Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1919, Postscript, Page 13, Image 13

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'i'"P A ' V ' ' T
What to Do
Ask a Doctor
Uciir ntliin I'lonso trll mc linw
much n Kill (if fourteen nnd about live
feet tall should weigh.. Aie llicre exer
cises Hint will mnU" one cnlu wriclitV
AKo Kindly trll mo what to do to help
cure thick llp.
(vntliln does not iiiuIortnlr to answer
beauty op health tino!tlii. 'niiiilt a
Another Answer to "Adventure"
Dear ('nlliln - I am a trader of (lie
Va I MM) I'l m.lc lil mir.n and I am
answering Ailvruluir's lettrr Hint he
was to Kind in writing to me. Well. I
Adventure, if I'm too vnung to stnj out
nt, night, wliy Jim niiixl be tied to
mother's apron string. I hot jou wear
a dei by iiud a unit with a fur rollnr.
T don't Know what ninKes me think it.
but reju.t "cut n hiiiieh." And miiy
c if Jou wrio a linn jou wouldn't
write inch foolish letter aliout break
ing Hie lienits of jciuug gill-. If ,vnu
think j 111110 sninil ami if tlmt's jour,
trade, well. 1 wouldn't want to nwii it.
No joiiiik man with am sense would
deliberntelj bleak the limit of a giil.
And I ie jou l(,.s I,,,,,,. , ,,,!,,,., wjj
think the same. So jou see Aou're not
verj small, "lou're onlj foolish. And
wntrli out. a vamp will get jou in her1
rlutrhes .some ilitj .
Heartless" Laughs at "Adventure"
Dour ('.within I m a leader f t,P
Mf.xiv. Pi inn l,u,nt ,! , n,,,,
jour mliiro erj lnteresinB. I ,nve
been follow ii,K ,is iU( ,jsl(p ,.
tweon lliiho ami . m-. I nui a
girl nineteen jeais of nCe ,MI, 1IIV(.
had innslilernlilo I'Mierii'iic o with lmjs.
Rood, bad nnil Imliflfi put. Now. Ad
eiitlire sajs lie is ,i hi'ai tbieaker, but
there is w hero he makes !,; j,st ,js
take, and ho snjs lie ciiiiij In inK nui-.
lie does not en.o licing one he 011I1
enjoys fliinkinc he is one. I'o.ir. 1011
iidteil iliild. be makes me liiuh. The
only kind of gills who-,. Iieait he roiild
break are the ones who never met an
other man hut him, s,, thej would 1111
tuially fall for him.
Oh, no, Mr. ileiitine. giil' hearts
are not so easilj Inokon! I don't
pretend to lie u lnmpiie, nor jet n
honit bleaker, but if jou think the girls
believe all the s, nothings j,,n whis
per to tlieni jou me gieatly mistaken.
They help to pass the lime nwaj when
jou can't think of amtliiiig else to say,
but outside of Hint they don't 1 until
them. Mn j bo if jou could hear some
of the gills (whose hearts jou have
broken) laughing at jou jou wouldn't
get so nun li eniojmenf out of thinking
jou 11 le a bent -Ineakcr. So. .Mr.
Adventure, take some auiie fnuii a
gill who hasn't a licit 1 1 ; that is, stop
kidding joiiiself.
railed mo 1111 Hie telephone. 1 did not
know him. but after his calling fof
about three weeks pi, cry day we tunde
arrangements to meet. When 1 found
out who It was I was glad because I
liked J1I111 very much. Wo weie friends,
for about two weeks and then had a
ojiianel. lie called tne on the telephone
nnil asked it lie could not be friendly
again. 1 agreed. After 11 week wo got
angij nt one another ngiiin. mid hno
not spoken sgnin. I see him every
day. I'very one 1 meet tells mc he was
asking for' 1110. Hut ho never speaks
now. I would like to make up, but
don't want him to think I'm miming
after him. Please tell me what to do.
