Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1919, Night Extra, Image 1

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85 h fl !
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" J'- ' .'?ly.
Washington, April 20. Fair tonight
and probably freezing; fair tomorrow.
Tiai i'i:it.TVHK at r,cn iiocit
is n'no 11 li; i l' :; j r.
:i(t i.hs ins ,4(i I in 41 i , "i i
I A"
VOL. V NO. 192
Published Dally nxcppt Hunilay, Sulwcrlptlnn I'rli - ?ll n Year by Mall.
Cooyrluht. lull), by Publlo foiltrr C'ompnny
l.'litsriil us Second-Claj MnUer nt th" Pnatnfllcc nt I'hlladelphla, Pa,.
Under the Act of March 0 1870
jg( &
Completing Plans With City
Officials This
Date Will Be Fixed as Soon as
Last Units Sail for
Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Tn.xlnr
Plispy, division ciiiiii'tci-ninsler of tlio
Twenty-eighth (Ironl Division, will be
gin a light for u pnrado of the entire
division, when lie takes np his hcud
ipinrters here nt the I'nion League.
Colonel Pusov. ith a staff of offi
tors from the Twenty-eighth, is due in
Philadelphia this afternoon. .1. .Tiirdcn
(illonthrr. secretary of the Philadel
phia Welcome Homo Committee, culled
lo see Colonel Pncy at the hitter's N'ew
York lieadiinnrtei'M this iiiiirniiii;, lint
found Hint he had left.
Mr. (iiienther, was in Now York to
day getting infornintion nml nrraiiR
iiiK details for the jmrailo of the
Twenty-eighth here.
Colonel Pnsey lia.s made it known
that he will insist upon a full divisional
parade. lie said, before leaving New
York, that he believed the men of the
Twenty-eighth would bo willing to re
main in camp as long as might be nec
essary to assemble the complete di
vision. Consult With Officials
With a staff of five officcra. Colonel i
I'lisey will take charge of the military
arrangements; for the parade. I'pon bis
nrrlval liere he will consult with city
officials. A conference with Governor
, .Sfprotil has been arranged for a liearj
. date.
.The army officer, lately lmek from!
overseas.' is cspeaall.r"erniiiped by bis
knowledge of the Twent -eighth and of
military conditions generally, to aid in
making the final arrangements for tliej
Those in Colonel Pusev's partv repre-
sent units from all sections of the state,
and each man will look after the in-
terests of the veterans of his district,
The party coming today includes Lieu-
tenant Colonel Sidney A. Ilugerling
division signal oflieer, Pittsburgh ; Cap
tain Henry M. Cross, aide to the com
manding general of Ilarrisbtirg; Cap
tain Douglass J. Torrey, Company I?,
03d Supply Train, lliinisburg: Lieu-
tenant Karl 15. Kerr, Company J, llltli :
Infantry of Pittsburgh; Lieutenant I
Itobert I. Potts, ntlth Infantry,
(jreensburg, and Privates Frederick F. '
Marschalk, Company K. lOISd Supply '
Train ; Howard Wesner, Company C, '
10.1(1 Field Signal Ilattalion ; Arthur K. j
Sandstrom, 107th Field Artillery; Stan-
ley vvojiowsivi, v oiniiaii i, jimii ,-nip-ply
Train; William S. lleveridge, Com
pany 1!, llltli Infantry, and Peter D.
McAllister, Company I, ,110th Infantry.
Here to Co-oprrato
"Of course. T don't know much about
the plans that the folks have in mind
for -the
, . . i , , .,
reception of this division,"
Colonel Pusey said today, "hut we arej
here to extend our co-operation for the!
,i:,.:,.;., .i ;.i : ti..n.... .i.i
efforts of the many committees engaged
i i.i. i. :e .:..: ...,i t
believe I, am expressing the" sentiments
r nf the men wlici T snr lloif flmv itovli,,
-a parade, anil I know the people will
be delighted to see thein march en ' iended to the protest ns a further argu -
masse. They will witness a parade of! incut againt the passage of thc'W I-
liieu who have changed physically in a ward bills. Printed copies of the pro
romarkVblo degree. The most of them test and speeches, in pamphlet form,
have taken on anywhere from fifteen to will he forwnidcd to every member of
twenty pounds in weight, have wonder- the Legislature,
ful complexions nnd arc such a line, Preamble of Protest '
Biuruj -looKiug 101 01 men mui. every
one will be justly proud of them.
