nav I .one decided until ih.- until Infantry ..ml Mis. ,l,,li.- Kuupp. of cw Yoi U city, the Nielli l'ield Artiller). bulb I. ...il w ifc of I Ii- An,,, I, I k'tmi i,, I ,.,,'.. r 1 I...-...,... s;. i c... .'tn.,. ....i,, ...,-. sj.i.ii.n i,,. 1 seltiniane nvevn nellc ultiiii. ftreniiiimeute i dirilti d'lliiliu. ma nlln line, cniiseio dclla sua rr-ponsn-liilitn". fu costretto a rispondere con un "no" nllc proposte i-he gli vi-iiivnno fnlte. "l'"iiroim csprcssi dej dubbi cln i! lnouosillabn potessc essere I'eco dei vostri cnori -i-sli dlsse ed ora In doniiiudo a oi." l.n folia. Imndieri- c fnzznletti. rispose iinuniiiii' 'ni,.i'n,'nilii il Liu. ..,... . it.. 1 , iit.li. ri'. ... .... .-,,.. .'i'. ....... lilt in it'll nil.- iiiiunsirazione an iiiiuriz.o di Orlando ibiro' paiccchi miiiiiti e si vipete' I iliscm-sn tlell'On. P.arzilni e del (ienerale Dinz. Alio, ore .".4." l'Ou. Orlando riparlt' nlln volta di Itoma. miovnmcntc salutnto dalla folia palu- deiite. I Appena Kianln in, Itonia l'On. Or- ' lntiuo ha courerito con il He e poscin altcse nil un Cunsiglin tlei MinUtri nel qiinle fu dei-iso di cnuvocare stibito il l'arlnincnto. Senntori e Ueputuli KbliiKnno in Iioina tin lull.' It- parti, c mnstrano plena liducia che 1'npertito ilell'On. Or lando sum' niinninieineiile'approvnlo. c procliiniera' 1'iininiie, di tutli i partiti in dife-iii degli intercssi ilell'Italia. 1'V statu prt'parato un uiexsnxRln die il Sjenntn c la ('anient dei Depntuti in vlern" ill CmiKressn Aniericann, espri nieiite il dcsiili'rin delln solitlaiii-la' tin Ic due nazioni e riafforinante hi Riusti r7.in ed il diritlo delle aspirazioni itali nne. IOn. I.iiisi I.uzzatli, gla' presitlente del coiisiliti dei Minislri e ministro deiriiiterno. Ita iminto tin telexramina I iiinrtei-s tlial il woiiltl renew tne itninin nil) uj ,,, lei issue before the council ill a more pro-1 j)ix 1111(jl ()ll ,. ,.f. lioiinci'tl fnrm Hum either i -resilient j !(l1 dift'so' Wilson or lilt- council as a winin- nns tlio'lhus far been williilc In ntlinit. isiiniiiti it be withhehl. the pinimiiie resiin woultl I nhiiiet changes. liriiiKiiif; a new delegation." with a new policy tin- conference. units, sail from I'm me imd the olli cials ean sei tin- dale with the asMiraiice of their participation T. Kl'.llh will not be demobilized iiinil iifier the pa- liitle, but the iiii-n will In- then fin liiusli bin e In report bacl; io dale set for Ih ci-p- I'reniiei- Ol'bintlo and Ills colleacues I'.roatl loll will appear neiiirr me iiaiiaa i:irn i-hi tiotn to ru . -t .. ,.. . It..- . !. it? lllllflo ' .tonilll) ilt'M. m-.-tntniiK i" .,i- .. , .... , I I ill istl'll. I in- new spupei .tJ-. ! "We lire able to ullirin that, whlltt-cer Ihe nulcniue of this session nf the Italian VuiTuiiiiriit. tin premier and his fellow tlcle-jales will iniiiictlialely start for 1'aiis an. I that the Italian delegation will be in full sli-en-jtli lit Versailles ou May 1." Details c met yeslerdii) a single ami up Ai'tiun mi Kalian Credit art evidences tlint 1'rcsident n ( lenienceau facendo .ippelhi ni senli menti di ninicizia verso 1' Italia e chie dendo i-ho essn cM-i'oiti i suni migliori pforzi per otlenere sotldisfazinne nelh I iloinnniie tleH'Ilalia. II telegramma con clude ensi' "Tnttii Italia in ipu-st'ora ill pnssione ha liducia in voi.'' I dinionstrazioni di prolesta contrn l'attltudine del I'resideiite WtNon i-nn- tlnunno sempi't- con niaggiure en- i tticlnum,. t.. .....A 1.. ..I....