iinlwIPywv 'of EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 191!) ( -n. r ?. 9, 11 and 4 :50 Grand Orgnn 11:55 Musical Moment, with Easter Chimes at Noon WANAMAKER'S store opens o a. m. WANAMAKER'S Store Closes 5 P. M. WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Fair Every Day Some New Fashions and New Opportunities to Save Money s The Barnacles That Automatically Attach Themselves to the hull of the little boat sailing a few weeks in the shallow waters of Florida lessen its speed one knot of each sailing hour. Instead of being nine miles an hour its speed is less than eight miles an hour. The barnacles are water plants or weeds that contain a sticky substance. Of course, they can easily be removed after reaching port, where facilities exist. But there are many barnacles that fasten themselves upon human beings. They attach themselves to our habits, 'speech and conduct, and are not so easy to get rid of. They retard our progress and pleasure in life: for example, unpunc tuality, waste of time, forgetfulness of promises, bad manners and exaggeration of facts. Little things they are, but they get their work in all the same, and we wonder why we are not more sensible of the harm they do. The barnacles of listlessncss, lagging, forget fulness, hasty words, carelessness in storekeeping, are little weeds that slack up our sailing. Signed April i3, 1910. jfh& A Little Group of Finer Spring Wraps for Young Women Reduced $40 to $72.50 s Soft, lovely eoras, fine silvertones and other fine woolens make these wiaps, which arc the distinctive, one-of-a-kind sort for afternoon wear and dress use. 'I'lieie aie dolmans, capes and loose wraps in the two lengths mobt fashionable this Sprinp. They are beautifully made and all $re daintily lined with rich silk. Pekin blue and tan shades aie the best liked colors, though the collection includes many otheis. Some have throw tics, some deep collar.-, and some are on yokes.. $40 to $72.50 and all, of course, hae been considerably higher priced. 14 to 20 year sues. (Second l'loor, C'lieatnut ) W. B. Corsets Women who require heavy boning and long skirts' in their corsets wUl like to see certain models at $5.G0. They have broad Insertions of rubber in the bottom of skirt, broad abdominal clasp and largo hooks below the front steel, and sizes arc 24 to 3G inches. Other models for large women have girdle tops and low and medium busts. The mateiial is pink coutil strong and service able. The lines' are straight and well proportioned, so that these particular corsets seldom require alteration. The price is $8.50. Another W. li. is of pink coutil, with low bust and re inforcements; also it has double garters in front. Trice $4.50. (Third l'loor. 'lictnul) If It's a Question 0f a New Silk Blouse it usually means one of the dainty crepe. Georgette, or of the lustrous crepe de 'chine, for these are two-fashionable silks this Spring. Crepe Georgette blouses, in white or flesh color some embroidered, some braided and some trimmed with real and imitation laces arc in many, many new styles and are $8.50 to $45. Crepe de chine blouses in flesh color, white, bisque or deep blue, are in tailored or fancy styles, .and are $5.50 to $16.50. And scarcely a day passes that does not bring new and lovely blouses to our Waist Shop! (Third Floor, Central) Concerning Some New House Dresses . A woman will like to know that they are of moderate price, are in pleasing new styles and are crisp and new. They start at $2.25 for a simple little dress of checked , gingham and go on up $2.75, $3.85 and $5 for other styles S of -finer ginghams, and one in plain white percale "'.Alljjire. jktifctfm styWaorn hraVMV&A&'mapy M .LafeSeason Prices of Presses it the $20 and $25 Nearly all of these are reduced out of our own stocks; a few have just arrived from the. makers and are priced to correspond with the reduced dresses. The quality of the jersey is excellent, and there are a great many styles including the always favorite tunic and chemise; and a great many colors including beige, sand, beaver, taupe, light and dark grays, new blue, Pekin blue, navy, henna, emerald, plum and others. Nothing wears better than jersey; nothing is more useful all the year round, and nothing is more becoming to plump and slender alike. All sizes in the lot from 34 to 42. N. B. So many women will be keen to get these dresses that it might be a good idea to come early. (Flrnl Floor, Ontrnl) Compact Folding Clocks for Summer Travelers Nicest of all docks to .slip into traveling bag or suit cases became they take up so little room and, being Waltham movements, they are excellent timekeepers. They aie all in leather cases and there is a good vaiicty in the colors of the leather. One-day moemcnt, $12. With luminous dial, ?16. Cight-day mocment, ?21. With luminous dial, $28 (Irwclr.v Murr, lirMnut mill Thlrlrrnlli) ARTIFICIAL SILK-PLATED SWEATER SPECIAL These sweaters each have sailor collar and