Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 22, 1919, Postscript, Page 4, Image 4

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I K,'
k fA '
mtnk Cuneo, Long Picturesque j
Continuous Carnival During Loan Drive. With Artistic
feels Achieved by Many Famous Artists
OT5Frgure Here, Succumbs at
fy: i i tignty-seven Years
-,,. fj.. " i
dolphin Iiim been transformed Into
n veritable Mnrill Urns as the mart from
nliioli tlip nrtlsl of the city will ilo
CnflMnCD nc l ITTI C ITAI Ylll"'ir '',l '" u(,hnlf f tfae Victory Loan.
hUUNUtK Uh LIIILt 1 1 ALT Sotltll Cnmnt. ,,tr(,ct bctwccn 1oeust
where are situated the
mill: bigErt little trcet" in. Thlla- l"red Wncnpr. John Hull and rharlei
1 .l.lnM- I,.. i,. .,.,0f-., i i.l It. I'aul. In addition to thce men. all
nf whom did work for the diuion of,
Pn-lnrinl Publicity of the lommmee on
JVanfc Cuiicu.
'father of t In llaliiin
i?' 'nlnT1v'', nmi imp nf the numt nirtlir-
. 7i' . . ::. . .. . . '
CWJU figure in (lie life of thH city, died
lit iU hbme, 8.".D South night h
street, on Sunday
f i oin heart, failure.
lie was eighty -eeii
yeats idd.
IIi death, il i
lielieved. was su
perinduced In n
bullet imbedded
near his heart
which lie received
ten years :ign. from
.a shot filed liy an
public information. 'severnl niemner or
the Plastic t'lub. all women, will paint
picture in oil. The.e nlo will be auc-
and Snruee. where are oihintod the' tinned.
Sketch, Coin d'Or. I'oor Itlchnrd and I The gianil openitiR of Hie nrji'ts' col
l'lajtic Clubs, lins been nrrajed in car- ony will take place nt S:l"i o'clock,
nival attire and thirty-four of the lead- ' Churlo I'lex. director Reneral of. the
ing illustrators in the country mil mnkc KmeiRency .Fleet Corpoiation. and
drawings and paintings dnilv before the .hidge John M. Pnllrron will be the
e.ics of those who are expected to flock principal speakers. There will be twen
tu this unique part of the citv. These' tv lounds of hosing, and a bayonet
posters will be painted from 10 to l'J fight between members of the marine
in the morning beginning tomorrow nml ' "I'P" fmin League Island. Of course
from " to .- in the afternoon. Thei I there will be music, this program win
Bulgarians Denounced as
Friends of Germans at
Session Here
will be ,".(l to 1(1 inches.
Carnivals, music, darning and laii
ous other kinds of "stunts" will occur
eiery night until the loan lampaign is
over. Admission is free during the dav,
but alter (5 o'clock the ticket nf admis
sion will lie the puiclinsp of a bond, on
iinidentilied peison whiih a minimum of SI must be paid
during u -licet down
brawl. The paintings, two of which will be
Mr. Cuneo was I completed dally, will lie given to the
sljiiidiii in finnl of i niiichaeis of the laire.t nmouiit nf
IH.lXlv(tMO ,js pinrc nt the 'bonds. At iPitnin timos thei will be
time, Ills thumb caught in his icst and j pl.u ed nt aiutinii anil the persons bid
liN band coiering his heart The bullet ding for the highest amount of the
enteral his hand and passed into his bonds w ill receiie the pictures.
body. Imbedding itself above his he.iri.
Jt was never lemoved. Physicians -ay
that it weakened his condition, musing
n rupture of the tissues.
.Mr. Cuneo was n pioneer in the man
ufacture of macaroni in Pciinjliania,
Importing the first machines to make the
product from Italy in lil. The piod
tict manufactured by him with his uncle.
tiriuer the firm name
& Cuneo, is known
United States, aud won medals al the
Trauklit. Institute exhibition in 1 -T I .
flip Ccntiinial in 1S7f and Pari- IXpo
rition in 187".
Mr. Cuneo came to this coiintri n
A tribute to the late Colonel Roose
velt and denunciation of Hulgaria stood
out prominently at the opening sessions
of the Society for the Advancement of
Slavonic Study, now being held in
Houston Hall, University of Pennsyl
vania. The society, which is holding its first
i,n ..firiioil mil in die nllv in the rear of convention, aims to promote Slavonic
the clubs whiili will be turned into an I culture and literature aud establish
outdooi; amphitheatre scholarships.