- .1-T.ni:.. ! ..ir,.-i,iu. .11 null' if .lit.. II ll.lllilt . .. ...,f nvvensono parate e inuiiircstaIimi j w jiiiitnrv mill tiuiiuiiu it Koiilio. i.il.ioil.l recti Olllltll- Aere o Ki'iindi cartelli m-i tputli si legge : "Viva ritalia," "Viva I-'iume," "Viva la Dnlinazia," "l.'Italia .la sola cistcmcra' i suoi affnri," etr. (ill Nil i There t Wilson has avoided using anytliius which might be construetl as economic pressure upon Italy, although some ipiarters have siiKgesletl this as nil ef fective weapon. Hecretnry of Ihe Tieas nry (ilnss lias nskctl a credit of S."iO. (I(M).O(M) for Italy anil this retpiest is now on Hit President's desk for final determination. The 1'e.tit 1'arislen is particularly op timistic, saying that Hie "critical ten -fiion exists no longer and that there are several forms of compromise possible." A part of the French press manifests some impatience tlint new complications should arise at the moment when the German plenipotentiaries nro about to nrrive. The Keho de Paris fears tlint "as a senuel of the methods employe! all I alliances mny totter." Premier ('lenienceau yeteialny rn- 1 oeived a messa-re from Premier Orinndn. ! which the ItiiH'tn statesman disiiatclied while on Ins way to Home. Helgoland Question Settled The ipicstion nf Helgoland wnn dis jiosetl nf by the council of three yester dav aftenioon. while the nintter of the ;Kiel Canal mid the disposition of the Kiermnn cables was abo discussed. It is understood that tne economic ! question was settled, nltliongli no tletnils Aliange P.uadi1 Tin- parade cominitte 1 in I decided tletnils. will be to.paratlc, starting at lii-o.-nl sln-.-t I ii tisiiiiimiiii .iveiiiie nun passing mm. Mown c iicstnut in i tllte mid Kill II it-iiisi t re- Petit t viewing simids in Independence S.iinie. lover Third sdeei (l, Mri;,.i. i,,-l.- .Mitrl.il nroiiiitl the miner of the City. Hall inlo tin- PniLwii). out tl(. 1'nrk- , way past the stmitls wheie the motht-is' ami father:, of the bo,s will he located: ! in pring Harden sh t i.. ail, I on up I'.roatl Io either Ihe I'hilailclphi'i v...:.....,i i -i :, . ... . . i ..u. ,...,.. . .-,(,i.- ..i- .-iine i an., when the men will be fed. imse nospiiai ( i us :n. UO :in, 1(1 ami local nurses will ho the only tn share the gioi) .,f the parade with ' the Iron nieii. , V t ........ i. e .i ... .. ..,..,,, .,, ,, e I'MTUUW' com mittee of lb welcome home coinmittee in .Indue .1. Willis Mai'lin's olliee. ,,t the entl of tin- other meeting, il was an I'ouiK't'd th.Vt no pel sons except it'la tives of Hit- reluiiii'd u woultl get seats in the nllieial graiiilsiamls on the Parkway. There will he a suiiill repre sentation of city olli.ials nud members of the welcome home committee. ",.,. mi.ts will be granlett. hnweior. to pri Mile persons or linns far Hie erection of addititinal grandslands. for which atl 'miision ma) be charged. These w ill be erected, primarily, to fill the rci'iiire njents of the welfare organizations of the city which desire to view the parade. Joseph P. CalTnei. chairman of the stand ami boat committee, aunouuceil arrangi'iuents were being matle for the erection of the ollicial stands nud ,for the bonis in the pageant on the river. It was decided that the committee would not semi n Int-itl ctiminiltee to greet the 111th Kcgimcut in New York ou Siinda). as few of the bo)s are Philiulelphians. napp un ii a in I nrnii-i- . the ii'sro)er. . Tin- lime) was hiiineheil at 1 1 :"0 a. M. This i.'siii,)ci- is nametl after I'nstgn niiii'ison 11,. vc). who was killed in in linn in Hie Philippine Island Sep (ember "J I. 1 '. 