sash cord and are in the following colors : White, black and white, canary, orange, watermelon, pink, rose, Copenhagen blue, peacock blue, emerald, laven der and purple. Special at $5. (I'lrM I loor. Miirkrl) CHECKED AND STRIPED GINGHAMS ARE SOMEWHAT SCARCE Because many women pre fer these two kinds to any other for making morning dresses. We have just received a new shipment of fine Ameri can ginghams in both small checks and stripes, and also very attractive plaids. The colors are clear and bright and the weave close, as in the imported ginghams. They are 32 inches wide and 75c a yard. Plenty of other ginghams are here in 32-inch width from 30c up to $1.25 a yard, the latter being the finest Scotch gingham made. Flrt Hoor, C'hrMnut) WHITE LINENE SKIRTS SPECIALS AT $2 And it looks as if this is the last shipment of these very popular utility skirts that women like so much.' They are made quite full at the hem, slightly gathered at the waist line in the back, buttoned through the pleat in front and finished with a patch pocket. They launder particularly well. From 24 to 34 inch waist band. (Flint Floor, Central) NEW 38c CHIFFON VOILES AND SPECIALLY PRICED This time the printings are mostly in small two color checks, although some figured designs are among them and there are both light and dark colors. They are remarkably pretty and dainty for warm weather frocks and a little while ago the same qualities . weKfc Belling faK1 'one-third New Capes and Wraps in Dark Blue and Black Made of all-wool gabardine, serge or poplin, and they are such capes and wraps as women like for everyday wear. The styles are unusually pretty and there are many of the novel features that one finds in much more expensive wraps. Some of these wraps have the new throw tie, one model has a long panel to the waist in the back; the capes are attractively braid bound or have vest effects. Such moderate prices as $25 to $55. (HrM I loor, Onlrnl) This Year's Sports Hats for Women Show a Wide Latitude as to color and shape and size. She may wear a smait little tii corne, a gieat, broad biinimcd Leghorn, a flat hat of lough stiaw or a big mushroom of smooth braid all ate in fashion! The new spoits hats air so attractive thcic'll be no difficulty for a woman to find something becoming. Some of the hats are trimmed with gay and fantastic scarfs, some villi soft clet ribbons, and otheis with grosgiain bands or bow. A woman will find in the Kngli.sh Hoom (that little Salon doolcd solely to sports hats) a fine collection of hath for eciy sports need and occasion. $10 to $22. -rcoml Floor, Chratmil) TRAVELING BAGS FOR A MAN TO BE PROUD OF We will say at the outset that these are not low-priced bags, but the man who wants something very fine in ap pearance and workmanship, and loyal in service, will like them. Beautifully made of fine, soft tan cowhide, hand sewed and chiefly leather lined. Single and double handle bags in regular fold ing and kit shapes. Prices $26.50 to $G0. (MkIii Floor, t'lirM nut I peopliTlTving in apartments like cedar CHESTS Because they take the place of an extra closet and they are much better than a closet to keep furs, blankets and woolen garments in during the busy season of moths. Also a cedar chest takes up little room and it is an ornamental piece of furni ture. The best assortment of cedar chests is here that we have had f',r a long time. According to size, $20 to $47.50. (Iirih I loor. MnrkM) Japanese Fabric Handbags Half Price or Less Clearaway of a lot of very unusual bags in 6dd shapes and quaint designs. Nothing just like them elsewhere in Philadelphia. Prices $1.25 to $5. (Mnln rjnnr, Chestnut) Inexpensive Rugs in Room and Extra Sizes Jood looking, serviceable jrar-iound and Summri rugs, some of them unusually large. Tapestry Brussels ltuj?s !l12 ft., $18.75, ?27.G0, $29.50, ?32.50 Axminster Rugs M2 ft., $13.50 and $4S 8:1x10.0 ft., $:17.50, $12.50 and $17 G.9 ft., $23 50. $28 and :il ' Wool-and-Kiber Rugs 7.IM0.6 ft.. $1 I fl15 ft., $22.50 and $J0 B.:i.10.G ft., $17 10.6x12 ft., $27.50 0.12 ft., $17.50, $18 and $25 12M2 ft.. $20HI 12x15 ft., $30, $32.50 and $12 50 . Colonial Rag Rugs Special !l.12 ft., $15 and $17 50 (Seirnttt J loor, ChFttriiiD SCREENS TO USE IN SUMMER FOR DRAUGHTS AND SUN Cretonne and burlap are the two favorite materials . for screens to use in country and seashore houses and there are many pretty pat terns in cretonne to choose from. Prices go from $9.25 to $35. Or you may choose the frame and have the covering to match the hangings in the room. ( Fifth I loor, MHrkrl ) MATTRESSES AND BEDDING CLEANED AND RENOVATED Housecleaning time re veals the need of many a piece of bedding for a thor ough renovation. We clean, renovate and remake mattresses, steriliz ing the hair, making it hygienically pure, and put ting on new ticking if de sired. Also, we renovate feather pillows, bolsters and box springs which, if de sired, we cover in ticking of your own choice. Our