Little Sixteen, jou surely do not ox-
I put 1110 to suggest how jou mn "make
, up" with this jouug man. Of what!
'wove jou thinking when jou allowed,
him. 11 stranger, to talk with oii. day i
after day 011 the telephone, mid made
aiiaiigeiiients to meet liimV J
I Did jour mother know n'f this? M.V
onlj aiiuce is to drop the friendship lit
. .1.! . ........ .nnil '
oiiio unless jou nicei mis ; 1. .......
in the proper waj .
She Broke Date
lie.ir Cvntliia I 11111 n j'oiihb gill
eighteen jears old and in loe with a
fellow who won't speak to me. He
works in the same factorj ami passes
me ipiite often, but never sponks. 1 lie
tiist lime we met ho made a nine wmi
me and I stood him up. and ever slice
thou he will not speak, livery rridaj
night I go to a dame, and lie goes. too.
but he never offeis mo a dance. Now.
Cjlithia. I have blue eics, blonde lui'.'
ami mn considered good looking h lit"
opposite se nnd I linw lots of hoi
fiiends. but 1 like this one liest. II"
hist looks me over when I go to dances,
but never speaks. How can 1 get him
to speak to iiu-V lll'.W'T P.KOKI'V
nil Cllll scnicelj expect the Jollllg
man not to lc-ent jour rudeness in
bieaking 11 date with him (if thai 1
wluit .von menu bv 'stood him up"i.
and if jou gave him no explanation of
Jour iiideness j oil can scnroolj expect
him to speak to Jou It would he bettor
to di op the matter altogether, as. since
von have let it go so long, it would lie
foolish to dig the matter up feitainlv
von should have gone to him nt the
I'm liu v the next daj after jou broke
the engagement and should lime ex
plained whj von did si, If jou mn
do tin- at -nine time now. do it. other
wise. 1 . t the matter diop.
And So They
Were Married
iiy iia.ki. ni:o ii.virm-Miit
I 0)lrlalit. f.1,1. I,U I'lthlK t-riurrtn.
"TlllI'lli: Is no getting around the fact
-1- that eighteen dnllnis a week makes
a gient deal of dlllorence in (lie mod
erate income these dnjs and Itnth hud
grown si, Hiat the money was jill that
held her to her Job. Monej- did so
much to make one feel comfortable, nnd
summer was coming on when thev would
need it still mote. Therefore, if for
no other icason. Ituil, f,.t that slie
ought In sti, K ,i (he job.
Two weeks before the .1 ergons' wed
ding Until phiuiied to Inn,. Natalie ami
.lack in to dinner !'erj one else was
eiiteiliiiiiing'thein. and she felt that In
asmuch ,is she. vmis tn . b'l iclesuuiiil
she ought I,, ,l smiiothiug for Nntalie.
When she liilked tin unit tor over witli
Scott, however, she disc civ erecl that
theie was linn I- to ,c. iiiteitmning tl
the dec isiiin hi ,;!,,. dinner.
"Shall we take them out nnd then
come back to the apartment iifter
w 11 III?" she suggest ,
"Win not have .1 little dinner at
"Milt S-olt. I'll be too tiled after
winking at the nlhie all daj."
"That's si. Well, whj not have
Mrs .limes help?"
llilth was mil nt nil excited bv the
idea She had no luiiticnhir faith in
Mis. .Lines, but there did mil seerii
anvtliiiig else- lei do
The night belille llie dllinel was phlll
ned Kuth went ovei the entile house,
dusting lieie mid theie. hiving out fi esh
linen, doing all Ihc lillle lliini;' niies
snry when one is having guests. She
and Scott even had a HK'il I in the
kite lien, si, thin she iimlcl se the table.
'' "There." she said tlnnllj. sending
bmk to look nt her work The table
was lesplendent in fresh linen anil shin
ing silver. Tall 1 11 miles in silver can
dlestieks gave 11 festive nlr. Kvery
tlilng was ready for the tlrst course
and with a hasty touch here nnd there.