1 1 I At the time Ic wn le.'llling a enmpiili) nf men imm lie I". S. S I'liiiipaug.i. 'I'li in. 'ii wen ambushed b) Morns. Mis. Austin Knntz, wife ..f Citnin Ivantz. I'liiled Slates imi. wns .p,,ni,r for the Iloiei. She is a iser ,,l lln sign lime). Then- were also pn'-Vnt at Ihe launching Mi's. Henri, I'. ..e. in.tJhtr of I'nsigo lloc) : a si,..'. Mi.. S.i III. W. Ilmiv. of Poi'i-moHtii, II.. ami .Mrs. Willi.iin W Seal.un. ami a iinamitt if clnssuiates fnun (lie IlInT class in th,. nal Acatlciii). le.ul h Coiniiiaiiil'-is i:, T. Uussell mnl . ;. Norton. The St antic Launching', whitli took plate at 11:1." a. in., is the tw.-nt)- tlu- same iinrlii'ipiitiiie in political in- tiiM. Tliis bill will nlace the ton trol of the depart incnl in the bunds of a commission wliosc intb-penilenee is ' Kiinrnntecd b) the iiroiisioii as In Its appointment. This t onmiission will hint- the innlrol of the appointment. gn eminent, trial and discharge of all members of the department. It is not the creation of impractical men. but liip.Mirtl. anil j was drafted b) Colonel Sheldon Putter nateil at the I and IMwin O. Lewis, l's.. I There has also been introduced a budget bill which is Hie lesull of the experience anil labor of men who linve handled the limin.es of tin- .-it) fur . The .tears which n Is the criticism of access Controller Walton as to the charter le vision bill. W iriii'stl) maintain thai tin- passage ol these two lulls will snt isfactoril) meet these two ' situations, and. further, that an) interference w ilh the present, i-nuin-iliiiiiiiic l cpi'cscuta lion will be It'selitctl Ii) the people of Philadelphia as an attack upon n-pic sciitiilhc loi in of gowriimciil Defend Councils' .l:il.i'-Ui The protest explains ihe make up of Hie pit'senl Councils and n)s the) are minified after ( 'ntigress 'The larger "the bo.l the more lep iesent:ilie of Ihe people. A large Council is ,i sure siifegiiaid against tor riiptiou. and ill i.insiileriil legishitinn is olic of the aiglllllellls plcs.'illeil ill be half of the picsciit Coin ih-." Anolher is; 'There i- in . limn' rc.i snn loi .hanging the form or sie of Pliiliideiphin Councils ihau tln-re would be ft. i i nl. 'ling the Legislature of IW.'lltv s states whilst- population is less than that 'of Philiuh Iphia." After explaining the pi ogress. 1 i : liilities. lls.els .mil letenilcs of the ill) the pint. 'si cull. 'hub's with the follow - mg : Philadelphia houses J.niio.iiiiii pi uiiiim than the b.inili of the I'tiitetl States." .Mi'Mchnl Is Neutral Senator William J. MoNlchol is not among the list of Senators signing the pii.tesl. Hi- was listed on Ihe charter 'revision pamphlets as favoilng charter revision, but later dftiifd that he up prmeil tin- propoM-d chillier. It is cx 1 It'll Hint he will take neutral attitude I between the rival factions. The .signers of the protest lin Sena lors Varc. Snlus. l'atlon. .Murtin ami (ira) : Itcpresentatives IMwin It. Cox. .lames A. Walker. I pold C. (ilass. Thud. lens