jrn- Wt ...riSBwi ,j.. . .'"'".- ...iij.,. , . , ,, in i iiii i IM iMMmapi -TFSYa? 7 V , -M'vfi ---t y. f ''j"ifV'f ' J --,, ?;- "r ' tii-,riv " -" j r? 'n-.1. i . EVENING PUBLIC . LEDGEIV-PHICADELPHIA, FRIDAY, 'APRIL 23, 1919 .. J . I'Ti.l . . .& 'kH HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE JTITV Desirable Dwellings, Possession of a Number at Reduced Prices IRION". 17th.$11.noO,16imN. 19th. ,10.600 1710 Jefferson. 0.00ol007 N. 18th .. 0.000 -020 n. 12th. n r.ooiino2 Poplar ... n.co 1802 Jefferson. B.oto213(t N 18th... R.oon 1U31N. Hid.. 4,60012018 Master . ... 4,500 . dwellings for investment 70SN. IStli, Including 1S00 Franrls.$4,000 121R Parrlsh. Including 1214 Weber 4,000 -?aS Si1,1!;!:;; ?.,KZ " c""1", 3'000 rftT&ttrV.V. IlSSoWUlUrUn.. . S.M0 "M7-7D Stlllman st. S.000 1028-30 and 32 Warnock st . $1400 each. Finn business location, 1800 Olrard ave.. corner Rldgo avc. $9000; bakery. 108 N. lnth lit., $4500. LOGAN, corner, porch, modem.... SO. C00 .... , A. HEATON MINNICK ... 18na Olrard nv. Hell phone Poplar 18". : ..ijjLxaj North Phila. 1U-Z Story fllx rooms, including bath: brick houses, brownston trimmings rent, JJ3. .should bo 15; prlro, $130'). Also 14-2 Story flK rooms nnd bath houses, German town: hot-water heating-, electric Hunt, hardwood floors: rent. $82; price, $3700; tnortsaref S3fno each. B. W. MELVIN 180(1 REAL 15STATB TRUST BLDG. MTTr mmmmiiiiiimmm HAVK $200 MOVE IN TODAY 48S to 438 11. Wyoming ave,: modern 2-story porch-front housea; 7 rooms, bath, pantry and shed (steam, heat, electric, stationary tub: Belling for 14000: corner at $4500: main street: convenient trolley facilities, small amount of caah, balance to remain oil mortgages: prices to advance next week. Ap ply to owner. Cell phone. Diamond 6849. SILHER. 2123 X. 11th at 2921-23-25-27 Hurley St. TO CtOSB AN ESTATB rOUIl 2-STOBY BIUCK DWELMNQS William M. Brinkworth 8TH AND LBHiall AVIS. rUUNISIIKD-ltOOM house, within 3 squares of Wanainaker's store: reliable, per manent tenants; income 12400; charges . 00 per annum: price J8S0O, subject to 8o00, or 20 per cent on cash lnveat. : owner must mil; has other business: prop. In flno condition; has IS rnin. hot-water beat and mod. plumb Inr, A D Morgan, Ileal Bstate TniBt Blag . . OWN YOU1! 1IOMU . , ,, S280O- Carey. Stelnber. Dungan and CJljnslde ts. (Kensington and Sedgley aes.). faclne Merrltt Square; brick and stone construction : nil conveniences. Including electrlo lients. small amount of cash required, balancs as lent, bee Mil. METZOEB or It. B. SMITH, 724 W. Brig aye INVESTMENTS 17 2-atory. 0 roomB. terraco porch fronts: rent J17: should be $20, can bo sold to home buyers; send for list. JOHN T. DOYLE, 2742 Kensington avc. SACRIFICE Owner leaving; make, offer on 007 8. Bid. 632 N. Both. 2322 Wallace. 2027 Page; also largo 4-storv housekeeping apartments: total rents, 1000 per year. WATT. 314 Lincoln IHflaT. l"OR SALB 210-2l)21-2l)47 Oerrltt St.. 0 rooms: 721-723-725 Dudley M.. 0 rooms: 42. Slgel st.. II rooms: 011 X. 10th St.. 0 looms; &2H fuua st., . rooms. OWNKK. 1011 Poplar st. , .'J09-11 N. TRONT ST. 3-story private dwelling, can be bought cheap; good busl ntss proposition: make offr. jas. i'. bmttii. :i. Ksnsmgton are. . ( AN estate closing nut will sell 2113-15-17-10 I Waterloo st. : V!4i2-i4-in w. Howard at.: price 115 000: will sell separate: maks offer. JAH, F. SMYTH. 2133 Kensington am. 2082 N. 12TH BT (liven rooms and bath, porch front. In A-l condition. 14100. For particulars apply C4U Whlthv ave Woodland 2H42 W. J2700 3223 X. 20th. 0 rooms nnd bath, porch: 2 blocks from Tioga nnd Westmore land Statlo.i: easy terms. MEIXNEll, 22d f.nd Clearfield. MUST BE SOLD to'close an estnte. 017 n! loth at. rental. 23 per month, assessed 12200: clear of Incumbersnces; m'thlv lease LOUIS KARSTAEDT 478 Drexel Building. 142505482 N. KITH RT. Four-bedroonv home hot-water heat IjAMIIKRT & McDERMOTT 403 N 03d t. THREE stone porch houses. 1.'. Walnut lane, Oermantown: 0 rooms and both: verv sull- able for home bus era: rent J18: price $2200. MANN Q st and Allegheny ave. HOME BUYERS 27.14-nH-r.8-HO N. Howard st. 2 story, brownston trimming, n rma. & bath: good cond. & loo. : pries 52300: easy terms. Bee Smyth. 2133 Kensington ave. 1880 COLUMBIA AVB -dwelling: rent J1200: lies nold If. Greenberc. -Modern store and let's talk it over. 1421 Chestnut st. 2402 N. 2D 3-aty. storo and dvvg. : will t for $2500 lo oulck purchaser: this fs "I " I bargain .ias r. gum". ..u Lrnnnmum av. 1030 GREEN ST. 12 rooms; low price; deep I lot to rear street; room for garage. EMPIRE TRUST CO. 44th it Lancaster ave. U09 W. MONTGOMERY AVE Entlrelv renovated throughout: big bargain. Willis. 1118 Lincoln Bldg. 1814 X. 24T1I ST i Three-story brick dwelling: price $3200. y.ACHARIAS & WALLACE. 1430 S. I'enn sq 300 HOUSES FOR SALE: $100 down, bal ance same as rent; list on request. . KENNEDY. 1001 Chestnut ' THREE-STORY porch house, near tialn and trollev: A-l condition: modern Improve ments MEIXNEll. 22d and Clearlreld. 