.Itnth went. Into the living loom to make
.out her list.
"I leall) don't see how Mrs. Jones
"an help but have everjtliing light this
time," she said to Scott, as with mmicII
I in hand nnd n paper resting on a hook
jsho jot toil down mtteles. "And I do
think (lie dinner will be nice." she
"I know it will, svvei themt," nnd
Scott, looking over the top of the paper,
smiled into Ruth's eyes Mo looked
verj jouug and bovish under the Inmp
ami Uutli's heinl jumped a little. She
Hushed as she met his eves
"What is it, clear?" There was un
expected teudoyiiess in his voice. Until,
nlthougli she looked dashed, bad cir
cles under her ejes. She looked tired.
"Nothing, onlv tlint when jou're this
whv I don't care what happen-. I
don't 1 11 le if wo never have (ill J monej ."
"Like what?"
"Mi. like jou used to be when we
vveietirst inairied. Iliin'l jou ieini-1,1
her how J used to tell jmi that when
.von looked at me ihnt waj. mv heart
tinned over?"
"You know I love jou. don't von'""
"Ye. Imt jou don't tell me so "
It was all veiy veiling nnd foolish,
hut verv hue. Until was voicing what
ei ei j mmricil woman feeds sooner m
later. A woman in love with her hns
band is nlwnjs willing to plnv a game,
but 11 mini will) Is to take things fur
gi,miteil I'vcii though Scott was in
realitj moic of a ilieamer than Until
he had line olscicnsv sell led into Ihc
iiiiitiimoiiial palli and was logging o lung
in a tut.
Until, wilh a woman'- icnili iului
t mn . knew Hull alieailj Si oil's thought
weie back 111 tln article he hud I u
vending nnd that she Inn! intciriiptcil
and she swallowed a icmiiik that ha
tlly wise to her llp. After nil what 1
was the use? And sh she smiled nnil I
waited, watched him settle back In liis(
t liti ti. .sigh contPiitedlr that there was
to be 1111 1 motional argument, plunge
Into bis leading agniti und leave her
out of things. Then she went back to
her list and tried not to mind.
"Want to bear what we're going to
have?" Mskocl Unth limillj.
"Sure:" And Scott put donn Ins
paper to listen to the delectable list
It was ichIIj a verj well planned din
ner. "Too 111 tu It to out." ho snid, when
Unth linallj Inokeel up.
"Oil, no, dear, not for a lourse din
nor. I have elimiiinteil evervthintr tlmt
isn't necessarj ."
"If we weie going out we wouldn't
order that iiuuh," protested Scott, with
masculine logic.
"Itlll going out would be diffeieiit.
This is h party dinner."
Then once more Scott went hack to
his paper and Until lav 111 the chuir
dreaming of those few days when Scott
luiil hrst come home from Inline, when
he wasn't satistii.,1 unless i,o had her
close in bi aims 01011 minute they
weie together. Ilnu sl,o, 1 time those
things lasted with n man
The next inniniiig Itulli pinned caie
fill instinct ions cm Hip towel for Mis
.Lines, and thou diet so muiij tilings at
the last inonieiii tlmt sM. ,m e nt
the oltice. Novel 111 her life had she
wanted to do nujtliiug as badlj as she
had wanted to stnj hi home that morn
tin the next Installment .Mrs. .Lines
precipitates a i alastiophc
01 eel
tic 11 11
(It ess
Colored Heading
i' new frocks ni'ceutuatc I lie col
bended tl miming. Sashes, luce
"s. tulle waists and even tiee(
' me heavilv beaded Coloiecl
d jokes for evening covins up
My Dear, How Could You?
Dear t'jnthia- I am u gill of six
toon, not good, looking, but dross at
traetivelj . I do not make liiemls with
every one, and when I do make fiiends
with bnjs. I must know them verj well
before 1 cm joke or cut up witli them.