S. Krause. Itenjnmiu M. tinlder. .laines A. licunetl. .lames I'limklin. William .1. Hamilton. Charles C C P.al.ii. Jr.. Nicholas li Lemmo. John Mehring. William J Ci aw ford. Alexander ColUlle. John H. Drink bouse, II. Dilshcluicr, Sr . Jiilne.i A. Dunn, Clinton A. Sowers. Iltron A. i.Miliicr. Max Aron. Siimtiyl J. Kphraiai, .Julius .1. Levis, Philip II. Crockett, i Kit-hard Curry. Philip Sterling. Arthur It. 11. Pox. Ldwartl W. Wells. I'dwln Stntl. Matlliew Patterson, William 1-', - Koike. John It. K. S.-nit and I I Conner. .! studenti universitnri di Homa hnuuo economic experts were called id. The council is understood to have discussed tilt reports of the draft ing committee of tjie peace treaty to make sure tlint the draft, so far as it has proceeded, is in proper ordet nud I fifth ijint c I iiperaHon. , Wa) :.'.i. mes Trniiibell. the Hog Island .wild started The vessel, t oust rilclcd oil ' lis i hristt'lieil bv Mis. H C V, il'e of (lie gt lleial lol'clllilli peroiis ami .iinlenleil lowest tax rale of in Ihe Cuiled Slnle's is -ii, -h that ils bond u.v people with Illi cit) of ils size while it- credit -sues are alwa.vs it the w a ) ersiihscril'eil anil sell at a high. r pri fatto una granile tlimostrnzione sotto il j i form. Ministero degli Affari lOsteri, piaudendo nll'indirizzo del IJnrone Sonnino. Tuttn la htanipa attacca I'oprratn del Presidente Wilson, t In llumn circolano innnifestini nei quail c' detto: "II Popolo Italiano. mentre rialTerma i sentiment! di aniici zjn con i popoli delln (Iran Ilrctagna. J'Yniiciii e. Stat! Pniti. invita tutti i cittnilini delle nazioni Alleate, residenti In Ilonin, a partecipare nlle dimostra zioui (die sarnnno fatte alia Delegazione Kniuna di ritorno da Parigi." Germans in Paris, but 1700 Days Late ,y? t A All? I1 ;V5 IT ATI AN CLAIM IS UNFOUNDED Basal on Desire Instead Any Vested Right of Contlmiftl from race Onp keep crowds from gathering, anil par ticularly outsiders from Paris who might- think it a Sunday amusement to come to Versailles and hoot the ler mnns or do something not in consonance with the dignity of the Peace Con ference," said a French police of ficial. Ilcrr Lersuer and his patty imme diately went to their rooms"oii arriv ing nud had breakfast hcrved to them from the hotel kitchen by the hotel oBcrvauts, This fact answered a nues- ,.tion over which the French newspaper- " men have been concerned whether the i Germans were expected to bring their j own food to Versailles. It is now un- ! del-stood that they will have their own i hills of fare on the same footing ns ' the other peace delegations. ' The large dining room in the main ! wing ot the lintel ties iceservoirs lias been reserved for them. The summer dining room with glass -enclosed ver anda remains accessible to tho general public. This dining room wasfilled at noon with persons at luncheon who were not aware of their proximity to the Gerinnus. Even ninny of tho waiter in tho hotel Imd not learned o the arrival of Lersner iind the other Ger mans. Tho Germans remained in their rooms during the morning, but commenced later to make the preliminary arrange ments for tho arrival of the main Ger man delegation. This probably will - lie Muy 1. although the date lias not been finally determined. ELECT SQLDIERJDELEGATES Philadelphia Will Be Represented at Convention of American Legion Thirteen local soldier-delegates to the St. Loins convention of the ucwl) con ceived American Legion, to be held Mn.v S to 1U, will lit- chosen on Tuesday night at a meeting of representatives of the cil.v's congressional districts at Scot tish Kile Hall. This was tlclerinineil at a meeting of local draft hoards, called to draw up prcliminar) plans for . the organization, at the Hotel Walton I last night. 