2C01 N. 0TH BT. (CORNER) Three-story brick store Ml dwg : Price $4800 y.ACHARIAS & WALLACE lion n. L pun au. nuslnensa Properties anil fstora ICENSINOTON AVE., near stations Best lo cations in northwest. JOHN T. DOYLE, 2742 Kensington ave. . Bnlldlnr Tots. Faetorr Site. T.tc. BITES. RAILROAD Penna. and Reading; S000 Pir acre and up. according to tea : Inquire for terms Dleterlch. 7T Walnut. Factories FACTORIES AND FACTORY SUED Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S. GIN9BERO 1201 Chestnut st. M'arehonsfs WAREHOUSE FOR SALE A 4-story modern warehouse, contain ing over 00,000 square feet wl'h more room for expansion; equipped with electrlo elevators to all nooivs: two railroad sidings direct to platform. Situated near Delaware River front In Camden. N. J. Apply American Stores Company, 4th and Noble Sts. . Philadelphia. Pa. wkst rnTr.AnKr.rniA $7000 Three-atory residence: hot-water heat, electrlo light, living hall; vacant: near 42d and Pine sts EUGENE L. TOWNSEND B. E. cor. 40th and Baltimore ave. 3243 BALTIMORE AVE. Two-story semi detached dwelllnr, living hall, parquetrv floors, vapor heat, 0 large rooms: excellent condition; early possession. Eugene L. Town send. 49th and Baltimore ave. $2500 HOME BUYER Salford st (eaat of (10th st.) 300 block; porch. 6 rooms and hath: only 3 left, so act quick; can arrange terms. Frank J Faber. 1420 Chestnut. Ppruce C32T. HOME BARGAINS 34th st. above Race, 3 story, 2 baths; big lot; one to back street for garage, one a corner; make offer. J, A, FRITZ. 1100 Land Title Bldg, TOT 8. BOTH BT. Nine rooms, 4 bedrooms, tllo bath; newly papered and painted throughout,; new roof, electricity; Immediate possession. Woodland 370 W. CORNER IN OVERBROOK SECTION Only $3000; 8 rooms, porch, main street; possession In 30 days; act now. CASPAR h CO.. 6280 Haverford $4500 1628 N. Edgewood St.: S story, 8 rooms, Dutch hall, hot-water heat, elec tricity; substantially built; Overbrook dlst. Adolph B. Caspar. outn ana ijansaowne ave. 0020 CEDAR AVD Three story, semide tached, Dutch hall, 2 batha: lot 20x110. JOS, ALLEN POTTB. 4005 Baltimore ave. l'ACINO THE PARK ACT QUICKLY" 1139 H. Olat at.; Incloaed porch: eleo. light; hardwood floors. LAI.LY. S905 Baltimore av. S835 BANSOM ST. Four-bedroom home. 1 square from 60th St. "L": $4800; poa session. RYAN. B008 Market at. r 409 8. BIST Three story, side yard, electrlo light, hdwd. floors, .cpen ball: opp. Park. JOS. ALLEN POTTB. 400S Baltimore ave. BEAUTIFUL 3-aty. cor. dwg.. with can... In Slegel home town section; near Cobba CreeK lliva. jonu jk. -inomas. oae h. qtn st. $8780 Dandy little corner house, 3 square bo. at "I," station: immediate noaaeaalon. It, S, DUNLOP, BB58 Market st. 281 B. 68TH ST. Two-atory brick) 8 rooms and batht reasonabls price, M. JL MAT8INGER. Real Estate Tr. Bldg. BARGAIN TOT N. 4Sd at. I 8 atory, 0 rooms. fl!fH,'KOEBTNER, 422T Lancaster ave. $5000 GOOD STORK and dwelling house. - mar Penna. Univ. and W. Phlla, K.n.8ta. GEO. WATSON 824T-834B Chestnut st? 019 WALNUT ST. Two-story house with very deep lot: price $4600. uyain ..uui fl.arnt at. . 181B N. B8TH BJ". 10 rooms. In perfect coii ditiont price $3000. It. B. MILLER B200 Lancaster ave, or B602 Bpnice at. 49 N. PARSON ST. -Three-atory porch-front dwg.. $8750; easy temsi conv. location. KMPIRE TRUST CO.. 4th and Lancaster. KORTII side Ie jMisfy st., between 6Tth t'ORTII side D Laneey- st., between 6Tth o4 Dltbj 50, ;xitA'rrNick 9023 Market? REAL ESTATE FOB SAM wtcst l'liirjMiCT.rniA . Tl E BEAUTIFUL 0VERBR00K 1748 N. Both at., vacant! 8 rooms: hot-Mater heat; electricity! built-in bath; parquetry floors. Main St.,Mod. Home,$3900 7 rooms: only 1 left In Overbrook ec tloii under $4500. 603 N. 63D Lincoln 11l-hwiiv 4 bedrms.. breakfast room: hot water: (lectrlo light; renovated; poa. May 1. 150? N. 62D ST. Exclusive Overbrook section: 0 rooms, 4 bedrooms; Dutch hall: steam heat, electricity. 60TH ST., ab. GIRARD S-room residence, $1000. GEO. W. CROWLEY & SON f 1238 N. OOTH Belmont 0842 J iiiiiiii""' im" J300O HOMB riUYEHS J3000 niehtnt B3th and naltlmore nve.: 808-10-12-24.28-30-33 8 VoBdes at. : look at them : only 7 left: the best-built homes In West Phlla offered at this price: little cash reaulred. pleaaant and convenient surroundings: omy IS minutes from City Hall en routo 34 In the , subway. HAItUY J. KOBIIMIIl t- CO . 1420-22 CltBHTNfT ST. I'HONK WJCLSl UJ83, or 1' X Delany. West I'.nd 1Ud. r.P21-ri.V07-03-r,.V67-8n CIIESTBU AVB. sAMn.H iiousu. r.n33. oi'EN rem rN- loacd porclil 4 rooms and bath on second floor, clectrlo limits, hot-w-ftter heal ' BXAMINB TODAY . m'liuriu. Inclos Audit on 'premises. V. II. llonsch r.-.'ir. !!!dn at ' ITARIir .th'hn-son-. 1420 Chertnut si 1138 K 52D KT. (I block abovo Chester ave) 15800: will sacrlllie niv homo after hav ing lust expended over J1400 on refinements, electrlo lights, steam heat hardwood 1". laundry, linen closet, genuine Butler s silver electrlo fixtures, possession May li eon""1; nt terms. Apply on premises or pnouo Locust 071)8. . 5040 CATHAniNB HT. 3 rooms. bed-1 rooms, hot-water heat, electric. n" .'... 1 ...... ..a ..