Must before we left l.e .Mans we, saw
one of the most impressive and pictur
esque bights that was ever presented
while we were abroad, and it did much
to make us feel even more proud of the
men we are now representing. The cu
tire division xvns in review formation on
the expansive grounds. It was the oc
casion which is always remembered by
the veterans the decorations of heroes
by tlio commanding general.
"Major Ueneral William H. Hay
pinned a medal upon each of eighty-five
battle-scarred Keystone boys and placed
upon the staffs of the regimental Hags a
streamer bearing the names of the major
battles in which the men participated.
The color-bearers in each instance were
accompanied by tlio man in the regiment
who wore the largest number of wound
Btripes, and in this way a tribute was
paid to him by the entire division."
Contlnurd on l'nce I'he. Column Tlir
British Transatlantic Fliers Resign
Themselves to Long Delay
vSt. Johns, N. 1, April :((. (Ily A.
I,) The Ilritish nirineu who have been
waiting hero two weeks for favorable
weather conditions to attempt a flight
across the Atlantic nnnarently have
!. rcsigueu iiieiiiseives to a long ttciay.
;,- Harry (.. Hawker, Austrllnn pilot
- o( tlio ftopwitu piaue, having learned
'-'.that the steamer Dighy, which has
i aboard' the, llandlpy Page expedition,
i JSwI'UMf taXS l?ngland,untU 'April 30, ' .Mvercly that Jf 'was. ij
F'rlMi"ordered' new; ietof 'wirles m(p. had wi(fjl 'ftbrokm nwjli
r - 'or bls"-wi1of,,i '?'. .. 'V'lHn'WiA, vl- '- " ,
B - i'.j i& -i! ; ni? r ., . . t.vy.-. a. .3 .& . ii '. T. xa
$40,000 for German Helmet
Paid at Loan Auction Here
Mrs. Clarence Wilson, Wife of Du Pont
Powder Company Official, Gets Prize
Aftei: Spirited Bidding
Forty thousand dollar
(ierinan officer's helmet
for a captured I
Mrs. Clarence Wilson, wife of. nn
rial of the iln I'niil Powder Company
'paid this ,., for Ilio lirlmrr ill m
spirited unotion l,ol.l in the Womon's ,
l.ihorl, Loan headquarters in ll.o I.in- ,
I ,i. ,; ., ,. . , . ... .. .. :,i, '
coin Itiiildinc toda in connection with
the Victory Loan drive.
"What am I hid for this offering?"
said Kiohard II. Norton, an associate
director of lhe Liberty Loan commit
tee, in (me auctioneer stjle as he stood
on a chair and held the helmet up be
fore the women who packed lhe room.
"' niobody start it'.' Do I hear
"Twenty-live thousand dollars."
shouted Mrs. Joseph N. Siii'llenburg,
chairman of the women's speakers Ini
leau from the rear of the room.
"I have S'J.'.OOII. Will anv one make
it S::I,()IV" Mr. Norton asked. "This
helmet was to have been worn by a
liormnn officer on the march through fort j V lhavethiitv nine : Ihirtv -nine.
Paris which did not materialize. It is j once, thirty-nine, twin third and hist
new and' has never been worn. ltlenll !"
is one of several thousand captured b ; "Koitj thousand." said Mrs. WiKon
our own heroes. Isn't it a beauty V i ipiietlj fioin a ih.ur near the auo
1 Will any one say !,'!0.(l0()?" tioneer.
! "I will." called Mrs. .lohli II. Ma- "Sold for S 1(1.000. " sid Mr. Nor-
son, associate I'hairniau of the women's , Ion, handing the helmet to Mrs. Wil-on.
Vare Assemblvmen Advance Six
Points in Appeal Against
Reforms Here
1'iw state senators
! members of the House
and thirty-one
from Philadel-
pliia, who are aligned politically with
I the Vines, have forwarded a signed
protest to (lovernor Sproiil against the.
I 1U!s"bo ol the Woodward charter lulls,
j Mix main points me cited against the
charter revision bills to show why they
should not be enacted into law. These
points are :
That the
the mayor
proposcd charter will give
dangerous and excessive
That it would swamp the city wijh
litigation and that a legislative commis
sion ought to study the piestion so as
to adapt a Philadelphia charter to the
low State Constktitioii.
Council "I'ndoinocralic"
That the smaller council proposed by
the Woodward bill is unrepresentative
tnd undemocratic.
That the Woodward bill would in no
tvay take (he police out of politics.