Kncli night a table d'hote dinner will William Draper Lewis, former dean
be served to those attending at the Rnd n0w- professor nt the law school.
Sketch Club. The Coin d'Or will scrie,V(1iVer,V 0f Pennsylianin. eulogized
lunch diily lo all bond liuiers. 'Colonel Roosevelt. "Professor Lewis was
Costly Paintings Hung j" nttr" '''iemfot the former President
, t ii i " muni .vm.
anopi of taipnulins will lie ,,.,',' ., . ...
1 .i I neorlnrp linnanpnll ha. i m.iint.ciMr.
- -u..,, ..... ,..--.-..-.....
pltrtmcnt that precntitlon be taken lo
guard the monument against cranks.
The work 18 surmounted by a heroic1
statue of Germnnin, which has aroused
some feeling among patriotic Amerl-
, cans.
" 1 T1"' police under Tdeutennnt Klvldge
Even Army Officer Has to Get obejefl orHers o strictly that when
... ,n I n representative of Colonel 'William Tl.
Permission to Approach Pas- ijBdue, u, a. A., in charge ot the en-
.... , . I glncers corps here, atttempted to place
tonus memorial i n warning sign on the monument he was
i stopped.
, I Colonel Ladue was compelled to call
Superintendent Itohlnson has ordeicd j up Superintendent Itoblnson and get
(he police of Rermnntown station to ' permission from him to approach gov-
, , . ., ,, , ernment property. The monument is
place a gifard at the so-called Pas- lln((,r . rnre ot thp Wat. D(,part.
torlus memorial In Vernon Paik. Thisjment, and the sign Is Intended to keep
nction was taken, he nald. In compli- off trespassers.
ance with n, request from the War Dc-' Superintendent Itobinson said he did
not kn'ovr wfiat had prompted ihe War
Department to make the request for the
guard, but sold It bad arisen probably
from some threatening lcttttr.
Reports received that GermanAmerl
can cltlr.ens were preparing to unveil the
monument as soon as ibe peace treaty
was signed ted to opposition.
vi.. zmm m m
hbm m
' 1 m V 1 II 'If I
Vttkxsl -W I
.'lV!:';5JsL J
A ianop.1 of taipnulins will lie
sti etched ncioss the street from roof to
loof and from them will hang the gayly-
colored and divciMlicd signal flags from
the battleship Alabama, which hnvc
i been put into place by members of the
One of the most striking features of
the "show"' will be eighteen laige oil
Artists Who Will Ileln
The following nilists will parti, ipate ' P"lntlngs. Mileen by eight feet, valued
the public exhibitions nf p.iinling the at S.."W. which will be bung on the
liostcr-: Ilmiai.l Chandlnr Christy. .J.
Scott Williams. Charles Chapman. Karl
Ilortcr, Ilerbeit Pullingef. Leopold
Seyfiert, Charles L. Saspnrtas. II. D.
Welsh, .lohr Sheridan, C. R. Falls, Kea
li'viu. August Ilutaf. Adolnh Trciflcr. i
of Lagoiiiarsiuo iv t;rCcnleaf. Walter Kverett. M. L.I
tliioiighout the, .mm,iin. Charles . Hull. V. Luis
Morn, llenrv Iteuteidahl. .loseph Pen
nell. I". Walter Taylor. I". !. Cooper.
I'ranklin IJooth. Penn Cornwell, L.
i'nnilier. P. Vnux Wilson, .losepli Coll,
Wallace Morgan, (ieorge Harding, H.
-4. .-.-
- PfU
cnty years ago from Genoa, ltah. His' I. Dunn. Haskell ( otlin,
father preceded iiim licrc by a few .icnrs.
W. A. Uogei,
...r.l.ln f l.n ..!..!. f.nn. llin .nnl. 1(1
IMIIIU, "l III.' IIUU? inrill m. ii.vit ... !rtI ,
the second floors. They aie the work
of well-known artists and arc the oiigi
nals of the Liberty Loan posters used
in New York during the last cam
paign. Kiery night there will he some fes
tivity. All the resii'ents on the street
arc co-opeiating, as are also members
of the School of Industrial Art. Acad
emy of the l'inc Aits. Siliooi of Design
for Women mid the Art Alliance.
Chairman nf the committee on ar
rangements is II. L). Welsh.
in large part for the defejt of tier
Itlnnr. sntll I'mfnbuni. 1 n,.iu ,'lhf
fact that our armies arrived in Prance
just in time to save Paris is directly.