-.... .inn norcn. truly a b-autlful home: sacrlll'co for aulck tale. Call, phono or write for order otiwp-i. If. BLAIll C'OOKB rriMJ'ANY. 1218 Chestnut st. Walnut 1430. J3400 0020 REGENT ST. 13100 Elec lights, mod. heating, hardwood floors Open for Inspection Eiceptlonally good buv: examine, todai Agent on premises. W. H. Mensch KM Upland st. ,.,, C. HARRT JOHNSON- 1420 Chestnut st . CHANCE TO SPECULATE Seven 2-story porch-front dwellings, 0 rooms: price (2000. HQ Mil I PD 5200 Lancaster ave. . J. lIIL,L.Cr nBn2 spruce st I IIAVB positively 40 of the beat Investment houaea In West Philadelphia, almost J for Investment: near B2d and Arch: It re financed, 1800 profit can b mado on each house selling to home buyers. ' CASPAR. (1230 Haverford ave. Bel. 4(101. TO BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE 800 N. 03D ST. , lleception hall home,- 10 100ms, 2 baths; must bn sold within the next 10 days. CALDWELL & CO., Narberth, Pa. Narberth 1271. 15 00 DESIRABLE RTOUP CORNER PAXSON AND RACE STB. line cigar and stationery business Eight rooms and bath Going cigar and stationery business i;ignt rooms ana nam LAMBERT & McDERMOTT 4113 n. o.iq st. HERE is a. bargain: 40th Bt near Chestnut, stono frBnt: all modern: $4800; possession soon: 30 others In West Philadelphia. Com mercial Guarantee Co., 614 Bulletin Bldg. Phono Ixicust 4823 , CALL BELMONT B301 Four new operations under way. with ga rages, south of Market and Overbrook: range from J0000 to 18500 MOONI1Y fc CO 13 N, ntlth PEACH ST. HOMES (1200 block) 5 rooms and bath, white and mahogany finish; sample 1220 S Peach St.: price 12G00, (300 cash, $21.tl0 per mo , saving 5 50 per mo. JAMES J. NEVILLE. 523 S. 50th. Will. 3730 SIX 2-STORY BRIC1C DWELLINGS Near 02d St. Station Prlco 12200 Rented $19 Mortgaged to ($1800 IT. S. MILLER 5200 Lancaster ave. 17000 MAIN ST. MODERN HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WILL FINANCE LAMBERT & McDERMOTT 403 N. B3d at I4UU0 Lalge remldetachedTt-rooni house; well built, new- roof: below Baltlmoro. WEST PIIILA REAL ESTATB CO. 5000 Baltimore ave OERMANTOWN llimillHIlimillllBlilllflllllH'llMllllW """ """ iiiiisiiii i afi 3 SEDCaWICK g New detached stone dwelling on hlrh ground overlokolng country club: broad center hall, llvlnir room, dining room, furnished tearoom, pafitry, kitchen, servants' dlnlnR room, tiled h lavatory g Tour chambers, 2 .baths (one with shower) and flunroom on second flodf : IS chambers, 2 baths, storeroom third s floor. ia Paneled Interiors, with mural decora- tlons: white and mahogany finish: 3 g open fireplaces; hardwood floors, in r closed heated xorch; garage for 2 g cars, with chauffeur's quarters; im- mcdluto possession. ig Our list of properties for sale will be l of great assistance to you in select- lng a home, Sedgwick Farms Co. 1 7014 Boyer Street S3 GERMANTOWX 3 Phone, Oermantown 660. lIHllIMlliininiHIIIillHillinilllHiilUiiliniil WEST SIDE of Cermantown. south of cneiten ave : a-story semidetached dwell ing, 11 rooms and 2 bathsj good condition, lot 35x168: price $14. BOO; price not Inflated, II. B. McCOLLUM 1218 Chestnut nt. $4000 B308 WAKEFIELD ST. $4000 Eight rooms and bath, hot-water heat, laun dry tubs: possession May 15 Apply 6120 Gieene tt, atn. 2802 J SEND I"OR OUR LIST OF MODERATE PRICED HOMES FOR SALE IN SEDG WICK: MODERN. WITH GOOD I.OTS SPACE FOR OARAGE: CONVENIENT 'id BTORES. SCHOOLS. ETC. "" " B. C. TOURI8QN, 7014 BOYER RT. E. WALNUT TNB A beautiful 3-story porch-front dwelllnr. 11 rooms, bath, laundry with garage in the rear: side driveway: Immediate possession. George W Deane. B914 Otn, ave. POSBESSTON: mod. 2-aty. twin house; con Knox and Ashmead: first fir., Dutch hall, dining rm kitchen, laundry; second floor 4 bedrooms and bath; elec; room for garage J. W. Graham. Jr., aa7- Land Title Bldg BARLHAM TERRACE Five, 2-story, porch front dwellings, near Queen Lane Sta tlon, $2000. 1BEN. 8th and Diamond. $3500 HOME BUYER 1000 UI3CK La veer st. (Ogonta and Chelten ave. section), 2 story, porrh, 6 rooms and bath: terraced: hot-water heat, electrlo light; best bouse In Otn. for the money: examine 1963. 1'rank J. Faber, 1420 Chestnut. Spruce B527. MT. AIRY GKRMAVTOWV MODERN detached dwellings on Creshelm road, near Allen lane, close to station; 10 rooms e.nd 2 baths; luxurious finish at pre war prices; easy terms. Apply to LE DEL REALTY COMPANY 1208 North American Bldg. FRANK FORD ipniHiiniiMM 1 Immediate Possession f I Artistic English Homes Harrison at., between ITorrocke and S Large its., In the beautiful North- P! wood aectlon of Frankford. near the ffi North.aet Boulevard. ffl Tako ears to Harrison at. and ft Frankford ave.. walk west 8 snuarei. y Mardwyod Soore. hot-water heat 1 cprcblnat on flreleas cooker rangai S electrlo light. 2 uarage Frlvlleger Loti Sl.lOxliT to center of 18-foot Driveway. cla"te"ltnU" "" tW" b0U ,0 mn DREBY & EVANS ' 100T Lincoln Bulldlmr. o t mu umiinm i m in i iuxjh mi nm m: n nui i h run n mrua um mrjiim mm romiKi it isn i npr WIHSAniCKON 3257 NEW QUEEN LANE Two-atory twin house. 4 bedrooms, hot-watar heat;, good condition; near East Falls Sta tion; houio may be Inspected by permtt. Thomas H Evoy 4,0XAVB REAL ESTATE FOB SALE NKW jersey sirnnniiAN OWN YOUR HOME AT LAUREL SPRINGS MANOR, N. J. ON LAUREL SPRINGS LAKE .lust opened. 