Now about three mouths ago a boy
Today's Loan Events
Directed by Women
1". m Unity, at S h Phila
delphia statue. I'lu.id ami Whaiton
J 1! :.".() p. in . llxecutive meeting
of women chaiiuieii at Lincoln
Airplanes distiibute literutuie over
Pox Cluisf' ami Lawudalo.
4 :'!() p. in. Libei ty Loan movie,
Locust Theatre. West Philadelphia.
7:'!0 p. 111. Seiiichlight diill.
Sixty-third nnd Walnut sticets.
West Pliiladelpliia.
7 :."!(l p. in. Unity at Yiitory
Statue. Piioad ami AYIimtou sticets.
South Pliiladclplii.i.
7 :!t) ji. 111 Mass-meeting in
Presbyterian ohunh. 1'iiiiikfonl.
7 :.'!() p 111. linllj at N'ictory
Statue in t'cimnulow 11.
7:.'ID p. in. Uallj nl statue in
"'rnnkford. ,
7 t.'KI p. 111. Uallj in Pot f'linse.
iS p. in Street dame nt North
Philadelphia lioadipim tors,
8 p. 111. I'nveilliig of statue,
Rroad and Uuscomb sheets, north
rural district Special drive in all
theatres of the citj
Go With the Other Boys
lie.ir ('victim! I'm 11 jonng gill
ci- 1 and hope vou won t think
me sillj for cxpie 1 1 1 K nivself in full.
I'm xe'11 atti'i'tive ami 11 verj good
dancer, too While nt 11 il'iine one eve -lung
I 111 't 11 veij nice looking juiiiib
man. lie a-ked to so me home, which
he did. and lie mine to see nie steadily
lor a' long time. 1 have fallen cli'Oplv
in love wilh this joiiiig man. lie told
me he loved me.
lie iiinde nil engagement to come to see
me one Slind.lv evening about two
months ago mid luoke it I called him
up and asked whj lie did it. lie told
mix he missed hi- tiiiln. So wo did not
speak foi three weeks up until Snltnd.ij
last, when he spoke to me while I was
visiting in his home town. I spoke
hick. I often go to dances wheic he
attends, mid when I see him with other
gills I'm so jealous ami it hurts me so
nun h 1 cannot enjoj nivself any more
whin lie at lends.
1 have' given up all mv boj friends
1 for him mid never think of going out
with hojs for cm lich's. I have inaiiv
I friends mid very good oppoi tiinities to
I11110 a good lime, hut can't, because I
hue ii i 111 so much.
He has now left the town to wink.
I lie pi utilised to write to'nie. but has not
lis vet Ho jou think I should trv to
, foiget nini? MKAItTMlOKKV
j ISy all means simt going around with
I the other liojs. ii ing is hnc and it's
time for in i'l 1 j (lothes and happj giil.
And if there's any way to win an in-
dilfoienl man back, il-nr. it's in ,,;
iis pietij as jou can hikI to appear to
be very happj and satisfied with other
hojs. Anil, then, if jou haven't won
him line k. jou'll liuve forgotten about
I him ill jour good times with oilier
1 young men who 111 0 anxious to be with
j.vou! I think jou had better nuike up
I jour mind to forget this bov . unless ho
ironies limning bin k when he sees jou
have leased to worry about him.
Things to Know
When potting plants, put n pi,.,.,, f
i-oiiise muslin over the hole j (l0 .,,
befoio putting in the bits of stone and
soil, which keeps the drainage go,
The muslin prevents, the earth from
washing nvviij.
When a kettle is badly burned, , ,,,
till it with water, but set it aside to
(ool; then put in a handful f vvasliin.
soda and water and allow it to boil for
1111 hour or more.