That the nnnual cost of street clean
ing ny contract in l'liiiatlelplua is ap
I proximately ,Sl,000,llll(l, as against the
I nnnual
osi ol approximately the same
in II ni im in Witi' V.ii.l- utiilnii IiiiiiiimiihiI
lllliniLr in .nit I iuu ihiimi 111 It (1 11. 1 1 itl I
,.i ,.r vu inn mm
, ' .' ,'.'.,
"'"' ""' S1"K, l'lvl1 service coninns-
sinner proposed by the Woodward bill
I '' 1' an autocrat.
mm,,. ..,1,1...,.. u ,.r .......1 t.....i
' posed charter revision at the recent
before the Senate municipal
I affairs
illlllllt tllll 111 'iff I I II I I 411-11 ii n
I'llllllltl Ll (tl II, I 1UII lilt i It
The preamble of the protest follows;
"We, the undersigned, being three
fourths of the members elcclejl to the
Senate and House of Representatives
from Philadelphia. hereby protest
against the pifssage of the so-culled
Philadelphia charter revision bills, for
the reason tbut our close association
and intimacy with the voters of our
respective districts convince us that (Ki
per cent of our constituents: arc op
posed to any interference with the
present charter of our city known as
the Bullitt bill.
"The authors ot the present Senate
bills ,'!L'I, ',','2'J and o'j:t, known as the
charter revision bills, are men inex
perienced in niuiiicip.il affairs, some of
whom are not residents of Philadel
phia, many of whom have never regis
tired, while others seldom vote."
Polite Hill is ltapped
The protest further s-ays, relative to
the bills introduced at the instigation
of the Vare forces to take the police
out of politics and provide a budget
system ;
"We respectfully represent that (here
are now bills pending before this Leg-
Cnntlmifil on I'ncf live, Column I'Ur
Sergeant Stouteribtrg Injured
Sergeant Lloyd Stoiitenberg was se
verely injured while riding a motor
cycle with a sidecar attachment fit the
motor transportation corps station,
Twenty-lirst street nnd Oregon' five
nue, on Tuesday. SlouteuborgH collar
bone was broken, and .lie" was itijured
go- V.m'cly that J-' 'was. reported he
pes1 anq r.oil
nt' women in
the center nf I In1 tiioni
"TbanU .Mm." li Norton said. "I
than !"
,. 'al;o it s.. ....nil. Mrs. i.ark
''" I '". Mimnmii. ... .ho oonlral civ'
ll'""t- -. "'," -"f' .. . .
I lor wolds hud li.inllv iliod down
'.Make it s:!t;.lllll." Mrs. V. ISm-k
, when Mis. Walter II
man of the women'
"I'll g'ue SIl'.i.Ollil "
, "Will iinj one make il SIO.OIIOV"
Mr. Norton al.ed. jn-i getting warmed
' up to the situation "Do 1 hear fori -
fort fort thousand'"
He paused-! no on" seemed anxious
lo take it. "Most tins helmet be sold
tor a paltry W.1,000'.'" He ioaed tor,
a lipple of laughter lie coaxed for
Uje inilllltes tnole. lie pleaded about
what il had cost to obtain the helmets,
of the groat care with which the had
boon imported lien- In he sold to the
highest bidder. Thou he began to wind
up with the usual am mincer's irj.
"I haw SIJ'.i.llOo. Will oii make it
Exceeds by $5,000,000 Dis
trict's Subscriptions on Fourth
Day of Last Drive
Victim Loan subset iptions reported
today brought the total thus far sub
scribed in the Third 1'cih'ral Reserve
Dislii, t up to S.-I..1I7.1(I0.
This is nearly S."i.illl),Ullll in excess of
the total reported on the corresponding
dn. of the Fourth Libert Loan.
It i- also. a gain of SI ()." I.N"0 over
the il iii, mi 1 1 1 icportcd cstenhl.v .
Philadelphia still runs ahead of nil
other siili-division of the distrhl iimlio
amount siihserilied. The total of more
than lift millions leported today is
split up as follows:
Philadelphia. Sr.. 17.". I."0.
Pastern Ponnsj lvania outside of Phil
iidelpliiii, S17.."iS7.0.-,0.
Delawaie, S t.llMI.'.l.'ll.
Soiillieru Now .Ici'M'.v . s:!.70o.(l."i(l.
'I'he totals announced at noon toihi
were compiled from reports of 072
banks and trust companies in the dis
triel. which sent in their sales recoiiN,
out of a total of 10!) I banking institu
tions in the district.