2000 beautiful home sites, with Boating. Bathlnr oil Pi'lune prmleces. Now la jour opportunlij to buy LARGE LOTS AS LOW AS $50.00 Tfrm a low a S".00 down nnd $fi 00 a month, l.lhernl dlpcoun fiir rash InimfdJnto io8fton Tentlnr prhlkur?-. If jou ilMitlro. for a limited tlmo. 'IX) INTIlUtn'CB 1HIH NKW HITK Vli AUK OPKi:il!NO 1W) I.OTM AT A M" iu:iuction ir Tor pciu'iiahi; jn ou hi:kokk monday. Ai'itu stii. "VtiT ONK IJT TO IJACH CT'HTOMIIU AT THI2 HCDLVKD rUUT. UY MOW AM) WAV12 MUNKV Ta.k rimtifin Tm1Iv nt IVderal Htret lVrn nnd crt off nf fiAItDI.N i j I.Mvl) Mnttoii. Agent on liround daily and riunda , or phone Ijocust 4010 V iiumk prrn DBVKijoiwinNT rouv W Iloom 45 2d Houth loth Htreef, l'h 11 idol phi a P TIIH1A 1300 BUTLER ST. Porh, 11 rooms, n. W. I.LOVD. com.: larire U 714 Walnut at 3S.'."i rtl.AMKt AVU , 15300 Cor ponll, elec lights, mod lieiitlinr, Mouthcrn opos coiwen to lrolle: open for Inspection Sat and Sun . n to r other dan b appointment. I' HAItHY JOHNSO.V. 14211 Clietnut at. Sprura 4tRil 111) I.Otl IN roo''th nj thorounhls- modern, wo snectlon. SJoOO 332,1 V MAr.XNB ST. .. ar train ami trouey. suBsest prompt in- 4fi0 V ItTlt ST. rooms and bath on accord nor: pximwre. Interior uuetcclled; Porch, 4 i scuthTn prompt possession. SA0O0--.-.12T N. 12TH ST. Twin: 4 bedrooms, hardwogd floors: good condition; we fugaect prompt Inspection. JT.-.OO 1324 WAONKll AVB. Three story, twin: thoroughly modern: near trolley and train; lot 117 It deep. Immediate possession r.ATT A ci . trittTrrr TVC 4700 N. Broa'd. wvomlnir RT1-ST2. aih inn .Man e nave jwcyicTc,. jc34 LOUDUN Two story, modern 1 bar ilia? I. gain at x4ihhi. I M. II JIATSI.VliBIt. Ileal listatc Tr, 1131 ItOCICLAND (Vi Two story, 8 rooms and bath M H MATSINOBR. Ileal Estate Tr Bhlr. 907 LINDI.BY AM -21-, -.toiy twin, mod ern, a luin-Mtn. newly renovated M. II MATSIMIEU Real E'tate Tr. Bldg 1500 OLNBY AVE -Two story, modem. carago luivllego beautiful location. M. It MATSINUEIt ileal Eslato Tr. BJi?g riCVNHYI.VAXIA SCTUDRnAN JW ' '" nJi lull 'i IKIfllill !' M Pj STONE COLONIALS OVKni3nOOi: Flanned ulth a center entrance .mil, Uirco 11 vine room, dlnlnnr room, pantry. Kitchen and laundry; 7 chamber), oleepinff porch nnd : inodTti batlii. Finished throurh out with whltu paints. nvr UichtlnR flxtures, oak floors open fireplaces and nhower. lighted y electricity nnd heated from cntral plant, flur rotinded by old flia'le and shrubliers I . w. . . rMPT IOU CTVI U l H h l .1 ISH S I Y I.C. IS - ' VJiLllkJi 1 tJ X X I-rJ-l una conenient to train and tnuie. REAL SUBUBRAN HOME Located P In ong of the be.t suburban sections. s House consists of center entranco hall, living room, dining room.' pan- fe tr, kitchen and laundry Also 5 man- H ter chambers, sleeping porch and 0 T bathi, with servants' quartern and bath above Electric light, hot-watei -Z heat ami hnrdwood floors Heated Karagc. with nian'e room and ff bath Over an aero of high 11: ground w 1th abundance- of old m fchade and shrubbery. Price $30,000. sr E. A. HAVENS CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING Phone, Spruce 0213 ftllll HUNTINGDON VALLEY SECTION Beautiful country home, 3H acres: 12 room modern stone house, all conveniences, open fireplace, garage, stable: abundance I fruit: old shade; finely- located: restricted ectton: situated on stono road; Huntingdon I Valley heitlon; convenient station; on N. Y i division Reading ' WARNER MURPHY , Willow Grove Bell phone 103 ' SUBURBAN DWELLING. 20 minutes from ' llroa 1 M Station: 8 ruotnn anil bath: lot SoxllO. $11,500: price not. inflated: ukin.r 1 tne same as when bull! il H. .V1CUUI.I.L.M 5 i .21 Chestnut st. tZ 1 1 r.wvi) STONB UUSIUIAVCU. 12 rooma. V. m baths, Hinall conservatorj . ftbout arm i :j I ground, caract. fl minutes from station; all i 'modern tuineniencos; ren.onable prlia and S! ' t-rma A SOi ledger Office ' lllcoiAYYN' PA Three eton. brick, corner -, property southern expoburc. II rooms.' - Mi.iths. all concnleuces. hot-water heat, 3 tiOOO It riaBSOtil, 128 S 1th Pt . Col- i yn Del io . Pa Hell phono Darbv SSS P i RT niTimAV homes, convenient to flOth t TrmriHl: ?(jouii Rim upward: mi coiiveni T, 11AKNKS, 1S01 Chewtnut St. lite, (..L.U NINU luoms, bemldKached, frmit porch; steam heat: larso ard, terma to eult. QKOIUn; M A MAN. 1 'J1S I'hcBtnut f.t DHTACIIKD modern Jucllln-. 1'J roomn; (rarae. 1 acre, old Fhaile; near station; 5 R00L Qo. M AMAN 1218 Chestnut wt . " mvf.Tnv AM li;itfeONAT,L,Y OPTIIUIXO for bdl" my country homo and beautiful high ground nt ,1la .ttreH on WoodUnd road: ilosi ip tMd Vorlc ro 'd and trolley and ne.ii Heading load: 1 routni on first floor, A bedrooms and hath hei'nr.d itoor: -1 rooms third floor: hot UHter boiler, gan and electrin equipment; MAIN1 r.ir.M' n vnciM nrvjinwrr WxS minmes'f'fom llro'a"! iSoS??fiS,t 1 whole pr part on iai,y terms, imnieuiate , cr, Bround garage, large porches: C mln possession ,.r...... , utes' walk from stvitlon. excellent condition. JOHN II STEVENSON, FIIOM. OOOSTZ 711 COI.W1N S.'