1 These meetings will be hchl in the following places: I'iisl district. Fourth street iilitl Snyder avenue; Second tlis WashliiKlnn, April -(!. (Il.v A. P.ljiriet. I'iftccnth anil Vine streets; Third Sceretarv Lane today issued n brief district. Hi- Fast (.hard avenue ami statemeiit explaining, as he said, "one 'j" JXZ nr two matters connected with the j -.,,,.), meets; Fifth distiict. Stetson Flume situation tlint should not be j School, Allegheny avenue anil It street, overlooked. lie said: 'und Sixth district. Town Hall. ISeriiiiin "Flume was not to be given to Italy,! town aveuu bv.tbe secret treaty made on Italy's ' Kingst entrance into the war. tailed the Lon- j street don Treaty. 1 nder tins treaty 1- nunc was to go to Croatia, which is now a part of Jugn-Sliivlii. And this is where President Wilson vvislu-s it to go now. "The tpiestion of giving Fiume to thus becomes a tpiestion of gootl President Wilson and I SI'KINIl UI'tiOKTH sI-ItlNIl KI'sottTS i MWrr"' SEE EWU&E3S 1,000-itfllLE FJ&3TJjc2w i--. .... 1 fffflp PAOKAgyiA OF ' tfSS-SifwiT lake tlie tliou.intl-niilc &llw?jijsii: "'Inland Cliauncr' from I is. S-.S t ; "i ! taN WONDERS trip through the famous jm;oi Milt, U. I- The Land of the EViidrsight Sun tliuii-iiiid miles of cvcr-clianging viftas, of I-lantl-tlottcd bavs and channels, of majestic mountain ranges, of quainl fishing village-, of mount. tin river.-, of va.-t forcts, of spouting wli.ilc-. and giant glacier-. .( wn from the comfnitnbtv rc.s o' the perfectly tipio'inlctl Canadian Pacific "Princess Liners" ' ' ' ' nil-In unit titl!. itltoue ur irrtU for Ahtshu Tour .Yi. Ill'l-V Canadian Pacific Railway K. C. CLAYTON, City PasseiiKer Agent G2!) Clicstnut Street Philadelphia I-'. R. I'KRRY, Ceiu-rnl Afient, Passenger Dept. 12.11 Broadway Now York City M jfiaiiSMBBHgpaaBffigpaa and 1 laines street, and sing Recreiitioii Ccnler, liftieth and Chester avenue. NtV YORK TITV NHW TORIC CITT 1C3B BZiBEasaa cza a cbohsd eb 9 aa a ds a en a m b i Italy jutlgment, and Pn-sitlent Wilson Premiers. Llpyd (ieorge and ('lenienceau unitedly concluded that to give Fiume to Excursion to,Harrisburg May 18 The first (ml' .-cries of cut-rate ex cursions will Tie run b) the Pennsylva nia Railroad from Philadelphia to Jlnr-l-lsliiirg. May Is. to give Pcnnsylvanians an opp.ii'tunit.v to see the Capitol. Of ticials nnu. nin. -ed totla.v that the build ings will be kept open .Sundays for the I lienelit of visitors. BROADWAY. 