representative will be glad to call anywhere in the city, if requested, and sub mit estimates for any work of this kind. Communicate with the mattress and bedding section by telephone or postal card. Htli I loor, lit-MniH For a Young to Know Man This year, as in other years, there are plenty of youths' and students' suits that are fine and, true and dependable; and this year, as in other years, there are plenty of youths' and students' suits which do not come up to that description. The fashion in youths' suits usually has one determining or distinguishing characteristic. This year it is the waist seam when skill fully and intelligently interpreted this is a clever and interesting idea; but, like many another idea, it can be and often is caricatured. However plentiful caricatures perpetrated in the name of the "waist-seam model" may be in this city, we are glad to say we have none of them. We have what we know to be an unquestion ably fine assortment of suits in these models; an assortment from which any young fellow can make his selection with confidence that in fabric, in fashion and in tailoring he is getting all that it is possible to get for his money. We may have said this before or something like it, but it is worth repeating in view of the number of fine suits we have to back it up, and also in view of the number of "waist-seam models" to be seen all over Philadelphia that are lacking m the first essential of right fashion or sound quality. Our youths' suits are priced at $30lo $50, regardless of what any store may ask- for inferior" kinCtS. Clliiril I loor. Mnrl.rl) Men Coming Out of Uniform have become used to the wide-brim Army hat, and many of them want civilian hats with wider brims than are common. We anticipated this and had some extra wide-brim soft hats made for them. The manufacturer at first thought this was a mistake, but as he has just sent us the fourth lot lie has changed his mind. Price $5. (Mam 1 Innr, Mnrkrt I Men's Soft Shirts With Reversible Cuffs Inasmuch as a man- cutis often do not stay fresh for one day in warm weather, these new reversible cuffs are a feature which will interest man.. They are the soft double style so well liked. Find them on a new lot nf line percale negligee shirts that are $2 each. ' ( loin I loor, MtirLrt ) Two Handkerchief Specials for Women S4 a doen for sheer and snowy linen 'kerchiefs with block letter (and it's hand done, too) in on corner. Theic's ii mn row hemstitched hem, aKso. $.'J a dozen for hawlkei chiefs with one corner applique work and the designs' are novel and effecthe. Both kind are exceptional for their price. MVtht Aisle) SILK ENVELOPE CHEMISES The variety is particularly large just now from the ex tremely simple sorts with hemstitching .and tucks to those with a little lace or embroidery. A great many are in the favorite pink. Prices for crepe de chine are $2.50 to $9.75. .For wash satin, $3.85 to $10.50 (Third Floor, Central) (I'iflli rioor. C lirntnut) Women Who Appreciate Fine Kid Gloves are the ones who will enjoy wearing these new French gloves. They are of soft, pliable skins, well made with all the care and daintiness that the best French makers put into their gloves, and all in new Spring styles. There is black with white stitching, white with black, or plain white or black ; a lovely tan shade, a new brown, a delicate champagne. ' All have 2 clasps for fastening, are. pique sewn and the colored gloves have wide hems atrthevtop. Notable Sale of Office Furniture Going On Comprised in which are more than 200 desks roll-top and typewriter .desks in, mahogany; and roll-top, flat-top and typewriter desks in oak; also a number of oak; -. tables, as well as arm chairs, revolving chairs and side-chairs in oak and some letter filei of steel. Prices, have been reduced 15 to 30 per cent. It is the largest and most important,; sale ot tne Kind we have hew in years. n ' ,..3, , (Third Flvo'Urti) , vTT' A')?', The New $50,000 Purchase of Fine Bedroom and Dining-Room Suits Is an Object Lesson in Beautiful Cabinet Work In fact, the makers of this furniture produce nothing but high-grade goods, using only the finest woods, working them with the care and skill of thorough craftsmen and finishing every article so as to bring it as near to perfection as human skill can accomplish. It is well to know that the fine finish and handsome detail of these suits have a backing of sound construction, a fact that will be obvious from the pieces which have been purposely left unfinished and unupholstered so as to enable you to see just how this furniture is put together. Along with the splendid new purchase, consisting wholly of bedroom and dining-room suits, we have put in a number of suits of the same high grade from our own stocks. Prices all through are one-third less than our own regular figures. I 1 1 , a jr. s I S t i ?l 'I 'A f T l A'l A-l is Sit i'fi 1861 t t m si i: 1$ 3f ; ri$$ !-?f v v -L V A Blr0 sv SB V t,f -; -V