.'lliy T O-STORY BRICK. DWELLING bl rooms, bath, ail conveniences. 10FL4.ND 7121 WOODLAND AVE OVN11 VI) f New Cynwyd Homes I I (ALL STONE) WITH GARAGES $14 .VOO to II.i IK1U JAMES E. D0LAN & CO. 12.1 BALA AVE, CYNWYD, PA. Phono Cynwyd 732 H'OLOMAL HOME, with garage 10 rooms I J baths. 2 fireplaces: lot 60x217: within i3 minutes' wll. of station, beautiful lawn and surroundings: price M4.000. Address owner. F It Miller. 311 Ll-indrlllo rd. ' CYNWYD stono resldenco T rooms, n baths small conservatory : about 1 acre ground; garage c minutes from station; all modern conveniences, reasonable price and tfrms A 32.1. ledger Office. DARBY BREAKINO up houiekeerlng: desirable corner home: square from trolley: 3 rooms, heater, bath. gas. etc.; large front and side porch, lot 23x100: room for carago; $3900. SWOPE t PON .-111 Main st Darby KLKIXH PARK ATTRACTIVE . stone single house. ro Hon rooms; improved section; i sou-are to sta- lot iokiii: rnnm lor KnraKD; , inuv, W T B ROBERTS L SON. Olen.lde, FOLCKOIT 7'i ACRES Corner Chester pike and Oak lane, suitable for cultivation or building purposes; terms reasonable. 4iir. wuiw a.ji.u ....... .w. Mr. Walker Broad and Chestnut sts I OI.ENRIDE -STORY stone and shingle house. 12 rooms: bath, gas, electricity, hot-water heat: garden, "0-ft lot adjoining, 218 Woodlyn ave.. Clenelfle. Owner, BEAUTIFUL Colonial type dwelling: big liv ing room, teal fireplace, 8 other rooms. h-irdwood floors; large lot: a real bargain; $7760; others from $1000 un. Send for list. W T. II ROBERTS ft SON. Olenslde. I'a. 24 -STORY" semidetached 0-room house; very desirable location on Lynnwood ave.: $3000. W T. B. ROBERTS & SON. Olenslde, Ts IIIOIH.AND PARK tQfWi Remodeled 8-story stone house, 2 37lAA baths, hot-water heat, electrlo lights: H acre, with old trees, shrubbery and fruit THOMAS H MAGINNISS. Jr. Oivner. fiOOO Baltlmoro ave JENniNTOWN BEAUTCTTH. COIINTiP.Y HOMB 14-room stone nouse. lot-water heat: all conv.nl ii- ences; garage; about Vj-acre fine lawn; a bun. nance vi buhuo irer. ana snruooery; imme diate poasesalon and easy terms arranged to reiponelble party; this property I located In the beat section of Jenklntown and clou to atatlon. FRANK S GENTRY Jenklntovrn. : ' 183 GRE'SNWOOD AVU. Stone and atuoco dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; modern conveniences: excellent cond'n. LOT BOxlTB. Immediate posaeislcnt prlco IT800. D. 11. CHAMBERS 710 Commercial Truat Bldg . Phlla., Pa . OPPOSITE Iltpti.t Churcq, 32.1 Vet ave.. near Reading Ilwy, and York rd. trolley; lot 75x200; residence brick and frame: com plete equipments! price $10,000; easy terms. " JOHN B. BTEVENSON. Jr.. Owner Vopdland road, AbUigton, Pa, Phone Oionta 1tla IJboc. OgonU 118'' HEAL E8TTE FOB SALE NEW JKHSEV:r811IJllRlAN cascrrrvTs7 t -At.WB, . id ri'.vxsi i.van i. .tiiritii n insii.i: MOIHIIIN ColWtltV IlOMi; LnrBO lan, old ahide. near train und trolley. 0 rooms. I nil .'omenlenccs; acre land barn, shop, I vim ken house. II. W H Kerry. 81S Jeffer- on st 1'hone Diamond 1222. MKI.nOSB TARTt MBI.nilHB IAT!K 1117 Htrntfnrd nif - ery desirable Femlnctaclivd 11-roonl 6tuc o nnd rli'nile bouse, lot 33x1411- high location beautiful surroundings. Apply 0n"r, on i'rriiii-p - I MERIOV NEW MERI0N HOMES Adjatent to station ml Mined i.tles of ar, Lite. lure 117 500 to UO.OOO 1 Atlra ti, TAimS It Mi:KION-y,nnKBTH DBAUTIFCL ("hTlonIaI flBSIDBNl'lT SEVEN TACTOnil, KLNHINC.TON: DIP .ideally located, lot 73x170: reVep Ion 1 I 1'KHBNT SIZL-. fil'IT ANY HUS1W;SM; tlvtmr room, dlnlni; room, pantrv. Kitchen. , TltACKAUI? kbxnbhy. tool fllliHTNUT. lauiidtv.Vold room and inclosed porch, hecond , ... ,.-,T, I ,, , , ..,., floor. 4 sleeping room. 2 baths. 2 balconies H? .?. 18TII tT - Fourteen rooms and bath; ainl slpilnp lui.. ti iiilr.t rt,.rtn ainMnliiL- Tins ntn1 linth n.tn. rl.l., ..lh.. Innn.. fr.illl 'i'"!" J1P WM I SMBDL'BY. Xa rbertli.Pj NAB11KBTI1 2 DANIiY IIOM1.. rooms " l;tthu oneti tlronl i-es- ris Kltchns. gamges. lot 70xloii. onli f;nno cacii 100 other homes ror sain in xsrbertn 1 VLDWEI.I. & CO, VorberMi I'a ' Narherth 1271 I MIRY ATTRACTIVE; otucn sn.l frame, hot- water heal, carape fruit nnd shade;! 17000; manv otlinr choice i.roicrtl's in Nor 1 lertll CALDWELL t Co Nai berth. Pa, I t Niroerth 1271 Nnni,n t Fort SAT.E York road section: semide tached house, in room lot 45x100; make i offer H W. THOIlx. 107 Nobln road OAKMONT . UlirOHlJ BUYING OKOL'NI) for jour future ' l.na.iA isi.Ua .-. .nil 4.-. Aim 1 A i 1 1 1 I f 11 1 1 V . tit'iiit-, ti 1 1 in ui inn . vjt ... lu .. j lllustraied booklet, 'Taols About Oakmont." thi- Ideal suburb along the great Ardinors trolley: situated 40o feet above the city nnd near the P. It. It. Main Line, churches, high schools, station and btorea, 125 restricted building sites, MKl.'O; 7,-j-mln "r service; 82 minutes to City Hall A HOWARD HIT TER ugent. 20ll S Ttli st . or WILLIAM S ' DWI. South Ardtnore wjcent on tliipreni. 1 HIIAltON HILL I J2700 TWO AN11-A HALP-KTORY frame ' dwelling. S rooms steam heat: lot 25-.10O. LOFLANTi 7121 WOODLAND , -J.;rv TFnTri7i?-r wmTi-TT- t-;..