Airplanes Here
Four of lhe army
planes fioin
Miueola over lhe heart f the cit.v fioin
I'listleiou sn rlfv after 1 o'clock and be-
ciin lo do stunts around the Citv Hull,
Hundreds of persons lined the street and
watched the planes us they performed
di.z.v foals in the air. I'he lliers drop-
1 lie, ii.iiuphlels boosting the ictory loan
I'l nous is commanded by Major
A. II. liilkci'son. 'lhe llyers ini'liule
Lieutenants M. II. Murpli, II. (!. Mer
ritt. Cl.Mle V. Finter, Karl II. Ways
and S. (!. I'vaiis. The sextet arrived at
ISustli'lon late .venterday accompanied
by Sergeant John V. .Morse; Corporal
I'imil II. Steinger, Privates M. M. JIc
Graw, .lolui V. Church and Otto ',,
Ruble. . , ,
The circus will visit Lancaster, York,
Ilai'iishurg. Lebanon, Heading. Allen -town.
Trenton and New Ilrunswiik, N.
,T., before the homing tlight.
Some Large Subscriptions
Several large subscriptions were turn
ed in at loan headquarters today, one of
them for S'-i'lMMIO. another for SL'OO.
Ollll. and half u do.en for KHIO.OOO or
Mollis Wheeler e. Co. announced
thev had received subscrintions to a
total' of S'J."II.00(I. The SJOO.OOI) sub
scription was made by the Wesliuore
hiiiil Coal Coinpaii.
The J. !. Prill Co'iipitny and its eiii'
( iinliilili'il on IMpi riiur. ('iiIhOiii Two
Last Call for Romance
The fact b"5-' Ij'0" nientioned a
couple of, Mill's on this page that a
lliii'-iUMKcliuuly ui.istery story is to
liogm' in tlie Kvr.NiNii I'tlii.ui
f.i.lHicu on Monday. This is the last
chance We'll have to remind ou of
the furt before the event.
The Solitary House
Here is ii story that will start you
guessing with the lirst installment
ami keep you guessing until the end.
And the fact that ou are kept
guessing won't annoy ou in tlio
JWfst. Vou'll be pleased ami inter-
Don't forget to read the lirst in
stallment. And don't forget the
date, Monday, April 2S.' .
Eunmg public W$&gei
oounniltce. fioin a gn
?V -sfeW-i.- ,. ;r ,
Records May Re Uvohvn
at Franldin Field Today
I'm' mile Throe niin.- I. sec . bv
I'l'im. F.ili!.
Tii mill's- Seven niin. .." si.es ,
li Villi'. 11)11!.
I 'our mile Seventeen mill. .11 1 ."i
sit., bj Corni'll. I'.lKi.
din' mile, fi'i'slnjian- 'I'hrrr mill
!;-' see.. IVnn. 1!1T.
Our mill', prop. Throe min Uli I ."i
-it . Ilvtor. l'.ll.".
Ono inilo. high s, I I Tin or
mill. U!l 1 ."i sec . Ilo'on 11 S . I!l 1.
j-jrnRj rfllfinnT
j H V J
' wn I 1 I Will I I.
Quakers, However, Must Watch
Frank Shea, of Pitt, in
Final Quarter
sports i:Ilnr i:iriintr I'litilic I.ctlK.'r
I'llllailllteil bv Hie l.el.iled Ml iii"
wiulr weather, hcili winds and oilier
things to make il unphnsiiul. for
scanlih i lad athlete-, the ms weie on
the job reiulv for hu-iiio.s u hen the
soeond half of the I'enn rela.s started
on rmnklin Pield this al'loinnon.
The same strong, cold w pui ns blow
ing down the home siroteh, lhe same
officials shiorod as they perfoi moil
their man duties and the sum1 throng,
chid in oM'rn.at.. ''".!, blankets and
other warm wearing appaiel, loyally
took ils place in the stauds.
The irowd was iiiueh laiijer Ihan that
of yesterilay and had weather condi
tions boon favorable the big stadium
would lime been jammed. Yestenlii 's
races wore closel contested and there
is unusual inteicst in todn.'s events.
There lune been faster teapis in the
relajs in the last, but noer before
has there been such evenly matched.
liigh-cbis" tiinriMi. (H(44t"..teJmrrmei'icarr'imr,il firVcs' in lhe' Adriatic'
Pen'nsjrva.lia is favoied in the mile. , dirooling hi,,, to ,.,. exceptional pre'
although Pitt is dangerous because of '
Shea. If the liist three r, rs hold ''l,l,""ls '" 'il loss,ble disorders in
down the' load of the others, the Pitt ''' f the tension in llal.
whiilwind is exi ted to come through The Dalmatian poi t of Spalato. w Inch
OL.. 1!.,.. .i,,,l .t ii, II,,, k.,,,,,, ,i l.i.l ....
a lion and win the same as last
. Ten or fifteen .varils moan noth- '
il,.- ., ..,.. ...... ........ .. ....s,
ing to the Smoky Cit.v speeder.