T think, n result of the pre redness
policy Roosevelt preached for many
years. It wos the crowning achieve
ment, ot ins lite, and 1 think lie will go
down in history famous for having
brought the war to a favorable tcrmina-
Since the Civil War be had been idcnli- j J)r. hciniuc sole proprietor of the busi
ficil with every movement for the wtI- i nr-s.
fare of his fellow Italians and was -- i
pecmlly active in the erection of the
Columbus aud Verdi statues in I'nir
mOunt Park.
Iu addition. Mr. Cuneo for many
jours was uu importer ot fine Ituliuu
wines, olive oil, ami other delicacies.
On account of his failing health, he
.Joined in Gold Kusli '
. Mr. Cunco's start in life came with
'the famous gold rush to Cnliforum in
J8J0. The romantic fever induced him
to RCCk his fortunes in the gold fields
unil he left this citj on n sailing e-sel
for the Isthmus of Panama. Tlieie
ho"dcbnrked with other fortune-seekers.
man Hairy .1. Tininer, the Penrose
leader. Prcderick Cuneo. a former com
mon councilman, holds a position with
the Itoard of Uciision of Taxes.
The funeral will be held on Thursday
morning at S.ISO o'clock fiom bis home
W 1IU Ul'tMll ll.ll Willi ULIII'I 1IIIIIII1I 'U
6 and they crossed the Istlnnus and ''"' f'""'
.h. . . ... .... ... .... . i i,..i
:rrj iravcioi nil me way 10 iainornia on , """""
loot. It took bun four months, to make t In (hie House Kiflj 'ears
te4tll'!ourI1C,' I Mr. Cuneo died in the house iu which
IV'! fortune fuvored him in the land he liicd fifty jenrs. It adjoins ins
K--, pf the rainbow." and live jenrs inter lie bu-ine-s place. P.esidcs u widow he is
t'; returned lo the east .nnil for u short i survived by 'two sons. Frederick .1.
HhL ItmA rnnrtltitml n -mntl "rnnnrr ilurn , . ...l 1. 1 Cn.inn lw.tl. if ttlirttn
KM Mpxandrin, Va.. returning to the city1,.. -sneiated with him until he ve-
EF"''ol!his ndoptiou to begin the lnauufnc- tired. Thei are active in Third Ward
Kj turff ol macaroni. lieu Ins uncle died politics, lieutenants of Select Council -
1(1 o'clock at the Chinch of Our Ladj
of Good Counsel. Interment will be
made in Xcii Cathedral Ccnieterj.
retired fiom liusines activities about , Solemn high mass will be . clebrated nt
tnc i cars ago
Mi". Cuneo was a prominent figure in
nil the Italian beneficial organizations.
When his (nuiitr.iiuen were in need ot
other tumble they generally appealed
to Prank Cuneo mid nlnajs found him
lead.i to assist them with good counsel
None was turned away empty
Characterization of the Rulgariaus as
"Mongolians and not Slavs." was made
by Dr. V. R. Slavic, of New York. All
the Slavic people allied themselves.with
the foes of Germany, except Bulgaria,
lie said. Germany exploited the Slavs,
according to Doctor Slavic, who quoted
Mommsen, the German historian, as
Slavic-American scholars from nil
parts of the country are attending the
convention which will end today.
Prominent among the delegates are
Prof. M. S. Mnndcll,-of Ynle; Casimir
Sicnkiewier, Serbian ambassador to this
country, who will Rpeak today; Cap
tain Safarovic, Serbian consul general
for Canada ; Dr. TCon ',. 'I.erando, of
Swarthmorc College, and Professors
Morris Jastrow, R. G. Kent and Frnnk
lin Kdgerton, of the University of
Can I believe my ears?
Ask far booklet
and impressive
list of users
The first morning with The
Noiseless seems blessedly unreal.
You can hardly believe your ears.
.Gone is the old-time din and
clatter. Your head ceases to buzz.
You can actually hear the tele
phone without waving madly to
your stenographer to "Please
PLEASE stop a minute!"
You will miss typewriter noise
as you miss a headache.
The Noiseless tvpew titer company, sss Chestnut St., Philadelphia
'phone walnut 3891
.s :.:'
Always ready .at the turn
of the tap, plenty of it for
every home necessity.
The Gag Consumption Is
Surprisingly Small
Approtfd br the V. G. I. Co.
Nee l; ThU WtU nt ttotth 23 '
lit Rtilmtnt Artnorr
Stud tor Illustrated Descriptive Circular lo
Lovekin Water Heater Co.