Distinguished Service Label
The National Countersign for Satisfaction in Underwear
XJTUNDREDS of thousands of people in Phila-
- - delphia and vicinity are now familiar witli the name and
merit of this famous underwear. Made from the best materials
obtainable, perfect in workmanship, fit, finish and fabric,
Munsingwear garments outwash, outwear, and outlast expec
tations in the long run they are most economical.
Summer Munsingwear is made in many difl'crcnl styles and fabrics,
sheer, cool and comfortable in both light and medium weight. There are
fonn-filling.knillcd garments for men, women and children loose-fitling
woven athletic suits for men a right style and size for everyone.
Ask for Munsingwear at, any of the following stores:
N. siirllriilnin- t. Co .
Marcus Uni'luirncli ( o.
'Hie Hooker Company.
'Hie Decker Coinpiiii.i
loseiili li. DnrlhiKtoii
Morris linir...
.. .11th and Matket Sis
. . ..C.-J9 Noith 13th St
.02S Chestnut St.
WIdener IIIiIk.
( o. .'. .112S Chestnut St.
601 Xo. Cth St
llertlin J.eilfe
I. eo. II. Ilmls A I 11
'I he i iiniilnKham s,tU
.Ini'oli l.nrtmnn
I.. I'. nlh.v
I. IMirlleh
I. mils .Mejers
. . . .CO"' Maiket St
..'!'.i30 Lancaster Ave.
. .1(114 Lancaster Ax'e
.1100 Lancaster Ave.
.I.'r.l Mailset St.
.... IO.'iO Matket St.
. . 10'JS Luncauler Axe.
rhas. . hlielmlre. . Oerinai.tovvn & Lehigh
II. .Ilimnii
I.. 'Ilertiiinnn
C. A. Howell. . 1.. . .
Wm. Hater
J. Hnlvy
Ilo.it t Sons, Inc. ..
Tl.e Home s.(ore.,.,
It. SternlirrK
...'1112 Ccrmantown Ave
.Hioad and O I raid Ave
... .1205 Columbia Ave
. .1013 Susquehanna Ave.
..1817 Susquehanna Ave.
...G17 Wcst.Glraid Ave
1616 r.ldprc Ave
2163 ntdEe Ave.
2700 Girard Ave.
Ilimees'S. .limes A I o. .
Holier! ( herr-'s ons
I . A. Itoirell
llnrr.T . Ilonr.i
X. II. II. Tux
..."tot rtennantown Ave.
.,.tl Hei mautow u Axe.
,56'il (lermantoxvn Axe
, ,5s-',i eii niaiitovvii Ave
Mount Airy
Thimins .1. Xlnrrny 4513 Krankford Ave.
rorater Tiros., Inc 1361 Main St.
Tliomns Hnrrlson, I. 11. Ilerrr.
leCliril.r Urns., . .
I'oxe.i llrus
s. (. . Son.. . .
Ilnrry e
dear rmllnc:e.
Xllss llnry K, Foster
It. Korn
I'i out and York Sts.
. .. Jl.Vi 1'iatikforil Ax'e.
JH11 Ciankfoid Ave.
ill 6 l''rdiikfoid Ave.
1'iont .XV West Jloieland St".
. 33.")1 No Front St.
. .3557 No. 5th St.
.. Itiillisleln
I.eo Tenrls
. nrllenburfir. . . .
11 r.
nt; I'orter St.
Hioad and South St.
5th and South Sts.
l(l I West Wx oniing Ave.
Don't say underwear--always say Mnnsingivear
-- -f JHfe. w
Glistening: china, gleaming silver,
snowy linen, and Tetley's, a perfect
picture 1
And no wonder, a steaming cup
of "Tetley's cheering fragrant tea will
always add the right touch to the
otherwise perfect meal.
With a cup of Tetley's deep colored,
soft flavored Orange Pekoe Tea in
your hand, for instance, you find anew
meaning in tea. And its comfort and
cheer will help you enjoy that dinner
or luncheon.