Missouri. Nebraska, Cornell, Dart
mouth and Princeton also have teams'
entered which will insure i lose competi
tion, but il is hardly possible that the
record is in danger. The weather is
against it.
The two-mile lace also will he close,
but Chicago looks like the winner if
('nnllniM'il on I'.iire sovrntt'i'ti, ( iiliinin .seven
Entire Commission to Hear Applica
tion for Lansdowne Line
A hearing before tl ntire Public
Service Commission nia be neecs.,ary
lo decide upon the merits of an nppli-
cation made b.v John .1 Unite! and his
sister, Allele, known as the "Lansdovv no
jitney girl. lor permission to run a
J,,l(' l'"e troin lhe Sit -llilltli s
loiiniual lo l.ansiiow no.
Public Service Ciiinniissioner Ah
sitting' alone at City Hall
heard I
inon.v for and against the application
all day .vestcrday. John M. Drew, a
negro, win ; now oporalcs tour motor
buses on Sixty -ninth slreel, opposed
lhe application. Dicw was granted a
lorliliealc of convenience b.v the coin
mission last November.
Ilartel at present opeuites a line be
tween Lansdowne and Daib.v. and con
lends that there is roo.n for a com
peting line between Sixty - ninth street
and Lansdowne. I Mew claims thar a
second line would ruin the business for
Daughter of Senator Van Wyck Be
lieved Victim of Mistake
Omaha, Neb., April '.'IS. Illy A. 1
Mrs. Harry The.idoic Van W.vck l'cn-,t
nor. daughter of lhe bile Fiiited State's
Senator Charles IJ. Van W.vck, of Nc- '
hrnskn. and di.-orccil wji'e of Ferimilo
Ileiiner, New Y n k. swallowed poison
last niglit Iiilh1r"apnreiiieiit here and
died sooiifler.
She" is supposed to have taken the
poison by mistake in place of capsules
WUII-II Hi HI oeeo Kl.eii in i or, i. miir,
, , I 1....1 1 ..; I.n ,,., ,, .,..,....
wealthy. Iteiui"!' was
to be
Members Will Quit Unless Hlnes!
, Quickly Changes Attitude
Vn-hintoii. Anril M. - I liy A. P. )
-The price stabilization controversy
reached its tiliul stage loihi. Seere-
tnr.v Rcdliold telegraphed Director (ien-
eral llines, asking that railroad repre
I scntiilives coiifet iiuevv with the indiis
I trial b'liird. nnd sa.iiig in the absence
! of action looking to dclinitc results: it
, would be necessary for the members of
1 the 'boiiul to "resume their personal
Members of the hoard had let it be
known that their resignations had been
in Secretary It cd field s hands for nearly
n, mouth, and that tliey were prepared to
iibandon tlie stabilization program ot
naeo.uiilekS the. railroad administration
Returning Envoys Get Enthusi
astic Reception on Their
Arrival at Rome
Crowds in Eternal City Shout
"Down With Americans"
and "Viva Sonnino"
Ministers to Consider Advancing
Date for Assembly, Set
for May 6
"If ilson Stroot" Hciiiimvd
"Finnic" in Finning (ionoii
ISnme. April L'ti. -I l! . P.) - -
demoiisiialion toda al (ienoa ill
protest against President Wilson's
eilitiide i ulmiii'itod in the i hanging
of the name of the sM'cl that bad
been named after the American Pres
ident to "Finnic stn ot."
I5.v the Assoriared Press
Paris. April '.'I!. The arrival of Pre
mier Orlando in Homo K announced j t)
an official telephone message from the
Italian apital. lie was received on
tllilsiastieally. Orders have boon sent to Itenr Ad
miral Philip Andrews, ooiuiminding the
, , ,,,, ,,,,,,,.,,. ,.r ,1,,. i :
!. ....... .,, in, . llll-l 11,111
naval foices in the Adriatic, is one of
the centers of agitation botwi the
Ita'iuns and the .lugo-Slavs.
It is explained that the unlets lo
Aihiiii.il Andrews wore wholly procau- I
tionni' and that no reports of disor- I
dors had boon r ived. '
Niial Plan Was Rejected
Il has developed that the P.rilish.