-" 1i tnzrn semidetached 7 rooms, ty,JJJ convenl-nces; lot 2uxlu0 LOFLAND, 7121 Woodland ave. south AimvionK THE MOST delightfully appointed bungalow in Delawarn count), extra largn living room, with fireplace. .1 bed chambers, tllo bith. with shower, billiard room, hardwood floors, modern throughout, everv convenience, near churches, high school, stores and sta tlon: f-outhern exposure If Interested apply quickly To inapect see WILLIAM S DAVIS, nfflco nt station. TIIREE-STtlHV modern home (corner, gas ! nnd electricity, hot-water heat. 5 be,l- i rooms; near churches, high school, station and stores: 32 minutes to I ity Hall, guod buy at $7500. vvil.l.lA.M fn. liAviw oirtoe nt station THREE-STORY detached twin brick houkc, gas nnd electric, hot-water heat, fireplace, near everytning, lot 2oxJ2,i, siuuu. WILLIAM S. DAMS, office nt station. fiPRlMlI'IKI.I) SPRINGFIELD Stone dwelling with garagf, recently re modeled: all convenlf nces: fruit, old shade: l'i acres; $18 iioo.l i.iin from sla. Also Choice Building Sites 12 minutes from 60th Rt Termlral. Cars 2 mlti. and 32 mln after the hour. D D. CHAMBERS SPRINGFIELD. I'A . and 710 Commercial Triibt Bldg. PHILADELPHIA MAIN LINE Wayne and St. Davids 118 W. LAXCAfarCP. AVE. Colonial lIopq Iiousb in rooms, 2 baths; steam heat; finished In fhlty. Lot 120x105. Prlco.... JI4 nno 12 rooms, bath. lot 6BxS25 8000 H rooms 1 hath, hut air heat. T,ot .)Ox2r.. .Inly Ut CoOO IS roonit, U batliB. enra. steam hct. lot UMixSSD . 12.C00 12 rooms, hath, hot-air heat: 137 x230, varxge; itonsh!lon Mhv i ij,0i)0 14 rooms. 2 baths enr lot. I0x 22..; ku r.-usc, ctntnl tam hat; posvesfalon Juno 1 11,000 HERMAN WENDELL 105 Wayne Ave.. Wavne. Pa. BEST VALl'K FOR YCHIf! MONEY ON THE MAIN LiNE THUNE WAYNE 499 A 20. I-darer (mice. new JERsrv srnrnniN LlPPINVOrT LOTS AND HOMES IIADDON HBIO UTS. N. J. ci.inn:Toy l SECURE a. bungalow site In the Pines, on or near me Ikes, $3 monthly. Inspect the bungalows you can have for $330 up: B-rooin ! amount of c;sh. Train leaves Chestnut st I ferry 1) o clock Sunday. Sen agent Pine Urovi. badge at ferry or ClemMiton trolley station every dav. L. L. JOHNSON. 43 N. 13TH ST HADIKIMIKl.D HADDONFIELD-Well built home. 7 rooms ,J?,.ntlXj!'inl!.!li conveniences: lot 41x160, ": W'0'.'- w J SHIVERS, 130 Peyton. Pbnnn Ponlar 100 Phlla (". iiKKriiiVTviu.r. ' JLiT..iD;Hn-in:-,.?''rep 18 minutes from l,?iiarkef ". 'er"'v. 1100 feet on Federal bt k?iiiy 'n '.-acre and large building lots: build your house at once If desired. $1 down. n'Vi"? K. k oava for jour lot; lot need I not be fully paid for bffcre building: agent I fiaTSund dallv nnd Sunday from 11 to 4; take Merchnntvllle car. get off at 42d at.: -KfH?r,fo.,".D,?.cl,l1 circular. BARRY & HAM- I MOND. 923 I.afaett3 Hlrtg.. Phlla HILLCREST, THE CAI.lI"ORNLY Or -jBllu. ".Ulj.Ml rii r.p.Tov AJl? AW-1 l-t-ronni modern dwelling M-.'g'ln nJi5! l0t '- " excellent tlon: $10.000; owner A 204 Ledger O loci- Offlce. WOODBURY "eiSH?.1 llOU.?Ki "I' conveniences and large .,"ra" tor .-.rs, line location: near eta- piii; n..i P.?'? P1"10".. mi"t sell at nnce. I ?'' ", Estate and Insurance Co . Wood- hurv. N J. NKW JKUSKY l-.lnm 1 AC'ItKS It t-.i.-klnd ,nl I. all. I 1 acre, 7 rooms, barn ... . I I acre, 8 roomi 1 1 ucre, 0 rooms $II0I 2500 2,"0I 2.VIO 2300 I 2 acres. 10 rooms Til A lllinl rt 1-IAtlCaD d pa nmilA Fronting on the White Horse pike :PMt '" "dies from Cumden or.nn;',r"cula', wr"'' L L JOHNSON. 4B N 13th St.. or seo MR PETERSON. Clemen- ton trolley station, every day. " REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT L.4ROE LOT. 10x84-3242 Germantown ave., With verv 1 -- Ia -).. . .-a-.T'l verv Tir.A in l, nn...,. mnnii . '.. . -.T.1..ir.1 V'-i?'."',',.,"l' deale -u,wv.. a. . , puii.uin lur iionsv or lun1 llwn.. ,111 n-..A. .... T in niiiiuies irom terries, ono faro by Trenton Pensauken or Weslfleld.cars. get off at II III' crest: most libera offer In lunri i.ti,... iii... 25- ?. ncV;r ?has ".' f the 60 new ' -i;SJSlL0rV.clil.v lm,r "'"'convs: lots $130 up' t timer Realty. Front 6 Penn. 84th & Tedera m w WE HAVE 2 UARAGES, suitable for me chants oneratlne fleet nf irnilru w tr.m small truckman else 29x30 feet nnd BOxlOO .Kb,, ,. ui.iiuidi .un .iuiii -.-CIII-.T ut city; dwelllnaa attached to both properties. C. J MITCHELL CO.. 810 Lincoln L1dg. REAL ESTATE V, ANTEP : OENERAL Insurance, notary public, convey. I anclng. L, P. Cameron tradlnc as Kobt, P. Cameron. 2811 Kensington ave. I WHAT HAVE YOU for saleT Purchasers waiting. W. J. McAULIFFB 8B8 N. 20th ' HOUSES WANTED" IN WEST PHILADELPHIA. $2300 TO $3500. FITZPATRICK, 1541 N. WITH HT. WE HAVE BIIYERH ' YJEST rillLA. REAL ESTATB CO. XOO0 UaJtimofe .t. Woo41aai 2iu HEA1, estate wanted Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher 1 424 S. Penir Square Have Clients for 2-slory Houses WW HUtllin-T ntJlUDIATt-. I.IHTINt) 1IAVB YOl ANV11KA1. HSTATII tXirtHAI.il Wei, now H th tlmo to aMl It Wo lmo a Mff dPIliaiul fi r 2 Hlid 3 story Iioumh. alpd largo anl em.ill suburban hnims So pond the full Information to us today of tho property juu hao Foil SALU and w will Kct Jou a buytr at once J A. 17A1I.UY t ( 13S S 12th at. tvn CAN RKI.t. jour rrcprt , any location I in norlhaat. quirk renulls. C1IAU. 1". l'lCHTNKIt. 