All of Tetley's Teas are gathered
from the world's' finest tea gardens,
and are carefully and skilfully blended.
They have a different flavor.
'S .T
cf f STORES CO. M - - - -?si
If you have never used Victor Hred end out
anil buy a loaf today.
The very first time you serve it, you will
agree with Tens of Thousands of the most ex
perienced housekeepers, who are using it daily,
that there is not another "loaf" just like Victor
i A
And Yet It Costs Less Than Ordinary Bread
a Loaf
(Peppered full of Big;, Luscious Raisins)
t VJC.ff
inTO" qp i i '
n' ' & ii i mi ti 1?
V f V f
Wanamaker s
Down Stairs Store
With House -Cleaning in the Offing Here
Is a Sale of
House Dresses and Aprons
'111 hIIP fli HA fc 'mi.
'W WR.
House Dresses, $1.25
I'eicalo dresses in light and dark colois with
small figures or stripes, aie well made and roni
foitably cut.
Gingham Aprons, 38c
Blue and white checked gingham apions that
a 10 made with or without bilis.
II rnirnll
All of these useful dresses
hikI aprons are much under
price and the qualities are
good. Lines and trimmings
are simple and designed to
stand frequent washings.
House Dresses
CHngham dresses in checks
and plaids and dresses of
plain chambray. The collars
and cuffs are generally of
contrasting material and the
colors are blue, pink, laven
der and black and white
combinations. Four of the
styles are sketched.
Apron Dresses, $1.25
Vou can wear these convenient garments as
house dieses or as bungalow aprons. They have
elastic at the waists and are trimmed with ric-rac
braid. All aie of peicale in gray, blue-and-white
and black-and-white.
Women's Silk
Gloves 65c
a Pair
Of a firm, smoothly woven
quality of tricot silk with con
trasting embioideiy on the
backs and two clasps at the
wrists. They are in white,
gray and pongee and also in
white or black with self stitch
ing. These are easily worth a
third mote.
(( cnlrull
Voiles and Organdies in the
Colors of Spring Flowers
.Soft lilac and dalVodil yellow, anemone pink and various fresh
gieens and blues aie some of them.
Ill-inch voile is 'J9e a aid.
I t-inch voile is 48c a yard.
IO-inch English voile is 85c a vaid.
(0-inch organdie is ,')9c and ooc a vard.
Sheer White" Fabrics
andI7!fc'ahvanIr W'U' " " 1""1 !"'"'V Mf!o" finish K '" inche's wide
ll);inch" domestic voile is 20c a yard; 41-inch, 40c a vard.
tO-inch white oigandie is 39c, 83c, $1 and $1.25 a vard.
(.Many of the above prices are special.)
( Onlrnll
'.7." a
is Kil
ns aie
ft and
An April Special in
Umbrellas $2
They are stutdy, but good looking umbiellus
with American taffeta (cotton) tape edge covers
oxer I'uragon flames. The handles for women aie
prettily tipped in colored bakelite with rings 01
silk loops, some with steiling silver ti miming.
The handles for men aie plain, can pel and ti mimed
with sterling siher.
I Markrl I
Summer Curtains
Are Coming Into
Their Own
.Madras cuitains in white or eciu at $
pair come in many atti active design.
Marquisette cuitains in white or cicam
with a valance, all icady to hang, aie $1.90 i
Colored Marquisette
excellent for Summer di aperies and valance.
and 50c -i yaid and is .'!(! inches wide. Uesig
exceptionally good and the coloring. aie so
pleasing to the eye.
( httnnl 1
Pretty Pink Corsets
Three Good Models
At $2.50 theie is a pink poplin model wilh me
dium low bust and lather .hoit skiit. It is lightly
boned for the slight to the average figuie.
At $3.30 A pink bioche with wide elastic band
at the top, a short skirt with eyelets below the
front fastenings to give additional comfort in sit
ting. The woman with a slight or average figuie
will find this an admit able corset.