, American and French admirals in Adri j
alio waters had formulated a plan I'm
giving llal.v (orlain of the Dalmatian j
Islands, which would have assured llal
of lontrol of the Adriatic, such as she
'desires. This joint plan was pri-'cuicri
, to the Italian lepiesentativcs and was,
i ejected as not sufficient. (
Wepnrts roeeived hero from the Amor
icon einhass in Home aie somewhat
ominous, as crowns nave neon purailiiii:
t i the streets
1 Americans"
, lish !" nml '
- , eigu minister
I' ing "Dow 11 w ith the
and "Dow 11 w ilh the Fug
Viva Soiiiiino!" the for
wlui outdid Premier Or- I
, liiiulo in pressing
mulch Itulj .
the extreme ileinand--
lh.se icport
lurlung, us tin
are parlicularlv dis
Auiericaii and P.ritish
iloiogaiions are saul lo iinve nail reason
lo believe thai Premier Orlando might
i adopt a course before the Italian par
liament which would load to an amicable
adjustment. The loports of the pop
ular agitation al Homo ami man other
Italian center-, however, have led lu
fears that the Italian prime minister's
concilia!, ir iillilmlo uui.v ho swept nwa.v
'in an outburst of fooling Iiv the popu .
lace. .s
Rome. April '.Mi. -I P. JrfV. i -Pio-luier
Orlando w ill i oiifef (v ith King Vic
tor I'hniiiiiiiuelliTifay. Ho will then
hold a council of ministers and make
. a report- of iieciii renecs j Paris. At
1. 1.... .: i....:.: :u i i i
liHU llteeilli il iniisioii hiii oe reiteoeo
whether to convoke parliament iinme-
liatel or-lo leave unchanged the dale
if meeting, which has been fixed for
.May I!.
The semi I ors and deputies fioin l.oiii;
hardy sent a joint message today to
Premier Orlando apd Thomas Nelson
the American ambassador, sai-ii
the "idcntilicd tliemselves w ith
i. ....!..
Orlando in defending llalv's
prestige, while again expressing warm
stmpathy and friendship tovvuid the
great Amerii an iieoplc."
v Turin Acclaims Orlando
When Vittorio Orbindo. the Italiai:
premier, icai-licii uirin yesterilay on
Ills wii I'nini Paris to Home li
was l
greeted Iiv an immense throng.
Standing in an niitnnioullo, the pro-
liner spoke lirielly to the crowd. "1'or
the last six weeks I have been defend
ing Italy's rights, but at last I was
conscious that my responsibility bad to
end with n no. Ifiient cheering.)
Doubt has been exprosseu wnetlier tills
nioiinsyllable truly corresponds to thc,1(, frtK.2J.r point in
thoughts behind it and whether 1,'U 'tlirouBlioAt The slate."
nil eeiui in .voo. ..". w.mv kiiuuiii .
Thereupon he.e rosea -real iiultctl "I'P'1 to s lnw " 1S I"B"-o and '
llieiiup n lijoi ios a ?teiu iiilieil;,., lM(, nlltn(,s VP1.U ki,u,(1
peating the word "No" again and again ,
noil w-nvlii? Hairs, hats nnd hniidker
chiefs. The demonstration lasted for
;tcn minutes. Similar enthusiasm fol-
inweu speouicH uy oiKiiur iwrziiui nun
GerTnstSa!A j? Pa1 ,
and Only 1700 Days Late!
ancjuard of Bodies
"Morgen-essen" and
15 tile Associated Press t
Talis. April .'(?. The Mingiiard ot
the (iertnaii peace dolegalion ari'ieil in
ersiiilles on a special train ill !l o'clock
.M'slerila a. in.. 17011 dm late accord
ing lo the time si hedule i urretit in
I ti-i-1 in when the (ieriiiau ai mies starlul
their sv, injj through r.elgiiini toward
Paiis. The pari consisted of P.aron
von l.ersner. former secielar of lhe
'ernii nbiss at Washington:
I.ailkor aiblll". heml of llie lilianeiMl
delegaiion: llerr Danker, of the food
administration. .,, v,x .rnns.
The Cci'uiiiiis vioro m,. i nt the stat
b Colonel I lent', of (lie ministrx of
war. and II. Oudaille. of the minister
of the interior, who weie delegated II
the foreign otlioe l,i take charge of lhe
(ierinan repi osentatnes.
The augmentation in numbers of the
delegation above those anticipated made
it necessary lo seek for additional ipuir
ters. and a stcond Imstcli -. Me Hotel
Vatcl. prol aid will be requisitioned .'or
Hie telegraphers, newspaper corre
spondents au, other attaches.