3300 N'. Hamocl:. , UKNIIltAT. INSIKANCK notary' public, con vevanctnr I. I. Cameron (trading us rtobt. I i'ftmo!on) i!M1 Kenlnuton v wiwt riin.AHKi.rniA .F- I WILL BE PLEASED TO HEAR FROM OWNERS who aro desirous of bll'ri(r tlilr prop erty In West Thlli I !,ha numerous burs for all rlnip of properties tfiJijj wHii.n tut: hkluno im good See MATTHIAS about it! S2D AT Alll'Il (N I! COIt 1 SUBt'RIlAN CLENUIDB What hae you to offer In m s:o, small house, S30OO to I400U7 Ledcer Office. BEAL ESTATE FOB F.ENT riTV rr- . ... '' T '. " . ".. ."- l"3'1 CHESTNUT FT four story, lirtclt. 17 rms . 2 baths, suitable for doctor's office-. ' XJIf, i.A.i 1111. 1. msii nil ni v '. VVfilkci' Mrnail nnil c'hpi.tnut ets jlHuti, win alter to suit tenant. l. i Chambers, 710 Commercial Trust llldg. I-P-TO-DATB. .0 room good location. $2n. chas r ricitiNEii , bath, steam heat. 3.100 V Hancock Rt. ' UAllACJE for (1 inaihines. horses Wm J VIcAullfle stable for 1C 5K N 20th st Tartaric. Aloniifactnrlng Floors -FLOORS N. W. Cor. 1 3th & Cherry 8716 sq. ft. Each S. W. Cor. 13th & Wood 12,270 sq. ft. 1427 Vine St. 9000 sq. ft. Each Heymann & Bro. Widener Building ; FLOORS Large Small I W BRUCE BARROW, 130 N 12TH ST. Established llSli. l'ai'torles a specialty. . Textiles, Machinists, Ironworkers L,aW?,a.n.!'o.'Vlr5" .r'nr steam and electrlo. ivjiim.i,.Tii.u .iit.i . i , a.- HAr.llUl.tll l'nctorles, Maniifiirliirlng Floors WILL ERECT HI II.DINU 3n.(Klt to 80O.0C0 H'iu.ur feet for responsible tenant on loi'g I 'ease DIETERICH 737 Walnut st p I , Qaragm OARAGE, new, with mod-rn equipment: will hold a largo jrlvato cars: S30 a month. "ear of r,ti7 Greene st (lermsntown ' WITIC'KS. Bl SINEWS ROOMS. KTC. 1 1722 ATlitl ST 2 lirge business rms., lit I . floor facing Arch at ; light and heat, loo D. II Chsmbfrs J in commercial Trust w.uc 'rofeeIonl Offices Hvo very deslrabln offices In desirable bou.o for doctor or professional purposes. $40 per mouth: reception rinm, handsom.lv furnished: hot and cold water. Fhone 314 11th st DENTAL OFFICE wanted. located between Broad and Iflth chestnut and Spruce sts.: waiting and opeiatlng room; state rental per y ei' r n 20. ledger Of Hi e WtT I'HII.ADF.I.rlllA 257 H oD SI second floor anartment", 4 rooms and bath: very attractive: heat ind hot water furnished. Immediate raises- VS."' .r?!" en WILLIAM T. DICKSON l i i,". .in s. rd St. I fiKKMAXTOWN DESIRABLE hoUke lu flno ynrd. $11.-, u M Handle. location, elds -l S. I2th it. 1'OR KENT FURNISHED FOR RENT Beautiful new porch-front 12. room twin houve. furnished, to young couple of refir.emmt Muy 15 to September IS- $100 per month Phone Wyoming 1317 VT NKW .imsn IWAMIOBB TENTNOH I OR RENT. "FURNISHED ueen Ann. house. IB toon. a and 3 servants' room. 8 baths. 1 lavatory: tennis court: garage; Princeton ave. and beaenrront: eummer aea aon June 1 to October I. $5000. Addrei. M lb. Ledger Office. MORTGAGES ton To $1000 "$50 Vol E ON MriUTl.AGF. imnieillato hitlemtnts Uniettled estate loans lEulldlng iiNKoclation funds Il EM PhE Y i. CO , i 27 S lCth st , (le-l eslato secuntv 1mm. dlat. ttt'l. ment Interest in cstatcb bought. Cash ut once. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL Vt 31 t-o til M LOANS, HEAL LSTA1.L AND I.SrA'IEb" I DELANY, 31 S ' lli-md '( West End Bldg) i FIRST and second mortuagia plu, cd uuli kly. I VlEO LBARNUS Ulil Chestnut st MONET FOR Ihr OR 2H MTtiF.S . (ITT OR country P. Taylor Middleton, 703 Walnut st MONEY TO LOAN SPECIAL RATES 60 DAYS' TIMn ON 1ST I-ATMRNT. 74AKING NOTHING DUE UNTD. JUNB ARE YOU LUTING YOUR HOME? VO YOU OWN FURNITURE? RE TOU WORKING? so, vou can borrow on following rates , On $2.., Interest 10 7," On $100, Interest 18 00 On 550. Interest $1 50 On $300. Interest jo ou per month. Payments on principal reduce "This company was Incorporated, licensed and bonded by the state for the purpose of loaning money at low rates to men ant) women whom banks will not accommodate. If vou have a loan el.ewhre bring ly your receipts and we will show : ou how I much you can save by borrowing from us. ' Call write or phone Walnut 2340 NATIONAL LOAN SOCIETY; 1020 CHESTNUT SECOND fJOB Oopoelt" Cheatnut Ftre-t Onera rtouie I Member Phll'li-hl Konrd nf Trade " WE LOAN MONEY To housekeepers on their t 1 ERSOVAL NOTE PRIVATELY at a lawful rate of Interest I Vll transactions strictly confidential. I Terms of payment arranged to suit jour I convenience If jou cannot call, write or phone Locuit 09il3. and jour Inquiry i will receive our immediate attention. ' CENTRAL LOAN CO., Inc. ' (Mcenned Iajhii Prokera), 1410 S. Penn Hquare. Ttoom 700. Penn Hquaro Hid. Op7ositothK!iiHHi ido ofClty Hall. , "WHEN YOU NEED MONEY INVEb'flOATR OUR TWENTY PAYMENT PLAU $40 ran bo repaid $2 monthlj. ISO can be repaid $8 monthly. 1 too can be repaid $B monthly with legal latea of Interest at 3 per cint Ml m0nth' LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN Call, write or phone Walnut 8088. PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY 10?3 Cheilnut at,. Room T02 YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY $2B AND UP.,.. 