Another at $3.30 is of plain pink coutil with a
top that is slightly raised in back, and has a long
skirt' that is heavily boned for the average to the
full figure.
Little Girls Are
Stepping Out in
V,rl e Frocks
l . the month of Ma
theie, b all sorts of out-door
occasidis! that seem to call
foi fies'ii white f locks. A
fluttering little gioup of
these pretty things has ap
peared in the Junior Sloie.
Most of the dresses are of
lawn trimmed with tucks,
much luce and often with
aashes. They are in sizes H
to 12 years and are $o.50,
$3.75 and up to $6.75. The
f i ock sketched is $5.30.
Gingham Dresses
are fine frocks for play times
and school times. There seems
no end to their gay plaids,
checks and stripes, which are
geneially sui mounted by
white collais of pique or pop
lin. 6 to 14 year sizes are $3
to $5.
Junior sizes in frocks of
gingham or chambray are $5 to $10.
Pretty Frocks
Can Be Had for Amazingly
Small Sums in the Down Stairs
.Making a die.. jour-
e ii seems baldly
woithwhile when piettv
things, all ieady to slip
on. can be had for
$10.75, $12. $15, 516.50
and like sums.
I he fiock that i "
sketched i of navv blue
taffeta made with a
long 10II collar and a
pleated estee. The
bioad belt is embioider
ed in fiont with heavv
-ilk. $10.75.
If you prefei ciepe
de chine theie m a
pietty fiock in a oft
blue shade. It has a
collailess bodice, bell
shaped sleeves and a
tucked skiit. $12 is verv
little for it.
Many, many attrac
tive dresses of taffeta or
seige are here at $15
and $16.50. Xavy blue
is the color most often
asked for and it is par
ticulaily pretty in a
taffeta rlm .iti ..
frilled neck and a wide sash which ties in a bow
m the back. $16.30.
A serge dress at this price is heavilv embroid
ered in a uanel effect down the fiont of' the bodice
"d the skirt. (M.rUfi)
R A y Kvs
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Concerning Women's
Inexpensive Wraps
Special at $14.50
a serge dolman in navy blue that is cut
full and long and has a hood collar of tan,
henna or Copenhagen faille.
At $15, $16.50, $17.50 and $19.50
Theie are hosts of capes, coats and dolmans
of velour, seige and poplin at these low
pi ices so many different styles that any
one could be suited, surelv!
At $22.50 to $39.50 '
Silvertone, duvet de laine, serge, gabardine,
tricotine and Poiiet twill are some of the
matetials used in these pretty wraps. There
aie capes and dolmans, beautifully lined
and often trimmed with tricolette. '
Special at $J5
30 capes and dolman. of Bolivia, silvertone,
suede velour and fine serge, beautifully
lined with silk. They are in navy and
brighter colois and all have been much re
duced in price.
Oxford Ties for All
the Family
For women there are many styles of fashionable
i with
Japanese Shantung
is an ideal Summer silk, it launders extremely
well, is cool and dust free. And it is sturdy
for wear. A new shipment has just arrived,
bringing 27-inch Shantung at $1 ; 33. inch at
$1.25 and 36-inch at $1.50 a yard.
Oyster white pongee of a good heavy
quality ig 33 inches wide at $2.25 a yard.
(Central .
Brown kidskin ties with turned Koles and hitr'h t
Black calfskin ties with imitation straight tips
have welted soles and straight heels. v $5.40.
White leather ties (that look like buckskin) have
welted soles and medium heels, $5.75,
Children's Oxfords
are of white leather (with a buckskin finish) ort. "
wide toe shapes with welted eoles. Sizes 84 tog
at $4 and $4.50. (Cheatnut)
Men's Dark Tan Oxford Ties
They are English last ties with lpw, broad hwU. ;
?5,50A pqir, (ChMirt) .,-,.,,
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