The .iriivnl of l.ersner and his part
was so qiiiotl arranged that few, if
an, persons outside the carel'iill sc
lecled force oC hotel sonants assigned
PAIUS, April '20. Foreign Minister Sonnino and former
Premier Salandra of the Italian delegation left Paris for Rome
nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. A large crowd of sympathizers ga r
thein nn ovation at the railway station. v
CHICAGO, April 20. Federal Judge Landls today ruled
that Pc&tmaster General Burleson could not increase intrastate
UlcQianh ratis. He said lie would dissolve the temporary in
junction rubtraiuing the iittorney General of Illinois from inter
U'liinr with the imposition of the higher rates.
NEW Y0KK, April 26 Army debarkation authorities here
said today they felt no apprehension regarding the steamship
Santr Clara, en route trom Bordeaux with 1829 troop3 and two
days overdue at this port. It was explained that rough wenthev
was being encountered by incoming transports and that such
conditions not infrequently delay sliips as long- as ten days. The
Santa Clara's troops include the Fifteenth engineers complete,
detachments of the M4th and 145th machine gun battalions, and
HEADING, Pa April 20. High winds for the past thirty
six hours prevented damage to frui" by frost, although the
tcmpcratuie was down to 31 hire today and to 26 and 23 in
various paits of this district,
of a tempt bt all of last night.
Crops Heavily Damaged by
Freezing Condition in Penn
sylvania and New Jersey
The cold sinp will remain over night,
with frost. 'I'oiiior, ow. il is believed,
the cold spell will abale souicvv hat .
The freezing nluiosphere Ihioilghoul
iiorthcrn ami
i eulial
Penns Iviinm.
-aid Forecaster
l'"'ver. wi
Crops throughout this stt,. and New J
Jersey have been severely damaged by
the cold spell.
"From our reports so far we know
the loss will be severe.'' Dr. Jacob (i.
Lipnuiii. bead of the state experiment
station at N'ew Ilrunswiik, X. J., said
"The early vegetables and fruit buds
came through the freezing a few days
ago in excellent shape, but now they
arc advanced to the point where the
cold will do tlieiu much harm, The
tliormnmetei' was three
below i
,,. ..,,..., IVonsv vaniil Ilio meicnrv
II is "Un reported that many early
iviniuv4 iv. .... (.fnwi-(
While tlio wind blew buds from the
fruit trees, farmers declared today that
Itnireventcd complete destruettou of
I,-!.. .,,.,.
1I.ITH LlVlia, 4f y
Immediately Order
Retire to Rooms,
to Plan"
their rooms ami to th
si r ing of
the alter
no als, w ei c u wale v i u i
noon of their prosem e.
"Arscne" Aiotmil
A rreiich detoi tiio of the ninsl oh
ioiis "plain clothes" liie lounging at
trout cut ram o to thai wing of the
tol ties Itcserwiirs, and companions
miller lhe w indows of the moms looking
over Versailles Park, weie lhe onlt
illdliatlolls of the i liilriieter of the slate
guest- Willi hail lllsplaeeil I IMllllll
Utlil foiled tin-Ill to seek oilier
ill I'lowded Versailles. The do
tei I ivi's dill no! interfere with I rutin
in the street or in the park. Outers
eiidenll hail been given to make lhe
service of surveillance or protection for
the llorinans ns unobtrusive and iinob
joe Unliable as pussihle.
Prul eel ion ami the avoidant c of ios
sihlo unplensant iueiilonts. rather than
lostrietions. will, in fact, bo the pur
pose of such police measures as are
taken, according to a statement made
to the Associated Press Iiv one of the
Proiyli repix'soiitntives assigned to the
"We du not expect to drive the
nursemaids and ihihlieii from their
illsloinar plav grounds, but we will
I'.lgr rive, Coliinm (I li c
"lie wind blew with the force
Agitation by Sabbatarians Not
Responsible for Calling Off
Show, Say Officials
Siiud.i inovio
tor Libert Lo
in tin re nf Ho
'I'he calling i
Peace" film is
in behalf
li. will n
of tin
it be
li iwa
hediiled downtown '
tlie "Price of
luc lo agitation
against Sundii.v movies b.v Sabbatarians,
...........ii..., ,,, .i... tii,.is in ,..arce. but
because of luck of liluis for the theaters.
'"I'he program will go on 10(1
nut just the same." a meiubci
nf tin
coimuittcc declared loila,v.
The picture was scheduled to have
heen show n in eight South Philadelphia
theaters. Those where the film will not
he shown arc: The llroadway. ISroad
street and Sn.vder avenue; the Model.