2 PER CENT is Aisin lfl.. 1U Pien np-ve Ui0 AND Vl&,.Brni CENT "8 MARKET ST. nimiE AVE. AND YXmnn KT !2D AND SOUTH STS v READY MONEY. United States Loan Society 111 NORTH BROAD 180 Market at.,, 2548 Oermantoim tra. Money loaned on Jewelry, autumohlles.bonds, 1 ooaa at any Uod. rodel. Uhi X, Ok REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PRI.NOriELI On Media Short Line, 12 minutes, 6 cents, from 69th Strwt Terminal of Market Street L. This message is to convey a pleasing surprise to many who are interested in Springfield. In deference to the expressed wish of numerous prospective purchasers, the westerly side of Rolling Road has been subdivided and will be offered for sale this week-end for the first time. These new building sites range from 75 feet to 120 feet in front by 170 feet in depth, and are priced at from $1500 to $3300 each. The 3 fine building sites fronting on the northwesterly side of Rolling Road Circle arc now available. They are priced at from $4800 to $8800. In order to meet the unexpected and unprecedented demand for building sites, contracts will be awarded forthwith for the con struction of stone roads and sidewalks which will develop some of the most beautiful building sites in Springfield, which arc now' ready for; sale. These contracts will include: The laying of a cement sidewalk on the westerly side of Rolling Road throughout its entire length : The extension of Saxer Avenue northward, to be known as Summit Road; The extension of Hillcrcst Road northward from Spring field Road; The Construction of Cascade Road from Rolling Road Circle westwardly through the valley parallel -to Springfield road ; The construction of a chain of lakes through the valley near Cascade Road which will add a great attraction to the building sites on the southerly side of Cascade Road overlook ing them, which are now offered for sale. These particularly desirable sites range from 75 feet to 114 feet in front, and from 140 to 203 feet in depth. They are priced at from $1575 to $4500 each. Cascade Road and Summit Road will bound two sides of a build ing site upon which an attractive old, Colonial farm-house, substanti ally built but in poor repair, is located and surrounded by shade and fruit trees. This property has a frontage of 174 feet on Cascade Road and 290 feet on Hillcrest Road. The price is $13,500. When remodel ed it will make an ideal home. Another new building site at the corner of Cascade Road and Hillcrest Road has a frontage on Cascade Road of 141 feet. A stream which originates in a spring nearby runs through it in a way which affords an unusually advantageous location for a swimming pool which can be constructed at slight cost. The policy of the Springfield Real Estate Company has been to complete the construction of roads and pavements in front of all building sites before offering them for sale, but owing to the unantici pated and unprecedented demand this Company is now forced to de part from this policy for the time being and to offer sites for sale as soon as the contracts for street improvements have been awarded in order to meet the requirements of its customers. Acceptable purchasers who visit Springfield promptly will have an unusual opportunity to choose from among the building sites which are offered for sale this week-end for the first time certain corners and other preferred locations which command particularly desirable views. 54 building sites have been sold thus far this season notwith standing the fact that the suburban selling season usually opens the first week after Easter. Purchases may be made on the gradual payment plan and the Springfield Real Estate Company will at the time of purchase arrange to finance a part of the cost of promptly constructing a home. 2 of the 7 attractive homes building for sale have been sold be fore the foundations have been completed. Many additional homes are being planned to be built collect ively by one reliable contractor for their owners who will thus accom plish a large saving in the cost of construction. Springfield is a substantial place for substantial people. The best automobile route is via Baltimore Avenue through Lansdowne to Clifton Heights; there turn right on Springfield Road to Springfield Station. Attractive high speed cars leave 69th Street Terminal 2 and 32 minutes after the hour, with more frequent service during rush hours. THE' SPRINGFIELD REAL ESTATE COMPANY A. Merritt Taylor, Pratident 610 Commercial Truit Bide, 16th and Market Sti., Phlla. Hell Phone Sprnre 3I8S, Keyetone Race 399 Local Offlco ut Sprliiefleld Open from 8 until V ev.ry day. ' Bell Phone. Swarthmore 11$T -i REAL ESTATE' FOR SALE SPHINOIIKLD INTERESTING MESSAGE No. 3 FROM PfflNEL THE LEADIIMiS SUBUEB REAL ESTATE FOR SALB si-RiNonF.i.n J i i I 1 f 1 -I . M il i 1 I i -U l 1 t, iKm i & A V 4 s ? &1 1 M 'I w n ,'aai -m 'Til 'fl ,H ' .-Virf i.Vj'' tf 4 I -. In- - '-n .ix:H;-tt &,". "Y U Ik ai P i t-Vs W. & ' 1 -. - V I"1'. WH i. V, rt ejt' -Ji , V - .1 . ?. Cttie, ieii.l Tit (IB. .a-.uTi a