32d & NEW YORK One Block from Pemu. Station. Bijqaje Traniferred Fr I a EqutOy ConveiJent for Aimuement. Shopping or Butineu Direct Entrance to B'way wy and Hudson Tubes t SUNDAY EXCURSION $2.SO War Tax SOo Atltlltloual TO NEW YORK , and return SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1919 i Hnerlal trnln travts Iteadlue Trnnlnil lii HiOO A, M.. stomilni ut roluni- Mn mtnuf. Huntingdon njrrft, AVane Junction. l.ocan, Jrnklntuno ami Moblp. .lteturnlnr Ifnvei !svv Vork, IVnt 23d ht.. 7iSU T. M.i IJberty Ht.. 8;U0 I', m. . Hliultur Kxcuraton Ktinddw. ,Jf i May 11 and S6 ' ' fhttiMfkidLiic. R?adkff. Railroad DO YOU DRINK TEA? If not, why not? Perhaps it is be cause you have never tried Tetley's Tea. There's as much difference be tween just tea and Tetley's as be , tween plain water and clear fresh spring water; Gathered from the world's finest tea gardens, blended from the choicest leaves, a steaming cup of Tetley's fragrant tea will prove both refresh ing and cneering. . Tetley's Tea gives a new meaning to tea! There's a world of comfort and cheer in a cup of Tetley's. Try a cup of Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea. You wm be deiignted with its deep color and soft fragrance. It's the different tea! Remember to order some with your lunch, today. "X n 1 l W cf Tl MARTINIQUE ZMH:gdL 335 STS. Tay'or(mSSW jmx&vxiw n fMW ROOMS 8 Sub. t 1 Kates: rrom 2)Z rer Day ; A SPEC1ALT J 53 PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Both Per Day The Martinique Restaurant Are Well Knows for Good g Food and Reasonable Price B oiai a ass a fEJ aca sxaa cue tn DBa ATLAVI'IC CITY N. .1. . iCRAND ATLANTIC ! Vlrglnln Ave. nnr Bonrdwatk and Cfnter ot ' amu-ementH. l'rlvnlo baths. Runnlnc wattr 1 In room. Elevator. Table nn,i nt-rvlce dl. I tlnctlvo ftalure. J1.00 up dally. Special Ikly. Capacity COO. Ilklt. Auto meet trnln. Jwne ruhtp management. V. r. RI! VW. 1 j. . I COlItTIV IJl'AMTY M'.ltVllT. HOTEL KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVK. NKAH BKACH lH'ltdl-l-JAN 1'I.AN 1 ItntM .Sl.UH In S.1.S0 ler Day 1 Ptenm hopted. rflcator. electric llithtfl. I Telenhono ..very room runnlntr water In roonia nrlvalH hatha N. II. IU:NNAIYL HOTEL F R ED ON I A OPEN At,I YEAIl, Tennesee Ave., Just ott Boardwalk, isuropenn plan. ment, ATI.NTIC CITY. N. -HOTEL BILTMORE , (Pormcrly Wstmont) Ilhodt Inland Av . Near ltoarjwatk. All outvie rooms suites with bnth. Orchestra. Oanclmr, Cajalty 23U. Hoi nml cold sea water hatha. Viiil r new mannpement. MLTMOUi: HOTKL. COMPANY. Every aDDoInt- Moderato rata restaurant, HOTEL ABSECON vl$?F!&Am- Fireproof. Trtvate baths; elevator and all comenlences. 13.00 up dally: cpeclal weekly fates. O. D. I'AINTKH. IPo' TEA HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always opsn. Always ready. Terms mod. trate. 1'hone or write, M. Walsh Duncan. HOTEL EDISON Open : vatftl new manaRement. Amer. & European. JllClllfiAN AMI rAcii'ic avi:s. Thoroughly reno Spec Hnrlntf ratea. ixr.tn-ln.loi. KY' Av. near Dench. Elev. lTui....l, . prlvnto hatha, run. water, tlg-fifl wivrkly. t' I prlvn (2 no un dally L'.Huhre. HOTEL B0SC0BEL SrtlS " n.en. Thnroiifblfhele. Kkll. K E. Marlon cape iay. n. j. HOTEL COLUMBIA it Rtiitertide. 1 HOTEL NEW ENGLAND go. Carolina nv and Bench: central ltc.: Amer. ti European plana: prlv. batha. run'j water In rooms, elevator, fine porehe etc. Capac. 3.-J0. Ttea-tonahla rntea. R It.WlllIama. Vi:KNBItS1Lt.E. PA. sifrNSET HALL 0l'cn u" year Cheer 3U1NDC1 nrtL.L. fu, ll0l)in romforlll. I.eautiriil moiintHln hhIUs D-'tleluful phut, for wit-h.mli NOT A HANATOUIl'M VVrllo l!EO. H. liAll., MKr. WEUN'EI-SVII.U-. J A., or l'uhllf l.lg.'r Ofll.'e IlliVIIX. I'A. Wynbume Inn On Main IJne. Eape. t'l.llty defllrnbln tnr h.t.l. ness men with families. Hoomi with hath at reasonable -rates. Danclne. Larre arounus. wl.ln vernn.las. I'hone Herwyn 17. I'OCO XO MOI'X TAINS i: weIch mere Turk. lo . DKSIUAIU.l. rurniaiie.i coitaue complete. ...t.h mn.l rnnven.. for rent nl ... .....