Fifth and Smith streets, and the Frank
lin, at Third and I'iUvvater streets,
Jews Buy Site for Logan Synagogue
Jews of Logan have bought ground
ami contracted tor the initluliig ot a
,..',. I,. I... fc...,. u tl.n Tl.ll,
Shalom Congregation. A mnss-meeting,
. ,.oltfbl.uti(,u ,,f this event, will -be
held at the Logan Theatre. 4817 North
i i (i hum nun i) uiiiiii v i nini iiuniif
Prominent speakers will address the
meeting. Miss Minnie Blieffer, violinist,
will plav, accompanied by Miss llitunah
lci.lT. "li
.OliyiV1 tX !'
Clemenceau and Lloyd George
Approval Called "Inaccurate
Report" in Statement
Press Reports Orlando Will Ask
Parliament to "Decide Be
tween Wilson and Me"
Executive Holds Request for 50
Millions Credit for Italy,
While Envoys Balk
Dispute "Clears Rapidly"
Paris Cables to Capital
Washington. April '(!.--(Ily A.
P. i The Italian situation in the
peace negotiations is "clearing rap
idl." according to advices from
Paris received today at the White
It was stated that the action taken
b.v President Wilson was "indorsed
ever whore." j.lust what develop
ments were taking place were not
disclosed, hut it was evident that aa
a result of the message, the tension
which has prevailed in administra
tion quarters for the Inst three days
was considerably relaxed.
Ily the Associated Press
j Paris, Apiil '.'(!. The report that
( Pri-mioVs' t'lcmTOTWnrmiil Lln.vd (Jeorgo
iipproed of President Wilson's state-
meiit on the Adriatic problem was de
j dared to he inaccurate, an aiinuunce
' nieiil made heie today ni.vs.
lhe text of the statement reads:
The report that Premier C'lemen
ceau and Premier Lloyd (ic urge np
prnvcil of Pri-sident WiKou's state
ment in inaccurate. The statement
was read to M. Cleiiienceiui and Mr.
l.lo.il li go. and President Wil
son informed them that he Intended
to issue il. M. Clenience.'iu and Sir.
Lloyd (ieorge were anxious that Mr.
WiKon should postpone publication
in the hope that nn arrangement
might be arrived ut
Wilson Calls Conference
i All members of the American peacP
delegation will meet with President
I WiNoii for a conference nt L' o'clock
this aflcrnoiin.
I The President and Premiers Lloyd
I (ieorge i.ud Clemenceau met this morn
I ing as the Council of Three. Finan
cial experts were culled into the meet
I ing and the creation of a liuuncial
! commission lo supervise the operation
of (ierinan pa.v incuts in keeping wth
tb' peace treat was discussed. The.
lominissiou piohably will consist of one
member from each power.
The Peace Conference has been shaken
scvei-ol bv the Italian crisis, and the
extent lo which its work will be affected
is i'i iving anxious attention. The
American storm has broken out and the
air has dented in that quarter, but in
1 other circles a less optimistic view is
taken, the feeling being that an element
of confusion has boon introduced which
will result in delay nt the nmineut the
lierni.in delegates nrc arriving.
Italians WurK on Commit tees
Several of the committees met yester
dav with the Italian members present,
ami th" secretariat of the American
delegation said no notice had been re
icivcd of the withdrawal of Italian par
ticipation. Ponding formal action, no
break in relations would be assumed, it
was added. Hut the departure of the
Italian delegate. and announcement o
the ilcptuttirc of Foreign Minister Son
nino nml lornier .Minister jsaiauura, ac
L' o'clock this afternoon, creates an
anomalous situation, ns it is not known
whether Italy will be represented nt
the plcnai-.v session Monday, when parts
of the treaty, including the league of
nations covenant, will be finally passed
The plenai session niiy coatinilB
through Tuesdu), in order that the
work of the body may be completed
before the delegates proceed to Ver
sailles on Wednesday for the lirst ses
sion with the (ierniuns
Orlando's Dramatic Pr.rtlns
French reports represent the final
meeting between .President Wilson nnd,
Piemier Orlando, before the latter s (ie ta -a
partiire, as highly dramatic in cnar-i . w
ncter. One version is that tlie Italian
prime minister, hi addressing tlie
American President, Mild;
"You have contested the authority
of the Italian (Jovernment before Us. .n!
,.,., W.
Conilnufd on Pncr 1-tic Column Tvra
The Weather Vana f
llrnvy fvot iwilght and then
Sunday fdir, tekilti breei Haul, ,
lluy liotids iriid you'll hegM ojhi-4
'TH the turtsl liting jst fcnoiii,
-. t
;" tJ.
, ,, J-.a
. i" i isr.'U'aiViW'K' .
;,v i. '' i &ji ' ' - y
! u!
M . -
tl'i. V k