.'....v.1'.'.:: ,.'...:..:.. I n t ..i o nuti t
1 .W::ftV:-:Jfff:!:y.:.?S-;?fi1 """ . . . 1
ft'.'"i'i:',"'.V.'-'.'.''.l":i'r''V-'.V-?.'.l'.'.J' . L' .J ' ' ; . Af. .--.' . 11 ' ' il.'i..'.J.'.ii.1 .'.' ...uu, ii i.Tiii i .
You will be interested to know
Especially if you live up our way, that ivc have secured
a good stock of the new gray side wall tires made by
Tire & Rubber Co.
These ate the 32x3 V4 and 33x4 sizes at excellent prices.
You probably know that a percentage of the DODGE
cars aro coming through on Firestone equipmc'nt the rea
son is the Firestoncs have been giving wonderful service.
Buy your Firestoncs for Dodges at:
4837 N. Broad St. 3345 Old York Road
3430 Reach St. 4744 Frankford Ayc.
Rittenhouse and Greene Sts.
Radnor to Fight School Loan
Itrsidonti of the raLrcn end of Rad
nor township will hold n niiisvinretiriK
tomorrow nij;ht nt lirjn Mnwr to or
RBnize a (Isht against the proposed
$.".00,000 school loan for Radnor town
fchip. which will be voted on nt n s-pe-cial
election next Saturday.
Slipper Buckles
At the present time they arc
much in vogue. Wc have a
large selection, including many
of gold and silver in the most
fashionable styles.
Silver, per pair $1.75
Gold, per pair $9.00
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
V " Invest in the Victory Liberty Loan V
J i?JW
19 70r'
o tvi j ik r,
HEAT units in
Kunkcl's Coal. When
coal was $6 a ton it
saved 77c Now it
saves about $1.50 per
ton. Do von save it?
63rd & Market 51it & Gray'
JKe keeping quality
$i "Clean Milk"
ICK up the bottle from the doorstep feel its coldness ! That
touch tells you why Supplee-Wills-Jones milk keeps sweet'
even in summer weatner. I
But keeping milk cold here in the city is not enough! Milk
must be properly cooled in the country; must be safeguarded' in'
every way possible to insure its being "clean."'
Supplee-Wills-Jones system of inspection made possible by .
extensive facilities and organization insures this. It makes cer
tain that at every step from the farrri to your home, Supplee-!
Wills-Jones milk receives the utmost care. '
Today, tomorrow, every day you can be sure of the keeping
'quality of
'" mmzlm.
'J wmP
"Better be safe than sorry
DON'T wait for .coal prices to come down. They are not coming down.
They are going up. The advance will begin May 1st and will continue
no one knows how long or to what point. '
But it is not the price of coal that is today the big thing to consider
although price is a factor. It as the SUPPLY of coal that is of most serious
Unless you put in your next Winter's supply early, the chances are you
will regret it before cold weather comes again. It is very unlikely that next Winter
will be mild as last Winter. The prudent householder will not count on it.
Every condition points to higher prices and scarcity. Increased' labor cost,
increased freight rates, and everything which is used to move the coal after it is mined,
make high prices, logical.
Philadelphia coal dealers can deliver only about 1 0,000 tons a day. They
have not the yard capacity to carry big stocks.. Nor can you expect them to pay
cash for big stocks and hold them for months, while the public waits for the drop in
Order your coal now!
Don't wait and get caught in the Fall and Winter "coal rush." If you wait till'
Fall or Winter you will have to pay premium prices for the coal you get, but what is worse '
you may not he able to get coal at all when you need it most.
Let us not forget the suffering and worry and sickness that came down upon
many Philadelphia Families two winters ago when everybody wanted coal at once
and would have paid any price- to get it.
Francis A. Lewis, former Federal Fuel Administrator fc Philadelphia, says
that Philadelphia, will face a serious situation next Fall, if hpuseholders do not lay in
their next Winter's coal supply now. Your coal bin should do duty this Summer.
And when it is filled you can feel both secure and thrifty.
Our whole object 'is to prevent this serious situation for Philadelphia and;,
for you. . , t ;
Phone your dealer, and make arrangements for next Win ter's
coal today. ' ' ".
,, .. Published by the Philadelphia, Coal Ejichanfce.f
miHiiiiiiiHHiiiiiyimyiii ..
wfiiiinfiiiiiiniimindw. ,t . ',-
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i it (1.a irj '.,!'.
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