-. I occupants take meals nt Ihe Forest Inn Vrlte U V Yenger. Mer., Hughesvllle, la. n'AWHINOTI.N. 11. O. CAPE MAT Ooen for im. port 'ot JO? t Eytie. Hame inanajt,J Burlington Hotel Lg than five minutes from CTcrythlni.i American- and European PJam 431 Rooms with Bath, $2.50 le $5 Indorse Baucrle for Judge l'tiniui- .IiiiIri' Dltmirr I'i-i-Im-i- IiwiiN nil iniloi'M-iiiPiit fin- Assistant City Snlicilor lliirij 'I'. Ilinit-ili- In (ill tin MlflllH'X till lilt' I 'iHllllltlll lll'HS lll-lll'll i'iiii-.i'tl In tin- tli-iilli nf tho Int.- .Iiitlut . Cnrr Mi. Itnurli-. lm i n tinnii-ri-ut, i --ui.l t. liu tin- Ini'-kinf.' nf Slal.' Si'iuit.'i- Dm i.l Mai tin. Plant Tree as Ferguson Memorial : A tree wan planted tills afternoon on", tho Inwn of the Xortli rrt-sbyterlnh Clntrcli, llrnnil street nnil Allegheny Hvciine. in honor of the latr! Lieutenant SIiiipii Kerguson, n member ot the im I-. iroiiRi-rgntion, who wnsr kilt ed while iitrit'k , li-nilinu hla men into netlon in France. j The Itt-v. Dr. (leorRe H. llnrnfield, I pnslor nf the rhureh, had charge of tin i-xelfi.is. lleinhers of the t-hurcli win) wen- In the service planted the tree. No Red-Boche Soviet 1'nrls. April 20., A wireless messane from 51. Tihitcheriti, the Ittisslan Ilol-J fhi-vik foreiKii minister. Intercepted here, denied n reported nlliiuiee of the Soviet government of Itusiiu with (icrmany. STE1WER D6E I CLOTHIER MONDAY AMD Til ESDAY Two l,l ctr Days X A? A( GAIN we. have made extensive preparations for TWO CLOVER DAYS. This has proved to be the most satis factory way in which to handle this great event. We can thus dispose of the many hundreds of different lots of merchan dise without congestion, and serve our customers more promptly and efficiently than we could do in one day. Of course, we always have a great throng of customers on each of. the two days, but by dividing the Clover Specials, over-crowding is avoided, and the many customers who cannot' reach all departments in one day can come again the second day. Efff? we f tie iiiilreis f Ckw Speck rj Kedn iced 0 Pric Efeii UepanmeDt rreseiis a Y wm Oil Values See Monday morning's newspapers for a partial list of the Clover Specials for MONDAY. Hundreds will be found when you come to the Store, designated by the Clover Signs, each showing the regular price and the Clover Day price. Most of the lots are in quantities sufficient for the two days, but many will be sold out the "first day, to be replaced by several hundred entirely new lots for the second day. We cannot promise to fill telephone orders for Clover Specials. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS CLOVER DAY. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER I Market Street Eighth Street FilheT? Street - I -tl iti tl 3)1 l r w w t 4ll m tf, 81 M 3 f&i ft ': H f M fJffl '.'Tffl ml iS O.'J m 1 .wi ? m TETLEY'S ' " ',rc " '-1 V , .; f ii, . f j . rf l "-S.T"T ,,-..-. A.-'l..' V nxiauinii v v ? .'J'-'V "' in 1 ' lu tt -,0? lUj' rf ' ' 7, i wu-jj " J ST?1. -4- I, f "ft M X ft' Uj.. io I ' l ' . ju.r. ..-. ''.-i '. :: ?S s,:.rei..-u ',-v''-, AS'-VA. 3.X l. a;l. flv.A K.iw.'V?''.' .. .faafcs -...a.'.. i' meat. . rtf, AlECAY A.IUV